Giving Guide 2023

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Next-Gen Donors AND THE ‘GIVING GAP’

Grassroots charities in the core FOUNDATION WCPD



COVER STORY Bridging the 'giving gap': Engaging younger donors .................3 Grassroots charities: Stories of working in Ottawa’s downtown.......................6 Ottawa Riverkeeper's watershed moment............................................................8 Carleton U looks to establish first School of Philanthropy...................................9 Getting out for a great cause........................................................11

Next-Gen Donors AND THE ‘GIVING GAP’

Grassroots charities in the core FOUNDATION WCPD



Giving Guide is published by

Great River Media PO Box 91585, Ottawa, ON K1W 1KO TELEPHONE Phone: 613-696-9494 News Fax: No faxes, email PUBLISHER Michael Curran, 613-696-9491 EDITOR IN CHIEF Anne Howland, 613-696-9480 CONTENT MARKETING MANAGER Lisa Thibodeau, 613-696-9482 CONTENT MARKETING CREATOR Paula Clark, 613-696-9495 ADVERTISING SALES General inquiries, 613-696-9494 Wendy Baily, 613-696-9483 Eric Dupuis, 613-696-9485 Victoria Stewart, 613-696-9484 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tanya Connolly-Holmes, 613-696-9487 DESIGN DEPARTMENT Celine Paquette, 613-696-9486 Deborah Ekuma, 613-696-9493 FINANCE Cheryl Schunk, 613-696-9490 All content of the Ottawa Region Giving Guide is copyright 2023 Great River Media Inc. and may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher. Publisher’s Liability for error: The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of monies paid for the advertisement.

CHARITY PROFILES Shepherds of Good Hope........................................................................................ 16 Options Bytown....................................................................................................... 18 Ronald McDonald House........................................................................................ 20 Ottawa Salus............................................................................................................22 Ottawa Hospital Foundation..................................................................................24 Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre .................................................................26 Parkdale Food Centre..............................................................................................28 Help Our Students.................................................................................................. 30 YMCA........................................................................................................................32 Ottawa Network for Education............................................................................ 34 Ottawa Humane Society........................................................................................ 36 Ottawa School of Art............................................................................................. 38 Youth Services Bureau........................................................................................... 40 Cornerstone Housing for Women..........................................................................42 Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa.......................................................................... 44 Causeway Work Centre......................................................................................... 46 Shelter Movers Ottawa.......................................................................................... 48 Catholic Centre for Immigrants............................................................................ 50 Queensway Carleton Hospital................................................................................52 UofO Heart Insitute Foundation.............................................................................54 Youth Ottawa.......................................................................................................... 56 Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.............................................................. 58 Diefenbunker........................................................................................................... 60 Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa...............................................................................62 Ottawa Mission Foundation................................................................................... 64 Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation................................................................... 66 Salvation Army........................................................................................................ 68 Hockey Heros...........................................................................................................70 Ottawa Senators Foundation.................................................................................72 Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre....................................................................74 Matthew House........................................................................................................76 Perley and Rideau Veterans Health Centre................................................ 78 The Snowsuit Fund......................................................................................80 Fondation Bruyere....................................................................................... 82 Children's Aid Foundation........................................................................... 84 AFP Evolution of fundraising: AFP Ottawa is here to help ........................................ 86 AFP's 2023 philanthropy award recipients......................................................... 88


Time to empower today’s young people to become tomorrow’s donors I

t seems like it’s never been so important to attract the next generation of philanthropic donors. As we read in this issue of the Giving Guide, the “giving gap” — the gap in fundraising between younger and older demographics — is a growing concern. Perhaps not surprisingly, older demographics in Canada can no longer donate as much. And experts are questioning whether younger generations can fill those shoes. On the positive side, statistics show that giving from Canadians under 25 jumped from 2019 to 2020, while Canadians aged 25-34 and 45-54 also increased the amount they gave. But will it be enough? Data also show that younger Canadians are less likely to donate, tend to make smaller donations, and support fewer individual causes. It’s not good news, especially when you read Jeff Todd’s story about the pressing needs in our own downtown core, and his feature on the important ecosystem work being done by groups such as the Ottawa Riverkeeper. The work of these local charities is only a small slice of a large global pie. But there is a bright side. My sense is that we’ve rarely seen such a passionate, wellinformed and proactive generation of young people. It’s inspiring — and a bit shaming, for someone of my age — to see them step up and speak out on such a range of important issues. One report suggests that younger generations maintain a higher level of trust in charities than older Canadians and are more likely to learn about issues, spread the word on social media, or engage in protests. For those that don’t give today, the report suggests that they intend to give in proportionate numbers when they are in a financial position to do so. So thank goodness. But here’s the kicker: younger donors are more likely to say they are not being asked to give more and don’t know where to give. That’s a wake-up call if ever there were one. The solutions seem fairly obvious. Charities need to go where young people live and speak to them

in their own language. Sounds easy, right? But as Sam Laprade points out, non-profits often lack the number-crunching capabilities and resources of their private-sector counterparts — and therefore the data that will help them bridge the intergenerational gap. Faced with their own labour shortages and other constraints, many charities simply don’t know how to change their ways. I thought this tip from Charity Village was spot-on: use your student interns (so often under-leveraged) to help you experiment with new technologies, understand social media trends, and otherwise provide invaluable insights into the values of gen Z. They may not know about corporate governance or operational tactics, but these young people know themselves and their peers. Talk about win-win! Also, have a read of Alexandra Dinsmore’s articulate and considered column. We’re in good hands if this is an example of the next generation of fundraisers we are cultivating. One of the biggest takeaways for me from this issue was that, while young people may not be able to give financially now, they’re ready to give of their time, their energies and their passions. That’s quite a lot. For most charities, time really is money. Plus, as Mark Taylor of United Way Eastern Ontario points out, it can be the beginning of a lifelong donor relationship. All in all, it seems like there are more upsides to this story than might appear. It’s up to all of us older folks — parents, donors, professionals and educators — to help bridge the gap.

Anne Howland Editor in Chief OBJ’s Giving Guide

The Ottawa Region Giving Guide is presented by founding partners The Foundation WCPD, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (Ottawa Chapter) and the Ottawa Business Journal. 2 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

Youth ambassador Addison is helping the Ottawa Humane Society inspire other young people to get involved.

BRIDGING THE 'GIVING GAP' Learning how to engage a younger donor is key

By Anne Howland

Ottawa Business Journal



t the Ottawa Humane Society, director of development Lori Marcantonio has a very specific donor in mind, and it’s not who you might think. That’s because Marcantonio is looking to the future. “Our biggest fundraising event of the year is the Wiggle Waggle Walk & Run,” says Marcantonio. “This year, for the first time ever, we're prominently featuring a youth ambassador who has made more than $1,800 in donations. She's 12 years old, she's been raising money for the animals for years, and she's interested in inspiring other children and youth to get involved.” Marcantonio estimates that the OHS has as many as 200 donors under the age of 12 who are raising money through lemonade stands, walkathons, or in lieu of birthday gifts. For the OHS, the goal is to attract very young and first-time donors and build brand awareness and an affinity for the organization early in life. In addition, the OHS engages youth in high school and university through co-op programs and internships. “We work to continue to engage them in events and just general fundraising,” she says, adding that the youth who get involved with OHS aren’t just raising dollars, they’re donating their time. Plus, according to Marcantonio, the families of these young fundraisers become involved, which leads to larger donations as well as corporate donations. The United Way of Eastern Ontario also has a young adult fundraising program. Its GenNext program hosts various events where first-time donors can learn about the issues that affect their community, including diversity and inclusion, youth homelessness, equitable employment and mental health. “Many young people might not have the means to make a donation due to their current financial situation,” says Mark Taylor, vice-president of resource development at United Way Eastern Ontario, adding that many are grappling with the cost of living, completing their education, or starting their careers. “We know they are driven to speak out and advocate for social justice issues and volunteer their time to support causes they care about. They also, like so many of us, have a desire to find and be part of a community.” Taylor says GenNext supporters want to deepen their connection to people who need support and understand how to make a tangible difference; they want to know their efforts and donations are making life better for real people. “Young people have a burning desire to ‘do more’ but some aren't sure how. GenNext is a great starting point for them,” he says. GenNext East Ontario bridges the gap between desire and means by being a community connection for young people to start their philanthropic journey. The program brings together young leaders, aspiring philanthropists, entrepreneurs and local creatives to connect with each other while learning about United Way East Ontario’s causes and how to support communities in a way that is meaningful and long-lasting. This could mean attending a networking event today and later becoming a committed

POST-PANDEMIC PATTERNS Source: Canada Helps, Giving Report 2023


of Canadian charities saw a lasting increase in demand for their services since the pandemic

United Way donor once they are more settled into their career. “We accept donations, knowing that even small actions can make a big impact. We build meaningful relationships with young people through all of our GenNext activities, so that when they have the means to make a charitable donation, they’re ready to choose United Way,” Taylor says. No one ‘ages out’ of the program, Taylor adds. In fact, there are GenNext donors who continue to give since the program was formed in 2016, he says. “We’re lucky that we’ve had many supporters who have stuck with us, even through the pandemic when our in-person events weren't possible.”

“Young people have a burning desire to ‘do more’ but some aren't sure how.” MARK TAYLOR, VICE-PRESIDENT OF RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AT UNITED WAY EASTERN ONTARIO

However, these types of efforts on the part of charities don’t appear to be the norm. According to the Giving Report 2023 from Canada Helps, of 3,000 charities surveyed, 21.9 per cent said they had a dedicated strategy to engage younger Canadians. Perhaps as a result, just under half of respondents said they were dissatisfied or somewhat dissatisfied with the engagement their charity has seen with Canadians aged 18 to 30. According to the report, the “giving gap” — the gap in fundraising between younger and older demographics —


of Canadian charities said they would be unable to meet the growing demands

seems poised to widen. On the positive side, the report showed that giving from Canadians under 25 jumped 29 per cent from 2019 to 2020, a significant gain from the compound annual growth rate of -0.29 per cent from this group from 2010 to 2020. “While this age group contributed less than one per cent of total donations, it is still a positive sign of the willingness and ability of younger Canadians to show up and offer financial support,” the report said. It also noted that Canadians aged 2534 and 45-54 increased the amount they gave in 2020 from 2019. However, Canadians aged 55+ increased the amount they gave in 2020 by 2.2 per cent, about half the 10-year annual compound growth rate of 4.3 per cent shown by this group. “Could this be the first sign that more of the Canadians 55 and older who continued to give are no longer able to or the donors who are replacing them are not giving at the same rate?” the report questioned. Imagine Canada’s latest report, Thirty Years of Giving in Canada, asks the same question. It notes that, over time, average donations from the generation born between 1926 and 1945 came to eclipse those of the generation born before 1925. “It is currently unclear whether average donations from boomers (1946-1965) and generation X (1966-1980) will eventually exceed those of the silent generation (1926-1945), but average donations are increasing at roughly the same pace. The same cannot be said for generation Y (1981 or later). This represents one of the most significant uncertainties regarding the future of donations in Canada,” the report said. According to Susan Philips, professor in philanthropy and nonprofit leadership at the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University, giving has been most constrained by gen-Xers, who still have significant expenses such as mortgages and education for their children. Younger donors are “active givers, in smaller amounts, but are dedicated to causes with impact, as opposed to giving to the same old charities because they gave last year,” she says, adding that online giving is common among younger donors and that


from young people 13% of charities saw a decrease from 2019 to 2020, compared to 5% that saw an increase


by young people


by young people

13% of charities reported a decrease from 2019 to 2020, compared with 7% with an increase


19% of charities saw a decrease from 2019 to 2020, while 14% saw an increase Ottawa Business Journal

they tend to do more due diligence or engage in other ways before they give. The Imagine Canada report would seem to agree. The giving behaviours of younger Canadians differ from those of older Canadians in several significant ways, the report found. Most importantly, younger Canadians are less likely to donate, tend to make smaller donations, and support fewer individual causes. However, the lower levels of support younger Canadians provide to most causes do not appear to stem from an aversion to those causes or reluctance to support them. Instead, the report found that younger Canadians preferred specific ways of donating. They were far less likely to donate in response to a mail request; by sponsoring someone in an event or in memory of someone; at a place of work; or via doorto-door canvassing. They tended to prefer paying to attend a charity event, or responding to a request in a public place such as on the street or in a shopping centre. They were most likely to donate through a place of worship; on their own initiative; and online. Overall, the report found, the most important difference between younger and older donors was with donations by mail. This single factor explains why a number of other donation methods are more important among young donors, the report concluded. In fact, the report said, it appears that younger donors are willing to give more — within their means — but are not being effectively engaged. They were less likely to feel their donations would not be used efficiently/effectively; less likely to give directly to those in need instead of giving to an organization; and less likely to be happy with the amounts they already gave. However, younger donors are more likely to say they are not being asked to give more and don’t know where to give, the report stated. These trends come at a time when Canadian charities are facing a paradox: demand for their services is increasing, while charitable giving is decreasing as donors are battered by such things as the rising cost of living. So what’s a charity to do? In its report, Canada Helps suggests that younger generations maintain a higher level of trust in charities than older Canadians and are more likely to learn about issues, spread the word on social media, or engage in protests. For those that don’t give today, the report suggests that they intend to give in proportionate numbers when they are in a financial position to do so. “They care deeply about a wide variety of causes and it’s up to charities to develop strategic tactics to engage younger Canadians, knowing that many will donate fewer dollars early on in their donor journey,” the report said. When it comes to new approaches, speaking to young donors where they live is key. Social media was one area with an uptick in youth engagement, the Canada Helps report noted, with one in three charities seeing an increase in following, sharing content, commenting on and liking their organization’s posts. “This remains to be a considerable opportunity to build awareness and connections with a demographic known for using social media platforms as research sources,” the report concluded. The Imagine Canada report suggests that, despite the generosity of Canadians, much could be done to increase giving. Finding ways to more effectively engage young people include formal efforts to teach them about giving, in both secondary schools and in colleges and universities. However, the report warns, time is of the essence. “The boomer generation, which has been the mainstay of the charitable sector for most of the past 30 years, is aging. There is a limited amount of time left to tap into the philanthropic impulses of this generation and it is unclear if younger generations will be willing or able to take their place. The evidence suggests this will be a challenge, but it is not a lost cause.” — With files from Melanie Coulson

Five tips for engaging younger donors


Leverage the power of social media

Establishing a strong social media presence can create awareness, build credibility and foster a sense of community around your organization’s cause. But this is easier said than done and the world of social media can be quite overwhelming. If you have to pick one, prioritize reels using trending audio on both Instagram and TikTok. By hopping on trends and placing popular music in your videos, your content is more likely to get viewed, which will result in more exposure for your cause.


Prioritize peer-to-peer fundraising

Try tapping into the rise of peer-to-peer fundraising, which has been growing in popularity among younger donors. Encouraging friendly competitions or challenges among peers can boost engagement and motivate younger donors to get involved. By asking your community to rally their friends and family, you are extending your reach to people outside of your networks at little to no cost.


Align with millennial and gen-Z values

Understanding the values and interests of younger generations is crucial for charities to attract their support. According to the CanadaHelps 2022 Giving Report, “Generation Z and millennials placed (climate change) in their #1 and #2 spot respectively, with 44 per cent of generation Z and 36 per cent of millennials selecting it as a top cause.” For that reason, both generations value sustainability and environmentally conscious organizations. If your cause does not address climate change, there are other ways for you to connect with these generations in their values by adopting eco-friendly practices into your daily processes.


Embrace digital fundraising platforms

Charities need to adapt to an increasingly digital world by providing online fundraising options. Bringing your fundraising initiatives online will render your organization more resilient by eliminating geographical barriers and extending your reach to donors across the country. Whether you’re looking to hold an online auction or are inviting donors to host their own fundraising campaign, there are a plethora of platforms to choose from. But remember tip #3 — it’s important to pick one that would align with the values of millennials and gen Z.


Foster connections with students

Engaging the younger generation is vital for the long-term sustainability of charitable organizations and students are a big piece of that puzzle. Upwards of 350,000 high school students graduate in Canada every year, most of whom are generally required to complete between 25 and 40 hours of community service before they do. On the list of eligible community service hours is the option to volunteer for charitable and not-forprofit organizations. Students can help you in many ways. On top of helping with your existing day-to-day tasks, they are a great resource for testing out all of the tips mentioned in this article. They can help your organization experiment with new technologies, they understand social media trends, they have their own networks that you can tap into, and they can provide you with invaluable insight into the values of gen Z. Source:, “5 actionable tips for engaging the next generation of donors,” by GiveRise, August 2023

Ottawa Business Journal


Grassroots charities share their stories of working in Ottawa’s downtown I n Ottawa today, there are few issues more pressing than the future of downtown. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, downtown businesses and offices have been greatly challenged as employees move toward virtual work options. Meanwhile, high inflation and the rising cost of living are pushing many less fortunate citizens to the brink, officials agree. “We're seeing the cascading effects of multiple, intersecting crises related to poverty, hunger, housing, mental health and addiction. In the best of times, our city’s front-line agencies have their hands full,” says Michael Maidment, president and CEO of the

Ottawa Community Foundation. “Right now, the need for their services is unprecedented. These organizations and others are critical in helping the most vulnerable among us, which underlines our responsibility to support their work.” As Ottawa seeks solutions to bolster its historic downtown core, Jeff Todd, president of AFP Ottawa, spoke with three small nonprofits that are making a difference. Jeff Todd is the president of AFP Ottawa Chapter and VP of marketing and communications for the WCPD Foundation.

Immigration Women Services Ottawa (IWSO) What role does your organization play in the community? We provide targeted services that address the unique needs and challenges of immigrant and racialized women and their children, many of whom are among the most vulnerable and marginalized in our community. Services include crisis and counselling for survivors of violence or those at risk of experiencing gender-based violence; settlement and integration services for newcomer women; language interpretation and translation services offered in over 70 languages by professional interpreters; and a suite of other programs and activities that create employment and leadership opportunities for this target group.

What is the biggest challenge facing downtown Ottawa? We see several challenges facing downtown Ottawa but, at this point in time, we consider the biggest to be inadequate housing. This is particularly true for women fleeing violence, especially newcomer women who have complex needs. There are simply not enough shelter spaces for women fleeing violence in Ottawa. First-stage and overflow shelters are mostly always full. Some women are placed in motels as a last resort, but that has its own safety and other implications.

Consequently, many immigrant and racialized women stay with their abusive partners and put themselves and their children at grave risk of physical and emotional harm.

For donors and volunteers, how can people help? IWSO needs financial support to continue providing these much-needed services to immigrant and racialized women and their children in downtown Ottawa. Financial donations to our Children Who Witness Violence Program would be greatly

appreciated. Through this program, children between the ages of six and 13 receive free, culturallyappropriate and trauma-informed counselling in a timely manner. This program also provides counselling to immigrant and racialized girls who have been exposed to trafficking. Financial donations will enable us to sustain this program and continue to provide this critical service to these vulnerable children and youth who are the future of our community. We welcome volunteers to assist us with our activities such as French conversation circles, arts and crafts sessions, and mentorship.

PARTNER CONTENT 6 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

Operation Come Home What role does your organization play in the community? Operation Come Home is a hub for youth aged 16 to 25 experiencing homelessness or who are at imminent risk of homelessness in Ottawa. We help 700 youth each year secure housing, complete high school and obtain employment by providing social supports, mental health and substance use counselling. We also help with basic necessities such as warm meals, clothing and crisis support.

What is the biggest challenge facing downtown Ottawa? Increasing living costs have made it challenging for many people to meet their monthly bills, which is leading to increased homelessness. At the same time, our city is dealing with a significant challenge with widespread illicit opioids and other harmful substances. These street drugs are leading to overdoses, addictions and exacerbated mental health challenges for many people in poverty in Ottawa’s downtown core. So we have a high number of people downtown with challenges and nowhere else to turn.

For donors and volunteers, how can people help? Improving life downtown is a key priority for us, as a safer downtown will benefit our youth. We are working actively to improve life downtown through a variety of actions. Operation Come Home provides a safe drop-in space on weekdays,

in the evenings and on weekends so that youth have a safe place to go. Our street outreach team is active in the ByWard Market, Centretown, Vanier and other areas to ensure people on the street can access services that will help. Our staff take special care to patrol our block and maintain a clean, safe environment for people downtown by picking up garbage, engaging local residents and talking with people who are on the street. And we are working to improve the overall impression of Centretown by participating in street art and mural projects, having

our youth paint new artworks in public spaces that enliven the city and make Centretown a beautiful place to be. Others downtown can help with similar actions. If local residents are interested, they can volunteer with Operation Come Home and help us with our programs. If they are engaged more directly in the community, helping with small actions like maintaining clean streets and (if people are comfortable doing so) offering help to those experiencing homelessness can go a long way.

cool things to sell to keep our doors open. To make our downtown community thrive, we need to use our public spaces, support businesses and enjoy a social community. We could work harder to be kinder neighbours to those that are

unhoused and awaiting safe and secure housing, helping them to feel connected rather than forgotten. There are so many things that could improve our city, but being a good neighbour is the best place to start.

Highjinx What role does your organization play in the community? Highjinx is a unique social enterprise that supports itself and our vulnerable community members without formal funding — just neighbours helping neighbours. We run a vintage shop in a 150-yearold house that allows us to also have a community pantry, a furniture bank, as well as space for our neighbours to get things they need, feel included and have some laughs. We provide traditional social work services in a very non-traditional way.

What is the biggest challenge facing downtown Ottawa? Housing. There is a severe shortage of housing and, while it is a national crisis, we see an increasing need to give our residents the dignity of having somewhere they can feel safe, sheltered and therefore can begin to actively participate in their neighbourhood.

For donors and volunteers, how can people help? People can help us help our neighbours in so many creative ways. Bake some muffins at home, organize a food drive at work, have a sandwich making party, collect sleeping bags and donate them. We can accept homemade foods, frozen meals, donations of

Ottawa Business Journal PARTNER CONTENT


By Jeff Todd


here are 15 floors from the Rideau Club, on the top floor overlooking the Ottawa River, to the lobby at 99 Bank St. A straight shot, with no stops in between, takes less than 30 seconds in the elevator. Geoff Green, the noted environmentalist and Order of Canada recipient, would need every one of those seconds. Sharing the elevator with him was Mark Kristmanson, then-CEO of the National Capital Commission, a federal Crown corporation and principal steward of nationally significant public spaces. Green saw an opportunity. It was time for the perfect elevator pitch. It was 2016, and Green was chair of Ottawa Riverkeeper. The message had to be clear and simple — the organization did not belong in a cramped, corporate office on Bay Street. Ottawa Riverkeeper belonged on the river. “I didn’t expect that to really go anywhere,” Green recalls. “Mark didn't have time to react. The doors

opened and we both went on our way. But it clearly stuck a little bit. You plant seeds and sometimes they grow. Fortunately, that seed grew.” Fast forward to 2023 and the NCC River House, an imposing boathouse overlooking the Ottawa River, has thrown open its doors to the public, marking a new era for the watershed in the nation’s capital. The three-storey heritage boathouse, adorned in white wooden siding with red trim, is changing how the city thinks and interacts with the river and the watershed. “It is amazing to see,” says Ottawa Riverkeeper CEO Laura Reinsborough, peering out the window of the non-profit’s new offices at the common areas below. “Just seeing how busy it is: people swimming, the lineup for gelato, all the tables are filled on the patio. People are connecting with the river and loving it.” And yet, on that hot afternoon in August, Ottawa Riverkeeper had issued a “no swimming advisory.” The water quality did not pass — a sobering reminder that, even in Ottawa, the water can never be taken for granted.


