Kitchissippi Times | November 7, 2013

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Starts on page 11 • Kitchissippi summit to discuss infill issues • Unitarian House bares it all • Taking a cut out of cancer

The Company Friends & Family Recommend

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Sugar high

22 Pretoria Avenue


The Spirit of Kitchissippi

November 7, 2013

Christine Jackson author of The Cowley Family Saga: from Sherwood Forest to the NHL–Part 1. Photo by Kate Settle.

Rollin’ on the river



Champlain Park resident digs into history of “Captain Dan” Story by Debra Huron

The family names that Christine Jackson has researched and written about since February dominate a map of the neighbourhood she lives in, including the street she has called home for 25 years. Jackson lives on Cowley Avenue in Champlain Park. Nearby streets carry the names Daniel and Keyworth

Avenues, named in honour of a riverboat captain, Daniel Keyworth Cowley, who settled with his wife and 11 children in a Manor House just west of Island Park Drive and Richmond Road in the 1860s. In 1903, one of the captain’s sons honoured his father by naming streets after him in the Riverside Park subdivision he was creating. The area was later renamed Champlain Park.

Smirle Avenue? Mailes Avenue? Pontiac Street? These also have links to the Cowley family, something Jackson reveals in her article The Cowley Family Saga: from Sherwood Forest to the NHL–Part 1, which was published this fall in a local genealogy journal called Anglo-Celtic Roots. The retired civil servant readily Continued on page 5

Memories of the Second World War SEE PAGE 7

Maniacs in Westboro SEE PAGE 9

2 • November 7, 2013



Near West Review options laid out Local parents hear the latest plans and offer feedback

Story by Kristy Strauss

The Scariest - Cole + Associates Architects The Prettiest - Tivoli Florist The Funniest - The Cuckoo's Nest Your Favourite - Frontline Credit Union Thank you to all stores and you, our customers, for participating in our Wickedly Westboro 2013 Pumpkin Stroll. We also want to congratulate all those who voted in our Charity Silent Auction for the Westboro Food Bank. Ten lucky people took home a Maniac-carved pumpkin and over $300 was raised for our cause. Thank you for your support!

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Overcrowding in Kitchissippi schools has left parents with four options that would determine where they could send their children starting in the 2014-15 school year. Parents came together at the Fisher Park Public School auditorium on October 24 to hear these options, presented by a working group made up of parents and school board representatives, and to give feedback on each one. “We’ve done a lot of work as a group and it’s been a tough process,” says Hintonburg resident Stefan Matiation, who’s also a member of the working group. “I think in the end, the board is committed to making any of these options work.” The choices presented to parents were divided by Option A, C, C1, and G. There were also boundary changes in each option. Drawing from Elmdale and Devonshire catchments, Option A would see new junior kindergarten to Grade 6 early French immersion students attend Fisher Park starting in the 2014-15 school year – while retaining its current Grades 7-8 programs. Also as part of this option, Elmdale Public School’s junior kindergarten to Grade 6 English program would be relocated to Connaught Public School and Hilson Public School. Option C would see a new junior kindergarten to Grade 6 early French immersion program at Connaught Public School – offering a dual track junior kindergarten to Grade 6 English and early French immersion program. Elmdale’s junior kindergarten to Grade 6 early French immersion program would remain, and the Elmdale junior kindergarten to Grade 6 English program would be re-directed to Connaught and Hilson. Option C1 offers the same choice, except students in Grade 6 would be re-directed to Fisher Park Public School for Grades 6-8. The working group then presented Option G, which

includes Elmdale and Devonshire schools offering junior kindergarten to Grade 3 early French immersion and Fisher Park offering Grades 4-8 early French immersion. Elmdale’s junior kindergarten to Grade 6 English programs would be re-directed to Connaught and Hilson, while Fisher Park’s Grade 7 and 8 programs would remain the same. Matiation said the choices came from the public meetings the working group have been holding since March. He added that careful thought was put into each choice, and the working group weighed factors such as reasonable boundaries, walkability for students, and ensuring that there would be one extra classroom available in each school. “We also thought we needed one more factor, which was equity,” Matiation said. “We wanted to make sure there was reasonable access across the near west to all programs, and there was no unbalanced impact on one school, community or program.” At the meeting, parents also had a chance to voice their concerns about the options. Shannon Watt had some air quality concerns about Option A – a weakness that the working group also included in their report. “There was a study out from UBC (University of British Columbia) looking at air pollution . . . and they said we should be careful about putting elementary schools near highways,” Watt said, referring to Fisher Park, which is located beside the Queensway. Other parents had concerns about the new boundaries, child care options, and the possibility of their older children being separated from a younger sibling. Civic Hospital resident Amanda Farris, who is a member of the working group, encourages residents to make their voices heard. “We still don’t have a perfect solution, but we’re Continued on page 8

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November 7, 2013 • 3

Kitchissippi Times

All’s Well in the West End Excitement builds for community co-operative

Story by Denise Deby

A new community-owned café and organic grocery will be part of the streetscape on Wellington St. West next spring. The West End Well Co-op will also offer a coffeehouse-type performance space, cooking, yoga and other classes, and even a library, say the cooperative’s co-founders, a group of residents who decided the time was right to create a place for people interested in environmental sustainability to connect with and support their community. The centre will operate as a social enterprise, using a business model to achieve social objectives, explained West End Well co-founder Bill Shields at one of the co-op’s information sessions in October. “We wanted it to have its own self-sustaining economic engine; we didn’t want to be relying on grants that came and went.” As a for-profit co-operative, the Well will be owned by members, with surpluses reinvested in the business. The co-op’s two-storey building at 969 Wellington St. W. near Somerset St. will be home to an 800-square-foot grocery store featuring local food, a 30-seat café serving breakfast, lunch, and prepared meals, a 60-seat venue for music, poetry and storytelling events, and an outdoor patio. Jacqueline Jolliffe, owner of Stone Soup Foodworks, will run the café. Co-op membership is open to anyone for a $50 one-time fee, as well as to co-op workers and food producers. Members each have a vote and guide direction and

policies, but non-members can still shop there. The Well is also looking for people to invest in the co-op through preference shares. So far, says Shields, they’ve had pre-commitments for about a third of the funds needed for start-up and initial operations. The organizers are confident about the Well’s viability. They raised community financing through a holding company that’s covering the purchase and renovation of the building, and charging the co-op a manageable rent until it can buy back the property. “It took us less than a month to surface most of that money,” says Shields. He also anticipates an increase in pedestrian traffic over the next few years with the construction of the Bayview Light Rail Transit station and other nearby developments. Organizers are also connecting with nearby service providers, businesses and residents to ensure the co-op meets the community’s needs. Currently led by an interim board of directors, the co-op will hold its first annual general meeting early next year, and will open six days a week starting March 2014. Information sessions will be held November 20 and 26 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Hintonburg Community Centre.



