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Pests and pest-borne diseases can wreak havoc with crops throughout the Andes, especially when the overuse of pesticides leads to resistance on the part of the pest. Making more efficient use of smaller amounts of these products can raise farmers’ incomes while reducing human health problems and the pollution of soil and water resources. One highly effective innovation to this end is to alternate the use of contact and systemic fungicides so as to prevent the development of resistance. Trials by Innova showed that this technique could be used to control leaf spots on potato and chocolate spot on broad bean (Vicia faba). In one spectacular case, potato yields rose to 30 t/ha, not far short of the yield potential of 40 t/ha. The technology is now spreading well beyond the trial zone, thanks to technology fairs and other extension mechanisms. Its introduction is accompanied by training in the safe use of pesticides.

Enterprise Andes On many an Andean kitchen table, global food staples such as rice and pasta have usurped the place of traditional local potato varieties. As diets have eroded, so too has biodiversity: many communities have lost landraces that were once widely grown. Research by Innova is helping these ancient plants make a come-back. In a method known as the participatory market chain approach, researchers form working groups consisting of representatives from farming communities, processing companies and other stakeholders, who work together to identify and implement new business ventures. First developed by CIP in Peru, the method has three distinct phases (see figure). A major challenge is to overcome the mistrust that typically thwarts the development of a strong market chain. 99

The participatory market chain approach

Objectives Phase 1 To know market chain participants, together with their problems and proposed solutions Phase 2 To analyse joint market opportunities Phase 3 To implement joint market opportunities


Facilitating institution



Mutual trust




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