A watershed moment: How Ottawa Riverkeeper found its new home Ottawa Riverkeeper, a registered charity, serves as an independent guardian of this most precious resource, collaborating with all levels of government, the private sector and the Algonquin Anishnabeg Nations to ensure clean, healthy and accessible water for all people and species. Founded in 2001, the organization was founded partly in response to a major problem surrounding sewage water overflows into the river, especially after a major rainfall. Today, according to Reinsborough, the City of Ottawa has reduced sewage overflows by an impressive 90 per cent. Much work still needs to be done. While residents tend to think only about the immediate Ottawa area, the watershed encompasses around 200 municipalities. One of the many pressing issues is microplastics, which are on an alarming rise in the watershed, according to a recent study from Carleton University. Meanwhile, every winter, the blanket of road salt applied to streets and sidewalks is having a toxic, long-term effect on the water and the health of animals. According to

8 GIVING GUIDE 2023 PARTNER CONTENT Ottawa Business Journal

Ottawa Riverkeeper research, 80 per cent of samples show chronic toxicity due to Ottawa’s overuse of road salt. Describing the watershed as “data-poor,” Ottawa Riverkeeper this year will release the organization’s first Watershed Report Card to truly paint an accurate portrait of the state of the city’s water. “This will be very comprehensive,” Reinsborough explains. “We couldn’t have done it without all the experience under our belts. So it is an indicator of our maturity as an organization.” Certainly, the organization has come a long way. It all began with two or three people at a single desk tucked into the corner of Mountain Equipment Co-op in Westboro. These were the days of small budgets and big dreams. From there, the non-profit moved to Trailhead, also in Westboro, a canoe tripping company and small retail store, which rented its second floor to a few like-minded organizations. But that office would eventually be torn down for condos. Ottawa Riverkeeper next landed on Bay Street, the same corporate office the organization inhabited during Green’s elevator pitch. To Green’s pleasant surprise, a few weeks after his pitch, he received a call from the NCC to come in for a meeting. Kristmanson presented Green and his Riverkeeper colleagues with a plan for a future Westboro Beach headquarters. It was an attractive property, Green recalls, but many years away from being a viable option. “Well, I might have something else,” Kristmanson mused, requesting another file from his assistant. “We’re planning to fix this place up. What do you think?” And so the plan became to restore the historic boathouse of the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club, a private club devoted to rowing and sailing. The century-old boathouse had fallen into disrepair and been mostly gutted. In some places, it was possible to see clean through the floorboards into the river. But there was something else on those floorboards that caught Green’s attention. “We looked down on the floor and, I kid you not, there was an old Ottawa Riverkeeper sticker stuck to the floor where we were standing,” he remembers. “If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.” Now, after five years of renovations and millions of dollars, Ottawa Riverkeeper, alongside the Ottawa New Edinburgh Club, has a new home. Beyond the office space, research, education and advocacy work, the NCC River House is all about the public experiencing the river like never before. Reinsborough says new educational programs represent perhaps the biggest opportunity to grow. Throughout the fall and spring, Ottawa Riverkeeper will welcome students from across Ottawa and Gatineau, with a special focus on underprivileged communities. More field trips, exhibits, interactive displays and new and better programming will form the basis of the charity’s latest $5-million campaign. You protect what you love, Reinsborough argues. By bringing the river to the people, and people to the river, perhaps future generations will do a better job protecting it. “In some ways, the issues facing the watershed have not changed in the past two decades,” says Green, who, after nearly two decades with the organization, will be stepping down as chair later this year. “Our mission is the same. It is about education, inspiring awareness and helping people to understand how important the river and the watershed is. So although that has not changed, our capacity to share these stories and the urgency to take action has grown.” Jeff Todd is the president of AFP Ottawa Chapter and VP of marketing and communications for the WCPD Foundation.

Carleton U looks to establish first School of Philanthropy By Jeff Todd


hen it comes to fundraising at universities, securing large donations to endow business schools has rarely been an issue. In 2007, Ian Telfer, the chairman of Goldcorp Inc., donated $25 million to the University of Ottawa to found the Telfer School of Business. At the time, it was the largest single donation for a business school in Canada, only to be eclipsed by Stephen J.R. Smith’s $50-million gift in 2015, creating the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. Look at any noted Canadian university and you will find a well-funded business school on campus. It is perhaps not surprising that the business of making money has attracted larger donations than the business of giving it away. However, Carleton University’s Master of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership seeks to change that. The program already knows a thing or two about firsts. This groundbreaking program became the first and only of its kind in Canada when it opened its doors 10 years ago. With a decade now under its belt, the program is thinking bigger. Although it currently rests within the School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton is seeking significant investment to establish the country’s first School of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership. “As a society, we do not always treat philanthropy as a profession and give this sector the attention it deserves,” says Susan Phillips, a professor and supervisor in the department, who helped bring the program to fruition a decade ago. “We have accomplished a great deal so far in terms of applied research, events and programming. But our faculty is only three people. To grow, to become a true hub, one way to do that is through anchor faculty positions.” The majority of the endowment would go toward funding full-time positions at the school over the next 25 years, Phillips explains, as well as practitioners-in-residence, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. The idea has already gained traction among several Ottawa philanthropists who appreciate the impact that these anchor positions can have on the charitable sector. While in need of more funding, the program continues to generate plenty of interest among students. According to Phillips, there have been more

than 300 graduates over the last 10 years. The program receives far more applicants than it accepts, she adds, in order to ensure the best possible experience for the students. The master’s degree, offering hybrid components, is national in focus, attracting students from across the country from a variety of age groups and disciplines, from data science, to neuroscience, to the performing arts. Phillips says the fact that the program attracts such a diversity of students shows the importance philanthropy has in society and why it is considered its own legitimate field of study. According to the think-tank Imagine Canada, the charitable landscape employs 2.4 million people, or one in 10 workers. It also constitutes 8.3 per cent of Canada’s GDP, or an estimated $192 billion. With the rise of social impact investing and companies focusing more on corporate social responsibility and frameworks around environment, social and governance (ESG), Phillips says the time is right to place a greater focus on research and academics in philanthropy. To solve the complex problems of today, whether it be climate change, homelessness or income inequality, a dedicated school would provide the foundation for advancing philanthropy in Canada and solving the problems of today and tomorrow. Phillips notes that there are more than 250 non-profit and philanthropy programs in the U.S., boasting a long history of philanthropists supporting the sector. But the gold standard for university-led philanthropic research and academia is the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, founded by the pharmaceutical heiress, Ruth Lilly, and the Lilly Endowment. Phillips hopes Carleton University can be that beacon for philanthropy north of the border. “The sector has long recognized it is datadeficient,” she explains. “We need to multiply our research and help grow the next generation of leaders. And the way to do that is an expanded centre or school — we would have more students and more professional development. The need for training in this sector is significant, whether it is in financial management, fundraising strategies or board governance. The demand is there.” Jeff Todd is the president of AFP Ottawa Chapter and VP of marketing and communications for the WCPD Foundation.

Ottawa Business Journal PARTNER CONTENT


It’s time for Canada’s highest earners to step up

How it works:

Amid climate change and income inequality, flow-through shares offer a solution By Peter Nicholson


hen you read the news or walk the streets in Ottawa, it is clear the world is changing — and not always for the better. This past summer, Canadians experienced unprecedented hardship and devastation from raging wildfires. Whether in British Columbia, Nova Scotia or the Northwest Territories, homes have been destroyed, lives have been lost and enormous funds spent from public coffers. Meanwhile, in our city, there are different warning signs, but just as troublesome. In the wake of COVID, the state of our downtown core has been a hot button issue, with a perfect storm of rising poverty, homelessness and sprawling vacant office space as companies and government agencies shift to remote or hybrid work. In May 2023, Rachel Wilson, CEO of the Ottawa Food Bank, offered a sobering portrait when she testified before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. According to her, one in seven families in Ottawa reported food insecurity, compared to one in 15 five years ago. She also revealed an astonishing 86-per-cent increase in visits since March 2019. Philanthropy is certainly one of the biggest ways we can move the needle on these complex problems. Only by sharing our good fortune can we alleviate the hardships brought on by climate change and class inequality. But there is just one problem — society is giving less. According to the 2023 Giving Report produced by CanadaHelps, giving participation, or those claiming charitable donations on tax returns, continues to decline. Perhaps most concerning is this dip can be seen across all demographics, including those making more than $250,000 per year. Although Canada’s highest earners represent the largest amount of giving, the participation rate has fallen over the past decade from 85 to 67 per cent. The report highlighted 40 per cent of charities experienced a lasting increase in demand after the pandemic, while 57 per cent admitted they cannot meet the current demand for services. “These alarming drops in just a 10-year period are of utmost concern,” the report concludes. “Strong giving participation rates are critical for ensuring a vibrant charitable sector and therefore a strong safety net and healthy communities. While there may be many reasons, it raises concern that our values towards giving and caring for our communities may be changing.” So if Canadians are giving less and the needs of society are increasing, how can we bridge this giving gap? I believe my company, WCPD Inc. (an acronym for Wealth, Creation, Preservation and Donation), or “Wealth” for short, is part of the solution.

Since 2006, I have dedicated my professional life to helping wealthy Canadians reduce their taxes and, if they wish, give those proceeds to charities of their choice. Flow-through shares, with immediate liquidity, are a tried-and-true model that has never been more relevant. Let me start by dispelling two all-toocommon misconceptions. The first misconception is that the flow-through share model carries stock market risk. When our clients buy flow-through shares, they are essentially providing seed funding so junior mining companies in Canada can explore for the materials we need. As you may have seen in the news, critical minerals have become a national priority. Only through the discovery of cobalt, zinc, lithium and a myriad of other minerals can we produce electric car batteries, solar panels, wind turbines and other technologies to reach a green energy future and curb climate change. If you were buying standard flow-through shares with no guaranteed liquidity provider, then it would be a risky, speculative investment, based on whether that company discovers something exciting. To use a baseball analogy, you could hit a homerun or suffer a strikeout. But our structure is special. When our clients invest in these exploration companies, they instantly sell them to a liquidity provider (usually an institutional mining investor), which is willing to take a long-term view and carry that risk. In exchange for taking the risk, we sell the shares at a discount, usually in the range of 10 to 20 per cent. That might sound like a bad deal, but here is the catch — for buying those flow-through shares, you receive a 100-percent tax deduction, not to mention a bevy of provincial tax credits (which vary by province). For exploration involving critical minerals, you can also add a new 30 per cent federal tax credit, equal to a 60-per-cent tax deduction. Which brings me to the second misconception — that this structure is somehow a loophole for avoiding tax. That the government does not know about or want the structure. In reality, it is exactly the opposite. Government tax policies exist for a purpose. In the case of flowthrough shares, they have been around since 1954, to spur our world-class mining industry and boost our economy. More recently, the Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit (CMETC) provides an additional incentive to help find the materials for renewable energy. And then there is another policy, which applies to you, the donor. Remember the liquidity provider? Well, after you buy flowthrough shares, you can donate them to charity. And what happens when you donate to a registered charity? It triggers a 100-per-cent tax

STEP 1: Buy flow-through shares issued by a Canadian mining company. Every dollar invested in these shares is 100% tax deductible.

deduction, plus the 100-per-cent tax deduction you received from buying flow-through shares, not to mention provincial tax credits. If the deal involves critical minerals, you benefit from the new CMETC. Combined, these tax policies allow our clients, on average, to give up to three times more to charity, at no additional cost due to the tax efficiency. While the process might sound complicated for the client, it is seamless — a single transaction that results in a cashable cheque to your charities of choice. The key cog in the wheel is you must have tax to pay — more than $250,000 of salary or a large capital gain. You have to pay those taxes anyway. The only difference is, the government allows you to divert a portion of them to support mining exploration and charities. Fortunately, both of these areas help solve our two big problems in the world. How else can you support renewable energy, while also giving back to society? Between our firm and a handful of competitors, it is estimated that only around 3,000 Canadians actively participate in this structure annually. That compares with approximately 350,000 Canadians making $250,000 or more. Could you imagine a world where even a quarter of these Canadians paid a portion of their taxes to charities of their choice? We can’t afford to sit on the sidelines any longer. It’s time for Canada’s highest earners to step up. And all it takes is the stroke of a pen.

For decades, Peter Nicholson has been a recognized leader in Canadian tax-assisted investments, with a specialized focus on philanthropic tax planning and tax reduction. Through his work with countless donors, foundations, institutions and boards, he has helped generate in excess of $350 million in client donations. Wealth (WCPD Inc.) is Canada’s leader, with over 500 closed charity flow-through offerings. To learn more about how Wealth can assist your philanthropic goals, write Peter.


STEP 2: Immediately donate these shares to charity. These shares are then instantly sold to a pre-arranged buyer (liquidity provider) at a pre-arranged contractual price. This step eliminates any stock market risk to the donor.

STEP 3: Charity receives the cash proceeds and issues donation tax receipt to the donor, generating a second 100% tax deduction.

THE RESULT: By combining two tax policies (flowthrough shares & donations), the Foundation (WCPD) can help reduce your taxes, and if you wish to, allow you to give more. Ottawa Business Journal


Text and photos from columnist and photographer Caroline Phillips.


SPURS AND SPARKLES SUPPORTS QUEENSWAY CARLETON HOSPITAL There wasn’t a single long face to be found — except for the equine variety — at the Spurs and Sparkles benefit that returned to Wesley Clover Parks for the first time since its tremendously successful launch more than four years ago. The 300-plus attendees seemed genuinely excited to come together for one of Ottawa’s more unique fundraising events. It featured a Get Up and Gallop three-part competition that consisted of show jumping with riders on horseback,

as well as local business leaders and celebrities participating in a golf cart obstacle course and football-toss challenge. Ten-time Olympian Ian Millar was on hand to take everyone through the race format and rules. His daughter Amy Millar, also a Canadian Olympian, was one of the riders in the race. Terlin Construction successfully defended its champion title in the eightteam competition.

Shannon Gorman (middle), with Jeff Todd and Patricia Santos.

Janet McKeage, Kathryn Tremblay, Marjolaine Hudon.

Marisia Campbell and Doug Hewson.

Winners and organizers celebrated a fun day.

Darragh Kerins with Terry McLaughlin and Terry Marcotte. SUNKIST MEDIA

Stacey Seller and Fred Seller.

Jonathan Westeinde and Susan Finlay.

Show jumping riders took to the course for a good cause. SUNKIST MEDIA

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 11


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us on social media for updates on all of OBJ’s events and webinar guests

12 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal


Text and photos from columnist and photographer Caroline Phillips.

Meredithe Rechan with Cindy Tomlinson, Jacqui Wilson, Will Keon and Michael Wilson.

Ian Taggart and Joanne Taggart with Katie Macmillan and Graham Macmillan.

Jacqueline Belsito with Bruce Raganold and Rob Ashe.

Alok Ahuja with his wife, Danika.

Jock Climie with Robyn Osgood and Robert Rhéaume.

STARRY NIGHT GLAMPING GALA RAISES $500K-PLUS FOR BGC OTTAWA It was as if everyone at the sold-out Starry Night Glamping Gala was grabbing one last burst of fun in a summer that’s coming to an end far too soon. The massive benefit party, which raised more than $500,000 for BGC Ottawa (formerly the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa) was held outside the non-profit organization’s Tomlinson Family Foundation Clubhouse on Prince of Wales Drive, with luxury car dealership Mark Motors Group returning as the presenting sponsor. The evening twinkled brightly in so many ways, from the amazing food and drinks to the magnificent party

Shirley Kouri with Michael Mrak, Liza Mrak and Gary Zed.

tents, decorated by Avant-Garde Designs, to an exciting assortment of activities. The weather was perfect, too. Also set up were tented lounges that major sponsors could use to host friends or clients. The customized Airstream bar was back, allowing attendees to enjoy the outdoors while they grabbed some cocktails. Michelle Taggart, vice-president of planning and land development for Tamarack Homes and Tartan Homes, returned for her second year to co-chair the gala. She was joined this time around by her longtime pal Jeff Smith, president of Smith & Reid Insurance.

Cheryl Fougere with Sandra Plagakis.

Angela Singhal with Jeff Smith, Michelle Taggart and Alex Wilson.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 13


Text and photos from columnist and photographer Caroline Phillips.

Ray Rashed and Shannon Gorman.

Performers at the gala included dancers and singer Rebecca Noelle.

Amanda Gordon and Nataja Black.

Veronica Farmer and Ian Spicer.

Carole Saad and Nyle Kelly.

Janet Yale and Barbara Farber.

LUMIÈRE GALA RAISES $120K FOR HOSPITAL Lumière got its start as a magnificent bash created by legendary tech entrepreneur Terry Matthews to celebrate the 2003 grand opening of his Brookstreet Hotel in Kanata. We’re happy to tell you that, 20 years later, it hasn’t lost that playful spirit or wondrous magic that made it such a great party to begin with. The gala returned this year for its first time since 2019, with RBC Royal Bank as presenting sponsor. The evening netted more than $120,000 for this year’s beneficiary, the Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation. It also featured a Roaring Twenties theme in honour of the 20th anniversary.

Paul Chiarelli and Lisa Chiarelli.

14 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

CHARITY PROFILES Shepherds of Good Hope........................................................................................ 16 Options Bytown....................................................................................................... 18 Ronald McDonald House........................................................................................ 20 Ottawa Salus............................................................................................................22 Ottawa Hospital Foundation..................................................................................24 Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre .................................................................26 Parkdale Food Centre..............................................................................................28 Help Our Students.................................................................................................. 30 YMCA........................................................................................................................32 Ottawa Network for Education............................................................................ 34 Ottawa Humane Society........................................................................................ 36 Ottawa School of Art............................................................................................. 38 Youth Services Bureau........................................................................................... 40 Cornerstone Housing for Women..........................................................................42 Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa.......................................................................... 44 Causeway Work Centre......................................................................................... 46 Shelter Movers Ottawa.......................................................................................... 48 Catholic Centre for Immigrants............................................................................ 50 Queensway Carleton Hospital................................................................................52 UofO Heart Insitute Foundation.............................................................................54 Youth Ottawa.......................................................................................................... 56 Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society.............................................................. 58 Diefenbunker........................................................................................................... 60 Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa...............................................................................62 Ottawa Mission Foundation................................................................................... 64 Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation................................................................... 66 Salvation Army........................................................................................................ 68 Hockey Heros...........................................................................................................70 Ottawa Senators Foundation.................................................................................72 Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre....................................................................74 Matthew House........................................................................................................76 Perley and Rideau Veterans Health Centre................................................ 78 The Snowsuit Fund......................................................................................80 Fondation Bruyere....................................................................................... 82 Children's Aid Foundation........................................................................... 84

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 15

Housing is the solution to homelessness.

HOME IS A FEELING, AND THIS IS TRULY HOME! Give the gift of home and hope. DONATE TODAY!

99% of people who move into supportive housing with Shepherds of Good Hope do not return to the shelter.

Barbara grew up in northern Ontario in a family with a strong ethic of giving to the community. In her twenties she was a victim of a violent crime and relocated to Ottawa for her own safety. She met a man, had a son, and raised him. Covid was not kind to Barbara. She lost her job, and an unexpected health crisis landed her in the hospital for a year. Her rent was increased, and she lost her condo. | | 613.789.8210

“I was, 66 years old, and I found myself homeless.”, says Barbara. That’s when her hospital caseworker told her that they had a place for her at Hope Living with Shepherds of Good Hope. Since moving in, Barbara has made friends that are family. She shares that “Home is a feeling, and this is truly home! I have found my voice again... I have found peace, purpose, and belonging. I don’t take anything for granted. Shepherds of Good Hope saved me!”

Find us on social | @sghottawa

16 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

SHEPHERDS OF GOOD HOPE FOUNDATION 233 Murray St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5M9 613-789-8210 Year founded: 1983 Twitter: @sghottawa Facebook: /sghottawa Instagram: @sghottawa

Shepherds of Good Hope is one of the largest not-for-profit organizations dedicated to meeting the needs of those experiencing homelessness and precariously-housed people of all genders in the city of Ottawa. Our vision is to provide homes for all, community for all, hope for all. We foster hope and reduce harm in Ottawa by providing around-the-clock specialized services, programs, and partnerships. Many of the people who access Shepherds of Good Hope’s programs and services face challenges with mental health, substance use disorder, and trauma. Shepherds of Good Hope operates six, soon to be seven, supportive housing residences in five locations across our city. We also operate a community soup kitchen and drop-in program, health and wellness services, police and

How you can help GIVE

David Gourlay CEO

BOARD MEMBERS SHEPHERDS OF GOOD HOPE FOUNDATION Mark Roundell Chair Carrol Pitters David Rattray Jim Orban John Peters Kaveh Rikhtegar Lyndra Griffith Wendy Hope

Mark Roundell Chair SHEPHERDS OF GOOD HOPE Dave Donaldson Chair Ahmer Gulzar Catherine Danbrook Chantal Desmarais Barton Darryl Squires Donna Lougheed Julie Terrien

By supporting Shepherds of Good Hope, you are transforming the lives of people of all genders who are experiencing homelessness, many of whom live with mental health challenges, substance use disorder, and trauma. Your investment in our community will help people experiencing homelessness and people who are at risk of homelessness by directly supporting much-needed programs and services that make a difference every day. Programs like our internationally-renowned Managed Alcohol Program and Supervised Consumption and Treatment Service save lives in our community by reversing overdoses and helping people with substance use disorders find hope again. Our Transitional Emergency Shelter Program serves individuals who need specialized health care in a non-judgemental and caring environment. This reduces hospital emergency room wait times, frees up first

paramedic diversion programming, and an emergency shelter for people of all genders. This past year we celebrated a major milestone, as we officially house more people in permanent supportive housing than we shelter each night! This is a first in Shepherds of Good Hope’s history. Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation is dedicated to ethical fundraising and sustainable fiscal management. We support the work of Shepherds of Good Hope through donor-centred fundraising, ethical storytelling, and help to ensure sustainable financial management of the organization. The Foundation is responsible for all of Shepherds’ fundraising activities, including individual giving, events, grants, and community partnerships

responder personnel’s time, and provides more tailored care for the individual. By supporting Shepherds of Good Hope, you are helping to make chronic homelessness a thing of the past as we build permanent supportive housing and move people out of shelters and into homes of their own. Without your support, none of these innovative programs would be possible. Please donate today!

VOLUNTEER Every day, Shepherds of Good Hope volunteers make positive contributions across our city, showing people experiencing homelessness and vulnerably-housed adults in our community that people care. Find the right spot for you. We offer volunteering opportunities across our city at supportive housing residences in Kanata, Carlington, Lowertown, and Rideau-Rockcliffe. We also offer volunteer opportunities in our community soup kitchen on Murray Street. You can explore our year-round and seasonal volunteering by going to our website to apply and learn more.