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4 • November 7, 2013, 2013

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Praise the music

Traditions continue at All Saints Anglican

Story by Judith van Berkom



All Saint’s Anglican Church, at 347 Richmond Road near Churchill Avenue, hosts Jazz Vespers – or evening song – every first Sunday of the month at 4:30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit, an intimate setting with excellent acoustics. The Chapel, designed by Thomas Fuller, who also designed the Parliament Buildings and other churches in the region, was built in 1895 in the Gothic Revival style and serviced a community of people who operated saw mills on the Ottawa River. The larger church and parish hall were added in the 1950s as the congregation grew. In 1998, the parish of All Saints spent a significant amount to restore the Chapel of the Holy Spirit and make the space available to the community at large as a place of renewal and spiritual nurture. Jazz Vespers grew out of this and has been in existence for about 15 years. “What I love about Jazz Vespers the most is that it’s accessible to the average person coming in off the street – there is no communion, and Anglicans always have communion, no statement of faith, you can just come in,” says Barbara Robertson, member of All Saints who has been involved with Jazz Vespers from the beginning. Concerts normally take place in the Chapel, however, on November 3, the concert was held in the newly renovated larger church, mainly to accommodate a

bigger audience. Billy Boulet, just recently relocated from Ottawa to Toronto, improvised on saxophone with the choir of St. Barnabas from Ottawa centre. Music included pieces by Palestrina, Tallis, William Byrd as well as more contemporary music by Healey Willan, Billy Boulet (solo) and Stephanie Martin. Boulet has been involved with Jazz Vespers for quite a number of years. His repertoire includes sacred and jazz, classical and Celtic music. St. Barnabas Choir, a group of 22 singers directed by Wesley Warren, organist and choirmaster, won first prize in the National Competition for Amateur Choirs in 2010, selections of which were broadcast on the CBC Radio programs Choral Concert and Espace Musique. The audience varies but there are definitely regulars, both attendees and performers at Jazz Vespers. A theme is chosen for the month and the music, readings, personal reflection, closing prayer and communal hymns reflect the theme. November’s theme was All Saints Day, November 1. Westboro’s Jennifer Skuce is a regular and comes often with her aunt and godmother. Skuce’s mother attended All Saints and she has good memories of the place. “It’s a nice place to see each other and spend time together,” says Skuce. “It has a community feel.”

Feed your brain


Innovative classes on non-traditional subjects

Story by Andrea Tomkins

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Have you ever wanted to learn how to build a fire? Or write a song? Or learn the basics of rock climbing? And do it in a single afternoon? The Dovercourt Recreation Association has launched the Westboro Brainery: a series of short inexpensive workshops on a variety of topics that aren’t usually found in a course calendar. The idea was actually an American import. Steve Nason, Program Director at Dovercourt, learned about a project called the Brooklyn Brainery a few years ago. Part education, part community building, Nason saw it as a way for Dovercourt to offer a diverse new range of adult programming and help bring people together at the same time. “To me, the Brainery isn’t so much about a product line, it really comes down to how much can we help the community engage with each other,” says Nason. “What really struck me about the Brooklyn Brainery is that they aren’t coming up with all the courses and finding the instructors, it’s that the community is coming forward, and bringing their friends and neighbours,” he says. It’s community crowdsourcing at its finest. Although Dovercourt has populated the initial run with some of their own instructors, they’re counting on members of the wider community to come forward and teach classes as well. Subject matter experts are encouraged to fill out a form on the website if they want to share their ideas and expertise with an audience. So far, course selections have included

an eclectic mix of workshops, most of which cost $8-$15 and run between 1-3 hours. The most popular workshop has been Primitive Fire Making. “This goes to what this is actually about. It’s not going to be about mainstream programming,” says Nason. “This is about something that you just can’t get elsewhere.” “What I like about this idea is that it gives us the opportunity to offer a wide variety and let people try different things out,” says Billy Russell, Program Manager (who also happens to be teaching the fire making class). “It’s a small time commitment, and the price is really low, it’s about the price of a movie. Committing to a 10 week course, for something you’re not sure if you want to pursue, can be really hard,” he says. Initial response to the Westboro Brainery has been enthusiastic. They’ve already had local residents offer to teach homebrew classes, chess strategy, and geneology. Eventually Nason would like to see 20-30 classes offered every month, with 8-12 participants in each class. “We’re a not-for profit charity with a commitment to community building,” says Nason. “Our mission is about having a healthy, active and engaged community in what we’re doing. This is just one more piece that allows us to do this.” For more information about the Westboro Brainery go to www. You can also follow the Brainery on Twitter at @WestboroBrain.

Kitchissippi Times P.O. Box 3814, Station C Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4J8 Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a not-forprofit community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the Kitchissippi Times.

Editor Andrea Tomkins 613-238-1818 x275 @kitchissippi Contributors Denise Deby, Debra Huron, Kate Settle, Ted Simpson, Kristy Strauss, Judith van Berkom Proofreader Judith van Berkom Advertising Sales Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 Publisher Mark Sutcliffe Associate Publisher Donna Neil Creative Director Tanya Connolly-Holmes Production Renée Depocas Regan Van Dusen (maternity leave) Advertising 613-238-1818 x268 All other enquiries 613-238-1818 x230 Distribution A minimum of 17,600 copies distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door through Ottawa Citizen or Flyer Force. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us and we’ll deliver to you. Bulk copies delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre. 613-238-1818 x248 Tips and ideas We want to hear from you about what’s happening in our community. Contact the Editor. The Kitchissippi Times is published by


Mark Sutcliffe PRESIDENT



Terry Tyo The next issue of your Kitchissippi Times:

November 21

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Reserve by November 14

November 7, 2013 • 5

Kitchissippi Times

“Ongoing obsession” leads to surprising discoveries

The Mobile Lawyer

Continued from page 1


the Wayne Gretzky of his admits to what she calls an time, which earned him a “ongoing obsession” with the place in the Hockey Hall of Discover How Cowley family’s beginnings. Fame. After his NHL The Mobile Lawyer The first part of the saga career ended, he owned the Can Save You focuses on the years in Canada Elmdale Tavern, and was a after Mailes Cowley arrived in founder and co-owner of Time and Money. Montreal from England in the Ottawa 67s. · real estate 1831 with his wife and two Jackson was thrilled to · wills and estates children—one of whom grew interview Jane Cowley · corporate /commercial up to be Captain Cowley. The Egan, (daughter of the Cowley family’s roots in hockey player) and her England’s Sherwood Forest cousin, Robert H. Cowley, will be featured in Part 2, to this summer in Norway be published in 2014. Bay, Quebec, where they Tel. 613-722-8381 A record of the Cowley family history. Photo by Kate Settle “Initially, I was researching both live. David McLean B.A.,LL.B Fax: 613-722-4891 the whole family history (in England and Canada),” said “They’ve been so trusting; they’ve loaned me Jackson. “By mid-summer, I realized I had acquired so thing [historical] they’ve got,” said Jackson. “Jane just much information, and that I wanted to get something keeps telling me she’s so happy to have somebody write written in 2013 to mark the 400th anniversary of about the family. She knows that the family is quite speChamplain going up the (Ottawa) River, that I had to cial but she’s never done anything herself.” divide the story in two!” For Jackson, who came early to her interest in genealCaptain Cowley’s temporary possession of Samuel de ogy, a folder filled with raw material speaks of treasure. Champlain’s astrolabe after the metal artifact was dis- Born in Brighton, England, Jackson arrived in Canada at covered near Cobden, Ontario in 1867 helped spur 22 and has lived here since. She began chronicling her Jackson’s interest in the Cowley family. That kind of family’s roots, based almost exclusively in the county of historical tidbit was included in a history project Sussex, England when she was 30. Public School Trustee for launched in January 2013 by a neighbourhood group, Earlier this year, as she immersed herself in the the Champlain Oaks Project. Cowley history project, Jackson realized she was calling What completely hooked Jackson into writing her her main subject “Captain Dan.” saga was a question posed by the Champlain Oaks “I started to call him Captain Dan because I felt like Ottawa Carleton District School Board Project: why did records show that Captain Cowley was I was getting to know him a bit,” she said. “It became 133 Greenbank Road, Nepean, ON buried in North Bay, Ontario, when he had lived and clear to me that he was a real character, and very wellK2H 6L3 worked all his adult life in the Ottawa Valley? known in the Ottawa Valley.” 613.729.1021 Jackson’s journal article provides the answer, which Jackson believes that in later life, the Captain (who MONDAY had less to do with imagined intrigue and more to do died at age 80 in 1897) was highly regarded for his MONDAY with poor note taking by a distracted clerk. (You’ll have integrity and decency. Please contact me about to read her 4,700 word article to get the full story!) “I think he probably had a jolly personality and told TUESDAY education issues that What about the connection to the NHL featured in a lot of stories,” said Jackson. TUESDAY affect our community. the title of her journal article? It turns out that one of the To obtain a PDF of part 1 of the Cowley saga, conCaptain’s great-grandsons, Bill “Cowboy” Cowley, was tact Christine Jackson at 613-729-8021. 3pm - Close 3pm - Close

