Great Health Guide: December 2016

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December 2016


Emotionally NAKED





Children: Excelling in CLASS





Reconciliation in




Speed & Clarity


Contents Great health


National Heart Foundation: Tick or Trick?

The Benefits of Maintaining Muscle

Confusion with the new Health Star Rating system

This is particularly important with a sedentary lifestyle

.....Dr Helena Popovic......................... 8

.....Kat Millar..................................23

What is Bullying?

Preventative Health for Muscles

Knowing how to recognise bullying and taking action to stop it

Safe and effective exercising

.....Dr Suzanne Henwood.................. 12

.....Margarita Gurevich...................... 26



Food Allergy Part 1

Getting in Your Own Way? Part 2

Understanding the importance of food allergies which can affect your nutrition .....Dr Helen Dodd............................. 18 2 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

Be more accepting of people, less judgemental & overcome fear .....Kelly Fryer.................................... 30 GHG Disclaimer – please read



It is surprisingly easy to boost your mental acuity

Four golden rules for mending family conflicts

.....Dr Jenny Brockis..................... 34

.....Katie Thorncraft........................... 50



How to succeed by focussing on success & not failure .....Ruane J. Lipkie........................ 38



How do I start to invest in shares? .....Dr Bill Dodd................................. 54


Why you need to get naked emotionally before you get naked physically


.....Dr Matthew Anderson............ 43

.....Alison Mitchell............................. 59



Honesty is the key ingredient to developing a great relationship .....Martin Gladman...................... 46

New mothers often neglect to care for themselves

Seven very useful tips for parents .....Deb Hopper................................. 62

EDITOR’S NOTE ...........................................................................................

Dear Friends This month we have had the wonderful honour of being named as finalist in the coveted international Digital Magazine Awards. As the only health magazine in the Editorial Team Category, this truly shows the quality of our content which is being recognised on a global scale. Congratulations to ‘The Philanthropic’ who won the category and also to ‘The Economist’ as the runner up. Closer to home … as I write this note I wonder where 2016 has gone… not sure about you, but I say that every year  One great thing about December is that it’s potentially a time to slow down and ponder the past year. How did you go? Were you true to your priorities or did you drift along the river of life? Whatever your response, 2017 is awaiting afresh with renewed hope. As life passes so quickly, it truly seems like just a breath. This causes me to re-evaluate my priorities and consider if the things to which I am giving my life really matter? Do they account for anything? Increasingly I realise what matters most is people – sharing time, building memories and having laughs. I appreciate that work/business is important to the extent of providing for our families and communities. However, it’s good to be reminded particularly at this time of the year about balance and priorities. Is excessive time being spent at work to the detriment of the most important people in our lives? How about health? Are simple lifestyle choices being included that lead to a healthy future or a future of chronic illness? Interestingly we have more control over our future health than we realise. Imagine if we just added a few of these new ideas into our 2017 year. Have a wonderful Christmas and keep safe. Kath x Founder



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Dr Helen J. Dodd, Dr William A. Dodd


Olha Blagodir, Chelsea Bradford, Weng Yee Leong, Oleksandra Zuieva


Dr Matthew Anderson, Dr Jenny Brockis, Dr Bill Dodd, Dr Helen Dodd, Kelly Fryer, Martin Gladman, Margarita Gurevich, Dr Suzanne Henwood, Deb Hopper, Ruane J. Lipkie, Kat Millar, Alison Mitchell, Dr Helena Popovic, Katie Thorncraft

ADMINISTRATION Weng Yee Leong, Marissa Peden, Maria Luisa Subeldia, Tiana Tischler


E: P: +61 (0)7 3394 8263

SUBSCRIBE: W: © Antalya Developments Pty Ltd 2016


Any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats), or from Antalya Developments Pty Limited or Kathryn Dodd, including by way of third party authored articles or discussions, is made available for readers’ interest only. The purpose of making the information available is to stimulate research, public discussion and debate. Readers are encouraged to undertake their own research and consult with professional advisors to form their own independent views about the topic/s discussed. The information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats) is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Readers should seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions regarding a potential or actual medical condition or the proposed use or decision not to use any particular product. Readers should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it at any time, including because of the content of any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Each of Antalya Developments Pty Ltd and Kathryn Dodd do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the accuracy, veracity, adequacy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information available on, or arising in relation to, the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Neither Antalya Developments Pty Limited nor Kathryn Dodd endorses the views of any contributing authors to the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats).

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great health

National Heart Foundation



ICK OR TRICK? Words Dr Helena Popovic

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

ver the last few months


heard a lot about

the Health Star Rating System that is replacing the Heart Foundation Tick on packaged foods. Why




Foundation Tick being retired and what are the advantages of the new system?

Replacing the Heart Foundation Tick with the Health Star Rating is like putting a band aid on a broken bone. I believe it will NOT lead to

sends the wrong message to consumers: that processed foods are a healthy option as part of a regular diet. 8 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG



packaged course


foods all

and (but



foods) need to be viewed for what they really are: an emergency option for when


of Australians. In fact, I think it


improvements in the health

I need to fuel my body in a hurry and I don’t have time to cook a meal. Not something I eat every day - other than packaged items such as raw, natural nuts, plain unflavored GHG Disclaimer – please read


products, rolled oats or the occasional tin of artichokes. If you read the fine print on both the Heart Foundation and




websites, they actually say just that. But that’s not the message that comes across the loudest.

Ticks and Stars were only designed to help people make comparisons between less healthy food stuffs and not as a license to eat more of them. Most things start with good intentions and 26 years ago (in 1989) so did the Heart Foundation Tick. Three positive outcomes achieved by the Tick are:

1. Reduction - if not elimination - of trans fats from the Australian diet

2. Reduction in salt consumption

3. Mandatory nutritional labelling on packaged foods GHG Disclaimer – please read

So the Heart Foundation gets a tick for that! However, there were major flaws with the system:

1. The tick did not take into account




content of processed foods, which we now know is one of the biggest threats to our health. Excess sugar contributes to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, chronic inflammatory conditions and much more. The Star System aims to redress this omission by taking into account the sugar content of foods.

2. The fact that a food had a tick shows it was already a compromise in terms of a healthy choice because it meant it was processed. The foods that we need to eat most - fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fish - don’t have labels so they can’t carry a Tick or Star. Therefore, the best indication of a healthy food is that it’s physically impossible to put a label, Tick or Star on it!

Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and fish - don’t have labels so they can’t carry a Tick or Star.





3. Ticks and Stars were only designed to help people make comparisons between less healthy food stuffs and not as a license to eat more of them. This is plainly stated on both websites however it is not public knowledge.

4. The Heart Foundation Tick lost all credibility in 2011 when it granted the Tick to



burgers and chicken nuggets. The rationalization given by the Heart Foundation was that it wanted to encourage fast food outlets to use healthier

ingredients. This

is a nonsense. If something is




unhealthy, ingredient

will not negate the damage caused by the remaining ingredients.

The Tick earned the Heart Foundation $300 000 per year from McDonalds. Giving McDonald’s a Tick encouraged people who did not eat it in the first place, to think it might have some health








health. The Heart Foundation later removed the tick but the damage was done. 5.




website cautions: ‘Keep in mind that while a product may have the Tick, it may be something you will want to eat only occasionally.’ This actually




meaningless because most people did not realise the Tick was a comparative measure - they saw it as carte blanche permission to eat as much of the food as they wanted. 6. This is by no means an exhaustive list of Tick shortcomings but you get the point. So will the new Health Star Rating



anything? No. For a start, it still has flaws #2 #3 and #5 as outlined above. In addition, it is a voluntary system. That means if a food manufacturer does not receive many stars it can choose not to reveal its rating. Would you publicise a low score if you were a food producer?




won’t know if a food without a star rating has not been rated or is choosing not to display a poor rating. This renders the system meaningless.