Kassondra Walters Michael Laviolette Robin Sellar Steve Ball John Peters Honorary Officer Emeritus



Events + fundraising There are many ways to support Shepherds of Good Hope throughout the year via our community events! Every spring, Ottawa community leaders gather for Shepherds of Good Hope's, highly anticipated, signature event, Taste for Hope. Bringing together Ottawa’s top chefs, guests are treated to exquisite dishes that delighted tastebuds through this fun culinary experience. The food is paired with local offerings of craft beer, wine, and cocktails. The evening is topped off with a lively auction, including the opportunity to “fund-a-need.” During the 2023 event participants rallied together to fund 80

new beds for our supportive housing facilities. The event is Shepherds’ largest fundraiser of the year, with all money raised going directly to support life-changing programs right here in our community. Stay tuned for 2024 Taste for Hope details – and find out what else we have going on by visiting Want to host your own event and support those currently experiencing homelessness? Our team is here to help make it easy. Whether at home or in the office, we have the materials and tools you need to make a significant and positive impact on the lives of individuals today! Contact us at to learn more.


Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 17

We all deserve a home.

Meet Darlene

Darlene turned to Options Bytown after losing her housing in 2021. After years of living with an abusive partner and declining mental health, she was looking for more than a home. She was looking for support, belonging, and a place to feel safe. As a tenant within Options Bytown supportive housing, Darlene is getting the supports she needs to help with her mental health and overall wellness. She has become an important part of our community, and can often be found helping her neighbours, colouring or crafting in the lounge, hanging out with her cats, or listening to music.

At Options Bytown, we end homelessness one person at a time.

18 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

OPTIONS BYTOWN 380 Cumberland St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 9P3 613-241-6363


Year founded: 1989 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,934,294 Twitter: @OptionsBytown Facebook: @OptionsBytown Instagram: @options_bytown

Annie Carruthers President

Since the first Options Bytown building opened its doors in 1989, our organization’s work has been grounded in the simple belief that we all deserve a home. By providing safe and permanent housing with support to people living in homelessness, we work in service of one goal: creating sustainable, permanent solutions to homelessness. With your assistance, we are able to provide ongoing support to those experiencing chronic homelessness through our resource centres, supportive housing sites and our housing first program. Our focus is on helping people to get out of shelters, off streets and into stable, permanent housing with access to wrap-around supports.

Supportive Housing We provide supportive and permanent housing to 134 people who have experienced chronic

homelessness. Each of our four supportive housing buildings offer daily on-site support to tenants. HOUSING FIRST Our Housing First team supports and houses over 150 people who have experienced chronic homelessness. They provide ongoing supports to each client after they are housed, which results in 92 per cent of Options Bytown Housing First clients remaining stably housed after 24 months. Resource Centres We operate eight resource centres in Ottawa Community Housing buildings that are focused on homelessness prevention. Our resource centres see over 1,000 people each month who are accessing supports ranging from crisis intervention to food security. We also offer a variaty of other homelessness prevention programs including the Hoarding Assistance Team (HAT), the Peer-Assisted Community Engagement (PACE) team, and Safer Supply Ottawa.

Catharine Vandelinde Executive Director

BOARD MEMBERS Norm Turner Vice President

Heather Lachine Director

Jason Hunt Treasurer

Al Shadid Director

Lauren Kupferschmid Secretary

Liz Wigfull Director

Daniel Leblanc Director

Garland Yang Director

Jordan Daly-Frey Director

Gesa Harmston Director

Melissa Dedemus Director

Benedict Wray Director

Sean Grassie Director



How you can help DONATE When people move into Options Bytown, the apartments are clean, secure, and private. But four walls and a roof are not always enough to make a home. Tenants typically move in with what they can carry and nothing else. Funding for welcome kits helps us to provide them with the supplies they need to turn their apartment into a home. Fundraising also allows us to provide food programs and other activities to build quality of life.

VOLUNTEER Housing over 130 people in our supportive housing sites can be a lot of work, we are always in need of volunteers to help get our apartments move-in ready. If you have any painting or trade skills, donate your time to help us make sure our tenants have a safe and clean apartment to move into. An important part of our work is building relationships and creating community at Options Bytown. To help bring our tenants together, we host various programs and workshops. Whether you want to teach a cooking class, lead a walking

group or an art workshop, we are looking for volunteers to help lead all types of activities with our tenants.

Events + fundraising A CHRISTMAS CAROL: SCROOGE AND MARLEY Join us on November 26, 2023 at the Ottawa Little Theatre for a performance of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley in support of Options Bytown. To purchase tickets, please visit

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 19

Our hope is that you’ll never need us. But when your child suddenly becomes sick, RMHC Ottawa is a home away from home next door to the hospital. Parents shouldn’t have to worry about where to live or facing bankruptcy when their child needs medical care. 20 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES OTTAWA 407 Smyth Road Ottawa, ON K1H 8M8 613-737-5523 Year founded: 1983 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,438,000 Twitter: @rmhcottawa Facebook: @rmhcottawa Instagram: @rmhc_ottawa

Ronald McDonald House Charities Ottawa provides families a home away from home when their child is diagnosed with a sudden illness or will be receiving any kind of medical care at the hospital. Our doors are open to all families who live too far from the hospital to commute. We currently have 14 suites where we provide families with a shower and bathroom, we have a Home for Dinner program where volunteers prepare fresh meals for families coming home from the hospital, we offer a large kitchen, family gathering spaces, laundry, fresh coffee, a beautiful, serene backyard, weekly pet therapy, and all for the suggested cost to families of $10 per night (though our actual operating cost per night is $100). Our mission is to keep families close. When a young child is enduring a 10-month chemotherapy program, but they get to hug their sibling here after

How you can help VOLUNTEER We are always in need of volunteers to help operate our front desk at the House, and to be a friendly face for families in our two Ronald McDonald Family rooms inside the hospital.

a long day, are given a home cooked meal, and play video games in the family room for example, for a parent there is truly no greater gift.

While baby Jeh was in the NICU, grandma Viji flew here from India. The House gave her a place to stay while mom Sneha was back and forth in hospital.

to the Intensive Care Unit and on the 5th Floor. Whether you are a monthly House Warmer or a one-time donor, your donation directly supports families who suddenly need to stay close to the hospital.


Christine Hardy Chief Executive Officer

Danny Baldwin Board Chair

When your child is ill, everything stops. Your donation will give families a place to stay and peace of mind to avoid bankruptcy during a time when parents need to stop working to be with their child. Your donation will help significantly reduce financial stress. Since our doors opened in 1984, we have provided over 1,300 nights of comfort annually at the House. We also support local families who use our two Family Rooms within the hospital, attached

Ryann Collins, oncology patient and her dad Mike meet Ottawa Therapy Dog, Isaac, during their 130-night stay at RMHCO.

BOARD MEMBERS Karen Hennessey Vice Chair Cindy McCarthy Treasurer

Colin Noble Andrew Godfrey Dr. Donna Johnston

Perry McKenna

Martin Ballard

Tim Carter

Gilles LeVasseur

Mark Taggart

Michele Bedford

Philip Von Finckenstein Andrew Vey Kathryn Jones


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS West of Kingston, East of Cornwall and as far North as Nunavut

Events + fundraising MCHAPPY DAY Every year we look forward to the second Wednesday in May when every local McDonald’s restaurant dedicates the entire day to fundraising for RMHC Ottawa. All year long you have the opportunity to “Round Up” for families, and we are grateful to our founding and forever partners at McDonald’s.

Support from our Skifest teams at Mont Ste Marie Mar 2, 2023



For 31 years the Ottawa Business Community has come together at Skifest, in support of RMHCO. The impressive funds raised keep the doors open for families traveling for care. We look forward to meeting you on the slopes in March 2024 to support the families we serve!

Our 3rd annual Radiothon will take place June of 2024 with our generous friends from Corus Entertainment. A twelve-hour, live Radiothon onsite, broadcasting on Boom 99.7 and JUMP 106.9. to help raise critical funds to support the families that call our House, ‘home.’



One of the longest running charity golf tournaments in Ottawa, spending the day at our tournament directly supports families that stay at the House while their kids receive treatment at the hospital. The 36th annual Open will take place September 2024 at Camelot Golf & Country Club.

PJ Walk encourages schools to share our mission with their students and parents through a one-day event leading up to Family Day weekend. Students are asked to wear their favourite PJs to class and walk 167 steps – the distance from our front door to CHEO’s front door.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 21

Theo, Salus Community Developer

Jon, Salus client

“To me, hope is housing. My home is a safe place. It’s the place I always have to come back to.” 800 clients served per year

14 Salus owned buildings in Ottawa

+ One new building on the way!

Meet Jon Jon’s Salus journey began at one of Salus’ Transitional Rehabilitation Programs designed to support adults living with mental illness in a group setting.

After graduating from the program, Jon moved into a Salus-owned independent living apartment building. Jon says that without Salus, he would not have a stable home. He values the stability and the freedom to relax, and focus on his personal and educational growth.

Recently, Jon celebrated a major milestone and received his high school diploma and was nominated by Theo for an achievement award at Salus’ Client & Community Partner event this fall.

Ottawa Salus | | | 613.729.0123 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do For more than four decades, Salus has played a supportive role in the life stories of people derailed by severe and persistent mental health and substance use challenges. Today, Salus supports more than 800 adults through mental health programs and services and access to stable housing. In line with its vision of stable housing for everyone and newly energized strategic plan, Salus is challenging the status quo, leveraging community collaboration and creating a culture of continuous innovation and quality improvement to best serve the needs of its clients and play a leadership role in the local community

OTTAWA SALUS 2000 Scott St. Ottawa, ON K1Z 6T2

How you can help

Year founded: 1977 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $10,823,069 Facebook: @SalusOttawa Instagram: @salusottawa

Your donation will provide integrated mental health support services for people living with mental illness.

Salus client Claire is pictured above sharing her Salus journey with the guests of Soirée Salus 2023 at the French Embassy. To Claire, hope means having a second chance and a new beginning at life. She shared in her keynote speech that through her recovery journey with Salus, she has been given that second chance.


Become a monthly Salus HopeGiver like Nancy Nancy is the mother of Jessica, a young woman living with a challenging mental illness. Every month, Nancy donates to Salus to provide hope and the same sense of relief to other families who are struggling.

Mark MacAulay President & CEO

Janet Yale Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Camille Therriault-Power Past Chair

Rachel Baxter Tadiwa Muradzikwa

Sarah Bertrand Treasurer

Timothy Moran Claire is grateful to donors that help make Salus’ critical work possible for her and other clients.

Bernie Etzinger Fiona Murray Jason MacDonald Kevin Yemm Melanie Vadeboncoeur Michel Boulay



Nancy and her daughter, Jessica

Events + fundraising OPENING DOORS TO DIGNITY Through the $5 million Opening Doors to Dignity campaign, Ottawa Salus will build the first supportive housing community in Canada for older adults who have spent a lifetime coping with mental health, substance use, homelessness, hospitalization, isolation, stigma and other significant challenges. Help us create hope-filled homes and a caring community for older adults with life-long mental health issues.

SOIRÉE SALUS Launched in 2017, Soirée Salus is Salus’ signature fundraising event historically hosted by the prestigious French Embassy. This

event raises awareness and crucial funds for supportive housing and mental health services and provides sponsors with maximum visibility and exposure to loyal and influential supporters of the cause.

CLIENT AND COMMUNITY PARTNER APPRECIATION EVENT This is an annual event that honours and celebrates Salus clients, tenants and community partners who are making an extraordinary difference in our community. Salus is always looking to introduce new sponsors who want to help provide awards and well-deserved recognition for their stakeholders.



It’s time.

RE-IMAGINING TODAY. CREATING TOMORROW. In 2024, we'll celebrate the 100th anniversary of the opening of Ottawa's original Civic Hospital. Once the most modern healthcare facility in North America, this stately structure has served our community well. But it's time for something new. Through our Campaign to Create Tomorrow, we will replace our century-old hospital with Canada's most patient-centred and technologically advanced healthcare campus. We will fund groundbreaking research that will make the most advanced therapies and treatments possible.


Together, with your support, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to completely transform healthcare for our families, friends, and neighbours. Right here, in Ottawa.

@OttawaHospital 24 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

THE OTTAWA HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 737 Parkdale Ave., 1st Floor Ottawa, On. K1Y 1J8 613-761-4295

The Ottawa Hospital Foundation raises funds to support the critical work of The Ottawa Hospital. Much of this critical work began 100 years ago, when the hospital's Civic campus welcomed its first patients and launched what would become a century of remarkable

healthcare advances. Whether it’s tackling the most complex healthcare issues with compassion or leading the way with research, we are proud to support The Ottawa Hospital and help create a better tomorrow for millions of Canadians every year.

CAMPAIGN TO CREATE TOMORROW In April 2022, we launched our Campaign to Create Tomorrow — the largest fundraising campaign in Ottawa’s history with an ambitious goal of $500 million. Our Campaign will help build a new campus of The Ottawa Hospital and take healthcare research to unprecedented heights.

Year founded: 1999 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $58.9 million Facebook: @OttawaHospital Instagram: @ottawahospital Linkedin: @TheOttawaHospitalFoundation Twitter: @OttawaHospital

This $2.8-billion, world-class academic healthcare centre will push our hospital to the top tier of healthcare and research worldwide.

We will become the most technologically advanced hospital in the country, using the latest tools to provide the right care in the right space with the right provider.

Tim Kluke President and CEO

Janet McKeage Chair

From trauma care to cancer advancements to neuroscience, we will strengthen our critical services for patients across the region.

BOARD MEMBERS Denise Carruthers

Mychelle Mollot

Bryce Conrad

Ryma Nasrallah

Brian Cook

Mark Noonan

Kevin Ford

Nadir Patel

Tom Froggatt

Ross Rowan-Legg

Sarah Grand

Michael Runia

Russell Jones

Tim Saunders

Michael McGahan

Dr. Emily Segal

Dr. Pradeep Merchant

Julie Taggart


Through our unique collaborative model of clinicians and researchers working side-by-side, we will bring groundbreaking discoveries to patients in Ottawa and around the world.

How You Can Help Our goal is to provide exceptional care to every patient who walks through our doors. Our support provides vital funding for research, equipment, and state-of-the-art facilities — not all of which is covered by the province.


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, Nunavut

10 years in a row!

With our user-friendly online tool, you can create a fundraiser in a matter of minutes! From birthday celebrations to T-shirt sales, from golf tournaments to galas, and even workplace giving — event creation has never been easier. Our online tool gives you the flexibility to customize your event with just a few clicks. Visit:

GIVE MONTHLY Monthly donations provide us with the stable, predictable funding we need to face the

unpredictable. It’s a critical source of revenue that our hospital team relies on. Visit:

HONOUR A HOSPITAL STAFF MEMBER From nurses to security guards, doctors to cafeteria workers — hospital staff are there to stand beside us during some of the most challenging times of our lives. A Gratitude Award is a great way to show your support for a healthcare worker while helping fund patient care and research. Visit:

LEAVE A LEGACY A gift in your will can be the most powerful and meaningful gift of all. We can help ensure your gift makes the greatest impact for future generations. Email us at:, call 613-761-4295 or visit:

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26 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

THE SALVATION ARMY BETHANY HOPE CENTRE 820 Woodroffe Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K2A 3V7 Year founded: 1995 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,076,070 Twitter: @BethanyHopeCtr Facebook: @BethanyHopeCentre Instagram: @BethanyHopeCentre

BOARD MEMBERS Nathalie Schiebel (Chair) Volunteer Sandra Hession Volunteer Neville Ward Volunteer

Crystal Gallant Nourish Food Coordinator Bethany Hope Centre Wendy Wallis Chaplain, Bethany Hope Centre

Jo-Anne Droogh Volunteer Barbara Peters Volunteer Ameet Bhalla Volunteer Sandra Randall Executive Director Bethany Hope Centre Debbie Wong Program Director Bethany Hope Centre



The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre exists to improve the well-being of pregnant youth and young-parent families in Ottawa by providing compassionate, innovative, holistic and wrap-around services that transforms lives for the better. Through parent support, childcare, healthcare, education and employment training, emergency food access and spiritual care, The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre helps families achieve their personal goals and become financially independent. SafeCare, a transformational, weekly in-home parenting program that focuses on parent and child interaction, home safety and child health is a life-changing program delivered at The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre that has lasting positive outcomes. Our Learning Coach Program provides young parents with a classroom environment, on-site childcare and a supportive coach, to help them pursue their educational dreams of a better life.

How you can help GIVE Support the work of The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre by becoming a mission partner and helping pregnant youth and young-parent families in Ottawa discover the hope they need to turn the page towards a brighter family story. Give hope today and join our Army of Givers to make a positive impact in your community.

We invite the business community in the city of Ottawa to join us as mission partners to enhance our transformative programs and services that are changing the lives of young parent families. Be the generational change you want to see in your community. To learn more please connect with Sandra Randall, Executive Director, The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre at 613-725-1733 ext. 204.

baby items in our market-style Food Share. Your business can also assist our community fridge, lunch-box program and vegetable garden to make nourishing food accessible to vulnerable families in our community. Corporate mission partners interested in joining our Behind the Shield community are invited to contact Stacey Alexander, Resource Development Coordinator, The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre, at 613-725-1733 ext. 212 or email stacey.

VOLUNTEER Every day, The Salvation Army’s mission partners are making a significant difference in the lives of so many and we have the perfect Behind the Shield opportunity for you. You’re welcome to help “Fill the Freezer” in support of The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre’s weekly Food Share program, by purchasing and preparing meals in our commercial kitchen for families in need. Help is also needed to sort food and

Events + fundraising THE SALVATION ARMY BETHANY HOPE CENTRE’S OTTAWA SANTA SHUFFLE Support young families in Ottawa by sponsoring, volunteering or registering a corporate team in The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre’s Ottawa Santa Shuffle! Join the 5 km Fun Run and 1 km Elf Walk in support of The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre. Register today at

THE SALVATION ARMY ANNUAL CHRISTMAS KETTLE CAMPAIGN Ring in the Christmas season with The Salvation Army’s iconic Christmas Kettle Campaign! We welcome businesses to support The Salvation Army’s Bethany Hope Centre by hosting a kettle with a team of volunteers! Sign up today at or donate at

HIGH TEA AT BETHANY Enjoy delicious baked goods and tea at the first annual “High Tea at Bethany”. Invest in the future of young families in Ottawa by sponsoring this very special Mother’s Day tea or volunteer your corporate team to help with the event. To learn how you can provide a teacup of hope, please contact Stacey Alexander, Resource Development Coordinator, The Salvation Army Bethany Hope Centre at 613-725-1733 ext. 212 or email

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28 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do


Parkdale Food Centre (PFC) believes in an Ottawa where everyone has the means and opportunity to live a healthy, connected and fulfilling life. Since its founding, over 30 years ago, Parkdale Food Centre has evolved from a traditional food bank

into one of the leading, trusted voices on food security and poverty issues in Ottawa and beyond. Recognizing that good food can transform our health and deepen social connections, PFC brings neighbours together around the table while advocating for systemic change across our communities.

30-2 Rosemount Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 1P4 613-722-8019 Year founded: 1984 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,292,539 Twitter: @parkdalefood Facebook: @ParkdaleFoodCentre Instagram: @parkdalefoodcentre

Deborah Abbott Chair

Meredith Kerr and Alissa Campbell Co-Executive Directors

BOARD MEMBERS Emily Cummings Director

Jane Porter Director

Joanna Gardner Director

Alex Wilson Director

Parisa Khazra Director Kalki Nagaratnam Director

How you can help FUNDING PRIORITIES Unprecedented inflation, rising food costs, food insecurity, and social isolation- poverty is impacting communities across this city. At the Parkdale Food Centre, we know that access to nutritious food and community are at the heart of addressing the negative health outcomes of those experiencing poverty. Good food and Community are medicine.

cost of food insecurity by the numbers: • 68% of households represented in the survey reported an annual income of $20,000 or less • 61% of households reported that food actually ran out and there wasn’t money to buy more • 76% of respondents stated that if their household was to face an unexpected expense of $500, they would not be able to cover it from their own resources

Steve Parkes Director





Food security and food justice are at the heart of our work. Join our community Neighbour to Neighbour. Gathered from PFC’s Knowing Our Neighbours III survey undertaken Spring 2023, let’s look at the

Volunteers power our programming! If you are interested in joining our community of volunteers please visit our website or email Jessica Mapila at for more information.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 29

WE HELPED BROOKLYN GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL The Help Our Students Program (HOST Program) was founded in 2010 by two local friends to help Ottawa students living in difficult financial circumstances stay in high school until they graduate.

These students, selected by their school, are working hard to stay in school but it isn’t easy for them. In far too many cases, they don’t know when their next meal will be, they wear hand-me-downs all through high school and, if they go out with their friends, they certainly can’t buy anything. Many need to either quit school to get a job to support their family or take on too many part-time hours that cuts the amount of time they have for schoolwork. The HOST Program now gives the students $150 per month (September to June), sent directly to their own RBC bank account. The HOST Program gives them hope that they may be the first in the family to graduate high school, hope to go to college or university, and hope to realize their dreams. “When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, my family was hit hard. So hard, that I wasn’t sure I could even graduate high school. My family needed me to drop out so I could help put food on the table. Then, one day, I was called into the guidance counsellor’s office and told some remarkable news – I had been selected to receive an award, so I could keep going to school. I would be given $110 per month for the school year. Having that money in my pocket changed my life dramatically. Suddenly, I could contribute to the family by buying groceries. I also bought shoes for my two little sisters, which we could not afford before. But most importantly. Help Our Students gave me hope. Not only did I graduate high school, but I am currently in my second year of college at Algonquin College, specializing in Child and Youth Social Work. Given my own personal life experiences, I have a deep love for social workers. One day, I hope to pay it forward and become part of that vital team. My goal is to help children in difficult situations by giving underprivileged families a chance to learn and grow together. I would like to provide families with the tools to accomplish stability for themselves and improve their daily lives. Thank you, Help Our Students, for changing my life and giving me hope for the future.”

Change a life. Help another student graduate high school. To donate. please visit our website at The HOST Program, a registered charity (CRA # 0000000RR001), is a rarity:

100% of all donations go to a student in need. 30 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

HELP OUR STUDENTS PROGRAM 59 Callaway Court Ottawa, Ont. K1C 7S4 613-983-3633 Year founded: 2010 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $330,758 Facebook: @hostottawa

The Help Our Students Program provides $1,500 awards to hard-working students living in difficult financial circumstances in order to help them graduate high school. The recipients, selected by school officials, receive $150 per month from September through June directly into their RBC bank account, with 100 per cent of all donations going directly to support students. All work is done by volunteers and all administrative expenses are paid by the Board of Directors. Each student is asked to write a letter at the end of the school year, describing how the award has impacted their lives and, generally, how they spent the funds. We know from the letters that the recipients use the money to buy food for themselves and their family, for school supplies and field trips, for Presto passes and to help with other family expenses.

Funding priorities In the 2023-24 year, we are providing $150 per month from September to June to at least three students in each of Ottawa’s 63 youth high schools. We aspire to be able to support at least five students in every high school and to provide them with $250 per month.

Richard Lussier Co-founder, President and Chair of the Board

Donald J. Stephenson Co-founder and Vice-President


BOARD MEMBERS Linda Lussier Secretary and Director

Genevieve Kosavic Director

Dr. Chris Carruthers, MD Director

Peter Nicholson Director

Suzanne Donnelly Director Carman Joynt, FCPA, FCA, ICD.C Director

How you can help

HOST student Bothaina Aleleiwi graduated from St. Francis Xavier High School in June 2023. She is currently studying Computer Engineering, but her dream is to become a dentist. She claims to be living a dream, going from a small village in Syria to studying in a Canadian university. “Your generosity has made a lasting impact on my life, and I am committed to seizing this opportunity to fulfill my potential and make a positive contribution to society.”