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6 • November 7, 2013




Raw food cooking class If you haven’t heard of the Westboro Brainery yet, flip to page 4. The Brainery is essentially a pool of community knowledge; you can learn an array of new skills at these workshops or even volunteer to share your own expertise with the Westboro community. Coming up this month is a unique culinary opportunity, an Introduction to Raw Food Cooking class hosted by raw-foodist, Abby Al-Azzawi. It’s a perfect opportunity for those of us who long to eat a healthier diet, but lack the raw food recipe repertoire to go beyond carrots and hummus. Introduction to Raw Food Cooking is taking place at McKellar Field House, 539 Wavell Avenue on November 19 from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online. (

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Open mic comedy The Hintonburg Public House will be hosting an open mic, comedy night on November 17. Try your hand at being funny, or just sit back and watch your neighbours making their best attempt at comic greatness. Prepare for the ultimate level of irony as hipsters make jokes about hipsters in Hintonburg. In a situation like this, it is inevitable. The Hintonburg Public House is encouraging donations to the Parkdale Food Centre at the event. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. (


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Get SMAKK’d (which stands for Sharing

Meaningful Acts of Kindness and Karma) is a new service that provides local small businesses with the ability to make gift cards for their business. The SMAKK-a-FAIR market will feature a selection of SMAK vendors (many of whom are based in the Kitchissippi area). This is a great opportunity to check out their products and services while enjoying some tunes and Art Is In baked goodness. Attendees will be invited to collaboratively paint a piece of furniture with Westboro’s Malenka Originals. At the end of the evening the item will be auctioned off with all proceeds going to Harmony House. If you haven’t caught on yet, a gift card for a local specialty shop will make an outstanding Christmas gift. The SMAKKa-FAIR is happening November 15 from 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. at the Art is In Bakery at 250 City Centre Avenue. ( Family theatre and coffee Grab your kids and spend a Saturday afternoon at Happy Goat Coffee enjoying some great theatre and music. 8th Generation Theatre Company is presenting family friendly story telling and music at the Hintonburg coffee shop and roastery. Happy Goat is a hidden gem in the neighbourhood, with a focus on the highest quality coffee from freshly roasted beans, you can even watch them roast the coffee from the shop’s welcoming lounge. 8th Generation will be presenting a series of performances from noon until 4 p.m. on November 15. (

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November 7, 2013 • 7

Kitchissippi Times

Remembering Adelina

Second World War vet recalls wife’s service

Story and photo by Kristy Strauss

John Duggan’s 93 year-old hands slide easily across his piano’s ivory keys. He looks focused on playing the tune, and only stops to fondly remember the days of playing music for an audience. While his memory is fading, he’ll never forget playing with a band on stage at a bar in the early 1940s. And, performing for an audience with war buddies on the streets of London. “I can say that I had been a busker on the streets of London,” he says with a smile from his piano bench, which is situated in his Westboro dining room. While playing the piano brings back memories of entertaining others, it also brings back warm thoughts of playing for his late wife, Adelina. The couple met during the Second World War. He was in Canada’s air force, and she was an adjutant (or a military officer who was an administrative assistant to a senior officer) in the British Air Force. She was a Scottish woman, Duggan says, and no more than five feet tall – but intelligent, quick, and sharp-minded. On Remembrance Day, he says he doesn’t think much about his own service to his country. Instead, he often thinks about Adelina, and her service during the Second World War. “I understand war is like hell,” Duggan says, adding that he believes Adelina endured more danger in the Second World War than he did. “My wife had a bullet bounce off her

Westboro resident John Duggan holds his and his wife’s family crests.

tin hat, she endured bombing, she was caught in a burning building. She was prepared to die and be roasted to death. She had a very interesting war.” He says the Holocaust, and the treatment of Jewish people in Europe, was a brutality that stuck with his wife before, during and after the war. Duggan says her father was a gas company executive, and had taken her on a visit to Germany before the war started. What she saw was permanently ingrained in her memory. “She saw Jews brushing the cobblestone roads with toothbrushes, wearing the star,” Duggan says. “She was very sympathetic towards the Jews.” However, he begins to smile slightly as he thinks about how his wife – who had Continued on page 9

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8 • November 7, 2013

KT BRIEFS New bakery opens in West Wellington Strawberry Blonde Bakery at 114B Grange Avenue is a dedicated vegan, gluten-free, and nutfree bakery founded by pastry chefs Claire Tomchishen and Jacqui Okum. The bakery started out as a small stand at the Ottawa Farmer’s Christmas Market. Building on their success, Tomchishen and Okum moved into a kitchen at Rainbow Foods, and have been baking up custom orders and selling their treats to Rainbow Natural Foods, Herb & Spice and The Daily Grind Art Cafe.

The new storefront opened on November 2. The menu includes cupcakes, cookies, squares, and bars, which are all baked with an eye towards individuals with special diets (although we’ve been assured that anyone would find them delicious). SBB is just arriving at the tail end of a Kickstarter campaign too. For more information about the campaign or the bakery, check out their website at Help design a better neighbourhood ID Collaborative, an urban planning studio group from McGill University, is working with the Wellington West BIA and Creative Neighbourhoods on a wayfind-



Joe Adams, Sonja Pajcic, Mary Thompson and Shaylagh Phypers pose with Nepean High School principal Patrick McCarthy at Nepean’s 24th annual United Way/Dave Smith Foundation Charity Breakfast on November 1. The students raised a grand total of $3049.92. This year’s celebrity servers included school board trustee Jennifer McKenzie and CTV’s Graham Richardson. Photo by Andrea Tomkins

ing strategy and public space enhancement project along Wellington Street West. The Wellington Street West Charrette is a design workshop to improve public spaces along Wellington Street West by incorporating Wi-Fi hot spots and

wayfinding signage along the corridor. The purpose of this workshop is to bring the ideas of the community together and generate solutions for the improvement of public spaces with the purpose of

encouraging neigbourhood exploration and increasing knowledge of local services and attractions. Kitchissippi residents are invited to bring their ideas to the Hintonburg Community Centre from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday November 12. Pre-registration is required, and food will be provided. If you are unable to participate in the design charrette, consider attending the open house that takes place from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., right before the charrette. To register, email wellwest.charrette@gmail. com or call 514-8252453. Near West Review Continued from page 2 hoping to find one with enough positives,” Farris said, adding that each comment will be taken into account when the group makes its final recommendations to the board. Jennifer McKenzie, the school board trustee for Somerset/Kitchissippi, said the board will discuss the issue at a December 10 meeting. “When we started this, we developed our mandate: strive to achieve a set of recommendations that support alleviating the capacity issues of Devonshire and Elmdale,” McKenzie said. “We’ve tried to use that as the basis for some of our decision-making.” Parents had a chance to submit their comments to the working group until November 1. The group will then submit their recommendations to the board by November 15, and the board will submit their report. School board trustees will review the recommendations at a December 10 meeting, where members of the public will have one more chance to comment. For more information visit Pages/NearWest.aspx.

