Roachdale Revitalization Plan

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1 Jan 23, 1954, Indianapolis News, p. 12.





Roachdale’s leadership, volunteer associations and citizens provided guidance for this project. Residents who were interviewed, attended meetings, filled out surveys or shared information all made valuable contributions. Thank you all and especially to the following: Clerk-Treasurer – Debbie Sillery Town Council Zach Bowers – President Holly Cook – Council Member Kevin Cook – Council Member Building Owners Kara Magill Joey Jeffries Charles Riggle Wilbur Thomas Jr. Brandy Muse Tri-County Bank Chris Muse Dr. Randy Carrol Tim Hendricks Alamiett Grewal John Bowers Anthony Wireman Hoosier Heartland State Bank Jay and Katie Burdine Jerry Meithe Rick Burdine Amber Greene TDS Telecom Pat Allen Roachdale VFW Roachdale Revitalization Cooperative Alliance – Joe Buser Jerrell Consulting, OCRA Grant Administrator – Kristy Jerrell Prepared with grant funding from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) using the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Local match funds were provided by Putnam County Community Foundation, Indiana Landmarks and Town of Roachdale. Plan Prepared by Green 3, LLC




The Town of Roachdale secured grant funds from the Office of Community & Rural Affairs to seek the input of a consultant to prepare this revitalization plan for downtown Roachdale. This plan’s recommendations are in no way binding. They do suggest new ways to look at downtown: restoring historic fabric, embracing changes that have gained historic significance in their own right, and recommend changes from small to large that the planners believe will help Roachdale achieve a brighter future. The Town’s request for proposal and its contract highlighted the importance of recommendations for rehabilitating twelve buildings along Washington and Indiana streets. After field visits and in consultation with the town’s Main Street representative and Town Clerk/Treasurer, the consultants expanded their recommendations for all downtown buildings, seeking to help Roachdale achieve a cohesive plan that treats all of the commercial buildings and their uses as important parts of the whole. Streetscape plans are intended to aid the flow of traffic into downtown and to create vital spaces for residents and visitors to enjoy Roachdale. This report consists of an introduction and seven chapters, plus appendices. Introduction: Explains in broad strokes current statistics about Roachdale, previous studies, and the process of preparing this plan. History: Briefly recounts the history of Roachdale from 1879 to 2018. Existing Conditions: Explains the current market conditions of downtown Roachdale and the town’s existing physical conditions. Commercial Development Opportunities: Suggests commercial uses that could be supported by local and regional residents, as well as travelers. This chapter also identifies potential funding sources. Specific Recommendations: Reviews every historic building (more than 50 years old) in the downtown Roachdale district, suggesting specific recommendations for each building and offering estimated costs for these improvements. General Guidelines and Recommendations: Offers down-to-earth ways to consider the preservation of existing buildings and guidelines from the Secretary of the Interior and offers some general aesthetic suggestions on signage, color palette.


Implementation and Maintenance: Outlines a suggested timetable for implementation of the suggestions found in this plan, offers a general list of local organizations and groups that could be tapped to help implement the plan and suggests a timeframe for reevaluation of the plan. Appendices: Includes newspaper articles and items uncovered during research; minutes from the meeting with property owners and Town representatives; meeting sign-in sheet listing attendees at the property owners meeting; survey results of both the property-owner and resident surveys.




Roachdale is a small town with a population of 926 people at the time of the 2010 census, estimated by the U. S. Census to be 895 in 2017. The town is about 20 miles from Greencastle, the Putnam County seat, and about 45 miles from Indianapolis, the state capital. While there is some local industry, many townspeople work elsewhere; the average commute time, according to the Census Bureau, is 29.9 minutes. Although the town’s population peaked at 1,004 in 1970, it dropped into the 900s for almost 40 years after that. Roachdale is reaching a watershed moment when the town must make changes in order to keep its downtown alive. The purpose of the Roachdale Downtown Revitalization plan is to help the downtown district attract more residents more often to the offerings of its businesses, restaurants and entertainment venues. The plan is also designed to draw citizens from nearby communities and travelers to the unique offerings of downtown Roachdale. The Roachdale Town Council adopted a zoning ordinance on June 14, 2016 (updated May 2017). Roachdale is part of the West Central Indiana Economic Development District and is included in the Development Strategy 2013–2017 and 2018–2022. In 2017 the Town of Roachdale applied for a planning grant through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA), commissioning a Downtown Revitalization Planning Study. Green 3, LLC researched the history of Roachdale; conducted meetings with local leaders and stakeholders; conducted site visits; and engaged the community, soliciting business owners’ and residents’ opinions about Roachdale at meetings and through surveys. The Green 3 team photographed all the buildings within the downtown district and prepared renderings, showing the potential changes that will enhance the aesthetics of these buildings, as well as crafted sketches and plans to enhance streetscapes. This plan outlines both simple and more detailed changes to revitalize downtown Roachdale. It also suggests phases of rehabilitation, to help property owners and the Town make positive change within budget. This revitalization plan will provide a roadmap to help prepare downtown Roachdale for a bright future — one that includes preserving and enhancing its historic architecture, while also filling those historic buildings with viable businesses. With input from residents, this plan looks at what is great about Roachdale. What do residents love? It tackles the issues of what needs to change to keep the town vital, such as suggested building improvements, streetscape enhancements, and activities and programming for downtown Roachdale. This document is an


advisory tool to guide how change is made to keep Roachdale unique while helping it grow and redevelop as a thriving business district.




The Town of Roachdale was laid out in 1879 after the Indianapolis, Decatur & Springfield Railroad (ID&S) intersected with the already active Louisville, New Albany and Chicago Railroad (later called the Monon). Elijah Grantham, whose farm touched the intersection of the two rail lines, laid out a town of four blocks on his property. Grantham named the town Langsdale after the editor of the Greencastle Banner, George Langsdale. When the railroad built a station in the town, it was named Roachdale after Judge Addison Locke Roache, president of the ID & S, and former Indiana Supreme Court justice. Eventually, the town changed its name to the train station’s. Grantham and others expanded the town of Roachdale by further subdividing their farms. He added two additions in 1880, 1883, and 1889. Mary Jane Baker and Cassander Lewis also platted additions in the 1880s and 1890s.2 The commercial district of Roachdale was originally located near the railroad along Railroad Street. In 1894 six buildings were destroyed by fire with losses totaling about $15,000.3 The building that housed the Roachdale News also burned that year but resumed publication in June.4 After the fires, Roachdale’s businesspeople moved their stores away from the Railroad to Washington Street where a few merchants had already located businesses. By 1902, Roachdale’s Washington Street was lined with brick buildings. They included an Opera House, grocery stores, furniture and millinery shops, a livery, cigar and hardware stores.5 In 1907 Roachdale laid 2 ½ miles of concrete sidewalks through town. This was in addition to the half-mile of sidewalk already existing. Some of these new walks were added on Washington and Railroad Streets, improving the commercial district.6 Resident Charles Franklin Rice claimed to have laid most of those sidewalks in his youth, according to a 1949 article in the Indianapolis Star. Joe Adams, the article’s author, noted that those sidewalks had the street names stenciled in the concrete and that many of the walks in front of buildings were also inscribed.7

2 Rose Wernicke, “Roachdale Historic District, National Register of Historic Places Nomination.” 3 “Indiana Notes,” Columbus Republican, May 23, 1894, 3.

4 “General State News,” Indianapolis News, June 23, 1894, 2 5 Roachdale Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, 1902.

6 Crawfordsville Star and Democrat, April 19, 1907, 3.

7 Joe Adams, “Rambling Round,” Indianapolis Star, January 29, 1949, 13.


By 1910, a new brick building with two storefronts had filled in the space behind the General Store at the corner of Washington and Indiana streets, completing the block back to the Higgans Hotel on the alley. That new building had a Pool Room on one side and was vacant in the other storefront in 1910 (today, it houses the Town Hall). Also, by 1910, the former frame building on the northeast corner of Washington Street and the alley had been replaced by a brick building with a grocery on the first floor and the Telephone Exchange on the second floor. Today those buildings are part of the TriCounty Bank.

In 1913, a group of Roachdale boosters bought a lot on which they planned to build a new library building and secured a Carnegie Foundation grant to construct the building. An article in the Greencastle Herald praised the local library board “and before the snow flies,” it said, “the people of Roachdale, Franklin and Jackson townships will have the use of an adequate library.”


Charles Rice, who had earlier laid the city sidewalks, built the library. Rice recalled in 1949: “I put every brick and stone in it. . . But most of my work was in making the bricks and putting up all the brick buildings you see today.”8 The Indianapolis News came to Roachdale in 1954, devoting an entire page of the newspaper to the town. The new school building, Wilson’s geranium growing business (which by then boasted more than 500 varieties of geraniums), the town librarian, clerk-treasurer, owner of the hardware store and town marshal were all photographed for the article, as was the school’s marching band and Glenn Irwin, operator of what was then the oldest drug store in Putnam County, who was shown behind the store’s soda fountain. The article noted that about 900 people lived in the town at that time. The census data shows that it was 918, a significant increase from the 736 who counted the town as home in 1940 and the largest population in Roachdale since 1900, when it was 942.9 Over the next two decades the population of Roachdale slowly increased. It reached 927 in 1960 and climbed to 1,004 in 1970 at the town’s peak. 10 An article in the Indianapolis Star, written in 1970, called Roachdale “Tidy and Properous” and reported that the town was “one of few remaining Saturday night towns in the country,” where stores remained open until 8 or 8:30 on Saturday evenings to allow time for the surrounding farming families to visit the “thriving community.” At that time, a town-wide clean-up was scheduled for the upcoming Saturday. The town boasted “at best count, 27 businesses and it’s been many years since a business failed. . . And just look along the main street – you won’t find a parking spot.”11 By 1980, the town’s population had again dropped, settling in at around 900, where it remains in 2018.

8 Joe Adams, “Rambling Round,” Indianapolis Star, January 29, 1949, 13. 9 “Indiana City/Town Census Counts, 1900 to 2010,”

10 “Indiana City/Town Census Counts,” 1900 to 2010, 11 “Tidy and Prosperous Roachdale to be even Cleaner Saturday,” Indianapolis Star, May 31, 1970, 13.





PRIOR PLANS & CURRENT CONDITIONS No specific Town Plan for Roachdale has been prepared. The Roachdale Town Council adopted a zoning ordinance on June 14, 2016 (updated May 2017). Roachdale falls within the West Central Indiana Economic Development District and is included in the Development Strategy 2013–2017 and 2018–2022, which focuses primarily on infrastructure.

STUDY AREA CONDITIONS The Downtown Roachdale study area extends roughly from one building west of Indiana Street to the alley east of Meridian Street from east to west and from Railroad Street on the north to the alley south of Washington Street on the south. The downtown business district located along Washington Street is the central focus of the study; the town of Roachdale expands from this area in all directions.

Aerial map of Roachdale Most buildings in downtown Roachdale, with the exception of the Roachdale Hardware Store, need some sort of façade treatment/improvement. Suggested upgrades for each are outlined in detail in the next chapter.


Currently there appear to be two empty storefronts on the north side of Washington Street in the building that houses Muse HVAC at 14 East Washington Street. These small spaces could house businesses that cater to online sales, providing storefronts to Ebay or Etsy shopkeepers, or would be good locations for small restaurants or a bakery/candy shop. On the south side of Washington Street, the large former Roachdale Grocery building appears empty at the corner of Meridian and Washington streets, although there is an apartment in the building. This building would be an ideal location for an architectural salvage store, which would also supplement the business of Roachdale Hardware across the street for the bits and pieces of hardware needed to reassemble salvaged items. It would also be a good location for a microbrewery, establishing a gathering spot in the middle of downtown. The building at 15 East Washington Street, east of Kara’s Country Cottage, and the Indonesian Interiors building 11 East Washington Street, both of which appear to be stocked with merchandise, are in essence empty. The Indonesian Interiors building has recently been placed up for sale. These buildings would be good spots for specialty food stores, restaurants (that could also serve the customers at a microbrewery next door), ice cream shop, cheese/meats shop that also served sandwiches. Casual conversations with people who live and/or work in Roachdale indicate that one of the town’s great strengths is its residents, who love it here. Involving as many people as possible in the town’s transformation—through community clean-ups, painting murals, engaging in activities, will increase the already existing sense of community pride and interest.




With such a small local population, Roachdale’s businesses need to provide services and products that will attract a large portion of residents, as well as draw customers from the region and travelers passing through town. There are existing businesses that would attract regional customers and travelers if those potential customers knew about them. Better signage at the corner of Indiana Street and SR 236 is an easy, inexpensive fix. Roachdale has a number of empty storefronts that can be filled with new businesses. Additionally, several storefront spaces are currently used as apartments, others as offices. A vibrant downtown needs a high percentage of retail use in its storefront spaces. Ideally upstairs spaces will be renovated and offices and apartments moved to the second story. In one-story buildings, it might be possible to section off living- or office-space to the rear of buildings, leaving space for small shops in the storefronts. Roachdale needs to recruit new retail businesses. Given the town’s small population, the best types of businesses would be ones that offer an unusual product that will attract a regional audience and/or draw travelers off of SR 236, and/or those that also have an internet business that would also benefit from a bricks-and-mortar location. One of Roachdale’s landmark business owners is considering retirement, and others may be reaching this decision soon, as well. Finding new owners/businesses to fill the shoes of these dedicated merchants will be a challenge. Suggested business types to promote for Roachdale include: • • • • • • • • •

Small family destination shops such as ice cream shop, specialty sweets/candy store Coffee shop with Wi-Fi hot spot Local co-op grocery store offering staples and seasonal produce Architectural Salvage and/or unique local curiosities shop Antiques-Vintage store or consignment mall Restaurants with mass appeal, including BBQ, Mexican, etc. Ebay/Etsy brick-and-mortar shop store supporting local vendors with unique products Specialty meats/cheeses shop serving sandwiches and carry-out items Micro-brewery and taproom with weekend entertainment


• • • • • • • • •

B&B for visitors to Roachdale, families visiting DePauw or Wabash campus, etc. Aging in Place senior housing facility Nail salon/spa with booth rental available to local aestheticians Bike repair and sales shop Art Supply store/ gallery (drawing art majors from DePauw for sales, displays, etc.) Communal co-working office spaces for small businesses and start-ups Walk-in clinic, doctor’s office annex, and/or shared medical service provider spaces Specialty fabrication and maker studio spaces Live/work spaces with residences above and businesses on first floor

In surveys and in meetings, Roachdale residents have indicated that they would like a local grocery store. This plan includes ways to incorporate grocery needs in other types of businesses. Although the town supported a grocery at one point, the population needed to keep a rural grocery working is more than twice Roachdale’s. According to one study of rural groceries, the average population needed to maintain a grocery was 2,843 in 2000, rising to 3,252 by 2005. Trends suggest that this need would be even higher now (“Rural Grocery Stores: Importance and Challenges, So, although this plan doesn’t suggest a traditional grocery, it does acknowledge that the population (or at least the people who responded to the survey) would like to be able to make grocery purchases locally. We aimed to answer that need in other ways.