Susan Prior Director Mohamed Sheibani Director

Despite Ottawa being a wealthy city, there are far too many students who struggle to stay in school due to their difficult financial circumstances. Supporters love that the students receive the award funds directly into their own bank account and need to learn how to plan and manage their money. Potential donors can choose to support a particular school or a particular area of the city. The recipients' letters clearly make our donors

aware of the significant impact of their donation on the students' lives.

VOLUNTEER We need anyone who can help us grow our donor base. At this time, the administrative work is done by the members of the Board, supported by Principals and Guidance Counsellors. As the organization grows, there will be a need for clerical, bookkeeping and communications assistance.

Michael van Aanhout Director



DONATION RECOGNITION We have some truly amazing donors. The Shenkman Foundation, for instance, has supported us for the past 10 years. Two years ago, we received a phone call saying that we had been selected to receive a Christmas gift made possible by a generous donor. A short while later, we were handed a cheque for $30,000. The same thing happened again the following year and we received a cheque for $45,000. We can't wait for this Christmas. These donations allow us to better plan the number of awards that we can give the following school year.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 31

Your donation changes lives At the Y, we help people of all ages and stages of life when they need it most – encouraging them to reach their potential. Together, we create a lasting change that benefits our entire community. In 2022:

19,380 people received support finding

work/employees through our Employment Access Centre.

3,534 people took part in Y trades programs, gaining the skills necessary to join a growing and thriving industry. 440 children had a safe space to play,

learn, and thrive in Y licensed Child Care and Before & After School Care programs.

11,448 newcomers to Canada were

welcomed and provided with the support they needed to become active community members.

349 people, including 121 children, found a caring community and a place to call home while rebuilding their lives.

“The Y’s housing program never felt like a shelter. It always felt like home.” – Sisters, Amira and Maja In 2021, teenage sisters Amira and Maja left their Middle Eastern home in search of a new life in Ottawa. They struggled to find their footing until they were connected with the Y’s Second Stage Housing for Youth program (SSHP). With the support of Y staff, not only did they find a safe housing, they began taking steps to help reach their goals. Both girls completed adult high school while participating in the SSHP’s weekly life skills class, and were connected to other Y supports to help them thrive. With access to the Y’s Newcomer Youth Leadership Development Program, they made friends and learned important information like how to obtain a driver’s license, open a bank account, and most importantly, that help is there if you ask for it. The future now looks bright. Amira and Maja are currently in their second year of university, volunteering in the community, and were part of the Y summer camp staff team this year.

4,987 children gained confidence, built

friendships, and developed leadership skills at Y Neighbourhood and Outdoor Summer camps.

Donate today at

32 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do The YMCA of the National Capital Region is a charitable association dedicated to building healthy communities. Serving thousands of people in our region each year, Y programs and services address


significant social and health issues with initiatives tailored to local community needs. A focus on inclusiveness and accessibility means people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities are served through all stages of life; and through financial assistance programs, the Y is accessible to all.

180 Argyle Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K2P 1B7

How you can help GIVE

sending a kid to camp to providing a safe shelter space for a homeless youth, Y supporters help shape positive futures.

Whether it is offering comfort and a safe home to families with nowhere else to go, helping children develop self-confidence and independence, providing essential training to inspire success in newcomers to our region, or celebrating our members’ accomplishments in their quests for a healthier lifestyle, the Y is a foundation from which a brighter future and a stronger community can be built. However, the Y is only able to provide these services thanks to community support. From

The YMCA relies on the time and dedication given by hundreds of volunteers each year. As a volunteer with the Y, you might lead an exercise class, welcome new immigrants, coach swimming or basketball, mentor youth, help run a special event, engage your network in philanthropic opportunities, or advise on local issues. No matter how you help, you will be making a big difference.

Year founded: 1867 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $22,218,000 Twitter: @YMCA_Ottawa Facebook: @YMCAOttawa Instagram: @YMCAOttawa

Events + fundraising LAWYERS FOR KIDS CHARITY HOCKEY TOURNAMENT MAY 2023 Bob Gallagher President and CEO

Anne Butler Chair

The Lawyers for Kids Charity Hockey Tournament took place on May 4, 2023 at the Richcraft Sensplex raising close to $45,000 to support Y children’s programs – the highest amount


in the tournament’s history. The tournament was originally established to honour the late Jim O’Grady, who was a well-respected lawyer, community leader and a longstanding member of the Y. Since its launch, the Lawyers for Kids tournament has raised more than $330,000, and helped provide many children in our community with access to vital Y programs and services.

BOARD MEMBERS Susannah Crabtree FCIA, ICD.D Past Chair Louise Tardif ICD.D Treasurer Trevor Bhupsingh MPA Anna Laurence Gregory MacMillan Michael Naufal Jacques Paquette ASC Gary Simonsen Danial Taggart CPA, CA, CFA Tricia Weagant BA Caroline Xavier


Y GOLF CLASSIC SEPTEMBER 2023 The Y Golf Classic took place on September 18, 2023 at the Ottawa Hunt and Golf Club, which raised more than $280,000 to help children and families in our communities live fuller, healthier lives. Since its inception in 2009, the Y Golf Classic has raised close to $2.8 million in net

proceeds, with 100 per cent of the funds raised helping local children, youth and families. This sellout tournament combines the opportunity for relationship development between community leaders with raising vital funds to help create life-changing opportunities.


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS The National Capital Region

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34 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do OTTAWA NETWORK FOR EDUCATION 205-900 Morrison Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2H 8K7 613-366-3085 Year founded: 1985 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,772,942.24 Twitter: @ONFE_ROPE Facebook: @onfe.rope LinkedIn: @ottawa-network-for-education Instagram: @onfe_rope

Heather Norris President and CEO

Margo Crawford Chair Business Sherpa Group

BOARD MEMBERS Julie Beauchamp Algonquin College

Mita Meyers Ernst & Young LLP

Marc Bertrand Conseil des écoles catholiques du CentreEst

Sarwar Qureshi Paterson & Company

Tom D’Amico Ottawa Catholic School Board Amanda Goth Carleton University Joan Highet Design 1st Louise Malhotra Malhotra Foundation Greg Matthews RBC

Gregory Richards Telfer School of Management Neil Schwartz Mann Lawyers LLP Paul Gardner Entrepreneur Pino Buffone Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Stephane Vachon Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario


The Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE) is a charitable organization that collaborates with partners from education, business, government, and the community to develop enriching programs for K-12 students. Working with the four public school boards, ONFE supports children and youth in English and French. We fuel kids and ignite learning, making sure all children in Ottawa have an equal start every day. No other community organization has the same reach and ability to respond and deliver muchneeded programs to schools across the region.

How you can help GIVE Each year we provide 3 million nutritious meals and equip more than 13,000 youth with the financial literacy, career readiness, and entrepreneurship skills necessary to succeed in a global economy. By donating to ONFE, you are helping us fuel kids and ignite learning every school day with our seven programs. As teachers and parents continue to adapt to new learning situations, ONFE is alongside, helping students in new ways that meet public health guidelines. Because of our commitment to removing barriers and providing opportunities to all K-12 children and youth, our programs are offered free to students. This is only possible with the support of generous donors and funders. This school year programs include the School Breakfast Program, providing students in need with a nutritious breakfast; Classroom Gardens, teaching students to grow nutritious food, Volunteers in Education, offering in person and virtual volunteering in school and at home, during classes and after school; JA Ottawa, offering virtual and in person financial literacy and entrepreneurship programs for grades 6 to 12; Ottawa Reads, volunteers reading to K-Grade 3; Assistive Technologies resources for parents, teachers, and students available on our website, and the step for Youth in Schools Community Coalition, a multi-agency effort coordinated by ONFE, which provides counselling to youth on problematic substance and technology use.

VOLUNTEER Our volunteers provide vital support to students to help meet their complex needs. This year, oneon-one volunteering opportunities are available through in person and video conferencing, so that students continue to be supported where they learn. Volunteers tell us that helping a student is one of the most fulfilling things they’ve done. And year after year, teachers tell us that caring volunteers make an immense difference to children in need of extra support.

Events + fundraising Join us on Friday, May 3, 2024, for our next Spark Soirée – a fun-filled gala in support of our School Breakfast Program. Allow us to engage you and your company in an evening of music, dancing and networking with other caring community-minded individuals and business professionals, as well as executives from Ottawa’s four school boards. You will be recognized as a company that invests in K-12 students in Ottawa. Join us as we help every child start their school day nourished and ready to learn on equal footing with their peers.


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36 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

OTTAWA HUMANE SOCIETY 245 West Hunt Club Rd. Ottawa, ON K2E 1A6 (613) 725-3166 ext. 299 Year founded: 1888 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $15,150,354 Twitter: @ottawahumane Instagram: @ottawahumane Facebook: @OttawaHumane

The Ottawa Humane Society’s work extends far beyond caring for lost, unwanted, sick and injured animals. We are a community leader, creating learning opportunities and engaging with the community to help pet owners better care for animals. We reach out to children and youth — the community’s future pet owners — directly in classrooms and through innovative programs to provide hands-on experiences and shape the next generation of compassionate people. We advocate for continuous improvement in animal welfare and work closely with policy and decision-makers to ensure there is always a voice for the voiceless. The OHS constantly seeks new ways to provide even more specialized care to animals with increasingly complex needs. We further enhance services for all animals by developing and expanding community partnerships — returning more animals to health and finding their perfect forever home. This level of care extends to pet owners in the community by working with those who are struggling with their pet’s behaviour, by providing a pet food bank to help keep families together during times of financial crisis, accessible, affordable microchip and spay/neuter

How you can help Sharon Miko President & CEO

Jean Nelson Board Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Adriana Beaman Anushua Nag David Ang Jenny Howard CPA, CA Jessica Hertzog-Grenier MBA Karen Messett Kate McGregor Dr. Louise-Michelle Rouillard

Liz Tymon CPA, CA, CFE Lorraine Audsley Mehdi Alizadeh PhD Stuart Barr CPA Sven Stilzebach CISA Sabrina Diotte



The Ottawa Humane Society achieved prestigious accreditation from Imagine Canada’s Standards Program in April 2016 and from Humane Canada’s Accreditation Program in 2021.

GIVE There are many ways for you to be a part of a more than 130-year legacy of helping animals. Whether by making a monetary gift, volunteering your time or raising your voice for animals in need, you can make a difference for Ottawa’s animals. When you give today, you provide immediate, lifesaving veterinary care for Ottawa’s homeless animals. You also help show a fearful cat or dog that the world isn’t such a scary place and ensure that vulnerable animals in need find their forever homes. You help keep pets safe and healthy in homes that love them. You make sure there is a better tomorrow, for Ottawa’s animals.

Skittles in the arms of her forever family.

services, and by offering wellness clinics to improve pet welfare throughout Ottawa. All of this is only possible thanks to the support of a caring community. The OHS relies on donations from the public to provide exceptional services for the animals and their people.

by becoming a foster volunteer. Foster volunteers make a huge difference for animals who don’t adjust well to shelter life, and animals who need a little extra TLC to recover from surgery or to work on their manners before being welcomed into their forever home.

STAND UP FOR ANIMALS Sharing your voice is another powerful way to help the animals. Share information about caring for animals and important animal welfare issues with the people in your life. Subscribe to OHS newsletters and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on animal welfare news.

VOLUNTEER You can help Ottawa’s animals with your gift of time. Open your heart and your home to animals in need

Ways to Give MONTHLY DONATION The best way to help Ottawa’s animals is by becoming a monthly donor. As a monthly donor, you will make miracles happen every single day for the thousands of animals who need OHS care every year.

Puppies waking up from surgery with an OHS volunteer.

NAMING OPPORTUNITIES Leave your mark and dedicate a part of the shelter to your love for animals or to a special human or pet in your life.

LEGACY Make a lasting difference and build a better future for Ottawa's animals with a gift to the animals in your will.

There is an exceptional number of rabbits at the OHS who need your help

Peanut resting and recovering in the critical care unit.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 37

Teaching Art to Everyone. Enseigner l’art à tous. DOWNTOWN | CENTRE-VILLE ORLEANS | ORLÉANS ONLINE | EN LIGNE 38 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do


The Ottawa School of Art offers a full range of specialized art courses for adults, teens and children in drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and ceramics, printmaking, cartooning and more. We host artist-in-residence workshops, operate an art boutique, curate exhibitions in our

35 George St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 8W5

How you can help 613-241-7471

The outreach program is dedicated to removing all economic barriers (no enrolment fees, no art supply costs) art instructor provided and classes are taught in the neighbourhood at a local community house or community centre. Participants are also given the opportunity to showcase their work in a group exhibition held each year in our downtown gallery. For students who are unable to afford the full cost of a course, we have a bursary program that, along with funding set aside in the annual budget, is made possible by several named and anonymous donors. The value of each individual bursary given depends on the level of financial assistance indicated on the application form and the availability of funds. These programs are supported through our fundraising initiatives and donations are also accepted online, by phone, in-person and by post.


Year founded: 1879 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,845,437 Twitter: @artottawa Facebook: @ArtOttawa Instagram: @artottawa

Shirley Yik President, board of directors

downtown and Orléans galleries, host solo and group shows by local and international artists, and run the Lee Matasi Gallery for student showcases as well as an off-site presentation space (Preston Square/Waterford Group). The OSA also offers a three-year fine arts diploma, a one-year portfolio certificate, a notfor-credit arts Fundamentals certificate and a community outreach program.

Andrew Fay Excutive Director



Shirley Yik President

Judith Donin Community Member

Alexia Naidoo Vice President

Robert Helal Community Member

Michael Ashley Treasurer

Patricia Kenny Community Member

Zoriana Priadka Secretary

Christos Pantiras Community Member

Tara Brossier Community Member

Heather Simpson Community Member

Susan Chibuk Community Member



Our Bursary program which supplements tuition costs for students who are unable to afford the full cost of a course or day camp Outreach programming that provides free community-based art classes and art supplies for children and youth Three (3) accessible Gallery spaces open for free to the public that attract over 50,000 visitors each year

Events + fundraising HOLIDAY FUNDRAISING ART SALE (November 23 - December 10, 2023): Works by local artists and members of the school are exhibited in our downtown gallery at 35 George St. and available for purchase. Proceeds are split between the artist and the school with funds raised going towards our bursary and outreach programs. With 35% of the proceeds going towards OSA programming, and 65% going to participating artists.

8X8 (November 17, 2023 from 7pm to 9pm): The Ottawa School of Art Orleans Campus is proud to present 8X8, a fundraiser that supports the OSA bursary, which takes place at the Ottawa School of Art’s Orleans Gallery located on the main floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre. All are welcome! This is

The 8X8 OSA Fundraiser support the OSA motto “Teaching Art to Everyone” by fundraising for the bursary.

an opportunity to get exclusive local ottawa artsits artworks for a great price. 50 artists and one night of first come, first served sale!

Ottawa, Gatineau and surrounding area; campus in Orléans

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2023 39

OTTAWA’S YOUNG PEOPLE THEIR FUTURE IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS. Every young person has their own story, each path is different, but they all lead to a bright future. With your help. We work alongside young people to help them achieve their goals. From mental health support to employment, shelters and housing to justice services, we’re here for them. They’re young, and they have big plans. Thanks to your support, young people in Ottawa can get there. You’re strategic when you invest, so here’s a tip: investing in youth brings the best returns.


613-729-1000 INFO@YSB.CA YSB.CA

40 GIVING GUIDE 2023 YSB-OBJadOct2023.indd 1 Ottawa Business Journal 2023-09-18 11:22 AM

What we do

YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU 2675 Queensview Drive Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2 Year founded: 1960 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $32,381,189 Twitter: @ysb_bsj Facebook: @ysb.bsj Instagram : @ysb.bsj LinkedIn: /youth-services-bureau-of-ottawa/about/

Patti Murphy Executive Director YSB Foundation

Isabelle Perreault Board Chair YSB Foundation President & Founder, Differly

BOARD MEMBERS Rebecca Murray Vice Chair Carleton University Scott Lawrence HealthCraft Products Inc. Martin Sampson Canadian Parks and Recreation Association Christopher Rheaume Ottawa Police Service Chris White Canadian Meat Council Maria McRae Community Advocate, Lawyer

Jennifer Stewart Syntax Strategic Geoff Publow Myers Automotive Group Erika Falconer RBC Shawn Hamilton Proveras Commercial Reality Christine Leadman Centretown BIA Greg Kung GK Consulting/Lanark County Paramedic Service

Balwinderjit Singh Kapoor MDS Aero Support Corporation



The Youth Services Bureau (YSB) is one of the largest and longest serving youth agencies in Ottawa, serving more than 3,000 youth each month in support of their wellbeing. YSB runs two emergency youth shelters and four apartment buildings, offers a range of free youth mental health services, provides youth employment support, as well as programs for youth in conflict with the law. Central to YSB’s work has been ensuring we have youth voices advising us, allowing us to continually adapt to serving the needs of young people and their families.

Regardless of the service that our clients are accessing, we work to meet youth where they are at, physically, mentally, and logistically. These past few years have been disruptive and difficult for everyone, and the need for our services has never been greater. YSB staff – a group of more than 325 full and part-time professionals working from 20 locations – live the ethos of supporting youth regardless of where they live, what they look like, or whom they love. YSB’s work is broad and deep, serving youth of all ethnicities, faiths, and genders.

How you can help

Pictured: Local Home Depot store managers and associates conduct backyard makeover at one of YSB’s long-term housing buildings.

Every young person has their own story. While each path is different, they all lead to a bright future, with your help. Donations ensure YSB’s mental health services – including crisis phone and chat services, Walk-In clinics and youth and family counselling – are available free of charge, and that young people do not have to endure long wait lists while they are suffering. One of the major stressors for young people is safe, stable housing. Each year, more than 1400 youth find themselves homeless often due to conflict at home, with upwards of 40 per cent of those youth being part of the LGBTQ2S+ community. At YSB, they are welcomed into a supportive environment at its two shelters and four long-term housing buildings, where housing, health, and a sense of community are top priorities. Support from our corporate and community partners is not only life changing, it’s often life saving. Every young person deserves to feel seen, heard and cared for and that’s the commitment YSB staff make each and every day, with each and every youth who reaches out for support.

Events + fundraising RISE & THRIVE: Together, We’ve Got This!

The YSB Foundation’s fundraising breakfast – the inaugural event having taken place in October 2023 – showcases YSB’s work with young people and their families and celebrates the community that invests in that work. Sponsorships and tables are available for this annual event.


YSB welcomes workplace, family, and community teams to participate in its 11th annual bilingual Stay Up Ottawa event, focused on 5 days and 5 ways to help end youth homelessness. The event offers an opportunity to raise awareness about homelessness, learn about YSB’s services and generate funds to ensure homeless youth can be housed and cared for at YSB’s shelters and longterm housing buildings. While participants are creative about how they carry out the event, it is not intended to emulate the experiences of those who are experiencing homelessness in our city.


YSB’s Mind Matters youth mental health speakers’ series provides practical information and guidance to parents, family members, educators, and the community. The series features youth, parents and YSB counsellors sharing their experiences, learnings and expertise. Mind Matters is about sharing strategies to best support young people in our lives who are experiencing mental health issues, and highlights YSB’s range of youth mental


The YSB Foundation’s fundraising priorities are focused on several major challenges for youth in our community: mental wellness, affordable housing, employment and justice support. YSB provides services for youth struggling with mental health challenges as well as support for their families. YSB is raising much-needed funds to ensure young people can access our 24/7 Crisis Phone Line & 24/7 Crisis Chat Service, our Youth Mental Health Walk-In & Virtual Clinics, our mobile crisis team and more. As well, we seek support for our two dedicated youth shelters, four long-term housing buildings, employment programs, and youth justice and trades training centre.

health services available – at no cost – to youth 12 and older and their families.


YSB is a story of a community coming together and an organization adapting through the years to the needs of youth. Our work is successful when our clients get the support they need, when they need it. It’s about youth in our community learning life skills, finding shelter, getting jobs, returning to school, choosing a better path, and feeling hopeful about their future and their role in their community. YSB staff are deeply committed to the young people they serve. Nothing they do happens without the investment of our partners, the collaboration with other local agencies, and the support of our community. Ottawa’s Young People. Their Future Is Everybody’s Business.


Patti Murphy YSB Foundation and 613-729-0577 ext. 50262 Digital fundraising campaigns feature the theme of The Power of One – illustrating that every single donor and every one donation helps a young person move forward through a challenging time.

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“I got into drugs and was almost killed. But because of YOU, this is the first place I’ve been safe since I was 17 years old. “-Jo



What we do

CORNERSTONE HOUSING FOR WOMEN 314 Booth St. Ottawa, Ont. K1R 7K2 613-254-6584 Year founded: 1983 Total Revenue for Last Fiscal Year: $7,024,546 Twitter: @HopeCornerstone Facebook: @CornerstoneHousing instagram: @hopecornerstonex

As a community ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, Cornerstone has been supporting women experiencing homelessness for almost 40 years. Every year 1,000 women become homeless in our city. Cornerstone provides a continuum of housing and support for women and genderdiverse people in Ottawa that is inclusive and reduces barriers. We support over 200 women every day across our emergency shelter, four-soon-to-be-five supportive housing residences, plus an outreach

program that helps women stay housed. Our vision is for everyone to have a home in a community that supports them to live with dignity and hope. We have more than 100 full and parttime staff and more than 160 volunteers. Every year, we provide over 95,000 nourishing meals. Cornerstone provides basic needs and a variety of services including spiritual care, mental health and harm reduction support, crisis counseling, housing search, and more. Cornerstone is committed to social justice, collaboration, equity, diversity, and inclusion, respect, and organizational excellence.

How you can help GIVE Last year, thanks to the extraordinary support of our community, we began our year moving our shelter back to its O’Connor location, with the support of our community we made it through the city-wide occupation, and our community rallied around us to help residents at Booth Street move back home after a fire required them to relocate to a city facility for months. We could not have done this without you.

OUR WORK IS FAR FROM OVER. We are thrilled to announce Cornerstone will be opening its fifth supportive housing residence in 2023. Our new building will be a place to call home for 46 women and gender-diverse people who may have never experienced a safe, caring community and home before. Every year, Cornerstone supports more than 600 women and gender diverse people across our emergency shelter, outreach program, and housing communities and we can not do it without your generosity. If you feel inspired, please give today at www.

Mark Holzman Board Chair

Kate Jackson Acting Executive Director



Yasmine Khaliq Vice Chair

Brianne Wartman

Peter Martin

Delan De silva

Ann Chaplin

Laura Wilcox


Arushana Sunderaeson

Hope Caldi-Amer Jenna Geldart

Sanjay Grover

Cara Upward

Patricia Hassard

Mario Balerna

Margaret Lemaire

Isobel Smith

The more people in our community who get involved in supporting Cornerstone, the greater impact we can have in providing permanent, supportive housing for women in Ottawa. Here are a few ways you can be a part of our Cornerstone Community:

Katie Boone

Paloma Boucher

Mary Laidlaw

Paulina Ascencio

Michaela Johnson

Amin Zahrai Desiree Hayward Bianca Schuster



Events + fundraising COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR The Coldest Night of the Year charity walk returns to Ottawa’s Westboro Village for an inperson event for 2024! Feel the bite of the night as a reminder of the hardships people endure when they don’t have a home or a community of support. Save the date: February 24, 2024!