November 7, 2013 • 9

Kitchissippi Times

Wickedly Wonderful

Paul Dewar, MP Ottawa Centre

Treats and a few new tricks at Westboro Village’s annual festival

See you at our

Story and photo by Denise Deby

Youth Forum

Cool, rainy weather didn’t dampen the Halloween spirits of people who dropped by Richmond Road on Saturday, October 26 for Wickedly Westboro, Westboro Village’s spooky street festival. Kids and adults, some in costumes, enjoyed balloon artists, fortune tellers and face painters, picked up treat bags and gathered clues hidden inside stores during the scavenger hunt. Many of the biggest smiles came at the Ottawa Farmers’ Market near Byron and Golden, where Brooklynbased Maniac Pumpkin Carvers spent the day turning bright orange pumpkins into wild sculptures. Maniac Pumpkin Carvers co-owner Chris Soria and team member José Rodríguez etched expressive faces, haunting silhouettes and Ottawa Senators symbols into pumpkins, to the delight of passersby. A few people took home the finished carvings, each of which took hours to create, after bidding for them in a silent auction that raised funds for the Westboro Food Bank. Westboro area resident Patrick Roy and daughter Erica scored a pumpkin dubbed “Frankenstein” with a winning bid of $30. Roslyn Richardson and daughters Sophie and Avery, who live in the Carlingwood area, were also among the many people enchanted by the engaging Maniac carvers. Soria, a professional artist who works primarily in paint and photomontage, is also an educator with Brooklyn non-profit Groundswell, leading groups of youth in creating twostorey-high murals. “Pumpkin is a very different medium,” laughs Soria. He and

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Westboro BIA Chair Sab Ventola, Maniac Pumpkin Carver Chris Soria, Mayor Jim Watson, MPP Yasir Naqvi.

Maniac’s co-founder, professional artist and illustrator Marc Evan, who stayed in New York to manage the group’s busy Halloween schedule and tend to a new baby, have been carving pumpkins as a seasonal business for almost 10 years. Wickedly Westboro treats included the surprise unveiling by Soria of a pumpkin portrait of Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, who was on hand along with Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi and Sab Ventola, chair of the Westboro Village Business Improvement Area, which organizes Wickedly Westboro. The Ottawa Farmers’ Market assisted with logistics for the day, with vendor Needham’s Market Garden supplying pumpkins. Another new attraction was the Pumpkin Stroll, in which people voted for their favourite pumpkins displayed by local merchants. Students from Algonquin College’s Culinary Skills – Chef Training

Program were at Wickedly Westboro giving pumpkin carving demonstrations, after participating in a master class with the Maniac Pumpkin Carvers on October 25. Another feature was the creation of a pumpkin and ice sculpture, a collaboration between the Maniac Pumpkin Carvers and the Ottawabased Canadian Ice Carvers’ Society, which combined a pumpkin witch’s head by Soria, a tangle of pumpkin “roots” by Rodríguez, and an ice cauldron and flames by ice sculptor Gabriel Giammaria. “It was fun,” said Soria of the Maniac Pumpkin Carvers’ first Canadian appearance. “Everybody who showed up responded very positively.” Westboro Village BIA executive director Mary Thorne concurred. “Despite the weather, people are around, they’ve got smiles on their faces…. Everyone’s seeming to have a really good time.”

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Remembrance Day memories Continued from page 7 learned to speak German – also played a role in interrogating German prisoners. “My wife was five-foot-nothing, so these big, honking German prisoners figured this would be a snap,” Duggan says. “But they didn’t know my wife. She had a mind like a steel trap, and when she

started asking she would go on, asking the same question in a dozen different ways. She tied these guys in knots. Oh, she had fun.” Memories of his wife are still alive in his living room – including her custom-made chair, which has a straight upright back so the feet on her short frame could touch the floor when she sat.

A visitor to Duggan’s home is also welcomed by two plaques that hang on the wall; two family crests – one for Duggan, and one for his wife’s maiden name, Stewart. The stories she told Duggan at their kitchen table also remain with him, especially on Remembrance Day. “I think of her often,” he says.

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10 • November 7, 2013


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strain felt from work. Your monitor should be placed directly in front of your eyes and set up so the top is at, or just below eye level. Your chair should be adjusted so that your knees are bent to around 90 degrees with your feet flat on the floor. The keyboard and mouse should be positioned so that your shoulders are relaxed, elbows are bent to around 90 degrees and wrists are level. Stretching breaks should also be incorporated throughout the day. Chiropractic care can help reduce muscle and joint stiffness. Talk to your chiropractor if you’re experiencing work related aches and pains.

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Tips for Selling a Home with Children

Canine Allergies

Q: My wife and I are looking to sell our home. We have 2 children under the age of 5. We have already bought a house through a developer and are looking for any suggestions on how to make sure our home sells before we move into the new place. A. Purchasing your new home before selling your current

against “allergens” in the environment that are not otherwise a threat to the animal. It is this reaction body that causes the allergy symptoms. Allergic disease in dogs is typically broken down into two categories: environmental and food allergies.

home typically motivates you to sell as soon as possible to ensure a smooth move into the new house. The right realtor can help make or break this fragile situation. Having young children, preparing to sell your house, and keeping it clean can seem like a never-ending task. Our team is able to ensure that you have the help and support you need. A cleaner and/or stager could be provided if need be.

Declutter and pack away as much as possible before your home goes on the market. Designate one play area for your children that can be easily cleaned up for a showing. Keep each room tidy after using it so that when you have a showing it won’t be too overwhelming to get the house ready. The goal is to have potential buyers focus on your home, and not get distracted by a mess as this can contribute to the feelings they have about the home. For more on how to make a move effortless email

Q. Can dogs get allergies like people? A. Yes. Allergies are abnormal reactions of the immune system

Dr. Keith Johnson Carling Animal Hospital 2268 Carling Ave 613-725-3439

Environmental allergies in dogs, or “atopy”, can develop against allergens such as weeds, pollens, grasses, trees, house dust mites, second-hand cigarette smoke and cat dander. The symptoms of atopy range from minor itchiness and scratching to severe scratching, chewing and rubbing causing hair loss, sores, and skin infections. In Ottawa late summer and early fall is when atopy is at its worst for most dogs and this past season was particularly bad. Methods to control atopy symptoms range from avoidance of those areas with ragweed and long grass in peak season, to regular bathing, and antihistamines for mild cases. In more severe cases, corticosteroids, antibiotics, cyclosporin and allergy “shots” for hyposensitization must be used. Any number of foods can cause food allergies but commonly used dog food proteins are often implicated in those unfortunate dogs that develop food allergy. Symptoms and treatment are often not that different from atopy however avoidance of the food in question represents the most important step. Elimination diets and food allergy testing can be used to identify the specific allergen thereby helping to know what exact food items must be avoided. Like many things in animal health, allergies in dogs can be complicated especially if both environmental and food allergies are occurring at the same time. If you suspect your dog is suffering from allergies, you should speak to your veterinarian to determine the best approach in managing your dogs symptoms.

November 7, 2013

Pet Rats Steal Show at Churchill Alternative School Event

Getting into the spirit of Hallowe’en The St. Vincent de Paul’s staff got into the spirit of Halloween by decorating the store window with themselves - a tableau vivant of lively characters enthusiastically greeting passersby with broad smiles and friendly waves. Kitchissippi was a hot bed of Halloween celebration, including costumes and decorations. According to Newswest writer Tim Thibeault, there are some darker sides to the annual ghoulish celebration. See page 18 for his thoughts on excess and poor behaviour in the name of good clean fun. Photo by Tim Thibeault