‘The more stars the better’ – is misleading, it relates only to processed and packaged foods. My critical point is not to be lulled into a false sense of security if you see a food with 5 Stars. The campaign’s main message – ‘the more stars the better’ – is misleading because it doesn’t spell out clearly enough that Stars relate only to processed and packaged foods that are compared to foods within the same category.


and actually contributes to


This is utterly irresponsible





complicated enough so let’s keep eating simple. Choose fresh,




unprocessed have


interfered with as little as possible. Eat with joy and awareness and savour every mouthful. When we tune in to our bodies and notice subtleties of taste and texture, we will intrinsically know what nourishes us.


Dr Helena Popovic is a medical doctor, a leading authority on how to improve brain function, international speaker and best-selling author. She is unique in bringing the latest discoveries in brain science to weight management and she shows that education is more powerful



She’s the founder of a groundbreaking weight loss program called Winning at Slimming – thinking the light way and the author of ‘NeuroSlimming – let your brain change your body’. For more information refer to Helena’s website. GHG Disclaimer – please read


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Designed by Belinda Nelson

what is

B ullying? Part1

Words Suzanne Henwood

Design Oleksandra Zuieva


f I asked you what is bullying – I wonder

a person (or group) which is deemed to be

how you would reply? We often think

unreasonable and includes an imbalance of

of bullying as something which affects


children. But it is also a real problem for many adults in the workplace. Knowing

Bullying may include any of the following

how to recognise bullying is the first step to


taking action and being able to say ‘It is not OK’. Knowledge will give you confidence to know what is not alright in a professional context so that you can do something about it.

• physical (but there are usually clear rules to prevent this in the workplace) • verbal, including intimidation, humiliation or ridicule • unfair or constant criticism

Bullying is a deliberate, intentional & sustained aggressive behaviour, aimed at a person (or group)

• threatening behaviour • unfair allocation or distribution of work • withholding information or undervaluing contribution • withdrawing support or even ignoring and

Trudy Ludwig (a children’s book author)

socially isolating someone

offers a nice distinction about bullying compared to other behaviour. She talks about how bullying is not just about someone being rude (which might be a one off, unplanned slight which offends or hurts you), nor is it being mean (doing or saying something deliberately to hurt someone else as an isolated event). I am sure most of us have experienced rudeness and meanness at some point. And I am not saying they are OK either - but bullying is something different again.

This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to show the range of behaviours which come under a definition of bullying. I wonder if you are surprised by that? Or, whether knowing that – you suspect you might be being bullied at work – and if so does that knowing empower you to take any different action? This is testimony in a real life case by a senior executive in a major company, who experienced an unexpected form of bullying.

What is bullying?

He faced this bullying in a workplace and

Bullying is a deliberate, intentional and

thought it was just part of a difficult work

sustained aggressive behaviour, aimed at


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“I got stuck in a downward spiral. I questioned the number of hours I was working. I was being asked to take on more work and had logged roughly 75 hours a week for the last four months, even though I am contracted to work almost half that time. I was willing to take on the new work if something else was taken away but got told ‘you are a senior member of staff – we expect more of you’. But I couldn’t do more, so I said no. Then the bullying began. In some ways it was quite nebulous and hard to tackle (a ‘he said she said’ type scenario), but the next few months saw my job disintegrate as existing roles were taken from me as punishment and I was gradually isolated, removed from meetings, not even included in any of the new developments. I didn’t realise that was bullying, ‘til I sought advice... It was the isolation that was hardest for me to cope with – harder than being shouted at: I could have argued my case for that. But to just be ignored, cut out – that was the worst form of bullying I could have experienced as I am a people person, a contributor, an activator, I needed that connection. I was staggered at how deeply it affected me, I started to doubt my own ability – when really it was not about my capability at all. I really struggled to go on ...”


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subjected to an unexpected form of bullying. Indeed, it was only through seeking support that he recognized it for what it was. Knowing that helped him to begin to plan how to respond. So what do we need to know about bullying? There are three important elements to bullying: • the action is intentional • the actions are sustained over time and • there is an imbalance of power at play. If you are experiencing difficulties in the workplace, just assess any behaviours against those criteria and if you can tick yes to all three – seek support – you might be experiencing bullying. What is important to know here, is that you do not have to cope with it alone and you do not have to tolerate it in a workplace.

I was staggered at how deeply bullying affected me – I started to doubt my own ability. As this experience and the literature shows us, bullying can have devastating impacts on an individual, from threats to identity, lowered self-esteem, stress, depression, lack of energy, difficulty sleeping, impact on diet, emotional burnout, health symptoms, even leading to suicide attempts. It is commonplace that people will even blame themselves and get GHG Disclaimer – please read


This is a real experience of a man who was

trapped in a downward spiral; getting more tired and more stressed and feeling even more helpless – so that they will be even less able to take steps to get themselves out of the situation in an appropriate way. The good news is there are ways to change the cycle – take back control and put a line in the sand and say ‘Enough Is Enough’ and ‘This Is Not OK’. I will be sharing another two articles in the next two editions of Great Health GuideTM which will give you some simple steps to say ‘No’ to bullying and put you on a new path to protecting yourself in the work place.







the company and the lead coach and a Master Trainer in multiple Brain Integration Techniques (mBIT). She is one of only 8 Master Trainers in mBIT globally. With a PhD in professional development, she has worked in higher education and development for 25 years and has authored numerous books, book chapters and articles, with a particular emphasis




communication, professional



She also frequently presents at academic conferences internationally. Suzanne ensures shared core values of Integrity, Authenticity, Quality, Respect, Value, Passion and Fun are maintained. She can be contacted through her website. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 15


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A llergy Words Dr. Helen Dodd

Part 1


Design Oleksandra Zuieva

life, but many people are faced with omitting certain foods from their

diet due to allergic reactions to these foods. A food allergy is quite different from food intolerance, which will be discussed in a future issue of Great Health GuideTM. A food allergy is an immune response to a specific protein within that food. The body reacts to this protein, believing it to be foreign and harmful.



utrition is very important to a healthy

welts anywhere on the body, dizziness and changes in blood pressure. While some of these signs and symptoms may appear in a mild form initially, continued exposure to the allergen will increase the severity of the allergic reaction. In severe cases, it may be a life threatening reaction due to restricted airways and an increased heart rate requiring hospitalization. In some cases only a very small amount of the actual food may cause serious life-threatening allergic reactions.

Signs and

What foods may


cause a problem?

The allergic symptoms

There are many foods

can include breathing











culprits are egg, cow’s


milk, peanuts and tree

swelling of eyes and

nuts such as Brazil nuts,



almond and cashew,

vomiting, hives or red

several seeds such as






sesame, wheat, rye and

Serious life-

oats. Certain species of fish can be a trigger but


allergic reactions

are referred

to as an


shock. GHG Disclaimer – please read

often shellfish (crabs, prawns, oysters etc.) are the major concerns. It





foods that contain high protein but many fruits and vegetables are also a problem. Many are favourites such as strawberries, kiwifruit, mango, oranges and bananas. These foods may have been able to be eaten in the past but allergies can develop at different times. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 19

While there is treatment available for an allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting, at present there is no cure for a food allergy. However children often ‘outgrow’ the food allergy to cow’s milk and eggs as they become adults. Thus the body has become immune to the allergen and as adults, they can eat moderate amounts of the problem food. However most adults seem to be very reluctant to eat foods that caused problems in childhood. 20 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG


Can a food allergy be cured?

