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GREC NEWS Equality when you really need it Registered Scottish Charity: SC 001823 Produced by:

INSIDE: Up Helly Aa - Photos Employment Disputes

New GRECruits Holocaust Memorial Day World Graphics Day

Japan-UK 150 Years

Casework Service

Your chance to unite & ignite with Fair Traders around the world from Desmond Tutu to Annie Lennox; Sir Paul McCartney to The Zawose; Dudu Sarr to Sigur Ros and STOMP!!

Counselling & Lots more! A G L O B A L D AY O F FA I R T R A D E C H AT H A M I S L A N D S T O S A M O A

MAY 9th



ISSUE 36, 2009

ISSUE 36, 2009 W E L C O M E

Issue No.36 is here! - so much has happened since No.35. First of all I am delighted to announce the arrival of lovely Holly my daughter, who was born on March 18th, both fine. I am delighted to be a Dad and can't wait to get home after work to be with my wife Dawn & Holly. It is true what they say 'life is never the same' - its better! Still plenty of work to keep me occupied here at GREC Graphics, I have been designing Websites, Logos, Flyers, etc. NHS Grampian wanted a range of Booklets designed - one of which was on Maternity, so I have some knowledge of that now:) Everyone at GREC has been busy as ever and you will find reports & articles from GREC's Staff and Volunteers throughout this issue. The cover story will be upon us by time of going to print, but its never too late to get involved with a good cause and the theme of World Fair Trade Day is ‘BIG BANG!!’ - brought to life in a global day of drumming and other events to beat poverty, beat climate change & beat economic crisis (all of which have some degree of impact on our lives). Kicking off on the date line and circling the earth in a rolling programme of events, through all cultures and traditions, from first to last light, closing in Samoa. Have a look on page 11 for more information. Do feel free to pass on your comments & any future event details, articles, etc for the next issue to me (Richard) at:


02: New GRECruit / Homecoming Research 03: Advertisers Wanted / Word Festival 04: Japan-UK 150 Years 05: Counselling Service

06: Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Equality Forum / Grampian Equality Network

24: Swine Flu / Moray Summer Challenge / New GRECruit 25: Case Conferencing & GREC Casework 26: Aberdeen Mosque & Islamic Centre / The Last Word

07: Fishermen of Mogador / SHMU FM / Culture & History 08: Aberdeen Inter Faith / ACVO: Give Blood 09: GREC Membership / Social Cohesion in Moray 11: World Fair Trade Day 12: Volunteer Awards 14: Myths / GREC Library 15: The Regeneration Aim 17: Holocaust Memorial Day 2009 18: Amanda's Letter from America / Larder Bytes 19: World Graphics Day / Masters in Miniature 20: Up Helly Aa 21: Mediation Service

Email: 23: Local Solicitors / Deaf Thank you.

Awareness Week

If you require this newsletter in an alternative format or language - please advise us. Please note: all views expressed throughout this document are the views of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of GREC. If you would like more copies or know someone who would like to be added to the mailing list for GREC News, please send details stating how many copies you would like, your name, organisation, address, telephone number and email to:

GREC, 168 Market Street, Aberdeen AB11 5PP t: 01224 595505 e: 1

WELCOME TO OUR NEW GRECRUIT: Lixia Sun Hello! I am Lixia Sun and I am the Information and Advice Worker at GREC. I joined the GREC team in November 2008. My main role is to supply and distribute information for clients in support of their needs or objectives. I am assisting people in relation to welfare rights and benefits; council tax and utility bill enquiries; health and social care; education and employment related issues. My other roles involve managing & maintaining internally produced informationsas wellsasssourcingsandsproviding materials from outside organisations. Also, IXam involved in providingXuser educationXvia leaflets; answering enquiries from various client groups; identifying, selecting, ordering, managing and disseminating both hard copy and electronic resources for the organisation's current and anticipated information needs.


01224 576796 to order Welcome Posters now.

Lixia. Email:



"W h s o e a! at m ... a g e f I'l r o r l b e at w uy or k ."



To celebrate the Year of Homecoming, GREC is carrying out some research into the family historiessssof minority ethnic people who have Scottish ancestors. The idea is to publish a booklet showing the Scottish ancestry of minority ethnic people who have returned to Scotland. Anyone from an ethnic minority background who knows they are descended from a Scottish ancestor please contact: Jeannie Felsinger, 168 Market Street, Aberdeen AB11 5PP. Telephone: 01224 576792 Email:

Looking for a 'Welcome' Poster for you or your company? Contact Richard Foster at:


GREC Volunteer Isobella - enjoying Issue 35 of GREC News


Alan Spence, Artistic Director.



Advertisers:Wa n te d We have always had a strong belief in presenting what we do to the best of our abilities, this was realised to its full potential when GREC Graphics was established. In the early days however, Jackie Walker & Barney Crockett could be found writing Word documents and photo-copying black & white sheets of A4, folding to A5 to form the very first issues of GREC's newsletter. This was trailblazing in itsstime, with very few organisations in this field promoting themselves that way. Now with modern technology & new techniques (plus our very own in-house Graphic Designer) we have GREC News which has progressed from the photocopy to the full-colour 28 page 'magazine' style (recycled paper) document you are reading today. As you will probablydbe aware GREC is a registered Charity 3

(SCd001823) and to produce documents such as this takes a lot of time to do and expense to print. We are very fortunate in this issue to have advertisements from local organisations such as Grampian Police who are aware that GREC News is distributed all over Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire & Moray with every MSP, many local businesses & organisations, every University, College and School receiving copies and they know their message will be seen. If you or your company would like to place an advert in the next issue - please contact Richard who can design something for you or will be happy to include one of your own designs. You are also very welcome to contribute an article, event information or a news story, etc for consideration at any time, thank you. Email:

Word is genuinely delighted to bring you an exhilarating mix of over 60 authors and 130 inspirational events for all ages and tastes covering poetry and prose, theatre, music, lectures, film-screenings, workshops and exhibitions. In this Homecoming Scotland year, the Scottish dimension is as strong as ever with events in all of our languages – English, Scots and Gaelic! Word 09 is truly international in scope, with world voices from America, Ireland, Spain, Bulgaria, Iran, Japan, and Guyana. As always, Word is centred around the magnificent 500-year-old King’s College campus. It’s a magical setting with a rich history. Word also has a wonderful new 150-seat marquee venue – the Talisman Theatre on King’s Lawn, named after this year’s title sponsor. But the spread of events is city-wide, and we’re particularly happy to return to the re-opened Lemon Tree once more. The Marathon Oil Schools’ and Children’s Festivals are also bigger than ever– expect much excited noise around campus! Thanks to the vital support of many public and private partners and sponsors, we are proud that many events are free, and our low ticket prices still make a day – or even a whole weekend – at Word remarkably affordable. So, be there!