Planned Kitchissippi Summit To Discuss Infill Issues What works and what doesn’t in our neighbourhood By Gary Ludington, Chair, Westboro Community Association “What has happened to the neighbourhood?” This is a question I was asked by a neighbour a year ago. She was pointing out some of the changes just around our area on Tweedsmuir Ave. Her 1.5 storey house was dwarfed by new semis that were under construction on a nearby street. Not liking what she was seeing she made a decision to move and did. The Westboro Community Association (WCA) is wondering whether more Kitchissippi residents are wondering about what has happened to the neighbourhood? To that end we have discussed the benefit of having a moderated panel discussion of what you, as residents, think of what has been happening in the neighbourhood during the past couple of years. We have spoken with a couple of other Kitchissippi community groups

and they have expressed an interest in participating. We were going to try to organize this for 2013 but with the additional interest we are now planning the discussion for early 2014. And yes, as you have suspected, Kitchissippi is one of the busiest areas for infill development. In fact there is so much construction underway that we have recently gone from having one designated building inspector to three. To help us get ready for this event we would like to hear from you. Let us know what you think is great about the infill in your area or not so great. What do you see as issues, if any? You can send us specific addresses with or without pictures. Our email is hellowestboro@ The City is currently undertaking Phase 2 of the Low-rise Infill Housing Study. For more information go to

tains them into rolling fits of By Dosi Cotroneo Usually any sign of rodents is a laughter as Tommy and Melanie bad thing in a public building but and their two pet rats get into one this was not the case in Kitchissippi mishap after another. And so, a little brother shedding tears for his recently. Squeaks, squeals and roaring sister evolved into the tale of laughter could be heard in the Melanie and Tommy Have Two halls of Churchill Alternative Pet Rats and One Syndrome. The book, published by Ardith School on Friday, October 25, as two pet rats were on the loose, Publishing, put an end to taking over the school assembly. Melanie’s teasing and has gone on to become a Teachers and students Canadian bestwere enjoying every Squeaks seller, catapultminute of the exciteing Melanie ment and entertainsqueals and and Tommy ment as brother-sister into a whirlduo, Melanie and Tommy Glatzmayer, roaring laughter wind schedule book tours were special guests could be heard of at schools invited to the school across Canada to read from their secin the halls of and the United ond book, The Catelli States. When Castle. Churchill asked what his It all started in Alternative favorite part of 2009 when six-year the whole old Tommy came School. book writing home from school experience has crying. His big sister Melanie was being teased by been, Tommy replied, “My faother students because she ap- vorite part is that no one makes peared to be different. At the age fun of my sister anymore!” Melanie and Tommy’s father, of three, after hundreds of hospital visits, countless tests, sleepless John Glatzmeyer, grew up with nights, and much suffering, little pet rats and wanted his kids to Melanie was diagnosed with a have this experience. The two pet very rare syndrome named CdLS rats have proven to be not only (Cornelia de Lange Syndrome). extremely fun for the entire famThere are about only 100 known ily, but very therapeutic for cases in Canada and about 2,400 Melanie. They help calm her down, keep her company, and cases in the United States. Tommy decided that day to give her much affection. Tommy turn his upset into opportunity as loves their pet rats and plans obhe and his mother Nathalie stacle courses that have them Wending created an adventurous climbing, hiding, racing and picture book that not only edu- more. Grades 4 and 5 teacher, Mr. cates children about the importance of acceptance, but enterContinued on page 12

INSIDE NEWSWEST Attend Newswest’s Annual General Meeting.................. p.12 Hang Mittens on Riccoli’s Tree...................................... p.13 Kitchissippi’s Rough Road Syndrome............................ p.14 Deadline for the December 5 Newswest is November 22. Please note: 421 Richmond Road is NOT a drop-off location for Newswest. It is our mailing address only! Please drop off your material at the main reception desk of the Dovercourt Recreation Centre, 411 Dovercourt.

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12 • November 7, 2013




Kitchissippi Times

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Melanie and Tommy Glatzmayer and their two pet rats visited Churchill Alternative School on Friday, October 18, to share their two published books with staff and students. Students Miranda Beaton and Ben Vandine did an excellent job interviewing the pair. The two pet rats stole the show and students were spotted shaking with excitement and asked hundreds of questions to the brothersister team. Photo supplied by Natalie Wending

Churchill School visit

Continued from page 11

Ray Kalynuk, helped organize the assembly with Melanie and Tommy. “We have a large special education population at our school, and we teach in a different way in a different environment, and we aim to convey a message of inclusion, “ said Kalynuk. “It was the most perfect timing for my students as I recently set up a pen-pal correspondence with students at Crystal Bay School, where students have at least one major developmental delay, and I was worried about how they were going to handle the

letters they received from the students, who range in age from 12 up to the age of 20 years old.” Kalynuk added that he and his students had a great time at the presentation. “My students will be talking about this all year. I highly recommend it. They were shaking with excitement and had a million questions for them, and really enjoyed the one-on-one time with them after the presentation.” Visit for more information about Melanie and Tommy, their upcoming events, and to watch some funny rat videos.

NEWSWEST Annual General Meeting The Newswest annual general meeting will be on Monday, November 25, from 7 to 8 pm at the Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington Ave. All new and old members, local community association representatives and any interested parties should come. Seating is first come first served. Hear our year in review, editor’s report, president’s report and web report. Especially welcome are those who like to write, take photos or work in new media. Newswest serves the area north of Carling Ave., east of Woodroffe Ave., to the O-Train tracks.

Ontario Releases Cycling Strategy

By Yasir Naqvi, MPP, Ottawa Centre Bicycles are an integral part of Ontario’s sustainable transportation system, and offer a great alternative to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Every day, more people are embracing greener choices by walking or taking a bike to work or school. Recent statistics estimates that 630,000 Ontarians ride their bicycle on a daily basis and roughly 48 per cent of our population rides their bike at least once a week. An increased dependency on these methods can support our transportation needs today and protect our environment for generations to come. It is for these reasons that I am very excited that the Government of Ontario has recently released a new cycling strategy, #CycleON. This is our 20-year vision to make cycling a respected and valued mode of transportation across Ontario, and will ensure that our province’s roads are the safest in North America. Among its key goals, #CycleON supports cycling in Ontario by encouraging and promoting:

• Healthy, active and prosperous communities; • Improvements to cycling infrastructure; • Safer highways and streets; • Improved cycling awareness; and • Tourism opportunities. The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is in the process of updating its bikeways planning and design guidelines. The goal is to maintain, update and expand infrastructure for cyclists across the province. They will also add new information and illustrations on bike lanes, road markings and right-of-way in future copies of the drivers handbooks. In addition, MTO is leading comprehensive review of existing and planned cycling touring routes in the province, and has consulted with key cycling and tourism stakeholders on the elements of a potential province-wide cycle touring network. Another important component of #CycleON includes a focus on long-term planning. Led by the Ontario Traffic Council, MTO will continue working in partnership with municipalities,

Continued on page 17


Kitchissippi Times

November 7, 2013 • 13

Investing for Income? Brookfield Asset Management Rate-Reset Preferred Shares Rated: Pfd-2 (low), 7.00% coupon Due: September 30, 2014, yielding 3.94%** Intact Financial Rate-Reset Preferred Shares Rated: Pfd-2 (low), 4.20% coupon Due: September 30, 2016, yielding 3.99%** Enbridge Inc. Rate-Reset Preferred Shares Rated: Pfd-2 (low), 4.00% coupon Due: June 1, 2018, yielding 5.06%** ** Yields and credit ratings as of October 31, 2013. Subject to change and availability. Ratings from Dominion Bond Rating Service. Dimitris Foss combines comprehensive financial planning with a disciplined investment strategy to ensure that your investments will help achieve your specific retirement objectives. A resident of Kitchissippi, Dimitris and his team of experts can help you achieve financial peace of mind. Dimitris Foss, CFP Wealth Advisor 613-782-6789 ™Trademark used under authorization and control of The Bank of Nova Scotia. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital Inc., Member CIPF.