PURPLE TIE GALA Last year’s Purple Tie Gala at the Ottawa Arts Gallery continued to be a night to remember as we gathered back in person for the first time in nearly three years. We were able to raise more than $143,000 for our emergency shelter. Guests joined us for Cornerstone’s fifth annual

HOST YOUR OWN EVENT Hosting your own event is a great way for you to involve your friends, family, neighbours, and community in making a difference in the lives of vulnerable women in Ottawa. It’s easy for individuals, groups, local businesses, and schools to organize a fundraiser in support of Cornerstone Housing for Women.

VOLUNTEER As a Cornerstone volunteer, you can be a vital piece of the puzzle that helps women break the cycle of poverty and homelessness and build a new life of hope and stability. You can help us with activities, build a connection, become a colleague with a resident, help prepare a meal, sort donations, and more.

fundraiser at the National Arts Centre this past October. It was the fall event of the season with a night filled with local tunes by Renee Landry, delicious canapes, and a silent auction to bid the night away.

44 ECCLES SUPPORTIVE HOUSING PROJECT Cornerstone is currently renovating the property at 44 Eccles in the Centretown neighbourhood. This will be our fifth supportive housing residence and will become a new home for 46 women and gender-diverse people currently facing homelessness or are at risk of being homeless. To learn more about this new residence, please visit our website

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa’s dynamic corporate giving initiative is designed to IGNITE lasting impact for young people in our community. No matter the size of your organization or budget, IGNITE offers customized partnership opportunities for all. Start with a conversation TODAY! Erin Helmer (she/her) Director of Development e. c. 613.818.7313

44 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF OTTAWA 12-1645 Woodroffe Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K2G 1W2 613-247-4776 Year founded: 1970 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,401,492 Twitter: @BBBSO Facebook: /BBBSO Instagram: @bbbsottawa

Susan Ingram Executive director

Keith Egli Board Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Mark Zekulin Past Chair Invert Inc.

Matt Haddad Ottawa Senators Hockey Club

Lindsay Ostrom Treasurer Ottawa Hospital

Michael Qaqish Algonquin College

Leslie Rae Ferat Secretary Global Alliance for Tobacco Control Colin Anderson OCDSB Ian Cascagnette Pythian Toni Francis Senate of Canada

Phillip Shaer Invert Inc. Michelle Alfieri Gartner Consulting Michael Purcell Ministry of the Attorney General Carrie Irvine Carrie Irvine Communications Cody Sorensen Welch LLP


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and Renfrew County

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa (BBBSO) enables life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people facing adversity. We carefully and intentionally place an additional, consistent, and supportive mentor in these young people’s lives. Volunteer mentors are thoughtfully recruited based on the needs of local youth, and are professionally screened. The mentor, the mentee, and family receive training and are monitored and supported by a designated professional caseworker. An incredible transformation takes place when

a mentee is matched with a mentor who expresses care, challenges their growth, provides support, and expands their possibilities. These mentees build the life skills they need to be successful. We also see positive changes to their mental health, well-being, educational engagement, and employment readiness. BBBSO has been creating youth mentorship matches in Ottawa for 53 years, and Renfrew County for eight years. We offer our traditional 1:1 Bigs mentorship program (youth ages 6-14), MPower (youth ages 15- 24), PRISM for mentors and mentees who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ and programs in local schools.

How you can help GIVE Young people need your help now. When you donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa, you invest in a young person’s potential and shape the future of the Ottawa community. Your donation is an investment in our collective future. An official research study has confirmed that every $1 donated has a social return on investment of $23 as our young people grow up to be happy, successful adults who give back by volunteering or donating themselves. To learn more about our options to give and engage with BBBSO, please visit

VOLUNTEER We depend on volunteers for all of our mentoring programs. You can make a meaningful difference in a child's life for as little as one hour per week. There are corporate volunteer opportunities through events, speed mentoring workshops, and with our social enterprise, Thrive Select Thrift. There is also the opportunity to join our Board of Directors or one of our committees.

SHOP & VOLUNTEER OPENED in 2022! Thrive is a social enterprise by Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa. Thrive is a boutique-style thrift store of high-quality, wellpriced products for resale. 100% of the proceeds are donated back to BBBSO to support the transformative work of our full spectrum of mentorship programs. Located at 1547 Merivale Rd. in the Emerald Plaza. Interested in doing a clothing drive? Want to learn how your team can have a volunteer experience? We are always looking for new partners. Email Hope at Thrive TODAY!

Events + fundraising BIG TEE OFF GOLF TOURNAMENT


Join us each September for a fun-filled golf tournament in support of local youth. Lunch, dinner, entertainment and silent auction are included. Sponsor the event, register a team or donate a silent auction item or prize.

You can now IGNITE something BIG for youth in our community with your corporate giving. No matter how big or small your company is – we have fully customizable initiatives for you to choose from. Engagement opportunities include: Event Sponsorship, Team Volunteering, Cause-Related Marketing, Third Party Events and Inspired Giving. All funds raised through IGNITE support the full spectrum of mentorship programs at BBBSO.

2ND ANNUAL BBBSO PICKLEBALL OPEN Please join us for a day of fun while supporting vulnerable young people in our community. Want to learn more about how you can get involved? Please visit

MOVE FOR MENTORING A variety of activity based signature & third party events to choose from all supporting the Mentorship Movement at BBBSO. In 2023, supporters ran in Race Weekend, became Vikings at an Axe Throwing Tournament, threw strikes at Bowl For Mentoring, and tried something new at the first ever BBBSO Pickleball Open. 2024 will be even better. Join us and participate.

MONTHLY GIVING Big Match Makers monthly giving is the most costefficient and best way to help the children and youth we serve. The dollars saved on administration costs mean more young people will benefit from your gift. Your gift can be whatever amount monthly you can manage. $5, $25, or even $100. You can cancel or change at anytime.

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550+ JOB INTERVIEWS SECURED 250+ JOBS FOUND YOU CAN HELP. GIVE TODAY. Causeway helps youth and adults facing mental health related barriers to employment on their journey to finding and retaining meaningful work. Invest in an inclusive community with us and help more people to #WorkRegardless.

46 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

CAUSEWAY WORK CENTRE 22 O'Meara Street Ottawa, ON K1Y 4N6 613-725-3494 Year founded: 1977 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,010,789 Twitter: @CausewayWork Facebook: /CausewayWork Instagram: @causewayworkcentre LinkedIn: /company/causeway-work-centre

Louise Boudreau President

Sharon Lewis Interim Executive Director

BOARD MEMBERS Louise Boudreau President

Kate Faughnan Director

Stephen Willetts Past President

Kylie Patrick Director

Judy Cameron Treasurer

Sandro Ricci Director

Michael Brownell Director

Mike DesLauriers Director

Anna Abraham Director

Jeff Burns Director

Oksana Kishchuk Director



Do you believe that there is no limit to anyone’s potential? At Causeway, we find people meaningful work. Regardless. Causeway is a not-for-profit agency that empowers all people by helping those with mental health related barriers and other challenges find meaningful work. At Causeway, we call our employment programs, social enterprises and support services “Avenues” because of the journey we go on together with our participants. Each person can take multiple avenues while on their journey, but they all lead to the same place - meaningful employment. Causeway is a space where people who have

been underestimated can have access to support, encouragement, skills-building, and personal exploration in order to find and maintain work that utilizes their unique strengths and abilities. An important pillar of our strategic plan is forming partnerships with businesses and community members, in order to broaden support for individuals and amplify our impact. We invite you to join the Causeway community in partnership, and be part of transforming lives with purpose and belonging. “Through the darkest part of my life, when I had no career prospects, there were people who encouraged me by recognizing my strengths. My experience with Causeway has changed the way I think about my future.” – Causeway participant

How you can help GIVE & PARTNER You can make a difference for someone experiencing barriers to employment. It is about more than just having a job. It is about being able to enrich your community and finding meaning in your life. It's about finding hope. Your support is needed now to help people with mental health challenges and disabilities reach their employment goals by supporting our employment programs, social businesses, and wrap-around services including our Employment Resource Centre and Wellness Centre.

SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Commercial cleaning, grounds-keeping, and catering are all available through Causeway's social enterprises, which train and employ people experiencing employment barriers. Discover how your business can be supported by social enterprise here: https://www.

Causeway participant Peggy gets ready to conquer the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend 5km.

HIRE FROM CAUSEWAY Employers help us build stronger communities by employing the people we serve. Everyone has abilities and skills regardless of the challenges they may face. With the recent shifts in labour markets, employers have been struggling with staffing and maintaining their employees. People with barriers to employment, however, still experience difficulties entering the labour market and represent a significant portion of unemployed or underemployed individuals. By working with Causeway, employers can tap into a pool of skilled and motivated people who are ready to work. Find your next employee of the month at Causeway!

Events + fundraising WORK REGARDLESS WEEK Nov. 27 - Dec. 3. Celebrated annually, this week serves to engage individuals and businesses around the message that everyone has something valuable to contribute to our community and can work, regardless of the barriers they face. We invite individuals and businesses to show support of #WorkRegardlessWeek on social media by sharing what "Work. Regardless." means to

Jazz participated in Causeway's Solutions for Youth program, and now has a job he loves at one of Causeway's social enterprises, Krackers Katering. Jazz is learning about teamwork, customer service, and working in a commercial kitchen. "Causeway will help you as much as they can – if you need a job, they can help. You don’t have to be afraid to come in. From where I started, to now, I have a lot of support." - Jazz, Krackers Katering team member

them, and by making a donation to support vital community employment services. Together, we can build working communities that employ each person's abilities.

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48 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do SHELTER MOVERS OTTAWA SHELTER MOVERS OTTAWA 403 Bank Street Ottawa, ON K2P 1Y6 1-855-203-6252 ext. 2 Year founded: 2017 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $385,017 Twitter: @sheltermovers Facebook: @sheltermoversottawa Instagram: @sheltermoversottawa

Shelter Movers Ottawa is a volunteer-powered charitable organization providing moving and storage services at no cost to survivors of Intimate-Partner Violence (IPV). We have served over 1,000 clients and we are honored to have made a difference in so many lives. The need for our services is great, and has only grown with the pandemic. This number serves as a reminder of the prevalence of abuse in our community. We believe that everyone is entitled to a safe life, free of violence. We have expanded further into South Eastern Ontario, and have been working hard to establish ourselves in Lanark County. We're committed to serving all survivors of IPV, and recognize that women in rural areas are more likely to experience it while having less access to support. Our goal is to change that by removing the barriers to leaving.

How you can help GIVE

Wendy Mitchell Chapter Director (Ottawa)

Marc Hull Jacquin Founder & CEO (National)

BOARD MEMBERS Danielle Muise Board chair Danielle AdlerKeystone Board Vice-Chair Christina Topp Board Member Natalie Stuart Board Member Amanda Liscio Board Member

Aneta Filiciak Board Member Amanda Levine Board Member Leah Nord Board Member Peter Obradovich Secretary Reema Chheda Treasurer

Evan Risko Board Member



Your donation helps survivors get a fresh start at a new life. It's through your support that we are able to train volunteers to facilitate lifechanging work. Your donation means children can fall asleep knowing they are in a safe home. A $250 donation covers the true cost of one move including vehicle rentals, fuel, insurance, packing supplies, storage and volunteer training. Since we began our services in Ottawa in 2017, we've moved more than 1,000 survivors to safety and we are working hard to support 1,000 more. Whether you are a one-time or monthly donor, or a business looking to support the community in a bigger way, you can help make that happen.

VOLUNTEER Create a lasting, positive change in your community. Join our incredible community of volunteers and start having an immediate, lasting impact on the lives of people living in your community. Give back, make friends, learn new skills and help shape the future of Shelter Movers Ottawa and Eastern Ontario. Current opportunities include mover/driver, intake/move co-ordinator, marketing and communications support and fundraising.

Events + fundraising Our annual event, Moving Stories, creates a journey for our guests to experience our story. This 5 à 7 takes place in late September where our guests will enjoy an evening of cocktails and refreshments, live music, a silent auction and more while supporting our expansion initiatives. Our Mother's Day campaign each year focuses on celebrating and supporting the moms who are also survivors of IPV. This fundraising campaign encourages donors to make a contribution in honour of their mother for other mothers. The campaign runs the first two weeks of May each year.

Local business partnerships also help us achieve our goals. We work with a wide range of service providers who discount or donate services to keep our costs low. For example, GardaWorld provides security support at no cost when needed and Mini Mall Storage is supporting our rural expansion with complimentary storage units. We also develop unique partnerships with local businesses and organizations such as Atlético Ottawa who are helping to raise awareness and provide fundraising opportunities with fans through the creation of our 'Making it to Safety' jersey dedicated to Shelter Movers Ottawa.

Ottawa and surrounding counties

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Welcoming newcomers with dignity.

We are Stronger Together! Leaving your home and settling into a new country is a difficult undertaking. At CCI, we help newcomers feel welcomed and supported, and provide them with the tools to reach their full potential. |219 Argyle Street, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2H4 | 613-232-9634 CCI is a registered charity. We provide assistance to newcomers regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, or mental or physical ability. 50 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

THE CATHOLIC CENTRE FOR IMMIGRANTS 219 Argyle Street Ottawa, Ont K2P 2H4 613-232-9634 Year founded: 1954 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $12,080,157 Facebook:

Myriam Mekni CCIF & CCI Executive Director

Luise Czernenko Reid President, Board of Directors

BOARD MEMBERS Kamal Jama 1st Vice-President

Crystal Shum Director

David Tobin Treasurer

Deacon Charles Fink 2nd Vice-President

Sister Pauline Gagne Secretary

Christine Aubin Director

Larry Hill Past President

Michael Molloy Director

Angela Williams Director Faduma Yusuf Director


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS National Captial Region and Eastern Ontario

The Catholic Centre for Immigrants (CCI) has been welcoming newcomers to Canada since 1954. We are the oldest settlement agency in the Ottawa region. We work closely with many social services organizations in our sector, local and provincial governments, and federal agencies to provide support and advice to newcomers to our city. During the pandemic lockdown, our staff pivoted immediately to offering services remotely. We are located in the downtown core and also run two transitional residences for refugees. With the Federal Government announcing its intent to increase immigration levels, our services are critical to ensuring newcomers get the support they need, maintain their dignity as persons, and feel welcomed into the larger Canadian family.

The focus of the Catholic Centre for Immigrants is to: • Promote and facilitate the reception of newcomers to Canada • Sensitize the community to address newcomers’ needs and invite it to respond • Assist newcomers to realize their full potential in Canadian society CCI’s work is supported by our Foundation, established in 1997. CCIF raises money from a variety of sources such as individual donors, faith communities, and other organizations. We are committed to serving all immigrants and refugees, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, or mental or physical ability.

How you can help FUNDING FOR ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS CCI runs programs that are not fully funded by our institutional partners. We host sewing workshops, conversation circles, and computer literacy classes. We also organize a variety of activities throughout the year to help give newcomers a sense of community and learn about the great city of Ottawa. We also run specialized programs like the Children’s Program in our transitional residence. Children who might never have seen the inside of a classroom learn the ins and outs of attending school in Canada. We also assist young newcomers with homework clubs, job-seeking skills workshops, resume preparation, and we coach them on how to present themselves effectively at interviews. A new initiative is the creation of our “Youth Corner”, a dedicated resource room for newcomer youth to learn, socialize, and explore their talents and interests.

VOLUNTEER CCI relies on the generous giving of people’s time. Life in a new country can be daunting and frightful and CCI has a team of volunteers to offer friendship and advice. Newcomers and volunteers can share cooking, music, and stories. Often volunteers and their “matches” remain friends for years. CCI’s goal of building a strong community relies

Ways to give Monthly giving: CCIF welcomes donations at any time. Giving monthly ensures the stability of funding for programs, allowing us the flexibility to allocate funds as best needed. Planned giving: Leaving a gift to CCIF in your will is a way to ensure your legacy and commitment to Ottawa continues. Company giving: If you are contributing to an organizational-wide giving program such as the United Way, you can direct your gift to support the work of CCI. And if your organization is looking to

Supporting families and newcomer children is major aspect of CCI’s work

on creating a welcoming community for both long-time residents and recent arrivals.

HIRE A NEWCOMER! We help connect talented newcomers to employers in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. We partner with employers to help them meet their labour market needs by understanding their business requirements, finding, and pre-screening internationally trained newcomers, and offering cross-cultural training.

choose a single charity to support annually, we can give presentations on the work CCI does and its value to the economic well-being of our city. Special appeals: As a front-line agency, CCI provides support to arriving refugees caught in extraordinary circumstances. In 2015, CCI helped over 2,000 Syrians settle in Ottawa, and in 2021, we were front and center in helping Afghan families settle in Ottawa. With the crisis in Ukraine, we are helping Ukrainians who are escaping the devastation in their homeland. We know when we reach out to the community, people respond generously to support those in critical need.

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52 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

QUEENSWAY CARLETON HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 3045 Baseline Rd. Ottawa, ON K2H 8P4 613-721-4731 Charitable Registration #13725 3571 RR0001 Year founded: 1986 Fundraising Revenue for 2022-2023: $5,202,316 Facebook: @Queensway Carleton Hospital and Foundation Twitter: @qchottawa LinkedIn: @Queensway Carleton Hospital Instagram: @qch.ottawa

Shannon Gorman President and CEO

Fred Seller Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Ronald Richardson Past Chair

Mischa Kaplan Director

Janet Yale Vice Chair

Dr. Ruchi Murthy Director

Shaina Watt Treasurer

Chad Schella Director

Amy MacLeod Secretary

Wynand Stassen Director

Alan Doak Director

Fraser Sutherland Director

Each week more than 1,500 people will visit Queensway Carleton Hospital (QCH) for emergency services and thousands more will receive treatment and care through our cornerstone programs including Rehabilitation, Childbirth, Critical Care, Emergency, Geriatrics, Medicine, Mental Health and Surgery, along with a full range of services such as diagnostics, orthopedics and acute care of the elderly.

How you can help GIVE Queensway Carleton Hospital (QCH) is at the heart of the vibrant and growing west Ottawa community, providing care to the 500,000 people who turn to it each year. As our community grows, so do the demands on essential services. Our hospital relies on the generosity of our community to support key priorities, some of which include the purchase of vital equipment and medical devices, training and education for staff, construction of the new Barbara Crook and Dan Greenberg Mental Health Centre and upgrades to our surgical suites. The work we are doing to ensure healthcare remains a top priority has never been more urgent so that our loved ones have access to the very best care.


JOIN THE CONVERSATION QCH is more than a hospital, it's a place of hope, healing and inspiration. Sign-up for our QCH Foundation e-newsletter to learn more about the life-saving care powered through our community of donors. Plus, get the inside scoop on upcoming events and our monthly Cooking with the Q recipe! Signup today at

Events + Fundraising medical teams with innovative new technology and equipment. There are hundreds of event ideas to choose from, including spaghetti dinners, trivia nights, sports tournaments, talent shows, bowling nights, art sales, pancake breakfasts, plant sales and many, many more. To get started on your community or corporate fundraising event in support of QCH Foundation, please visit

Susan Finlay Director


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS West Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley

Our volunteers support QCH Foundation through fundraising, administrative support, marketing and communications and engaging with the community as campaign ambassadors. Please visit to find out more.

Volunteers are an integral part of the Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation, and we want to provide an exceptional and meaningful experience for those who get involved. There are many ways to volunteer with QCH Foundation, including joining the Board of Directors, or donating your time and talents to the day-to-day operations of the Foundation.

Dr. Andrew Falconer Director


Our loved ones deserve the very best treatment options available and with the tremendous support from our community, QCH Foundation is investing in state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to help reduce wait times and increase capacity to meet the needs of our growing and aging population. QCH is recognized as one of the top hospitals in the country and thanks to our incredible QCH Foundation donors we will ensure our hospital is equipped to provide world-class care, close to home.

Community and corporate events are a great way to bring people together to have amazing time, all while doing good. When you make Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation the charity of choice for your community or corporate event you are helping to provide

Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation is the only healthcare foundation in Ottawa accredited under Imagine Canada’s National Standards Program. This accreditation demonstrates to our community that our Foundation is a leader in best practice governance and donor accountability.

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54 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal


Since 1976, the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) has flourished into Canada’s leading and most distinguished cardiac health centres. It is recognized for the unparalleled care it provides to its patients, and its worldrenowned research that brings science from bench to bedside. It is the country’s main influencer when it comes to preventing heart

disease. Its promise remains the very pillar on which it was built, always putting patients first. Through the generous philanthropic support of individuals, businesses, and community events, the Foundation raises funds that power innovative patient-centred care, groundbreaking research, state-of-the-art-equipment, cardiovascular prevention & rehabilitation patient programs, education and the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre. Year founded: 1994 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $14.2M Facebook: @HeartInstituteFoundation Instagram: @heartinstitutefoundation Linkedin: @the-university-of-ottawa-heart-institute-foundation Twitter: @HeartFDN

Graduates from a recent Cardiovascular Rehabilitation class at the Ottawa Heart Institute.

Lianne Laing V.P., Philanthropy, UOHI President, Foundation

Elizabeth Roscoe Chair Board of Directors

BOARD MEMBERS Grant Jameson Vice Chair Ian Sterling Treasurer Ken Jennings Secretary

James Annis Gail Kaneb Jake Levinson Lucas Matheson Leslie Mise

Dr. Thierry Mesana UOHI President & CEO

Muneeba Omar

Keira Torkko Chair, OHIRC Board of Directors

Deneen Perrin

Paul LaBarge C.M.

Natalie Tommy

Paul Bodnoff

Erin Zipes

Marc-Andre Groulx

Colin Zappia

How you can help Today's research will be tomorrow's treatments. Your contributions will provide the tools and science needed to treat, and eventually eradicate cardiovascular disease. Imagine a future where every cardiac patient has hyper-personalized medicine, surgery, and care, tailored to their own DNA. Attend a Heart Institute Foundation signature event. Host or join a community event. Fundraise with heart. Consider leaving a powerful gift in your Will. Give a gift of securities.

There are many ways to support the work of the Ottawa Heart Institute funded through life-saving philanthropy. Donor dollars provide the seed funding for early-stage research for future breakthroughs.

DONATION HIGHLIGHT In October 2023, thanks to the generous Joyce Family Foundation a 1.5-million-dollar Cardiac Nursing Bursary Program was established. This transformational fund will help the next generation of cardiac nurses to learn and excel in the latest advancements of cardiovascular care and research.

Nick Pantieras Jean Spicer


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is the primary cardiac referral centre for Eastern Ontario and several other areas across Canada, including the Province of Newfoundland and the Territory of Nunavut. It also offers satellite clinics and outreach programs throughout the Ottawa Valley. Residing at the Institute, you will find The Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre, dedicated to the research of women’s cardiovascular health, a worldclass research facility and Data Science Centre that harnesses the latest technological advancements to find tomorrow’s treatments.