From: 15th - 17th May

This year we celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and the United Kingdom. On 26 August 1858 fully-fledged diplomatic relations between Japan and the United Kingdom were established as a result of the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Amity and Commerce in Edo (the present Tokyo - as shown here). The contents of the Treaty, which was part of an agreement encompassing five countries, reflected the course of negotiations between Japan and the United States and were not specific to relations between Japan and the United Kingdom. Moreover, they had a number of features that were unfair to Japan. For instance, they did not allow Japan to stipulate the level of taxes levied on goods imported from the counterpart country, and citizens of that country were exempt from the Japanese judicial system. Accounts of the Treaty in Japan have tended to emphasise the efforts Japan made to have these points rectified. On the other hand, one could say that the Treaty functions as a record of the start of a bilateral relationship that has endured to the present day and that its establishment was one of the most important events to have occurred in the history of interaction between our two countries.

Generally speaking, the 150-year history of Japan-UK ties has seen approximately 100 good years and 50 difficult ones. It is fact that in



the early days Japan learned a great deal from the UK in such fields as railways, construction, science and technology. However, in the diary of Laurence Oliphant, the private secretary to Lord Elgin, the British signatory to the Treaty whom he accompanied to Japan, there are a number of complimentary references to the Japanese people of the time. It is often said that the Japanese and British peoples, as inhabitants of island nations not far removed from their neighbouring continents, had many characteristics in common. In fact, many of the Japanese people currently living in the UK feel remarkably at home here, so even that comment made 150 years ago still resonates today.

September until the end of 2009. They will involve looking back at the past, discussing issues confronting us now and looking to the future of our ties. There will be lectures addressing the events of the last 150 years, cultural events both examining Japan’s traditions and speculating on its future, symposia dealing with environmental and economic issues as they affect the entire globe, events focusing on youth exchange and those promoting ties of friendship between cities of the two countries. Embracing every field, generation and region for more than a year these events will take place all over the UK, bringing Japanese and British people together in creative endeavour. Won’t you be a part of Japan-UK 150? Please visit: for more information, thank you. Š Photographs by: Richard Foster

Now, in the 21st century, the advanced nations all face common challenges. There are social and economic issues directly impacting on the lives of the people as well as security threats. As for the remedy, the different countries have their own approaches in accordance with their history, size and national character, but we venture to suggest that Japan and the UK are partners which not only face similar problems but share a common vision in coming up with solutions. Following the commemoration of the signing of the Treaty on 26 August 2008, there will be a number of events celebrating our 150 years of ties running from the beginning of 4


D.L.A Disability Living Allowance Do you qualify? Phone: 0800 88 22 0

for a DLA form.

Do you need help to fill in the form? If 'YES!'... Phone: 0 1 2 2 4 6 4 1 3 5 5 Charity No. SC 022271

COUNSELLING The GREC Counselling Service is part of the holistic service that GREC can offer to people experiencing racial harassment and/or discrimination. We have recently extended the service to include clients who have been discriminated against/harassed on grounds of faith, belief and religion. We offer counselling free of charge across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray and we also offer a telephone service. The service started because of our awareness of the mental health needs of minority ethnic people who are/ were subjected to harassment and/ or discrimination. This need was identified through casework at GREC and the counselling project has gradually been extended to cover all age groups. The service can provide a counsellor who has particular skills and experience in working with children & young people. Please see the page oppposite.

AberdeendanddAberdeenshiredEquality Forum d / d GrampiandEqualitydNetwork In 2008, using SAREC Scottish Government funding, GREC began work on helping to set up an Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Equality Forum (AAEF). On January 28th an important planning meeting for the newly formed group took place at Woodhill House. The meeting, which took the form of a workshop, was facilitated by Morag Redwood from the Highlands and Islands Equality Forum (HIEF). The outcome of this workshop was that a user-led (Grampian) Equality Network (rather than a Forum), be established, with a steering group made up of 15-20 key individuals from the different equality strands and a wider network membership of mainly voluntary sector individuals, groups and organisations from across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and, possibly, Moray. At the Network’s last meeting, held on March 19th 2009, it was agreed to expand the Network to cover Moray. It was further agreed that the main aims of the Network would be:

• Partner working • Networking • User-led/user useful (public bodies will also benefit from the information sharing) • Work both ways – public bodies can send information to the Network, and the Network can send to the public bodies • All equality groups can join together and receive information on each others’ events/agendas • Joint working across local authority areas A recruitment drive is currently underway to expand membership. If you are interested in joining the Network or would like to know more about the Network, then please contact Amanda Walker, at Grampian Racial Equality Council (GREC).




Culture & History FISHERMEN of MOGADOR

Coins More medieval coin hoards have been found in Aberdeen than anywhere else in Britain.

Duff House Duff House has been used as a hotel, prisoner of war camp and a hospital. Today the House is an outpost for the Scottish Galleries and holds some of the best paintings in Scotland with Ramsays, Raeburns and an El Greco all on display.

Fittie Essaouira known also as Mogador is a popular resort on the southwest coast of Morocco. This eighteen-century port and market town gets crowded during the Summer when fans of Gnaoua music come for the World Music Festival. Essaoiura is also an artistic centre full of little galleries and wood-carving workshops that offer beautiful souvenirs and real treasures. Artisan products and local specialities can be found on the Souks, the open-air market.

But, what I enjoyed the most during my visit to Morocco was the fishing port of Mogador where I took this picture. It was a fascinating experience to observe fishermen at their daily routine, to see the creatures they fish, to listen to their talks and the sounds of the sea, to feel the breeze and smells of the coast... Have a good day! Cheers,

Sylwia (former GREC volunteer).