Nicole White, centre, and the rest of the Riccoli staff at their Wellington Ave. location. In a single day Riccoli’s was able to raise $600 for the Cancer Society at their Taste of Wellington event. Photo provided by Nicole White

Taking The Cut Out of Cancer

Affordable, Clean, Secure, Central

Riccioli Salon’s Cut-a-Thon A Great Success By Nicole White Riccioli Salon raised $600 for the Canadian Cancer Society on September 14 at Taste of Wellington. Throughout the day, clients were able to come into the salon and have their hair cut. Proceeds from the haircuts were donated to the Cancer Society. A huge thank you goes out to the clients who came and had their hair-

cut for the Cancer Society fundraiser; your generosity made the day a success. If you were one of the clients who got their haircut, please come back to visit us, you are eligible for a tax receipt. The Cancer Society fundraiser was really enjoyable, and so the staff at Riccioli Salon will be doing another charity event to help local families in need. The Snowsuit

Foundation collects winter clothing such as kid’s snowsuits, winter hats and mittens. Riccioli Salon will have a mitten tree for the Snowsuit Foundation. The mitten tree will display the donated mittens, scarves and hats. Come and visit Riccioli Salon at 1267 Wellington Street West and donate to our mitten tree, from now until Christmas.

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see you in The spring!

All of us at Parkdale Market want to thank all our friends in Hintonburg, Parkdale and Wellington Village. We appreciate all the support, encouragement and appreciation you’ve given us throughout the 2013 season. We’re going to miss you over the winter and hope to see you again next spring.

The Field house will be open saTurdays Till dec. 14 – and From november 24Th Till december 24Th, parkdale markeT will be The besT place in Town To Find The perFecT chrisTmas Tree and wreaTh!

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14 • November 7, 2013

Kitchissippi Times

NEWSWEST Great Food • Great Wine • Great Spirits

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Some Unitarian House residents are stripping down to support their home life. Photo by Katie Mulrooney

Unitarian House Goes X-rated! By Beryl Allport Baring it all has become the method by which some Kitchissippi residents can stay in their own homes. The Naked Truth calendar for 2014 has been created by a group of elder residents living in Unitarian House who are running out of money due to unexpected life duration. This fundraiser is to enable them to stay living in what has become their home. The campaign began in early September and with much effort on the part of several residents, the group has been able to raise approximately $7,500 to date. The cost per resident for one month’s rent currently is $2,955. Calendars are available at

Unitarian House, 20 Cleary Ave., Kristy’s restaurant, Tivoli florists in Westboro, at random kiosks in shopping malls. This would make a great Christmas stocking stuffer! Our bigger intention is getting out the message that more affordable, supportive and healthy accommodation is needed desperately for the ever-increasing aging population. Municipalities need to actively pursue using the Unitarian House as a model. Contact the group by phone at 613-722-6690 for enquiries or orders. We truly appreciate your support. Who knows, one day you or someone you know may be a recipient. With your help we look forward to printing additional copies!


Street Cuts: Another Infill Woe

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By Gary Ludington Street cuts are not something we think of every day. That is unless you have a lot of construction happening on your street. New homes on established streets need to be connected to the City services like water and sewer. To do this a contractor is hired. Their job is to get a permit and provide some sort of bond and then dig up the street, known as a street cut, to connect the services to the new home being built. As I understand it, the contractor is responsible for returning the street cut to the original condition of the street. I live on Tweedsmuir Ave and over the past 18 or so months we have seen more than eight different construction sites, either built or underway. Most have had street cuts and while

some are still under construction the ones that are occupied have not had the street cuts finished to the original condition before construction began. It is especially noticeable on our street because the street was recently resurfaced. So we now have bumps, dips and heavy equipment tread marks that, yes, are a cheap form of traffic calming, except they are not marked and trucks of all kinds go over them daily and nightly, making quite a lot of noise. If the contractor posts a bond for the street cut what does the City do with the bond? How do they determine if it should be returned? If it isn’t, where does the money go? My neighbours and I are sure this happens on a lot of other streets and we wonder why?

So we now have bumps, dips and heavy equipment tread marks that, yes, are a cheap form of traffic calming, except they are not marked...

EDITOR: Anne Duggan ADVERTISING: For rates and other information Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 SUBMISSIONS Newswest accepts submissions from the community. Articles, photographs and community calendar items are welcome. Send to: (Submissions can be faxed to 613-728-3030.) SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Articles should be maximum 500 words; letters to the editor maximum 300 words; community calendar items maximum 50 words. Photographs should be 300 dpi; print photos 3X5. All signed letters to the editor are welcome. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. Opinions and information published in Newswest through letters we receive, community association news, or individual columns, do not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of this newspaper.


Kitchissippi Times

November 7, 2013 • 15

District School Board News By Jennifer McKenzie, Kitchissippi Ward Trustee Near West Accommodation Review Update After many months of hard work, the Near West Accommodation Review Working Group, in collaboration with Board staff, held its final public meeting at Fisher Park Public School on the evening of October 24. During the meeting, parents and community members were given the opportunity to comment on and ask questions about the four options the working group have put forward as possible solutions to chronic over-crowding at Elmdale Public School and Devonshire Public School. The meeting was well attended and many parents had an opportunity to comment, share concerns, and ask questions. The Working Group co-chairs and board staff strongly urged parents and community members to provide detailed feedback to the committee regarding their concerns about the proposed accommodation options, and to be specific about what they like and don’t like about each option, so that the committee and staff will have as much input as possible from the broader community as the review enters its final report stage. Community members are encouraged to send any further comment to the working group email address by November 1. The working group will submit its final recommendations to the board by November 15. Board staff will follow up with their report shortly thereafter. At this point the board of trustees is scheduled to review final recommendations at the committee of the whole meeting on December 10. The final report and recommendations will be posted during the week prior to the meeting on the board website as part of the agenda for the board’s December 10 meeting. There will be several opportunities to delegate to the board during the months of December and January. Please monitor the Near West page at for more details. As trustee for the schools and neighbourhoods affected by this review process, I would like to express my deepest thanks and appreciation to the parents and community representatives on the working group who gave so much of their time and energy to this project in the hope of finding a solution that

would best serve the students and families in their community. A number of the speakers at the public meeting expressed similar sentiments, and attendees supported them with well-deserved applause. Board Capital Priorities Revised At our October 22 meeting, the board of trustees revised the list of school construction and renovation projects that we will submit to the Ministry of Education for funding in 2014-15. While all ten of the capital projects recommended by staff will remain on the list to be forwarded to the provincial government, trustees voted to give priority to projects that have undergone reviews of adjacent space and held public consultation processes: the new Half Moon Bay Elementary School, the Broadview Ave. PS rebuild project, and the construction of an addition to the West Carleton Secondary School are at the top of the list. The Ministry of Education has indicated that while school board rankings play a role in decision making, it also considers a number of other criteria in choosing which projects to fund. This announcement is expected in the spring. Busing Service for Secondary School Students Expanding In an effort to address inequities in student transportation services provided by our school district as compared to those provided by the Ottawa Catholic School Board, trustees recently approved a motion to reinstate funded transportation for secondary students within the Urban Transit Area who live 3.2 kms or more from their designated school. This measure, which will be in place for the beginning of the school year in September 2014, will provide transportation to approximately 5300 additional OCDSB students. While OCDSB reserves will be used to cover the initial cost of the expanded busing, staff expects this will be a one-time expenditure. A scheduled Ministry of Education review of the efficiencies that the OCDSB has brought to our overall transportation services through participation in the Ottawa Student Transport Authority (OSTA) is likely to result in the province providing up to 90 percent of the funding for the expanded service going forward.

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16 • November 7, 2013

Kitchissippi Times

City Counsellor Report By Katherine Hobbs, Councillor, Kitchissippi Ward The 2014 budget has been tabled, and here are some key highlights:



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Cycling, Transit and Sidewalks: • Upgrading the O-Train to 8 minute service, doubling capacity on the line; • Approximately 255 renewal and cycling projects completed by the end of 2013 and another 150 targeted for completion in 2014; • $2 million to fund planning, design and construction of new cycling facilities, including enhancements along the Byron corridor; • $340 million completion of 400 Ottawa on the Move Projects;

• $340,000 toward implementation of the Richmond Road/Westboro Transportation Management Implementation Plan to make cycling, transit and walking more comfortable and convenient everyday options; • $2.7 million toward environmental assessments of Stage 2 LRT projects to Bayshore, Bowesville and Orleans; • The $21 million complete streets treatment for Churchill will continue; • Resurfacing of Dovercourt Avenue, part of a $45 million investment in City road infrastructure. Environment: • $1.2 million in additional funds to fight the Emerald Ash Borer to preserve

Live in the heart of Westboro

and increase forest cover across the city; • $1.175 million additional funding for more trees to be planted across the City; • $3.9 million investment in the Smart Energy Program to reduce the City’s energy costs; • $3.9 million for new sewer infrastructure on Kerr and Rex in McKellar Heights, which will further reduce sewer outflows into the Ottawa River, part of our continued commitment to the Ottawa River Action Plan.