Events + fundraising FEBRUARY IS HEART MONTH Heart Month is an annual opportunity for individuals, groups, and businesses to raise funds and awareness for the Heart Institute while promoting the benefits of cardiovascular health. We are grateful to have the support of over 100 community initiatives in February. In 2023, our community raised over 1.2 million dollars, smashing past records thanks to our incredible match sponsors and donors. LIGHT THE TOWN RED This February the Light the Town Red initiative returns and raises profile and support for heart health across the Nation’s capitol. Join organizations, families, and individuals as they recognize the importance of the Heart Institute’s work by lighting up their windows, homes, and businesses red across the city. #lightthetownred

JUMP IN™ FOR WOMEN’S HEART HEALTH Back for its fourth year, the Foundation’s 30-day physical activity challenge supports awareness, research, education, and advocacy of women’s heart health nationally. Since 2020, over 6,200 participants have joined from Canada and beyond. The campaign has raised over $800,000, and six million minutes of physical activity. THE ANNUAL WILBERT KEON MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Each summer, we are delighted to offer our popular sold-out golf event to the Ottawa community, named in honour of our cofounder Dr. Wilbert Keon. In 2024, our golf tournament will be held once again at the prestigious Royal Ottawa Golf Club.

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Youth Ottawa supports thousands of youth each year, and we could not do this without your help! Join us in various ways to champion our shared vision of a thriving community where youth voices are heard! To learn more about how you can help visit:


56 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal


YOUTH OTTAWA PO Box 1606 Main Street South Stittsville, ON K2S 1A0 Year founded: 1997 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $700,000 Twitter: @Youth_Ottawa Facebook: @YouthOttawa Instagram: @youth_ottawa

What we do Youth Ottawa is a dynamic organization dedicated to empowering and supporting the youth of our community. Through a range of programs and initiatives, we provide young individuals with mentorship, educational resources, career development opportunities, community engagement experiences and we help support entrepreneurial goals through business development training. Our mission is to equip youth with the skills, confidence, and resources they need to succeed in life. We also organize major city events that celebrate our community and generate funding for

our programs. At Youth Ottawa, we are committed to nurturing the potential of our youth, fostering community connections, and creating a brighter future for the next generation.

How you can help

generous support of donors like you, we can make this goal a reality!

Youth empowerment is key to youth development. Our goal is simple but ambitious: to provide our programs to every young person in Ottawa. Achieving this goal requires us to expand our outreach efforts and staff. With the


Ready to drive change in your community? Donate your time and expertise by volunteering with us. If you are interested in learning more how you can become a volunteer or youth ambassador please reach out to Alyssa O’Grady at


Jesse Card Executive Director

Your generous contributions are instrumental in our mission to tackle youth unemployment. They help us hire youth facilitators who drive our frontline programs within the community. In addition, your support allows us to offer our entrepreneurship programs, mentorship, and valuable educational resources to more youth, profoundly impacting their lives. We invite you to consider becoming a donor, whether it’s a onetime contribution or a monthly commitment by visiting

Ben O'Neil Chairman

Events + fundraising

BOARD MEMBERS Ben O'Neil Chairman

Fahd Alhattab Director

Molly Ensom Secretary

Rashid Timbilla Director

Linda Newman Treasurer

Alia Farhat Director

Cesar Ndema-Moussa Director

Fares Elsabbagh Director

At Youth Ottawa, our giving focus revolves around the relentless pursuit of empowering youth and strengthening our community. We invite individuals and businesses to join us in this transformative mission by attending or sponsoring one of our three flagship events: the prestigious RBC Spirit of the Capital Youth Awards, Ottawa Youth Week, and the exciting Mayor's Annual Golf Tournament.

Christian Robillard Director



These events celebrate our youth, foster community bonds, and raise crucial funds to sustain our initiatives. • OTTAWA YOUTH WEEK May 1st - 7th: multiple locations and activities - The goal is to raise awareness and celebrate young people in Ottawa • RBC SPIRIT OF THE CAPITAL YOUTH AWARDS October: Celebrating the achievements and contributions of our community’s youth through a gala ceremony. • MAYOR’S GOLF TOURNAMENT - August - An opportunity for organizations and foundations to support Ottawa youth through a fun-filled day of golf and networking

MARK YOUR CALENDAR Join us on November 28th for Giving Tuesday as we kick off the season of giving with our #EMPOWERTOMORROW Campaign. Discover how our community and local businesses can make a difference to support youth by visiting our website!

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Join the movement to protect at least 30% of land and ocean in Canada by 2030. Visit


58 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do


CPAWS is Canada’s only charity dedicated to the protection of public land, freshwater and ocean with a strong national and regional presence across the country. Working in a way that respects the sovereignty and leadership of Indigenous nations, we are focused on conserving nature to respond to the dual crises of

accelerated biodiversity loss and climate change. With almost 60 years of success, we are Canada’s leader in conservation and have played a lead role in protecting over half a million square kilometres – an area bigger than the entire Yukon Territory! Our vision is that at least half of land, freshwater and ocean in Canada is permanently protected to sustain nature and people for current and future generations.

100 Gloucester Street, Suite 600 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0A4 1-800-333-9453 | Year founded: 1963 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $15,779,931 Twitter: @cpaws Facebook: /CPAWS Instagram: @cpaws_national LinkedIn: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)

Sandra Schwartz National Executive Director

John Grandy President, National Board of Trustees

BOARD MEMBERS Jennifer Smith (QC) Vice-President

FUNDING PRIORITIES Ina Lucila (AB) Don McMurtry (ON)

Lana Mezquita (AB) Treasurer and Chair Finance Committee

Cinthia Nemoto (ON) Kathy Scalzo (BC)

Richard Paisley (BC) Chair, Litigation Committee

Erik Val (YT) Denise Withers (BC)

Alex Tzannedakis (ON) Chair, Governance Committee

How you can help

Mike Wong (QC) Dolorès André (QC)

Charles Côté (QC) Board Personnel Officer


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS National office located in Ottawa, Ontario with 13 regional chapters across Canada working locally at the grassroots level on conservation campaigns.

• • • • •

Parks and protected areas Ocean and freshwater Nature-based climate solutions Wildlife and species at risk Outdoor education and outreach

VOLUNTEER Help make a difference in your community by connecting with your local CPAWS chapter. We are working from coast-to-coast-to-coast to protect more of Canada’s iconic land, seascapes and wildlife.

GIVE The world is experiencing unprecedented impacts of biodiversity loss and climate change. Nature is in danger of being lost forever. To respond, Canada has committed to protecting 30% of land and ocean across our country by 2030 – an ambitious yet achievable goal. While 2030 is seven years away, we can’t wait any longer to take action. With your support, CPAWS will drive conservation work forward and inspire Canadians to stand together as the voice for nature.

Events + fundraising WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE?


Wills are more than just a legal way to distribute your personal assets. A Will can be a powerful tool for change in the world. By adding a charitable gift to CPAWS in your Will, you’ll be helping to conserve our country’s magnificent wilderness forever. Getting started is easier than you think, visit for more information.

November 28 is Giving Tuesday, an annual global movement for giving and volunteering following on the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As the start of the giving season, it is a time when people come together to build a community of giving. Imagine all we can do for nature when we stand together!

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60 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do DIEFENBUNKER: CANADA'S COLD WAR MUSEUM 3929 Carp Road Ottawa, ON K0A 1L0 Year founded: 1998 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,607,550 Twitter: @diefenbunker Facebook: @diefenbunker Instagram: @diefenbunker

Christine McGuire Executive Director

The Diefenbunker: Canada’s Cold War Museum, a once-top secret, four-storey underground bunker, was originally designed as the centre for Canada’s defence against nuclear attack during the Cold War. For 25 years, the Diefenbunker has operated as a one-of-a-kind museum, national historic site, and not-for-profit, charitable

organization preserving and promoting Canada’s Cold War history. The museum offers visitors an immersive look into the past through awardwinning programs, events, exhibitions, and escape rooms. Welcoming close to 70,000 visitors per year from around the world, the museum is an important economic and tourism driver for rural West Ottawa.

How you can help DONATE The Diefenbunker is Canada's most significant Cold War artifact and a powerful reminder of our world on the edge of nuclear war. It tells the story of Canada’s resourcefulness, preparedness, and extraordinary efforts to safeguard our way of life in the face of a nuclear catastrophe. Help us preserve this important window into the past and keep Canada’s most significant Cold War artifact accessible for future generations.

VOLUNTEER The museum was founded by a group of volunteers, many of them former CFS Carp employees. To this day, volunteers remain an important part of our museum operations and our efforts to preserve and promote history. We welcome volunteers to assist with tours, facility maintenance, collections, our amateur radio station, and more. Lend your skills and experience and be part of a team of passionate individuals.

Susan McLeod Chair, Board of Directors


BECOME A MEMBER Joanne Charette Vice-Chair

Tim Redpath Director

Kyle Morrow Secretary

Ron Roedig Director

Joe Brown Treasurer

Sandra Waechter Director

Colleen Kelley Director Daniel Livermore Director Lorraine Mastersmith Director Linda Nixon Director Heather Paszkowski Director



The Diefenbunker also offers a one-of-a-kind experiential learning environment 75 feet underground. Through a variety of interactive educational programs, youth can immerse themselves in the complexities of the Cold War and build their understanding of a critical period in recent world history. Your gift makes a difference as we continue to share important lessons from our past so we can envision a more peaceful future.

Sign up today to experience all we have to offer underground, time after time. Immerse yourself in stories and artifacts from the past and explore the Diefenbunker’s underground secrets yearround with free admission. Members also receive discounts on Diefenbunker events and programs, exclusive invitations, and more. Repeat history and contribute to our efforts to preserve Canada’s most significant Cold War artifact.

Events + fundraising Our signature Whisky Tasting Fundraiser is held annually in November. At this sell-out event, guests are invited to experience an evening of tasteful pairings: whisky sampling and a walk through history, with light fare and tasteful tunes to cleanse the palate. Each year features a unique theme, local fare, a silent auction, and more. Funds from this and other events held throughout the year contribute to the preservation of our national historic site.

PROJECT HIGHLIGHT In 2023, the Diefenbunker completed a major three-year capital project that upgraded our HVAC system, improved electrical infrastructure, and added accessibility features like a stair lift device and fully accessible washrooms. This milestone investment of $1,089,269.50 from the Government of Ontario and the Government of

Canada, along with $402,880.50 of the museum’s own capital funds, allowed us to make huge strides in addressing the Diefenbunker’s aging infrastructure, for us to safeguard this unique Cold War artifact and national historic site and ensure its continued operation for years to come.

National Capital Region

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opportunity changes everything. Did You Know!? We have four pillars of programming: Creative Arts, Education, Leadership & Social Skills, and Physical Activity & Healthy Lifestyle. An average of 5,000 young Members use BGC Ottawa services annually. This lifechanging programming is completely FREE and aims to create barrier-free opportunities for children and youth across Ottawa.

$100 for 100 Years BGC Ottawa has been providing programs and services to our community for 100 years, becoming one of the areas largest and longest standing charities. We certainly could not have done it without you! To celebrate, we ask you to consider giving $100 for our 100 years. You can donate now by simply scanning the QR code here.

Feature photo: Carl McAllister – known to the BGC Ottawa family as ‘The Camp Legend’ – is a former Member, Camper and life-long volunteer. He celebrated the Club’s 100th Anniversary earlier this year, alongside two current Members.



BGC Ottawa

BGC Ottawa

62 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do BGC Ottawa provides children and youth with a safe place between the realities of home life and the pressures of school — a place of positivity and belonging where they can play, create and learn what it takes to become their best selves. We aim to be Ottawa’s leading champion of children and youth; corporations, communities and families will look to us first to understand what children and youth need to thrive today and in the future.

BGC OTTAWA 2825 Dumaurier Avenue Ottawa, ON K2B 7W3 @BGCOttawa Year founded: 1923 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $8,700,129 Twitter: @BGCOttawa Facebook: /BGCOttawa Instagram: @BGCOttawa

Adam Joiner CEO & Alumnus

Robyn Osgood Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Robyn Osgood Chair

Craig Robinson Director

Meredithe Rechan Vice Chair

Judi Shum-Mousseau Director

Blaine Fitzgerald Treasurer / Director

Michelle Taggart Director

Farhana Alarakhiya Director

Michael Tshimanga Director

Jock Climie Director

Michelle Ward Director

Brittany Forsyth-Wilson Director

Setareh Ziai Director

Derek Noble Director

Stephen Beckta Emeritus Director

Robert Rheaume Director

Graham Macmillan Emeritus Director


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa Area & Camp Smitty BGC Ottawa currently serves 19 neighbourhoods throughout Ottawa with its community outreach programs and services. We operate four full-capacity Clubhouses, in addition to several satellite locations. While Camp Smitty, our sleep-away camp, is located in Eganville. Charitable Registration #118814565 RR0001


Over the past year, BGC Ottawa’s membership has increased to more than 5,000 children and youth, who made more than 100,000 visits to our Clubhouses and satellite locations to participate in multiple programs. Additionally, our community outreach team that includes our Neighbourhood Ambassador Program, Provincial Youth Outreach Workers and the Ottawa Youth Diversion Program had nearly 20,000 interactions throughout the 19 neighbourhoods that we currently serve. The Club has doubled its impact in recent years, but the need is growing. As a team, we are working hard to meet the demand and the ever-changing needs of our community by expanding our reach to 30 priority neighbourhoods over the next year. We need your support to keep our Clubhouses open when children, youth and their families need us the most. Additionally, BGC Ottawa needs financial resources to provide the life-changing programs and services that our Members have grown to love and rely on, including our Sports and Leadership League – Ottawa’s only FREE, year-round competitive sports program for children and youth ages 6-18.


Thanks to the incredible generosity of the community, BGC Ottawa has provided programming directly to children and youth in vulnerable neighbourhoods for 100 years.

Events + fundraising BGC Ottawa hosts two marquee fundraising events each year – The MORNING SOCIAL and BGC OTTAWA GALA. In May 2023, we celebrated the Club’s 100year anniversary and the return of our signature morning event to its traditional May timeframe. The Morning Social is an incredible community platform and sponsorship opportunity. It is an event that starts your day off right and inspires hundreds of guests from across Ottawa’s business community. The BGC Ottawa Gala is one of the most talked-about charity events of the year. It is not the typical gala experience that many guests are accustomed to, because there are no long speeches or a sit-down dinner. Instead, guests are whisked into a magical night under the stars surrounded by a glamourous social atmosphere, delicious dishes from several of Ottawa’s top restaurants, delightful cocktails and exciting entertainment. It’s a fun-filled opportunity to join with other like-minded people and organizations to positively impact the lives of children and

For 100 years, BGC Ottawa has provided FREE programs and services directly to children and youth in vulnerable neighbourhoods. Tailored to the needs of communities across the city of Ottawa, our programs encourage and empower children and youth, and help them set a path for success. Programs are developed and delivered based on four foundational pillars of physical activity and healthy lifestyle, creative arts, leadership and social skills, and education. As one of Ottawa’s largest child and youth-serving charitable organizations, we serve more than 5,000 young people each year.

That’s a century of laughter, learning, family, community, passion and fun. By investing in the Club, you are providing young people with countless opportunities to obtain skills for life in a safe, supportive and barrier-free environment. They are our leaders of tomorrow, and they need your support today. • • • • • •

One-time donation Monthly or annual gift Honour a loved one Leave a legacy Gifts of publicly traded securities/mutual funds Sponsor an event


Volunteers are an integral part of BGC Ottawa. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to offer many of our life-changing programs and services, or host special events. Help make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and youth in our community by volunteering your time. • • • • • •

Clubhouse volunteering Post-secondary student placements High-school students Special event volunteering Group and corporate volunteering Board of Directors

If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact Melissa Marion at

youth across the city. To learn more about our marquee events, please contact Amanda Nigh at

THIRD-PARTY EVENTS Community members can get together to host events that benefit BGC Ottawa. From Denim Days at the office, to summer barbeques and golf tournaments, to donations in lieu of gifts at parties, third-party events offer organizers the chance to give back. We provide event organizers with a toolkit that includes important information and tips to make your event a success. For more information on hosting a third-party event, please contact Annie Premachuk at

RENTALS BGC Ottawa facilities are available to businesses, community groups, associations and organizations that need temporary or longterm space. From meeting space to sports and activities to an overnight stay in our cabins at Camp Smitty or Log Home on Mink Lake. For more information on BGC Ottawa rentals, please visit

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Your organization has the power to

transform lives in Ottawa






Visit: Donate: Call: 613-234-1155 64 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

THE OTTAWA MISSION 35 Waller St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 7G4 613-234-1144 Year founded: 1906 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $21,188,091 Twitter: @OttawaMission Facebook: /OttawaMission

Shaun Baron Chair

Peter Tilley CEO

BOARD MEMBERS Peter Saunders Vice-Chair

Jack Murta Director

Adam Harvey Acting Treasurer

Kaite Burkholder Harris Director

Elie Labaky Secretary Matt Triemstra Past President

Kim MacDowall Director

Scott Hannant Director Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey Director Anthony Bennett Director Gord Lorimer Director



The Ottawa Mission is our city’s oldest and largest emergency shelter. Since 1906, we have been at the forefront of caring for people who are homeless and in need. We do this by providing the basic necessities of life, including nutritious food, safe shelter and warm clothing. Last year we served over 1 million meals, including 7,000 meals weekly from our food trucks in 35 communities across the city. We also do much more than this – we help people regain their dignity, hope and purpose in life. We provide people with addiction and trauma treatment including a five-month residential treatment program, housing support, job training, mental health services, care at our medical and dental clinics, and end of life-care at our hospice. More than a shelter, The Ottawa Mission provides an array of services to the city’s most vulnerable citizens.

How you can help Corporate giving is a not only a great way to give back to your community, but it is a great way to engage your employees and build a strong business profile in our community. There are many exciting opportunities to align with The Ottawa Mission: • Event Sponsorship – Coldest Night of the Year and Blue Door Gala • Corporate Partnerships – Sponsor and/or lend your industry’s specific skills to one of our robust programs • Third-party support for external fundraising initiatives • Lunch and Learns • Group volunteer opportunities With increasing inflation, food security is an important issue for our community, in response The Mission launched its food truck program, in 2020 and is now serving 35 communities per week. This year you can support our Mobile Mission by sponsoring a stop or a route! Food Truck Route Sponsorship includes: • Logo recognition on the Mobile Mission food truck for the duration of your route partnership • Employee engagement opportunities • Social media recognition There are several ways to align with Ottawa’s oldest and largest emergency shelter, and by doing so, you help those in need while also helping your business,

employees and clients. We offer high-profile sponsorships, employee engagement opportunities, a popular cause-related marketing program and many other options to meet your corporate giving needs. All it typically takes is one visit to see why it’s worth it to partner with The Ottawa Mission. For more information and to start a conversation, please contact Kimberley Banks Corporate Philanthropy and Partnerships Officer 613-889-6407 visit

Your Impact Your impact thanks to our community in the past year: • Served 1,057,489 meals to clients and communities in need - a record number of meals • Provided emergency shelter to 1,830 unique individuals • Completed 14,739 total patient consults at our DYMON Health Clinic • Graduated 74 people from our addictions treatment programs and delivered 325 addiction counselling sessions to community clients • Successfully housed a total of 195 people; 91 From Housing Services, 65 from Client

• •

Services, and 39 from Addiction and Trauma Services Delivered client support - including employment, educational, and mental health supports to 277 unique individuals Graduated 42 students from our Food Services Training Program (FSTP)

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Transforming Supportive Cancer Care Together


Community Cancer Hub - A vital part of your Cancer Care Team The programs here have been so helpful for me, and my entire family has benefitted. I hope that everyone affected by cancer will be able to experience these programs. It is a much-needed light to those going through cancer. - CANCER HUB CLIENT

Are You or Someone You Love Affected By Cancer? WE CAN HELP


66 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What We Do

OTTAWA REGIONAL CANCER FOUNDATION 1500 Alta Vista Dr. Ottawa, ON K1G 3Y9 Email Visit 613-247-3527 Year founded: 1995 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,788,338 Twitter: @ottawacancer Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: @ottawacancer

Deborah Lehmann President & CEO

Julia Knox Chair


Karen Brownrigg iHR Advisory Services

Tina Nagratha Heart & Stroke Foundation

Sabrina Fitzgerald PwC Anthonette Jacob ACB Wellness Joanne Kudakiewicz Desjardins Financial Carl Marcotte AtkinsRéalis

Suzanne Pellerin RBC Dominion Securities Ian Sherman Relationship Capital Inc. Mashooda Syed Ottawa Prestige Properties Greg Walker ASHB



How We Can Help SUPPORTIVE CANCER CARE We play a vital role in the cancer care team, ensuring patients and families receive free holistic supports throughout their journey. At the Community Cancer Hub in the MaplesoftJones Centre, we provide comprehensive care with a multidisciplinary team offering emotional, psychological, social, symptom management, fitness, nutrition, and financial support. Our services include individual counselling, foot care, pharmacy consultations, support groups, caregiver assistance, children's programs, financial aid, transportation support, return-to-work planning, end-of-life care, and bereavement services. Our diverse programs promote well-being, enhancing the quality of life for our community members.


Peter Andrews PRA Strategic Group

Kevin Fitzgerald Retired - MDS Aero

We are transforming supportive cancer care by bringing together community-based supports and services. We engage in system planning and contribute to medical research to ensure the most promising evidence-informed practices are available for everyone affected by cancer. Through collaboration with more than 50 community partners, the Community Cancer Hub offers a single referral point that connects anyone impacted by cancer, including individuals diagnosed with cancer, families and caregivers, to programs and services that best suit their needs.

Supportive cancer care in Ottawa is essential to address the multifaceted needs of cancer patients and their families. It provides emotional, psychological, and practical support, helping individuals cope with the physical and emotional challenges of cancer treatment. It improves overall quality of life, reduces stress, and enhances treatment outcomes. Additionally, supportive care services in Ottawa offer essential resources and information, fostering a sense of community and empowerment during a difficult journey. With your generous support, we are navigating cancer together.

The healthcare system can seem fragmented and complex when you are facing a cancer diagnosis and treatment. This free service, offered by registered healthcare professionals, provides vital support by simplifying the system and connecting patients with available services, supports and resources. This approach empowers the individual, enhances health literacy and aids vulnerable

individuals in overcoming healthcare barriers, ensuring smoother transitions in care.

CANCER RESEARCH We support cancer research in our community by collaborating with local research institutions, connecting participants to relevant research, providing research grants where appropriate, hosting seminars and workshops to share knowledge, conducting community consultations and increasing access to information on local research and clinical trials. Our commitment to research advancement helps drive innovation and address community-specific challenges.

How You Can Help DONATE


When you support the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, you ensure that individuals who are impacted by cancer in the Ottawa region have equitable access to supportive cancer care to reduce the physical, emotional and financial burden of cancer and increase the desired outcomes of improved quality of life for those in our community affected by this disease.

Leaving a gift in your will lets you make a true gift of a lifetime – one that you might not be able to afford while you’re alive. With the promise of future funding to fight cancer, it lets you build the world as you would wish to see it.

GIVE MONTHLY Want to increase your impact? Consider giving monthly and spread out a gift in smaller amounts. It makes giving affordable, convenient and predictable. For example, an annual gift of $1,000 is approximately $83 a month or $20 a week.

HONOUR A LOVED ONE A gift given in memory is a personal way to honour and celebrate a loved one while giving back to a cause that you both cared deeply about.

CREATE A CORPORATE FUNDRAISER OR CONSIDER WORKPLACE GIVING Is there cancer in your work family? If your company has an event like a golf tournament or BBQ, proceeds can help your coworkers and their families. There are many ways to support individuals facing cancer. Giving back can be easy. To begin a conversation, please contact: Paula Muldoon Vice President, Philanthropy 613-247-1920 ext. 258

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68 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

THE SALVATION ARMY OTTAWA BOOTH CENTRE 171 George Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5W5 Year founded: 1948 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $8,500,467 Twitter: @SalArmyOn Facebook:@SalArmyOn Instagram: @SalArmyOn LinkedIn: @SalvationArmyOn

BOARD MEMBERS Constable Sébastien Lemay Community Police Officer for Lowertown The Byward Market and Sandy Hill Ottawa Police Service

Glenn van Gulik Divisional Secretary for Public Relations The Salvation Army Ontario Division

The Salvation Army Ottawa Booth Centre serves a broad range of life-changing supports to individuals experiencing homelessness through a continuum of care with a goal of helping those we serve find stable housing. An emergency shelter, a special medical care unit, in partnership with Ottawa Inner City Health, critical life skills programming, counselling, budgeting, emergency food and clothing are some of the essential supports The Salvation Army Ottawa Booth Centre provides to help the most vulnerable get back on their feet and reach their full potential. To give hope to those living rough on the streets, The Salvation Army Ottawa Booth Centre’s Street Outreach Team provides yearround vital supplies and transportation to emergency shelters, housing, and hospitals. As we look ahead to our shared future, we invite the business community in the city of

How you can help GIVE You can become a corporate mission partner and support the work of The Salvation Army Ottawa Booth Centre. You’ll be helping your struggling neighbours find the hope they need and a new beginning for a brighter future. Give hope today and join our Army of Givers to make a positive impact in your community.

Monika Tochman Manager Housing Services Tungasuvvingat Inuit Marion Wright Volunteer Tony Burich Volunteer Marc Provost Executive Director The Salvation Army Ottawa Booth Centre Joanne Tilley Divisional Social Services Secretary The Salvation Army Ontario Division



VOLUNTEER Every day, The Salvation Army’s mission partners

Ottawa to join us as mission partners and help transform lives in our community. To learn more, please connect with Marc Provost, Executive Director at 613-241-1573 ext. 241.

are making a significant difference in the lives of so many and we have the perfect Behind the Shield opportunity for you. By joining the Behind the Shield community, you are committing to the belief no one should be alone in times of crisis – and you are ready to be there, without judgment, for someone in need. There are many volunteer opportunities, whether it’s serving a meal, stocking shelves at a food bank, standing at a Christmas Kettle or sorting toys for children at Christmas. To learn more visit You can also help create healthy communities by investing in The Salvation Army Ottawa Booth Centre’s Street Outreach program which needs life-saving supplies for the unsheltered population. To learn how you can help, contact Marc Provost, Executive Director at 613-241-1573 ext. 241. As a corporate mission partner, you are supporting your neighbours in need and helping The Salvation Army serve individuals and families to find a way out of poverty permanently.

Events + fundraising THE SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS KETTLE CAMPAIGN Ring in the Christmas season with The Salvation Army’s iconic Christmas Kettle Campaign! We welcome businesses to support The Salvation Army’s life-changing programs in Ottawa by hosting a kettle with a team of volunteers! Sign up today at or donate at



Volunteer your corporate team to sort toys during the CTV Toy Mountain Campaign to bring joy and hope to families at Christmas or lead an At Work Santa program in your office and collect new unwrapped toys as a group! To learn more or donate please visit

The Salvation Army’s annual Ottawa Golf Classic has sponsorship packages for all budgets to help reduce poverty, provide emergency assistance and critical housing support for Ottawa’s vulnerable population. Learn more about this prestigious event at

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than hockey. Be a hero for a HERO today! 70 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

HOCKEY EDUCATION REACHING OUT SOCIETY 184-1857 West 4th Ave. Vancouver, BC V6J 1M4 Year founded: 2000 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $680,116 Twitter: @heroshockey Facebook: HEROS Hockey Instagram: @heroshockey

Pam Ryan Board Chair

Kevin Hodgson Executive Director

BOARD MEMBERS Norm Flynn Founder & President

The HEROS mission is to use the game of ice hockey to teach life-skills and empower marginalized youth. We provide free hockey programming for at risk children and youth, offering a safe and stable environment for them to grow, connect and succeed. All of our programs support a player’s life journey by focusing on the four HEROS behaviours: Listening, Respect, Discipline and Having Fun. These core values are implemented by our players in their everyday lives beyond the rink. Since launching in 2000, HEROS provided over 18,000 youth with personal growth opportunities through sport training, educational development, and bursaries; guiding them to become constructive citizens and future community leaders. HEROS strives to provide every participant with a “team for life”, connecting with our HEROS at the same time and place season after season, so even years after a HERO graduates they know where to find us when they need us. Once a HERO, Always a HERO.

SuperHEROS (players with cognitive and physical barriers to sport) from across Canada playing in their first ever hockey tournament. For many of our SuperHEROS families, the joy of playing in a tournament like this was never on the radar due to the challenges players were facing, but through HEROS programming, they became more confident and developed social and coping skills that allowed them to make the long trip to Ottawa, where they joined the Capital City Condors at the 2023 CAHA Invitational Friendship Tournament.

How you can help

We'd love to have you as part of the HEROS team!



HEROS is always looking for volunteers who want to make an impact on young people through the game of hockey. Volunteer mentors drive our programming, providing a safe and inclusive environment where players can develop positive relationships with their mentors and teammates. HEROS volunteer opportunities include both on and off-ice roles, from being a mentor for our players and assisting with program delivery, to helping with administrative work and processes.

By donating to HEROS, you can support the marginalized youth in your community, removing the barriers that have kept them on the outside of sport looking in for the majority of their lives. This includes providing HEROS players with access to ice-time, transportation to and from the rink, equipment, healthy snacks, organized sessions with volunteer mentors, as well as access to personal and educational development opportunities.

Casey McCawley Co-Founder Board Member

Events + fundraising

Harnarayan Singh Board Member


Barb Aidelbaum Board Member Jonathan Carter Board Member

Support young people in your community by hosting a golf tournament, dinner, or by organizing a fundraiser at your office. HEROS has the tools you need to get started and can help you every step of the planning process!

BE HERO FOR A HERO – TODAY AND EVERY DAY By becoming a monthly donor, you can ensure our players skates stay sharp throughout the entire season! A monthly gift is the perfect way to make a lasting impact on marginalized young people in your community. You can start contributing today at

Kevin Klippenstein Treasurer



Sven Baerstchi (NHL Alumni and HEROS Ambassador), sharing his experience as a HEROS mentor at our Hockey in the Harbour event. One of the most important aspects to HEROS programming is that our players see themselves as hockey players. When incredible people like Sven come around, our players see that they're no different from Sven, just someone who loves the game, regardless of the barriers they face in their day-to-day lives.

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72 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

SENATORS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 1000 Palladium Dr. Kanata, ON K2V 1A5 613-599-0287 Year founded: 2020 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,790,489 Instagram: @senators Facebook: Ottawa Senators

Jacqueline Belsito President

At the Senators Community Foundation, the love for our team and our city is something we all share because hockey isn’t about any one of us it’s about all of us; and with our collective heart, we can make a positive difference in the lives of all

children in our region. The Senators Community Foundation can amplify cries for help - we are in the unique position to be able to step up in times of community need and crisis to ensure that as a good community Citizen, The Senators Community Foundation will partner loudly and proudly to get the job done.

How you can help

We focus our impact investments and community engagement efforts on pressing challenges facing families today: • Providing barrier-free access to recreational activities that foster self-development through physical activity. Engaged and active kids increase their soft skills, communication, physical and mental health, self-confidence and resiliency. • Providing welcoming and urgent mental health support by supporting a youth mental health walk-in clinic offering single counseling sessions for and their parents, whose needs are immediate.

Helping support an immigrant and ethnocultural youth and family drop-in centre with crisis intervention support and referrals and improved access to community resources and services. Supporting families with children who are living with a progressive life-limiting illness and need palliative care services by helping provide a “home away from home” experience that fosters freedom, security, and quality of family life. Bringing the Magic of Hockey to life by providing hockey experiences to those who may not have access to them through access to youth hockey and learn-to-skate programming to underrepresented groups in our community.

Dr. Jacline Nyman Chair of the Board

BOARD MEMBERS Aweis Osman Lawyer Gowling WLG Christie Bezaire Freelance journalist Elliot Gauthier Senior Vice President Hill and Knowlton Strategies

Michael Burch (Finance Chair) President Evolution Hub Sueling Ching President and CEO Ottawa Board of Trade

Erin Crowe COO - Capital Sports


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec

Events + fundraising CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT Each year in September we host our Charity Open Tournament. This event, in partnership with Bell shines a light on mental health in children and youth in our community. As our 'season starter' event, our Golf Tournament really sets the tone for the rest of the year!

COMMUNITY NIGHTS Throughout the hockey season, in partnership with the Ottawa Senators Hockey Club we have community nights where we partner with local organizations, supporting them both financially, and by providing a platform to help raise awareness of their mission within the community.

IGNITE HOPE TELETHON Each year the Foundation has our Ignite Hope Telethon. Donations help support programs for underserved children and youth throughout the Eastern Ottawa and Western Quebec. All the money stays local. These donations impact: school breakfast programs , supporting children and youth who have life limiting illnesses, getting kids involved in recreational sports and ensuring that kids can access mental health and crisis intervention services.

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For 30 years, the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre has helped thousands of youth walk a Path to Wellness, bringing families back together. The New Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre will provide even better live-in treatment and aftercare for young people who desperately need it. Please donate today, and help us to complete our New Treatment Centre – building a brighter future for thousands of young people in need.


YOUR SUPPORT WILL ALLOW FOR • 25% More Beds • Shorter Wait Times • Fewer ER Visits • Family Support • More Young Lives Saved!



OPENING 2024 Concept Drawing of the new DSYTC Facility


What we do

DAVE SMITH YOUTH TREATMENT CENTRE Male Live-in Treatment Campus 1986 Scotch Corners Rd. Carleton Place, Ont. K7C 0C5 Female Live-in Treatment Campus 1883 Bradley Side Road Carp, Ont. K0A 1L0 Aftercare & Administrative Campus 112 Willowlea Road Carp, Ont. K0A 1L0 613-594-8333 Year founded: 1993 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,025,053 Twitter: @DaveSmithYouth Facebook: @davesmithyouthtreatmentcentre Instagram: @davesmithcentre

The Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (DSYTC) is a not-for-profit, community-based agency that is dedicated to helping youth (aged 13-21) and families across Ontario overcome substance use and mental health related issues. DSYTC programs and services include: comprehensive assessment, three-month live-in treatment, academic programming, pro-social recreation,

psychiatric support, nurse practitioner primary care, 3 months of continued aftercare support and family services. Our mission is to provide youth and families in need with integrated, evidence-based addiction and mental health treatment, delivered by competent professionals within a caring and compassionate environment. Our vision: Healthy, resilient youth and families who have hope and life skills for creating a positive future.

How you can help GIVE Our critical funding needs fall into two main categories: capital and operational. Our capital requirements pertain to our ongoing campaign to build a new 30-bed treatment facility and merge our three aging facilities into a single-campus model. Doing so would increase beds, reduce wait times and provide sustainable long-term infrastructure for our health sector. Operational funding needs include resources that support day-to-day programming such as recreation/sports equipment, art supplies, staff training, IT equipment, family therapy and scholarship funds for graduating students.


Mike Beauchesne Executive director

With an investment of over $15 million from the provincial government we broke ground on June 22nd, 2022 and launched into our $4 million Village of HOPE Campaign, guided by our passionate Campaign Chairs Lawrence Greenspon and Angela Lariviere. It takes a village to help our youth! DONATE TODAY.

Steve Bell Board chair

Events + fundraising

BOARD MEMBERS David Kinsman Past chair

Melissa White Member

Derek Johnston Vice Chair

Jennifer McAndrew Member

Kayla Champagne Treasurer

Mike Mount Member

Rene Bibaud Member

Prashant Shukle Member

Nicole Poirier Member

Kimberly Stone Member

Marilyn Reddigan Member

Lara Mills Member

Michael Smith Member


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa, Champlain region and provincial resource for all of Ontario.

CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP Let us be your corporate charity of choice and collaborate together to customize an interactive employee engagement campaign that will strengthen your corporate social responsibility by helping youth and families in need of life changing, live-in treatment for substance use and mental health issues.

DONOR WALL & NAMING OPPORTUNITIES Be part of the VOH Village and commemorate a loved one or family name to our donor wall. Select naming rights available to those wanting to make a longer commitment to DSYTC.

DROP THE SHAME GOLF TOURNAMENT The Drop The Shame Golf Tournament was founded by one of our past graduate clients who created this annual tournament to help drop the shame around youth addiction and mental health. Every year he honours a member of the community for being part of his village of change. Join our village of change by participating in our 7th annual tournament in 2024.

UPCOMING EVENTS Visit for details. Visit our website for a list of our upcoming events hosted by ourselves or third party groups like Algonquin, University of Ottawa etc.

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DISPLAY AD 150+ 1200+ 20+

Refugee claimants provided with a bed, food, and diverted from homelessness each year Homes furnished for individuals and families in need each year Newcomers hired through our Newcomer Training & Employment Program

©UNHCR/Soo-Jung Kim



76 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

MATTHEW HOUSE OTTAWA 380 Centrepointe Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2G 6A1 Year founded: 2010 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,303,457 Twitter: @MHOttawa Facebook: @MHOttawa Linkedin: matthew-house-ottawa/

Allan Reesor-McDowell Executive director

Ian McLaren Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Steve Kuhn Treasurer

Imagine how you feel when you walk through the door to your home. Your relief and immediate comfort of belonging. That’s Matthew House Ottawa. And we have two metaphorical doors: one for refugees who are making a fresh start in Ottawa and one for people and families who need furnishings to settle into long-term, secure housing. Our residential refugee homes offer a family atmosphere where refugees have a place to sleep, eat, receive support services, and begin their journey to independence. The Furniture Bank is available to our low-income neighbours who are newcomers, leaving homelessness, or fleeing domestic violence and need furniture to make their new residence a home.

How you can help GIVE The impact of donor support on Matthew House Ottawa services is very concrete: you help feed and house refugees, furnish the apartments of newcomers and low-income families, and provide settlement support for those who arrived in Canada in search of safety and a better life. With partnerships allowing us to rent both housing and furniture bank space at a minimal cost, donor dollars go directly to supporting the basic needs of our residents and clients: purchasing groceries to feed Matthew House residents, offering support in navigating the refugee claimant process, and gassing up the trucks that help us furnish more than 1,200+ homes each year in Ottawa. Your generosity makes a significant difference in the lives of newcomers and others in need.

Dan Monafu Director Aaron Webber Secretary Carolyn Elliott-Magwood Director Angela Success Director Deirdre Freiheit Director



Events + fundraising

VOLUNTEER Matthew House relies heavily on the commitment of volunteers. We have a variety of roles available to serve both the Furniture Bank and Refugee Services. “Giving new Canadians a restart on their whole lives is a unique opportunity. It sends a message about our values, way of life and the belief that everybody matters in our society. The value is priceless really!” Interested? Check out:

Funding priorities Matthew House Ottawa is dedicated to meeting the urgent need for safe housing and supports for newcomers and other families in need in our community. Our programming has two areas of focus: our physical houses, which have provided a safe home and essential settlement support for 150+ refugee claimants per year, and our furniture bank, which provides everything needed – from mattresses to tables and even kitchenware – to furnish 1,200+ homes of lowincome families per year. With donor support, we are expanding our services by opening more homes to grow our total capacity and divert more people from homelessness. The new homes will make a vital difference for those who have overcome adversity in search of a new beginning. In order to meet this increased demand for our Refugee Services, we are looking for houses, apartments, and rooms to rent.

Looking for ways to support the people we serve? Every donation is appreciated and goes a long way: • $35 provides a bed, food, and settlement to a refugee claimant for one day • $500 covers our cost to fully furnish a home for a family in need • $2000 covers our cost to rent a home, used to shelter up to 6 homeless refugee claimants for a month You can donate online at:

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78 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

PERLEY HEALTH FOUNDATION 1750 Russell Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1G 5Z6 Year founded: 1988 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $2,250,770 Twitter: @PerleyHealth Facebook: @PerleyHealth LinkedIn: @PerleyHealth

Perley Health is a community where over 600 Seniors and Veterans thrive – from independent living to long-term care. We support each resident with a person and family-centric approach to the continuum of care to improve not only their physical well-being but their mental and emotional health, too. Our commitment to empowering Seniors and Veterans to reach their full potential is a pledge without bounds. We actively invest in research and new methodologies in frailty-informed care and share our findings, best practices, and

breakthroughs with the greater community – so we can help all seniors live life to the fullest. We know that good is never good enough. Our culture of self-improvement ensures that we’re always seeking a higher standard of excellence. Be it a daily quality improvement, safety standards or long-term planning; we prioritize excellence across every facet of our organization to benefit Seniors and Veterans. Perley Health Centre of Excellence in FrailtyInformed Care exists to set new benchmarks in seniors care, facilitating applied research that fuels innovation in education, best practices, and knowledge transfer.

Priorities APPLIED RESEARCH AND INNOVATION: Perley Health Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care is ready to expand its research and develop evidence-based best practices. Innovations and knowledge developed will benefit the healthcare system, train professional caregivers, educate students and improve the quality of life for seniors living in long-term care.

EDUCATION & KNOWLEDGE: Delphine Haslé, CFRE Executive director

Through knowledge translation and partnerships, Perley Health will improve resident care at long-term care homes across the country by training bedside caregivers, promoting innovation to long-term care administrators and influencing government policies.

Louise Mercier Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Sheila Venman Vice Chair

Akos Hoffer CEO Perley Health

Lt.-Col. Bob Eagan (Ret’d) Treasurer

Margaret Tansey Chair Perley Health

Chris Bockstael

Peter Mansbridge Honorary Campaign Chair

Maj. Daniel Charron (Ret’d) Scott Healey Jeff Hill Ryan Kelahear

John Jarvis Campaign co-chair Micheal Burch Campaign co-chair

Carolyn Kropp Glenn La Rusic J.L. Gilles Levasseur Col. Dominic McAlea (Ret’d) Joe Varner



EXCEPTIONAL CARE: Sustaining and enhancing Seniors’ and Veterans’ care and investing in the people who provide care at Perley Health will help fuel innovation and, in the future, bring exceptional care to long-term care homes across Canada.

How you can help Our goal is to transform care for Seniors and Veterans from coast-to-coast-to-coast. To do this we must continue to fund research and innovation, education and knowledge translation and continue to be able to deliver exceptional care. Here is how you can help:

HOST A WORKPLACE FUNDRAISER From chili cookoffs to bonspiels and dress down days – hosting a fundraiser for Perley Health, the sky is the limit. To learn more about hosting your own workplace fundraiser for Perley Health contact Courtney Rock

GIVE MONTHLY Monthly donors to Perley Health Foundation provide us with stable funding that allows us to respond to the unpredictable. Visit www. to start your monthly gift today.

LEAVE A LEGACY Remembering Perley Health in your will is an act that is generous, powerful, and surprisingly simple. It allows individuals to leave a larger gift than would be possible during their lifetime, while still retaining control of your assets. The decision to leave a gift to Perley Health in a will may take place at any stage in life. Any time is the right time. Speak to your clients about how you can help them leave a legacy when it matters most. Email to learn more.

JOIN TEAM PERLEY HEALTH Join us each May at Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend, Canada’s largest run/walk event to help raise funds to transform care for Seniors and Veterans. Whether you’re tackling the marathon or setting a new record for the 5K, by joining the team you are ensuring that Seniors and Veterans are living life to the fullest. To join Team Perley Health contact

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80 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do THE SNOWSUIT FUND 134-225 Donald St. Ottawa, Ont. K1K 1N1 Year founded: 1981 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,167,017 Twitter: @snowsuitfund Facebook: @snowsuitfund Instagram: @the_snowsuit_fund

BOARD MEMBERS Danny Kingsbury Chairperson Torres Media Martin Masse, Vice-chairperson Norton Rose Fulbright LLP Mike Leggett 2nd Vice-chairperson Scotia Private Wealth Andrew Watson Treasurer KPMG Trina Fraser Past chairperson/ Secretary Brazeau Seller Law Sahada Alolo Multifaith Housing Initiative Oscar Arrieta Bastian Solutions

Susan Dennison Tim Hortons Patricia Ferguson Ottawa Police Service Mark Ford RHEA Group Jodie Harrison BMO Nesbitt Burns Steve Monuk Ottawa Venues Daljit Nirman Nirman’s Law Lauren Parkes Postmedia Network

Now in our 42nd season, The Snowsuit Fund purchases and distributes more than 16,000 snowsuits annually to children 15 years and younger from low-income families living in Ottawa, bringing dignity and hope to those struggling with the necessities of life. Ottawa winters are cold, yet year-round outdoor play contributes fundamentally to mental health, active and healthy lifestyles, and learning and development.

Our core mission is to ensure that Ottawa’s most vulnerable children can have warm snowsuits to play outside in winter – without their families having to sacrifice other priorities. The Snowsuit Fund is almost entirely powered by volunteers and the community. We receive no government funding and rely entirely on the generosity of countless caring groups and individuals who give their time, money and talent to keep our doors open.

How you can help FUNDRAISING PRIORITIES We need corporate support to keep children warm. We’re seeing a steady increase in Ottawa families with children who need support more than ever. At the same time rising costs and inflation are negatively impacting donations. Corporate funds directly support the purchase and distribution of snowsuits. Annual volume purchases and long-standing relationships give us the power to negotiate the best possible prices with Canadian suppliers.

GIVE Corporate funds can make a difference in the lives of children by helping us purchase new snowsuits for needy families. Your corporate gift, whether direct or derived from employee or customer campaigns and events, can be positioned as an event sponsorship or as a matching donation pledge that inspires others to give. As a proud partner, your organization will receive our deepest gratitude and extensive brand exposure.

VOLUNTEER Volunteering at the Snowsuit Fund depot is a heartwarming experience. Corporate and community teams that work half-day shifts in our warehouse help us keep operational costs down and connect us to the community. We also welcome volunteer support to produce and promote our various seasonal fundraisers.

Ray Skaff Gabriel Pizza Franchise Corporation Amanda Young Rogers Sports & Media

Ian Burns David Burns and Associates Lise Clement Lansdowne Technologies



Events + fundraising DINNER PARTY IN A BOX Now an annual sell-out, in late November, Dinner Party in a Box is a luxurious chef-prepared athome dining experience that includes signature cocktails, premium wine and beer and luxury gift items – all beautifully packaged and homedelivered for you to enjoy with family, work colleagues or friends. There’s even a themed music playlist to get you in the mood and gourmet kids meals can be added, so nobody misses out. Sponsorship Opportunities are available.

SNOWBALL – A COOL WINTERS EVE Our signature event, SnowBall- A Cool Winters Eve returns Thursday, February 22nd when up to 400 guests will gather for an allinclusive, multi-chef cocktail party experience boasting sumptuous décor, valet parking, live entertainment, a silent auction, a beauty bar and other experiential surprises. This event always sells out. Sponsorship Opportunities and corporate ticket packages are available.

City of Ottawa Boundaries

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Together. Making Each Life Better.

82 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

FONDATION BRUYÈRE FOUNDATION 43 Bruyère St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5C8 Year founded: 1995 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,642,000 Twitter: @BruyereCare Facebook: @BruyereCare Instagram: @BruyereCare LinkedIn: @BruyereCare

Thomas Hewitt, CFRE President

Daniel C. Fernandes Board Chair

Bruyère is an academic health care organization known for its compassionate care towards our aging population, those requiring rehabilitation or living with complex medical conditions. Bruyère is made up of specialized hospitals, long-term care homes and family health teams providing bilingual care across four campuses: Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital and Élisabeth Bruyère Residence in the Byward Market area; SaintVincent Hospital in Centretown; Saint-Louis Residence and Bruyère Village in Orleans, and now Greystone Village, a transitional care unit in Ottawa East. Those who are referred to us have suffered a loss of their independence and function, usually because of a significant medical event or illness. Bruyère works to restore this where possible, through rehabilitation and restorative care services, helping patients return to independent living in the community, and to accommodate it where this is not possible through long-term and complex medical care. The Bruyère Research Institute’s work leads to constant innovation in the services we provide with a focus on providing care that promotes independence. The Foundation’s volunteer board of directors and professional staff is responsible for securing donations from the community to enhance patient care across Bruyère’s four campuses.

In 2022-23, the Foundation contributed $2.54 million in total to Bruyère on behalf of our community of donors. The most significant investment was in the construction of the new William and Maureen Shenkman Palliative Care Unit at Bruyère’s SaintVincent campus with $1.35 million contributed this year as part of the Foundation’s ongoing $6 million Celebrating Life at Every Stage campaign. The new unit unites Bruyère’s palliative care and complex care programs which Bruyère’s Chief of the Medical Staff described as “the single most important thing we can do for patient care at Bruyère right now". In addition, $1 million was contributed to acquire state-of-the-art equipment to provide Bruyère’s outstanding staff with the tools they require to provide the best possible care to their patients. Gifts made through estates continue to be an important source of support for Bruyère. We are grateful to those who have chosen to include Bruyère in their estate plans and to those who carefully administer their wishes. Thank you to everyone who entrusted their donations to the Foundation. Our Board and staff are careful stewards of your philanthropy and work closely with Bruyère to ensure your support is used as intended.

How you can help

BOARD MEMBERS John Wright Vice-Chair and Treasurer

Clifford Lebarron (Honourary) Laurentian Bank of Canada

Scott Brooker Cushman & Wakefield Ottawa

Nik Lemieux Mirabel Management

Brad Ezard Keynote Group

Lesley Mackay Ottawa Tourism

Guy Chartrand President & CEO

Mark White Colonnade BridgePort

Patrick Kennedy Earnscliffe Joanne Kudakiewicz Desjardins Financial


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa, Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais region

As a donor, every time you choose to give, it helps Bruyère fulfill its daily goal – to make life better for our patients, their loved ones, and our care teams. Each year, Bruyère establishes fundraising priorities for the Foundation based on the most pressing requirements to ensure patients receive the very best care. This year, the Foundation has been asked to raise $6 million from the community to fund:

A new, state-of-the-art palliative care unit, by completing the $6M Celebrating Life at Every Stage campaign.

The acquisition of specialized equipment – such as critical diagnostic devices, robotic patient transfer platforms, rehabilitation equipment, to name a few.

To discuss your giving options with one of our fundraising professionals, please contact us at 613-562-6319 or

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Become a Dream Launcher Help keep their dreams alive! You can help care involved kids hold on to their hopes for a brighter future. Please consider giving on a monthly/yearly basis.

This will be my final year at University of Ottawa and I am so proud to complete this journey. I appreciated the generous donations that allowed me to obtain a first-class education without the stress of overwhelming debt. For this, words cannot describe my gratitude. I wish you all the best karma life has to offer. Thank you for helping me reach my full potential. With love, Gabi Dare to Dream Bursary Beneficiary and Graduate | B.A. Communications, University of Ottawa. Now working for the Government of Canada

Call (613) 745-1893 Email Visit 84 GIVING GUIDE 2023 Ottawa Business Journal

What we do

CHILDREN'S AID FOUNDATION OF OTTAWA 1602 Telesat Court Ottawa, ON K1B 1B1 613-745-1893 Year founded: 1988 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,030,679 Twitter/X: @CAFOttawa Facebook: @CAFOttawa Instagram: @CAFOttawa

We Launch Dreams! The Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa (CAFO) is dedicated to enriching the lives of children, youth, and families supported by The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (CASO). Our Dream Launcher Donor community envisions a future where all our Ottawa kids are resilient, thriving, and confident. Dare to Dream! Over the past 20 years, more than $2-million has been raised to provide nearly 1,000 Dare to Dream educational bursaries to youth involved with child welfare. 36 youth are currently pursuing their postsecondary education ''I will become the first-ever person in my family to receive a college education. Who would have thought this was possible? Something tells me YOU did, because you funded my dreams and my future. Thank you so much for everything that you do." Adalee, 'Dare to Dream Bursary' recipient 110 youth have successfully transitioned to independent living last year

"We don't want our kids, who have already come so far, to age-out of foster care into loneliness," Child Protection Worker, CAS Ottawa 159 children had "the best time ever!" at their camp experience "The kids were able to be kids, our worries were forgotten about for a week," 9-year-old 'Camp for Kids' recipient

How you can help BECOME A DREAM LAUNCHER! Walter Noble Executive Director

Anna Lynch Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Shail Paliwal Vice Chair John P. Haralovich Treasurer

Philip Lapin Derek Thuillard Terry Tyo

Laura-Lee Brenneman Secretary Tom Batchellor Michael Beaucage Darlene H. Carreau Jayna Carter Ex Officio* Jim Carty Karine Jackson



When donations and sponsorships are given on an ongoing basis, your kindness is shared with children and youth in child welfare at a time when they need it most. Your monthly or yearly donation / sponsorship means our Ottawa kids have a dependable base of support and you are investing in their future. Not only do we provide emergency needs, like a new bed, stroller, or clothing, but we fund preventative programs directed to where it’s needed most. Three Ways to Support Our Ottawa Kids: 1. Event Partnership: Join us as an event partner at one of our yearly events & gain community recognition for your corporate social responsibility. 2. Sponsor a Program: There are several to


choose from, from the 'Dare to Dream' Bursary to ‘Camp for Kids’. Donate the Proceeds from your own teambuilding event.

FUNDING PRIORITIES Education • Dare to Dream Bursary Postsecondary Tuition \Fees • Tutoring and Learning Support • Psychoeducational Assessment Life enrichment and Mental Health Supports • Summer Camp • Counselling • Hockey Registration and Equipment • Swimming and Piano Lessons Youth Transition out of Foster Care • Budgeting, Cooking and Life Skills • Support Transitioning to Independence • Support Moving into a New Home

Events + fundraising SALUT!

Each May we host a sommelier guided evening of specially curated wines, paired with a delicious dinner. Over 150 community leaders join to raise funds for the Dare to Dream postsecondary education bursary. www.


This popular annual golf tournament is held each September in partnership with BDC. More than 150 where more than 100 business leaders across Ottawa join forces to raise funds to help children and youth supported by The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa.


For over 30 years over 1,000 trivia enthusiasts,

corporate team-builders and friends come to the Shaw Centre for a fun night. Full details at


Join over 300 local organizations to help children, youth & families of all faiths celebrate year-round. This amazing corporate teambuilding event results in donated toys, gift and grocery cards that help brighten the holidays for Ottawa kids in care.

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EVOLUTION OF FUNDRAISING: AFP Ottawa is here to help With data analytics, fundraising must be both an art and a science By Sam Laprade Fundraising has become more business-like over the past two decades with the introduction of data analysis and various measurement tools. Unfortunately, not all charities are following these best practices. But merging the art and the science of raising money is a necessity for organizations that need to grow, measure fundraising efforts and make smart resource investments. The charities that shine in this area include the crucial data component, but also overlay the essential “heart factor” and emotions of fundraising. The last thing the sector needs is for our fundraising appeals to be as warm and inviting as a reminder to get an oil change. We cannot let our business lens of data override the storytelling of fundraising. It is a delicate balance. Companies like Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire and Petro-Canada have been crunching the numbers since day one. Corporations like these have departments focused on the metrics. The C-suite team makes marketing, human resources and inventory decisions

based on data. They know the average number of times a customer visits and how much they spend and how to encourage them to buy again. Implementing integrated customer loyalty programs provides them with mounds of data to analyze their target audience. In this era of immense pressure on non-profit leaders to do more with less, it can be overwhelming. Especially since there is no time to waste when it comes to solving social issues like homelessness, food insecurity and mental health. Charity metrics are very different from data used to sell a double-double, a set of new tires or a tank of gas. Data from the non-profit sector and the way it is used can mean someone eating today, finding housing this week, or receiving mental health support this year. Harnessing the power of donor data to analyze metrics such as second gift conversion, long-term donor value, reactivation, and consecutive years of giving can help your charity go from desperate to thriving. Nonprofit staff can stop guessing at their next strategy. Make no mistake, leadership teams and board

members are asking for these numbers from development professionals. I think there is some old-school thinking that analyzing data is a punitive exercise or that, as charities, we do not want to become too corporate. Let’s look at an example. An organization has 20,000 donors in the database but only 5,000 donors, or 25 per cent, are actively donating. The goal provided by the executive director is to acquire another 1,000 donors. Is the organization prepared to retain these new donors? Does the team have a sustainable stewardship plan? Why are the 15,000 donors in the database not giving now? Is the charity appealing to the lapsed donors enough in a year? Using data to set reasonable benchmarks and track trends is mandatory for fund development. Looking at donor data analytics to raise more money and therefore help more people, animals or oceans is key to the success of any charity trying to serve their beneficiaries fully. Embracing data and the science of fundraising does not mean giving up the art or the personal connections or the emotional side of the sector. As a sector, we need both, just like the world needed both Edison and Picasso. Sam Laprade (CFRE) is the host of CityNews Ottawa and director of Gryphon Fundraising.

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AFP Ottawa brings many benefits, to members and to communities By David Gourlay We are fundraisers and that means that we know Ottawa is full of possibilities and exciting potential. So, how awesome is it that each of us are a part of a vast network of professionals in the charitable sector making our city stronger! When we give ourselves permission to be creative, to dream and imagine how our interconnectedness across our fundraising ecosystem makes us all part of something bigger and better, well, we are all in with our shared values of trust, respect, humility and empathy. I love being out in the community learning about other non-profits and their philanthropic work. I am inspired to hear from my peers and observe pride, curiosity and purpose. We all thrive when we share common challenges, pain points and their solutions. We are not afraid to fail as we know our growth mindset prevails and we choose to be bold and creative as we are fundraisers. That is our community and, with our collective connections, we believe that being partners elevates our sector. At AFP Ottawa, we are proud community-builders — from the board of directors to our volunteers and, of course, our members. We believe that, as fundraisers,

we make a difference every day by connecting donors to impact and that we act on our organization’s behalf to advocate for our causes. We are in the business of transformation so that donors foster the goals we all so richly believe in. I would like you to consider joining AFP Ottawa — whether you are in the fundraising/non-profit sector or not. A membership with AFP Ottawa is about achieving the potential of collective connections and the intersection of our growth mindsets. We enjoy our own development, sharing information, discussing common challenges and solutions, engaging in dialogue on case studies or best practices. We do this as we know we are part of a community that has purpose and, at AFP Ottawa, we want to discuss the meaningful issues that we face collectively as a sector while promoting to the broader community the importance of fundraising and fundraisers. Our local non-profit sector needs a champion and we aspire to be your voice. Some of the amazing initiatives by AFP Ottawa focus on mentorship and coaching, such as the AFP Ottawa Future Leaders mentorship program, the first of its kind in Canada, thanks to the support of RBC. We are also honoured to celebrate the life and leadership of Barbara

Here are the lessons I’ve learned in my first year as a fundraiser By Alexandra Dinsmore Going from school right into a new career is not an easy transition. After graduating from Algonquin College in 2022, I jumped right into working for a nonprofit housing provider. It was a quick switch from school being my main responsibility, to leading communications campaigns and planning fundraising strategies (and yes, the feeling of imposter syndrome hit immediately). While the work has been incredibly rewarding, it was not without its challenges. I had to learn a lot in a short amount of time. So, hopefully the lessons I have learned and the mistakes I have made along the way will help new fundraisers who are just getting started. LEARNING DOESN’T END WHEN YOU GRADUATE While I was finally done with school, I was not done learning. What has helped me immensely in my work was taking advantage of any professional development opportunities offered. From Fundraising Day workshops to online courses, there are so many opportunities to help you along your fundraising journey. They have helped me build successful campaigns and branch into new fundraising methods. YOU CAN’T DO EVERYTHING This one was hard for me to learn, that you can’t do

everything. I jumped into my new job energetic and full of new ideas, but I quickly realized the reality of most non-profits, that you can’t do everything. There is not the time or capacity to do every campaign, fundraiser or communications project that you want to do. While juggling fundraising along with communications and other tasks, it became incredibly important to prioritize my work efficiently. So, focus on what you can do and don’t be afraid to ask for more support when you need it. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK Yes, I know you probably have heard this over and over again, but networking is important. When I started working, I made it a goal to reach out and connect with other fundraisers so I could learn more about the sector. Building those relationships has allowed me to learn more, get to know my community and navigate my way through my career. It is so helpful to have someone to turn to when you have questions, especially when that person has been where you are. So, connect with other fundraisers in your field, attend AFP Ottawa events and find a mentor, you won’t regret it.

McInnes through the new Barbara McInnes Executive Mentoring Project Fund, which is designed to support new executive directors from underrepresented groups in Ottawa and from small NGOs and charities. Finally, we love to bring our sector together for the annual Philanthropy Awards, which is a premier event in our nation’s capital bringing together visionary businesses, organizations, professional fundraisers and philanthropists who are trailblazers in our city. This celebration is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and showcase acts of service, hope and commitment happening within our community. Our growth mindset is our collective ecosystem of values, purpose and identity. A membership with AFP Ottawa supports our sector and ensures that we can continue to deliver top-quality programs, professional development and other tools to the fundraisers in our city. We are ready to make a difference and empower even more donors and philanthropists in Ottawa to invest in impact. A membership with AFP Ottawa is about our collaboration, connecting over mentorship, coaching and learning. Join us today! David Gourlay is the CEO of the Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation and leads a team of fundraisers who raise money for the programs and services offered by Shepherds of Good Hope to end chronic homelessness in Ottawa.

you tell a story matters. When I am writing a client’s success story, I am writing about their journey from homelessness to being housed, and the importance of how you tell their story should not be overlooked. I have learned to take the time needed to get to understand their perspective, connect with front-line workers to know the reality of the work, learn about trauma-informed storytelling, and prioritize what the client chooses to highlight because it is an opportunity to celebrate their success. PRIORITIZE YOURSELF Taking a moment to breathe is okay. Sounds simple, right? Well, it’s a lot easier said than done, especially when you are just starting out and trying to prove yourself. But trust me — take the time to prioritize yourself. Schedule breaks and take your vacation time. When the chaos of fundraising season starts, you will be thanking yourself. While I am only just getting started and have so much more to learn, I know these are lessons that will stick with me for the rest of my career. Working for a nonprofit has been an incredibly rewarding experience and when you believe in the cause you are fundraising for, it makes your job easy. Alexandra Dinsmore is a communications and corporate support officer at Options Bytown Non-Profit Housing Corp.

HOW YOU TELL THE STORY MATTERS One of the most important things I have learned working in the non-profit housing sector is that how

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Natalie Benson

Outstanding Fundraising Professional

Natalie is a passionate communicator, strategic fundraiser and volunteer with more than 25 years of experience. Natalie’s work has always been in the child and youth sector, going back to her first job at summer camp. Her professional career started in Community Development for Scouts Canada, where she became the organization’s first female director of development. In 2014, Natalie became the director of fundraising and communications for Christie Lake Kids, combining her passion of raising funds for vulnerable people and inspiring the public to care for those in need. She is an advocate for adoption (having two adopted children) and is a volunteer for the Children’s Aid Society, where she meets with potential adoptive families. Natalie is also a Girl Guides Canada volunteer with a love of camping and the outdoors. Natalie has received both the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee medallions for community service. In addition, she received Employment Ontario’s Inspiring Young Workers Award for her work supporting youth with barriers.

Riley McBrine

Outstanding Individual Youth Riley is a 16-year-old high school student who has raised more than $25,000 for cancer care and treatment as the creator of Riley’s Walk for Cancer. Riley’s earliest experience as a fundraiser came through running a lemonade stand. As he got older, Riley got involved in the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation’s Epic Walk event with his mother and grandmother. After several years of participating in the Epic Walk, the event ended, but the memories of walking to raise funds for cancer treatment left a deep impression on him. While completing eighth grade in 2020, one of Riley’s school projects involved creating a mock fundraiser. Thinking back to his time doing the Epic Walk, he contacted his grandmother to talk about their memories and experiences.

From left, Peter Nicholson, founder and president of Foundation WCPD, with AFP Ottawa Philanthropy Awards co-chairs Jennifer (Gray) Cameron and Jacqueline Belsito, and Jeff Todd, board chair of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Ottawa, at a reception to celebrate the upcoming awards dinner. PHOTO BY CAROLINE PHILLIPS

Alongside his grandmother, Riley contacted the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation to get set up and Riley’s Walk for Cancer was off and running.

Sindy Hooper

2023 Inspiration Award Sindy is a mom of two boys, a wife, a runner and triathlete. Ten years ago, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, despite having none of the risk factors and no family history. Since her diagnosis, she has had three gastrointestinal surgeries, 41 rounds of chemotherapy, 33 days of radiation, and too many CT scans and MRIs to count. During that time, she ran the Boston Marathon, competed in three world championship triathlons, and completed two Ironmans. With such low survival rates, there are few survivors of pancreatic cancer to champion fundraising. So Sindy wanted to give back through raising both awareness and much-needed funds. In the past eight years, she has shared her story and led running teams to raise money. With her team the MEMC Crew (Make Every Moment Count), she’s

helped raise $487,000 for cancer research. Unfortunately, in September 2022, after 10 years of her cancer being in remission, it spread to her lung, spine and one rib. She entered stage four pancreatic cancer care and doctors said she has realistically one year to live. Sindy is now on “chemotherapy for life,” which is very tough to handle, physically and mentally, but has been working to keep her tumours stable. On Sept. 26, 2023, she reached one year of survival in stage four.

Sylvie Villeneuve and Yves Tremblay Outstanding Individual Philanthropist Sylvie and Yves, originally from Alma, Que., both studied at Université Laval in Quebec City, specializing in nutrition and engineering and, in the late 1970s, adopted Ottawa as their home. Yves found success in the fibre optics sector from 1980 to 2000, while Sylvie managed their growing family, which included four children and eventually 16 grandchildren. Sylvie and Yves are passionate about promoting

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the French language and dedicated more than two decades to volunteering in parent associations and French-language schools. Yves also shared his business expertise with many local health organizations and educational institutions. Their commitment to Hôpital Montfort, Ottawa's only French-language teaching hospital, was sparked when their last grandchild was born there. In February 2020, Yves chaired the campaign’s cabinet and set the tone with a historic $1-million donation, as the early days of the pandemic loomed over the health-care sector. Despite challenges, their efforts, along with those of the Montfort Foundation and volunteers, helped the campaign exceed the $12-million goal, with the Villeneuve-Tremblay family contributing $1.5 million. Sylvie and Yves exemplify dedication, ambition and vision, while their legacy is a testament to their commitment to family, community and the French language in Ottawa.




Sandy Foote

Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Sandy has been a community leader for more than 23 years, demonstrating leadership in various not-for-profit organizations. Sandy encourages individuals to get involved, contribute their skills and make a positive impact. He leads by example, embodying a strong work ethic, integrity and a passion for philanthropy. His inclusive and collaborative leadership style fosters trust and empowers others. As the chair and co-chair of numerous organizations, Sandy has driven positive change and made a lasting impact on many organizations, including the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival and Foundation, Arts Smarts, the Ottawa Art Gallery, the Robert Bateman Foundation, Les Amis De La Voie Verte, and La Fab Sur Mill. Sandy actively participates in strategic planning, fosters growth and encourages innovation in the organizations he leads. His visionary mindset and long-term thinking contribute to their sustainable development. Sandy’s dedication to funding and fundraising underscores his understanding of the financial support required by not-for-profit organizations. He actively seeks opportunities to provide financial assistance and utilizes his network and resources to secure additional funding.

Hobin Architecture

Outstanding Small Business Philanthropist Established in 1979, Barry J. Hobin & Associates Architects Inc. set out to craft a brand identity based upon client satisfaction and design excellence. Today, Hobin Architecture has evolved from a founding principal, Barry J. Hobin, into a team of more than 45 talented professionals. The firm believes in integrating professional and personal values. Hobin Architecture is committed to creating buildings and places that strengthen neighbourhoods, enhance daily lives and make the city beautiful and connected. Since 1979, it has merged a passion for design with a sense of responsibility to the wider community — to create a design team that innovates;

client relationships that endure; buildings that inspire; and environments that nurture creativity, health, spirituality and commerce. The Hobin Architecture team has a long history of investing in the community — both from design and philanthropic perspectives. They consider themselves lucky to live and work in such a dynamic city and to take advantage of the opportunities that allow them to give back, while advocating for others to do the same. Their giving is structural and intentional. Organizations that the firm has supported include the Ottawa Food Bank, Ottawa Mission, CHEO, and Greater Ottawa Habitat for Humanity.

Canadian Federation of University Women — Ottawa Outstanding Philanthropic Group The Scholarship Trust Fund of the Canadian Federation of University Women-Ottawa was created in 1983 with seed money of $4,000. Over the past 40 years, the fund has grown to more than $500,000 and more than $330,000 has been awarded to women pursuing higher education in the Ottawa area. Thirtyfive scholarships and bursaries are now awarded annually. CFUW-Ottawa is grateful to its members who have supported its fundraising appeals, as well as for the dedicated stewardship of the fund’s trustees throughout the years. CFUW-Ottawa also thanks its community partners of HOMSA (Heads of Mission Spouses Association), the ICO (International Club of Ottawa), Carleton

University, the University of Ottawa and Algonquin College. With their collaboration and cooperation in 2022, three new awards were created for refugee women studying in Ottawa. CFUW-Ottawa’s annual awards ceremony provides an opportunity for club members and partners to meet and celebrate the achievements of these deserving recipients.

Myers Automotive

Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist Myers has been all about Ottawa for more than 80 years. Myers was founded in 1942 and has been owned by the Mews family since 1975, when Hank Mews acquired the original franchise. Today, Harry and Rob Mews own Myers and, with more than 900 employees, they operate 17 new car dealerships and three CarStar Collision Centres that make up Myers Automotive Group. The Mews family and senior Myers executives have deep family roots in the Ottawa community. Myers and the Mews family have always placed a strong emphasis on community involvement and giving back. Over the years, Myers has made significant financial contributions to The Ottawa Heart Institute, the Queensway Carleton Hospital, the Salvation Army, the Caldwell Centre, community food banks and many youth sports teams and local programs. Myers is proud to be an integral part of the communities it serves. The people that make up the Myers team are friends and neighbours in the community. Myers’s employees sit on parent’s councils and volunteer to make good things happen in communities.


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