Roachdale Grocery


MARKET CONDITIONS The median age of the population of Roachdale in 2016 was 43.1 years, considerably higher than at the time of the 2010 census when it was 35.6 years. Nearly 30 percent of the population is under 18; only about 13% are over 65. In 2016, the population was 98.2% white. The median property value decreased to $77,000 in 2016 from $77,900 in 2015. About 17% of the population lives in poverty, according to the Census Bureau. ( It may be that the population increase from 927 in 1960 to 1,004 in 1970 prompted the change in traffic pattern on Washington Street, the city’s main retail street. Perhaps the added car traffic helped encourage Roachdale to adopt its own version of the then-popular movement of creating pedestrian malls in downtowns across the country in the 1960s–70s. As the population numbers changed, the events, business offerings and activity in Roachdale’s downtown diminished. According to residents, activities that once took place in Roachdale, but no longer do, include Summer Fest, annual Roach Races, Fourth of July celebrations, geranium sales, the farmer’s market, and parades. Today the biggest draws in and to the community are the Rib and Blues Fest in October and Christmas in downtown. The Veterans of Foreign Wars organization holds some community events inside its building.

Demographic Information from U. S. Census Bureau Roachdale Town, Indiana 2017 Population Estimates Median Household Income, 2016 Persons in Poverty, Percent Educational Attainment: Percent High School Graduate or Higher Median Housing Value Total Housing Units Veterans

895 $41,875 17.0% 82.1% $77,000 399 66 results.html?q=Roachdale+indiana&page=1&stateGeo=none&searchtype=web&cssp=SERP) In 2018 there are eight property owners of twelve buildings in the core of the Roachdale downtown district as outlined in the OCRA Request for Qualifications. However, this study expands the downtown district to include a total of 27 buildings that could be considered in the commercial district of Roachdale, which stretches from just west of Indiana Street to the alley east of Meridian Street and from the alley north of Washington Street to the alley south of Washington Street. This expanded district includes two banks, the post office, the town office, the library, a funeral home, a dentist office, two restaurants, a handful of retail and service businesses and several first-floor apartments in former commercial buildings.


The buying dollars in Roachdale are lower than in Putnam County as a whole. The median income in Putnam County is $52,465. Currently the trade area—the farthest distance consumers are willing to travel to purchase retail goods and services in Roachdale—is likely small. Factors affecting trade areas include the size and mix of retail opportunities; the size and mix of competing areas; the transportation network; and, physical barriers. Studies have shown that consumers are willing to travel farther for specialty items and higher-priced goods.12 Currently Roachdale’ downtown attracts local customers but does not offer the types of items/products that draw a wider audience.

Aerial photo showing the current conditions within the study area.

MARKETING It’s important to keep in mind that nothing will turn Roachdale around quickly. It’s taken 20 or 30 years to lose business, it will take a few years to get it back. It will also require business owners to think holistically about the future of downtown. If one business gets more traffic, it will ultimately result in more of the businesses getting more traffic. Create or reactivate a merchant’s association to foster connectivity and spread limited budgets further by pooling together. Social media is a free platform that all of Roachdale’s businesses should take advantage of. Facebook and Instagram are great ways to show off your business. The Town of Roachdale should also begin a social media campaign. A high school intern or one from DePauw would be a perfect person to manage one or more social media accounts. Sponsor

12 Albert E. Myles, “Trading Area Analysis: Understanding your Retail Trade Area,”


a Roachdale best photo contest and give the winners a gift card from the downtown shop/restaurant of their choice or feature them on the Instagram or Facebook page. Change the signage to direct traffic to downtown. Consider partnering with other nearby small towns, Bainbridge, Ladoga, others in a marketing pamphlet that could be passed out at all the retail businesses in those towns, helping Roachdale capitalize on regional shoppers. At the Rib Fest or other downtown event, give out coupons to be used in downtown Roachdale within 30 days of receipt—not on the day of the event. Offer $5 or $10 off. Most people won’t use them, but those who come back to town to do so will likely spend more than the discount and it will bring some people into downtown on a second visit who might also spread their money to the restaurants, bar, and other shops. Beer tasting or wine tasting. Have the stores stay open and offer cheese and crackers or other snacks. Portalets should be provided so customers don’t overwhelm store owners with restroom requests. Hold more events downtown! Roachdale has, in the past, had events that drew lots of people downtown. Consider reinstating some of those or starting new ones. If you want to draw people to downtown businesses, give them a reason to come downtown.

Roach races In the 1970s Roachdale businesses stayed open until 8:00 P.M. on Saturday nights. Consider adding a weekend evening to shop hours to capitalize on traffic in town for Pizza King or Roachdale Tavern. Consider a once-monthly night when the stores stay open late. Many towns have a First Friday event of this sort. This might include, in good weather, musicians on the sidewalk, sidewalk chalk in buckets for kids to draw with, special art or sales in the shops to draw people into the


stores. Late night shopping at Christmas could include carolers on the street. These events can be advertised through social media and with posters in the shop windows.

First Friday event in Shelbyville, IN Window statics that say “Downtown Roachdale” or “Enjoy Roachdale” and include the town logo would be an inexpensive way to create a unified identity downtown. Encourage businesses to create outside extensions: For instance, add a coffee shop with outside seating at the Laundromat; outside tables on the sidewalk at Hader’s Café and Pizza King. Shut down Washington Street through downtown for a street party with musicians. Hold a bike race or a foot race through town. Or a pedal car race for kids and adults. Throw a scavenger hunt that requires customers to visit all the local businesses. Realtors can market downtown buildings as live/work space.


Recruitment strategies should start with tapping regional residents and businesses as new business owners. Some easy ways to move people who are considering starting a new business to actually doing so would be to work with landlords to allow pop-up shops in their buildings. These pop-ups can pay rent for a month/week/weekend to try out a new business idea, selling crafts, baked goods, etc. Rents could even be paid with a percentage of sale. Create a business incubator. Seek funding through grants or other sources to pay the rent for a new business for a few months to kickstart them. Work with a local landlord to put the business


into an empty storefront downtown at a reduced rent paid for by the incubator. Require these businesses to maintain regular retail hours in exchange for this free rent. After six months or one year, the business begins to pay its own rent, or frees up the space for a new business to incubate. This would be especially attractive to “makers” seeking space to sell their handcrafted goods because the business also becomes a local draw for these niche retailers. Links to helpful marketing/recruitment strategies: “Market Niche identification and Business Recruitment Recommendations”: “How Small Towns and Cities can use Local Assets to Rebuild their Economies…”


FUNDING RESOURCES Local economic development tools include first and foremost OCRA grants, some of which are highlighted below.

The Indiana Arts Commission (IAC) Statewide Cultural District program. Communities interested in applying for consideration must first submit an online letter of intent to apply, submitted through the IAC's online system no later than 4:30 p.m. (EDT) July 11, 2018. The deadline to submit a full application for the program is 4:30 p.m. (EDT) September 5, 2018. "Program guidelines will be posted to the Arts Commission website in mid-June, giving communities and organizations interested in applying for the program nearly a month to submit their letter of intent," said Anna Tragesser, IAC Artist and Community Service Manager and Cultural District program manager. "We encourage interested applicants to think strategically about how to integrate the arts and cultural development into their community planning." A cultural district is a well-recognized, labeled, mixed-use area of a community in which a high concentration of cultural assets serve as the anchor. A cultural district should enhance opportunities. Designated Statewide Cultural Districts are eligible for up to $5,000 to lead community engagement through your cultural district.a community's quality of place with the potential to help attract residents, new business development, and tourism.

Indiana Landmarks. Historic Preservation Education Grants. INDIANA LANDMARKS AND Indiana Humanities make grants for programs that educate the Hoosier public about preservation and historic places. Programs eligible for the Historic Preservation Education Grants include lectures, workshops, conferences, tours, and the production of websites, audiovisual and print materials, including walking tour brochures, curriculum plans, and guides to historic sites. The maximum grant is $2,000. Partners in Preservation National Register Grants. When a property is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, it gains honorific status, a degree of protection in certain circumstances and, if it is income-producing, eligibility for restoration tax credits. Grants


provide matching assistance to hire professional consultants to complete National Register nominations. We also supervise the nomination through the review process at the state level. A PIP grant pays 50% of the cost of a National Register nomination up to $1,500 for a single site. OCRA Main Street Community Development Block Grants. MSRP grant applicants must meet the following prerequisites: Have a designated Indiana Main Street organization; The Main Street organization is in good standing for meeting all the reporting requirements; The Main Street organization has attended required workshops associated with the Indiana Main Street Program during the past year; The Main Street organization is functioning within the Main Street 4 Point Approach of Organization, Design, Economic Vitality, and Promotion; The Main Street organization has current work plans for each of the four points that have been submitted to Indiana Main Street; The Main Street organization has a business recruitment/retention plan The project must be part of the Main Street organization’s overall strategy; The Community has completed a downtown revitalization plan within the past five years that meets OCRA’s minimum technical requirements. If a community has an alternative plan that meets OCRA’s minimum technical requirements for a downtown revitalization plan, they can use that alternative plan with approval from the CDBG Program Director. The amount of CDBG funds granted will be based on a $5,000 cost per project beneficiary. General types of activities that are eligible for MSRP funding include: • Updating streetscapes • Façade renovations • Downtown infrastructure rehabilitation


OCRA Quick Impact Placebased Grants (QUIP) used for space enhancement and community transformation that sparks community wide conversation and creativity. Alley activation is specifically mentioned. Putnam County Community Foundation Grants with Fall and Spring funding cycles Looking to fund projects that are • Innovative, aspirational approaches for significant community advancement • Collaborative efforts with other organizations • Significant community impact and positive outcomes • Leadership enhancement and capacity/sustainability building of Putnam County nonprofit organizations

NON-LOCAL FUNDING SOURCES NEA Art in Rural Places Grant. The Challenge America category offers support primarily to small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations — those whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Grants are available for professional arts programming and for projects that emphasize the potential of the arts in community development. This category encourages and supports public engagement with, and access to, various forms of excellent art across the nation. Challenge America grants: Extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations. Are limited to the specific types of projects outlined below. Guest Artist project type, which refers to an arts event or events that will feature one or more guest artists. Cultural Tourism, specifically the unified promotion of community-wide arts activities and/or the development of cultural tourism products. Public Art Projects, community-based and professionally directed. For a fixed amount of $10,000 and require a minimum $10,000 match. For a list of all NEA grants: Rural Business Development Grants. Enterprise grants must be used on projects to benefit small and emerging businesses in rural areas as specified in the grant application. Uses may include: Training and technical assistance, such as project planning, business counseling/training, market research, feasibility studies, professional/technical reports, or product/service improvements


Acquisition or development of land, easements, or rights of way; construction, conversion, renovation of buildings; plants, machinery, equipment, access for streets and roads; parking areas and utilities Capitalization of revolving loan funds, including funds that will make loans for start-ups and working capital Distance adult learning for job training and advancement Rural transportation improvement Community economic development Technology-based economic development Feasibility studies and business plans Leadership and entrepreneur training Rural business incubators Long-term business strategic planning Opportunity grants can be used for: Community economic development Technology-based economic development Feasibility studies and business plans Leadership and entrepreneur training Rural business incubators Long-term business strategic planning CDFI (banks, credit unions, etc) leverage 50% to get up to $5 million

Patronicity crowd grant funding for local projects, organization provides matching funds for qualified projects.!/ Deluxe: for the love of small business. A long shot annual search for one small town and its businesses to receive a $500,000 boost. A traveling series of free one-day marketing seminars is also offered as well as marketing webinars.




GREENSPACE The land cover and greenspace arrangement of the town, as shown in the diagram below, is not evenly dispersed. It is important to recognize that green space not only represents the area of landscape v. hardscape, but also represents the capacity of the community to absorb stormwater runoff, and cool the microclimate, along with a wide range of other environmental benefits. Recommendations to address the greenspace imbalance include the following: • • • • •

Create a Community Center greenspace along the railroad, perhaps acquiring lot for a pocket park Begin a street tree planting program Consider becoming a registered Tree City or Habitat Community Define street edges with tree lawns and plantings in curb bump out areas at crossings Encourage property owners to adopt a tree and promote tree protection

Open space diagram illustrating current tree and turf land cover and proposed improvements



Create a walkable community with a connected system of walkways and bikeways Create well marked routes linking parking areas with destinations State Road 236 and Indiana Street are high traffic count gateway routes that should be creatively marked Reinforce wayfinding with greenscaping and streetscape amenities

Both SR 236 and Indiana Street are gateway routes into the community of Roachdale. All other roadways within the study limits are the responsibility of the Town of and private property owners. During the railroad era, throngs of people worked and shopped in Roachdale. The streets were busy and parking spots were full. Today Roachdale experiences a different kind of traffic. Motorists drive through the community often without stopping and sidewalks are relatively empty downtown most of the time. It might still be common to see people on bikes riding for pleasure or to make a quick stop at local destinations. Special events attract larger numbers of people to downtown Roachdale, but overall both pedestrian and vehicular traffic is light.

Community Connectivity Diagram


Community connectivity is an important facet of planning for the future prosperity of Roachdale. One of the primary goals of any downtown revitalization plan should be getting people out of their cars and walking into local shops and around the community. The Connectivity Diagram provides a preliminary plan for wayfinding and pedestrian connectivity. Linkages between parking areas, destinations, and gathering spaces are illustrated along with important gateway and wayfinding locations. Greenscaping along corridors will help slow traffic, provide shade, and create a sense of direction to help reinforce wayfinding.


Convert Washington Street to two-way traffic to improve parking access Use bump outs and pavement markings to clearly identify street parking orientation • Upgrade and mark existing gravel parking lots to maximize capacity • Develop paving plan and schedule for converting public lot to asphalt surface • Create tree lawns / landscape areas to define parking lot boundaries Parking is a top priority for merchants and residents alike. Downtown businesses rely on street parking at their door to provide easy access to their customers. As storefronts fill and new businesses open, pressure for more easy access parking will build in Roachdale. A quick look at the existing parking shows there are several opportunities to improve existing parking areas and create new parking.

One-way signs on Washington Street don’t support good traffic flow and are not welcoming. A key recommendation necessary to improving traffic circulation, parking and access, is to convert Washington Street between Indiana and Meridian to two-way traffic. The current oneway arrangement is not inviting or easy to navigate for visitors and creates unnecessary looping as motorists drive around to get to Washington Street headed in the right direction.


Street parking is recommended to remain throughout the study area. A rough count shows a total of 183 available parking locations, including on-street parking stalls and parking lots in the area.. Wherever possible, travel lanes should be restriped and narrowed to 10’ wide. Tree lawns are recommended along Indiana between the curb and sidewalk to help protect pedestrians along this busy state road. Landscape bump-outs at some pedestrian crossings are recommended to reduce crossing distances for pedestrians, creating safer and more visible crossings. All crosswalks should be clearly marked and signed and should meet ADA standards for accessibility. There are several gravel parking lots in the study area, both public and private. These lots are not well-marked and it is difficult to maximize parking during peak events as a result. The diagram shows the location of the parking areas and the number of cars that could be parked in those locations if the lots were clearly signed and marked, and eventually paved. It is recommended that drive approaches to all parking lots be well defined and wheel stops or landscape islands be created to define the parking stall locations and lot circulation pattern. Directional controls can be as simple as strategically locating planters at lot entries, erecting simple fencing, or installing access control bollards at key locations. The plan graphic offers a concept for how Roachdale might lay out and improve parking in the study area. At this time there is ample parking within a one-block walk of downtown Roachdale, but the key to meeting local needs during peak events is to improve the layout and performance of the available space.

Parking Lot Diagram


Parking Lot Improvements



29 New Crossing


Community Outdoor Activity Space



9Privacy Fence

New Walkway

Landscape Edge Along Alley


Parking Lot Improvements 18

Parking Improvements

Marked Crossings Parking Lot Upgrades



6 New Garden Walkway



New Pocket Park

LIBRARY Outdoor Patio

23 10



Improved Street Parking 10






Painted Bump Outs






Gathering Spaces

Painted Street Graphics

Two-Way Traffic






New Street Crossing








Alley Access

Parking Improvements







Outdoor Patio





Upgraded Drive Entrances



SIDEWALKS • • • • • • •

Prioritize pedestrian and bicycle safety Clearly mark and sign primary walking and biking routes ADA accessibility compliance Road diets with 10’ travel lanes and 5’–8’ wide walk widths Bump outs and tree lawn buffers to improve safety Stamp building name in sidewalk Murder square inspired “Sidewalk Storytelling” markers

Sidewalks are the veins that pump people into and through a community. Making sure the sidewalk system is connected, accessible, and safe should always be a top priority. Current transportation engineering trends focus on “road diets” that balance space for multimodal pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular use with a common safety priority for all users. Roachdale should continue to fill in missing sidewalk sections and install accessibility upgrades that meet ADA. A minimum sidewalk width of 5’ should be required, with a preference for 8’ wide walks wherever possible, but especially along priority connectivity corridors, as shown on the Connectivity Diagram on page 69. Road diets also promote narrowing travel lane widths to 10’ and decreasing speed limits wherever possible. Slowing traffic has obvious safety benefits in terms of accident avoidance, and also creates better opportunities to entice visitors to stop and check out the town. The use of bump-outs (either painted or temporary) is also recommended wherever possible to shorten pedestrian crossing distances. These bump-outs can be incorporated into the existing roadway cross section where space permits, or constructed as part of future roadway upgrades.

Section along Washington Street in front of Hader’s Café, facing east.


The creation of tree lawns between travel lanes and walkways is also preferred. These greenspaces can be landscaped or planted with turf, but they provide an essential role as a buffer between walkers and vehicles. They also provide a clear delineation of the roadway edge and area designated for pedestrian use and parking. Creating tree lawns along some of the side streets and alleys in Roachdale is as simple as excavating existing gravel land cover, backfilling the trenched areas with soil, and planting landscape as desired. Sidewalks also provide a unique opportunity for establishing community character. Roachdale’s murder square, a section of sidewalk painted red to designate the site of a murder, reinforces local storytelling and authenticity. The town at one time had the names of all buildings stamped in the concrete in the sidewalk fronting the structures.

Tree lawns buffer sidewalks from traffic.

We recommend this practice be brought back and that the original name of the building be stamped into newly poured concrete. Painting the names on existing concrete using a simple stencil is recommended for all areas where sidewalks are already in place. In addition, a sidewalk storytelling plan is also suggested. This plan would identify place-based Roachdale stories and identify a color-coding sequence for identifying these locations by painting the sidewalks as was done with murder square.

Simple improvements to the streetscape include adding benches, lighting, and more pots.



Upgrade existing welcome signs on SR 236 Identify new/additional gateway marker locations along SR 236 and Indiana Street • Sunflower plantings along SR 236 and CR 250E right-of-way approaching town • Rotating gateway features and displays using preprinted magnetic welcome signs • Memorable wayfinding signs and markers Because downtown Roachdale is not on the state highway, a link to downtown needs to be created to increase visibility for travelers who might otherwise pass it by. The existing signs at the edge of town should be upgraded by mounting all of the existing smaller signs onto a single backing board painted and then mounted to the existing frames that should also be repainted to match. The town logo should be painted to the backer board at the top of the display. Roachdale’s rural setting is an asset and should be highlighted. One inexpensive, easy, quick way to bring extra attention and a fun surprise for those approaching the community via SR 236 or CR 250E is to plant the back side of the right-of-way ditch along the existing fence line with sunflowers. This would create memorable seasonal impact and is something a local 4-H club or scout group could assist with and others, possibly through an “Adopt A Sunflower Patch” campaign to Sunflowers along SR9 near Huntington, In. promote and sustain the program. To call attention to the turn off from SR 236 onto Indiana Street leading to downtown, creative highly visible and memorable signage should be used. A simple, inexpensive solution would be to paint a large arrow or a pointing hand aimed north on Indiana and on which is written “Downtown”. This could be painted on the side of an existing building, printed on a pole mounted banner sign, or even painted on the actual intersection pavement. This type of thematic signage Fun, memorable graphics for directional signs should be extended into the community and used on wayfinding signage, in new


wall painted signs, and stenciled on the street and sidewalk pavements to aid in wayfinding and reinforce the town’s brand identity. Gateways need much more than a static sign to be memorable. While name recognition is important, it should not be the primary focus of Roachdale’s gateway. The gateway is more like the town’s front door than its mailbox. It should say “Welcome” in all seasons, get upgraded now and then, and be draped with decorations to celebrate holidays. Roachdale should pilot test a changeable gateway feature series at the corner of Indiana Street and Washington Street at the location indicated on the Layout Plan on page 72. We recommend starting with the use of an old truck parked in the lot of the Auto Body Shop with a painted welcome sign on the side. This would work well to reinforce the town’s brand as a great small town, and at the same time provide a great vehicle for seasonal displays, etc. Using found objects, old equipment, and other historic memorabilia as “street art” and distributing it to key destinations and locations would also be very effective in extending the town’s authentic brand into the community. Simple magnetic signs preprinted with the Roachdale Logo and creative graphics could be affixed to old cars, trucks, or other vintage vehicles and parked along Washington Street, Indiana Street or even SR 236 to enhance interest and highlight local merchants as well as available parking areas. Welcome to Roachdale gateway focal point

The Hardware Store provides an excellent example of brand identity that should be used to inspire Roachdale’s brand.


Easy changeable seasonal updates add interest.

There is a great opportunity to create an outdoor dining opportunity for Hader’s Café in Sketches help visualize what simple changes can do to create new energy and opportunities. This combination with a downtown gateway. sketch shows how much potential the old Grocery Store building has to become a microbrewery and tap room.


Use temporary features to pilot test spatial changes prior to permanent construction Include the use of non-traditional street furniture including the use of salvaged items Convert Christmas displays to wall mounted buildings displays Install low cost LED wall lighting of murals and advertising signs All new lighting should be super-efficient LED and be Dark Skies Compliant See Appendix for detailed specifications and pricing on recommended amenities

Creating a place where people want to be and be seen requires making them memorable and comfortable both inside and outdoors. Site furniture and amenities do not have to cost a lot to serve this purpose. As with the gateways, site furniture should add to the town’s character and reinforce a sense of authenticity. Adaptive reuse of old outdoor furniture painted in bright colors is recommended as a quick, easy way to set up outdoor seating areas in the areas proposed along Washington Street as shown on page 78. This approach will allow a wide variety of pieces of all types and sizes to be used with paint tying them together aesthetically. To establish the proposed outdoor gathering areas along the street without incurring great expense, they can be created as temporary installations that can be evaluated and if they work,


permanently constructed. A recent nationwide trend of converting parking stalls to pocket parks provides many examples, some of which can be found at: These types of spaces are proposed in front of Haders Café, and in front of the Laundromat “Coffee Shop”, along with outdoor merchandise display areas at both the Hardware and Grocery Store entrances on Washington Street. Lighting is also an important part of any downtown commercial district. We recommend the use of Energy Star rated LED fixtures that are Dark Skies compliant. Suggestions for standard pole mounted fixtures are included in the Appendix. In addition, it is recommended that the town work with property owners to install wall mounted fixtures to illuminate large painted advertising signs, murals and/or wall panels where changeable art is displayed. Holiday decorations present a unique challenge and opportunity for the town. It is recommended that the town convert its pole-mounted decorations to wall-mounted versions and coordinate with local building owners to display them on building façades. The town should consider a new approach to holiday lighting—using LED outdoor light strings to illuminate the building outlines and parapet walls, for

Fun street furniture

Fast, inexpensive, easy way to create downtown gathering areas

Try it first using temporary installation on existing pavement


example, or hanging light strings vertically from the roofs of buildings. These are low cost easy way to create a big impact without the need for specialty equipment. Holiday lighting displays do not have to be traditional to support the Roachdale brand. Something as simple as covering a tree, a blank wall, or even a truck with lights can create a memorable “selfie stop” for residents and visitors to the area during the holidays Detailed information on a variety of street furniture and site amenities is included in the Appendix. This information provides product specifications, installation considerations, pricing and vendor contact information.

Wall mounted holiday decorations

Creative holiday displays should reinforce the Roachdale brand.

String lights along roof lines and façades during holidays


Simple sans serif font, Lucida Sans, recommended for all town sponsored signs, including, moving forward, on the town logo Street painting with signage info New town entry signs and directional signs Wall painted signs to enhance mural and existing advertising signs theme Encourage a variety of street signs to promote local business and activities


Signs are important for safety and wayfinding, but they are also one of the most impactful ways of creating an aesthetic character in a downtown area. Signs designed to provide and promote information about the town, wayfinding, etc. should be consistent and easily recognizable and readable. One of the components of any public signage system that must be consistent is the standard font used for all text. We recommend Roachdale adopt the Lucida Sans suite of fonts for use on all its signs. This font is similar to what’s used on the restored Hardware store sign. It’s an early 20th century font and found on most computers so it is readily available. As mentioned, we recommend the town embrace a directional signage motif that incorporates the use of a pointed finger. This graphic reinforces the town’s vintage finger. This graphic reinforces the town’s vintage brand and is can be easily incorporated into local merchant and event signage. The symbol is flexible too, lending itself easily to use in more contemporary signs and local art. Examples of Lucida Sans font variations Merchant signs and advertising signs are a critically important part of the town’s visual identity. Unlike public signs, a variety o signs advertising goods and services is desired. Simple painted wood signs hanging from single arm brackets are recommended as an easy way to create a sign if one does not already exist. The town should encourage building owners, and consider cost sharing if possible, in getting their signs up on their buildings.

Vintage hand symbols can be used literally, or reinterpreted in in new ways for all types of signs Wall mounted plaques, painted signs on brick buildings, and even sandwich signs can also be used with great effect. As mentioned in the Gateway section, magnetic advertising signs can also be used in an interesting way if they are Painted wood business signs


mounted to vintage cars, or other stationary objects located along the street. In addition to creating new signs, the old signs and unique graphics currently displayed in and on various buildings should be preserved. The painted advertising sign on the side of the Hardware store is an excellent example of a great sign. The 70’s wall art in the laundromat along with the period graphics and equipment should be preserved and used to inspire future signage and street graphics. Embracing a variety of period Trade advertising on magnets can be mounted in unique places styles in association with the many different periods represented by the buildings in the study will enhance the character of the downtown.

Sandwich signs create interest

Laundromat wall graphics can inspire street graphics

Pavement markings can also be used very effectively to add interest to an area. The recent trend of painting crosswalks and parking areas with unique designs shows how simple it can be to transition a boring patch of asphalt into a place that people will remember.


LANDSCAPE • • • • • •

Planters to pick up on geranium history Low maintenance plants in tree lawns Sunflower entry plantings Succulents and perennials in lieu of seasonal change outs in planters Variety of planter types – old and new and window boxes Continue using precast concrete planters matching those currently installed

The landscaping in the study area is limited to primarily plantings in large pots and turf in tree lawns. The history of Roachdale as a Geranium capital provides great inspiration for upgrading the current limited landscape in a way that is unique to the community. The town currently uses large precast concrete planters along Washington Street. We recommend the plantings in these be a mix of geraniums interspersed with trailing vines. Over time, the pots should be planted with a few perennials, such as rocket sedum, daylilies, periwinkle, etc.., so that just a few geraniums need to be tucked in each spring, instead of replanting all planters completely each year. In the winter the pots should simply be filled with cut greenery and around the 4th of July American flags can be inserted into the pots. The primary purpose of the pots is to add a splash of color to the streetscape.

Geranium history on display

There are opportunities for property owners to also incorporate seasonal plantings into their storefronts using window boxes, mixed pots on steps, hanging planters, or storefront displays. The Barber Shop has a nice window box that could easily be planted or, if maintenance is an issue, the boxes can be filled with interesting found objects. For instance, instead of a row of geraniums the window box might host a row of whirligigs, or serving spoons planted like flowers in a row. Better yet the pot itself could be a found object planted to add color and create a one of a kind on-brand display. Creativity is the only obstacle to creating containers with interesting floral displays. All kinds of things can be “planted”


Tree lawns, or utility strips as they are sometimes called, are the green areas along the streetscape that are designed to support street tree plantings. Although merchants sometimes are not interested in having trees installed in front of their storefront, there are many areas where trees can and should be installed. The town should consider trees that are long-lived and relatively disease free. Some suggestions include Honey Locust, Horsechestnut, and disease resistant Elms, but there are many to choose from. Roachdale should consider using the Tree City resources and guidance offered by the Arbor Day Foundation which can be found at to develop a long-range sustainable street-tree planting program. Tree lawns do not always have to be planted with trees and turf. In areas without curbed edges along the tree lawns, they can and should be planted with other species of shrubs, groundcover, etc. This is especially important in locations where the tree lawns are used to define parking lot edges and entrances in areas that are currently just large expanses of gravel. Excavate these areas, as noted previously, and plant them with drought-tolerant groundcovers, masses of mixed wildflowers, or even hedgerows of native drought tolerant shrubs if trees are not an option, or with trees if they are. Creating a highly visible entry into town using sunflowers, as described in the Gateway section, is a low-cost, high-impact way to use the rural landscape to create a memorable experience for all who visit the town. The use of sunflowers in other areas in small patches, along a fencerow in town, along an alleyway, or around an outdoor gathering space, is another easy way to add a happy punch of color in town that connects with the display of sunflowers along the entry into town. As mentioned earlier, an Adopt a Sunflower Patch, or some other type of youth oriented program would be a great way to get these seasonal plantings installed year after year.

Use turf alternatives to add interest

Creativity is key!


The landscape in the small town of Saugatuck Michigan is a great model for Roachdale The only limit to the opportunities to reinforce the town’s brand image through the use of creative floral displays is imagination. Planters can be created using anything, but the planting schemes should be kept simple and a plan for watering should be made from the outset to keep the plants looking their best. The only thing worse than no landscape, is an unmaintained landscape, so making sure that caretakers for the landscape are available to water, fertilize, and tend to plantings is a crucial part of any successful landscape effort.




Specific recommendations for each building within Downtown Roachdale are included below. Some general comments should precede these very narrowly directed ones. Roachdale has an impressive number of cast-iron storefronts. These features are being lost across the nation due to renovations and demolitions. Roachdale has also lost, and/or covered some of the cast-iron beams (some with rosettes) and posts that originally decorated and helped support its buildings. Those that remain should be protected. Any masked elements should be uncovered. This plan picks out in a secondary color the cast-iron elements on every building that has them so that they standout. Likewise, there are a number of historic sign standards left in town; these should be retained and put back into use where feasible. Where using the standard is not feasible due to their weakened condition, new signs could hang from new hardware beneath the historic standards. Even where these standards are over doors that now lead to apartments, they could be attached to signs bearing the original name or use of the building, putting an original feature back into use. These are general recommendations to retain and celebrate these unique features found in Roachdale. Many storefronts in Roachdale have been converted to apartments. A long-term goal should be to reconvert these into shop spaces, moving apartments upstairs, to the rear of buildings, or off the main commercial thoroughfare. A good approach to hiding modern alterations to historic buildings, while adding a great deal of attractive color to a historic downtown is to add cloth awnings. These should reflect the color palette recommended. Recommended awning styles are those that mirror historic styles. Metal awnings should be avoided. Retractable awnings can be purchased online for smaller window solutions. Faรงade-wide awnings can be purchased by specialty dealers. Avoid boxy modern awnings. Two recommended samples are shown. Cloth awning


As a general rule, do not paint brick that is not currently painted. If removing paint from brick, use the gentlest method possible. A note about cost projections: While we have researched costs and used prior restoration work pricing to create these projections, the cost of replacement items and installation vary significantly by region, inflation, availability, tradesperson, and the possibility of pooling projects to achieve an economy of scale. The costs below should be considered a Retractable awning general suggestion, with the realization that working with historic buildings is not the same as buying 20 new items off the shelf. Costs will vary, but we have provided a reasonable projection.

UPSTAIRS LIVING Case Study: Upstairs Apartments. Current Roachdale zoning prohibits downtown apartments, but, according to city planner Donovan Rypkema of PlaceEconomics, upper floor housing has a huge positive economic impact on downtown historic districts. Even with rents as low as $400 a month, main streets with upstairs renters had a better ratio of business openings compared to business closings than those without upper floor housing. Walkability is especially important to Millennials, who often chose these types of locations over others. As the town moves forward, zoning variances and a possible zoning change should allow for upstairs living. A case study of adding upstairs rental units in four different downtown areas can be found here: ryHousingCaseStudies.pdf



200 NORTH INDIANA STREET This upright-and-wing plan house was constructed circa 1900 and is shown on the 1902 Sanborn Map. The house rises from a rough-face concrete-block foundation to walls wrapped in Tyvek. It appears that the original cladding has been removed below the wrap. The windows are modern replacements, with double-hung sashes on the first floor and casements on the second floor. The southside porch has a concrete floor with handicapped ramp. There is a wooden

staircase to the second story on the north side.

Although the current property owner did not opt to participate in the revitalization plan, the house could be an asset as a restaurant that grabs travelers’ attention as they drive north/south on Indiana Street. It is part of the gateway to downtown, so an adaptive reuse is highly recommended. Suggested façade improvement: To turn the house into a restaurant, the exterior can be clad with rough-finish siding. The porch is used for outdoor dining. The porch could be expanded for even more table space, or tables could be placed in the front yard surrounded by a porch balustrade. Although the upstairs is not handicapped accessible, it could serve as kitchen or storage space or even an apartment for a staff person. An initial quicker, cheaper renovation


could begin with installing rustic siding on the façade only, which currently has no siding. This would match the small building at the rear of the property and create a new, finished look for this key property. Other elements of the improvements could be phased in over time. Cost Estimates: • •

Siding: $3,000 – $5,000, plus Installation: $5,000 – $14,000 Expand porch/deck or install a balustrade around front yard to mark off seating area: $1,500 – $3,000


205 NORTH INDIANA STREET This one-story 20th Century Functional building was constructed circa 1909 and is shown in the 1910 Sanborn Map as vacant on the north side and a Pool Room on the south side. The building rises from a poured concrete foundation to brick walls, currently clad in vertical wood siding. Above the wooden siding is a brick parapet. Suggested faรงade improvement: Remove wood siding to return to brick faรงade. Remove the window and replace it with a three-part window that fits the original opening (all the space that

is recessed around the current window). Here is an option that would work, but any similar window would be appropriate: Clad Ultimate Glider Triple Sash -XOX (choose a dark finish, such as cadet gray, gunmetal or ebony) Once the wood is removed, it will reveal the original second door opening. This can be reinstalled as a door or could be used to install a long double-hung window. If a window is installed It should extend to about two feet above the sidewalk. There should be a concrete sill below it and brick below that. There should be a concrete lintel above the window. These


elements may still exist beneath the wood siding. Use the color of the replacement window frame to paint the door(s) or windows. Or purchase both windows in same color. Windows should be single lights (panes). Cost Estimates: • • •

Remove siding and repair brick wall as needed: $3,000 – $8,000 Install new door or window: $1,000 – $3,000 New center window: $800 – $1,500


201 NORTH INDIANA STREET/4–6 EAST WASHINGTON STREET This one story 20th Century Functional building is shown on the 1910 Sanborn Map as a two-story brick building. The National Register of Historic Places nomination of Roachdale suggests that the second story was lost to fire after 1923 (the year of the most recent Sanborn map that showed it at two stories). The building rises from a poured concrete foundation to brick walls. The fenestration (door and window openings) of the building has been excessively altered. No original windows or doors remain. A cast iron I-beam spans the building across the southern façade and the western angled section. The brick walls at the angled sections are painted dark red. The

window openings in the bay east of the angled section are infilled with a thin paver-style brick beneath circa 1940s windows with a concrete lintel and vertical vinyl siding fills the area above the windows up to the cast-iron beam. The next two bays are infilled with vertical wood cladding and each holds a modern one-light window beneath modern shingle-clad canopies. The next two bays hold modern vertical casement windows with brick lintels; above the windows is horizontal vinyl siding, below the windows the walls are clad in a third type of red brick wall set in running bond. The final bay is partially closed with modern brick and holds a modern pedestrian door in the middle with horizontal vinyl siding above the door. Part of the building has been converted to living space, accessed behind this door.


Suggested façade improvement: This building is highly altered and has lost its second story. It is probable that the parapet that is left is damaged and cannot be exposed. Restoration of originalsize storefront windows is a possibility for this building and would transform it. But because of the loss of so many original elements, suggested improvements for this building include simpler, achievable steps. Paint the entire façade of the building one color, picking out only the cast-iron elements in dark blue-gray. Replace or cover existing shingle-clad canopies with cloth awnings in colors that match the color palette. A sample for shorter windows is located here in striped gray-blue A sample for wider windows is located here: Reconverting storefront apartments to commercial use is a goal that Roachdale should head towards. Cost Estimates: • • • •

Repoint brick as needed (west façade); $2,000 - $10,000 Remove or cover existing shingle-clad canopies with cloth awnings in colors from the color palette: $2,000 – $4,000 total (see illustration) Paint entire façade: $4,000 – $8,000 Replace doors: $600 – $1,000


8–16 EAST WASHINGTON STREET This one-story 20th Century functional building rises from a poured concrete foundation to brick walls with pedestrian entries in its five bays. The building retains the original cast-iron I-beam above the window openings. The parapet has a soldier course of buff brick and coping capped with black metal. The upper wall has been rebuilt above the center storefront entry and above the storefront at the west end of the building. The five storefronts are separated by brick pilasters. The three middle storefronts are arranged with a recessed central entry and flanking display windows.

The end bays are smaller with a recessed entry and a single display window. The kickplates below the display windows have been replaced with stack bond brick with limestone sills. The recessed entries to the three westernmost storefronts have original wood kickplates and display windows and original wood ž-light entry doors. The transom windows at the west end


are covered with vertical metal siding. The original prism glass or glass block transoms remain at the two easternmost storefronts. This building is shown in the 1902 Sanborn Map and the 1910 Sanborn map shows this building housing a Barber shop, Cigars, Furniture, and then another barber shop. Suggested façade improvement: Removing the infill vertical aluminum siding over doors and windows is a goal to aim towards with this building. If the original glass block/prism glass is still in place, repairing this and making it visible is a relatively inexpensive rehab. If the glass is missing, there are places to find replacement block that matches or is close in size and style. Removing the aluminum over the doors might reveal original transom glass. If the glass is there, it may only need to be caulked and painted. If the glass is not there, it could be replaced into the opening. Reinstalling glass in the side lights on either side of entry doors — see space 12E for an original entry to serve as a model. This could be a phased project with restoration of the windows being one step and restoration of the transoms over the door the other. The building is shown after the suggested first phase to return prism/glass block windows. Paint the building trim in colors from the palette. Cost Estimates: • Restore transoms with glass block: $1,000 – $3,000 per transom area • Restore transoms with pane glass and framing: $800 – $2,000 per transom area Indianapolis firm that specializes in glass-block work.


18–20 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Tri-County Bank has created one building out of what had been three. The ground floor has been altered circa 1970s/1980s with modern brick laid in running bond and modern single-light fixed sash windows: some wide and others narrow (almost loop hole windows). The entry is recessed with aluminum-framed doors, sidelights and transoms. The second stories reveal the individual historic buildings. The westernmost building has some Romanesque features, most notably the rough-face stone sills beneath the windows. The cornice below the parapet has interesting brick work. The center

building has arched double-hung windows and corbeled brick sections on the bays between the brick pilasters. The easternmost building has rectangular openings that once held double-hung windows and oculus windows beneath the cornice. A decorative metal cornice remains at the parapet. The 1902 Sanborn map shows them as a confectionary store, general store, and bank, and the 1910 map shows it as a grocery store and telephone exchange, Confectionary store, and bank. It is likely that the center building was always a lodge on the second story. The lodge glass sign remains. Suggested façade improvement: Restoration of these façades to their original look is not possible because of the modernization of the first floor, but it is possible to show that there were three different buildings. On the ground floor, removal of the white blinds and addition of either a non-reflective darkener or of black blinds that will “disappear” is recommended. On the second story, each building will receive a different, unique paint palette, with two or three colors each.


Single-hung or double-hung windows with single lights, matching the existing windows should be restored. These could be salvaged from elsewhere or purchased new. Composite is the best material to mimic the look of original windows; it also lasts longer than vinyl or modern wood windows. Curtains should be hung in all windows. These spaces can become offices, or apartments. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • Repoint brick as needed $2,000 – $10,000 • Painting upstairs façades: $3,000 – $5,000 • Window replacements: $4,000 – $6,000 • Place film on downstairs windows or replace blinds: $400 – $600


22 EAST WASHINGTON STREET This building was once connected to the building directly west of it. The two-story brick building rises from a brick foundation to walls with modern storefront windows on the ground floor. The second story retains original, but bricked, window openings with limestone sills and lintels. Cast-iron Mesker Co. pilasters flank the door. Oculus windows are beneath the area where a cornice, probably matching the one on the building to the left, once decorated the faรงade. A very large metal-clad canopy shades the ground floor, attached on the second story with iron rods. The 1902 and 1910 Sanborn maps show a Millinery shop on the ground floor and a Stage and Scenery shop at the rear or on the second story here.


Suggested façade improvement: Replacing, or simply covering, the current metal awning with a fabric awning will greatly improve the appearance of the first story of this building. On the second story, because the openings have been bricked, it would be expensive, though not impossible, to restore windows. However, “windows” can be painted onto the building to restore the original look. These could be painted as standard double-hung windows, mimicking those to the east, or could be whimsically painted with vignettes, perhaps as though there were people looking out the windows. The rendering shows simple painted-on windows with painted on curtains. Because this building has not been previously painted, the original brick should be left unpainted. A new cornice could be replicated from the existing one to the east and replaced on this building in a second phase, if desired. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • Repoint brick as needed: $2,000 – $10,000 • Painting “windows” murals: $1,000 – $3,500 • Replace or cover existing awning with fabric awning: $4,000 – $6,000


24–26 EAST WASHINGTON STREET The two-story, red brick building on the northwest corner of Washington and Meridian Streets rises from a brick foundation. The storefront structure has been rebuilt with brick that has been painted brick-red, indicating that it is probably a different color than the original. It is also laid in a running bond as opposed to the English bond of the original brick courses. Original cast iron pilasters produced by the George L. Mesker firm from Evansville, Indiana, frame the doors at both storefronts and the castiron I-beam with rosettes remain at the western

storefront. The east storefront has a central entry with original paired single-light wood doors and transom window. Original paneled wood kickplates remain beneath the storefront display glass flanking the entrance. The west storefront has a recessed entry with original wood door


and sidelights. The transom areas are infilled with cedar shakes. Original paneled kickplates remain beneath the storefront wide window. The second-floor windows have limestone lintels and sills. Windows on the façade are boarded and on the side elevation original double-hung windows remain. The parapet is decorated with arched brick insets and the cornice is laid in a dogtooth pattern. Below, a square limestone tablet reads “I.O.O.F. NO. 115 ERECTED 1897.” A filigree metal sign bracket remains below the plaque. The ghosts of two advertising signs remain on the east side of the building, painted onto the brick wall. The 1902 Sanborn map shows the two store-front building as a Gents Furniture and Boots and Shoes on west side and store and grocery on east. The 1910 map shows a Haberdashery and Boots and Shoe store and Grocery. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows apparently built this building, dedicating the first story to commercial enterprises and holding the fraternal order’s meetings and affairs on the second floor of the building. Suggested improvements: Repaint the original advertising signs on the east side of the building. Remove the shake shingles on the western storefront and restore (or reveal) the original window transoms. Restore or reveal the double-hung sash windows on the upper story. A cloth awning in the color palette could be a Phase 2 project for this building to disguise the difference in bricks between first and second stories. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • Repoint brick as needed: $5,000 – $15,000 • Repair interior ceiling with plaster or drywall: $3,000 – $5,000 • Remove wooden shakes: $500 – $1,000 • Replace/repair second-story windows: $ 3,000 – $5,000 • Add cloth awning: $4,000 – $6,000


Sketch showing an opportunity for a gathering space in front of the laundromat


204 NORTH MERIDIAN STREET Rising from a brick foundation to brick walls, this one-story building has two entry doors, one a modern steel security door and the other a bit older door with divided lights. There are two windows, one is a replacement that fits its original opening with stone sill and lintel. The other window is smaller than its original opening, which has an arched lintel. This building was constructed in three phases. The first part was built as an addition to the grocery store in front of it by 1902. This appears to have

been extended to include the section with the original arched window (which appears to have been a door originally) and then extended again to include the section with the double-hung window and door. Suggested Improvements: Replace both doors with appropriate shop-style doors with windows over wood panels. Replace the short window with one that better fits the opening. The arched section at the top of the opening can be infilled with a decorative wooden applique.


Maintenance: This building has clearly had water infiltration issues. There are chunks of plaster missing on the interior ceiling and luminescence on the exterior bricks on the east side. The gutters appear to be newer and in good condition currently, so these issues may have been addressed, but if not, the roof may need membrane repair/replacement and/or gutters may need to be rehung/replaced to achieve the proper slope. Cost Estimates: • Repoint brick as needed: $2,000 – $5,000 • Add shop doors (2): $600 – $1,000 • Replace one window: $800 – $1,000


206 NORTH MERIDIAN STREET Rising from a poured concrete foundation the building has new brick walls at its two openings and original window openings that are infilled with vertical wood siding across the faรงade. There are two cast-iron pilasters, which would have originally framed storefront windows on the faรงade. A decorated cast-iron beam spans the faรงade above these infilled areas. A pressed tin cornice with corner brackets fronts the parapet. Constructed circa 1890, the building was originally a poultry and eggs shop as shown in both the 1902 and 1910 Sanborn maps.

Suggested improvements: This building is highly altered. Restoring it to original condition seems unlikely so the following is suggested to improve the aesthetics and blend the old elements with


the new elements in a better whole. Paint the metal elements of the façade: cornice line at roof, around the doors and former windows in brick red. Paint the building tan, including the new brick at the entrances, to help the new blend better with the old. Storefront windows with transoms could be reinstalled into this building in a second phase to transform it even more and in a positive direction. The south wall would be a good location for a mural. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: •

Paint façade and south side: $2,000 – $5,000


100 EAST WASHINGTON STREET The Carnegie Library is a NeoClassical building with Craftsman elements rising from a red-brick foundation to walls clad in tan brick. A limestone course belts the building at the top of the raised basement. Limestone is also used in the window sills of the Chicago-style windows with multi-light transoms. The entry door has one light with single-light sidelights and is topped with a double transom with multiple lights in each transom. Pilasters frame the recessed entry and a limestone tablet embossed “Public Library” is above the entry. The roof is hipped with a hipped-roof canopy over the projecting entry. A side-

entry addition is on the east side. All windows appear to be original and are an important and attractive architectural element in this building. A cornerstone noted the date of construction: 1913. In 1911, the Philomath Club organized Roachdale’s first public library in an existing building, collecting donated books and periodicals. This first library opened August 13, 1912. Buoyed by their success, the Town of Roachdale initiated a funding request with the Carnegie Corporation


for a new building. Roachdale resident, J.W. Hennon, designed the Carnegie Library building. Construction began in July 1913; the library opened January 8, 1914.13 Suggested Improvements: This building is a gem in Roachdale and needs little in the way of aesthetic improvements. Suggested change is to paint the windows, doors and trim in sage green, one of the palette colors that is appropriate for the style and age of the building. Cost Estimates: •

Paint windows, doors, trim: $1,000 – $2,000

13 Greencastle Herald, May 9, 1913; Indianapolis Star, January 29, 1949. Rose Wernicke, Roachdale

Historic District, National Register of Historic Places nomination form.


109 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 109 E. Washington St., constructed c. 1900, rises from a poured concrete foundation to brick walls with infill vertical wood siding in the façade bays. The windows are replacement vinyl sliding sashes with fake divided lights. What appears to be an original wooden-frame single-light door is hidden behind a metal storm door. The parapet has a decorative pattern of recessed squares. An

addition of what is basically a house has been appended to the rear of this commercial building. The storefront spaces appear to be used as apartments. The 1902 Sanborn map shows this building housed a Grain and Feed business on the corner in a brick building and a Blacksmith shop in the next entry in a brick veneered building; the 1910 Sanborn map shows the corner building as a meat/butcher’s shop, next door is vacant. Suggested Improvements: Given the addition at the rear that is currently housing, the storefronts of this building should be reopened as commercial spaces with apartment rentals kept to the rear. Returning shopfront windows will be a suggested end goal for this property. In the meantime, it can be made more visually appealing in a commercial historic district by painting the façade with some additional colors from the palette. Paint the squares on the parapet, the cast iron I-beam and the remaining cast iron vertical piece to the right of the double door sage green. If there is an extant cast iron segment hidden on the left side of the door, reveal it and


paint as the other side. The body of the building can remain the current color for now, as it is close to the tan color of the palette. Retain the existing decorative sign hardware and the light over it. Phase 2 for this building would be the restoration of storefront window in the original openings that are probably hidden beneath the wooden infill. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • • •

Repoint brick as needed: $2,000 – $5,000 Paint building façade and west side: $2,000 – $4,000 Restore four windows: $1,000 – $2,000 each window


107 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 107 E. Washington St., constructed, c. 1900, rises from a poured concrete foundation to brick walls with a three-bay faรงade. The center bay holds a modern French door with a modern single-light arched transom window above. The flanking bays have replacement single-light fixed sash windows with modern brick infill beneath and asphalt shingles above. The parapet carries the recessed squares design also found in the building to the west. The 1902 Sanborn map shows this building as an agricultural implements shop with baled straw and hay behind it; the 1910 Sanborn map shows it as a feed store with baled straw and hay behind.


Suggested Improvements: Historic photos show that there were divided light windows in the bays of this building, filling the recessed spaces above the sills. These should be restored. A tall two-light transom can be restored over the French doors. Although these doors are new, they could be painted to blend in better with the restored building. Once the windows are restored, it can be repainted in two of the palette colors. A cloth canopy that can be removed without damaging the building can be added to extend over the sidewalk and possibly even over one parking place in front of the building. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. 107 E Washington Street Cost Estimates: • • •

Repoint brick as needed: $1,000 – $4,000 Restore two windows and transom: $2,000 – $4,000 Repaint building façade: $1,000 – $3,000


105 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 105 E. Washington St., constructed c. 1890, rises from a poured concrete foundation to walls of painted brick. A cast iron I-beam with rosettes spans most of the faรงade above the windows. It appears that cast-iron vertical posts have been removed at the end of this beam and near the door. Windows have been replaced and do not fit the original openings; there is vertical aluminum or wood siding above the windows and above the western entry door. Two entry doors are vintage wood-paneled base with single

lights. Two original four-light fixed sash windows are above the I-beam. The front of the parapet is laid with a recessed cruciform pattern. The 1902 Sanborn map shows it as a livery; the 1910 map shows it as a livery as well. Suggested Improvements: A change in paint scheme can make a big difference in this building. We show the building painted brick red with tan trim and brick detail. The doors are painted gray-blue, as are the rosettes. This makes the small original windows and the cast-iron beam, the most interesting architectural elements, more noticeable. Restoration of the transoms above the windows in the spaces that are currently filled with vertical siding and above the western door would restore the historic appearance and improve the aesthetics of this building relatively easily and inexpensively.


This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • •

Repaint building façade: $1,000 – $3,000 Restore transom windows: $800 – $1,200


101–103 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 101–103 E. Washington St. Rising from a brick foundation to storefront windows with wooden kickboards beneath and single-light transom windows above, the bays of this angled-corner building are defined with a dark-tan brick with rounded corners. A castiron I-beam with rosettes spans the building atop the storefront windows. Second-story windows are original one-over-one doublehung sashes with limestone sills and arched lintels formed by a triple course of brick headers. Above the second-story windows is decorative brick work that includes dog-tooth soldier courses and corbels beneath the parapet. Original double doors are at the corner entry and a single original door is on the north façade. These doors have single lights above a decorated panel. A two-light transom is above the double door. A limestone panel is placed on the angled section of the building beneath the parapet. It is engraved: E. H. Bowen 1900. Windows are bricked in on the second story of the angled section and the eastern façade. Both the 1902 and 1910 Sanborn Maps show the building with a hardware store on the corner and a buggy repository in the eastern section. Storage of hardware was on the second story. Suggested Improvements: This is the only commercial building in Roachdale that does not need improvements to the exterior to restore it or improve its aesthetics. In fact, the color scheme of the building provided two of the palette colors. It is highly likely that the Roachdale Hardware store is individually eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. The building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • •

No immediate cosmetic changes recommended Repoint brick as needed $5,000 – $10,000


104 NORTH MERIDIAN STREET This one-story concrete building opened in 1958. It rises from a poured concrete foundation to a façade clad in limestone veneer. The windows are multi-light fixed-sashes with limestone sills. The original aluminum-framed door remains in the recessed entry. Suggested Improvements: At least half a century newer than most of the other buildings in downtown Roachdale, the Roachdale Post Office remains much as it looked when it was constructed. No exterior improvements are recommended for the post office, which appears well-tended and in original condition. The modern, architectural-style concrete planter in front of the building could be planted with geraniums to tie in some of the town’s history and make better use of this element that blends nicely with the 1950s era building. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: •

No immediate changes recommended


21–23 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 21–23 E. Washington St., constructed c. 1900, was once two buildings. The two have been clad with wood siding to create one unified look. The corner building is a brick building with replacement windows and doors. 21 E. Washington St. is also currently clad in wood siding; according to the 1910 Sanborn Map, this is also a brick building. Both buildings are highly altered retaining no original fenestration. The 1902 Sanborn Map shows the two-structure block of a furniture store on the west and a Grocery and Boots and Shoes on the corner of Washington and Meridian streets. The 1910 Sanborn Map shows a printing shop on the west side and a grocery store on the corner.

Suggested Improvements: Because these combined buildings are so altered, it seems unlikely that they will ever be restored to a historic appearance. Therefore, suggested improvements do


not include restoration of windows on this building. Removal of the wood siding, at least from the north-facing façade, the installation of overhead-doors or folding doors rather than windows will open this façade onto the street, enlivening downtown, as well as improving the aesthetics of the building. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • • • •

Repoint brick as needed: $4,000 – $15,000 Remove wood siding on façade: $500 – $800 Cut new openings, add overhead or folding exterior doors: $5,000 – $8,000 Paint all or part of two façades: $3,000 – $4,000


Sketches help visualize what simple changes can do to create new energy and opportunities. This sketch shows how much potential the old Grocery Store building has to become a microbrewery and tap room.


17 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 17 E. Washington St., constructed c. 1890, rises from a poured concrete foundation and stoop to brick walls. The original wooden kickboard has been replaced below the window with a brick planting box. The original storefront windows were replaced (a long time ago) with single-light fixed-sash windows. The replacement door sits off center in the entry. The transom area has been covered in vertical wood siding. Above this siding is a cast-iron beam with rosettes. The building rises above this beam to a parapet fronted with decorative brick courses. A decorative tin cornice remains at the parapet.

This building was once the twin of 15 E. Washington St. Changes made, probably in the 1940s or 50s reconfigured the windows and entrance. The 1902 Sanborn Map shows a grocery and queensware pottery shop here; the 1910 map shows the building as a Post Office.

Suggested Improvements: Restoring the transom windows above the door and current windows would transform this building. Painting the brick planter box would blend that newer brick in with the walls of the building and make the look more harmonious. The existing color scheme works with the palette and the building. We have shown it here with just the new faรงade paint. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner


could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000.erin Cost Estimates: • • •

Restore transom windows: $800 – $2,000 Paint façade: $800 – $2,000 Install shop door: $300 – $600


15 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 15 E. Washington St., constructed c. 1890, rises from a poured concrete foundation and stoop to brick walls. The original wooden kickboard and original storefront windows remain in this building, which has high historic integrity. Above the window transoms is a cast-iron beam with rosettes. The building rises above this beam to a parapet fronted with decorative brick courses. A decorative tin cornice remains at the parapet. The 1902 and 1910 Sanborn Maps show this building as a harness shop. Suggested Improvements: This building retains a high level of historic integrity and needs no substantial changes. A new coat of paint on the cast-iron sections and the trim, including on the tin cornice, would freshen it. The current colors are part of the palette and are appropriate. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • Paint trim and metal elements: $800 – $1,500


13 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 13 E. Washington St., constructed c. 1900, rises from a brick foundation to brick walls, which are clad on the ground floor with vertical wood siding around a 1970s storefront with metal framed doors and windows and a brick kickplate. Above the windows an expansive “roof” is clad in wooden shakes. This building and 11 E. Washington St. were originally one two-story building that held the Opera House on the second floor. A fire in June 1972 destroyed the Opera House and resulted in the renovation of the remaining ground floor spaces into two distinctly different façades. In 1902 the Sanborn Map shows that this side of the building housed a Gentlemen’s Furniture store. By 1910 it was a haberdashery (hat shop).


Suggested Improvement: With the dominant shake-covered roof extending far down onto the façade of this building, improvements primarily focus on embracing that structural element rather than trying to disguise it. Since this building was essentially rebuilt in the 1970s a 1970s style mural on the roof is the suggested improvement to make this element an asset. We chose a geranium to connect to the history of that plant’s hybridization near Roachdale. Another suggested alternative is a ‘70s era psychedelic-style print as a mural. The mural could be spraypainted onto the shakes, or the shakes could be removed and the mural could be painted directly onto the plywood understructure. We also suggest a more modern light fixture for the façade, to carry the 1970s through to that feature.

Cost Estimates: • •

Paint Mural: $1,500 – $3,000 Light fixtures and installation: $400 – $600


11 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 11 E. Washington St. rises from a brick foundation to brick walls on the ground floor. The doubled single-light storefront windows have a concrete sill and are framed in aluminum. The double entry door is aluminum-framed, too. Above the windows is a corrugated metal “slipcover”, a typical 1970s improvement to commercial buildings. This building and 11 E. Washington St. were originally one two-story building that held the Opera House on the second floor. A fire in June 1972 destroyed the Opera House and resulted in the renovation of the remaining ground floor spaces into two distinctly different façades.


In 1902 this building housed a hardware store with the Opera House above. By 1910, it was used as a movie theatre. Suggested Improvements: Since, like 13 E. Washington, this building was rebuilt in the 1970s, the improvements we suggest a modification that fully embraces the 70s era façade and pays homage to the fact that these two buildings were once joined. A black-and-white “negative” of the mural suggested for 13 E. Washington St. is suggested for this building. We think these murals will enliven downtown and draw residents in and pull regional travelers to drive through for a look. The modern architectural-style concrete planter in front should be planted with mums and perhaps some spiky greenery to enhance a 70s look. Cost Estimates: •

Paint Mural: $1,500 – $3,000


9 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 9 E. Washington St. rises from a brick foundation and concrete stoop to brick walls that are clad on the façade with wooden shakes divided by cast-iron pilasters flanking the door and on each corner of the building. The first story windows have been replaced with one small double-hung vinyl window east of the replacement door. The second story is divided from the first with a double pressed-tin beam decorated with filigree. The second story is clad in pressed tin aside from where the original windows once were. These window openings are filled with wooden shakes in the areas flanking the center opening, which has a paired double-hung modern window occupying some of

the original opening. A tin cornice fronts the parapet.

Constructed circa 1900, and easily one of the most impressive remaining buildings in Roachdale, this two-story building originally housed a lunch and confectionary shop, as shown in the 1902 Sanborn Map. By 1910, it held a notions shop. Suggested Improvements: This is one of the finest remaining buildings in Roachdale, improving this building’s appearance will have a significant impact on the district. Suggested improvements include reinstalling storefront windows similar to those still found in the Roachdale Hardware Store. Installation of a wooden or composite double-hung window that fills the original opening on the second story is recommended. Although the current façade paint


appears to be in good condition, we suggest that an inexpensive Phase I improvement could include replacing the door with a shop door that has a window over a wooden panel and then repainting the building in two of the palette colors. We’ve shown it in the gray-blue with brickred trim. Further phases could include replacing the upstairs window and then the shopfront windows. The building also needs to be repainted on the east side. If an outdoor seating area is added to the south side, this façade could be painted in the same palate colors or in different ones. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • • • • •

Repoint brick as needed: $8,000 – $15,000 Replace windows on ground floor: $2,000 – $4,000 Replace 2nd story window: $800 – $1,000 Replace door: $300 – $500 Paint façade: $1,000 – $3,000


7 EAST WASHINGTON STREET 7 E. Washington St., a one-story building constructed c. 1900 rises from a concrete pad to brick walls divided by cast-iron pilasters. The storefront section of this building, which was once two buildings, has been refurbished into a single “modern” building façade probably c. 1940s. This renovation appears to have happened in two phases with the eastern section displaying light-colored (now painted tan) walls set in running bond with one rectilinear, horizontal single-light window occupying most of the eastern bay, then a cast-iron

post, then a single-light entry door. The windows have no lintel and the sills are painted, probably concrete. West of the door is an original red-brick dividing wall that appears on the façade as a pilaster. The western section of the building has a modern single-light door in the center bay flanked by cast-iron pilasters, which are then flanked by single-light windows with painted sills and no lintels. The walls of this section were rebuilt at some point with tan brick laid in running bond but with one course of headers running across this western section above the windows and doors. A single cast-iron beam with rosettes spans the entire façade. Above this beam, the parapet is constructed of the original brick and has corbels beneath the cornice.


Two original metal filigree sign standards remain on the façade, one holds the Hader’s Bar & Grill sign. Suggested Improvements: This building was “modernized” sometime during its lifespan, perhaps in the ‘40s or ‘50s and retains features from that era. Minor suggested improvements include adding appropriate matching shop doors with single lights over paneled bases, or full lights with wooden frames. The building could be repainted in palette colors to complement, but not exactly match, the tavern. We show it in gray-blue with tan trim on the metal pieces and the window sills. Unless the blinds are necessary, removing them to make the windows more noticeable would be best. If the blinds are necessary, choosing a dark gray color to make them less noticeable would be best. This building is rated Contributing in the Roachdale Historic District National Register of Historic Places nomination. If the nomination is approved and the district is listed on the NRHP, the building owner could tap into tax credits for rehabilitation projects that cost more than $10,000. Cost Estimates: • • •

Repaint brick as needed: $1,000 – $3,000 Repaint two façades: $900 – $3,000 Replace doors: $800 – $1,000

Sketch showing an opportunity for a gathering space in front of Hader’s Bar & Grill


109–111 NORTH INDIANA STREET This modern one-story garage building, constructed c. 1990s, is clad in corrugated metal siding. There are two overhead doors and a pedestrian door on the north façade and additional pedestrian doors on the western façade. Suggested Improvements: The large blank wall on the west side of the building would be a possible location of a mural. The parking lot could display a vintage car(s) to catch the eye of drivers along Indiana Avenue. This building occupies an important parcel at the gateway to downtown, although it is not historic, it can become a more aesthetic addition to downtown. The large parking lot could also become support for downtown activities. Cost Estimates: •

Paint Mural: $1,500 – $3,000


108 NORTH INDIANA STREET The Hoosier Heartland bank was constructed circa 1990s. The brown variegated brick veneer building has a hipped roof and a canopy supported by two brick posts at the entry. The building appears in good repair and no improvements are suggested. Cost Estimates: • No immediate changes recommended




The Secretary of the Interior Standards guide preservation, renovation and rehabilitation of historic buildings. This plan does not enforce particular method[s] of maintaining the historic buildings in Roachdale. Here is an easy-to-understand guide to maintaining a historic building. Do not get rid of good, old materials and work. The most basic rule in conserving historic buildings is to maintain historic materials and historic appearance. The goal of revitalization for Roachdale’s buildings is to keep remaining historic fabric and, whenever possible, restore the appearance of altered buildings to a more appropriate look for the age of each specific building. With Roachdale’s population size (hovering around 900), retaining historic materials also makes good financial sense. Goal. Repair. If you can’t repair, replace with the same material/design. If you can’t replace with the same thing, replace with something that looks the same. Do not assume that repairing the original/historic material is more expensive than replacing with something new. It may not cost more. When you consider that the original/historic windows, doors, and walls have lasted 100 years already—and when repaired may last 100 more—they will save you the energy and the energy to produce new materials. New materials have a much quicker expiration date. Think of your building as a legacy. It has been owned by many people before you and will hopefully be owned by many after you. Objective. When considering what to do about original/historic windows/doors/walls/roof/architectural details, follow this evaluation process: Can they be repaired? If not, can they be replaced with the same thing? If not, can they be replaced with something that looks the same? If not, is there a creative “fix” that can keep the original element?


Apply this process to all architectural elements: details, walls, doors, etc. Ideally, repair; if that is impossible, replace only what is deteriorated or missing using the same material or one that looks like it. Preservation can save building owners money, although it might require more effort to find the right carpenter/mason/handyperson to save old work. It’s easy to find someone to sell you new materials. If you can hang on to what is historic, the result is so much better.

GENERAL GUIDELINES ON HISTORIC BUILDING MAINTENANCE: SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR'S STANDARDS FOR REHABILITATION These Standards (Department of Interior regulations, 36 CFR 67) pertain to historic buildings of all materials, construction types, sizes, and occupancy and encompass the exterior and the interior, related landscape features and the building's site and environment as well as attached, adjacent, or related new construction. The Standards are to be applied to specific rehabilitation projects in a reasonable manner, taking into consideration economic and technical feasibility. 1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment. 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. 3. Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or architectural elements from other buildings, shall not be undertaken. 4. Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved. 5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. 8. Significant archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected and preserved. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be undertaken.


9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.

DESIGN PALETTE Color Palette: The suggested color palette is appropriate for the eras of the buildings in downtown Roachdale: late 19th Century Italianate style, early 20th Century functional and Romanesque styles, Arts and Crafts era – 1910s through 1920s. It also reflects many of the existing colors in Roachdale’s downtown. Note: A few additional colors are included on the 1970s rehabbed buildings, see those individual pages for those very specific era colors. Using a unified palette will unite the downtown visually and provide numerous combination options.

Palette colors correspond to the following Porter Paints color codes (from left to right): PPG10-22, PPG11-23, PPG16-24, PPG13-02, PPG16-12, PPG15-11 Signage Typefaces: As with the color palette, the use of these fonts will help create unity in downtown signage. Lucida Sans is the preferred font. Lucida Sans is an early 20th century typeface appropriate to the “golden era” of Roachdale from 1900–1940s. Lucida Sans is easily found on most computers.

Lucida Sans An additional font that we have suggested pays homage to the 1970s architecture and design elements found in Roachdale, ones that have gained historic significance in their own right. Murals, signage might also include Bend typeface, a modern sans serif (no tails on the letters) typeface with a ‘70s feel.






Install new Welcome to Roachdale signs and large directional sign at the intersection of Indiana Street and SR 236, and painted at the intersection of Indiana and Washington Streets.

Apply for OCRA façade grant funds

Create process to grant funds to implement changes on individual façades

Create program to research history of Roachdale and produce photographs to hang inside businesses. Seek grant funding for this program

Owners who are not seeking matching façade grants begin rehabilitations: Tri-County bank façade changes are a recommended priority for this year.

Consider restriping Washington Street to create a two-way street through all of downtown

Pilot test creation of outdoor gathering spaces: paint and install at least one temporary outdoor gathering space with seating

Form a Merchants Association for shared advertising

Rethink Christmas decorating to make them easier to install and remove

Install gateway feature at intersection of Washington Street and Indiana Street

Begin installation of benches/furniture along Washington Street

Town begin to consider creating a local façade grant pool of funds

Consider applying for Stellar Communities grant


Owners apply for and receive façade grants through OCRA or local funds to begin implementation of plan for their building

Seek out attention in local media for beginning the plan work, ramp up social media activity


RRCA, Town and Citizens evaluate the change of traffic to two-way on Washington Street

Paint street graphics in at least one location

Continuing façade improvements

Merchants association, RRCA, Town of Roachdale, kick off at least one, new downtown event—music, street party, sidewalk sales, street dance, progressive dinner, beer fest

Start a social media campaign to capture photos of Roachdale improvements. Best Instagram/Facebook photos win a prize.

Consider acquiring property for new park

Install upgrades to define alley edges and stripe and sign existing public lot

Construct walkway from new funeral home lot to Washington Street

Install additional outdoor seating areas per successful pilot test

Install first round of upgraded Christmas decorations and begin new downtown lighting program

Seasonal change-out of gateway decorations.

Plant sunflowers along SR 236 and create Adopt A Sunflower Patch program for annual replanting/harvesting.


Continuing façade improvements

Upgrade public outdoor gathering spaces with site amenities

Paint building names on sidewalk and begin sidewalk storytelling plan preparation

RRCA, Merchants association and Town, continue to hold one large annual event

Merchants association implement bi-annual or quarterly events – One night per month evening openings, local musicians in shops, local art in shops, giveaways to bring customers back

Continue to seek out local media and participate in social media coverage

RRCA or Town seek major matching grant funding or work with owners to locate funds to begin major building improvements –repointing, brick repair, new roofs, new windows.

Initiate “car/truck advertising” program with magnetic signs on unique vehicles parked on Washington Street.

Install unique interpretive and wayfinding signs/murals/pavement markings

Expand number of pots on street and plant all with geraniums. Hold annual geranium sale and fundraiser for downtown landscape in downtown area.

Open a pocket park and install picnic tables for use by public



Continuing façade improvements

Continue to hold previously successful events downtown

Add a second annual event downtown – close Washington Street between Indiana and Meridian during event to create pedestrian only plaza and event space.

Consider partnering with nearby towns of Ladoga, North Salem, Bainbridge for a progressive shopping experience

Ongoing upgrades to signage, landscape, and amenities along Washington Street

Paint/repaint all crosswalks and include standard custom street graphics

Paint another mural on side of Town Hall

Install unique found objects and plant with geraniums and/or sunflowers and locate along streetscape

Install downtown lighting on Washington Street from Indiana to Meridian.

Install simple playground equipment in downtown pocket park

Assist with the development of outdoor patio and dining spaces to support local businesses

Revisit zoning ordinance with regard to allowing upstairs living downtown


Evaluate progress

Seek publicity in regional paper for success of plan

Resurvey merchants, citizens about needs, successes in Roachdale

Continuing façade improvements

Continue annual and small events

Continue streetscape upgrades and improvements

Plan for future improvements to pocket park and community activity space

Identify permanent locations for bump outs, gathering spaces, tree lawns, etc. and budget for future construction

Continue ongoing lighting installation throughout downtown and in parking areas

Plan for future web based on-line tourism marketing and community promotion

Reestablish priorities and set milestones and budgets to guide improvements over next 5 years.


HUMAN POWERED TOOLS Roachdale possesses a great deal of human power that can be tapped to help drive implementation of recommended improvements, as well as long term maintenance. The RRCA is active and energetic. It serves as the town’s Main Street organization, which puts the town in line for OCRA grants. In 2018, RRCA received a grant from the Putnam County Foundation, aligning it for further requests for small projects through that organization. Other local groups in Roachdale that can and do provide sources of human power (per resident input): VFW, Merchants, Delta Theta Tau Sorority, Boy Scouts, High School.

PROGRESS EVALUATION PROCESS The adoption of this plan can set in place the framework for building owners of buildings considered “contributing” to a National Register-listed historic district to apply to OCRA for façade revitalization funds. A National Register of Historic Places nomination for Roachdale is pending. Many of the suggested improvements in this plan can be phased as private owners’ funding and grant monies become available. Because many grants are renewed annually, this plan can provide a framework for many years to come. This plan should be revisited in five years to see what has been accomplished and where improvements need to be made. Progress on this plan should be evaluated annually by RRCA, the Merchants’ Association (if one forms) and Town of Roachdale representatives. The following questions should guide the evaluation of the plan’s continued use. • • • •

What has been accomplished? What are the next goals? Where will funds be located to implement the goals? Is the trajectory of the plan still in line with the goals of RRCA, the Merchants’ Association and the Town of Roachdale?

Many elements of this plan can be undertaken starting almost immediately and could be completed within a few months. Others can be phased over the period of a few years, as time and money allow.





Newspaper Articles 1415

14 “For More Concrete Walks.” 1907.

15 “Lot for New Roachdale Library is Purchased.” Greencastle Herald 3 May 1913: 1.



16 “Roachdale Awarded WPA Sum of $6,885.” The Daily Banner [Greencastle, IN] 16 Aug 1938: 1.


The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana) · 29 Jan 194 17


ach d al e b u il d er

17 Adams, Joe. “Rambling ‘Round.” The Indianapolis Star 29 Jan 1949: 13.


The Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Indiana)

· Sat, Jan 23, 1954 · Page

Downloaded on Jun 4, 20


18 “Roachdale.” The Indianapolis News 23 Jan 1954: 12. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved.


3, 2018

The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana) · 31 May

Dow 19

19 Leonard, Russ.

“Tidy and Prosperous Roachdale to Be Even Cleaner Saturday.” The Indianapolis Star 31 May 1970: 13.


APPENDIX B Meeting Minutes




Meeting Minutes Date:

April 6, 2018


Roachdale Town Hall


Roachdale Revitalization Plan Meeting


Introductions and Welcome


Business Surveys a. Surveys were distributed to business owners, filled out, and collected. b. Items discussed in open forum at this time: i. Town used to have a little bit of everything ii. Grocery store building for sale (including apartment) – took off market iii. Someone lives in barber shop III. Discussion of Plan - Connie a. Preservation options b. More draw to town, achievable goals - phases c. Funding and design options d. Future “big dream” goals – what they look like (i.e. windows) e. Marketing f. Activities to draw people in g. Incorporate history i. Kara’s 70’s storefront ii. All different eras h. Landscape/streetscape - Dawn i. Sidewalks, lighting, roads, signage ii. Realistic and visionary iii. Workable iv. Shows unique identity v. Simple easy steps to get there vi. Building a sense of place IV. Q &A a. Assets: i. Hometown feel ii. Family friendly iii. Small business = optimal service (i.e. after hour, special care) iv. 30 homes with pending sales – new, young families coming to town (generational change) 1. Interested in older architecture 2. Tired of hustle and bustle of city life 3. Small town feel

1104 Prospect St. Indianapolis, IN 46203


p 317.634.4110 f 866.422.2046


Meeting Sign-In Sheet

Roachdale Revitalization Meeting Sign In Sheet 4.05.2018 ( ~ ,-,., •( I,0 J oA'J17V. _, '3~£. IA.Jq s,._l.,,,J V . 7/£---S~-J ~ 7 V -YY)fl r>~ 'o /




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APPENDIX D Survey Results

Downtown Roachdale Resident Survey Green3 is preparing a downtown revitalization plan. By taking a few minutes to complete this survey, you can help us identify downtown Roachdale business trends and needs. All surveys will be treated confidentially by Green 3. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Connie Zeigler at 317.634.4100 or 46 Respondents 1.Do you live in Roachdale? Y/N If yes, how far do you live from downtown Roachdale: 18

up to 10 blocks


more than 1 mile < 10 miles


10 miles or more

If no, how often do you visit Roachdale annually? Circle answer N/A

One time or less


More than 5 times


More than 10 times


More than 24 times

2. Why are you here today?

Work Live and Work in Roachdale


Live Here I love the house Visiting Family Church Grew up in community Friend Bank Hardware Business Casey and Friends Pizzas Daily Visit 3. Do you shop or patronize businesses in downtown Roachdale? Yes/No a. If yes, which businesses? 29 – Roachdale Hardware; 27 -- Kara’s Corner; 8 – Pizza King; 6 – Style by Liz; 13 – Casey’s; 5 – Automotive; 3 – Liquor Store; 16 – Banks; 4 -- Muse HVAC; 7 – Haders; 3—Post Office; 9 – Library; 5—Jay and Katies; 2 – Realtor; 2—Town Office b. If yes, how often monthly? 7

One time or less


More than 5 times


More than 10 times


More than 24 times

4. Is existing on and off-street parking adequate? 8




5. How many people are in your household?














6. On a scale of 1–5 (1 = worst, 5 = best), how do you rate downtown Roachdale for the following? Answers are most common choice

1–2 Quality of eating places

3 General appearance of downtown

3–4 Cleanliness of streets

2–3 Condition of buildings

4–5 Friendliness of merchants

5 Customer service

2–3 Variety of goods sold

4–5 Safety

3–4 Quality of goods sold

3–4 Shopping hours

3–4 Cost of goods sold

3–4 Public services

2–3 Special sales and events

3–4 Streetscape, landscaping, etc.

7. Which of the non-downtown or outside Roachdale commercial areas do you consider the primary competition for downtown businesses? Crawfordsville, Greencastle, Casey’s, Ladoga, Bainbridge, Walmart, North Salem, Danville, Avon 8. Do you think different types of businesses and services are needed in downtown Roachdale? 40





Don’t know

9. From the following list, please select five new businesses which you feel would do well if opened in the Downtown. Please rate on a priority basis, “1” indicating would do best, “2” indicating the second, and so forth. 5 Clothing, general ___Specialty clothing


8 Furniture ___Hardware ___Shoes ___Co-Working space for Entrepreneurs 3 Fast Food 5 Drugs/prescriptions 1 Grocery 4 Appliances ___Electronics (including computers and software) 7 Music and video (buy or rent) 2 Family restaurants ___Nightclubs/bars ___Legal services ___Financial services 6 Medical services ___Other professional services ___Automotive ___Movie Theater ___Pet specialty store ___Deli-specialty foods 8 Bakery ___Other______________________ 10. How did you find out about Roachdale businesses?

Yellow pages Local newspaper

Mass market newspaper

Direct mail

Radio Television Outdoor (billboards) Internet Social Media: Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Other, please list_____________

11. What two things are the biggest impediments/obstacles to patronizing downtown Roachdale?


__Lack of variety Lack of restaurants 12. What are the two most important reasons that you patronize downtown Roachdale? __Convenience __Friendliness 13. What is your opinion on the level of safety downtown? I think it is effective___35__ I think we need extra security presence downtown __3 Other comments about security There are a lot of drugs in Roachdale (1 comment) 14. Additional comments regarding any downtown issues: Appearance of some buildings is poor Apartments are eyesore Need Grocery Need reliable cell and internet service Good place Like flowers and trees Need to clean up, plant trees, bury electric lines. Make building owners responsible for safe, clean spaces Need necessities Medical clinic would be nice Downtown face-lift Need greater variety 15. Any comments/concerns about a Revitalization Plan?


Suggest small business incubator There is no buy in from merchants It needs to be done! Needs to be done but business owners don’t have and don’t want to spend the money I love work that’s already been done It will be difficult to sway merchants Updating facades of buildings would be great Looking forward to community building Roachdale needs more money in form of grants We need one to take us to future Would love to see Roachdale visited by outsiders and more useful to townspeople Need to attract light industry. Things for young adults Please continue! We need jobs—perhaps agriculture, related manufacturing or products On right track and needs to start going quickly Downtown face-lift, greater variety of merchandise and services and medical clinic



Public Infrastructure Amenities






METRO40 COLLECTION Product Data Sheet When Landscape Forms set out to develop the first comprehensive and integrated collection of site elements for the streetscape and transit core, it partnered with a world-leading expert. BMW Group Designworks brought to the challenge a deep understanding of the role of public transit in the life of the city, and unsurpassed mastery in form making and innovative use of materials. The Metro40 Collection, from benches and bollards to bus shelters and LED lighting, is a pioneering line of urban streetscape and transit elements with sophistication and global appeal for a world on the move. Used with Connect shelter or alone where space is at a premium, sitting and leaning rails provide a ‘waiting room’ amenity with minimal footprint.

Rest™ Bench • Rest

length is 80", longer than typical three-person benches.

• Rest

seat height is 18" and seat depth is 16".

• Optional • End

arms (available only on backed version)






backed w/ arm

26 1/2 "


33 1/4 "

Jarrah: 289 lb Alum: 317 lb

backed w/o armless

26 1/2 "


33 1/4 "

Jarrah: 274 lb Alum: 302 lb


20 3/4 "



Jarrah: 208 lb Alum: 223 lb

frames are joined using concealed mortise and tenon connections.

• Available

with one or two optional intermediate cast aluminum seat dividers/skateboard deterrents.

• Equipped

with “anti-glides:” cushioned plastic pads on the underside of the frame that keep the bench from moving under seated loads and protect the powdercoat finish from becoming scratched by concrete or floor.

Materials • End

frame is cast aluminum.

• Seat

and back slats are aluminum extrusions or wood.

• Cast

aluminum frame and aluminum extrusion slats are powder-coated.

Note: The backless version is always armless. Seat dividers cannot be used at ends as a substitute for arms.

• Aluminum

version can be two-toned: one color on the continuous ribbon end frame and another color on the slats.

• The

wood for exterior applications is jarrah.

• The

wood option for interior application is jarrah with LF 80 finish.

Rest Surface Mount Locking System

Installation • Shipped

fully assembled.

• Freestanding, • Surface

surface mount or embedded.

mount and embedded versions are shipped with a mounting kit.

Landscape Forms, Inc. | 800.521.2546 | F 269.381.3455 | 7800 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048

METRO40 Product Data Sheet

Connect Rail •

Connect Rail is available as a sitting rail or a leaning rail.

Rail ships fully assembled.

Rail must be surface mounted.

Aluminum option is a cast aluminum frame with an aluminum extrusion insert.

Wood option is a cast aluminum frame with a wood insert.

Finishes •

Metal is finished with Landscape Forms’ proprietary Pangard II® polyester powdercoat, a hard yet flexible finish that resists rusting, chipping, peeling and fading.

Call for standard color chart.

Unfinished jarrah for exterior use.






Sitting Rail




Aluminum 46 lb

Sitting Rail




Wood 43 lb

Leaning Rail




Aluminum 51 lb

Leaning Rail




Wood 54 lb

Landscape Forms, Inc. | 800.521.2546 | F 269.381.3455 | 7800 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048

METRO40 Product Data Sheet

Collect™ Litter •




All Collect receptacles have a cast aluminum frame and rotationally-molded polyethylene bin.

Top-opening •

30-gallon capacity.

Freestanding or surface mount.

Freestanding version has a cast iron base.

Bin pivots open for emptying; bag is pulled out at a 35° angle.

Bag is attached by clips to inside of molded bin.

No diverter rim.

Molded bin color comes standard in matte black; optional polyethylenecolors available.

Side latch with optional keyed lock.

140 lb

145 lb

Side-opening •

23-gallon capacity.

Open on two sides for easy trash toss.

Freestanding or surface mount.

Freestanding version has a cast iron base.

Bin pivots open for emptying; bag is pulled out at a 35° angle.

Bag is attached by clips to inside of molded bin.

Spun-steel diverter around top opening directs trash; diverter is connected to the ribbon frame and diverter is powdercoated matte black color to coordinate with the standard black bin. If an optional bin color is selected than the diverter is powdercoated to match the frame.

Optional ash pan.

Collect Recycling Receptacles •

30-gallon capacity.

Freestanding or surface mount.

Freestanding version has a cast iron base.

Bin pivots open for emptying; bags are pulled out at a 35° angle.

Bags attached by clips to inside of molded bin.

Side latch with optional keyed lock.

Visit for signage options.


30-Gallon Recycle Receptacle with Hole

30-Gallon Recycle Receptacle with Slot

Landscape Forms, Inc. | 800.521.2546 | F 269.381.3455 | 7800 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048

METRO40 Product Data Sheet

Latch/Lock Location and Operation •

Latch is located on the side of the receptacle, within the ribbon.

When lockless, the latch is simply pushed to release the bin; bin is pushed back into place to automatically catch.

When locked, a key is used to free the latch before operation.

The lock is self-contained and can be retrofitted.

Ash Pan •

The Collect ash pan is available on the Collect Side-opening Litter.

The ash pan consists of: a steel pan that sets in the top of the ribbon frame to hold cigarette butts.

Pan is painted the same color as the receptacle frame.

A magnet secures the ash pan while a finger-sized hole in the frame enables the pan to be pushed up for easy removal and emptying.

Sand may or may not be used in the pan; sand is used, cigarette butts can be sifted off and emptied.

If no sand is used, the entire pan can be removed and dumped.



Landscape Forms, Inc. | 800.521.2546 | F 269.381.3455 | 7800 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048

sustainability data sheet

Collect™ Litter Receptacle May 2012

With our roots in the landscape and a stated purpose to “Enrich Outdoor Spaces,” Landscape Forms has a special relationship to the natural environment. We have always been mindful that as we design and manufacture products that are acted upon by the environment, we act upon it in turn. Environmental sustainability is completely consistent with our purpose, our goals, our values and our principles. We make stewardship of the environment a vital part of our business. To learn more about our sustainability initiatives, refer to our Environmental Statement. collect litter receptacle is manufactured using the following materials: Material iron steel aluminum rotationally molded linear low density polyethylene

Parts freestanding base diverter/ash pan frame, surface mount base bin

Recyclable 100% 100% 100% 100%

Finishing All metal is finished with Pangard II ® polyester powdercoat, which is lead-free, hazardous air pollutants-(HAPS) free, does not generate hazardous waste, and contains less than 1% VOCs. Once processed, these trace VOCs are fully inert therefore the finish does not release airborne contaminants. Packaging Materials biodegradeable plastic recycled skid cardboard with 35% recycled content

Parts product bagged to protect finish

Recyclable 100% 100% 100%

To find local recyclers visit: for steel:; for cardboard:

leed® This product may help achieve the following points under the LEED 2009 Rating System. For specifics regarding rules for the inclusion of furniture (CSI Division 12), please consult the rating system and reference guide that applies to your project. IEQ Prerequisite 2: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control Intent To prevent or minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces and ventilation air distribution systems to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Benches, tables, chairs and ash urns help create a designated smoking area 25 feet or more from entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows to support the intent of this prerequisite.


Materials and Resources MR Prereq 1, Storage and Collection of Recyclables Intent To facilitate the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled to and disposed of in landfills. This product provides bins and clear signage to support the collection of litter and recyclables. Signage may be customized to fit local recycling streams.

MR Credit 4, Recycled Content Intent To increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled content materials, thereby reducing impacts resulting from extraction and processing of virgin materials. Recycled Content Style Total top opening 30 side opening 34 mini bin 37

Post Consumer 15 18 19

Pre Consumer 15 16 18

MR Credit 5, Regional Materials Intent To increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous resources and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation. This product is categorized as Furniture and Furnishings, Division 12. MR Credit 5 is to include only products in Division 2 – 10 of the (CSI) MasterFormat. At the option of the project, Division 12 may be included, but then must also be included consistently in MR Credits 3 through 7. This product is manufactured in our Kalamazoo, MI facility, zip code 49048. Many of our suppliers are located within a 500 mile radius of this facility, but they may source raw materials from multiple sources. If the project is within 500 miles of Kalamazoo and you wish to consider this product for MR Credit 5, please contact Landscape Forms prior to order placement to explore the possibility of specifying regionally sourced raw materials.

care and maintenance Collect litter receptacle is designed and engineered to live a long, useful life in outdoor spaces without the use of chemical cleaners to maintain the finish. The durability, longevity and low maintenance of our products contribute to responsible stewardship of the earth’s resources. All metal is finished with Landscape Forms’ proprietary Pangard II® polyester powdercoat, a hard yet flexible finish that resists rusting, chipping, peeling and fading and requires no cleaning solvents once installed. Clean surface as needed using a soft cloth or brush with a mild detergent. Avoid steam cleaning, abrasive cleansers, carbon steel brushes/wools and cleaners containing chlorine. Outdoor use will require periodic finish inspection and maintenance. Inspect periodically for scratches, nicks and gouges. Touch-up paint is included with every order and can be used to repair minor nicks and scratches. Polyethylene: Wash surface with all-purpose soap and water. Rinse well. For more stubborn stains apply Scrubbing Bubbles® according to manufacturer’s directions. Wipe dry with clean cloth.


Collect Litter Receptacle Sustainability Data Sheet

METRO40 Product Data Sheet

Ride™ Bike Rack •

Capacity: 2 bikes

Surface mount or embedded to concrete surface.

Requires only two bolts to mount, with extra surface mount anchor hole provided.

4 stainless steel leveling glides within the base are provided for fine adjustment from top side of base.

Cover plate over bike rack base provides seamless appearance.

Must be spaced 30" apart and 24" from a wall to meet APBP guidelines.






bike rack




50 lb

Hi-Glo™ Pedestrian Light and Lo-Glo™ Path Light •

Please refer to product data sheets for technical information and specifications.

Connect™ Shelter •

Please refer to the Metro40 Workbook.

To Specify Visit Designed by BMW Group Designworks Rest Bench is protected by U.S. Patent No. D600,460; D601,361; D601,820 Connect Rail is protected by U.S. Patent No. D644,446; D602,271 Collect is protected by U.S. Patent No. D607,171; D610,322, D608,968 Stop is protected by U.S. Patent No. D608,913 Ride is protected by U.S. Patent No. D613,646

Visit for more information. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Landscape Forms supports the Landscape Architecture Foundation at the Second Century level. ©2017 Landscape Forms, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Landscape Forms, Inc. | 800.521.2546 | F 269.381.3455 | 7800 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048

METRO40 Product Data Sheet

Stop™ Bollard •

Sleeve is cast aluminum with an integral ring at the base.

Aesthetically all mounting options look the same.

Post is 4" structural steel pipe.

Post is 28" high; the total height of the bollard from ground to top of aluminum casting is 34".

Base plate on surface-mounted bollard is stainless steel.

All exterior parts are powdercoated.

Sleeve can be powdercoated in a selection of colors.

Post is standard matte black.










236 lb

Mounting Options •

Stop may be embedded, surface mount or removable.

Embedded •

This is the strongest and most common method for installation.

The steel post is set into an 18" concrete footing.

The steel post is slipped over the top of the post and locked into the base of the post with tamper-resistant set screws.

A stainless steel ring helps align and aid installation.

Embedded, Surface Mount or Removable Bollard

Embedded or Surface Mount Bollard with LED Light

Surface Mount •

The steel post on all surface mount versions aesthetically matches the embedded version but allows for more installations on existing sites.

A stainless steel base plate welded to the steel pipe is anchored to th concrete in three locations.

The stainless steel base plate helps align and aid installation.

3 stainless steel leveling glides allow installation to be perfectly “dialed-in” from the top side of base.

The cast aluminum sleeve with integral base ring is slipped over the top and locked into the base of the post with tamper-resistant set screws.

Removable •

The removable version aesthetically matches embedded and surface mount versions.

A galvanized socket is embedded in concrete.

The steel post is inserted into the socket, and secured with locking mechanism.

The cast aluminum sleeve with integral base ring is slipped over the top of the post and locked into the base of the post with tamper-resistant set screws.

Landscape Forms, Inc. | 800.521.2546 | F 269.381.3455 | 7800 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048

METRO40 Product Data Sheet

To Remove Bollard •

Using key, turn locking mechanism to release post.

Remove sleeve and post together by lifting up and out.

Post and sleeve can be removed separately if preferred. NOTE: Unlike some other removable bollards, Stop enables the post and sleeve to be removed as a single unit by one person. (Post and sleeve together weight approximately 60 lbs.) Care should be taken to set the sleeve in a place where it will be protected from damage while not in use.

Bollard Lock Linkage System

Bollard LED Lighting

LED Optic

LED Light

AC Driver

LED lighting •

An optional wired LED light is available on both embedded and surface-mounted versions.

The light must be connected to the grid.

Features and Installation •

The bollard light is designed for wayfinding applications, the process for guiding, directing and signaling people through space.

The light is mounted in the top of the bollard post.

Light shines upward from the fixture, illuminating the inside surface of the sleeve and filling the space between the top of the post and the underside of the ribbon.

The soft ambient glow from the LED light does not project light onto the ground or pathway.

The light cap employs the same Acrylite® lens technology as Hi-Glo and Lo-Glo lights.

To install, bring conduit up through the concrete into the bollard post.

60,000 hour LED rated life.

Power consumption is approximately 3 watts.

Lumen output is approximately 50 lumens.

Warm-white LED color temperature of 3500K.

Landscape Forms, Inc. | 800.521.2546 | F 269.381.3455 | 7800 E. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49048

STREET LIGHTING We suggest the implementation of catenary lighting (cable lighting strung across the street), provided Duke Energy is willing to assist with installation. If catenary lighting is not supported by Duke, mixing modern pole fixtures with historic pole lighting is another option for downtown street lighting. We suggest metal poles rather than concrete or fiberglass. Poles with electrical receptacles in the base can be of use during events. If available, banner arms and planter hooks are also recommended. A single globe on each light fixture is all that is needed. We recommend an LED lamp with a dark-skies compliant cutoff lens in a glass globe. It is not necessary to have a singular paint color for all fixtures, but if uniformity is desired, black is preferable. Incorporating salvaged light fixtures may allow for variety of street lighting at a reduced cost. If Duke Energy has old lights that have been salvaged from other locations, that could be a source for salvage. Otherwise, there are many salvage sites that could serve as potential lighting sources. uct_cat.lvl0%5D%5B0%5D=Lighting%20%3E%20Industrial%20%26%20Commercial&is_v=1 Duke Energy does offer a limited selection of lighting for sale. From this selection, we recommend Enterprise with Pole type A for a contemporary fixture. If a more traditional fixture is desired, we suggest MiniBell with Pole type E. We do not recommend any of the Acorn or Traditional fixtures listed. Additionally, overly large pole bases should be avoided. Generally speaking, any light fixture that appears “residential” should be avoided as well. Other sources for lighting may include Union Metal, and Hess. Union Metal is a traditional vendor used by many folks. Their Nostalgic Series may be of particular interest. Hess has great fixtures, including both catenary and pole lights. With Duke’s support, we suggest catenary lighting over pole fixtures.


While catenary lighting is recommended, Hess provides terrific pole fixtures. One suggested option is the Avalon Pendant. Pricing and specifications are provided online for all of the lighting manufacturers listed, except for Duke. In order to get pricing for Duke fixtures, a phone call is required. Street lights may also be leased from Duke Energy. One final suggestion for street lighting is to always get a sample and test its appearance out on the street before ordering. Vendors are happy to provide samples, and you should be certain you have what you want before you write the check.


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