Arts, Culture & Recreation: • An additional $500,000 investment in the Arts, Heritage and Culture Plan; • $1.6 million investment in the Arts Court Redevelopment Project; • $100, 000 towards the Rosemount Library for preliminary project planning including development of program requireUnique in Westboro: W ments as well as undertakfrom Springcress, a s ing preliminary At 450for Churchill future renovation ex- contem Ravenhill,and these pansion. take full advantage of t

century-old brick churc

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Economicthe Development design. The concep • $15example million newintensifi of urban Innovation Complex in com collaboration and Bayview involvement, Yards, adding says Sprin jobs and vitality to President David Spill Mechanicsville and nearChurch, school and neig by Hintonburg; • Investworked Ottawatogether contin- to dev plan which would enhan ues to work, creating over area, not crowd it. 600 new jobs; This private enclave • Continued work on 19 freehold townhome the 2017 taskforce I codesigned by Barry chair, attracting events and J. Ho Associates Architects bolstering our economy as in h with heritage part of Canada’s 150thand an-contem design. The twoand niversary in the Capital.

bedroom homes rang



1,360 Holding the line to on1,948 sq. ft., fe Spending, Taxes and Fees: • No new debt in 2014; • Limiting transit fare increased to 1.9%, below the 2% Council self-imposed 2% cap; • Promise made, promise kept: tax increase of 1.9%, well below the Council self-imposed 2.5% cap; • Freezing the garbage fee at $82; • Freezing Parks and Recreation fees for the 4th year in a row; • Freezing Councillors’ direct access from underg budgets; open lofts, private rear t • Expanded use of Homes are modern, in Service Ottawa online, designs and up-to-the which is saving millions in operating blend costs seamlessly each year into c pedestrian-friendly and leading to faster reso- com Here youprobcan walk t lutions of identified shores, enjoy the un lems; Richmond Road, •Average increase of bicyc side streets in the are just $62 per household.

and be at Carlingwood


Kitchissippi Times

November 7, 2013 • 17

Discussing Public Service Costs By Paul Dewar, MP, Ottawa Centre It’s time for the Conservative government to put evidence before partisan rhetoric and stop blaming public servants for its own mismanagement and spending decisions. And it’s time for Ottawa’s Conservative MPs to stand up for their constituents and our local economy and call on Clement to end the boom-bust cycle of hiring and firing in Canada’s public service. The rhetoric comes in the form of Treasury Board Secretary Tony Clement’s false claims that individual public sector wages and benefits are to blame for a rise in government costs. Mr. Clement used false claims to demonize public servants in the media, using the worst kind of partisan rhetoric to justify massive cuts to front-line workers who are providing valuable services to Canadians. The lack of solid facts is why I asked the Parliamentary Budget Officer to conduct an independent review public service spending over the past decade, most of which was under the Conservative Yasir Naqvi

Continued from page 12

engineering and planning consultants, and tourism organizations to update Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18: Bicycle Facilities. This document will serve as a primary reference tool for engineers, planners and designers throughout Ontario. A draft of the cycling strategy was posted online for public feedback from November 30, 2012, until January 29, 2013. The final strategy contains input from the public and expert advice from cycling stakeholders such as Share the Road Cycling Coalition, the Canadian Automobile Association and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. It also reflects the input and experience of our cycling community in Ottawa Centre. In particular, I want to thank Councillor David Chernushenko, Zlatko Krstulich of the City of Ottawa, and Hans Moor of Citizens for Safe Cycling for their participation in the consultation process, as it was integral to the development of #CycleON. We are lucky to live in a city that benefits from an extensive network of cy-

government. According to the PBO’s review, wages and benefits have nothing to do with the increase in public sector spending, despite Mr. Clement’s claims. Instead, almost all the increases are due to two factors: increases to wages that match inflation and an increase in the total number of public servants over the past decade, almost all of them made under the Conservative government that now turns around and blames civil servants for their own human resources decisions. This isn’t about runaway salaries. This is wedge politics at its worst: a deeply hypocritical whiplash management style, where they initiate massive hiring, and then later demonize those same people in the eyes of the public for their own decisions. Then, they push a political agenda, cutting wages and benefits, initiating massive layoffs and limiting access to the programs Canadians rely on. This is a boom-bust cycle of hiring and layoffs that is entirely politically driven disrupts all sectors of Ottawa’s Continued on page 18

cling routes. Thanks to the hard work of local cycling advocates, Ottawa recently received recognition as a top bicycle friendly community! It is our government’s goal to build active, livable communities in which our goods, services and jobs are available within an easy bike ride from home. #CycleON will add significantly to those choices and I look forward to continuing our work together. Our government knows the importance of supporting safe cycling and encouraging sustainable transit as part of our plan to reduce congestion and strengthen our community. We are confident that the #CycleON will do just that. At its core, this strategy is both a bold vision with ambitious goals and a path forward to guide the development of policies, programs and legislation over the next 20 years. We will continue to move forward with this plan, and will release our next steps to implement the strategy in Spring 2014. For more information, please visit transportation. Please do not hesitate to contact me at my Community Office at ynaqvi. or 613-7226414 if you have any questions.

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18 • November 7, 2013

Kitchissippi Times

The Surprising Thing About Hallowe’en Your Retirement – Are you Rolling the Dice? By Tim Thibeault spookiest night of the year has be- and nature of the If you knew you would outlive your investments, what would you change? Millions of people save every year to ensure their retirement years are comfortable and stress-free. Whether you are saving for retirement or currently retired, understanding your future needs and your progress to meeting those needs is of utmost importance.

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It’s the day before Hallowe’en at this writing and by the time it reaches its readers, Hallowe’en will have become just another memory and a few leftover candies, not the best ones, yet to be consumed. Few will remember whether it was wet or dry, cold or warm, but the costumes and friends shouting in the dark will, for some, make memories that last a lifetime. A Hintonburg four-year-old, on his first Hallowe’en last year, greeted people who answered their doors not with the traditional “Trick or treat” but with a child’s interpretation of the night’s real purpose, a robust cry of... “Surprise!” It’s amazing how much extra loot an enthusiastic fouryear-old can gather in this way without knowing why. But even a small child can sense the excitement and adventure of the night. Later that child will come to understand the subtler intricacies of trick-or-treating. Such niceties as carrying a pillow case instead of a plastic pail, to allow for a greater haul. Wearing clothes in which it is easy to run allows for more visits to houses on a trip out. Travelling with a group of friends offsets the threat of a Hallowe’en mugging. Real or imagined, these are the contingencies for which kids plan on the spookiest night of the year. Or, so it once was. Now, the

come an entire day, including school hours, and parents even phone radio call-in programs to protest that their darlings are being denied some sort of human right if the school should dare suggest that daytime is for learning and wearing a costume to school, no matter how cute or attention-getting, is really not the reason schools were built in the first place. CBC Radio One recently addressed the question of the appropriateness of costumes in schools. From the responses (and vehemence) of the adults participating, one can only gather that internet spelling will one day rule the world where no child should have to go to school dressed like a normal human being on a day devoted to the abandonment of individual dignity in favour of group self-indulgence. It may be a sign of my own advancing years, but girls in bunny ears, and boys in chicken suits each behaving abominably in a crowded restaurant at lunchtime, (both of which I witnessed this year), can hardly recommend the abandonment of civility in favour of semianonymous boorishness where kids practice the art of self-debasement in public as perceived signs of individuality and creativity. When a child can explain the origins of Hallowe’en or the name

day following Hallowe’en, perhaps then he can be allowed a costume in school. Until then, I would suggest that schools be used as places devoted to the fight against ignorance and stupidity no matter how cutely it is presented. That, I believe, would be the best surprise Hallowe’en could ever bring. Paul Dewar

Continued from page 17

economy. While the Conservatives promised it wouldn’t be so bad this time, the numbers show a different story. John Baird, the Minister responsible for the National Capital Region, claimed the NCR would lose only around 7,700 jobs from the Conservative cuts. Statistics Canada has reported that the NCR has lost a shocking 17,000 jobs so far. Despite the promises that only “back room” jobs would be cut, layoffs to front line staff are a reality and are making services less accessible. Just try calling the CRA for information on your taxes or Service Canada about your pension. Let’s see all of Ottawa’s MPs, including the Conservatives, stand up for their constituents and call on Tony Clement to apologize for his undeserved attacks.