GREC has appeared on the Station House Media Unit (SHMU) community radio twice recently. First our Caseworker, Ron Falconer, talked about the various departments of GREC and on May 5th Jeannie Felsinger (Director of GREC) appeared on a show called 'digging deeper'. We have a copy of the show if you would like to listen again or visit: 7

Chair of GREC, Dr Philip K Muinde DL OBE, would like to thank the Light of Bengal for supplying the food at a recent SAREC (Scottish Alliance of Regional Equality Councils) meeting. The Light of Bengal offer a full takeaway service, and a free delivery service (available within a 6 mile radius). A discount of 10% on menu prices is given on collection of meals. They can also provide an outside catering service. T: 01224 648224

In 1808 the entire fishing village of Footdee (Fittie) was moved partly to accommodate harbour expansion and partly because the residents had requested it.

Gordon Highlanders The Gordon Highlanders Museum in Aberdeen allows visitors to re-live the dramatic story of one of the British Army's most famous regiments.

Iron Age Fort More than 9000 archaeological sites cover Grampian, from Iron Age hill forts and Pictish standing stones, to stone circles from Neolithic times to the Bronze Age.

Old Aberdeen Old Aberdeen, an independent burgh until 1891, still retains an olde worlde charm with its narrow closes and cobbled streets. At its heart is Kings College with its distinctive crown style roof.

Pre History Park Archaeolink - Scotland's pre-history park points to the region's heritage of ancient stones and allows visitors to travel 6000 years back in time.

Aberdeen Inter Faith - Support GIVE BLOOD Steering Group meetings, would be willing to take on specific, occasional tasks in support of AIF and its valuable contribution to the wider community.

Dear All, As some of the readers of GREC News will be members of Aberdeen Inter Faith, and/or associated groups or individuals, I am writing to ask if you would give serious consideration to taking a more active part in the group's activities and the planning of such activities. Aberdeen Inter Faith has been running and attending in the City, and supporting events in the surrounding area too, for well over 15 years. Recognised by both City and Shire Councils as well as various local and national bodies, involved in a range of consultations at the local and national levels, AIF is constantly asked to provide representatives to attend, or become involved in, a wide range of one off and longer term events, conferences, committees, etc. At present such representation is undertaken by a very small number of AIF Steering Group members. Ideally, we would love to have both - more individuals join the Steering Group and a number of people who, while not able to commit to attendance at all

Any individual or organisation feeling that they would like to discuss the possibility of making some additional contribution of time, or indeed any other form of support for AIF, should feel free to contact myself or any other member of the Steering Group. Obviously, making any form of initial contact with us does not commit you to undertaking any additional responsibilities within AIF. We look forward to your continuing support of our monthly gatherings, and any further interest would be most gratefully received. Keeping the Faiths, Stewart P.

ACVO & GREC are looking into the possibility of launching a blood transfusion awareness week for the voluntary sector and its partners to be held in March 2010. Their intention would be to have an awareness raising event, encouraging staff, volunteers and clients from within the third sector in Aberdeen, along with partners to give blood. ACVO would set up a website where people can self assess whether they would be eligible to give blood, and give information on where they can give blood. They would also give information on giving bone marrow and links to the organ register. The culmination of the event would be a full day session in the Citadel, where people could come along to give blood on the day. ACVO & GREC would hope that the legacy of this event would be that more people would be introduced to the idea of giving blood, and that it would raise the profile of the third sector locally and perhaps nationally. They are in discussion with the Blood Transfusion Service BTS to see how they could monitor the number of pints (or mls) donated by the sector and could use this in press releases. This ties in with NHS Year of the Volunteer which runs from 2009-2010 and would offer a great opportunity to work in partnership with the Volunteer Centre, Scottish Blood Transfusion Service and other partners. However, in order to take this forward we need to know if enough people would be interested in giving blood at such an event. The BTS would require around 85 people to attend sessions held in the afternoon and evening.

If you would be interested in giving blood please contact ACVO t: 01224 685529 or 8

Social Cohesion in Moray

GREC MEMBERSHIP - 2009 GREC is the lead organisation in the voluntary sector in the North of Scotland responsible for combating discrimination on grounds of race, religion, faith or belief. Our mission is:

GREC is working with others to ensure that everyone is valued for who they are and is able to contribute with encouragement and without fear of discrimination or unfair treatment. We also work with others to progress equality in relation to religion and belief, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation and trans-gender.‘ ‘There are great benefits to being a Member of GREC both 9

for individuals & organisations.’ Dr. Ruth Payne, Aberdeen University & College Union.

As a Member of GREC you and/or your organisation will: Be invited to GREC Open Days and Member Events Receive GREC publications such as this Newsletter, Annual Report & latest research Be invited to GREC’s AGM and be entitled to vote on GREC matters Receive details of GREC training and conferences Network with other GREC Members, making vital links with local and regional organisations and groups, gaining up-to-date knowledge regarding equality matters … and much more! Interested? - T: 01224 595505

Report graphic by:

GREC Committee member - Gregory Poon MBE

A Report by: Dave Black, MA

Like other areas of North East Scotland, Moray has recently seen an increase in the population of various migrant communities. Much of this increase has been down to the enlargement of the European Union in 2004 which opened the way for nationals of states such as Poland, Latvia and Estonia to move freely within the European Union and gain access to the labour market of some EU states, one of which was the UK. The enlargement of the EU combined with the gap in certain sectors of the UK labour market in recent years has led to relatively large scale migrations to some areas of the UK. As an area which has previously experienced relatively little migration from outside the UK, and where the issue of migration has become more prominent in recent years (Gazetteer of Scotland: 2008), Moray was chosen for this case study. It was hoped that the research would reveal both positive aspects of recent migration to the area, as well as highlight any areas where work could be done to promote greater community cohesion. The research was undertaken both as a project for GREC, and also as a final year honours dissertation project at the University of Aberdeen. Download the full Report now online:

WORLD FAIR TRADE DAY It’s taken 60 years to get to World Fair Trade Day 2009. It’s vital that it doesn’t take another 60 years to correct the imbalance in trade that leaves millions of people living in poverty with the threat of climate change and a financial crisis hanging over us all. The Fair Trade movement is complex and organic. It has emerged over time and continents through networks of groups and individuals - everyone who stakes a claim to its success is probably right. What you can know for sure is World Fair Trade Day was adopted by the World Fair Trade Organisation (formerly IFAT) and its members in 2001 in Arusha, Tanzania, to promote global awareness of Fair Trade. Safia Minney, the founder of PeopleTree and pioneer of Fair Trade Fashion, has played a pivotal role in driving and shaping the global event. And that its roots extend back into Northern Europe and the NEWS network of Worldshops that has been fundamental in underpinning and promoting Fair Trade; creating access to markets on behalf of producers the world over.

social and environmental policy. 100% Fair Trade organisations and the products and produce of marginalised communities are showcased on the day. The World Fair Trade Organisation was formally established in 1989 and is unique in representing both Southern and Northern Fair Traders across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Pacific Rim. It represents the world’s leading Fair Trade cooperatives, groups and companies, all of which have demonstrated a 100% commitment to Fair Trade. The WFTO touches 110million lives & many millions more on World Fair Trade Day. View the events online: anddwatchdthedSustainable Economy flourish.


World Fair Trade Day has grown into a global festival of Fair Trade with events organised worldwide, on and around the second Saturday of May by members of the World Fair Trade Organisation across 70 countries. Events include: Fair Trade breakfasts, talks, markets, live performances, a lift, fashion shows, carnivals, festivals, processions and protests, to drive Fair Trade and campaign for justice in trade and promote sustainable 11

Beating our Chests for Fair Trade @ Edinburgh Zoo The Scottish Fair Trade Forum is leading the world by working for Scotland to become one of the world's first Fair Trade Nations. A tasting event will be held at Edinburgh Zoo including products such as chocolate and bananas, handed out by volunteers with Fair Trade printed T-Shirts.

****COVER FEATURE**** Written by World Fair Trade Organisation

Ullapool Come along to Village Green Trading and have a go on a drum, whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, the idea is to have fun and participate in this global event. We will be running a Drum Making Workshop and 3 drumming sessions. A chance to have a go on a Bodhran, Djembe or the Bongos. Dumfries Coffee Morning with presentation from Rolf Buwert about his recent personal journey to Nepal and Bangladesh to see the positive effects of buying fairly traded goods. MESSAGES OF SUPPORT

‘I send you my warm greetings. Fair Trade promotes and empowers poor farmers in remote areas to participate meaningfully in the global economy and lead decent lives. Its energy efficient products contribute immensely to conservation of ecology during a period when the earth is beset by global warming and its resultant effects. You have my prayers and support for this important work. God Bless you.’ Desmond M Tutu Archbishop Emeritus. ‘World Fair Trade Day reminds us that we need Fair Trade to put the 'civil' back into our civilisation’. Eddie Izzard Comedian/Actor.

From top: Claudia accepts her award certificate from Noor, Ian from Jackie, Mei at the ceremony, Graham from Sarah and John accepts his certificate from Jeannie.

GREC fundamentally relies on the contribution of volunteers. Volunteers at GREC cover a range of duties such as administrative tasks, cafĂŠ work, English language tutoring and helping at events and conferences. Volunteering at GREC has continued to gain momentum with new volunteers working in The Quiet Cup CafĂŠ and 4 existing volunteers completing work in the office.

AWARDS CEREMONY We really value our volunteers & their committment to GREC and to show them our appreciation we held a Volunteer Award Ceremony at last year's AGM. We are intending on having a Volunteer Award's Day this year - more information about that in the next issue of GREC News. 12

wor kin g

AFS Alcohol Support r for cha ethe ng g e to

rv rt se o p p n e su New onli

Aberdeen City and Shire ople in e p r ic e f o Are you concerned about your own or someone else’s drinking but don’t feel ready to get in touch with an alcohol agency? Do you live in a rural area or just can’t find the time to travel to a support service? Have you got internet access?

information • support counselling

If so, Alcohol Focus Scotland’s new online support service could be for you. You can exchange messages with a trained alcohol counsellor - the service is free and completely confidential.

Visit and follow the links to sign up

Images courtesy of:


You’re invited to do something amazing and take part in Race for Life 2009 in Aberdeen. Enter now and be one of 6000 women who will walk, jog or run 5k to help us smash our fundraising target of £474,330 for Cancer Research UK’s life-saving work. Have a great day out with your family & friends and help more people beat cancer. Aberdeen : 21st June 2009 (11:00am) Beach Esplanade, Aberdeen AB24 5NR

Together We'll Beat Cancer 13

'Myths' threaten racial harmony... Race relations in Britain are under threat from a series of ill-informed myths according to a new book by two of the country's leading experts on the topic. Using previously unpublished evidence, Professor Ludi Simpson and Dr Nissa Finney from The University of Manchester show how repeated falsehoods about immigration, integration and segregation are misguiding policy and promoting racial disharmony.

The authors also provide evidence that areas with large populations of Muslims do not act as a 'breeding ground' for terrorism. “By propagating myths using bogus and alarmist interpretations of population change, individuals such as Trevor Phillips, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, Bishop of Rochester and Sir Andrew Green, Chair of Migration Watch are inadvertently promoting racial segregation,” said Professor Simpson.

'...white flight is no greater than brown or black' This is the basis of the authors’ new book ‘Sleepwalking to segregation? Challenging myths about race and migration’ published today by The Policy Press. After years of investigation, the Manchester pair have found no evidence “whatsoever” for the existence of race ghettos in the UK. In fact the opposite is true with increasing ethnic mixing. And claims by head of equalities watchdog Trevor Phillips that Britain is “sleepwalking” into racial and religious segregation are also dismissed in the book. According to the academics' review of evidence, white flight is no greater than brown or black flight. And there is white movement into minority concentrations in Leicester, Bradford, Lambeth, Wolverhampton,XWyncombe, Manchester and Merton. By linking social problems to segregatedDareas,DtheyDsay, politicians have stigmatised the areas and their residents.

“Misunderstanding breeds mistrust and division between ethnic and religious groups. This book is about dispelling those myths. The truth is that Britain's so-called ghettos are diverse areas both ethnically and socially where no one ethnic group dominates.” Dr Finney added: “The only concentrations which resemble anything like ghettos are of white people. The average white person lives in an area which has more than 94% white people in it. “British Pakistanis, for example, live in areas which on average have 26% Pakistani residents. In almost every city with a sizeable immigrant settlement area, children of immigrants have on balance moved away from those areas not to them or between them. So it is wrong to argue there is retreat. Rather, we are witnessing dispersal.” T h e D b o o k D ' S l e e p wa l k i n g D t o segregation'?DChallengingDmyths about race and migration is published by The Policy Press - price £14.99 pb (ISBN 978 184742 007 7).

GREC'S LIBRARY Britain’s only race equality library, which is open to the public, is based here at GREC’s offices. The library, which is probably the most extensive outside London, has a wide range of material covering racial equality, anti-discrimination and equal opportunities. Key subjects covered by the library include immigration, racism, employment, education, housing, health, social services and law. The library also contains numerous periodicals and journals. These include Searchlight, a monthly British magazine fighting against fascism and racism; SCOLAG, a legal journal covering topics relevant to GREC; and Race and Class, labelling itself as “a journal for black and third world liberation”. Training packs, videos and DVDs are also available from the library. Borrowing from the library is completely free of charge – with users allowed to borrow four items at any one time. The library can also be searched online – allowing users to check the availability of resources before travelling to GREC. To access this service visit: For more information on using GREC’s library please contact Amanda Walker on:

Tel: 01224 595505 Email:

Professor Ludi Simpson, University of Manchester & Dr Nissa Finney, University of Manchester. Cited:


THE REGENERATION AIM Always keen to keep an eyedon developments within Aberdeen City & Shire and the surrounding areas we have looked into recent progress... Union Square


Apple Store for Aberdeen!


Next to GREC's offices is the Union Square development site. It is an entirely new development and destination for Aberdeen, designed to reinvigorate the retail, catering and leisure industries with over 1,ooo jobs on offer. Union Square aims to become the new centre of gravity for Aberdeen, seven days a week. Opening in autumn 2009, Union Square, Aberdeen will feature:

Ma-Potters, Frankie & Benny's, Chiquito, KFC, and Pizza Hut. Visit the website for more info:

700,000 sq ft 56 retail units (525,000 sq ft) Up to 12 catering units CineWorld 10 screen multiplex cinema, the largest in Aberdeen (2,400 seats) 1,700 parking spaces 203 room 3* + hotel with conference facilities (Jury's Inn). A civic square It is integrated with Aberdeen’s transport hub comprising of the train and bus stations. Retailers confirmed so far include: Marks & Spencer, Ask, Next, New Look, Burtons, Border Books, Dorothy Perkins, Evans, WH Smith, Clarks, H&M, Zara and Arcadia. Apple have just announced that they will be opening a new store in Union Square. The first of its kind in the North East of Scotland. Restaurantsswill include:s Nando's, s


Edited from online info at: - Photograph courtesy:


Trump International Golf Links The biggest of the future developments in Aberdeen, the 5* Trump International Golf Links, Scotland will be built by American billionaire Donald Trump (pictured). The initial decision by Aberdeenshire Co u n c i l d to d re f u s e d p l a n n i n g permission was the subject of much controversy, and was overturned by the Scottish Government. The latest news of the £300 million scheme at Menie in Aberdeenshire is that the brand new links golf course (planned to be the best in the world and capable of hosting world class events such as The Open Championship) also has plans to build a luxurious clubhouse with sea views, a 450 room, fivestar resort hotel with associated conference and banquet facilities,

full-service spa, tennis courts and recreational facilities, a state-ofthe-art golf academy, maintenance facility with turf grass research centre, 36 luxury four and eight bedroom golf lodges, as well as 950 holiday homes with sea views. Future plans include additional residential units. The entire project is subject to approval by the region’s planning officials. As you may know, there has been some controversy by environmental groups who fear for the protection of the sand dunes and local archaeologists who (although not against the project) want to ensure the local archeology left by stone age dwellers in the area is properly excavated first. For latest updates: w w w. t r u m p g o l f s c o t l a n d . c o m

Rubislaw Playing Fields An extension with enhanced changing facilities adjoining the existing Field Pavilion, and a multipurpose Astroturf pitch have been put in place. Visit:

Fresh, clean, water is one of the most precious resources in Africa. Over 40% of people living in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to safe drinking water. Those that do have to make do with 20 litres a day for drinking, cooking, washing, feeding animals and farming. In the Western World we each use over 300 litres every day. They need water in Africa...

Š Design by: Richard Foster


H O L O C A U S Ts M E M O R I A L s D AY s - s 2 0 0 9 Cowdray Hall, Aberdeen

Music School and the Dead Good Poets Society. There was an opportunity, during the event, for participants to view a range of displays, and there was also an opportunity to contribute to an oral history recording and a tapestry banner. The evening session also held a special event, hosted by local Councillor and former GREC Director, Barney Crockett, to launch the HMD DVD, Booklet and Website: (which were filmed, designed & produceddbydGRECdGraphics) commemorating the 2007 event.

Registered Scottish Charity: SC 001823


Contributors past & present at HMD'09 with the DVD

NEVER FORGET Aberdeen City Council, in association with partners and voluntary organisations, marked Holocaust Memorial Day at the Cowdray Hall on Tuesday 27th January 2009. The event gave people the opportunity to remember the crimes of the Nazi period and other more recent atrocities – and to reflect on how such crimes can be prevented from happening again. Holocaust Memorial Day remembers all the victims of the Nazis – including Jews, Gypsy Travellers and people persecuted because of their sexual orientation – and those who suffered and died in other acts of genocide. The event aims to highlight the dangers of anti-Semitism, racism and intolerant discrimination. Aberdeen's memorial day held in the Cowdray Hall featured a number of 17

speakers and displays, all highlighting the theme for this year’s day of reflection "Stand up to hatred". Those taking part and visitors had the opportunity to sign the Holocaust Memorial Book. The event ran over three sessions, withcthecformalcopeningcbycthe Lord Provost, symbolic lighting of the virtual candle and a short period of reflection. The afternoon session involved very moving contributions from school children (there wasn't a dry eye in the house after Mile End's rendition of 'Amazing Grace') and awards were presented to winners of the drawing, poetry and short story competitions. The evening session included contributions from the Scottish Interfaith Group, the Aberdeen

HMD'07 took place in The Tunnels, Aberdeen and was a landmark occasion due to the diverse range and amount of groups that took part - who were directly affected by the Holocaust. The Belmont Cinema, Aberdeen also kindly agreed to a special one night showing of the film the 'Boy in the Striped Pyjamas', a fictional film that deals with issues surrounding the Jewish Holocaust. The author of which, John Boyne, will be attending another special screening at The Belmont & answering questions for the Aberdeen Word festival (see page 3) on the 16th of May.

Film image courtesy of:


Larder Bytes Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE) is delighted to launch its Larder Bytes site. You can buy the 5 staples: bread, fruit/veg, fish, dairy, meat – online and have delivered, FREE, to your door anywhere in Aberdeen. “This is a great initiative for CFINE. It will generate income to support our work for community benefit like the Community Food Outlet I run at Mastrick.” George McKie - Chairperson, CFINE. The benefits of Larder Bytes include:

Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust: The Getty Center:

In February this year, I spent two weeks in Los Angeles. One place I wanted to visit was the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. On a beautiful day, we drove past Beverly Hills and along Rodeo Drive (no need to stop there!) to an equally pleasant area on Wilshire Blvd where the museum is currently located (it is moving to a larger, purposebuilt, permanent premises in Pan Pacific Park in 2010). In comparison to other Holocaust museums/exhibitionsgIghave visited – in Poland, Czech Republic and London – this one was as comprehensive,hinformative and moving as any; with many artefacts, photographs, models and reading materials. Of course, the emotions you are left with are the same wherever these museums are situated – you may step out into Californian sunshine but that haunting, bitter feeling of wonderment that these events

actually took place, remains. We then drove past Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and The Beverly Hilton Hotel, on our way to The Getty Center – an art museum whose architecture is almost as stunning as the panoramic view I was taken aback with, as the tram reached the top of the hill it sits on! It was a beautiful evening, and I could have spent hours staring at the city spread out below me. I could hardly believe that the place we were staying was now on the horizon – some 43 or so miles away. We spent the rest of the evening in Santa Monica, strolling along the buzzing streets; with musicians playing, singers singing and shoppers shopping. What a place! I would highly recommend LA!


Admin Assistant at GREC.

• as far as possible, local produce is used which; • contributes to the local economy; and • reduces food miles, looking after the environment. CFINE aims to improve health & well-being and contribute to community regeneration through increasing the consumption of fruit & veg and recruiting, training and supporting volunteers. CFINE has a network of Community Food Outlets all over Aberdeen. “Our core goal is around improving life for and with v ul ne rabl e ,dl o w di nco me i n div i du al s ,d fa mil i e s d a n d communities, be they geographical ord interest e.g. homeless & women in domestic abuse refuges. Our social enterprise supports this work and Larder Bytes isa new element.” Dave Simmers - Chief Executive, CFINE.jTel:j01224j596156 18


In 1995, Icograda's (International Council of Graphic Design Associations) anniversary was designated ‘World Graphics Day’. Since then, designers around the globe have come together to celebrate the 27th of April in ways as diverse as the global community that Icograda represents. As a Graphic Designer, I keep an avid interest with all things in the world of design, everything from a changed newspaper layout, a new cornflakes packet or the latest titles in a film (for example) are of interest from a design perspective. I regularly surf the Internet and have contact with many other designers from all over the world in places such as: America, Brazil and Sweden. I’m registered with various design organisations (a collaborative project with UNESCO). Design related events pop-up on a regular basis and in Montreal (Canada) on the 27th of April 2009, designers and design enthusiasts around the globe celebrated World Graphics Day, it was an opportunity to recognise communication design and its role internationally. Lead Creatively What drives Icograda is a shared passion that design is a medium for progressive change. They call it 'leading creatively', to mark World Graphics Day 2009, they asked designers how they used design to effect change in the world around them (on any scale - local, regional, national or international); how

theyXtranslatedX'leading creatively' into action and about the kind of change design can facilitate. Working here at GREC Graphics for a variety of clients, I feel that the work we have done and continue to do - especially for charity & voluntary organisations such as: Bi-Polar Aberdeen & RASANE, etc are examples of ‘leading creatively’ as the finished design work has contributed to how they are perceived locally, in some cases nationally & when designing Websites for example even internationally. We are (quite rightly) proud of the work we do and have started the procedure to register a trademark: GOOD DESIGN – DOING GOOD™ which is ‘what it says on the tin’ as the now famous tagline goes. We are (at time of print) awaiting final approval for this and we will let you know of our progress in the next issue of GREC News. Events Around the World You can view the World Graphics Day results online and see many of the worldwide events that took place as each region shared its plans, please take a look at: Richard, Graphic Designer.

Masters in Miniature From comforting, colourful scenes of Scottish beaches to surreal portraits and deceptively simple drawings, a show in Edinburgh during May spans the spectrum of modern art. Yet all of it is produced on postcards just four by six inches wide. The collection of miniature paintings and drawings, created by some 30 artists, will go on sale in a silent auction at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh this month to raise funds for the Rock Trust, a charity which helps young homeless people. From the playwright and artist John Byrne, a long-time Scottish favourite, to popular Illustrator Jon Burgerman (see his postcard shown below) the contributors have all donated their works for free. The highest bidders will get the chance to snap up these small, but striking pieces by a varied list of artists. About 60 postcards will go on show at the Traverse. Until the 23rd of May. This will be the Rock Trust's second postcard sale and the © Jon Burgerman aim is to raise at least £3,000 to £4,000, says Tom Byrom, the trust's business and resource manager. "It offers the prospect of getting an original piece of art for (however much an individual is] happy to pay," he says. Bids can be placed by post. For more details about the trust's work,svisit: ss


Got something to say? - send your event details, comments, etc to: 19

Up Helly Aa

Words: Molinda Thomson Photographs: Eddie Adamson

Up Helly Aa is the spectacular fire festival held in Shetland on the last Tuesday in January to celebrate the end of the Yule season and the links with our Norse ancestors. Each year the Guizer Jarl represents a different character from the Norse Sagas and he and his squad of Vikings wear magnificent costumes as they parade through the streets of Lerwick singing rousing Up Helly Aa songs. In the evening they are joined by over 800 guizers (all male) dressed in a variety of weird and wonderful themed costumes who march with them through the darkened streets carrying lit paraffin soaked torches, no matter what the weather is like, before setting fire to the beautiful Viking galley which has taken many months of hard work. After the burning, a night of dancing and feasting on reestit mutton soup and bannocks takes place in a dozen halls, which the squads of guizers visit in rotation. The next day is a public holiday for some much needed rest before the “Guizers Hop� in the evening.


Dealing with Employment Disputes

Employers and employees should always try to resolve problems in the workplace at the earliest possible opportunity and usually with the least possible formality. Ideally, matters should be addressed before they even get to the stage of becoming disciplinary or grievance issues. Where possible, line managers should be trained in conflict management skills to give them the confidence to step in at an early stage and intervene where they suspect conflict is growing between employees. In many cases early intervention by line managers will nip workplace disputes in the bud and prevent them from escalating to the point where the formal disciplinary procedure has to be used or a grievance is lodged. If that’s not possible, fair and transparent procedures should be used in accordance with the Acas Code of Practice. Adopting this approach will almost always be less time consuming and less likely to damage working relations. Where problems are not resolved using internal procedures, employers should consider using an independent third party to help resolve the problem.

MEDIATION A mediator can sometimes help resolve disciplinary or grievance issues, although mediation may not be suitable for serious offences. The mediator may be a person who works within the same organisation (so long as they are properly trained and not directly involved in the issue) or may come from outside. There is usually a charge for externally sourced mediation services.

SERVICE AVAILABLE Grampian Racial Equality Council (GREC) offer a workplace mediation service to organisations across Scotland. Our Director, Jeannie Felsinger, is a trained mediator with vast experience in conflict resolution. Additionally, mediation is offered for teams, groups, neighbours, customers, students and other disputing parties. A course to train staff in the mediation process is also available. This is a five-day training course that is specifically designed to develop the essential skills needed to carry out face-to-face mediations between people in dispute. The course is competency based and is suitable for managers, HR, welfare & diversity staff, trade unions, trainers, management consultants and anyone who may benefit from developing ADR skills. To find out more, or to book either a mediation training session or a mediation session, please contact GREC.

Email: Telephone: 01224 595505 Visit online: Why not advertise in this space? - prices to suit all budgets, email: 21

NEW, FREE HOUSING ADVICE SERVICE Looking for information and advice about housing

in Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire? Come along to the MONTHLY HOUSING SURGERY First Tuesday of every month 11am — 2pm in the Quiet Cup, Central Library, Aberdeen For further information contact Alison

07982 823594 Interpreters & Translators arranged Housing providers working in partnership

Poster by: Alison McLaughlin


Local Solicitors who Deal with Immigration Law

• Michael S Allan, 9 Byron Square, Northfield, Aberdeen (01224) 696968 • Norman Wisely @ CMS Cameron McKenna, Migvie House, North Silver Street, Aberdeen (01224) 622002 Contact Norman in Aberdeen if client wants to speak to their Immigration solicitor in their London office. • Simon Liddiard (Immigration Lawyer), Stewart & Watson, 35 Queen Street, Peterhead AB42 1TP (01779) 476351 • Damir Duheric, Morton Fraser, Edinburgh (0131) 2471000 • Ian McDougall, McDougall & Co, 21 Carden Place, Aberdeen (01224) 632663 – Don’t do Legal Aid, have mainly dealt with employers in the past, but will help individual clients if they can. • Hamish Lindsay and Bob Anderson, Lindsay & Kirk, 39 Huntly Street, Aberdeen (01224) 641402 or (01224) 642650 • George Pennel, Maclay, Murray & Spens, Quartermile One, 15 Lauriston Place, Edinburgh Contact A’deen office (01224) 356130 and you will be put through to E’burgh, who deal with Immigration Law • George Pennel, Iain Smith & Co, 18-20 Queens Road, Aberdeen (01224) 645454 – Don’t do Legal Aid and don’t deal with asylum cases. Have mainly dealt with employers in the past, but will help individual clients if they can • Harry Dematagoda, Steen & Co, 310 Maxwell Road, Glasgow G41 1PJ Tel: (0141) 420 1222. In addition: •

The Law Society, Edinburgh (0131) 2267411 may be able to supply other solicitor firms that can deal with immigration related cases. • Citizens Advice Bureau, 41 Union Street, Aberdeen , AB11 5BN

The CAB in Aberdeen give Immigration Advice to Level One. The Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) hold a surgery at the CAB Aberdeen on the first Friday of every month, for more complex cases. Appointments are necessary, and are often fully booked up to 2 months in advance. Call: 01224 569750 to arrange an appointment with the IAS at Aberdeen. CAB Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9.30am - 4pm; Weds: 1 - 4pm

CAB Tel Advice: Mon & Weds: 9.30 - 12.30pm; Thurs: 1.30 - 4pm and 5 - 7.30pm CAB Advice Line: 01224 586255

Please note: all views/recommendations, etc expressed throughout this document are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views/recommendations, etc of GREC.

Deaf Awareness Week

( do anything a ‘Deaf people can hearing person can, except hear’ goes a famous quote and outlines the frustration many people living with hearing loss can have if they are treated differently when people try to communicate with them. A b e r d e e n s h i r e X C o u n c i l ’s CommunitysCaresStrategic Development s Officer s Sheena Swinhoe says: “When you interact with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing it’s about having respect for the person you are communicating with and ensuring that you use a mix of manners, body language and facial expressions to speak to them.” Here are five top tips for communicating with people who are deaf or hard of hearing: * Remember to face the person you are speaking to so they can lipread, pick up on non-verbal cues and feel comfortable talking to you * If you are talking to a deaf person and a hearing person focus on them both * Make sure you have the person’s attention fully before you start speaking * Ask if someone needs to lipread even if they are wearing a hearing aid * Use natural facial expressions, normal lip movements and speak clearly, not too slowly as people who lipread do so at the normal speed

From: 4 - 11th May A hearing check can be undertakensonlinesat:

w w w. r n i d . o r g . u k / hearingmatters


On 29 April 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the level of the swine flu alert from Phase 4 to Phase 5. The WHO say Phase 5 gives us a "strong signal that a pandemic is imminent".