How can food allergies be tested? Many of the allergic reactions may only be mild or moderate and patients do not think there is any need to see a doctor. A few hives, redness and itch or a slight swelling of the lips are ignored. These are the early signs of an allergic reaction to a food. Often it is difficult and hard to work out what has caused the problem as the milder symptoms may not show immediately and may be delayed for 24-48 hours later. GHG Disclaimer – please read

However it is very important to have all food allergies diagnosed by an allergy specialist, using a Skin-Prick Test. This involves placing a drop of a serum that contains the allergen onto the patient’s



forearm or back and a small needle prick is made so the allergen goes slightly under the skin’s surface. These tests may not always confirm the suspected food. Blood tests are a less common method of diagnosing food allergy, but they are much more expensive and not necessarily more accurate. Blood test are used to help confirm a Skin Prick Test or when a serious allergy is suspected. In this case an allergen is not tested on the patient as in the Skin Prick Test, but placed in contact with patient’s blood in a laboratory dish; if the patient is sensitive to that allergen, the patient’s blood containing antibodies will react with the allergen and cause the blood to coagulate. Summary of Food Allergy: • is different from food intolerance

Food to Some, Poison to Others. The Food Allergy Detection Program by Terry Traub

• can cause life threatening symptoms • is caused by many and various common foods

Will help people find what foods are causing

• can be tested for with Skin Prick Test

their distress or allergy problems. It is a

• can not be cured

handbook, an allergy detection book and a

In the next issue of Great Health GuideTM, Food Allergy Part 2 will discuss treatments for severe allergic reactions, such as using an EpiPen® (epinephrine injection) Auto-Injector. However education is the key and vigilance will keep the family safe.

cookbook all in one. What initiated this book was the fact that none of the elimination diets at the time took into account that many individuals could not digest soluble fats. Also, all the diets were in food form, without any instruction on how to include these foods in meals. This book uses the menu method to

Helen Dodd BSc. BPharm. PhD, is a retired

detect problem foods.

pharmacist, continuing to provide information

Paperback Published 2011

and education on nutrition and diseases that affect modern society. Helen may be contacted via GHG. GHG Disclaimer – please read

RRP $26.95 Now $22.75



Muscle The Benefits of

Maintaining Words Kat Millar

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Design Oleksandra Zuieva


the benefits of increasing muscle and this is important, however you can also

reap a host of benefits by simply maintaining your muscle. Training to maintain the muscle that you have, can be a powerful goal. This article will present the range of benefits of muscle maintenance and advise on ways to accomplish the healthy maintenance of your muscle. Whether we like it or not, the inescapable truth is that our bodies are undergoing an ageing process. If we don’t take steps to reverse the process, such as doing regular, effective exercise, then over time we gradually get weaker, more unfit and invariably our posture and quality of life declines. This is especially important now, given the large amount of time sitting in front of devices at work and in the home. The good news is that there are ways to slow the aging process and muscle maintenance is a great way to start!

By performing resistance training, you are protecting your muscle, which is super-important as the years go by. The benefits of maintaining your muscle: 1. Muscle is metabolically active tissue and it helps your body to burn calories. It helps regulate your blood sugar. 2. Muscle gives your body its shape, curves and contours. 24 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG



here are many articles that talk about

3. It allows you to more easily perform everyday physical activities like picking up heavy bags of groceries, carrying children and climbing stairs. 4. Muscle can help you keep fit, prevent disease and allows you to recover faster from injury. There are a number of physical benefits achieved





however, there’s more than just the physical side. Exercise and lifting a reasonable amount of weight can help motivate you to be more disciplined in other areas of your lifestyle, such as healthy eating. Feeling strong and healthy is addictive and so is seeing results! And, of course, firm muscle can generally just make us look better – clothes on or off!

So how do I maintain my muscle? One of the first steps in any exercise program is to have your General Medical Practitioner check your health and fitness before you commence. It’s also important to have a Fitness Professional teach you the correct technique and monitor your form, so that you are not practicing bad habits. If you’re not using resistance training, I highly advise that you add resistance training to your exercise routine and watch your body change. If you do it properly, you’ll look and feel better and stronger. If you are already resistance training, remember to keep changing it and challenging your GHG Disclaimer – please read

Programs have an expiry date – many things work, but nothing works forever. One of the most important laws in resistance training is the law of progressive overload, which is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise. You can manipulate a number of variables to provide an overload.

Are there any common pitfalls or mistakes people make? The main mistakes are:


muscles with different routines and exercises.

Kat Millar works with people globally to improve their health, confidence and energy. Since 2003, through her coaching, training, online programs and seminars, Kat has helped almost a thousand people to achieve their goals. Kat is an award-winning figure competitor, fitness lecturer and NLP practitioner and has a passion for nutrition and behavioural psychology. Kat offers a range of programs for total body transformation and can be contacted through her website or her Facebook page.

1. Thinking that because you’ve trained in the past, then that’s enough. It needs to be a regular practice in order to continue to experience the benefits. Remember that ‘what makes muscle, keeps muscle’. 2. Attempting to build muscle without sufficient nutrient intake. What many people tend to do when building or maintaining muscle, is to restrict their amount of calorie intake for too long. 3. Making the mistake of focusing on quantity of exercise rather than quality. This is the exact opposite of what you should do. Its not about doing more and more, it’s about finding the best exercises for you and doing them properly and consistently. Final thoughts… If you’re already doing some resistance training, perhaps it’s time for a new program if your current one is getting stale. If you haven’t started, add in resistance training and enjoy the benefits! GHG Disclaimer – please read




ealth for Muscles

look after your body? Is your health something that you truly value? Do

you try hard to stay active and fit? So what you can do to continue enjoying the physical activities you engage in and to carry them out safely and effectively. One of the keys to maintaining a healthy exercise routine is to look after your muscles and to prevent injuries. Prevention is always better than cure so take preventative 26 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG



re you someone who strives to

Words Margarita Gurevich Design Oleksandra Zuieva

measures to reduce the likelihood of sustaining an injury while engaging in physical activities. Why do sports injuries occur: • Failing to warm up properly • Stretching at the start rather than at the end of the sport/physical activity • Incorrect technique • Returning to sport too soon after a previous injury, before healing properly GHG Disclaimer – please read

So what can you do in order to prevent injuries?

Sports injuries often happen as a consequence of incorrect technique

Four Tips:

Most classes are great for fitness but they tend to be done in large groups so your instructor

1. Follow a proper stretching routine It’s good to stretch prior to going for a power walk/jog/playing a game of basketball, but research has shown that stretching while the muscles are still ‘cold’ will significantly increase your risk of straining a muscle. It is better to warm up prior to exercise. A proper warm up is a

will not be able to check every person’s technique. Try to find a small group class where possible but if you do choose to attend a large class, listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain/discomfort.