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Kitchissippi Times

November 7, 2013 • 19

Team Elder Home Sales Martin Elder, Broker “Selling Fine Homes... Building Community”


NOVEMBER 9: ALL SAINTS WESTBORO VILLAGE FAIR There will be plenty of arts, crafts, jams, jellies, knitting, knick-knacks, books, baked goods, and linens at the All Saints Westboro Village Fair. Don’t miss the luncheon and silent auction. 347 Richmond Road (west of Churchill Avenue) from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. For more information go to or email NOVEMBER 11: REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY AT THE WESTBORO CENOTAPH Join the Westboro Legion for a ceremonial service and wreath laying starting at 2:00 p.m. at the cenotaph on Richmond Road between Broadview and Golden Avenue. Follow the parade back to the branch, 391 Richmond Rd., for fellowship and music by WRD. For more information: NOVEMBER 15: BOOK LAUNCH St. Martin’s Parish Hall (2120 Prince Charles Road near Carlingwood) will be the scene of a book launch for author Guy Thatcher. “A Journey of Days Continues” recounts the author’s 800 kilometre pilgrimage across France on Le Chemin St-Jacques crossing the Pyrenees and joining the famed Camino de Santiago. Admission is by donation and the event begins at at 7:30 p.m. A portion of the donations will go to the Hospice Care Ottawa (previously the May Court). For more information contact Marilyn Collins at 613-820-9084. NOVEMBER 16: HOLLY AND LACE BAZAAR This popular bazaar takes place at the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, 30 Cleary Avenue, from 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. There will be a silent auction (including valuable art), home-made lunches, and great deals on collectibles, flea market items, gentlyused clothes, books, and other timeless treasures. For more information please go to NOVEMBER 16 - FOOD BAZAAR St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church (579 Parkdale Avenue at Sherwood Drive) will be holding its annual Food Bazaar on Saturday November 16 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Drop by for deli items, frozen foods, candy, baking, gift baskets, and hot coffee. For more information contact Dorothy Dickey at 613-2362087. NOVEMBER 16: AUTHOR READING Canadian award-winning novelist and poet Mark Frutkin, author of A Message for the Emperor, will give a reading at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Online registration is required to attend this free program. For a complete list of programs, visit www. For more information, contact InfoService at 613-580-2940 or NOVEMBER 15-17: HOMES FOR THE HOLIDAYS This tour of six homes decorated for the holidays, including a unique home on Island Park Drive, supports the work of Hospice Care Ottawa which provides end-of-life care to hundreds of people and their families. The tour also includes a new PopUp Shop. For details go to NOVEMBER 23: HCA CRAFT FAIR This year’s fair will take place on Saturday, November 23, from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Hintonburg Community Centre (1064 Wellington Street West). A great spot to find unique gifts! Come by to view the wonderful crafts and items for purchase - we’ll have delicious treats for sale as well. Volunteers to help setup and assist during the day are still needed please contact if you are able to help out. We need bakers as well - let us know if you can whip up some delectable desserts. NOVEMBER 23: AUTHOR READING Veena Gokhalem, the author of Bombay Wali and Other Stories, will give a reading at the Rosemount branch of the Ottawa Public Library from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Online registration is required to attend this free program. For a complete list of programs, visit For more information, contact InfoService at 613-580-2940 or NOVEMBER 23-24 - ART AND IKEBANA There will be an art show and sale by renowned artist Mitsugi Kikuchi, at the Takahashi Dojo at 5 Melrose Avenue. Saturday 11:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Admission is free. There will also be an Ikebana exhibition taking place at the same time. For more information call 613-725-3451. NOVEMBER 25: NEWSWEST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Newswest annual general meeting will be on Monday, November 25, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Hintonburg Community Centre (1064 Wellington Avenue). All new and old members, local community association representatives and any interested parties are welcome. NOVEMBER 27 - TEA AND A TOUR Abbeyfield House at 425 Parkdale Avenue is a nonprofit organization that provides accommodation for 10 senior citizens. Drop by for tea, cake and a tour on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 2:00 p.m.

-4:00 p.m. Please RSVP at: 613-729-4817. NOVEMBER 28, 29 AND 30: CHOW QIGONG Learn basic Chow Qigong with Grandmaster Dr. Effie Chow on Thursday evening and November 29-30 at Kitchissippi United Church at 630 Island Park Drive. For information please contact ottawachowqigong@ or visit DECEMBER 2: WESTBORO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION AGM The annual AGM will be held at the Churchill Seniors Centre (345 Richmond Road) at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in being on the Board please contact the WCA at YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS Champlain Park Community Association Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association


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ENGLISH GROUP The English Conversation Circle program at Rosemount Branch library, welcomes anyone wanting to practice their English language skills in a relaxed and friendly setting. Volunteers from the Catholic Immigration Centre, welcome people to join the group, to learn new vocabulary and enjoy the chance to chat. Mondays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. No registration is required. MYSTERY SOLVED! The challenge of picking a good read, has been reduced, owing to the addition of annotated comments on popular mystery authors and series to the Rosemount library shelves. The popular, Jan’s Mystery List, is now available at the shelf, with laminated lists. The colour codes refer to Jan’s assessment of gentle to graphic in violence. With three categories; green, yellow and red, interested readers can have a sneak preview into the world of mystery writing. CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH - INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED Practice and improve your Spanish speaking skills. We are Los Amigos Toastmasters We meet at the Civic Hospital, Main Building, Main Floor, Room 3 at the back left of the Cafeteria “Tulip Café” Mondays at 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Call Carole at 613761-6537 or email

Hintonburg Community Association Hampton-Iona Community Group Island Park Community Association

PAINTERS’ CIRCLE Tuesday mornings, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Unitarian Church, 30 Cleary Avenue. We are a friendly, encouraging group with a wide range of painting experience. Sharing our ideas, showing what we have done, seeking suggestions, is a really pleasant experience for painters whose activity is usually alone. All media except oils are welcome. No tuition, so experience is necessary. 613-695-0505 or for further information.

McKellar Park Community Association Mechanicsville Community Association Wellington Village Community Association Westboro Beach Community Association

LAROCHE PARK YOUTH DROP-IN Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Laroche Park Field House, 7 Stonehurst Avenue. All are welcome. Feel free to bring a friend.

Westboro Community Association TOASTMASTERS GROUP Join the Above and Beyond Toastmasters group and learn to turn failures into successes in a supportive and positive environment. You’ll grasp how to bring out the best in both communication and leadership. Visitors always welcome. Parkdale Clinic, 737 Parkdale Avenue. 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:15 pm. For more info call 819-827-1274 or send an email to

Deadline for submissions:

November 14 Please include “Community Calendar” in the subject line of your email.

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