For a more in-depth explanation about swine flu, its causes, symptoms and treatment, visit their Health Library section on Swine flu. Remember,spreventingsthe spread of germs is the single most effective way to slow the spread of diseases such as swine flu. You can protect yourself and your family by:

If you have flu-like symptoms and have recently returned from Mexico or another affected area, or been with someone who has, stay at home and contact your GP or NHS 24 on: 0845 4 24 24 24.

* ensuring everyone washes their hands regularly with soap and water, and

For quick questions and answers go to Swine flu Q&A at the NHS 24 website:

* always carrying tissues,

www.nhs24. com

11:30am, Sunday 14th June 2009 Walk, jog or run in the Moray 5k Summer Challenge 2009. Get fit for summer and enjoy taking part! The route starts and finishes in Cooper Park and is ideal for participants of all levels (age 14+). ÂŁ5 entry fee in support of Aberlour Childcare Trust. For further information visit:

Got a news item to send us? Email to:


* cleaning surfaces regularly. You can prevent a virus spreading to others by: * using tissues to cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze, * binning the tissues as soon as possible, and * washing your hands regularly. For further information about Swine flu you can visit the Health Protection Scotland website:

w w w. h p s .

My name is David Gillanders and I am a Diversity Officer with Grampian Police. I am currently carrying out the duties of Police Secondee at GREC on a part time basis and I am at GREC every Wednesday. My main task at the moment is the co-ordinating of the annual Anne Frank Schools Competition. Please contact me to find out more - Email: Regards,


Page design:s

There are 9 confirmed cases of swine flu in the UK (at time of print). Please read the latest official advice and find out about the simple steps you can take to help protect yourself and others...

Moray Summer Challenge


CASE G CONFERENCING G & G GREC G CASEWORK approach to the perpetrator(s), considerationfoffre -housing, engagement with local youths via SACRO Street Mediation or any other appropriate process. To ensure that and tasks are acted on, a review case conference will be convened a month after the initial meeting. By pooling resources, knowledge and expertise, Multi Agency Case Conferencing has proved to be an effective and beneficial method of intervention and has been particularly successful in cases of: • GREC Committee members Alan Findlay, Gurudeo Saluja OBE with Aberdeenshire Council Chief Executive Colin MacKenzie & GREC Chair Dr Philip K Muinde DL OBE.

Grampian Racial Equality Council has developed a close working relationship with a number of par tnercagenciescincluding: AberdeencCityc&cAberdeenshire Councils and Moray Council, GrampiancPolice,cGrampian NHS, Social Work Department, Housing,sVictimsSupport,setc. These relationships are without doubt mutually beneficial, no more so than when casework becomes involved in addressing prolonged racial and / or religious discr imination, Dharassment andDvictimisation.fOften, complainantsfandfagencies become frustrated and anxious where despite their best efforts and intervention to address issues of long term racist discrimination and harassment, there has been little or no effect and the abuse continues. In these circumstances complainersDfeelDpowerless. 25

InvariablyD theirD frustration leadsDtoDfurtherDcomplaints, angersandsmisunderstanding. TheseF are the circumstances where the application of multiagency case conferencing has proved to be both an effective andDappropriateDprocess for dealing with long-term andDpersistentDcomplaints. Any of the partner agencies can request a multi-agency case conference. It is usual for GREC’s caseworker to chair the conference. The complainant will be invited to detail the issues that have been causing concern, and then each of the partner agencies in turn is asked to detail their involvement. A combined strategy is formulated and tasks allocated to each agency. These may include regular patrols by Community Wardens, a direct

Racial bullying at schools

(one Fcase was described by a Social Worker as ‘networking at it’s best.’) •

Harassment by neighbours

Ethnic Fminor it yFfamilies homesfbeingftargeted a n d f v a n d a l i s e d

Shopkeepers being racially abusedDbyFcustomers.

Infadditionftofproviding e f f e c t i v e F s u p p o r t forFvictims,FcaseDconferencing providesDanFopportunityFto strengthens and enhance the relationships that already exist bet weenDpar tnerFagencies. If you want to know more about GREC's Casework service or wish to use the service - please contact Mr. Ron Falconer directly: Email: or Tel: 01224 576799 Thank you.

The Last Word

( Literary Connections:

Dracula Slains Castle, an eerie ruin on the cliff tops by Cruden Bay, is said to have inspired Bram Stoker to write "Dracula".

Lord Byron Aberdeen Mosque, 164 The Spital Aberdeen AB24 3JD

Mad, bad gothic lad – and sometime poet - Lord Byron went to school in Aberdeen.

Photographs courtesy of Aberdeen Mosque

MacBeth Shakespeare's play MacBeth, is thought to have been inspired by a visit to the North East of Scotland, and is based largely on fact MacBeth was killed in battle at Lumphanan, Aberdeenshire.

Peter Pan A Day Out at Seaton Park

Eid at Linksfield Community Centre

Aberdeen Mosque & Islamic Centre We hope by now that everyone has recovered from the tireless effort they put into the Aberdeen Mosque & Islamic Centre Open day held on the 25th Saturday/26th Sunday April 2009. This message is to thank everyone who gave support in any way, shape or form - be it through donations, presentations or food, etc and made the day a success. May Allah in his infinite mercy support you and make you succeed in this life & the next! Alhamdulilah wa shukru lilah (All praise & thanks be to Allah). Over 200 visitors were present at the open day (not counting those who did not register). For more information please visit:

Kirriemuir is the birthplace of Peter Pan's creator, JM Barrie. Barrie was a local handloomweaver's son. The washhouse (outside his white-washed cottage) - romantically billed as Barrie's first "theatre" - was apparently the model for the house built by the Lost Boys for Wendy in Never-Never Land.

Sunset Song

Sunset Song by Lewis Grassic Gibbon's is set in his homeland of the Mearns. The Grassic Gibbon visitor centre at Arbuthnott, Laurencekirk tells the story of his life and work.

Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson penned the majority of his most famous novel "Treasure Island" while staying in Braemar. 26

r back u o y n r u t ’t n Do ob! J m a e r D r u on yo Looking for a career with a difference? Looking for variety and challenges? A career with Grampian Police is the opportunity to make a real difference. For further information log onto: or telephone the Police Recruitment Unit on

0845 600 5700

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