3. Get regular massages

low intensity version of the exercise you

While stretching will help to prevent muscle

plan to engage in, e.g. if you plan to go

tightness and knots, research has shown that

for a jog, a warm up can include a power

the effects of stretching do not last for very long

walk or walking lunges.

unless you stretch every day. It is beneficial to

Once you complete the exercise/sport you can cool down by lowering the intensity. After a jog, a good cool down will be to finish

get a proper sports massage every 3-4 weeks for preventative measures using a qualified, registered massage therapist.

off with a brisk walk plus some stretches. Make sure that you hold each stretch rather

4. If you do sustain an injury, get proper

than ‘bounce’. Only go to the first point of


stretch, hold for 15-30 seconds; repeat each stretch approximately 3 times.

This is a most important point. If you love your sport you may be tempted to take shortcuts when it comes to rehab and return to the

2. Make sure that your technique is correct As





patients with sports injuries which happen as a consequence of incorrect technique.

sporting field too soon. If you return to your sport/exercise before the injury has fully healed, you are far more likely to sustain the same injury again and provoke new ones.

Thus make sure when commencing a new

Initial recovery, depending on the severity

sport or type of exercise you do so under the

of the injury, should involve some elements

supervision of a qualified physiotherapist/

of the RICE protocol. The RICE protocol is

fitness instructor.

typically followed for 48 hours.

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The RICE protocol – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, for 48 hours. There are several treatments that can speed up the recovery process such as ultrasound, electrotherapy,




others. Once the initial pain and inflammation are under control the focus shifts towards a specific exercise program. This is a crucial step in the recovery purpose. While the treatment methods mentioned above will help to reduce the symptoms, the only way to maintain the results and reduce the risk of sustaining the same injury in the future, is to do specific strengthening and range of motion exercises. Besides doing exercises which are specific to the area you injured, make sure that you work on the whole kinetic chain. E.g. if you have an old injury in the hip, the weakness an Achilles tendon strain, as more load will be going through the ankle. Hence by strengthening the hip, the additional load going through the ankle will be reduced. Thus your exercise program addresses not only the Achilles tendon but also your core, hips and knees. One of the best ways to strengthen your core muscles is to do Clinical Pilates. So for all of you who love being fit and active – follow the tips outlined above and you will reap much benefit from exercise. 28 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG


of the hip will exacerbate the problem of

Margarita Gurevich is Senior Physiotherapist at Health Point Physiotherapy. She completed Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree at La Trobe University and Diploma of SCENAR Therapy in





extensively uses Clinical Pilates, SCENAR therapy and other evidence-based techniques specialising in incontinence and women’s health. Margarita is experienced in Real Time ultrasound and McKenzie treatment. She was interviewed for Women’s Health and Fitness magazine and presented at 4th Australasian SCENAR conference. GHG Disclaimer – please read


Getting in your own way: Part 2 30 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

Words Kelly Fryer

Design Oleksandra Zuieva GHG Disclaimer – please read


n the previous issue of Great Health GuideTM,

My mum who had always, until recently, been

I discussed the Comparison Syndrome and

uncomfortable with her weight and how

Say ‘No’- with politeness. In this article I

others perceived her and this was passed on

want to share two more common situations

to me, with me believing that I couldn’t wear

that often confront us: Judgement Day and

certain things because of how I would be

The Fear Factor.

judged by others.

Getting in our own way, filling our heads with ‘ifs and buts’ and waiting for tomorrow can hold us back. We blame other parts of our lives and as long as we can keep shifting the blame elsewhere, we always have a reason to stay right where we are, letting our own thoughts and actions get right in the way of where we want to be, in the safe protection of ‘ifs and but’s.

Accept yourself for who you are, become more accepting of those around you and less judgmental. Take away points: • Be comfortable with who you are

1. Judgement day – Dissociate your thoughts I want to tell you a quick story…

• When you judge people, ask yourself what it is within you that you need to work on • Reflection is a powerful tool

Once upon a time a there was a woman who judged the way people looked, how they

2. The ‘F’ Word –

spoke and how they interacted with others.

How to overcome fear

She went to a coffee shop, sat quietly for an hour and during this time watched people as they walked past, as they entered the coffee shop and as they interacted with others. She noticed her thoughts and let them go - Dissociated. When she reflected on her thoughts that evening, she noticed that what she had been judging others on, were the negative thought patterns she had about herself, her weight, how she looked and how she spoke. When she learned to accept herself for who she was, she became more accepting of those around her and less judgmental. It’s a true story, about me. GHG Disclaimer – please read

Fear and excitement trigger the same physical reaction in our bodies and the only way to differentiate between the two is how we see them in our brains. A couple of months after starting my first business I was on my way to deliver a talk to women in a business forum arranged by a large bank. Whilst I had spoken many times before, it was on behalf of my company. The large corporation that paid me a wage in return for hard work and I had always had their brand behind me. This time, it was just me. Me, my business and my brand. No large company, no large brand, just me. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 31

in my car when I started getting butterflies in my stomach, my heart was racing, my breathing becoming more intense, and I felt the fear kicking in. I began to feel terrified, realising these physical feelings were fear and I considered turning the car round. Then my intellectual mind took over, told me I was not going home and that I would be fine by the time I got on stage. But, what if I wasn’t? What if I fell to pieces? I must go home, I can’t do it.


I had not long left my house and was driving

It was then, like a bolt out of nowhere, that I remembered fear and excitement had the same physical reaction, allegedly!

Fear and excitement have the same physical reaction. I started telling myself I was excited. I told myself this was an exciting opportunity for me to prove I didn’t need a big brand behind me. I could do this, I would do this and it was really exciting to be asked to do a talk this early on in setting up my business. I arrived at the event, prepared, excited and ready to go; calmed my breathing, stood up, delivered my talk and received the most amazing feedback. I had done it, I had actually done it. I felt proud, if not a little exhausted, but I had done it. Top tips: • Tell fear it is excitement – and believe it • Aim high, think big – the worst you can do is fail • How you choose to feel is your decision – make the right choice Kelly Fryer lives in Peterborough, UK with her partner and sons and runs two successful businesses



and Her passion and purpose is developing people to unlock their potential allowing them to move forwards successfully in all areas of their lives. Kelly is a clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Coach with a BSc in Psychology in addition to a number of other qualifications and is currently studying a PhD in Change and the Courage of Leaders. 32 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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The Best Prescription for


ental Speed and Clarity

mental sharpness can diminish a little as we age. Sometimes we worry that those

annoying memory lapses and tip of the tongue moments might reflect something else, something more sinister.

Am I losing my mind? – Don’t worry! 34 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG



t’s well recognised that our degree of

Words Dr. Jenny Brockis Design Oleksandra Zuieva







when we are in our forties and fifties, the slippery slope of mental slowdown starts far earlier. We are at our cognitive peak around the age of 24! If this birthday has long since passed, despair not, because there is one very important and powerful way you can maintain and enhance your mental prowess at any age. GHG Disclaimer – please read

requires a small amount of time from our day. People who engage with this activity enjoy greater vitality, energy, happiness and enhanced mental performance. It’s the one activity that if prescribed more frequently, could lead to a significant reduction in the prevalence of many of the chronic medical diseases we see today – hypertension, type two diabetes, heart disease, depression and cognitive decline. It may not be sexy, but exercise is the best workout for our body and brain. Aerobic exercise in particular primes our brain for best performance by stimulating cerebral blood flow and the release of certain growth factors including BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor).

Exercise is the best workout for our body and brain. Kids who exercise regularly by running round the school oval before class have been shown to perform better academically, are more attentive in class, exhibit fewer behavioural problems and get higher grades. Dr. John Ratey in his book Spark calls BDNF ‘Miracle-Gro’ for the brain because it helps to strengthen synaptic connections and stimulates neurogenesis; the production of the 700 of so new neurons we produce each day. Our hippocampus, the area of the brain associated with verbal memory and learning is one area that can produce new neurons. GHG Disclaimer – please read


This activity is readily available and only

Exercise reduces brain shrinkage Our brains shrink with age, but unlike our favourite cashmere sweater put through a hot wash, the shrinkage is slight and can be minimised by, yes you guessed it, indulging in some regular exercise.

How much exercise is enough? Studies have shown that brisk walking three times a week for 30 minutes will boost memory and reduce brain shrinkage. Overall the aim is to undertake 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week, though the good news is that interval training, which takes up far less time works too.

So what are you waiting for – let’s go for a walk!

Is there a best time to exercise? The benefit to our thinking skills follows exercise. Ideally the perfect time is before work, but if your schedule doesn’t allow for that, lunch-time or after work is fine too. Just try to avoid exercising too close to bedtime as paradoxically you may find it harder to get to sleep, though overall regular exercise helps promote a better sleep pattern.

Which is the best form of exercise? Brains benefit from all kinds of physical activity, so don’t be shy in trying something new. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 35

Cross training where you have to coordinate your movements with an exercise such as dancing – ballroom, hip-hop, rap or ballet are all ideal. Going to the gym, cycling, running and swimming are all great forms of exercise as well – just take your pick. Our brain performs best when we move, so while it might be tempting to stay chained to your desk to finish off that document you’ve been working on the last couple of hours, you are much better off to take a brain break, get up and stretch to reinvigorate your attention and decision making. This is why more workplaces are now introducing stand up desks, standing and walking meetings – to boost productivity and energy.

Could your mood do with a little pep? Along with growth factors, exercise enhances the release of endorphins and dopamine that give us that ‘runner’s high’ and make us feel good. The simple act of engaging in regular exercise has helped modify the symptoms associated with mild depression. Exercise helps to burn off those stress hormones of excess cortisol and adrenaline, which can otherwise impair our ability to manage our emotions and think well. Whilst it can be harder to find the motivation to exercise especially when we are feeling down, getting started is the key to help lift your mood.

Exercise helps to burn off those stress hormones of excess - cortisol and adrenaline. 36 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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smoking’. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyle is not only reducing our physical wellbeing, it reduces our cognition and is associated with increased levels of anxiety. So look for incidental opportunities to stand up and move more, from parking your car further away from your destination to choosing to use the stairs rather than the elevator or standing when making or receiving a phone call.

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‘Sitting disease’ is now described as the ‘new

The more we move, the better we feel and the better we think. Dr Jenny Brockis specialises in the science of high performance thinking. She is the author of Future Brain - the 12 Keys to Create Your High Performance Brain, (Wiley) available at all leading book stores, online retailers and from her website.



he Desire

ften, we describe those who are successful in their fields as having a strong ‘desire to achieve’.

This desire and motivation to achieve is more complex than it may seem and yields interesting differences between those who focus on gaining success and those who focus on avoiding failure.


Words Ruane J. Lipkie



to Achieve Design Oleksandra Zuieva

WHY WE SHOULD FOCUS ON SUCCESS, RATHER THAN FEAR FAILURE People who focus on obtaining success in their lives tend to set more realistic goals for themselves and to choose tasks that are realistically attainable. For example, let’s say Sally wishes to lose weight. She may say, ‘I plan to lose 4 kg in two weeks.’ She will then GHG Disclaimer – please read

contact a personal trainer to map out a plan

stereotypical views of the ‘woman’s place.’ One

to achieve this goal.

such theory has proposed that achievement-

Interestingly though, studies have found that those who are most concerned about avoiding failure tend to set themselves more unrealistic goals. Sally also has the option to say, ‘I will lose 40 kg in two weeks’. Although she may have a strong degree of motivation when she first begins her exercise regime, she is more likely to quickly burn out and lose interest in the pursuit of her weight loss goal. ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY Another important factor for determining

oriented women fear negative consequences such as being labelled ‘unfeminine’ or being socially rejected. Although this phenomenon has been prevalent for decades, it is constantly being challenged. Despite incredible progress and the success of many women in the workplace, the myth lingers on. To be successful, it is important to find ways of overcoming these fears and to confidently pursue one’s goals. SO WHAT IS REQUIRED TO INSPIRE CHANGE AND INCREASE MOTIVATION?

success is the degree to which a person feels


responsible for the outcome, as opposed

thoughts. An enthusiastic attitude or ‘emotional

to diverting responsibility and/or blaming

drive’, is fundamental for self-fulfilment and

others. Leaders of industry tend to accept

achievement. Enthusiasm guides us to positive

responsibility for their actions as opposed to

thoughts and actions, creates positive energy

blaming other factors for their situation and

that improves our relationships with others,

having a ‘there’s no hope’ approach.

increases our willingness to be open to new

Back to our weight loss example, the ‘successful’ Sally may say, ‘I eat way too much junk food. It’s time for me to cut down on the snacks. I know I have a very busy lifestyle and it can be






ideas and heightens our motivation to embrace new challenges. Conversely, feelings of fatigue or failure can be caused by worry, frustration and resentment.

a challenge disciplining myself to eat healthier, but it’s something that I have to do to improve my health.’ On the other hand, the ‘unsuccessful’ Sally may say, ‘All of my family and friends eat snacks and there is no way to get around that.

An enthusiastic attitude is fundamental for self-fulfilment and achievement.

Plus I work a lot and there simply isn’t any other way for me to eat properly.’

Our successful Sally, although tired from a workout, will practice improving her positive


mindset and see the benefits of exercise,

When it comes to achievement motives in

as challenging or dull a regular routine can

women, historical studies tend to describe

sometimes feel. This will then have compound

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approach is, the healthier she will become and the healthier she becomes, the more energy and enthusiasm she can have throughout her day. On the flip side, our unsuccessful Sally may feel that there’s no point in exercise because it’s too tiring and inconvenient for her schedule. This will have a negative compound effect. As she continues to lose her fitness, the more prone she can become to stress and sickness and the more negative her outlook on life may become. We can influence future outcomes with a positive and enthusiastic approach to the opportunities of the present. Over time, guilt, fear and worry can be replaced with confidence and optimism.

Enthusiasm is more than just striving for success in the workplace. It is essential for the whole of life and living.


benefits for her because the more positive her

Enthusiasm is a priceless commodity that should certainly be developed. Note that the advice given is general in nature – please consult A life logic or your preferred specialist for specific advice for your given situation. Ruane J. Lipkie is a registered Brisbane psychologist and a member of the Australian Psychological




counselling practice ‘A Life Logic’ offers psychology and counselling advice for a range of modern day challenges including clinical, educational

developmental, and


emotional, concerns.

To learn more about Ruane’s approach to psychology and counselling, visit the ‘A Life Logic’ website. To schedule a consultation and discuss your own journey to success, contact Ruane here.

TOP THREE FACTORS FOR ACHIEVING SUCCESS 1. Set realistic, attainable goals 2. Don’t fear judgement 3. Work on fostering a positive attitude


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Become Naked

Emotionally Words Dr. Matthew Anderson

is an attractive brunette whose bright energy fills my computer screen as we

Skype our session. Six months ago she ended a four-year relationship and is dating again. She starts our conversation with a very direct question: ‘Doctor Matthew, I know this might sound weird but I want to know when is it the right time to get naked with a new guy?’ We both laugh warmly at her blunt honesty GHG Disclaimer – please read



enny is 32 years old and single. She

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

and begin a discussion of a topic that is important to many single people of both sexes and all ages. When is it OK to get naked? Our conversation took many turns and went to great depth. What follows is a composite of the most relevant points and some direct advice for all singles. I did not give Jenny a specific time or number of dates. Instead I spoke to her about two different, yet deeply related, kinds of nakedness. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 43

I suggested that the important thing was to

Sex generates many feelings and it exposes

take both into consideration and put them in

us, literally and symbolically, to the other

the proper order and then she would know

person without our defenses. Getting naked

when it was right for her to ‘get naked’.

physically before we truly get to know our new partner can cause quite a bit of

There are two kinds of nakedness: physical nakedness and emotional nakedness.

confusion. When we interact sexually we have deep emotions (yes, this is a fact for men as well as women). But those emotions have nowhere to go if we do not really know our partner. We are just a hot body connecting

Physical nakedness is the kind most of us

to another hot body and not yet real human

are aware of and are thinking about when

beings to each other. An encounter designed

we begin a new relationship. The common

to be a powerful part of a much greater life

question is: When do we decide that it is OK

experience in which two hearts connect and

to get naked and have a sexual encounter

go even deeper with intimate love making,

with this new person?

becomes, at best a mutual masturbation

Emotional nakedness has to do with intimacy, the kind that is related to our heart. It is about getting to know our new partner in meaningful ways and opening up our inner selves with each other at deeper and deeper levels. It has to do with sharing and listening and being vulnerable and dropping the masks that we often hide behind.

event and falls far short of its incredible potential. Why is this important? Can’t two people, meet, find each other attractive and share their bodies, consensually and that is all it needs to be? Why do we have to do this emotional naked thing? The issue here is not that we have to do anything. The

Both kinds of nakedness are part of a loving

issue is what we will miss if we neglect

relationship. The issue is in what order should

the emotional naked part before we get

they occur to give the new relationship the best

physically naked. Having sex before we

chance of becoming something meaningful.

become truly emotionally naked means

Too often, we get physically naked before we

that we will only connect at the surface. Our

get emotionally naked and that order often

connection will be shallow and we will be

creates great confusion. Here is why.

unable to handle the feelings that always

Humans being are designed to combine sexual intimacy with emotional intimacy. 44 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

(yes, always) accompany physical intimacy. If we, however, take the time and make the effort to mutually open ourselves in a meaningful way, we create a connection that will take physical intimacy to an GHG Disclaimer – please read

relationship can blossom beautifully and we can begin to explore what sex and love are truly all about.

We can create an emotional connection that will take the physical intimacy to an entirely new depth of experience. Finally, many single people have told me that really getting to know a new person first can often stop the physical encounter completely, because they realize that the person they thought was so attractive really is not.

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entirely new depth of experience. Then our

So you decide. When should you get naked? Do the emotional part first and you will make much happier and wiser decisions about sex. Enjoy!

Reverend Matthew Anderson has a Doctor of Ministry specialising in counselling and has extensive training and experience in Gestalt and Jungian Psychology. He has helped many couples and singles successfully navigate relationship issues. His best seller, The Resurrection of Romance is an example of the goals he plans to achieve and is also a result of his intensely romantic relationship with his partner Sunny.

Matthew can be contacted

through his website.


Honesty in elationships



Words Martin Gladman

Design Olha Blagodir

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e all know that honesty is a key ingredient to developing a good relationship and equally so, we

all know what happens when we shy away from the truth. Either someone gets hurt or we end up living a lie. So if we know that the outcomes of being dishonest aren’t great, then why do we struggle to be honest with ourselves and our partners in the first place? Often when I talk to people about the concept of ‘getting honest’, the first thing that they jump to is the idea of needing to give someone ‘a piece their mind’. They recall all the annoyances, frustration or critical things that they’ve wanted to say but haven’t given themselves permission to, up until that moment. Essentially, they go off, they list everything that has ever upset them in the relationship, usually in a way that is irresponsible and blaming, leading to quite a hurtful and destructive situation. The problem with this approach is that the person expressing their mind seemingly feels better as they got to dump the weight of their irresponsibility onto another. However, the person on the receiving end can often be left in shock, feeling hurt, deceived and/or hoodwinked. It’s not an approach I recommend to develop a healthy relationship!

Honesty allo responsibil blaming ot that we are GHG Disclaimer – please read


What we need to understand is that this

The problem with this approach is that for

approach to ‘getting honest’ is in fact not

every lie that we allow, every moment we do

getting honest at all. Honesty is not emotional

not acknowledge or express what is there,

nor does it simply focus on one particular point

what we see or what we feel, it’s like planting a

or moment. It’s more holistic, taking in the full

weed into a garden that we then feed and let

picture. Honesty captures everything, all the

grow. We complain that it’s there but do not

beautiful things that are part of our lives and

take responsibly for the fact that we planted it

within who we are, as well as the not so great

there in the first place. And via this dishonesty

things or more accurately, the areas we need

and irresponsibly, we provide the perfect

to work on. So if we’re not seeing everything

environment for it to flourish, allowing it to

all at once, then we need to admit that there is

over shadow or take up space where other

a part of us that is being dishonest.

more beautiful, supportive and loving things

When it comes to our relationships, getting honest doesn’t need to be a big deal. By the nature of being human, we see and feel everything. We know when people are lying, we know when people are upset and we know when we have disrespected ourselves and/or another but we simply choose to turn

could grow. Honesty therefore offers us an opportunity to stop and take stock. It’s like looking out into our garden and allowing ourselves to see all that’s growing, the flowers, the trees and the weeds. It raises our awareness so that we can start to choose differently, to try new approaches and start to address the things that aren’t working whist still confirming and building all that does. Getting honest simply brings awareness to what is already there and gives a voice to what is. Sure, if we have allowed too many weeds to grow then pulling out the garden might be the way to go. By the very nature that a weed could grow though it, proves that we have fertile soil and thus, a new garden can be planted afresh - this is the beauty that is on offer to us all.

a blind eye. We brush things aside because

So as a piece of homework, start practising to

we don’t want to know or we don’t want to

be honest, even if it’s only with yourself. Take

face the truth because we think it’ll be too

a look out into your garden and see how it’s

painful or difficult to deal with. We decide in

growing. Is it loving and bright or are their

that moment, it’s better to live a lie.

areas that need some work? If so, get working!


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towards the next step. If we make sure that those steps are truly loving, of ourselves and all those around us, then that’s what we will plant and nurture in our garden and ultimately, what we get to live in and come home to. So how honest are your relationships and how honest are they growing? GHG Disclaimer – please read


Honesty is but a movement that takes us

Martin Gladman is a social worker, counsellor, life





therapist working out of Melbourne. Victoria. Martin has had the pleasure of supporting people of all ages, backgrounds and genders to work through the many challenges which can prevent them from living truly joyful and vital lives. Martin can be contacted through his website. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 49

Families Reconciling Words Katie Thorncraft


Design Oleksandra Zuieva

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onflict within families is inevitable,

also journal about it for extra clarity which

whether it be huge, noisy blow-ups

will help when you are ready to talk about

or quietly simmering resentments.

it with your family member.

Research shows that conflict happens in healthy and unhealthy family relationships alike. The difference turns out to be the way that we handle the conflict rather than the fact that we have conflict at all. So bearing in mind that it’s OK to have conflict, how do we become reconciled after a big fight or a big disappointment and learn better ways to communicate?

2. Talk about your feelings:

Find a time

when you are both calm to bring the issue up with your family member and speak from your own perspective. Use ‘I felt’ statements rather than describing their behaviour. It is very tempting to tell the other person all the things that they did wrong but it is also very likely to trigger another argument so try to stick to your

Research has begun to shed light on the

feelings and keep it relevant to the specific

behaviours that are associated with the way

situation at hand, rather than bringing up

conflict is managed in healthy relationships. It

past incidents for extra ammunition!

is important to be mindful though that the way we handle conflict is woven into the fabric of our family’s culture. Thus when we start making changes, we come in contact with unhelpful behaviours that we have learned as well as those

Acknowledging how the other person is feeling, is immensely powerful for both of you.

of our family members. So it’s important to be gentle and thoughtful during reconciliation.

3. You should ask for what you need: This is a big one for women! Before you go

Here are four tips for coping with the

into the conversation, have a think about

aftermath of family conflict:

what it was that you really needed. Was

1. Take





emotions: This means to practice ‘selfsoothing’. Take time to acknowledge your feelings, notice what they feel like in your body, you might like to place a hand over the place you feel it most intensely and breathe deeply into that space. Sit with

it a feeling of being supported? Loved? Respected? How would that look in an ideal world?

Asking for what we need

seems simple enough, but it can be very confronting as it can tap into our biggest fears so be gentle with yourself! 4. Acknowledge the other person and

yourself with compassion and care the way


you might sit with a friend feeling sad or

Acknowledging how the other person is

upset, no judgement, no problem solving,

feeling does not mean that you fully agree

just compassion and presence. You could

with them and it doesn’t mean you’re in

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the wrong but it is immensely powerful for both of you to be really heard and understood. Let them know that you can see what they are going through! Relationships are a two-way street and most of the time if we are really honest we can identify where things went wrong at our end. Be brave enough to speak up about this. So next time conflict shows up in your family, take it as an opportunity to practice your skills and learn more about the people you love.

Take responsibility for yourself, talk openly, ask for what you need and listen to your family members. Conflict can actually create more connection in relationships if it is approached as an opportunity to listen, communicate and connect!

Katie Thorncraft is a registered psychologist who works with individuals, couples and families. Katie’s approach to therapy is practical, empathetic and experiential and utilises a range of evidence based approaches. Katie has extensive experience working with trauma and anxiety disorders and her approach is focussed on supporting people to connect more deeply with themselves and each other and to realise the full potential of their relationships and lives. Katie also has many years’ experience working within the corporate world and offers coaching in this area. 52 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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Women and

nvesting Part 6: Starting to Invest in Shares


Words Bill Dodd

Design Oleksandra Zuieva

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information on investing in the stock market particularly for women. It

aimed to provide an understanding of the risks in investing, the importance of an investment plan and introduce analytical techniques which provide information on what stocks to buy and when to sell them. It is important to understand that all Australians and particularly women need to have an understanding of how to invest. But this raises the question:

As a new investor how do I start investing in the stock market? It is essential to have a plan Your investment plan should include what asset classes you will invest in, how you will manage risk, how you will select the stocks and when you will buy and sell.

Should you use an investment manager or invest directly by yourself? One of the problems facing an investor is the huge amount of information that is available, so it is often difficult to find appropriate information. One solution is to use a professional to provide advice or to use a fund manager who will manage your money. Investment



promote a diversity of investment products and are very persuasive in competing for GHG Disclaimer – please read



his series on investing has provided

your investment funds. They also charge high fees and may or may not be competent so it is important to seek independent advice about the competency and services of any professional before you make a commitment.

Have you decided to invest directly? If you plan to invest directly in the stock market, then you should make a start by opening an account with a stock broker but what sort of broker? There are full service brokers who will talk with you and provide advice and charge quite high fees. A lower cost alternative is the online or internet broker who will not offer advice and provide fewer services but will provide and efficient platform that will allow you to effectively buy and sell stocks over the internet.

Do you have limited funds to invest? First time investors often have limited funds. If you decide to invest directly in shares there are a number of ways to go about it. If for example your investment capital is about $5000: • The internet broker CommSec allows new investors with smaller amounts of capital to invest using a ‘Share Pack’ which contains a diversified portfolio of six Australian companies. There are a number of different investment styles available and this provides diversity at a reasonable cost for the new investor with limited capital. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 55

Investment Company (LIC) which is one of a number of companies which themselves invest in stocks that are listed on the ASX200. An LIC can be bought simply through your stock broker as if you were buying shares in a company. There are many LIC alternatives which offer good returns and broad diversification at very low cost. • There is always the option of investing directly in the shares of one or more of the blue chip stocks such as Woolworths, Commonwealth Bank or BHP. These are examples of very large Australian companies which have a long record of regular dividend payments.



• Another alternative is to use a Listed

Investors need to frequently monitor their portfolio Once you have invested it is essential to monitor your portfolio frequently and ask the following questions: • is the return on this investment meeting my expectations? • are there any stocks that I should now sell (or buy?) • do I need to rebalance my portfolio?

Understand the effects of investor psychology Although the process of investing is relatively simple, actually obtaining a good and consistent return is not easy. The human emotions of

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fear, greed, hope and despair make what should be a relatively simple process, quite complex. Emotions are heightened by our constant exposure to news about the stock market and much of it is emotional and often inaccurate. The best way to avoid making erratic investment decisions is to have a sound written investment plan which will guide your decisions and protect you from making rash and emotional judgements about the market.

Above all, understand the risks There is a risk when investing in the stock market but as an investor you need to understand that while you cannot control the market: • you can control the amount of money you are prepared to risk • you can control when you sell.

It is imperative that everyone and particularly women take an active interest in investing. Bill Dodd is a retired academic and an experienced investor. His concern at the lack of financial literacy in Australia prompted him to become active in investment education. Since 2009 he given courses on investing for the Australian Shareholders Association and the Australian Investors Association in all states. His website provides investor information and his 10 session video course on investing is available on the Australian Shareholders Association website at no cost to members. GHG Disclaimer – please read


Kidz Matters


elf–Care for New Mothers: Part 1

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Words Alison Mitchell

Design Oleksandra Zuieva SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 59

on achieving the amazing feat of building a tiny human within yourself.

You’ve just made it through 9 months of pregnancy which for some women can be a tough slog, dealing with various degrees of unpleasantness such as morning sickness, fatigue, fluid retention and back pain. And then you gave birth – whether it was a vaginal birth or a C-section, you were incredibly brave and strong.

It’s just as important to look after yourself now, as it was while you were pregnant. During all this time, care and attention has been directed at you. You quite likely tried very hard to eat well and took your vitamins regularly with the intention of growing a healthy baby. Perhaps if you were lucky you were pampered with foot rubs, back massages and relaxing baths to soothe your aches and pains. You may have even attended pregnancy yoga or Pilates classes, aquarobics, or walked more regularly than you did before you were pregnant. But now your baby has arrived and suddenly there’s not as much time to look after yourself, but it’s just as important to look after yourself now, as it was while you were pregnant. In this two-part article I will share with you some ways in which you can look after yourself without sacrificing too much of your time.



ou’ve just had a baby. Congratulations

Things that new mums can do to take care of themselves: 1. Take an hour just for yourself each week Recent research has found that new mothers who take at least one hour of time for themselves each week significantly reduce their chances of experiencing postnatal depression. How you spend this time is up to you, but if you need ideas, perhaps you could consider getting a massage, taking a relaxing bath, going for a long walk, attending a yoga class, going shopping, seeing a movie or sitting in the park reading a book. 2. Don’t stop talking your vitamins You need to be getting an abundance of nutrients just as much now as you did while you were pregnant, this is especially important if you are breastfeeding. You lose a lot of minerals, including zinc and iron, while you are giving birth so it’s important to replace them. Zinc has a lot of roles in the body but most notably for new mums it helps to keep your hormones balanced. Good levels of zinc also help wound healing and reduce nipple damage from breastfeeding. Iron levels can drop if you lose a lot of blood during birth and this mineral is important for energy and immune health. Magnesium and B vitamins are also very important for new mothers as they help with energy, mood and relaxation.

One hour each week for yourself, reduces the chance of experiencing postnatal depression. 60 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

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during breastfeeding, babies require a lot of calcium to help build their bones. If your diet is low in calcium, then calcium will be removed from your bones to support the babies’ bone development. Thus it is vital that your calcium intake is adequate. Calcium, along with magnesium is also important for muscle and


In the last two trimesters of pregnancy and

nerve health and low levels can contribute to tension. While it’s possible to get plenty of nutrients from food sources alone, new mums often struggle to find the time to eat well and so it is recommended to take a supplement as an insurance against deficiency. Talk to your healthcare practitioner about which supplements may be best for you.

Nutrients and their food sources B Vitamins

Wholegrains; nuts and seeds; legumes; nutritional yeast; dairy; red meat and organ meats; eggs; green leafy vegetables.


Milk and milk products; canned fish with bones (salmon, sardines); fortified tofu and fortified soy milk; greens; sesame; legumes.


Organ meats; red meats; fish; poultry; shellfish; egg yolks; legumes; dried fruits; dark, leafy greens; iron-enriched breads and fortified cereals.


Nuts and seeds; legumes; leafy, green vegetables; seafood; chocolate.


Meats, fish, poultry, vegetables.

Meditation, mental stillness, or mindfulness comes in many forms, but my favourite way of calming the mind is to simply focus on the breath. Sit in a quiet spot, breathe through your nose slowly and by concentrating on the action of breathing, other thoughts are swept away. This may be something you can do during a nap time or at a time when you can have someone who can watch your baby for a little while. I would suggest that you take 5-10 minutes a day to do this by yourself, also while you are putting baby down to sleep. If you are feeling anxious or your mind is occupied with other tasks that you need to do, it will drag the process out as baby will pick up on your state of mind. GHG Disclaimer – please read


3. Breathe to be calm

In the second part of this article I will share with you some further ways in which you can care for yourself after having a baby.

Calm your mind by simply focusing on your breathing. Alison Mitchell is a Naturopath based in Windsor and Bella Vista, NSW, Australia. She is passionate about helping people reclaim their health and vitality by blending traditional healing methods with the latest research. She has an interest in women’s health and digestive issues. She is a foodie and she believes that life is meant to be enjoyed and that good health is one of the best ways to do this. Connect with Alison on Facebook or on her website. SUBSCRIBE to GHG | 61


elp Your

Child Excel and Learn in Class Words Deb Hopper 62 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG

Design Oleksandra Zuieva GHG Disclaimer – please read


any children struggle in class and

blocks of learning your child is struggling

with learning. Whether identified or

with and help target with intervention and

diagnosed with a learning disability

improve learning. Learning Online clinics

or not, many typical children struggle with

can assist parents to know which building

learning or even just being able to concentrate

blocks are difficult for children and suggest

in class.

strategies for overcoming difficulties.

As parents, there are many ways that we can set our kids up for success for the classroom. Seven very useful tips for parents:

3. Attention issues are highly linked to children with learning disabilities. If your child gets the ‘wiggles’ and struggles to sit still, focus or concentrate in class, it is important to help teach your child the difference between when our bodies are ‘fast’, ‘slow’ or ‘just right’. Use a diagram such as the Just Right Kids

1. Be on the same page as your child’s

Model to help your child start to label and

teacher. If your child is struggling with

know when he is feeling different energy

learning, reading, writing


levels. The Just Right Kids Model available

firstly talk to your teacher to see if they are

at this website is a great visual tool for

concerned. They will be able to put your

encouraging children to tell you how ‘fast’,

mind at rest or know who to refer you to for

‘slow’, ‘just right’ they are and what emotions

help. They can suggest modifications for

they are feeling.


homework or extra work. If you have some tips for how your child learns, don’t be afraid to tell your child’s teacher (and your teacher will be thankful for your input). Volunteering in class can be special for your child and can also give you an insiders’ view on how things are going in class.

4. Teach your child to advocate for their sensory needs. Understand what helps your child to focus in class. If they need to move a lot, ask the teacher if your child can be allowed to help hand out classroom supplies or run a message to the office. There are many resources for helping children to

2. Get assessments to know WHY learning

concentrate in their seat. E.g. sitting on a

is difficult. If your child is at risk of falling

cushion can help kids to get the wiggles out

behind, don’t ‘wait and see’ for too long. Early

while sitting in class. If your child chews a lot

intervention is the key for the best outcome

(collars, hair, fingers etc.) they are using their

for learning. Link in with your local health

mouth to self-regulate and concentrate.

professionals and consult with your family

Don’t just tell them to stop! Give them

doctor, Occupational Therapist, Speech

options such as having a drink bottle (with

Pathologist or Psychologist or Learning

pop-top or inside straw) on their desk; give

Difficulties Clinic. Understand which building

them pencil toppers or a chewable necklace.

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and actually helps calm kids who are going too fast!

5. Reduce screen time – especially in the morning. Using screen time may actually change the brain and how we are wired. Children who don’t have screen time before school are able to concentrate and learn easier. Replace screen time with play time. Active play is best, especially jumping in the trampoline. Active play organises the nervous system and fills it with grounding sensory input that sets the body up for being able to sit still and listen in class. See the previous article in Great Health Guide MagazineTM which offers some suggestions for reducing screen-time with children.

6. Read at home with your child and support their learning. Be interested in their learning. Sit and help with their homework when you can or have them sit at the table or breakfast bar while you cook dinner so they can ask you questions. You might have to think hard (sometimes those year 3 maths questions make you think!) but work with and support your child. Reading most nights with your young children is so important for creating a thirst for learning and exploring through books.

7. BE with your child. Children learn the best when they feel safe and secure. Enhance your child’s learning through having quality time with them. Sit on the floor and play a puzzle, jump on the trampoline with them, go on a ‘date’ with them. Make sure they know they are valued and loved. 64 | SUBSCRIBE to GHG


Chewing always helps kids be more alert

If your child is struggling in class, make sure you start by: • Having a chat with your child’s teacher and be on the same page. • Getting professional help and assessment if concerns exist; get help early rather than waiting too long. Often there are waiting lists for services too. Take action and start. • Enjoying learning time at home and build a strong relationship with your child so they feel loved and supported.

School can be such an adventure for children. