Giving Guide 2020

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COVID-19 accelerates evolution of Ottawa’s charitable sector E

verywhere I turn, people are talking about how everything is changing. Restrictions on in-person events have decimated previously booming industries. Meanwhile, the widespread adoption of workfrom-home policies are fundamentally changing the way we work and connect with one another. This is leading charities and fundraisers to quickly adopt virtual approaches in place of face-to-face interactions. From Zoom meetings to professionally televised events, fundraisers are at the forefront of experimenting with new ways of meaningfully engaging stakeholders in virtual settings. Along the way, fundraising professionals are encountering – and overcoming – new challenges. Convincing supporters to recommit sponsorship dollars for another virtual event, without the inperson benefits of networking, can be difficult. So can asking donors to attend another three-hour appeal on their digital screens after a full day of back-to-back Zoom meetings. Despite the obstacles, many groups are developing new ways of fundraising, managing their operations and delivering services that in many cases are superior to pre-pandemic approaches. COVID-19 has unquestionably had a devastating impact on many Ottawa organizations, residents and their families. But if one is looking for silver linings, many nonprofits are likely to emerge from this pandemic in a position to more effectively serve their community.

our communities. And the best way to do that is by connecting with the charities featured in this year’s Giving Guide that are already providing resources to the underserved populations in and around Ottawa. This year, the Giving Guide features stories of how Ottawa-based organizations are pivoting their fundraising efforts to accommodate for physical distancing. It also looks at some of the most creative and successful events over the past year and explores how leading organizations are adapting their fundraising and services in the current climate. Additionally, the Ottawa chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals reflects on how COVID-19, as well as other major events such as the Black Lives Matter Movement and the WE political scandal, are reshaping their sector. We’re also proud to celebrate the best in local philanthropy by profiling the recipients of AFP’s annual “Phils” awards. Our goal is to highlight the amazing work being done here in Ottawa and showcase all the reasons that we have to celebrate our philanthropic sector. The stories, profiles and columns on the following pages will serve as an encouragement for readers to make a difference in their community by engaging with local charities.

Tackling inequality

As much as the way we work is changing, the goal of many charitable organizations remains the same: mitigate the effects of economic inequality in our community. The pandemic has unevenly affected Ottawa. While some businesses are navigating the pandemic virtually unscathed, many of our community’s most vulnerable residents are being disproportionately affected by job losses and illness. COVID-19 is shining a spotlight on this disparity, as well as the unequal access to housing, healthcare and social safety nets. With that in mind, it’s important to remember to give back generously and continue to invest in the people who make up

Victoria Stewart Associate publisher OBJ’s Giving Guide

The Ottawa Region Giving Guide is presented by founding partners The Foundation WCPD, the Association of Fundraising Professionals (Ottawa Chapter) and the Ottawa Business Journal.



COVER STORY: The future of charitable events Donors help make life-saving ventilator technology a reality Op-ed: Major donors step up amid crisis

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SOCIABLE GIVING: Event organizers find new ways to connect supporters and raise funds


HOW THE PANDEMIC IS CHANGING: Workplace charitable campaigns Caring for seniors Homeless shelters and food services Volunteering







CHARITY PROFILES Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation Ottawa School of Art / École d'Art d'Ottawa Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada HelpAge Canada The Perley and Rideau Veterans' Health Centre Foundation Montfort Hospital Foundation Ottawa Network for Education Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services ALSO Adult and Family Literacy Seniors Can Connect! Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Fondation Bruyère Foundation Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation Ottawa Salus The Ottawa Mission The Ottawa Hospital Foundation Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre The Snowsuit Fund Carefor Health & Community Services

PERSPECTIVES: The power of generosity Honouring the best in Ottawa philanthropy The strength of mentorship Harnessing celebrity support How the Black Lives Matter Movement can create more effective philanthropic leaders Rebuilding trust with young philanthropists after the WE scandal


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Major donations and fundraising achievements in our community

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“We wanted to engage people, to still have them be part of the festival and not just watching.” – Trina Mather-Simard, executive director, Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival



s In past years, the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival would typically work with 5,000 students in the park for education day. This year, 19,000 students and teachers registered to participate in the online workshops. PHOTO COURTESY SUMMER SOLSTICE INDIGENOUS FESTIVAL

t the beginning of March, the future was bright for Paula Muldoon and the rest of the leadership team at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. Since its formation in 1995, the ORCF – one of the city’s most important nonprofits – had grown from strength to strength, becoming a true pillar of the community. With the snow starting to melt, it was time to reload on an exciting suite of programming for 2020. Dozens of events were planned. An army of volunteers, donors, support workers and nonprofit professionals were geared up to raise millions of dollars for clinical trials, essential research and lifechanging cancer coaching for those fighting a disease that touches one out of every two people. We all know what happens next. It was one of those moments in history we will collectively remember for a very long time – the day COVID-19 changed everything. What began as distant rumblings in Wuhan, China, quickly escalated into a global pandemic, the likes of which had not been seen in a century. By mid-March, we had retreated indoors, many of us shell-shocked and in a state of disbelief, left wondering what happens next. “We didn’t really know what to think in March,” recalls Muldoon, who serves as vicepresident of development and community engagement at the ORCF. “We had just set up our leadership council. And we had big dreams of raising a million dollars at our Cancer Champions Breakfast that June. We thought, perhaps, we will hang out at home for six to eight weeks, and things would go back to normal. We were hopeful.”


Organizers of the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival sent nearly 1,000 interactive boxes to attendees' homes this year in a bid to boost the interactive qualities of their programming. PHOTO COURTESY SUMMER SOLSTICE INDIGENOUS FESTIVAL

What is the future of charitable events?

Trusted relationships, innovation and fearlessness have helped many nonprofits turn a crisis into opportunity By Jeff Todd 2

PARTNER CONTENT GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

The rest, as they say, is history. The ORCF was forced to cancel more than 50 events for 2020. Crush It For Cancer, Stars in Heaven Gala, Grand Casino – all up in smoke. Suddenly, nearly 40 per cent of this essential nonprofit’s funding was in jeopardy. And that $1 million goal for ORCF’s signature Cancer Champions Breakfast? In 2019, the ORCF attracted more than 500 people. It got so packed that organizers lined up a new home for 2020 at the Infinity Convention Centre to accommodate the crowds. Suddenly, that $1 million goal, nearly double the amount raised the year before, seemed elusive if not impossible. It is a familiar story for hundreds of charities in our nation’s capital, and thousands more all across Canada. In the blink of an eye, galas and golf tournaments were off the table. For months, our suits and dresses hung in our closet, often draped in dry cleaner plastic. High heels and dress shoes gathered dust. For generations, bringing groups of supporters together for in-person events has been intrinsic to how nonprofits engage donors and raise money. While nearly all aspects of society have been affected by COVID-19, the blow for charities is perhaps double. In a time of crisis, when the needs of society are even higher, how do you generate enough donations without events? How do you pivot to not only survive, but thrive?

PIVOTING TO VIRTUAL EVENTS For the ORCF, the answer wasn’t immediate. About three weeks into the pandemic, the leadership decided to postpone – not cancel – the event to Sept. 16. In those early days, the hope was COVID-19 would pass, and in-person events would soon be possible again. By May, it was clear we were all in for the long haul. Muldoon remembers those

questions and doubts around the boardroom table. Should we pivot to a virtual event? Or perhaps move it to December? Will the pandemic be better by then? Ultimately, the decision was made to power forward with a virtual event. “Our event revenue had taken a huge hit. I mean, we cancelled 50 events. Huge. Huge impact,” she says. “We literally did not have a choice. We had to make it work. It was a huge revenue stream for us. But more than that, it was a major educational, informational event. It was also about stewardship.” There are reasons to be skeptical. ORCF would learn that not all virtual events are created equal. Lemonade Standemonium, held the first Saturday in June, brings families together to build and create lemonade stands at the end of their driveways all across the city. Typically, this amazing event raises over $120,000. So ORCF pivoted. Every week, they provided colouring activities for kids. Participants could post their best lemon face on social media. The ORCF tried all kinds of different online activities to drive donations. Unfortunately, the event raised only $13,000. The spirit of the event, with children passing drinks to adults, just wasn’t replicable in the COVID-19 era. Fortunately, however, the iconic Cancer Champions Breakfast was a different beast. The ORCF benefited from a powerhouse leadership council, led by Ian Sherman, a partner at EY’s Ottawa office. He was joined by many wellknown community leaders, such as Mack

MacGregor, Peter Nicholson, Josée Quenneville, Peter Charbonneau, Katherine Cooligan and others. “Without them and the relationships internally with our donors, we could not have done it,” Muldoon says. Of course, regardless of the organization’s backing, there had to be a virtual event – and it had to be perfect. Muldoon and her team met with many production companies, but none felt right. That is, until she interviewed Jennifer Stewart, the president of Syntax Strategic in Ottawa, who also happened to be on the leadership council. With the right leadership and the right partners, ORCF presented its first virtual Cancer Champions Breakfast, hosted by Catherine Clark, on Sept. 16. While all prerecorded, ORCF worked with its team to create a live feel using multiple camera angles and devised a script as if Clark was on stage. It contained the usual mix of doctors and cancer survivors, equal parts education and inspiration. And by the time the recording was finished, the ORCF had miraculously met its goal by raising $1,063,799. An incredible $900,000 had already been committed before ORCF had pressed “play,” thanks in part to a $25,000 matching campaign led by the leadership council and their personal and corporate networks. “I’m not sure there are really any words to describe the pride I felt,” Muldoon says. “This was a huge win for the city. We are just a conduit. There were many reasons it was a success, but I do come back to that leadership council. Set yourself up with a roster of leadership. Go to the people who have supported you over the years.” Continued on page 4

Last year, more than 500 people packed an auditorium for the Cancer Champions Breakfast, held annually by the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. PHOTO COURTESY OTTAWA REGIONAL CANCER FOUNDATION

“We literally did not have a choice. We had to make it work.” – Paula Muldoon, vice-president of development and community engagement, Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020 PARTNER CONTENT


Continued from page 3

MAKING CONNECTIONS Measures aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19 have forced people further apart. But in an ironic twist, there are signs the pandemic is also bringing us closer together. David Godsoe, the executive chef at Restaurant e18hteen, Social and The Clarendon Tavern, has been involved in the philanthropic community for years, using his culinary talents to help stage several events per year. Godsoe describes March 16 as “one of the worst days of my life.” He was forced to lay off 150 people as the future of restaurants, at least in the short-to-medium term, looked uncertain. During this very dark time, it was philanthropy and collaborating with old faces that got him back in the kitchen. “Food plays a huge role in fundraising,” he says. “It is often the draw. If you don’t have any other entertainment, the most common way to get people together is a meal. In many ways, it is the catalyst for fundraising.” After bringing a couple other chefs on board, Godsoe reached out to Robin Duetta, a fundraiser and event organizer for Carefor Health & Community Services. It was a sight for sore eyes – the two had worked together for years on A Taste for Hope, a fundraiser for the Shepherds of Good Hope, and more recently, Carefor’s Feast of Fields. Carefor, a local nonprofit home healthcare and community support service organization, had always resonated with Godsoe. His grandfather, who lived in New Brunswick, had been ill for the better part of 20 years. But for the last couple years of his life, it was an organization like Carefor that allowed him to stay in his home. “Being able to keep him out of a nursing home was extremely important to him,” Godsoe says. “He slept on a hospital bed in the living room for two years, and he was very happy with that. He was very clear he didn’t want to be moved into a home. He wanted to go out on his own terms.” Feast of Fields brings hundreds of people together each year at Ottawa City Hall and has been a key fundraiser for Carefor for years. So the organization faced a similar challenge as the ORCF: How do you carry on and raise donations without having people together in a room? There is no one-size-fits-all solution. What makes Feast of Fields unique, according to Duetta, is the connection with the chefs, the quality of the food and the opportunity for donors to share the experience. So as summer set in and COVID-19 restrictions eased, Carefor took bold action. On a warm evening in July, the organization held one of the city’s first culinary fundraisers of the summer, staging an intimate event of less than 50 people outdoors on the patio at Restaurant e18hteen. “We took a chance to partner with people and create a safe environment,” Godsoe says. “Some people might find it’s not worth the effort. We certainly did. We need to keep in touch with our people. Engagement is huge and donors want to feel connected to you. The internet does not provide that connection. How do you replace that with Zoom?” For many of the attendees, it was the first time they had dined outside their homes in months. Donors wore masks upon arrival, and kept them on until they took their seats. Tables were appropriately spaced. And many of the touches Restaurant e18hteen is known for – such as wine service, topping up water glasses and folding that napkin on your chair when you go to the washroom – had to be mothballed. What was there, Duetta says, was beautiful food, smiling faces and open wallets for Carefor, not to mention support for local restaurants and farmers during a time of economic crisis. That event sold out and several others were staged over the course of the summer at different locations with


“Maybe big is not always better going forward in 2021.” – Trevor Eggleton, manager of communications, marketing and fundraising, Carefor

various chefs. With an emphasis on safety, Carefor was able to continue its fundraising and donor engagement with a more intimate approach. “Fundraising success comes from people’s recognition of you,” says Trevor Eggleton, Carefor’s manager of communications, marketing and fundraising. “And I think the intimacy of these meals has been almost a greater opportunity to get to know us. Maybe big is not always better going forward in 2021.” Trusted relationships, along with innovation, proved to be a recipe for success for Carefor.


success. Go to the people who have supported you over the years and believe in you.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Make sure you have the right technical crew behind you to deliver a flawless virtual program.

GET THE WORD OUT: Have the right marketing and social media support. Consider partnerships with like-minded platforms.

BE FLEXIBLE: COVID-19 cases and

government regulations are often changing. Be prepared to make adjustments with short notice.


reasons why donors choose to engage with you, and focus on bringing those elements to life.

CREATING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT For Carole Saad, owner of Chic + Swell Event Designers, innovation and survival go hand in hand. Ever since COVID-19 hit, Saad – a corporate event planner with more than 20 years’ experience in the field – made it her mission to keep some events going, albeit in a more limited capacity. From weddings to fundraisers, Saad has successfully dissected every detail, meeting a clear demand and working within the public health guidelines of the day. “We have seen people are itching to get back out. There is a lot of talk of Zoom fatigue. We are social beings,” she says. “Although we are seeing smaller events coming back to life, there is trepidation because most people do not know how to go about planning an event that is COVID-19 safe.” In September, Saad organized an event at 50 Sussex for the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. The event’s 30 or so guests arrived wearing masks and immediately took their seats at spaced-out table settings. Gone are the days of unlimited movement at cocktail parties and fingers on appetizer platters passed from one individual to the next. Instead, guests were given individually sealed boxes containing charcuterie, cheeses, pita bread and other food. The decor was basic, with no linen or other ornaments on the tables as all furniture had to be easily wiped down. For weddings and other small gatherings, Saad has even devised COVID-19 safety kits, which wait for each guest at their place setting. It contains a reusable mask, a pair of gloves, a small bottle of hand sanitizer and two alcohol wipes. “It shows we are taking the situation seriously, but also provides every guest with enough PPE for their level of comfort,” Saad says. “If I was a little cautious, I could put on a pair of gloves to go to the washroom. I can wipe down the top of my table with a wipe. If I want to sanitize my hands several times during the event, I can. So I feel this is a key

Veteran broadcaster Catherine Clark hosted the Cancer Champions Breakfast this year. While prerecorded, event organizers tried their best to include elements that gave the viewer the feeling of a live broadcast. PHOTO COURTESY OTTAWA REGIONAL CANCER FOUNDATION

PARTNER CONTENT GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

With Feast of Fields cancelled, Carefor partnered with Restaurant e18hteen to deliver small, intimate events with their donors. PHOTO COURTESY CAREFOR HEALTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES

Has COVID-19 changed how nonprofits should think about engagement? Has it highlighted new ways of reaching supporters? Is it demonstrating that the plate of food at the gala isn’t everything? component to the creation of a safe environment.” But is it for everyone? Saad notes that public events will not appeal to every prospective attendee, regardless of the level of precaution. And as government regulations evolve as the number of COVID-19 cases fluctuate, the ability to host events will be a moving target for the foreseeable future.

demos and sent meal packages to homes so “attendees” could cook and follow along. “What we really tried to do differently is introduce more interactive elements,” Mather-Simard says. “We recorded musical performances, and we did a virtual opening with our elder. But we wanted to engage people, to still have them be part of the festival and not just watching.”

AUTHENTIC HOME EXPERIENCES Some nonprofit leaders decided that in-person events just aren’t possible. But that doesn’t stop them from innovating and introducing interactive elements. Take Trina Mather-Simard, executive director of the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival. Organizers of this huge June gathering, which brought some 50,000 people to Vincent Massey Park over several days in 2019, had to figure out how the show could go on. With hundreds of hours of free programming, the festival has become a major source of livelihood for hundreds of Indigenous Peoples. It also connects nonIndigenous individuals with this community in fun, interactive ways. Mather-Simard says this is what gives the festival its character. For example, attendees would traditionally have opportunities to watch a birch bark canoe builder and meet an Indigenous hip hop artist. To adapt in 2020, organizers recorded free artistic demonstrations, posting them online and sending materials to people's homes so they could paint pictures or create sealskin earrings. They recorded Indigenous chefs going through cooking

It was a combination of authentic home experiences with a savvy online strategy. The festival partnered with Social Distance Powwow, an online Facebook group created in the U.S. just after COVID-19 hit. With more than 210,500 followers, it was a perfect broadcast partner to help reach an even bigger audience. Organizers combined live and recorded elements to ensure a quality broadcast. Actual demos and music performances were recorded, and several artists led live question-and-answer sessions, giving the event an authentic, interactive element. The only part of the programming that had to be canceled was the much-anticipated 2020 Indigenous Music Awards, which were to be held at the National Arts Centre. With just two months to pivot, the Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival not only pulled off most of its programming, but reached an unprecedented audience. Across all platforms, including through its media partner Rogers Communications, the festival reached 500,000 people. Close to 1,000 people purchased workshop kits to take part in the crafts or cooking. Whereas the festival typically engages 5,000 students in the park for education day, in 2020 some 19,000 students and teachers registered to participate in the online workshops. “It really opened us up to a bigger market,” MatherSimard says. “It was hard going in. We had no idea what it would cost us to deliver it. So we were fortunate that our funding partners and sponsors stayed on board with our vision.” The festival’s remarkable online growth raises several thought-provoking questions: Has COVID-19 changed how nonprofits should think about engagement? Has it highlighted new ways of reaching supporters? Is it demonstrating that the plate of food at the gala isn’t everything? “I think we will definitely look at a hybrid event in the future,” says Muldoon of the ORCF. “Now we look at it in two ways. You want people to donate and help people, but it is also a chance to inform. So we shared the link with our sponsors and donors (and asked) ‘Please, share with your employees.’ From a stewardship perspective, I think it widens the tent.” Within Carefor, the crisis created new ideas beyond the large Feast of Fields event at City Hall. Eggleton says they may now consider smaller patio events in the lead-up to larger ones as a kind of “prelude” for donors. Nobody knows exactly when life will return to normal. As Ottawa, Canada and the world enters winter, there is no doubt that the landscape – and government regulations – will shift again. But this pandemic has definitely taught nonprofit leaders that now is not the time to slow down.

“People are itching to get back out.” – Carole Saad, owner, Chic + Swell Event Designers

Carole Saad, the owner of Chic + Swell Event Designers, has developed safety kits for the attendees of her events. With the right precautions, Saad believes in-person events are possible. PHOTO COURTESY CHIC + SWELL EVENT DESIGNERS

Whether virtual, partially virtual, or small and intimate, it comes down to staying true to your donors and understanding the true character of the event. “It’s just really important to understand what is important,” Mather-Simard says. “For us, it was the interactive element and exploring the culture. It is indeed possible to do it. You just need to find the strengths and talents to support your vision. Find people who can bring that program to life. The help is certainly out there.”

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020 PARTNER CONTENT


He also reached out to Canadian Nuclear Laboratories in Chalk River, Ont., as well as officials at SNOLAB, an underground facility in Sudbury specializing in neutrino and dark matter physics, and academic colleagues in Canada associated with the McDonald Institute, which specializes in astroparticle physics. Suddenly, some of the best minds in the world were rallied in the fight against COVID-19. “All of them immediately said, ‘Whatever you need. We will be very willing to help out with this situation,’” he remembers. “When we got into it, it was quite clear people with a wide variety of skills were pleased to apply them to do something positive to try and help.”

Donors breathe life into ventilator project


On Easter weekend, noted philanthropists help make life-saving technology a reality in unique partnership with science, government and private sector By Jeff Todd


rthur McDonald is unique in his appreciation for philanthropy. After all, he wasn’t born a Nobel Prizewinning physicist. Before reaching the pinnacle of his profession in 2015, McDonald was the recipient of an endowed chair at Queen’s University, courtesy of philanthropists Gordon and Patricia Gray, giving him the opportunity to pursue cutting-edge research. Two years after it ended, he would accept the Nobel Prize. Years earlier, he benefited from the Killam Prize, given to Canada’s top scholars. It’s named after Dorothy Killam, who used her vast fortune to support education and research in her will. But on Easter Sunday this year, another act of philanthropy would be particularly unique, and leave the eminent scientist “flabbergasted.” It started with a phone call on the holiday weekend to Donald and Rob Sobey, owners of the second-largest food retailer in Canada. Except this call wasn’t about food, or even particle astrophysics. It was about how philanthropists could help develop a new, low-cost ventilator to save lives amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The generosity of the individuals who helped us and their immediate response … I was flabbergasted,” said McDonald, who currently serves as professor emeritus at Queen’s University and won the Nobel Prize for his research into the mysteries of dark matter. “I came away from those phone calls blessed by the response of those donors. It just made it possible for us to proceed. It was a race against time.” This race began just a month earlier, in the very teeth of the pandemic. Back in March, McDonald was contacted by Italian physicist and colleague Cristiano Galbiati, who was in lockdown in Milan – one of the virus’ epicenters at this time. He realized that elements of the technology they were developing in their particle experiments could potentially be applied to a new type of ventilator, one that can be produced quickly and at a relatively low cost.


Arthur McDonald, astrophysicist and professor emeritus, Queen’s University

Peter Nicholson Jr., president and founder, The Foundation WCPD

“I have been working with philanthropists for a long time, but this call was special.” – Peter Nicholson Jr.

Whereas a typical ventilator may include 1,500 parts, the proposed prototype would contain just 50 core components. Up to 1,000 units could be manufactured in a month. With the virus spreading rapidly all around the world, experts soon realized there would be a shortage of PPE and ventilators to treat patients. While it may not have been McDonald’s usual area of expertise, here was a chance to make a contribution to the crisis, he thought. But they needed help. Working with his Italian colleagues, McDonald rallied the troops. He connected with Vancouver-based TRIUMF, Canada’s major particle accelerator centre and a premier physics laboratory.

This international gathering of the minds, all volunteers, produced a functioning prototype at astonishing speed – 10 days. Developing a full-scale, manufacturable, reliable and safe product, however, was another matter. Dubbed the MVM Ventilator Project, McDonald and the international team set about finding companies that could actually manufacture the product. They decided on Vexos, based in Markham, JMP Solutions in London, Ont. and Elemaster in Italy. In a true act of philanthropy, McDonald and his colleagues didn’t seek personal gain from the project. All of the research was deemed “open source,” which effectively allows any company in the world to use the design for the benefit of their communities. Certainly, Canada was paying attention. In early April, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that McDonald and his team would be one of four suppliers that the government could engage for ventilators, with the goal of boosting the country’s stockpile by more than 30,000 units. So with a working prototype in hand, and a possible order from the Canadian government, the MVM Ventilator Project was off and running. It became a waiting game for the ventilators to receive full approval from Health Canada. There was just one problem. “With the demand for ventilators everywhere in the world, many critical components were in short supply,” McDonald explained. “The companies supplying them were saying, ‘Fine, you can purchase them, but we want a full financial commitment.’ The government contract was 10,000 devices, but in April we needed to come up with the money to secure these components.” So on that Sunday morning on Easter weekend, Donald and Rob Sobey gladly accepted the Nobel Laureate's call. While both from the Maritimes, Donald and Rob were also Queen’s University graduates, where McDonald has been a professor since 1989. By the end of the conversation, the Donald R. Sobey Foundation had made a substantial donation to secure the critical parts, paving the way for one of the most unique and timely partnerships in recent memory. “I think the world is upside down,” Rob Sobey, a trustee of the Donald R. Sobey Foundation, told CTV News in April. “Everything is back to front. And here is a really great example of science working with business to come up with new collaborations to get things done. To save lives. This is nothing more than saving lives. I think everyone hopes these ventilators won’t be needed. But it is certainly better to have them and not need them, than the other way around.”

BOOSTING DONATIONS McDonald’s next call was to Peter Nicholson Sr., the chairman of The Foundation WCPD.

PARTNER CONTENT GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

In addition to being a noted economist, advisor to multiple Canadian prime ministers and an Order of Canada recipient, Nicholson had also been McDonald’s college roommate at Dalhousie University and the best man at his wedding. Nicholson immediately referred him to his son, Peter Nicholson Jr., the president and founder of The Foundation WCPD. As someone who lives and breathes philanthropy, here was someone who could reach more donors. Since 2006, The Foundation WCPD – a boutique financial services firm – has worked with Canada’s largest philanthropists by using flow-through shares to help them give up to three times more than a standard donation at no additional cost. The firm combines two long-established tax policies: One to assist Canada’s resource sector to create jobs and produce raw materials, and another to give Canadians a tax break for donations to charity, or your standard tax receipt. What it adds up to is more than $150 million in charitable donations by its clients to charities all across Canada. “I immediately wanted to help,” said Nicholson Jr., whose company is headquartered in Ottawa. “I have been working with philanthropists for a long time, but this call was special. It was truly humbling to be asked and have the ability to help.” In addition to making a personal donation, Nicholson quickly set up meetings with other philanthropists over Easter weekend. The Garrett Family Foundation, Josh Felker, Dan Robichaud, Patricia Saputo, Salvatore Guerrera, Nicola Tedeschi and four anonymous donors all contributed to the effort, as did the Lazaridis Family Foundation in answer to a personal contact from McDonald. The Foundation WCPD’s tax structure helped boost the donations for some of these donors. “Flow-through shares not only place a significant lever on your giving, but they also allow us clients to quickly laser those donations to a charity of their choice,” Nicholson explains. Speed, as McDonald said, was indeed the name of the game. With hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations secured over a holiday weekend, his group could now guarantee the parts needed for the new, lifesaving technology. He also noted that some of the donations, held at Queen’s University in the Dr. Arthur McDonald Ventilator Research Fund, have been used to purchase a human lung simulator to help test the effectiveness of the new technology. Once COVID-19 passes, the equipment will be donated to the medical school, he said. McDonald also wishes to use some of the donations to assist patients internationally, in places such as South America and Africa, where medical professionals are less-equipped to treat their patients. Meanwhile, with Health Canada’s approval now secured, production has now begun on 10,000 lowcost, easy-to-manufacture ventilators – just in time. As Canada settles in for a long winter and the second wave of COVID-19 sweeps across the country and the world, McDonald said he is both amazed and thankful to the donors for their rapid response. He adds that the ability to go from idea to final design to approval within regulatory agencies in just six months is “almost unheard of” and is a testament to society’s ability to pull together in times of crisis. “I got the immediate impression of the big hearts who were making these quick decisions to support us,” McDonald said. “I think it is quite unique in terms of the instant response on the part of the donors, at a very critical time for us. Their decisions were clearly made with a humanitarian objective, and I think we have been able to deliver on that vision.”




o say we live in unprecedented times is a huge understatement. In so many ways, our day-to-day lives have fundamentally changed, from the way we do business, to how we socialize with others and, of course, to how we raise money for the charities that are important to us. In a typical year, I would attend dozens of fundraising events, whether it be galas, golf tournaments, breakfasts or endless cocktail parties. As a philanthropist, I would happily take out my foundation chequebook at the end – it’s how we’ve been raising money for hundreds of years. And my company, The Foundation WCPD, would always be a loyal sponsor at many of these events. But once the pandemic hit, the world changed. Thrust indoors, the nonprofit sector could no longer rely on its bread and butter, which in many cases makes up more than half of their annual revenue. The impact for charities has been massive. How can these nonprofits still hold fundraising events and engage supporters? But I was more interested in another fundamental question: How will major donors react to this pandemic? Without the cocktails, dinners and performances, will the wealthiest among us still take out their foundation chequebooks?

PHILANTHROPY IN A PANDEMIC Like I said, these are unprecedented times. Nobody really knew the answer. At The Foundation WCPD, we work with Canada’s largest philanthropists. This tried-and-true method of giving is simple and combines two tax policies that are older than the RRSP: one to assist Canada’s resource sector to create jobs and produce raw materials we need in society, and another to give Canadians a tax break for donations to charity, or your conventional tax receipt. Together, combining these tax policies allow

our clients, on average, to give up to three times more to charity, at no additional cost due to tax efficiency. The structure is so popular, that traditionally, for nine years running, we’ve run a large donor waiting list of individuals waiting for product. January and February seemed normal enough. With the Dec. 31 tax year now over, some of our clients want to get ahead of the game and make their commitments early. But for the majority of donors, these are typically slower months. Until suddenly, in early March, we landed a massive opportunity – a $20 million offering from Skeena Resources, a Canadian mining company in British Columbia. In the best of times, placing $20 million in charity flow-through in a little over a month would be difficult. And yet here we are, the worst pandemic in a century, and we have to convince our clients to give their money to charity. We all remember those early days of COVID-19 and the intense uncertainty that followed. The streets became eerily quiet. Supermarkets shelves were left bare. Meanwhile, global stock markets were crashing. People are people: whether you have millions in the bank, or just a few dollars, those first months had a major impact on all of us. Put simply, it was scary. Our major donors were equally shaken. I remember making those initial calls to donors, who stated: “Do you know what is going on in the world?” “Do you not read the news? There is no way I know whether I am even giving to charity at all this year.” These were the responses my team and I received. Meanwhile, we were also hearing it from charities. What is going to happen? Can we count on WCPD to bring in major donors and create these large donations? Using this structure, our firm has generated donations north of $150 million for clients' charities across Canada. WCPD, and the use of flow-through shares, have become a significant engine driving major donations across the country. So the pressure was on. Continued on page 8

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020 PARTNER CONTENT


The best way to give, by far, is not cash donations or a chequebook, but flow-through shares with an immediate liquidity provider. Continued from page 7

A SHIFT IN GIVING I remember working harder than I ever have in 30 years in business. More phone calls, more emails. The whole team at WCPD put in a massive effort. We contacted more and more accounting and law firms as well as referral sources to help find donors. Don’t forget – for the last nine years, WCPD has had a waiting list of donors. In addition to the panic of the pandemic, there was another element at play. You see, the flow-through share structure depends on a three-legged stool. There are the donors buying shares, the mining companies issuing stock and the liquidity providers that purchase this stock from the donors. These liquidity providers understand the mining industry and assume the stock market risk for the donor. And traditionally, there has always been a shortage of liquidity providers. But the tide has been turning. The mining business had been in the worst bear market of all time, from 2011 to 2019. It took a pandemic to wake up the industry. People did not just depend on technology stocks, but real assets. And with the government printing money for relief packages to keep the country’s economy afloat, there has been a push to gold. For 5,000 years, gold has been money. And not much has changed. Suddenly, investors are searching for a gold position. Whereas in the past they may have a one per cent gold position, now they are seeking five per cent or even 10 per cent of their portfolio. This has been rocket fuel for liquidity providers. That three-legged stool is now even. Suddenly, there is no donor waiting list, and our job just got that much harder in 2020. We need donors. The dam didn’t break right away, although two things shifted once March gave way to April. First, we

approached our major donors with a very clear message – your charities need you. Indeed, with no events, and the needs of society only rising amid COVID-19, philanthropists had to be philanthropists. Where they chose to give also changed. Whereas in the past they might have more personal causes, donations tended to shift to more fundamental needs, such as food banks. The second thing that changed was the stock market. By April, society wasn’t quite as panicked. Stocks rebounded, and donors started to feel better. The world wasn’t coming to an end. And when the dam did break, it was overwhelming. We blew past that $20 million offering, so much so that Skeena tacked on another $13 million. We ended up filling that offering as well. At the end of the day, we ended up closing a $33.3 million raise – the largest raise in our company’s history – in the teeth of a pandemic. That meant not only millions for charities that needed it, but also the creation of well-paid jobs for Canadians in the exploration sector. And the giving hasn't slowed down since. With plenty of liquidity providers and mining companies issuing stock, it has been a constant race to bring more donors to the table.

A MORE EFFICIENT WAY TO DONATE The experience taught me a couple things about philanthropy. I have always felt that getting like-minded people in a room together is important to charitable giving. When this pandemic is far behind us, we will return to the galas and golf tournaments. And we should. Giving is about relationships, and a cause that touches your heart. The best way to achieve that is by bringing people together to tell a story.

How it works:






Buy flow-through shares issued by a Canadian mining company. Every dollar invested in these shares is 100% tax deductible.

Immediately sell these shares to a pre-arranged buyer (liquidity provider) at a pre-arranged contractual price for cash. This step eliminates any stock market risk to the donor.

Donate the cash proceeds to your favourite charity. Receive a charitable tax receipt based on the cash value.

By combining two tax policies (flow-through shares and donations), The Foundation WCPD can help reduce your taxes and allow you to usually give three times more at no additional cost.

That said, it is not necessarily the most efficient way to raise large sums of money. The best way to give, by far, is not cash donations or a chequebook, but flow-through shares with an immediate liquidity provider. It is using this lever in our long-established tax policy to encourage the wealthiest among us to give more than they ever have. With the loss of charitable events, leveraging major gifts has never been more important. And COVID-19 taught us that, now more than ever, we must innovate and find new ways to fund the programming and causes that are important to our communities. The second thing this pandemic has taught me, or perhaps what it has reaffirmed, is the strength of the human spirit. When I picked up the phone for the first time in March, even our longtime clients said no. And in early April, they changed and said yes. People needed time to regroup and make sense of the world again. At the end of the day, we are all in this together. Our team here at The Foundation WCPD pulled together, along with accounting and law firms, the foundations and professional fundraisers, and of course, the philanthropists. When you ask other humans for help, they often do. It was a complete effort. In this brave new world, we all must pull a bit more weight. Here at The Foundation WCPD, this is our biggest year of giving yet, because charities do need more. Whereas in the past we might be purchasing more tables and sponsorships at galas, now we are making more donations to food banks. We have also made donations in medical innovation. In this year’s Giving Guide, you will read about Arthur McDonald, one of Canada’s Nobel Prize winning physicists, who has developed a more efficient, low-cost ventilator for COVID-19 patients. Quick-thinking donors, in collaboration with scientists and the government, made this medical innovation possible. And we have supported emergency relief funds in our city, including a major donation to the Jewish Federation of Ottawa Emergency Fund. This pandemic has been a time of dizzying change. We might not have a fancy ballroom, or cocktail in our hand. At the same time, it has also reaffirmed something very important: philanthropists will always be philanthropists. When pressed up against the wall, we are all capable of amazing things. For decades, Peter Nicholson has been a recognized leader in Canadian tax assisted investments, with a specialized focus on philanthropic tax planning and tax reduction. Through his work with countless donors, foundations and institutions and boards, he has helped generate in excess of $150 million for client donations. To learn more about The Foundation WCPD and how it can assist your philanthropic goals, write



WC P D Ottawa Business Journal


STAYING SOCIAL: EVENT ORGANIZERS FIND CREATIVE WAYS TO RAISE FUNDS, CONNECT SUPPORTERS Ottawa’s social calendar is typically jam-packed with charitable galas, breakfasts and other events that raise money for various causes around our community. Even amid COVID-19, many event organizers still found ways to safely engage with donors and connect their supporters with one another, albeit in new and creative ways. Here’s an inside look at how some event organizers reimagined their major events, by columnist and photographer Caroline Phillips.

Royal Ottawa Foundation hits a runner's high with record-breaking Run for Women You could say the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health has set a new personal best after raising more than half a million dollars through Run for Women, hosted by Shoppers Drug Mart. Several days after the event, the figure had reached $546,597 and was still growing. It only took a little sifting through social media posts to realize how many participants have been touched by the cause of women’s mental health, based on their personal experiences or their exposure to family members, friends or colleagues living with mental illness. “The event really inspires so many people,” said Mitchell Bellman, president and CEO of the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health, a charitable foundation that supports patient care and research at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre. The event saw a 35 per cent jump in the number of individuals who signed up in Ottawa this year. Among the 5,006 people out supporting the cause were Olympic figure skater Elizabeth Manley, Carleton University president Benoit-Antoine Bacon, DIFD co-founder Stephanie Richardson and federal cabinet minister Catherine McKenna. The 8th annual Run for Women was originally scheduled for June but was postponed after the pandemic first hit and wreaked havoc on every fundraising event in town. The new race format adhered to COVID physical distancing restrictions and was welcomed by many for its flexible and laid-back approach. The event stretched over 10 days. Participants had the option of completing 5K or 10K but could also split up their

distance over multiple days, if they wished. The Royal Ottawa Foundation recruited 220 volunteer captains this year for the event, with a special shout out going to Gillian Dawson for rounding up the largest team in the country, with 272 participants. Dawson is a public servant and longtime volunteer with The Royal. She's also been a team captain for Run for Women every year. “The Royal is very near and dear to my heart,” said Dawson, who was running in support of working moms struggling to balance their jobs and home life, and for women suffering from feelings of inadequacy and from symptoms of burnout.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Virtual breakfast brings home the bacon for the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa It turned out to be a million-dollar morning for the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa as a community of engaged entrepreneurs and caring citizens participated in the nonprofit organization's annual BGCO breakfast. The event was streamed online on a mid-September morning to hundreds of registered participants watching along in their homes, offices or favourite hangouts. It hit 1,000 views by that afternoon. Ottawa philanthropist, business leader and long-time BGCO board member Gary Zed has been chairing the event for 11 years. More recently, he’s been sharing the role with his fiancée, Liza Mrak, executive vice-president of Mark Motors Group. The local family-owned business has

a number of high-end luxury car dealerships in Ottawa and has been the title sponsor of the breakfast for the past eight years. Zed said his interest in the cause really begins with the kids. “There are so many children in this city who are in need,” said Zed at the Audi City Ottawa dealership at Lansdowne, where he and Mrak were doing live video hits during the breakfast. The event not only raises funds for the BGCO, he said, but it also boosts awareness and helps to build a lasting network of support. Some of the BGCO’s most generous donors were first introduced to the organization through its annual breakfast, he noted. This year's breakfast was hosted by BGCO board member Jock Climie, a law partner at Emond Harnden and a former CFL player. For the Mrak family, fundraisers like the BGCO breakfast are a way of giving back to a community that welcomed its Slovenian-born patriarch, the late Louis Mrak, after he immigrated to Canada from Austria in the 1950s with little more than his suitcase and a knack for fixing cars. “It’s sort of in our blood that we have to do something,”

said Mrak, noting that their company is proud to have some BGCO alumni on staff. The breakfast normally takes place in the springtime with several hundred invited guests at a BGCO clubhouse. But, there was no getting together under one big gymnasium roof this year due to health officials’ warnings against large gatherings during the current COVID-19 pandemic. For those who don’t like to drink alone – even if it’s just coffee – there were some 50 micro-breakfasts held throughout the city on the day of the event. French Ambassador Kareen Rispal had a small group over to the embassy for breakfast. BGCO board member and community leader Derek Noble, a partner with Huntington Properties, invited more than 50 earlymorning risers to join him at his tent-covered outdoor location on Wellington Street West for a breakfast catered by nearby Petit Bill’s Bistro. In attendance was BGCO board chair, proud alumnus and well-known restaurateur Stephen Beckta.

Nonprofit Christie Lake Kids shows small business the love with inclusive campaign Asking small businesses to donate to charity is hard enough. Throw a global pandemic into the mix and such a request can be downright painful, knowing shopkeepers and restaurant owners are just trying to make it to the other side of the coronavirus crisis. Nonprofit organization Christie Lake Kids (CLK) has come up with a new fundraising campaign that is collaborative, creative and compassionate. It’s giving a boost to small businesses that have been loyal to CLK, a wellestablished Ottawa charity that provides yearround programs and service to disadvantaged children and youth in a safe, encouraging and inclusive environment. Its fall campaign, Help Us — Help Them — Help Us, involved 100 restaurants, breweries and


cafés, local shops, fitness centres, attractions and more. The charity put together an easy-touse online registry featuring its local partners. The public was encouraged to support one or more of their favourite spots by purchasing online gift cards that they donate back to CLK for its online charitable auction. The campaign, which helps local businesses and the charity at the same time, was created by Kimberley Banks, manager of corporate sponsorship, marketing and events for CLK. Banks has sadly watched mom-and-pop stores bear the brunt of the pandemic shutdown. As a result, she didn’t feel comfortable asking owners to give to CLK’s charity auction. “I didn’t want to come from a place of like,

‘You’re back up and running now, can we have a donation, still?’ It just didn’t seem right to me," she says. "Now, it feels like we’re really doing our part in giving back to the community that gives so much to us.”

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

COVID-19 crisis can't sink Ottawa Riverkeeper Gala Leave it to Ottawa Riverkeeper to go with the flow during a global health crisis. The environmental watchdog organization is all about keeping our treasured Ottawa River healthy and clean for the benefit of existing residents and future generations to come. But, in order to achieve its mission, the charity relies on grants and donations, as well as the proceeds that it generates each year from its large and wildly successful gala held along the banks of the river. Its eighth annual gala was among the wave of fundraisers cancelled or postponed this spring in

response to the coronavirus pandemic that has swept the globe. Initially, organizers looked to delay their fundraiser until early autumn but, with the crisis creating so much uncertainty and social distancing, they came up with a viable and creative alternative — Riverkeeper Gala: Deconstructed, presented by the Insurance Bureau of Canada. In June, organizers started handing out care packages to ticket holders and sponsors, while still respecting social distancing guidelines. The packages were "river pick-me-up" gifts while a larger second delivery of the "gala in a box" containing a three-course meal, beverages and party swag, was scheduled for late August. “We don’t want it to feel like an Amazon package delivery,” explained Ottawa Riverkeeper Elizabeth Logue in an interview. “We want to offer something that’s different and more along the lines of what people would expect from our gala.”

Cornerstone's Purple Tie Gala goes virtual with jam-packed evening of talent, inspiration and fun Who hasn’t been totally sick and tired of their home amid the COVID-19 restrictions, having been stuck inside day after day, week after week? And yet, weren't we just so lucky to have a roof over our head? It’s estimated some 1,000 women become homeless in Ottawa each year. More than half ​– 604, to be exact – ​ turned to Cornerstone Housing for Women for support last year. Not only does the charity provide emergency shelter as well as safe, supportive and permanent housing for a diverse group of women, but it also helps its clients rebuild their lives. Cornerstone made a bold splash on the fundraising scene in 2019 with its inaugural Purple Tie Gala, presented by Livingston MacDonald Wealth Management of RBC Dominion Securities. Preparations were under way to grow the event even further when COVID-19 caused a global health pandemic that has forced the non-profit sector to

cancel, reschedule or go virtual with its fundraisers. The Purple Tie Gala has chosen the latter approach. Its event manager, Jake Naylor, a partner with Ottawa marketing and special events agency Whiskeyjack Media, pulled together a jam-packed, one-hour show that went public in mid-September, broadcast on Rogers TV and streamed on Cornerstone's Facebook page.

“We felt it was important to keep it alive, in whatever capacity,” Naylor told “Last year, it was a hit, it was a sellout. To do nothing for its second year would have been a missed opportunity in a big way.” The public were encouraged to help Cornerstone in one of two ways: by purchasing a $95 ticket and/ or making an online donation.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Ottawa business leaders raise more than $225K for Lebanon Disaster Relief Fundraiser Ottawa businessman Charlie Saikaley and his wife, Majida, threw a party in late August that really packed a punch, raising more than $225,000 to help the people of Lebanon rebuild their lives following tragedy. The couple hosted a small and intimate Lebanon Disaster Relief Fundraiser at their astonishingly beautiful new home. They capped the number of guests at 50 and kept the two-hour reception strictly outdoors to limit the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus. Lebanon’s ambassador to Canada, Fadi Ziadeh, donated the wine and was among the dignitaries in attendance. Other special guests were David McGuinty, Liberal MP for Ottawa South, and Mayor Jim Watson. Saikaley was assisted in his efforts by wellconnected volunteer fundraisers Gary Zed and Ottawa obstetrician Dr. George Tawagi. Attendees were asked to make a minimum donation of $2,500 per person or $5,000 per couple. There were many supporters who still gave money despite not being there. Moreover, it wasn’t just Ottawa’s LebaneseCanadian community stepping up; donations came from a cross-section of people from the business community. “I’m pleasantly surprised; everyone really came together,” Saikaley told early in the evening, as guests started filing into his backyard. Saikaley hoped to raise $225,000, and it appeared he was set to exceed that goal. The Saikaleys’ property is so spacious that it’s practically made for social distancing. It also backs onto the Rideau River, where boaters of all kinds were seen cruising by toward nearby Mooney’s Bay. All the bite-sized servings of falafel, tabbouleh, prosciutto-wrapped dates and other food were courtesy of Ottawa caterer Shirley Kouri of Peridot45. The money raised is going to the Humanitarian Coalition. It brings together leading aid organizations to provide Canadians with a simple and effective way to help during international humanitarian disasters. The federal government previously announced it will match donations made by individual Canadians to the Humanitarian Coalition and its members, up to a maximum of $8 million. “We did our homework to make sure we’re giving money to the proper organization,” said Saikaley, who's retired now as a real estate and business law partner at Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP. He continues to own and operate a property management firm and recently became a grandfather for the first time. Saikaley got a helping hand from his four grown daughters in organizing the fundraiser. The family also donated a combined $27,000 to the cause. In case anyone is wondering, cheek kissing, embracing and handshaking were a big no-no that night, replaced with some friendly elbow bumps. “I want to hug you, but it’s so wrong,” Meera Dilawri was overheard telling Liza Mrak, executive vice-president of Mark Motors Group, as they greeted one another sans physical contact.


GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

HOW COVID-19 IS RESHAPING: Corporate giving The way charities deliver services Volunteering Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Rethinking workplace charitable campaigns Leading businesses and organizations find fresh ways of engaging employees through corporate giving By Caroline Phillips


emember the good old office days when everyone did everything together, including raising money for charity through bake sales, BBQs and bingo? Not anymore – not during the COVID-19 pandemic. With so many employees still working from home and large gatherings deemed too risky, face-to-face fundraisers at the workplace just aren’t happening right now. But that doesn’t mean employees are any less supportive of giving and volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic. If anything, companies and their staff want to lend a hand now more than ever. Professional fundraisers are seeing more innovation with how employees support their favourite charities. Some are using virtual and digital technology. Others are turning to fundraising events that are all about staying healthy. At Kinaxis, some employees have been passing on their pandemic perks to help out those in need. When the nation went into lockdown, the Kanata-based supply chain management software firm gave its employees $1,300 each to set up home offices with supplies, furniture and equipment. Some staff who already had everything they needed to do their jobs remotely offered to give some or all of the money to charity. Kinaxis loved the idea so much that they agreed to match all donations, said Megan Paterson, the company’s chief human resources officer. “We wanted to make sure that we’re still able to give back, even though we know we’re not able to have these in-person fundraisers and events that are typically part of our culture,” she said. Kinaxis, which employs nearly 600 people in Ottawa, has three local charities of choice: the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Foundation, Interval House of Ottawa, which is a domestic abuse shelter for women and their children, and Quickstart, which provides early intervention programs for children with autism. “At the end of the day, our goal is to give back to the communities that we live and work in,” said Paterson.


Megan Paterson is the chief human resources officer at Kinaxis, which has found new ways of engaging with its employees and giving back to the community – even in the absence of in-person events. PHOTO BY MARK HOLLERON

EMPLOYEE AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Elsewhere in Ottawa, Field Effect Software employees have been turning to social enterprise GiveShop to help raise money for the CHEO Foundation. The new appbased, online marketplace allows donors and buyers to exchange gently used items while simultaneously raising money for charities. “People still care about our charities, and are trying to figure out how they can support them in this current COVID landscape when they can’t be face-to-face,” said Chantal Charbonneau, director of annual giving and employee engagement for the CHEO Foundation. “It’s pretty heartwarming to see the creativity but, even more importantly, to see the continued passion to support the physical and mental health of children and youth.” It’s becoming a growing trend for workplaces to support fundraisers that boost health and wellness. Such events can be held over a period of days or weeks, allowing participants to complete their goals on their own time. “Mental health and physical health are both top of mind right now with companies everywhere,” said Lydia Blanchard, CHEO Foundation’s director of community engagement. “They’re finding a way of keeping employees happy and healthy while also making an impact on the community around them, which is a really effective combination.” Hydro Ottawa has had a longstanding relationship with United Way East Ontario (UWEO). During the company’s 2019 annual charitable campaign, it matched every donation made by employees to United Way. United Way “appeals to a lot of different aspects of what the needs are in the community,” said Geoff Simpson, Hydro Ottawa’s chief financial officer and the charitable campaign’s executive sponsor.

UWEO collects and distributes millions of dollars each year to projects and local charities that bring people together to build strong, healthy and safe communities. Between March 17 and Aug. 31, 2020, UWEO distributed in excess of $5.3 million to support more than 120 local initiatives that were responding to the effects of COVID-19. Hydro Ottawa employee Shane LaBrash is returning for his second year to chair the utility’s charitable campaign. He’s facing new challenges with having to organize fundraisers that will have a drastically different look. “It’s certainly not going to be easy, but I’m looking forward to the challenge,” said LaBrash. Hydro Ottawa has several fundraising activities planned that respect physical distancing protocols, including a virtual lunchtime trivia series and a pet photo contest. It’s all about engagement and fundraising, said LaBrash. “We hope that if we focus on engagement, the fundraising (will) come naturally.” Local news coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak has helped to highlight how the pandemic is having a particularly devastating impact on vulnerable populations living with mental illness, disabilities and/or in poverty. “You name it, those things have been made exponentially worse by COVID, and society at large is now seeing this,” said Mark Taylor, vice-president of resource development with United Way East Ontario. “This has driven unprecedented amounts of engagement with us.” The organization has seen its volunteer numbers double to 600 this year for its Government of Canada Workplace Charity Campaign. “There are people who are just coming out of the woodwork and saying, ‘With everything that’s going on, we’d really like to get involved with the United Way campaign and help give back to the community this year,’” said Taylor.

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

“Every effort here right now is about prevention and containment of COVID.”


– Meg Friedman, executive director, St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa Foundation

Long-term care home foundations fight to shield residents from COVID-19, isolation While protecting residents from the virus is the top priority, foundations serving the elderly must also help seniors remain in touch with loved ones By Caroline Phillips


cross Canada, long-term care homes have been hit particularly hard during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving facilities scrambling to deal with the costs of protecting residents from contracting the potentially deadly virus. The first wave of the pandemic killed more than 1,800 long-term care residents in Ontario. At the beginning of May, deaths in LTC homes accounted for more than 80 per cent of the deaths from COVID-19 in Canada. St. Patrick's Home of Ottawa is a 288-bed, long-term care home that provides assisted living and respite care.

It’s also one of the oldest homes for the aged in Ontario. So far, it’s weathered the pandemic better than most, but not without going above and beyond to keep its residents safe, connected and well-cared for. “The costs around prevention and containment are massive,” said Meg Friedman, executive director of the facility’s charitable arm, St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa Foundation. Long-term care homes have been receiving special funding from the Ontario government but it’s not enough to cover all the expenses associated with keeping COVID

at bay, said Friedman. The Foundation has been raising funds for St. Pat’s to offset the difference. That means the nonprofit organization has temporarily put on hold one of its urgent priorities: DementiAbility Methods, an innovative program that helps train staff caring for individuals with dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment. “It’s still a highly desired program but every effort here right now is about prevention and containment of COVID,” she explained. To help stop the spread of the virus, St. Pat’s has created resident cohorts to minimize the contact between its nine resident home areas. Grouping the residents into small social bubbles has required the hiring of more personal support workers, however. The facility keeps its front entrance supervised to screen everyone who enters the building. As well, St. Pat’s has gone to considerable expense to supply its staff with the proper personal protective equipment. “We’ve had a couple of very brief outbreaks but it means every time someone is in and out of a resident’s room you’re fully donning and doffing the PPE,” said Friedman. “There’s a lot of money that’s spent on that, which is absolutely necessary.” St. Pat’s has ensured its residents remain in close touch with their loved ones. The pandemic forced Ontario longterm care homes to close their doors to all but the most “essential” of visitors. “We were really worried about social isolation,” said Friedman, who made it a priority to secure several iPads for residents to connect virtually with their loved ones. St. Pat’s hired at least half a dozen special engagement aides to help residents contact their friends and family through video conferencing or by phone. More recently, the workers have been running small group activities and taking residents down to the outdoor garden or for a meal in the dining hall, which is equipped with plexiglass dividers. Friedman said the residents of St. Pat’s are doing well. “It’s amazing how they’ve adapted. I give so much credit to all the nursing staff.”

BEING ‘PART OF THE SOLUTION’ The pandemic’s tragic toll on older individuals has revealed some of the systemic challenges faced by longterm care homes, said Delphine Haslé, executive director of the The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre Foundation. “Our health care system is overwhelmed,” she said. “We really need to transform the way we care for our seniors.” In another 30 years’ time, there will be three times as many seniors living in Canada, she noted. The Perley Rideau is one of the largest long-term care homes in Ontario. Its campus includes 450 long-term care beds, a 12-bed guest house providing respite care, and a seniors’ village with 139 independent-living apartments. In 2019, the Perley Rideau created Canada’s first Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care, an applied research centre focused on developing best practices and sharing its discoveries to improve the quality of care in every seniors’ home. Its goal: to lead the way in seniors’ care in Canada. The new centre is continuing to develop and strengthen partnerships across academic and health sectors while attracting highly skilled researchers and students. Its new research chair is Dr. Annie Robitaille, who’s also an assistant professor in the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa. The Foundation is now working to raise $10 million for the new centre through its Answering the Call campaign. “It’s really exciting times to try and be part of the solution and try to find a better way,” said Haslé.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Businesses help charities safely deliver meals Jim Foster, co-owner of the Pelican Seafood Market & Grill, is one example of how people are making a difference. He offered to loan out his mobile food truck to The Ottawa Mission. It now drives around to low-income neighbourhoods, five days a week, to hand out free meals. The new project has the backing of a number of sponsors, including Urbandale, Orleans Fresh Fruit, Capital Meal and local food service agencies such as the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard. “It was like God was looking down on me when I got this call, out of the blue, from Jim Foster,” said chef Ric Watson, director of food services for The Ottawa Mission. The food truck feeds people living on the streets, as well as low-income families and new Canadians. It was serving up to 700 meals a week in September. “The need is definitely there and people are so appreciative,” said Watson.


Chef Ric Watson is the director of food services at The Ottawa Mission, which has switched to mealsto-go for members of the greater community to reduce the number of people inside its facility amid the pandemic. PHOTO BY MARK HOLLERON

Charities find creative ways to safely help homeless residents amid pandemic Physical distancing doesn’t come easily in a busy soup kitchen. Here’s how agencies providing services to some of Ottawa’s most vulnerable residents are adapting By Caroline Phillips


efore the arrival of the pandemic, soup and shelter kitchens were more than just a place to go for a free hot meal. They also offered up companionship, conversation and compassion for a marginalized segment of society. Take Thanksgiving, for example. It’s one of the most social holidays of the year. The turkey dinners are

normally a big deal at The Ottawa Mission, a nonprofit organization that provides food, shelter, clothing as well as other vital services and programs to the homeless. It’s not uncommon to see the mayor and police chief volunteering during the communal feast. Tables are decorated for visitors with pretty tablecloths and flower arrangements “as if they were at their grandmother’s

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

house,” said chef Ric Watson, director of food services for The Ottawa Mission. But a lot has changed since March, when the rapidly spreading COVID-19 outbreak was declared a pandemic. The health crisis forced The Ottawa Mission to briefly shut down its community meal service while it came up with a new plan for feeding the homeless during lockdown. The organization has continued to provide meals to all the men staying in its homeless shelter but has switched to meals-to-go for members of the greater community. Individuals now collect their three meals a day from the building’s loading dock area. “There’s no way around it, that’s the thing,” said Watson, who’s sorry to have to see people line up for food. "It's a sad situation, for sure.” In September, The Ottawa Mission was serving more than 1,600 meals a day, compared to the 1,400 daily meals it was dishing out before the pandemic broke. Watson said he was shocked by how hungry the men were when the community meal service first resumed. “I saw people, when they got their bags of food, literally just rip them open.”

DIFFICULT DECISIONS Over at the Shepherds of Good Hope, the organization faced the same challenge: how to feed the poor and hungry while respecting COVID-19 health and safety guidelines. The nonprofit organization runs one of the city’s largest homeless shelters, along with supportive housing facilities and day-to-day services, including a soup kitchen. “We know there are a lot of folks in precarious housing conditions, living in poverty,” said Caroline Cox, the Shepherds’ senior manager of communications and volunteer and community services. “Whatever their source of income, it doesn't stretch all the way, especially with housing being so unaffordable. “We know there are a lot of folks who are just struggling in the community and who come to us for a meal.” Before the pandemic, the Shepherds’ soup kitchen was able to serve more than 700 meals a day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner and an evening drop-in. “Honestly, it was quite crowded,” said Cox of why the organization had to come up with a new solution for feeding people that adhered to physical distancing rules and indoor gathering restrictions. They started serving outdoors, where it’s harder for coronavirus to spread. Once the weather gets cold, however, the Shepherds’ meal service is moving back inside, where it will feed those men and women staying in its shelter. Even then, it will be tricky. “With physical distancing, it's going to mean multiple meal sittings for different groups throughout the day,” said Cox. “Unfortunately, it's going to mean we're not going to be able to provide a meal to some of the community clients who are not staying at the shelter.” In normal circumstances, the Shepherds of Good Hope never turns anyone away. “Our mandate is to give a meal to anybody who needs it, no questions asked. We’ve had to change that because of the current situation, and that's a hard change for us to make. “We're very used to stepping up when there's a gap in the community, but we can only do so much, and we do need the whole community to come together to support our most vulnerable.”

Former Rideau Bakery site to rise up once more – this time as Ottawa Mission training facility for job seekers Renovations are underway to turn what was once the iconic downtown Rideau Bakery into the new home for The Ottawa Mission’s highly acclaimed food services training program. The program was started more than 16 years ago by Chef Ric Watson, director of food services at the nonprofit organization. It teaches unemployed men and women the necessary skills to work in commercial kitchens. Most of the graduates – about 90 per cent – find jobs once they graduate from the program, which is free for participants. It’s been Watson’s dream to further develop the program, recognizing that it has outgrown The Ottawa Mission kitchen, which is busy preparing meals to feed the homeless. “We're so thrilled that we'll be able to train three times as many students,” said Watson, adding that they regularly have to turn applicants away. “The need is definitely there.” The story of how the nonprofit organization came to land the former Rideau Bakery location for its food services training program comes down to two things: communityminded businessmen and good, old-fashioned social networking. Maybe it’s not who you know, but who you know knows. Ottawa Mission CEO Peter Tilley got talking one day with former BLG regional managing partner Marc Jolicoeur, who inquired about the progress of the proposed expansion plans for the food service training program. At that point, The Ottawa Mission had looked at several potential sites, but all had fallen through. “The next thing you know, Marc says, ‘I know

someone you should meet,’” said Tilley. Jolicoeur introduced him to Michael Church, managing director and principal with commercial real estate firm Avison Young. “Next things he says is, ‘I know someone you should meet.’” Church connected Tilley to businessman Lalit Aggarwal, whose family owns all kinds of real estate around Ottawa and are partowners of the Infinity Convention Centre. Coincidentally, the Ottawa Mission held its signature gala there in 2018 and 2019. Aggarwal also owns the downtown block where the former Rideau Bakery property is located, at 384 Rideau St., between Nelson and Friel streets. The popular bakery was in business for nearly 90 years and run by the Kardish family. Aggarwal, impressed by the good work that the Ottawa Mission is doing to help people find employment, agreed to let the organization use the 2,830-square-foot property for at least seven years, if not longer. The Ottawa Mission couldn't be happier with its new rent-free spot due to its affordability, central location, ample space and proximity to its 35 Waller St. shelter, said Tilley. The property, now gutted and under extensive renovations, is expected to open this May as the new location for The Ottawa Mission's training facility, catering social enterprise and retail store. The open-concept design calls for a storefront area near the entrance, followed by a large commercial kitchen area, with a loading dock area at the rear of the building. – Caroline Phillips

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Marie Eveline is the executive director of Volunteer Ottawa. PHOTO BY MARK HOLLERON

Ottawa volunteers answer the call amid pandemic Nonprofits explore virtual opportunities, draw on new pools of volunteers By Caroline Phillips


ou can’t keep a good volunteer down. While many of us hunkered down for weeks and weeks, as we were asked to do when the coronavirus pandemic struck in March, the number of people in Ottawa wanting to donate their time and energy to worthwhile causes actually went up. “We were surprised,” said Marie Eveline, executive director of Volunteer Ottawa, a charitable organization that helps to connect volunteers with nonprofit organizations. “There’s no question the community stepped up. They really wanted to volunteer.” Volunteer Ottawa, which has been around for more than 60 years, plays a key role in helping with volunteer recruitment for nonprofit organizations. As well, it runs a variety of training workshops for smaller nonprofit groups and hosts an annual volunteer recognition event, called the VOscars. Volunteer Ottawa (VO) received a grant in mid-March to develop a coordinated strategy around the recruitment of volunteers during the pandemic, recognizing that the process was no longer business as usual. The organization established three different comfort levels for volunteering: virtual volunteering that can be performed via telephone or online, without any physical


contact; light-touch volunteering that can be done with minimal contact, involving pick up and delivery services for vulnerable individuals; and high-touch volunteering, such as passenger transportation and volunteer support to essential services workers. Between March and the end of June, VO had more volunteers than there were opportunities. The organization saw 2,500 individuals apply for almost 2,000 volunteer positions. Eveline identified several factors behind this trend. Some organizations – such as long-term care homes and hospitals – were no longer recruiting. Other medium- to smaller-sized organizations had to temporarily shut down or no longer had the resources to handle new volunteers. There was an increase in the number of people – particularly students and furloughed workers – with more time on their hands for community work. As well, VO noticed a new phenomenon during the pandemic: more neighbours helping neighbours. Last but not least, Ottawa has a reputation for being a caring community, said Eveline. “We’re a nation of volunteers but Ottawa is definitely a city where a lot of individuals want to contribute and give back.”

DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFTS Eveline said the local community never fails to help when required to do so, such as in the aftermath of the 2018 tornado or during the 2019 floods. “Sometimes people forget that emergencies bring out the best in people,” she said. Eveline said it’s unclear whether the number of Good Samaritans will continue to exceed the demand. “We’re finding there has started to be an increase in need (for volunteers), and that’s because a number of organizations are opening up again and they’re also figuring out how to redefine the volunteer opportunity,” said Eveline, adding that some organizations were faster than others at switching to virtual volunteering. Many retired people have temporarily stepped away from volunteering to protect their health, since they remain at higher risk for complications should they contract COVID-19. “It remains to be seen what the long-term implications will be,” said Eveline, adding that the demand for volunteers could jump. “It depends on how long the pandemic lasts.” Before the pandemic, the Shepherds of Good Hope was relying on a yearly total of almost 800 volunteers, or between 25 and 30 volunteers a day. The nonprofit organization, which helps the hungry and homeless, did experience a brief decline in help due to the fact that many of its regular volunteers are older. “So many people were torn,” said Caroline Cox, the Shepherds of Good Hope’s senior manager of communications, community and volunteer services. “They wanted to come in but there were risks, and we totally understood that.” It wasn’t long, though, until younger people between the ages of 18 and 30 were offering to help. They used to make up about 20 per cent of the total volunteers at the Shepherds. Now, they represent almost half of the organization’s volunteers. “It’s been really inspirational to see how the younger generation has seen the need and responded,” said Cox.

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

CHARITY PROFILES SHEPHERDS OF GOOD HOPE FOUNDATION ............................... 20 OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART / ÉCOLE D'ART D'OTTAWA.............. 22 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY OF CANADA............................... 24 HELPAGE CANADA............................................................................ 26 THE PERLEY AND RIDEAU VETERANS' HEALTH CENTRE FOUNDATION...................................................................................... 28 MONTFORT HOSPITAL FOUNDATION............................................ 30 OTTAWA NETWORK FOR EDUCATION........................................... 32 OTTAWA REGIONAL CANCER FOUNDATION................................ 34 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF OTTAWA.................................... 36 YMCA-YWCA OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION.................... 38 RIDEAUWOOD ADDICTION AND FAMILY SERVICES...................40 ALSO ADULT AND FAMILY LITERACY............................................ 42 SENIORS CAN CONNECT!.................................................................44 CANADIAN PARKS AND WILDERNESS SOCIETY (CPAWS)........ 46 FONDATION BRUYÈRE FOUNDATION............................................ 48 QUEENSWAY CARLETON HOSPITAL FOUNDATION.................... 50 OTTAWA SALUS.................................................................................. 52 THE OTTAWA MISSION...................................................................... 54 THE OTTAWA HOSPITAL FOUNDATION......................................... 56 DAVE SMITH YOUTH TREATMENT CENTRE................................... 58 THE SNOWSUIT FUND.......................................................................60 CAREFOR HEALTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES.............................. 62

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


MEET EMILIE When the COVID-19 pandemic hit our city, Emilie knew she had to do more. She increased her volunteer commitment to five days a week. Being young and healthy, she recognized it was up to her and other young people in the community to step-up to help. Most of the volunteers at Shepherds of Good Hope are elderly and unable to physically come in to help people experiencing homelessness as they might want to. Emilie shares your concern about those experiencing homelessness and how they would do without a home or personal protective equipment. She worried they would feel alone.

We all know that feeling of isolation, but no one should feel alone. We all need support from time to time. With you by our side, we know we can overcome any obstacle. Your support will help people overcome feelings of isolation and hopelessness and replace them with feelings of hope and togetherness.


WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT TODAY • 613-789-8210 • • @sghottawa Homes for all. Community for all. Hope for all. 20

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Shepherds of Good Hope is one of the largest not-for-profit organizations dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless and vulnerably-housed people of all genders in the city of Ottawa. Our vision is to provide homes for all, community for all, hope for all. We foster hope and reduce harm in Ottawa by providing around-the-clock specialized services, programs and partnerships. Many of the people who access Shepherds of Good Hope’s programs and services face challenges with mental health, addictions and trauma. Today, Shepherds of Good Hope offers programs and services that go far beyond this.

233 Murray St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5M9 613-789-8210 Year founded: 1983 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $14,679,305 Twitter: @sghottawa Facebook: /sghottawa Instagram: @sghottawa

Shepherds of Good Hope operates four, soon to be five, supportive housing facilities, a soup kitchen and evening drop in, health and wellness programming and a transitional shelter. Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation is dedicated to ethical fundraising and sustainable financial management. We support the work of Shepherds of Good Hope through ethical, donorcentred fundraising, and to ensure sustainable financial management of the organization. The Foundation is responsible for all of Shepherds’ fundraising activities, including direct mail appeals, online donations, events and grant submissions.


Deirdre Freiheit President and CEO

Ryan Kilger Chair

How you can help GIVE



Margaret Tansey

Mark Roundell

John Peters

Brynn McMahon

Robin Sellar

John Peters

Murray Knowles

Angèle Mènard

Maureen McKeown

David Rattray

Susanne Laperle

Kaveh Rikhtegar

Laurel Johnson Terry Blake Tom Burrow Catherine Danbrook

By supporting Shepherds of Good Hope, you are making an investment in our community by making an investment in helping people experiencing homelessness and precarious housing in Ottawa to access much-needed programs and services. In helping fund Shepherds of Good Hope’s innovative and internationally renowned programming, such as our Transitional Emergency Shelter Program or our Managed Alcohol Program, you are helping to reduce emergency room wait times, free up emergency response personnel, provide shelter and feed our city’s most vulnerable adult women and men. Many of the people served by Shepherds of Good Hope suffer from mental health challenges, trauma and addiction issues. By helping support these individuals, you are making a difference in the lives of some of our city's most vulnerable residents.

Stephen Ball



FUNDRAISING PRIORITIES • Supportive housing • Harm reduction • Emergency shelter services

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our volunteer opportunities have been limited. Volunteers continue to be active in our soup kitchen, prepping, cooking and serving meals to people using our emergency shelter, and vulnerable community members who access our community lunch and evening drop in. Our volunteer procedures are designed to keep all volunteers, staff and clients safe and limit the spread of COVID-19. Visit our website to apply or learn more!

EVENTS + FUNDRAISING For eight years, our signature event, Taste for Hope, brought together Ottawa’s foodie community for an evening of exquisite food prepared by renowned local chefs, craft beer, wine and cocktails, live and silent auction items, all to support our innovative programs and services. This year, our partnership with local restaurants continues with our “Food for Hope” series. At our inaugural event, Grill for Hope, chef Steph Legarie showed supporters how to grill like a pro for Father’s Day. Our upcoming Gobble For Hope provides a full Thanksgiving dinner for six, prepared by some of Ottawa’s most talented chefs and sponsored by Keller Engineering. Stay tuned for more innovative virtual events from Shepherds of Good Hope and our dedicated supporters!

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Teaching art to everyone. Enseigner l’art à tous.


GIVING GUIDE 2019 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Ottawa School of Art offers a full range of specialized art courses for adults, teens and children in drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and ceramics, printmaking, cartooning and more. We host artist-in-residence workshops, operate an art boutique, curate exhibitions in our

35 George St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 8W5



Year founded: 1879 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $2,068,838 Twitter: @artottawa Facebook: /OttawaSchoolofArt Instagram: @artottawa

Jeff Stellick Executive director

Shirley Yik President, board of directors

BOARD MEMBERS Alexia Naidoo Vice-president Co-founder and chief operating officer, Planetary IP

David Finnie Co-chair, development committee Canada Brokerlink (Ontario) Inc.

Issam Elhaje Chair, finance committee Manager of contract management, Canadian Commercial Corporation

Melissa Talia Finance committee Four Point Solutions Ltd.

Joshua Vickery Secretary Associate lawyer, Kelly Santini LLP Clayton Powell Executive and HR committees Powell Strategy Group

downtown and Orléans galleries, hosting solo and group shows by local and international artists, the Lee Matasi Gallery for student showcases, as well as a few off-site gallery spaces (Fritzi Gallery at GCTC, Preston Square/Waterford Group and Minto Suite Hotel). The OSA also offers a three-year Fine Arts Diploma, a one-year Portfolio Certificate, a notfor-credit Arts Fundamentals Certificate, and a community outreach program.

Christos Pantieras Chair, education committee Visual arts teacher, Canterbury High School Michael Ashley Financial management and computer systems development contractor

FUNDRAISING PRIORITIES The outreach program is dedicated to removing all economic barriers (no enrolment fees, no art supply costs, art instructor provided and no transportation) as the classes are taught in the neighbourhood at a local community house or community centre. Participants are also given the opportunity to showcase their work in a group exhibition held each year in our downtown gallery. For students who are unable to afford the full cost of a course, we have a bursary program that, along with funding set aside in the annual budget, is made possible by several named and anonymous donors. The value of each individual bursary given depends on the level of financial assistance indicated on the application form and the availability funds. These programs are supported through our fundraising initiatives and donations are also accepted online, by phone, in-person and by post. In response to the global pandemic, we now offer several online course options, as well as delivering the certificate and diploma programs in an online-and-in-person hybrid format.

Minwaashin Lodge — Sacred Child Program (ages 6-12 with family & parents), a partner in our community outreach program

How your business can help • Become a Corporate Member • Sponsor a bursary or scholarship to fund an arts award for the Diploma program • Sponsor a community outreach program • Provide sponsorship for the annual charity golf tournament and/or send a team • Bring a group for a corporate team building artistic workshop


Holiday Fundraising Art Sale (Nov. 26 – Dec. 13, 2020): Works by local artists and members of the school are exhibited in our downtown gallery at 35 George St. and available for purchase. Proceeds are split between the artist and the school with funds raised going towards our bursary and outreach programs.

Golf Fore Art! GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa, Gatineau and surrounding area; campus in Orléans

(June 21, 2021): Our 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament invites teams of four to tee off and compete in 18 holes. Providing our teams with a boxed lunch, dinner, awards ceremony and an opportunity to bid at our silent auction, we offer several sponsorship packages. to help make this event happen each year.

35th Annual Holiday Art Sale: From November 21 to December 15, 2019, works from over 200 local artists were exhibited in OSA’s downtown gallery at 35 George street, and purchasable with 35% of the proceeds going towards OSA programming. During the vernissage on Thursday, November 21, 2019, we held our Fall Scholarship Ceremony, where over $8000 in scholarships were awarded to 13 Fine Arts Diploma students. GIVING GUIDE 2020



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Our mission is to connect and empower the MS community to create positive change. We provide information, support and advocacy to people affected by MS, and fund research to find the cause and cure for the disease, bringing us closer to a world free of MS.

TOP FUNDING SOURCES 300-885 Meadowlands Dr. E. Ottawa, Ont. K2C 3N2 613-728-1583 Year founded: 1948 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $54,074,108 Twitter: @mssocietycanada Facebook: /MSSocietyCanada Instagram: @mssocietycanada

Dr. Pamela Valentine President and CEO


Fundraising priorities The current health crisis related to COVID-19 has impacted all Canadians, and for those affected by MS it’s another uncertain and unpredictable concern on top of an already challenging disease. The need for information, resources and support programs for people affected by MS is as urgent and critical as ever. Canada has been a global leader in the field of MS research but COVID-19 is putting these groundbreaking research projects at risk. Community support is critical to help ensure researchers can continue their work.

John Folka Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Susan Senecal Vice-chair (British Columbia)

Michael Giuffre (Alberta)

Dr. Pam Valentine, the president and CEO of MS Society of Canada, and MS ambassador Patrycia Rzechowka lead off our 2019 MS Bike.

How you can help GIVE Our fundraising efforts are put towards funding: • Support programs including webinars, online fitness and wellness classes and peer-to-peer programming; • Advocacy work that focuses on things such as employment and income security, increasing access to treatments and investing in comprehensive care and housing, and accelerating research; and • World-leading MS research in a variety of areas, including causes and risk factors, symptom management, mechanisms of disease, imaging, wellness and treatments.

VOLUNTEER We are here to ensure that no one faces MS alone. In communities across Canada, our volunteers help provide information, support and other resources for people with MS and their families. Opportunities include: • Volunteering for a fundraising event (MS Walk, MS Bike, #WeChallengeMS) • Becoming a community leader (committee member, fund development) • Lending your expertise (marketing and communications, policy planning) • Offering direct support to individuals living with MS (peer support, wellness programs, self-help groups) • Helping with educational events • Supporting and advocating for issues faced by people affected by MS • Get involved! Call 1‑800‑268‑7582 or visit

Joe Healy (Manitoba) Valerie Hussey Past-chair (Ontario) Gaylene Bonenfant Treasurer (Alberta) John Clifford Secretary (Ontario) Lynda Archambault (Quebec) Rahil Dattu (Ontario)

Kent Kirkpatrick (Ontario) Brian Kusisto (Saskatchewan) Jean-Sylvain Ouellette (Quebec) Tracey Wahba (British Columbia) Kim Wilson (New Brunswick)

Marilyn Emery (Ontario)


EVENTS + FUNDRAISING MS Walk is our largest fundraising event series with 120+ events across Canada. Each May tens of thousands of people rally together to take a stand against MS. This year they united virtually. Over MS Walk’s 30+ year history the event has raised more than $100 million. Registration: A fully supported cycling series, MS Bike inspires participants to do something great for themselves and the MS community. Since 1989 over $60 million has been raised by 80,000 participants. This year MS Bike went virtual, challenging cyclists to choose their distance and join our online community. Registration: Women Against MS is a powerful collective of 1,400+ professionals nationwide who support our cause to fundraise and honour women who make a difference in business and the community. WAMS is a networking opportunity for

professionals wanting to support one of Canada’s leading health charities. Since 2005, WAMS has raised $4.3 million towards a new generation of ground-breaking Canadian researchers working together towards a world free of MS. Bringing together guests from five events across Canada, this year’s WAMS Gala goes virtual on November 20. Learn more: In partnership with A&W Canada, Burgers to Beat MS is a fundraising and cause marketing campaign that takes place annually throughout the summer. A&W restaurants raise money from their community and donate $2 from every Teen Burger® sold on Burgers to Beat MS Day to support those living with MS. Raising more than $16 million in 12 years, A&W is the MS Society’s largest historical and annual corporate partner. The campaign also brings with it significant media and public awareness through the support of our spokesperson, Christine Sinclair.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do HelpAge Canada works in partnership with others to improve and maintain the quality of life of vulnerable older persons and their communities in Canada and around the world. Our vision

is a world in which all older persons will lead secure, healthy, active and dignified lives. We are a founding member of a global network of organizations under the umbrella of HelpAge International that promotes the rights of all older people around the world.

TOP FUNDING SOURCES 205-1300 Carling Ave. Ottawa, ON K1Z 7L2


Fundraising priorities

Year founded: 1975 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $553,692 Twitter: @HelpAgeCA Facebook: /helpagecanada

Gregor Sneddon Executive director

Nicole Perry Director, national programs

Seniors Can Connect! is a Canadian program designed to combat senior isolation through the provision of tablets and digital literacy training for seniors. Delivered by Connected Canadians, Seniors Can Connect! takes a user-focused approach to learning, empowering older adults to integrate technology into their daily lives, as their circumstances require. COVID-19 Emergency Relief Canada: As the COVID-19 emergency continues, HelpAge Canada is focused on keeping isolated seniors connected to their support and loved ones and helping them access needed health care and supplies where initial emergency support may have waned. HelpAge Canada was the first COVID-19 national responder for seniors. We are actively engaged in fundraising and support of our partners in Lebanon and Eastern Ukraine as well as continuing projects in Ethiopia, Jordan and Bangladesh.

How you can help GIVE

BOARD MEMBERS Amy Westland Chair

William Morphet Ottawa, ON

Laura Dempsey Toronto, ON

Kyle Shimon Ottawa, ON

Rosalie Gelderman Edmonton, AB

Eleanor Thompson Ottawa, ON

Don Hefler Ottawa, ON

Andrea Valentini Toronto, ON

Kahir Lalji Vancouver, BC

Christine Vilcocq Montreal, QC

Donations go directly to improving the lives of vulnerable and low-income seniors in Canada and abroad. In Canada, donations are directed towards combating isolation and loneliness among lowincome seniors by providing access to technology and digital literacy, mobility and communication devices, programming, meal programs and transportation, and for emergency humanitarian relief. Internationally, we offer a Sponsor a Grandparent program in six countries (Dominica, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Kenya, and Sri Lanka) as well as humanitarian support in Eastern Ukraine, Lebanon, Jordan, Ethiopia and Bangladesh as well as eye surgery clinics in India. Finally, we engage in advocacy work, particularly for the UN Convention on the Rights of Older People.


GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Canada, Bangladesh, Dominica, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Sri Lanka and Ukraine.

Help us make a difference by launching a giving campaign to one of our programs with your family, your colleagues or your community. The plight of vulnerable and isolated seniors in Canada and around the world is a personal one; it may be our parents, our grandparents or their immediate community struggling. A campaign in their honour will help us achieve our vision.

HelpAge Canada chair Amy Westland with Gran Anita Nestor in Camp Perrin, Haiti.

The NorWest Co-op Community Food Centre received a Seniors Can! grant which made it possible to expand their food program and give groceries to vulnerable seniors during COVID-19.

We invite corporations who may like to develop a volunteer program with Seniors Can Connect! in technology mentorship as part of their corporate social responsibility strategy to contact us to learn more about workplace volunteering.

EVENTS + FUNDRAISING October 1 International Day of Older Persons: Funds directed towards combating senior isolation in Canada. COVID-19 Emergency Relief: This ongoing campaign raises funds for food, hygiene products, PPE and social support for seniors. International: We work in over 85 countries throughout the world for older people responding to disaster, humanitarian relief, advocacy and developing programs and structures to support the well being of marginalized older people. Sponsor a Grandparent: Around the world, older persons are struggling to sustain themselves because they do not have enough food or ready access to medicine and other resources necessary for a healthy life. Monthly sponsorship assists in providing what is most needed for each senior including food, shelter, access to clean water, medicine, emergency relief, safety and security, and provisions for a stable and dignified life. Donors receive regular updates about the older person they sponsor and provided with opportunities to communicate directly.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Foundation 28

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre is one of Canada’s most progressive and successful longterm care homes. Perley Rideau is home to more than 600 seniors and veterans who access a range of care and living options. The Perley Rideau Foundation

1750 Russell Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1G 5Z6

raises money to improve the quality of life for seniors and veterans in direct and significant ways. Donations to the Foundation support and meet the long-term needs of our aging population through Canada’s first Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care.


Year founded: 1988 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,974,316 Twitter: @prvhc_seniors Facebook: /perleyrideau Instagram: @perleyrideau

Delphine Haslé, CFRE Executive director

John Jarvis Campaign co-chair

BOARD MEMBERS Carol Ann Banks Director, operations and finance, International Actuarial Association Doug Brousseau Past-chair Former senior policy advisor, Office of the Mayor Maj. Daniel Charron, (Ret'd) Campaign co-chair Keith De Bellefeuille Percy Chair Past-president, Ottawa Tourism Authority Steve Desroches Former deputy mayor and city councillor, City of Ottawa Lt.-Col. Bob Eagan, (Ret'd) Former chief financial officer, Commissionaires Ottawa Christine Hakim Senior compliance officer, compliance advisory, MD Management Ltd. Jeff Hill Vice-president and managing director The Strachan-Hill Wealth Advisory Group

J.L. Gilles Levasseur, O.Ont., LLD, LSM, CD. Business and law professor, University of Ottawa President of the Institute of Public Administration Col. Dominic McAlea (Ret'd) Vice-chairperson, Military Grievances External Review Committee Louise Mercier Liaison board/campaign Senior vice-president, Rubicon Strategy Inc.

How you can help

Maj. Sandra Perron (Ret'd) Senior partner, A New Dynamic Enterprise Inc.


Nancy Schepers Vice-chair Former deputy city manager, City of Ottawa Sheila Venman Principal consultant Sparked Solutions Inc. Kristan K. Birchard Chair, Perley Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre John Jarvis Campaign co-chair Chief operating officer ADGA Group


Lt.-Col. Jessie Chenevert (ret’d) (Urquhart) Korean War Veteran and Perley Rideau resident (right) with Fiona Murray, vice-president of public and government affairs at CN Rail (left) spend time in the creative arts studio during a pre-COVID-19 visit.

Perley Rideau publishes an annual priority needs list comprised of equipment and services not funded by government but essential to excellent care. One service on the list is our Therapeutic Recreation and Creative Arts program--among the finest in any Canadian long-term care home— this program contributes greatly to resident’s quality of life and compelling evidence suggests that recreation and creative arts activities trigger significant mental and physical health benefits. In appreciation of the important work done by staff at the Perley Rideau, CN Rail donated $10,000 as a matching gift to the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund — a gift matched in no time at all thanks to the generosity of the community. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund ensures residents, staff and their loved ones stay safe during the pandemic by providing additional PPE and housekeeping staff to enhanced cleaning measures and new meal helpers.



Major Fundraising Campaign Answering the Call is a major fundraising campaign to transform care for our country’s fastest-growing population, frail seniors. This campaign will invest in much-needed research and evidence-based innovation to improve and influence care for frail, older Canadians at The Perley and Rideau Veterans’ Health Centre and beyond. Canadians in the military, on the front lines of healthcare and elsewhere, have a long history of answering the call in times of conflict, human suffering and crisis. We’re hoping our community will answer the call to address this urgent crisis and to help ensure that seniors receive the care they have earned and deserved.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do At Montfort, every person who walks through our door, whether to receive care, visit a loved one or accomplish their work, enters a safe and personcentred environment where excellence prevails. For us, excellence means providing health care and services using state-of-the-art medical 713 Montreal Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1K 0T2

equipment in modern facilities adapted to patients’ needs. It also means conducting cutting-edge research that leads to health care discoveries and improved treatments, supporting the professional development of clinical staff, and training the next generation of health professionals.



How you can help GIVE

Year founded: 1986 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $2,707,549 Twitter: @FondationHM Facebook: /fondationmontfort

With the funding it receives from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Montfort can provide quality care during the more than 350,000 patient visits it receives annually. However, it is through the generosity of thousands of donors – those heroes who care about the wellbeing of others and work behind the scenes to give back to their community – that the hospital can achieve excellence and provide exemplary care and services to the population it serves. Your philanthropy leads to excellence. Excellence saves lives.

VOLUNTEER Marc M. Villeneuve Acting president & CEO

At Montfort, more than 250 warm-hearted volunteers are hard at work each day for the sole purpose of enhancing the quality of life of our patients and families. If you or anyone you know has received care at Montfort within the last two years, consider becoming a partner-patient! By sharing your experience, you will help improve the quality of care and services offered at Montfort.

Ronald F. Caza Board chair Partner, CazaSaikaley, srl/LLP

BOARD MEMBERS Michel Bastarache, C.C., Q.C. Counsel, CazaSaikaley, srl/LLP Dr. Robert D. Belzile Retired family and occupational health physician Charles Bordeleau Retired chief, Ottawa Police Service Roch Brisson Chief financial officer, PBC Real Estate Advisors Inc. Lt.-Gen. (ret’d) Richard J. Évraire Peter Georgariou Founding member and CEO, KarmaDharma Strategy & Marketing Philippe Grandmaitre Partner, Grandmaitre, Virgo, Evans

Christiane Huneault General counsel, Ottawa Police Service Albert Labelle Senior partner, PearTree Financial Services Dr. Bernard Leduc President and CEO, Hôpital Montfort Marie-Josée Martel Retired, Public Service of Canada Dr. Stéphane Roux Chief of staff, Hôpital Montfort Lise Parent Parts manager, Orléans Toyota Robert Rhéaume Partner, BDO Ottawa Guy Souligny Founder and president, Heritage Funeral Complex

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and Eastern Ontario



Charity golf tournament

We cannot overlook the global pandemic that has affected everyone. The Montfort Foundation worked hard to meet the growing needs related to the fight against the spread of COVID-19. We were one of the first organizations to launch a campaign in support of a COVID-19 emergency fund, the results of which were overwhelming and beyond all our expectations. The fund generated $210,000 in cash contributions and more than $250,000 was donated in personal protective equipment and meals for our staff and frontline workers. To all our donors, partners, suppliers, volunteers, administrators and employees, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Even with this great success, the pandemic has put our Foundation in a position where we need to innovate and identify other sources of funds to help support the hospital’s emerging priorities. We have launched an original lottery, "Loto-Mobile"! For only $50, you have one chance in 4,000 to win a 2020 Ford Escape as well as other “mobile” prizes. Tickets are on sale until Dec. 18, 2020. Visit for more details.

Since its inauguration in 1994, this annual signature event has raised more than $2.2 million in support of Montfort. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 tournament was cancelled. The 2021 edition will take place at the GreyHawk Golf Club, date to be determined.

Orléans Health Hub The Orléans Health Hub is a unique and innovative model of care that will bring together, under one roof, a range of specialized and community health care services. When the project is completed, Ottawa residents - from newborns to seniors – will be able to benefit from integrated programs that are centred on their needs, close to their homes and offered in both official languages. IMPORTANT DATES: • Official launch of the fundraising campaign in the fall of 2020 • Opening of the OHH in the summer of 2021

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


We fuel kids and ignite learning every school day.

We’re still feeding kids

We’re still bringing volunteers to the classroom

We’re still providing financial literacy education

We need your help to support K-12 students—just as we’ve done for the last 35 years. Donate or volunteer today. 32

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do


The Ottawa Network for Education (ONFE) is a charitable organization that collaborates with community partners to bring innovative and essential programs into K-12 schools, enriching public education in Ottawa. ONFE partners with all four school boards and works side-byside with educators to meet the complex needs of our children and youth in both English and

205-900 Morrison Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2H 8K7

French, addressing critical issues in our schools, removing barriers to learning and supporting student well-being. No other community organization in Ottawa has the same reach and ability to deliver much-needed programs directly to schools. In fact, no other organization in Canada provides the same variety of programs to serve K-12 students in their community. 613-366-3085 Year founded: 1985 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,095,418 Twitter: @ONFE_ROPE Facebook: /onfe.rope LinkedIn: /ottawa-network-for-education Instagram: @onfe_rope


How you can help GIVE

Heather Norris President and CEO

Paul Gardner Chair Entrepreneur, angel investor and growth company advisor

BOARD MEMBERS Julie Beauchamp Dean, School of Business Algonquin College

Mita Myers Senior assurance manager, EY

Mike Belliveau Regional vice-president for Eastern Ontario, Royal Bank of Canada

Ibrahim Musa Executive director, Cuts for Kids

Margo Crawford President and CEO, Business Sherpa Group

Neil Schwartz Co-owner and general counsel Escape Manor

Tom D’Amico Director of education Ottawa Catholic School Board

Sylvie Tremblay Director of education Council of Eastern Ontario Public Schools

Amanda Goth University secretary Carleton University

Camille Williams-Taylor Director of education, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Louise Malhotra Co-founder and director, Malhotra Foundation

Grace Xin Founder, Mobile China Desk


Every year, we need to raise $1 million from the local community in order to run our essential programs for K-12 students. By donating to ONFE, you are helping us reach 81 per cent of Ottawa schools, where each year we provide 2.5 million nutritious meals, reach 52,000 students with help in the classroom and equip more than 7,000 youth with skills and knowledge for their future careers. This year, all of our programs have pivoted to serve K-12 students through times of school closures, altered back-to-school plans and at-home learning. From March to August, we sent out 710,436 meals to K-12 students across the city of Ottawa through our school breakfast replacement kits. Our school breakfast program has since adapted to allow for physical distancing and serves individually wrapped servings to decrease food handling. This approach, while safe and necessary, is three times more costly than our regular operations. We are calling on the community and funders for support in realizing this adapted school breakfast program so that every K-12 student can start the day ready to learn and on equal footing with their peers. Other program adaptations include transitioning 1,500 volunteer placements to virtual through volunteers in education, offering virtual financial literacy programs for grades six to 12 through JA Ottawa and offering assistive technologies resources for parents, teachers and students on our website to

Our volunteers help today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders.

help students with learning. Every single one of our programs is being rebuilt for this new reality so that we can continue to fuel kids and ignite learning – just as we’ve done for the last 35 years.

VOLUNTEER Our volunteers provide vital support to students to help meet their complex needs. This year, one-onone volunteering opportunities are available through video conferencing so that students continue to be supported in this time of pandemic. Volunteers tell us that helping a student is one of the most fulfilling things they’ve done. And year after year, teachers tell us that caring volunteers make an immense difference to children in need of extra support.

EVENTS + FUNDRAISING Join us in early March 2021 to virtually celebrate the 30th anniversary of the School Breakfast Program. Watch for more details!. This fun event will engage you and your company in an evening of entertainment and networking with other community-minded individuals and business professionals, as well as executives from Ottawa’s four school boards. You will be recognized as a company that invests in every child in Ottawa starting the school day ready to learn on equal footing with their peers. Join us as we support K-12 students during this challenging year.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


One in two people in our community will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Will you give them hope for the future?

Donate today at


GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Almost every hour, someone in our community is diagnosed with cancer. These are our friends, neighbours and family members, and our goal is to make sure they can receive the very best cancer care and treatment close to home. The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation is the only 1500 Alta Vista Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K1G 3Y9


LEADERSHIP GIVING: 36% ($1,575,629) EVENTS: 34% ($1,453,466) GIFTS AND BEQUESTS: 30% ($1,295,251)

Year founded: 1995 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $4,324,346 Twitter: @ottawacancer Facebook: /ottawacancer

How you can help 100 per cent of the funds we raise stay right here in Ottawa to support the most promising new projects in local cancer care. We are committed to confronting the most important issues in the field of cancer care, and will always direct funds to the areas where they will have the greatest impact. This year we are working hard to support cancer patients and their families through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, as many are facing new health risks, increased stress and anxiety, postponed surgeries, and other impacts on their treatment.

Michael Maidment President and CEO

Carl Marcotte Chair Senior vice-president, business development & marketing SNC-Lavalin Nuclear

BOARD MEMBERS Past chair Cory P. Ready Portfolio manager, TTR & Associates – BMO Nesbitt Burns Vice-chair Candace Enman President, Welch Capital Partners Vice-chair Julia Knox Senior vice-president and chief purchasing officer, soft goods and hard goods, Giant Tiger Director Nav Aggarwal President, A&A Pharmachem Inc. Director Robert Doucet Retired, information management and technology

organization in Eastern Ontario exclusively dedicated to improving and saving the lives of people touched by cancer in our community. Our fundraising supports local cancer research projects, cancer clinical trials, and social care services like Cancer coaching to help change the lives of families who are facing cancer here in Ottawa.

Director Kevin Fitzgerald Retired, past-president and CEO of MDS Aero Director Keelan Green Partner, Prospectus Public Affairs Director Heidi Hauver Vice-president, human resources, Invest Ottawa Director Elaine Larsen Senior consultant (regulated health industries), Global Public Affairs Director Suzanne Pellerin Associate, LaBarge Weinstein LLP

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Eastern Ontario with every dollar raised staying in our community.

GIVING TO CANCER COACHING IMPROVES LIVES: Since 2011, more than 4,000 local families have benefitted from the help of a cancer coach. Through coaching, patients and their families receive the guidance, tools, resources and support they need to manage the stress and challenges of cancer, especially during difficult times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Cancer coaching is currently available virtually via secure video chat.

GIVING TO CLINICAL TRIALS SAVES LIVES: Clinical trials not only help researchers better understand cancer and the many approaches to treating it: clinical trials save lives. Over the past decade the Cancer Foundation has provided consistent funding to Ottawa’s local clinical trials office, ensuring our community has access to the newest and best treatment options right here at home. GIVING TO LOCAL RESEARCH GIVES HOPE: Helping local scientists bring their discoveries from bench to bedside helps patients get the treatments they need sooner. Thanks to a strong community of scientists and the funding of local fellowship programs, some of the world’s best researchers are working right here in Ottawa to better understand and treat cancer.

Our cancer coaches are ready to help.

WAYS TO GIVE CANCER CHAMPIONS BREAKFAST: Over 500 business leaders gather (this past year in a virtual format) at one of Ottawa’s most anticipated networking and social events. Join Ottawa's most generous business leaders and become a table captain. Contact: Paula Muldoon at

GIFTS OF SECURITIES: When you transfer listed securities like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds to a charity like the Cancer Foundation, you will be exempt from paying capital gains and will receive a charitable tax receipt for the fair market value of the securities. Contact: Josee Quenneville at

MONTHLY GIVING: For the cost of a daily cup of coffee, you can help make sure more families have access to cancer coaching and the most promising new cancer treatments. Contact Tracy Holmes:

LEAVING A GIFT IN YOUR WILL: What do you want your legacy to be? We will work with you to create a plan that is meaningful to you. Contact: LEADERSHIP GIVING: You can become a leader in your community by making an extraordinary personal or corporate gift. Contact:

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do

12-1645 Woodroffe Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K2G 1W2 613-247-4776 Year founded: 1970 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,194,132 Twitter: @BBBSO Facebook: /BBBSO Instagram: @bbbsottawa

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa enables lifechanging mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people who are facing adversity and who are in need of an additional, consistent and supportive person in their lives. Volunteer mentors are intentionally recruited based on the needs of Ottawa’s youth and are professionally screened. The mentor, mentee and family receive training and are monitored and supported by a designated professional caseworker. An incredible transformation takes place when a young mentee is matched with an adult mentor who expresses care, challenges their growth, provides support, shares power and expands

their possibilities. These mentees build the life skills they need to be successful including social and self-awareness, responsible decision-making, self-management and relationship skills. We also see positive changes to their mental health, wellbeing, educational engagement and employment readiness. Together, each of these new skills and positive outcomes helps them realize their full potential. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa is very proud to be celebrating 50 years of creating these special mentoring relationships in the Ottawa community. Over the last half-century, our programs have grown from the traditional Bigs 1:1 program to include programming for elementary and secondary school students, youth in care and young adults aged 18-24 with a focus on diversity and inclusion.


Susan Ingram Executive director

Jessica Ripley Board chair, Ottawa Police Youth Service


BOARD MEMBERS Emily Villeneuve Past-president, Augustine Bater Binks LLP Paul Willets Vice-president, Vey Willets LLP Lindsay Ostrom, Treasurer, The Ottawa Hospital Cindy McGann Co-secretary, ProntoForms Inc.

Mitchell Carkner Amazon Michael Qaqish Algonquin College Matt Haddad Ottawa Senators Hockey Club Colin Anderson OCDSB Jamie Kwong Ottawa Music Industry Coalition

Rana Pishva Co-secretary, Ottawa Centre for Resilience

Toni Francis Parliamentary Protective Services

Mitchell Kutney CHEO

Mark Zekulin Happy Roots Foundation

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and Renfrew County


More than ever, young people need your help. When you donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa, you invest in a young person’s potential and shape the future of the Ottawa community. Your donation gives local young people facing adversity access to a supportive adult mentor who spends meaningful, consistent and dedicated time with them. For every $1 donated, there is a social return on investment of $23 as our “Littles” grow up to be happy, successful adults who give back by volunteering or donating themselves. To make a one-time gift or monthly gift, please visit or contact

We are in need of volunteer mentors for both community-based and in-school program, with virtual options available. For as little as one hour


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa was the proud recipient of the Mayor’s City Builder Award in 2020.

a week, you can make a meaningful difference in the life of a child. There are also opportunities to volunteer for fundraising events, on our board of directors and on various committees.




aged 15-24 with career-readiness and skillbuilding by participating in facilitated 1:1 speed mentoring sessions.

Sponsor a mentoring program, event, camp or recreational opportunity for our youth. You may also donate an item for a silent auction or raffle.


HOLIDAY HAMPER PROGRAM: Help our families over the holiday season by giving them a traditional holiday meal and/or holiday gifts for their child(ren).

office, other location or virtually. With our other fundraising events being cancelled, your support of this year’s BBBS breakfast is more important than ever.

CONTACT: Monique Flocco at or 613-247-4776 x319

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Community, confidence, dreams, and vitality – they all start here, at the Y! Arielle’s Story Born with a rare genetic disorder, Arielle spent the first years of her life undergoing countless medical treatments and procedures, leaving her completely isolated from her peers. Once given the all-clear from her doctors, Arielle’s parents enrolled her in the Y’s Camp Inclusion Program - where individual support is provided to children with special needs. Arielle was able to fully participate in the same camp activities as her peers, with a little extra support. She made new friends and her confidence and independence flourished as a result. Now 8 years old, she is full of life, and has developed a passion for swimming and dance! Arielle’s parents say that thanks to the Y, she now has a foundation of friendship, independence, and belonging.

Thanks to financial support from donors like you, here’s how the Y helped our community in 2019:

$837,470 90,171 17, 806

provided in financial aid

members of our community served young lives enriched through fitness and recreation programs

11,232 5,616 689

immigrants welcomed to our community

children built confidence and life-long friendships at a Y camp

people given a safe place to live, and hope for the future


people turned away due to financial circumstances

Together we can do so much more! Donate today at 38

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region is a charitable association dedicated to building healthy communities. Serving more than 90,000 people in our region each year, Y programs and services address significant social and health issues with initiatives tailored to local community needs. A focus on inclusiveness and accessibility means people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities are served through all stages of life; and through financial assistance programs, the Y is accessible to all. 180 Argyle Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K2P 1B7

TOP FUNDING SOURCES Year founded: 1867 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $23,915,000 Twitter: @ymcaywca_ottawa Facebook: /ymcaywca Instagram: @ymcaywca


How you can help GIVE

Bob Gallagher President and CEO

Jean Laurin Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Jean Laurin, CPA, CA Chair

VOLUNTEER Colleen Kelley Anna Laurence

Anne Butler Secretary Susannah Crabtree Treasurer

Jacques Paquette, ASC Gary Simonsen Mark Taylor

Dr. Lisa Chillingworth Watson

Whether it is offering comfort and a safe home to families with nowhere else to go, helping children develop self-confidence and independence, providing essential training to inspire success in newcomers to our region, or celebrating our members’ accomplishments in their quests for a healthier lifestyle, the Y is a foundation from which a brighter future and a stronger community can be built. However, the Y is only able to provide these services thanks to community support. From sending a kid to camp to providing a safe shelter space for a homeless youth, Y supporters help shape positive futures.

The YMCA-YWCA relies on the time and dedication given by hundreds of volunteers each year. As a volunteer with the Y, you might lead an exercise class, welcome new immigrants, coach swimming or basketball, mentor youth, help run a special event, engage your network in philanthropic opportunities, or advise on local issues. No matter how you help, you will be making a big difference.

The annual Lawyers for Kids Charity Hockey Tournament, presented by PBC Group, began in 2010 by a group of lawyer colleagues who wanted to honour the life of a friend and former Y board member. Since then, these incredible fundraisers have raised over $250,000 to support vital kids Y programs – like our Y Kids Club program, which gives children a place to go after school for fun, snacks, and help with homework.

Caroline Xavier

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS The National Capital Region

FUNDING PRIORITIES The Y’s programs and services address significant social and health issues with initiatives tailored to local community needs. The Y works to build healthy communities and advocate for children, teens and young adults, helping all to reach their potential and realize their goals. With community support, we fund programs that promote healthy living by ensuring everyone is given the opportunity to achieve a healthier lifestyle, nurture the potential of children and youth by engaging them and encouraging positive choices, support vulnerable people by helping them stabilize while connecting them with appropriate community resources, and inspire personal success by providing access to essential training and resources.


Y Cycle for Strong Kids April 2021 This lively and active indoor cycling event supports initiatives that provide kids in our community with vital, life-changing programs. Funds raised help ensure that all kids have access to programs like swimming lessons, a camp experience, and safe afterschool care, regardless of their financial situation. Participating in the Y Cycle for Strong Kids is a commitment to improving the health and well-being of children and youth in our community. And it's tons of fun, too!

Stride for the Y September 2021 The Y’s newest event creates an exciting opportunity for families to spend a fun-filled day together.

Centered around a two-kilometre family-friendly walk, Stride for the Y also offers participants the chance to play on the RedBlacks field as they cross the finish line, and the opportunity to take in a game at TD Place – all while helping some of our community’s most vulnerable families access affordable child-care.

Y Golf Classic September 2021 Since its inception in 2009, the Y Golf Classic has raised more than $1.5 million in net proceeds, with 100 per cent of the funds raised helping local children, youth and families. This sellout tournament combines the opportunity for relationship development between community leaders with raising vital funds to help create life-changing opportunities.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


THERE IS NO “RIGHT” PATH TO RECOVERY – ONLY THE PATH THAT YOU CHOOSE. Education, Prevention and Treatment for Youth, Young Adults, Adults and Families.

The one-on-one counselling was extremely helpful. My counsellor was attentive and open to hear my issues without judgement and provided very good options for me to consider. The group counselling was helpful in learning about what I am going through.”

To learn more, call 613-724-4881 or visit 40

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Since 1976, Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services – a non-profit, community-based treatment centre – has been dedicated to supporting those impacted by substance use or behavioral addictions and related mental health issues. We serve youth and young adults (aged 12-25), adults, parents and families. We provide more than 15 comprehensive programs that include prevention, education, individual and group treatment.

312 Parkdale Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 4X5 613-724-4881


Year founded: 1976 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,617,487 Facebook: /RideauwoodOttawa Instagram: @rideauwoodottawa

Whether it’s substances, gambling, gaming or other compulsive behaviours; and whether individuals want to reduce their use, use in safer ways or eliminate their use entirely, Rideauwood counsellors are here to help. We know that shame and the stigma around addiction can decrease the likelihood of people seeking the services and the supports they need. That is why at Rideauwood there is no “right path” to recovery – only the path that you choose.


Corporate partnership:


How you can help

Let us be your corporate charity of choice! Your donations, sponsorship commitments and fundraising event proceeds allow the ongoing support of individuals and families who are struggling with substance use and behavioral addictions. As well, your support helps in the delivery of prevention and education training and workshops for your employee community.


Johanne Levesque Executive director

Bruno Carchidi President

BOARD MEMBERS Martin Methot, Vice-president Brenda Valente, Treasurer

Stephan Desbiens Jennifer Ellis Gord Garner

Anderson Joyce, Board secretary

Lois Graveline

Shanika Abraham

Mark Patterson

Rolf Baumann

Vera Reifenstein

Donations are critical at Rideauwood because they help address the current gaps in our community for those who are struggling with substance use or behavioral addictions and related mental health issues. Every year, waitlists for addiction services grow longer and overdoses continue to increase. The impact of COIVD-19 on the mental health of Ontarians is high, with 42 per cent of Ontario’s adults having increased their substance use or gambling use since the start of the pandemic. In Canada costs related to lost productivity due to substance use amount to $15.7 billion a year. When you support Rideauwood, you are helping people reclaim their lives.

Rideauwood manager Matt Young talks to a group of community leaders about the impact of technology on youth development. Rideauwood counsellors help youth, young adults and adults struggling with technology addictions.

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa and surrounding region

Medallion Night:

Twice a year, the Rideauwood community comes together to recognize and honour the accomplishments of clients and family members as they mark an important milestone in their recovery journey. Through Medallion Night, we celebrate their perseverance, their dedication and their determination in achieving their goals.

Rideauwood Bands Together: A night of celebration, outstanding music and fun with all proceeds going to Rideauwood was to have been held Friday, April 3, 2020. COVID-19 forced us to reschedule the event to a future date, as soon as can be musically possible. In the meantime, we want to express our gratitude to the four local bands, incredible sponsors from the business community and the individuals who bought their tickets to support Rideauwood, build our fan base and raise awareness about our work. You rock! Find out more about Rideauwood Bands Together and our amazing sponsors by visiting


Rideauwood counsellors deliver much-needed education and resources to students in grades 7-12 throughout OCDSB high schools and middle schools. Photo courtesy of

Volunteers are essential to Rideauwood. We wouldn’t be able to support and help those who are struggling with substance use or behavioral addictions without your help. Opportunities will vary throughout the year but could include assisting with our fundraising or outreach events, or becoming a board or committee member.

We’re excited to hear local music groups banding together in support of Rideauwood. Band leaders include John Sicard (Open Channel D), Kevin Ford (The Sons of Buckingham), John Jastremski (Faux Confessions) and Jim Harmon (The Dead Pennies).

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020




Thuy’s Story And just like that, life was no longer the same for Thuy. Thuy had a stroke at the early age of 15 years old leaving her with left side paralysis and an acquired brain injury. With a brave face she attempted to go back to school a year later, which proved very challenging. She had to relearn everything. She quickly felt so discouraged that she gave up. Struggling with depression, in addition to her physical limitations, she wasn’t sure she would be able to return to school let alone achieve her dreams of finishing high school and contributing to her community. Fortunately, Thuy was referred to ALSO and this referral was a game changer for her. She felt comfortable and accepted in the ALSO classroom. Though her aphasia gets worse when she is stressed, the one-on-one support and trusting relationships she built at ALSO have allowed her to express herself with greater clarity and confidence. Her speech impairment had made her feel very vulnerable, but at ALSO she felt understood.

“Even though I have a speech impairment, I am more confident in who I am. I am not ashamed of my disability.”

Over the course of her time at ALSO, Thuy’s confidence has grown. She has, in her own words, “blossomed“. Thuy has rediscovered her outgoing nature. “Even though I have a speech impairment, I am more confident in who I am. I am not ashamed of my disability.” Thuy now speaks about her experiences publically. She has modelled for the Ottawa School of Art, believing that all bodies are beautiful. Thuy joined the Cycle Fit Chicks and discovered a passion for cycling. Very recently she has taken that passion for cycling a huge step farther. She is now training to qualify for the Paralympics.

Transformational life-changes like what Thuy experienced do not happen without donor support. We are proud to report the following impact our work has had on the greater Ottawa community over the years.

• • • •


Equivalent to the cost of a Starbucks coffee & muffin.



Donate today! 42

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do ALSO is a charitable organization located in the heart of Ottawa. We have been working with high-risk, lowincome adults and families since 1981, assisting them to upgrade their literacy and basic skills improving

Heartwood House, 404 McArthur Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1K 1G8

TOP FUNDING SOURCES GOVERNMENT FUNDING: 85% INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS: 1% OTHER SOURCES: 14% 613-233-8660 Year founded: 1981 Total revenue in last fiscal year: $548,000 Twitter: @alsoOttawa Facebook: /alsoOTTAWA

How you can help Did you know that ALSO has been providing free adult and family literacy services in downtown Ottawa for over 40 years and that all funds raised in support of our work remain right here in your community? We would be grateful for your support in the following ways:

Kim Oastler Executive director

their daily lives. We serve more than 150 adults and families each year, building on individual and family strengths and supporting the development of the skills needed for family life, education, training and employment. ALSO prides itself on being a safe and caring community learning centre.

Kevin Scully Board president

BOARD MEMBERS Tim Klodt Vice-president

Lynn Asselin Member at large

Laura Hillier Member at large

Robert Mawoko Treasurer

Adults: Literacy and skills upgrading for adults wanting to make meaningful changes, be the best version of themselves and join the workforce; Children: Ensure the children we serve have the toys and equipment needed and that supplies are replenished regularly; and ASL RAPP: Supporting families with deaf or hard of hearing children so that they can learn together at home. Corporate engagement: Whether it’s the sponsorship of one of our programs, the establishment of a corporate matching-gift program or the planning of a fundraising event, we will gladly work with local businesses to determine the best option to support our work.


VOLUNTEER Children’s program: Volunteers are needed to engage with the children and to provide additional support where needed. Board of directors: We are looking for individuals passionate about literacy and the social service sector with expertise in social media and/or donor stewardship. Please reach out to Kim Oastler at kim@also-ottawa. org to explore any of these opportunities further.

FUNDRAISING PRIORITIES ALSO’s programs support Ottawa adults and families to gain the skills they need in order to reach their goals. For

ALSO’s Deaf Adult Upgrading Program

example, we work with children and parents in our children’s program to ensure each family member is ready for the child’s transition to full-time day care or school. We also focus our attention on helping adults gain the skills they need to successfully transition to their next step. Our ASL RAPP program is designed to support parents who have deaf or hard of hearing children by contributing to positive changes in family communication and family connection. ALSO’s programs and services address significant social issues. With community support, we are able to fund many aspects of our programs ensuring Ottawa’s most vulnerable adults and families have access to a safe and caring community-based program where they can flourish and succeed.

WAYS TO GIVE Champion monthly giving program: When you become a monthly donor through our champions program, you are helping to empower more than 150 adults and families right here in Ottawa with tangible and real results. Visit Corporate giving: We would be happy to discuss how your company can best support our important work. Regardless of how you choose to support our mission, we want to assure you that the impact of your generosity will be significant and will stay local. Lasting legacy: We’ve successfully managed a grassroots learning program for more than 40 years and we could not have enjoyed this rich history without the support of generous individuals. Leaving a gift in your will to ALSO will be one of the most meaningful gestures you make this year. Donate your celebration: What better way to honour a special celebration than by transforming gifts you may or may not want into gifts of hope for children and families in our community? In honour or in memory gifts: When you make a donation in honour or in memory of a loved one, you celebrate them in a special way and your gift to ALSO becomes especially meaningful.

ALSO’s ASL RAPP (American Sign Language Reading and Parents Program) Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Seniors Can Connect! is a program designed to combat senior isolation through the provision of tablets and digital literacy training for seniors and the organizations that support them. We work with organizations locally to deliver Seniors Can Connect! via two approaches: Personal Path: Seniors receive a preconfigured device for their individual use and technology mentors accompany each participant to learn remotely at their own

205-1300 Carling Ave. Ottawa, ONT. K1Z 7L2 Year founded: 2020 Projected 2021 budget: $2,000,000


pace. Participants build baseline digital literacy skills and confidence over time to become empowered digital citizens. Community Enablement: Organizations receive tablets set up for multiple users to increase the reach of their online programs. Accessible devices can be shared amongst the community and organizations receive training from technology mentors to build their in-house capacity to teach and support seniors.


How you can help GIVE

Gregor Sneddon Executive director, HelpAge Canada

Nicole Perry Director of national programs, HelpAge Canada

CONNECTED CANADIANS LEADERSHIP TEAM Emily Jones Joannisse CEO, Connected Canadians Tas Damen CIO, Connected Canadians

The COVID-19 pandemic has cast a spotlight on the painful reality of senior isolation and loneliness in Canada and shown the pressing need to empower seniors as digital citizens. Digital literacy and access to technology are critical for seniors to connect with the community and ensure access to basic needs. However, many barriers prevent older people from adopting technology. The impact for older Canadians from this program is life-changing. They stand to gain: • Independence • Increased access to necessities like groceries, government services and healthcare • Direct connection to their support network and the opportunity to join online communities • Access to online resources and entertainment including therapeutic and recreational programming



FUNDING PRIORITIES We work with community partners to deliver Seniors Can Connect! across Canada. Donations allow us to expand the reach of the program; this means helping more seniors to build digital literacy skills and to get connected to their support networks and community.

Participants receive a sensitive seniorfriendly approach to digital literacy that encourages confidence in individual learning and capacity building through the Connected Canadians Technology Mentorship Program. We invite corporations who may like to develop a volunteer program with Seniors Can Connect! in technology mentorship as part of their corporate social responsibility strategy to contact us to learn more about workplace volunteering.

DONATION WISHLIST Aside from giving to the program directly, Seniors Can Connect! welcomes in-kind technology donations. If you would like to consider a donation of devices, accessories, or other support, please reach out so we can share our technical requirements.


Ride to Connect is a national campaign

that takes place during the summer to fundraise for Seniors Can Connect!. Community members pledge to bike a target number of kilometres to reach their fundraising goal. Information will become available in winter 2021 for next summer’s campaign. Details of this years’ campaign are available at:

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020




GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

Banff, Alberta. Photo by Jamie Harmsen.


600-100 Gloucester St. Ottawa, Ont. K2P 0A4 1-800-333-9453 | Year founded: 1963 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $11,234,329 Twitter: @cpaws Facebook: /CPAWS Instagram: @cpaws_national LinkedIn: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)

What we do CPAWS is Canada’s only nationwide charity dedicated solely to the protection of public land, ocean and freshwater, and ensuring Canada’s parks and protected areas are managed to protect the nature within them. CPAWS works collaboratively with all levels of governments, Indigenous peoples, industry and other environmental groups to develop innovative, sciencebased conservation solutions. We strive to engage

Canadians in speaking up for nature conservation through our outreach, advocacy and education programs. And we champion the implementation of nature-based climate solutions to stem the impact of climate change and curb biodiversity loss. CPAWS has helped to protect over half a million square kilometres – an area bigger than the entire Yukon Territory! Our vision is to protect at least half of our public land and ocean in a framework of reconciliation – for the benefit of both wildlife and humans.

TOP FUNDING SOURCES Sandra Schwartz National executive director

Laura Colella President, national board of trustees

BOARD MEMBERS Erik Val (YT) Vice-president John Grandy (ON) Treasurer Amber Nicol (NS) Chair, governance committee


Jim Donohue (SAB)

How you can help

Bob Halfyard (NL)


Ina Lucila (NAB) Nikita Lopoukhine (ON)

Richard Paisley (BC) Chair, litigation committee

Don McMurtry (ON)

Alex Abboud (AB)

Kathy Scalzo (BC)

Lavinia Mohr (ON)

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Headquartered in Ottawa, with 13 regional chapters across Canada working locally at the grassroots level on conservation campaigns.

FUNDING PRIORITIES • Parks and protected areas • Ocean and freshwater • Wildlife and species at risk • Outdoor education and outreach

With your help, CPAWS is able to be the voice for wilderness when decisions are being made about the use and management of Canada’s public lands and waters. Canada has committed to protecting 25 per cent of Canada by 2025 – an ambitious yet achievable goal if we act now. Our priority at CPAWS is to leverage this opportunity. With your support, we will continue to work with our regional chapters across the country, build our capacity to deliver conservation measures on the ground, and inspire Canadians to stand together as the voice for wilderness as we combat the biodiversity and climate crises.

Visited by a fox kit on Prince Edward Island. Photo by Scott Walsh

VOLUNTEER Help make a difference in your community by connecting with your local CPAWS chapter. With 13 regional offices across Canada and a national office in Ottawa, we are working from coast to coast to coast to protect more of Canada’s iconic land, seascapes and wildlife.


Giving Tuesday is Dec. 1, 2020 Giving Tuesday is an international day dedicated to giving back that follows on the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and every little bit counts! For Giving Tuesday we’re asking you to #GiveALatte! If everyone in Canada donated just $5, the cost of an average latte, we could raise over $150 million. There is no better way to give back to your community than to help protect Canada’s iconic landscapes and wildlife for our collective health and enjoyment, and for generations to come. Together, we can make a big difference!

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do While our acute care hospital partners can save your life, at Bruyère, we work with you to maximize your quality of life. Together, with our partners, we are building a future model of care through state-of-the-art technology and research. As one of the largest health care centres of its kind in Canada, Bruyère plays a key role in addressing the health care needs of the aging population in the Champlain region, delivering a wide variety of services in aging and rehabilitation, medically

43 Bruyère St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5C8

complex, palliative, residential and primary care. Fueled by research and innovation, Bruyère is a bridge to home for many and committed to maximizing the quality of life of our patients and residents. We provide care at our three sites: Élisabeth Bruyère Hospital in the ByWard Market, Saint-Vincent Hospital in Centretown and Bruyère Village in Orléans. Every day, we are making a difference. You can help too. Find out more at Year founded: 1995 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $8,722,000 Twitter: @BruyereCare Facebook: /BruyereCare Instagram: @BruyereCare

Peggy Taillon President

Daniel C. Fernandes Board chair

TOP FUNDING SOURCES INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS: 69% OTHER CHARITIES: 28% CORPORATE DONATIONS: 3% As Bruyère begins to look ahead, we want to take a moment to thank you for your incredible support. We want to assure you that your generosity continues to make a significant impact, offering better care options for generations of patients. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a pivotal time for Bruyère. We continue to face challenges due to underlying issues in our health care system, which have been amplified by the pandemic. But with challenges also come opportunities. Now is the time for us to rise to the occasion and innovate to provide tangible solutions that will transform health care in our region. The next generation of research, innovation and

teaching strengthens everything we do. The importance of this has never been more evident as we continue to navigate our new reality in the face of COVID-19 and look ahead at the challenges of tomorrow. We are grateful for the support of community builders and innovators, like you, who are willing to take an active role in improving the quality of life of those we serve.

How your dollars can help BOARD MEMBERS John Wright Treasurer, Vaive and Associates Professional Corp. Dr. Alykhan Abdulla The Kingsway Health Centre Brad Ezard Keynote Group

COVID-19 RELIEF Nik Lemieux Mirabel Management Patrick Kennedy Earnscliffe Ralph Neumann Excel Private Wealth Scott Brooker Cushman & Wakefield Ottawa

Clifford T. Lebarron Laurentian Bank of Canada

Guy Chartrand Bruyère Continuing Care

Lesley Mackay Ottawa Tourism

Heidi Sveistrup, PhD Bruyère Research Institute

Mark White Colonnade BridgePort

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa, Eastern Ontario and the Outaouais region

With your support, we can make significant changes to health care delivery that will impact the entire system. This includes creating more capacity in long-term care, alternate levels of care, and postacute care. Your support will also help us to ensure our teams of experts are appropriately armed with personal protective equipment that has been proven to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses, and minimize the impact on our community.

BRAIN AND MEMORY HEALTH In less than 20 years, the number of Canadians living with dementia will double. This increase will put enormous strain on the health care system and cost billions of dollars. By further investing in lifechanging research, preventive programs, strategic partnerships and world-class expertise, we will help reduce the incidence of dementia within the next 20 years.

CARE OF THE ELDERLY For the first time in history, there are more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 15. As a leader in geriatrics, Bruyère is in an ideal position

to redefine the experience of aging by investing in prevention, treatment and innovation.

REHABILITATION Each year in our region, more than 1,800 people suffer a stroke, resulting in hundreds of patients who require various levels of stroke rehabilitation. With your support, we will make strategic investments in research and promising technologies, expand capacity with regional partners, and become the regional hub for integrated rehabilitation services.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


ADVANCING SURGERY. ADVANCING CARE. Help us upgrade our 11 operating rooms with new equipment and technology, so we can save even more lives in our community! DONATE TODAY AT


GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do People tell us all the time that if they need to be in hospital, they want to be at Queensway Carleton Hospital. That’s because we are focused on healing people. We’ve built our reputation as one of the region’s leading acute care hospitals by seeing the person in each of the nearly 500,000 patients who come to us each year. Our agility and collaborative culture allow us to respond quickly to today’s pressing healthcare challenges by investing in advanced programs and services that put the person at the centre of patient care.

3045 Baseline Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K2H 8P4 613-721-4731 Year founded: 1986 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $10.5 million Twitter: @QCHOttawa Facebook: /QueenswayCarletonHospitalFoundation Instagram: @qch.ottawa LinkedIn: /company/queensway-carleton-hospital

Queensway Carleton Hospital is home to one of Ottawa’s busiest emergency departments with more than 80,000 visits per year, the Myers Automotive Acute Care of the Elderly (ACE) Unit for seniors – one of only two in Ontario that are transforming geriatric care – and is a leader in people-centered advances in orthopedic surgery. Located in fast-growing west Ottawa, Queensway Carleton Hospital helps to create vibrant and healthy communities that we can be proud to call home. By supporting Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation, you are investing in advanced patient care and healthcare excellence for our community.


How you can help GIVE

Shannon Gorman President and CEO

Ronald Richardson Chair, board of directors

BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Andrew Falconer

Lorraine Mastersmith

Ed Herweyer

Jagdeep Perhar

Doug Hewson

Chad Schella

Mischa Kaplan Dr. Kathi Kovacs Ryan Kelahear

Fred Seller Art Slaughter

Cal Kirkpatrick

Jennifer Spallin

Barbara Lippett

Karen Sparks

Amy MacLeod

Shaina Watt

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Western Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley

Currently our focus is to upgrade our 11 surgical suites with the best and latest equipment and technology through the Advancing Surgery Campaign. With a growing west Ottawa population, our services are in demand now more than ever. Your investment in our ORs will benefit every surgical patient, from simple diagnostic procedures to life-saving care. In March 2020, Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation launched its COVID-19 Fund in support of urgently needed equipment and other hospital priorities. The response has been tremendous. In six months, our amazing donors, including our local business community, have helped raise over $500,000 in support of this critical fund, as well as generously donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), meals for our staff, and sending in many messages of gratitude. “The overwhelming support we have received for our hospital and frontline team during this pandemic has been inspiring. I am truly honoured to be part of such a kind and giving

Queensway Carleton Hospital staff from the Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE) unit. In March 2020 the ACE unit became the hospital’s first designated unit for the care of patients with COVID-19.

community,” says Shannon Gorman, Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation President and CEO.

VOLUNTEER Volunteers play a key role in helping Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation achieve its mission, and we are grateful to receive support from volunteers throughout the year in a variety of different ways. There are a number of volunteer opportunities available, including board, committee and advisory group roles, as well as fundraising event support, hospital volunteer roles and opportunities to act as ambassadors in the community on behalf of the Foundation.


Hopes Rising

Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation is the only accredited hospital foundation in the Ottawa region under Imagine Canada’s National Standards Program. This accreditation demonstrates to our community that our Foundation is a leader in best practice governance and donor accountability.

Thanks to Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation’s amazing community of supporters, a staggering $6 million has been raised for the HOPES RISING campaign, in support of a renovated Mental Health unit at Queensway Carleton Hospital.

Séan McCann, founder of Great Big Sea and ensemble, with Dr. Andrew Falconer, Queensway Carleton Hospital President and CEO, and Judith Scott, Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation VP Operations, at the GREAT BIG CHRISTMAS PARTY concert at the Algonquin Commons Theatre, December 2019. Funds raised will enhance acute mental health services for adults of all ages at Queensway Carleton Hospital, as part of the HOPES RISING Campaign.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Help Salus make a house a home GIVE HOPE

Everybody is talking about mental health. You can help us do something about it. For over 40 years, Salus has helped adults with mental illness transition from chronic hospitalization and homelessness to a life of hope and independent living. Through the Salus model of housing and support, adults living with serious and persistent mental illness can find independence, recovery and the opportunity to enjoy a quality of life that many never dreamed was possible. Salus is changing lives but hundreds more individuals in Ottawa need our help now. Please give to Salus today.

Contact us at (613) 729-0123 ext 2502 52

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do For more than 40 years, Ottawa Salus has been an unwavering champion in meeting the rehabilitation and supportive housing needs of adults living with serious mental illness in the Ottawa area. Salus offers a range of supportive housing options for adults with serious mental illness and concurrent challenges, including addictions, homelessness and cycles of 2000 Scott St. Ottawa, Ont. K1Z 6T2

hospitalization. In addition to providing housing, Salus' dedicated, professional staff provides the following mental health support services to meet the individual needs of clients: case management, community development, residential transitional rehabilitation programs, occupational therapy, as well as recreational and wellness programs.

TOP FUNDING SOURCES 613-316-5480 Year founded: 1977 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $9,953,815 Twitter: @salusottawa Facebook: /salusottawa Instagram: @salusottawa


How you can help GIVE

Lisa Ker Executive director

Camille Therriault-Power Chair

Donations are critically important at Salus because they help us address the current gaps in our community for individuals living with serious mental illness. Despite the immense need, many individuals will wait years for a stable home with Salus. For many, that can mean many years of living in shelters or hospitals. Salus cannot do our important work without help from the caring individuals who support our organization. When you give to Salus, you are helping individuals who are in need of homes and critical mental health supports.

VOLUNTEER Volunteers are greatly appreciated! Salus offers meaningful opportunities to make a hands-on impact in the area of mental health. Volunteer opportunities will vary throughout the year, but could include

On Jan. 29 – Bell Let’s Talk Day – community members Brenda Pichette and Patty Freel came together to plan Exploring Mental Illness and Stigma, a fundraising and awareness event in support of Ottawa Salus and The Royal Ottawa. Distinguished speakers included Sharon Johnston, author and mental health advocate, Susan Doherty, author of The Ghost Garden, Dr. Nicola Wright, psychologist at The Royal, and Jason Finucan, Author of Jason: 1 Stigma: 0. Pictured, from left: Brenda Pichette, Marianne Long (Ottawa Salus), Sandy McDonald (Bell Let’s Talk), Tracey Welsh (The Royal), Patty Freel

assisting with our fundraising or outreach events and activities around the community, in gardening or arts programs, or cooking special community meals for our clients. We are always looking to connect with people who are passionate about mental health and making a difference. Please contact to learn more.

BOARD MEMBERS Sarah Bertrand

Harpreet Grewal

Michel Boulay

Myles Kirvan

Bernard Etzinger

Fiona Murray

Philippe Lachapelle

Janet Yale

Tim Moran

Megan Crain

Sanjay Srivastava

Melanie Vadeboncoeur


Salus Holiday Campaign As many of our neighbours prepare their homes to welcome family and friends and celebrate with holiday cheer, at Salus we see how difficult, stressful and lonely this time of year can be for people with mental illness. Giving to our Holiday Campaign helps to ensure that people living with mental illness can continue to depend on Salus for their important housing and support services.

Lindsay Taub


FUNDING PRIORITIES Addressing the multi-year wait list for supportive housing.

Soirée Salus

Thanks in great part to the generous support of French Ambassador Kareen Rispal, Soirée Salus 2019 was our most successful event to date. Together our generous supporters raised more than $165,000, which will help support individuals living with mental illness, many of whom have struggled with homelessness, on their journey to recovery. While we were not able to hold Soirée Salus this year as planned, we are delighted to share that Soirée Salus will return in 2021.

Rendez-Vous Salus

Salus supporters came to the rescue in support of our new initiative that helped to raise some muchneeded funds to offset the unexpected financial challenges caused by COVID-19. On Sept. 24, RendezVous Salus brought a dazzling selection of tastes including luxurious cheeses, savoury charcuterie, refreshing sparkling wine and other treats to our supporters’ doors. These special deliveries were curated by Beckta and included surprises from Thyme & Again, Jacobsons and more.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



You can become a corporate champion for The Ottawa Mission today. 2020-2021

For more information about our Business on a Mission program, please visit, or contact Erin Helmer at








It takes a strong community to build successful businesses, and communities need the support of successful businesses to help those most in need. There is something for every business and budget, large or small.


S Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Since 1906, The Ottawa Mission - our city’s oldest and largest emergency shelter - has been at the forefront of caring for people who are homeless and in need in our community. We do this by providing the basic necessities of life, including food, shelter and clothing. And then we do even more – we help people regain their dignity, hope and purpose in life.

35 Waller St. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 7G4 613-234-1144 Year founded: 1906 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $10,571,756 Twitter: @OttawaMission Facebook: /OttawaMission


How you can help

Matt Triemstra President, board of directors

Through corporate partnerships, The Ottawa Mission is able to expand its programs to help more individuals and increase opportunities for those who use our services to improve their lives. As a corporate partner of The Ottawa Mission Foundation, you can give back to your community and also provide engaging and meaningful opportunities for your employees. Your support is particularly important during a time when COVID-19 protocols mean increased costs for The Ottawa Mission.

In 2019, we launched the Business on a Mission (BOAM) program. This program has allowed The Ottawa Mission Foundation to cultivate a strong offering of options so any business, small or large, can engage with The Ottawa Mission. The BOAM program can: • Increase your revenues • Support your corporate social responsibility goals • Inspire your employees • Raise your community profile • Align your business with the city’s oldest and largest emergency shelter The BOAM program offers high-profile sponsorships, employee engagement opportunities, partnerships of exciting special initiatives, a popular cause-related marketing program and several other options to answer your corporate giving needs. It takes a strong community to build successful businesses, and communities need the support of successful businesses to help those most in need. 2020-2021


Sgt. Carl DeJong Detective, Ottawa Police Service

Dr. Robert Cushman Director of biologics and genetic therapies directorate, Health Canada Scott Hannant Carleton University professor and director of public affairs and communications at the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addictions Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey Lead minister, Parkdale United Church

Peter Saunders Associate director of national operations, Canadian Blood Services Kaite Burkholder Harris Executive director, Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa Alan McCafferty Founder, The Strategic Consulting Group Elie Labaky Lawyer, Labaky Law Tony Bennett Former president & CEO, BMO Private Investment

Shaun Baron International policy advisor, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada




Jack Murta Former member of parliament and coordinator of the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast

For more information and to start a conversation please visit: or contact Erin Helmer, senior officer, corporate philanthropy and partnerships at


Gord Lorimer Architect and partner, Hobin Architecture Inc.


Matt Triemstra General manager, Ensight Canada


Peter Tilley CEO

Today, in Ottawa, there are too many people who struggle with poverty, addiction and poor mental health. Last year we served 520,373 meals and provided safe shelter to more than 1,700 people. We also provided addiction and trauma treatment, mental health services, care at our medical and dental clinics, housing support and care for terminally ill men and women at our hospice. The Mission also offers education and job training to help people change their lives for the better.




Virtual tour for all! Have you ever wondered what happens behind the blue door at 35 Waller St.? Have some questions about our services but have not had a chance to ask? Perhaps you want to hear some inspiring stories about the life-changing care individuals receive while using The Ottawa Mission? Now is the time to sit back in the comfort of your home or office and see all The Ottawa Mission has to offer. If you would like to book a virtual 360 tour and learn more about The Ottawa Mission, please contact Erin Helmer at

Young Professionals Network (YPN) YPN is a volunteer-led collective of young professionals and philanthropists who want to network, volunteer, advocate and raise money to help people who are homeless and in need at The Mission. To learn more contact Jennifer Graves at

Ottawa region Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020




Rejoice. Kim was living life. She had a boyfriend named Matt. She was carefree. She had hair that turned heads. She also had cancer. But didn’t know it yet. She suffered a seizure and was rushed to The Ottawa Hospital where she was diagnosed with a brain tumour. After specialized brain surgery, during which she was kept awake and alert, she met with oncologist Dr. Garth Nicholas, where she learned she had cancer. This news was devastating. What would her life be like now? What would happen to her hair? What would happen next? Intense radiation would give Kim a permanent bald patch, but it would kill any remaining cancer cells.

On January 6, 2012, Kim took her last dose of chemotherapy drugs. Now, a cancer survivor and celebrating nine years since her surgery, Kim is married to Matt, she is a wig connoisseur, and she is grateful for the care she received at The Ottawa Hospital. “It saved my life. The staff made what should have been a devastating year, a good memory.” Your support today means creating more cancer survivors tomorrow.


Visit to learn how your support today can help create more cancer survivors tomorrow.



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Ottawa Hospital Foundation raises funds to support cutting-edge research and patient care at The Ottawa Hospital. Canada’s busiest academic healthcare centre is also one of the top five research hospitals in the country, and the funds we transfer to the hospital change the lives of millions of Canadians every year. 737 Parkdale Ave., 1st Floor Box 610 Ottawa, Ont. K1Y 1J8 613-761-4295 Year founded: 1999 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $17.4 million Twitter: @OttawaHospital Facebook: /OttawaHospital Instagram: @ottawahospital

From world-first research breakthroughs that move quickly from lab to bedside to tackling the most complex healthcare issues with compassion, our Foundation helps ensure our people are equipped with the very best to succeed so that when you or your loved ones need care, The Ottawa Hospital is ready.


Fundraising priorities • Our new hospital campus: Support the future of healthcare in Ottawa with the construction of our new state-of-the-art Civic development site on Carling Avenue. • Research: Advance our research and clinical trials aimed at discovering new ways to improve patient care across all diseases. • Equipment: Help provide the newest equipment and technological innovations that will maintain worldclass healthcare and research for cancer and other diseases. • COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund: This fund helps us fast-track research projects and execute innovative ideas to help combat COVID-19. Early donor impact can be found at

Tim Kluke President and CEO

Michael Runia Chair

BOARD MEMBERS Jeffrey Clarke

Janet McKeage

Bryce Conrad

Dr. Pradeep Merchant

Kevin Ford

Megan Paterson

Sandra Goldberg

Natalie Raffoul

Jim Harmon

Ross Rowan-Legg

Russell Jones

Tim Saunders

Vanessa Kanu

Dr. Emily Segal

Michael McGahan

Julie Taggart

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec and Nunavut



Throughout the coming decade, we will embark on a quest that will change Ottawa’s healthcare landscape for the next century as we build a new hospital for our community. Our goal is, and will remain, providing exceptional care to every patient who walks through our doors. To do so, we must continue to fund research, equipment and care — not all of which is covered by the province.

Monthly donations provide us with predictable funding when we’re faced with the unpredictable. It is a critical source of revenue. Right now, your monthly donation will be matched for a year (up to $100,000) thanks to the generosity of the Walsh Clarke Family Foundation. Visit to make your donation.

HONOUR A HOSPITAL STAFF MEMBER With community support we can continue to buy new, cutting-edge equipment, to treat our patients, enable our researchers to lead world-first clinical trials, and develop better therapies and cures for the most debilitating diseases.

Our staff are there to stand by us during some of the most unpredictable and challenging times of our lives. Thanking them is a great way to show your support and help fund patient care and research. Visit to say “thank you” today!



With our user-friendly online tool, you can create your fundraiser in a matter of minutes! From birthday celebrations to t-shirt sales, to golf tournaments, galas, and workplace giving — event creation has never been easier. Our online tool gives you the flexibility to customize your event with just a few clicks. Visit to get set up today!

A gift in your will can be the most powerful and meaningful gift of all. We can help you through the process and ensure your gift makes the greatest impact for future generations. Email us at:

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


fundraising, door-knocking, speeches and dogged persistence, the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre received operational funding from the Province of Ontario and opened its doors on Bronson Avenue in 1993. To date, it has supported more than 17,000 youth and family members with life-saving addiction, and mental health treatment and counselling services. Dave’s wife, Darlene, says it best “David loved people. He loved helping people. Gifted with a servant’s heart, his good works are everywhere in the city. And as much as he accomplished – he always felt there was so much left to do.” At the top of that “to do” list was the construction of a new residential treatment facility to better serve the vulnerable young people who continue to reach out for help from the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre. He championed a grand vision to bring together the three existing sites into one purpose-built complex that would expand the number of available beds, reduce wait times, and bring all of the dedicated addiction councillors and healthcare professionals under one roof.

‘Filling His Shoes’ is a tribute to Dave’s Dream to bring our three aging campuses together into a new facility to increase our beds, lessen our wait times and help more youth and families struggling with mental health and substance use issues.


came into the world in humble surroundings. One of 13 children raised by Jewish immigrants from Russia, David’s parents were remarkable role models. Living in Lowertown Ottawa, Dave learned a strong work ethic at his father’s shoe repair store, where there was always a big pot of soup simmering in the back for anyone in need of a meal.

Growing up, Dave learned from his parents the value of community and the importance of giving whatever he could to those who were struggling. These lessons shaped his life and ultimately touched the lives of many others. Giving was at the core of his family’s values; David loved to tell the story of his mother arriving home one blustery, winter night without her coat. “Someone else needed it more than I did,” she told him. Dave was a successful entrepreneur establishing Nate’s Deli in 1959 and The Place Next Door in 1969, eventually expanding his catering and restaurant business into Florida and California. Dave was a community builder with boundless enthusiasm. He was awarded a member of both the Order of Ontario and the Order of Canada and earned far more honours than can be listed here.


Dave was an unwavering philanthropist raising over $150 million for local and global charities. Known to so many in the Ottawa community as simply ‘Dave’, he had an unshakable faith in humankind and a unique gift for gathering and inspiring like-minded people around issues or causes to improve the lives of others. One of Dave Smith’s proudest achievements was the establishment in the early 1990s of his addiction treatment centre dedicated to helping young people the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre. After receiving a frantic call from a close friend whose son was addicted to drugs, Dave became frustrated that no intensive treatment facility existed in Ottawa for youth struggling with drug and alcohol issues. As usual, Dave took action where he saw a need in his beloved community. After several years of advocacy,

As we mourn the loss of our visionary founder, Dave Smith, we’re also reminded of his amazing accomplishments and the larger-than-life shoes he left for us to fill.

Filling Dave’s Shoes will take a village...

be part of our village!


Contact Cindy at or 613.594.8333 ext 1201 112 Willowlea Road, Carp, Ontario K0A 1L0

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do

Male Residential Campus 1986 Scotch Corners Rd. Carleton Place, Ont. K7C 0C5 Female Residential Campus 1883 Bradley Side Road Carp, Ont. K0A 1L0 Aftercare & Administrative Campus 112 Willowlea Road Carp, Ont. K0A 1L0 Year founded: 1993 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $3,725,566 Twitter: @DaveSmithYouth Facebook: /davesmithyouthtreatmentcentre Instagram: @davesmithcentre LinkedIn: davesmithyouthtreatmentcentre

Mike Beauchesne Executive director

David Kinsman Board chair

BOARD MEMBERS David Kinsman Chair

Jennifer McAndrew Member

Derek Johnston Vice Chair

Nicole Poirier Member

Tricia Goulbourne Treasurer

Marilyn Reddigan Member

Mary Brown Secretary

Debra Riddell Member

Rene Bibaud Member

Michael Smith Member

Cameron Hopgood Member

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Ottawa, Champlain region and provincial resource for all of Ontario.

The Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (DSYTC) is a not-for-profit, community-based agency that is dedicated to helping youth (aged 13-21) and families across Ontario overcome substance use and mental health related issues. DSYTC programs and services include: comprehensive assessment, three-month live-in treatment, academic programming, pro-social recreation, psychiatric support, nurse practitioner primary care, post-residential continuing care and family services. Our mission is to provide youth and families in need with integrated, evidence-based addiction and mental health treatment, delivered

by competent professionals within a caring and compassionate environment. Our vision: Healthy, resilient youth and families who have hope and life skills for creating a positive future.


How you can help GIVE Our critical funding needs fall into two main categories: capital and operational. Our capital requirements pertain to our ongoing campaign to build a new 30-bed treatment facility and merge our three aging facilities into a single-campus model. Doing so would increase access to muchneeded treatment, reduce wait times and provide sustainable long-term infrastructure for our health sector. Operational funding needs include resources that support day-to-day programming such as recreation/sports equipment, art supplies, smoking cessation medication, staff training, IT equipment (e.g. laptops) and scholarship funds for graduating students.

VOLUNTEER Given our vulnerable population and the sensitive issues they are dealing with, we must restrict ourselves to the recruitment, selection and incorporation of volunteers who bring specific skills to help meet client needs (as opposed to

those who have a general interest in helping). Examples of current or past volunteers include: yoga/fitness instructors, financial management coaches, career counsellors, hair stylists, photography teachers, support animal guides, grounds maintenance, and educational tutors. We also welcome fundraising volunteers to help our philanthropy team. Call 613-594-8333 x1201 to inquire.


Corporate partnership

Drop The Shame Golf Tournament

Let us be your corporate charity of choice and collaborate together to customize an interactive employee engagement campaign that will; strengthen your corporate social responsibility by helping youth and families in need of life changing, live-in treatment for substance use and mental health issues.

The Drop The Shame Golf Tournament was founded by one of our past graduate clients who created this annual tournament to help drop the shame around youth addiction and mental health. Every year he honours a member of the community for being part of his village of change. Join our village of change by participating in our 4th annual tournament on Tuesday July 20th 2021. Visit for details.

Filling His Shoes Dave Smith Legacy Campaign Support our efforts to fulfill our founder Dave Smith's dying wish to complete our capital build. To inquire about our naming opportunities and other available activations, contact Cindy at or 613.594.8333 x1201. To donate, visit

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



THIS WINTER $50 = 1 snowsuit $500 = 10 snowsuits

We distribute 16,000 + snowsuits to 6,000 + families annually. Learn how you can share your warmth. Please support us.


GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do The Snowsuit Fund purchases and distributes more than 16,000 snowsuits annually to low-income children 15 years and younger in Ottawa, bringing dignity and hope to families struggling with the necessities of life. Our core mission is to ensure that Ottawa’s most vulnerable children can have warm snowsuits to play outside in winter – without their families having to sacrifice other priorities.

134-225 Donald St. Ottawa, Ont. K1K 1N1 Year founded: 1981 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $1,167,017 Twitter: @snowsuitfund Facebook: /snowsuitfund Instagram: @the_snowsuit_fund

Ottawa winters are cold, yet year-round outdoor play contributes fundamentally to mental health, active and healthy lifestyles, as well as learning and development. A grassroots organization, we receive no government funding and rely on the generosity of caring groups and individuals who give their time, money and talents to help those less fortunate.


Fundraising priorities

Joanne Andrews General manager

Trina Fraser Chairperson Brazeau Seller Law

We anticipate that the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will cause an increased number of families to turn to the Snowsuit Fund for help this season. At the same time, costs are rising and COVID-19 economic challenges could negatively impact donations. We need your support now more than ever.

How you can help GIVE

BOARD MEMBERS Mark Ford, Past chairperson Ottawa Police Service Andrew Watson, Treasurer KPMG Danny Kingsbury, Vice-chairperson Rogers Media (retired) Martin Masse, Second vice-chairperson Norton Rose Fulbright LLP Susan Dennison, Secretary Tim Hortons Jon Stewart Communications director Digital Consulting Don Masters Mediaplus Advertising

Taryn Gunnlaugson BMO Private Banking Krista Ferraro Ottawa Police Services Board Lise Clement Lansdowne Technologies Fiorella Di Nardo Salon Fiorella Ian Burns David Burns and Associates Sahada Alolo Multifaith Housing Initiative

Financial support received from corporate and individual donors directly contributes to the provision of snowsuits for Ottawa children from low-income families. Annual volume purchases and long-standing relationships give us the power to negotiate the best possible prices with Canadian suppliers. Our average cost to purchase, warehouse and distribute each high-quality warm snowsuit is just $50.

VOLUNTEER Historically, from September to February, up to 750 volunteers including corporate and community groups help with snowsuit distribution at our Depot. Group volunteering has been paused for 2020-21 due to COVID-19. However, we welcome volunteer support to help produce and promote our various seasonal fundraisers.

Steve Monuk Ottawa Venues Daljit Nirman Nirman’s Law Amanda Young Rogers Media


The Snowsuit Fund relies on the generosity of individuals and businesses who share their warmth through donations of time, talent and financial resources.

EVENTS + FUNDRAISING Annual Gala The Snowsuit Fund Gala has been a must-attend event on Ottawa’s social scene for decades. In February 2020 SnowBall – A Cool Winters Eve welcomed more than 300 guests for an allinclusive, multi-level, multi-chef cocktail party experience. This season a re-imagined "Gala-in-a-Box" will include curated cocktails, wine and beer, chefprepared meals, delectable desserts, online auction, streamed entertainment and many fun surprises – all beautifully packaged delivered to your door for safe enjoyment at home. Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Sales Campaign Every September since 2004 Tim Hortons Ottawa restaurants have donated the full $1 from freshlybaked Smile Cookies sold to The Snowsuit Fund. Corporate orders by the dozen can be delivered to multiple addresses. Annual Snowsuit Drive (October - January) Become a corporate supporter by hosting or sponsoring an event, giving donations in lieu or launching a sales promotion to raise money in $50 increments to buy snowsuits for disadvantaged Ottawa children. Be a Snow Angel This coming February, the business community along with families, schools, community and sports groups are invited to create snow angels, gather pledges and share images and videos to win prizes. This activity has children, adults and teams playing and having fun safely outside while raising money for needed snowsuits. The initiative also underscores the importance of being warmly dressed to be able to participate outdoors during Ottawa’s winter season. Event details will be posted at

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal


What we do Carefor is a charitable non-profit home healthcare and community support service organization that supports people of all ages across eastern Ontario. Our skilled staff work closely with clients, caregivers and others within the circle of care to create and deliver a flexible 760 Belfast Rd. Ottawa, Ont. K1G 6M8

care plan that’s tailored to the individual’s needs. Caring is central to all our programs and services, which include home healthcare, community support programs such as meal delivery and friendly visiting, as well as adult day programs for people living with dementia. We also operate a 10bed community hospice, two residential facilities and a 16-bed care home for women living with dementia.


to our clients. Donor support allows us to offer subsidies so seniors living with dementia can attend adult day programs; it also subsidizes costs for those who can afford no other option than to live at our residential facilities in Pembroke. Donors help us cover the cost of expensive equipment for clients. Beyond subsidies, donor support helps fund training for staff as well as equipment that allows us to transition some of our services online, allowing clients to stay safe in their homes.

Year founded: 1897 Total revenue for last fiscal year: $66,321,000 Twitter: @CareforHealth Facebook: /CareforOntario Instagram: @Carefor_health


Steve Perry CEO

Norma Strachan Chair


BOARD MEMBERS Maury Hill Vice-chair, Ottawa John MacKenzie Treasurer, Ottawa Sheldon Gunn Secretary, Ottawa Janet Dunbrack Ottawa Joan Fernandez Ottawa Gar Knudson Ottawa

How you can help

Gerry Morris Pembroke-Renfrew County Stewart Ray Pembroke-Renfrew County Ruth Pollock Eastern counties Mary Jane Randlett Eastern counties Nicole Szabo Eastern counties

Monika MacLaren Ottawa

GEOGRAPHIC REGION OF FOCUS Eastern Ontario (Ottawa, Pembroke-Renfrew County, eastern counties)

FUNDRAISING PRIORITIES Home healthcare, virtual healthcare, community support services

DONATION WISHLIST Technology (hardware and software) for staff and clients to be able to receive services online.

As a not-for-profit, our goal is to keep the cost of our services affordable and therefore accessible

Carefor has more than 1,000 volunteers. The opportunities to volunteer with us are seemingly endless, but all focus on helping people in need. Some of the opportunities include volunteer driving for our non-urgent medical transportation program, palliative visiting, friendly visiting, adult day programs for people living with dementia, meal delivery, recreation classes and much more. Volunteers are the lifeblood of Carefor and offer vulnerable and isolated seniors a chance to connect with someone whom they know cares.


Feast of Fields

Raising funds for adult day programs for people living with dementia. The money raised is used to subsidize the program costs for low-income seniors.

Safe at Home with Carefor

Raises funds for Virtual Carefor at Home. Donations will go towards purchasing equipment, training and developing programs that will allow Carefor to connect with seniors in their homes virtually to offer home care and adult day programs for isolated seniors dealing with social isolation, deconditioning and mental health issues.

Don't Forget Mom (Ottawa Tulip Festival, May) Raises funds for programs for women living with dementia. Donations will subsidize the cost of services to allow low-income seniors access to our services.

Feast of Fields is an opportunity for Carefor to connect with a larger audience, to increase our name recognition in Ottawa and to raise funds for our adult day programs for people living with dementia. Donations allow us to subsidize the cost for low-income seniors so they can access the programs.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


AFP Ottawa: Become a member WHO WE ARE:

The power of generosity: GivingTuesday An opportunity for Ottawa’s business community


he unprecedented pandemic we’re living through has reminded Canadians of the importance of community in very real, concrete ways. At the same time, however, the necessary selfisolation and physical distancing makes many of us feel disconnected from each other more than ever. It is a bitter irony that we need to be distant at the very time that we need community more than ever. One way to counteract these feelings of isolation is through giving. One of the best opportunities to give back collectively is on GivingTuesday – a communitydriven, worldwide day of giving. Launched in 2016 as a response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, GivingTuesday has become a global phenomenon, with more than 70 countries officially participating this year, but with individuals from more than 140 countries participating online. This year, GivingTuesday falls on Dec. 1 and people around the world will have the opportunity to stand together and use their individual power of generosity to connect with others in this difficult year. Our ability to give help and hope is incredibly uplifting, and one simple act of giving can inspire many more.

GIVINGTUESDAYNOW As a response to the global pandemic, the GivingTuesday community held a special day of giving on May 5, 2020, called GivingTuesdayNow. The day was an enormous success, with more than $500 million in donations made online globally. In Canada, stories of giving emerged from every province and territory. In Dartmouth, N.S., more than 1,000 bags of groceries were delivered to those in need, and in East Vancouver more than 4,000 free meals were made and served. A dairy farmer donated 128 litres of milk to a local food


bank in Stratford, Ont., and thousands of handmade masks were made and distributed across Canada. The business community has a special opportunity to leverage 2020’s GivingTuesday in December to showcase that Canada’s culture of philanthropy is a dynamic and powerful force for good. TELUS is a great example of a company making use of its public platform in support of GivingTuesday, while at the same time encouraging its 43,000 team members to join the Team TELUS Cares program. Here in Ottawa, Dymon’s close partnership with The Ottawa Mission through GivingTuesday last year helped ensure that donations made to the Mission were matched 1:1 in support of our city’s residents in need of a warm meal at Christmas time. Remember that giving is not limited to financial donations. Whether it’s helping a neighbour, making uplifting chalk drawings on sidewalks, sharing a skill or supporting causes through donations, every act of generosity counts and can inspire further community building. Businesses have a unique opportunity to show how they can bring their teams together to make a lasting positive impact in their communities. On Dec. 1, use the hashtag #GivingTuesday to show how you’re giving back in your community, and visit the GivingTuesday website for inspiration and ideas. The world continues to adapt to these difficult times. The power of generosity and giving can transform this shared experience into a more positive one. Teresa Marques is the president and CEO of the Rideau Hall Foundation as well as the president of the Ottawa Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).

AFP Ottawa members are the leaders and influencers for a dynamic and growing non profit sector in the nation’s capital. With more than 300 members, AFP Ottawa represents a vast network that touches every industry and boardroom in the city. We have the privilege of being a proud national leader for other chapters in Canada and play a role in future government policy towards charitable giving. AFP Ottawa invites you to explore joining as a member, actively taking part and doing what you can to support this lively and professional community of peers.


Network with the top professional fundraisers and nonprofit leaders in the city Help your charitable organization advance Access resources and tools created by and compiled from top fundraisers from around the world Access AFP Connect, where you can discuss and share fundraising tips, advice and reassurance with your AFP colleagues around the world and in your hometown AFP offers leadership that advances the profession and ensures that ethics remain at the forefront of fundraising Virtual resources with your membership include: Micro-learning videos and member-exclusive webinars, groundbreaking research, career advancement tools, AFP 360 and so much more

CONNECT WITH AFP OTTAWA To learn more about the value of membership, please visit AFP Ottawa’s website at or write to We look forward to welcoming you to AFP Ottawa!

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

The ‘Phils’ celebrate the best in Ottawa philanthropy F

or more than a quarter-century, the Ottawa chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals has recognized leading local companies, businesspeople and individuals who give back to their community. The Ottawa Philanthropy Awards, or ‘The Phils,’ are an important moment for the community to pause, reflect on and celebrate the extraordinary contributions of Ottawa’s volunteer and donor community. “There has perhaps never been a more urgent need and opportunity to celebrate the Phils – 2020, without question, has been a year of trauma and disruption for countless people,” says Teresa Marques, the board chair of AFP Ottawa and the president and CEO of the Rideau Hall Foundation. “And yet, community survives; it continues to fill the gaps; it makes us stronger by bringing us together to support those in our community who are in need. That is what the Philanthropy Awards do best.” To recognize the unique nature of this year, the Ottawa Philanthropy Awards created a one-time category, the Emergency Response Award, to acknowledge the incredible efforts of our community towards a collective COVID-19 response. Here are the stories behind this year’s recipients:

OUTSTANDING EMERGENCY RESPONSE: CENTRE BLOCK GROUP PCL and EllisDon joined forces in 2015 to pursue and ultimately execute the rehabilitation of Centre Block on Parliament Hill. The construction team has grown from a small group to an interdisciplinary management team of more than 100 staff as well as a large team of subcontractors and suppliers, with some 300 to 400 workers and managers on site at Centre Block every day. The team is led by project director Matthew Rinfret, who was contacted by the Royal Ottawa Foundation board chair Gordon Cudney to initiate a

campaign in support of a temporary COVID-19 clinic at The Royal called C-Prompt. The support of the individuals and companies involved in the project was immediate and generous – the team raised more than $200,000 in support of the C-Prompt clinic in 72 hours. “The project galvanized the PCL and EllisDon team,” Rinfret said. “Everyone I spoke with felt they were a part of something special.” PCL and EllisDon are immensely proud and honoured to have taken part in such an important campaign as well as the immediate response from the entire industry, which was particularly impressive given the uncertain business climate at the time.

Jacline Nyman is currently the University of Ottawa’s vice-president of external relations.

OUTSTANDING FUNDRAISING PROFESSIONAL: JACLINE NYMAN A professional fundraiser for more than 25 years, Jacline Nyman is highly regarded by her peers for securing transformational gifts as well as increasing the capacity and success of the programs she's led through her leadership, coaching and guidance. Currently the vice-president of external relations at the University of Ottawa, Nyman leads a team of 120 professionals focused on alumni and donor relations, as well as marketing and communications, who are collectively completing a $400 million campaign. Prior to joining uOttawa, Nyman served as president and CEO of United Way Centraide Canada and held leadership positions across the country at a variety of universities. A regular speaker on philanthropy and the social mission sector, Nyman has appeared on CTV’s Your Morning, Rogers' Daytime, CTV’s Power Play, CBC’s Lang & O’Leary Exchange and on the Canada 2020 stage. She appeared before the Senate of Canada’s Special Committee on the Charitable Sector and has participated in national Days on the Hill, engaging with MPs and Senators from across Canada to advocate for the sector. Internationally, Nyman has spoken on panels about social development and philanthropy in the U.S., Mexico City, South Korea, the Netherlands, U.K. and Germany. Nyman actively researches in marketing, the nonprofit sector, philanthropy and most recently, using machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance fundraising programs. Nyman chairs the board of Elevate International and is a trustee on the board of the Royal Ottawa Health Care Group.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


OUTSTANDING VOLUNTEER FUNDRAISER: PETER CHARBONNEAU Roughly 15 years ago, after being told his stagefour colorectal cancer had spread, Peter Charbonneau made a promise to his physician: You keep me alive, and I’ll keep raising funds for cancer. These days, Charbonneau is keen to quip how he received the better part of that deal. He’s successfully co-chaired the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation’s $50-million Courage Campaign and co-chairs the Up Close and Unplugged joint fundraiser for the ORCF and the NAC Foundation. “Peter has (led) the way as a fundraiser here in Ottawa ... and has inspired people throughout our community to support local families who are facing cancer,” the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation said in a social media post

congratulating Charbonneau on his recognition. He’s also donated his time and expertise by sitting on the NAC Foundation’s audit and finance committee and volunteering with several other organizations. A CPA by training, Charbonneau has spent most of his career working in the technology sector in the Ottawa area. After 10 years with Deloitte in public accounting, Charbonneau joined Newbridge Networks as chief financial officer and spent 13 years in various roles including president and chief operating officer and vice-chairman until the company was acquired by Alcatel (now Nokia) in 2000. Charbonneau then spent almost 15 years as a general partner at Skypoint Capital and was jointly responsible for the investment of $100 million of capital in early stage telecommunications and data communication companies. He and his wife, Joan, have four children and spend most of their time entertaining their nine grandchildren.

Peter Charbonneau’s philanthropic involvement includes co-chairing the Up Close and Unplugged fundraiser.

Marjolaine Hudon is RBC’s regional president for Ontario North and East

Ski For Kids co-chairs Derek Noble, far left, and Tom McKenna with Jacqueline Belsito, vice-president of philanthropy and community engagement for the CHEO Foundation, at the 2019 edition of the ski fundraiser. PHOTO BY CAROLINE PHILLIPS

OUTSTANDING PHILANTHROPIC GROUP: SKI FOR KIDS, DEREK NOBLE AND TOM MCKENNA Ski For Kids is the premier alpine ski fundraiser in the Ottawa region that raises money to support the health and well-being of the children in our community. Founded in 1991, Ski For Kids began with a few local business owners putting together a modest ski race fundraiser, raising slightly more than $10,000 with a total of 40 participants. Today, Ski For Kids has evolved into a 30-hour event with more than 300 participants and in excess of 70 corporate sponsors. Taking place over two days, it incorporates an evening dinner and après festivities for corporate sponsors coupled with a day on the slopes full of winter activities, a dual slalom ski race and a smorgasbord of gastronomic options.


The Ski For Kids fundraiser is organized by a committee of volunteers led by event chairs Derek Noble – a partner with local real estate developer and presenting sponsor Huntington Properties – and Tom McKenna, a retired corporate executive who has been with the fundraiser since its inception. The volunteer committee is made up of 12 team members who contribute countless hours of their time to make Ski For Kids an annual favourite of attendees, many of whom have donated tens of thousands of dollars over the years. The majority of the volunteers ski with their families out of Mont Ste-Marie, where the event is hosted annually. Feb. 14, 2020, marked the 30th Annual Ski For Kids Day and raised $410,000 for kids in our community. The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and The Children’s Aid Foundation of Ottawa are the primary beneficiaries.

OUTSTANDING CORPORATE PHILANTHROPIST: ROYAL BANK OF CANADA (RBC) Communities are at the heart of everything RBC does. Through the RBC Foundation, RBC gives back one per cent of its annual profit and earnings. RBC Foundation is one of the largest corporate foundations in Canada and a proud member of Imagine Canada. RBC Foundation donations benefit a broad crosssection of large and small non-profit organizations and causes including the arts, the environment, mental health programs, youth, newcomers to Canada, women and the most vulnerable members of our communities. RBC also works closely with its community partners to offer support beyond cash donations. RBC employees give back by volunteering, hosting workshops on skills and financial literacy for women, newcomers and students through initiatives such as RBC Future Launch. They also serve on boards and participate in fundraisers such as RBC Race for the Kids. “Behind the RBC logo is a big heart. Giving back to our community is simply part of who we are,” says Marjolaine Hudon, RBC’s regional president for Ontario North and East. “In the National Capital Region alone, we’re proud to give back over $2 million dollars every year.”

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

Joe Thottungal is the owner of Thali and Coconut Lagoon. PHOTO BY MARK HOLLERON

OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAL PHILANTHROPIST: JOE THOTTUNGAL, COCONUT LAGOON AND THALI RESTAURANTS As COVID-19 started to wreak havoc around the world, Joe Thottungal knew the pandemic would create hardships for many people, including his staff who would be without work and many vulnerable residents who would go hungry. Sitting back was not an option for Thottungal, who owns the popular Ottawa restaurants Thali and Coconut Lagoon. He quickly turned to what he knew best and started to cook. Thottungal transformed the kitchen at Thali to cook food for the most vulnerable people in the city by collaborating with several other talented chefs who donated their time. Their collective culinary efforts resulted in more than 70,000 meals for people who are homeless, families living in hotels and individuals who simply cannot make ends meet during the crisis. Generous donors and vendors gave more than $55,000 in food and supplies. “People can fall through the cracks and our goal was to ensure everyone who wanted a meal received one. No questions asked,” Thottungal said. Thottungal is active in the community and is a member of the Ottawa chapter of Les Toques Blanches and the Canadian Culinary Federation. He is always willing to lend a hand to different charity events such as Bon Appetit, Savour the Moment, Taste in the Glebe and the Can-Go Afar Foundation.

OUTSTANDING SMALL BUSINESS PHILANTHROPIST: EMOND HARNDEN For the team at Emond Harnden LLP, practicing law and giving back to the community go hand in hand. For 33 years, the labour and employment law firm has generously given back to a variety of charities and nonprofits in Ottawa, including the Youth Services Bureau, Children’s Aid Society and The Ottawa Hospital Foundation, among others. The firm’s lawyers and associates are committed to giving back to the community at large through partnerships, such as the Ottawa Lawyers Feed the Hungry program in support of the Ottawa Mission. The firm and its employees also donate to the various hospital foundations in Ottawa and attend numerous breakfasts and galas hosted by smaller charities throughout the year. When new employees start at the firm, they’re encouraged to seek out charitable causes that resonate

with both themselves and their clients, said Antoinette Strazza, Emond Harnden’s chief operating officer. “That’s how they begin with the spirit of getting involved and staying in tune with the community, and that’s instilled very early on,” she said. Emond Harnden has pivoted during the COVID-19 pandemic from attending in-person events to participating in virtual events, such as the Bruyère Foundation's Life Changing Breakfast, Cornerstone’s Purple Tie Gala and the Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa's breakfast. Lynn Harnden, a partner at the firm, says giving back to the community has always been second nature for the company. “Now, more than ever, we are fully invested in helping our community overcome the hardships brought on by the pandemic,” he said. “Fundraising efforts return longlasting benefits to society and we are honoured to lend a helping hand.”


Ava James-Sidoli has been fundraising for the Ottawa Food Bank since the age of five. PHOTO BY ELSKA PRODUCTIONS

Ava James-Sidoli is a 14-year-old Ottawa resident and an aspiring humanitarian with big dreams of becoming a fashion model so she can have the ability to make a difference in our community. Ava is currently a grade nine student at Holy Trinity Catholic High School who has been fundraising with her mom for the Ottawa Food Bank since she was five years old. In 2019, they decided to begin a social media campaign. Little did she know the impact and support our community would provide their campaign. Ava’s dedication helped to raise $5,000 and 2,000 pounds of food for the Ottawa Food Bank and local families. She had no idea that in just eight months, she could accomplish so much. She stands behind her motto, “It only takes one.” Someone once told Ava that “helping one person might not change the whole world just yet, but it could change the world for one person.” That has had a deep impact on her. Ava’s hope is that one child, teenager or even adult who sees her story will realize that a little bit of heart, determination and motivation can make a difference.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


Jaipreet Kaur was one of the participants in a mentoring program hosted by the Ottawa Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

From left, former NHL player Doug Smith, owner of Doug Smith Performance, with Jeff Todd, an AFP mentor and communications director at charitable advisory firm The Foundation WCPD, and AFP mentoree Jaipreet Kaur.

Building courage, together By Ailsa Ross


or Jaipreet Kaur, a new mentoring program in Ottawa has helped her forge her dream career. Trying to land a career you’re passionate about can be challenging for anyone. But it can be especially difficult if you’re emigrating from northern India to Canada with a science degree, a dream of working in the nonprofit world and no contacts to help you make that transition. This is the situation Kaur found herself in two years ago.

FROM NORTHERN INDIA TO OTTAWA Everything was different for Kaur when she left her home in India for a work-study program in Ottawa. It wasn’t just the obvious differences, such as how Punjabi could no longer be heard on every street or that the average temperature of her new home went from 24°C to a frigid 6°C. It was also the little things, such as how at Algonquin College – where Kaur was studying environmental


and project management – it was no longer about cramming for an end-of-course exam that counted for 100 per cent of her grade. Now all the coursework she handed in throughout her semester counted for her final mark. But the hardest part of all about leaving her home in Jalandhar? When you move to a new continent alone, you also leave behind everyone you’ve ever known. To make the transition easier, Kaur initially lived with an Indian family in Ottawa. But that family was not her own. Her family was 11,000 kilometres away, on the other side of the Atlantic ocean.

HARD WORK AND NETWORKING Kaur is nothing if not tenacious. Despite her homesickness, she thrived. She worked part-time at a Subway to help pay her bills. She moved into a new place in the city. She looked for any opportunities that might help her transition into her dream career. While studying at Algonquin, Kaur discovered an

opportunity called Fundraising Day put on by The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) in Ottawa with support from the RBC Foundation. The AFP created the first fundraising mentorship program in Canada. The event matched 50 young people with 50 industry professionals. Kaur was one of those young people at the inaugural event. For her mentor, she was matched up with Jeff Todd, communications director at charitable advisory firm The Foundation (WCPD) and a volunteer with the AFP Ottawa chapter.

GROWING FROM MENTORSHIP A mentor-mentee relationship isn’t built in a day. Before the pandemic made it necessary to cancel in-person events, Kaur had begun shadowing Todd at philanthropic events to make contacts and build her professional network. When she mentioned she was looking for a summer internship, Todd knew where she could test her project management skills in the real world: at The Foundation WCPD. “Despite the situation, we were able to move forward with the program,” Todd said. “We had to pivot, of course. But essentially, all of the protégés now have had access to our virtual networking and training sessions. They have also been given free membership to AFP Ottawa for a full year. We are looking at doing a virtual session specifically geared to young professionals as well.” The internship at The Foundation WCPD grew into an offer of a full-time position for Kaur. She continues working with Todd and the team at The Foundation WCPD and hopes to continue her work with the organization in the future. After all, despite all the differences between Ottawa and Jalandhar – and the challenges of staying focused during the pandemic – Kaur still says, “Canada is home.” This article first appeared on RBC Discover & Learn. To learn more visit

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

Celebrities help rally Ottawa community around food security Never underestimate the value of social media and your online voice


ome critics say Ottawa is a sleepy city that’s frequently overlooked by big musical and cultural acts. The Ottawa Food Bank begs to differ. When COVID-19 and its associated restrictions reached the nation’s capital, the Ottawa Food Bank was grateful that a few exciting individuals did not overlook our city and its vulnerable population. The Wu-Tang Clan and 36 Chambers, as well as Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, all played a role in supporting the more than 39,000 people who turn to one of 112 emergency food programs within the Ottawa Food Bank’s network every single month. In the early days of the pandemic, Shopify’s Harley Finkelstein put out a personal challenge to support the charity. This challenge was first discussed with Ottawa Food Bank management and Mayor Jim Watson. A plan was made to record and post a Zoom call as the official challenge announcement. In the announcement, Finkelstein pledged to donate up to $10,000 of his own money to the Ottawa Food Bank in exchange for retweets of his message. This simple yet effective initiative quickly snowballed into something no one anticipated. Soon Adam Miron, co-founder of HEXO, also generously pledged to donate $10,000, while also challenging the Wu-Tang Clan. And they responded!

ENTER THE WU-TANG Having the Wu-Tang Clan mention Canada and the Ottawa Food Bank caught the attention of local residents and those living far beyond the city’s borders. The awareness campaign quickly took off and became so much more. What started as a $10,000 challenge ended up raising more than $310,000 in a matter of days. Ottawa Food Bank social media staff responded to the

Wu-Tang Clan with thanks and continued to respond to the community’s shock and awe by using fun hashtags such as #WuTangForever and #WuTangIsForTheChildren – both of which are album references. This fun back and forth made others see giving to charity as “cool.” The ongoing excitement was noticed by 36 Chambers co-founders Mustafa Shaikh and Bobby Diggs (also known as RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan). They acted fast to maintain momentum and put together a campaign to support the Ottawa community even more. Through music and actions, 36 Chambers always strives for a better tomorrow. Armed with that outlook, the A Better Tomorrow Collection was born. The portion of the collection supporting the Ottawa Food Bank was the OttaWu T-shirt, which successfully raised $100,000. The actions of Finkelstein, Miron, the Wu-Tang Clan and 36 Chambers not only raised significant funds for the Ottawa Food Bank, but also generated a considerable amount of awareness for the cause.

AN EMAIL FROM ‘RYAN R’ Days later, the staffer monitoring the Ottawa Food Bank’s social media noticed @VancityReynolds (Ryan Reynold’s account) started to “like” several of the charity’s tweets. Being cheeky, that employee took a screen capture of the “like” and shared it with the local organization’s followers. Almost immediately, the staffer received an email from “Ryan R” stating he just donated and to let him know if there’s anything further he could do. His kind message was forwarded to the Ottawa Food Bank’s thenCEO, Michael Maidment, who reached out to thank him. Reynolds responded offering information on why donating to the Ottawa Food Bank was important to him and his partner, Blake Lively, and with his permission that portion of their story was posted.

What started as a $10,000 challenge ended up raising more than $310,000 in a matter of days. Sharing a simple quote from Ryan Reynolds generated an incredible amount of awareness and hype for the Ottawa Food Bank, and offers of support and excitement from the community once again started to follow. The moral of the story here is not to gloat about attention received, but rather to share that you should never underestimate the value of social media and your online voice. If someone says to reach out, make sure you reach out. Food insecurity and poverty are serious subjects, but at times it is acceptable to have fun with your online persona to raise awareness, make yourself approachable and support your community. The entire Ottawa Food Bank network sincerely thanks everyone mentioned for their support. This high-profile attention helped to rally an entire community around the issue of food security, and that means the world to families and individuals who must turn to an emergency food program in their neighbourhood. Samantha Ingram is the communications manager of the Ottawa Food Bank.

Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020


The charitable sector is designed to create and inspire social impact and change, regardless of the charity’s cause. Grounded in compassion and empathy, where does the Black Lives Matter Movement fit into it all?

The Black Lives Matter Movement and representation in the charitable sector Openness to starting conversations is the first step for philanthropic leaders to become more effective in delivering their work in meaningful ways


hen you look around, what do you see? Rather, who do you see? Do you see people who look and sound like you? Have they shared in the same or similar opportunities? Are people telling their own stories and experiences or are they the stories of others? Stop and take a moment to think about this; and then, think a little bit more. The aim of this piece is not to tell you what to think, rather simply, to take the time to think. By now, most everyone has heard, seen or felt the Black Lives Matter Movement in one way or another. The depth of it all may have come to fruition more recently for some. Others may not think it’s relevant to them, and many have lived through this experience


their entire lives. As a Black woman, the BLM Movement is all too familiar to me, even if it wasn’t always called Black Lives Matter. Now, as the executive director of a local registered charity (the Education Foundation of Ottawa), I ask myself, “How can my skills and diverse experience lend themselves to this important work?” One glaring way for me to do so is to use my voice; not as a choice, but as an obligation.

impactful stories and serving our community. Grounded in compassion and empathy, where does the Black Lives Matter Movement fit into it all? While registered charities and nonprofit organizations exist to benefit the many facets of our communities, let’s not only think about who they serve. Consider as well who comprises the organizations and their governing boards. Are they representative of their community? Do they simply check the “diversity box” by saying “we have one of those” or is the concept of inclusion even considered at all? Are the voices of those served infused in the program and operational design? Is one’s lived experience considered just as much (or more) of a valuable asset when recruiting those who will carry out the organization’s mission? I can’t answer all of these questions for you, but I can tell you one thing: representation matters. Are conversations being had within your organization’s structure? Real, honest and tough conversations grounded in respect? Who is involved in this dialogue? Are there practices in place that provide a safe way to share experiences, opinions and perspectives? The practice of active listening coupled with reflection may just help us move forward as we gain the knowledge we need to keep the concept of equity and equality alive. When we do, let us all be free of judgment and guilt; willing not only to learn but to unlearn. If we are open to start the conversation, we have taken the first step toward becoming more effective in delivering our work in a meaningful way. In what capacity can you make a change? Delving into the questions proposed in this article can be a start. Decide on what piece of this matters to you; ask yourself why and then figure out the how. Take things one day at a time; this is a substantial and important task. Learn about and pay attention to the implicit biases within and around you. Who and what is getting in the way of the change you would like to see? Find relevant local organizations and groups that are making a difference and help to raise awareness about them. Ask questions and seek information; they want to share it with you. Survey friends and colleagues about their thoughts on the Black Lives Matter Movement and discuss where they see themselves and the charitable sector in it all. The Black Lives Matter Movement is about dismantling systemic oppression, building community and fighting against racial injustice and inequality. Regardless of your cultural identity, know that this is more than just a Black issue, it is a human issue; one that requires us all to be responsible to do better. As John Lewis said, “If you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it.”

REPRESENTATION MATTERS The charitable sector is designed to create and inspire social impact and change, regardless of the charity’s cause. It is about building relationships, sharing


Clarissa Arthur is the executive director of the Education Foundation of Ottawa. Ottawa Business Journal

When trust is eroded, we build again Helping young philanthropists stay engaged beyond the WE scandal


n 1979, the movie Grease was all the rage. I counted the days until I dressed up like the star of the movie, Olivia Newton-John, for Halloween. It took some convincing, but my buddy Freddy from down the street agreed to go trick-or-treating as John Travolta, NewtonJohn’s interest in the flick. At eight years old, the excitement was building for a night of fun, candy and costumes. Another big part of my night was a little orange box with a thin slot at the top. The word “UNICEF” was printed on the front. Collecting coins from neighbours became the most important part of my night as our teacher shared the concept of raising money to help feed children less fortunate than us. It feels like yesterday that my mom placed the box string over my puffy, blond wig! In many ways my journey as a fundraising professional was launched that evening in Deep River. A career that included passionately raising money for healthcare, social services and youth programs was combined with my love of radio in 2018 as I launched An Hour to Give on 1310 NEWS. This weekly show highlights community, volunteerism and philanthropy.

Just like in my own childhood, engaging children in philanthropy’s trifecta of time, talent and treasure is essential to guiding future generations towards a country of generous leaders. Whether volunteering their time, sharing their skills or collecting coins, children are influenced by these trust-building experiences.

RIPPLE EFFECT Fast-forward to 2016, and my own daughter came home from school with big news. Eight-year-old Avery had been chosen to attend WE Day. She was spinning with excitement. Her volunteer contributions in class led her to this exhilarating field trip. The WE Day experience for school-aged children had the ambiance of a rock concert. The goal was to inspire attendees to make an impact on their local and global communities through volunteerism. Young social advocates cheered on celebrities and politicians who spoke zealously about changing the world. Scandal struck WE Charity this summer. It became apparent as the story unraveled by the day that the impact of mistrust would be felt for generations. This was devastating – trust is the foundation for charitable giving. As WE Charity founders Marc and Craig Kielburger appeared on the front page of newspapers – far away from the stages where they were typically greeted by the applause of thousands of children – the trust eroded. The WE Charity scandal is heartbreaking on many levels. Any positive impact WE had globally seems to be long forgotten. The enormous number of volunteer hours given by young people during the movement is now a distant memory. The story became about the

lack of trust in WE and, by association, in the charitable sector as a whole.

REBUILDING TRUST From a fleeing board of directors to a multimillion-dollar real estate empire to the prime minister’s testimony, the story was all-encompassing in a usually quiet summer news cycle. Young Canadians were watching, too. Witnessing the erosion of an organization they love, coupled with people they admire being grilled on national television, took a toll. We cannot simply sit back and allow young people to be left with a bitter taste from this disappointing experience with a charity. In many cases, this was the first time some youth were exposed to philanthropy. One step many of us can take is to talk to our young people about WE Charity. Listen to their views and help answer questions they may have about the situation. Encourage young philanthropists to research another organization they wish to become involved with in their community. Assure them that asking questions about how their gifts are making an impact is completely within their right as a donor. Non-profit leaders also have a role to play to build this trust. First, establish a club for young philanthropists at your organization. Develop a giving circle for young people that speaks directly to them and creates inclusive opportunities for youth to share their experiences, donate and volunteer. Think of the fabulous social engagement they would create! Next, sharing the opportunities of a rewarding fundraising career with a young person will inspire the next generation of nonprofit leaders to take charge here in Canada. Afterall, as Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, “Fundraising is a noble profession.” Sam Laprade is a fundraising strategist and host of the weekly radio show An Hour to Give.

We cannot simply sit back and allow young people to be left with a bitter taste from this disappointing experience with a charity. Ottawa Business Journal GIVING GUIDE 2020



Gift from RBC to the Ottawa Riverkeeper to support its work in monitoring and assessing the health of the Ottawa River watershed.

$1 million

Raised by Farm Boy and its customers through various campaigns in support of CHEO.

$9,500 Given to the Queensway Carleton Hospital Foundation through the Nepean Community Networking Breakfast.

5,000 meals Donated by Gabriel Pizza to members of the community.

4,100 snowsuits Donated by Tim Hortons to the Snowsuit Fund. Thousands of snowsuits were also collectively donated by Canadian Tire, Giant Tiger, the Adobe Employee Fund, the Orchestra Players Fan Fair and the Rogers Radio Group Radiothon.

Major donations and fundraising achievements in our community

57 iPads

Refrigerated truck Purchased by the Shepherds of Good Hope to increase pickups of fresh food donations around the city thanks to a sponsorship from Star Motors as well as an anonymous donor who also matched donations from others. 72

Donated by Spectrum Therapeutics, the medical division of Smiths Falls-based Canopy Growth, to long-term care homes across Ontario, including the Ottawa Grace Manor, to help residents connect with their family and friends.

$1 million Donated by Yves Tremblay and Sylvie Villeneuve to the Montfort Foundation – the largest individual donation in its history – towards the construction of the Orléans Health Hub.

GIVING GUIDE 2020 Ottawa Business Journal

$100 million

Donated by TD Bank to the Salvation Army’s Toy Mountain campaign.

$250,000 Donated by the Mierins Family Foundation to The Ottawa Hospital Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.


Donated to Cystic Fibrosis Canada by CARSTAR Barrhaven to celebrate its grand opening.

$1 million Raised through the Cancer Champions Breakfast in support of Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.

Raised at the Royal Ottawa Foundation’s Inspiration Awards.

Donated by members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board to seven charities, assisting the organizations to continue delivering services during the pandemic.

Gift from the Happy Roots Foundation to Harmony House.



$10,000 $500,000

Donated by the Ottawa Dragon Boat Foundation to Carefor Health & Community Services.


Fundraising goal reached by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute Foundation as part of a campaign to expand and renovate the cardiovascular centre.

Barrier shields Donated by EzGard / Terlin Construction for the reception area at Grace Manor.


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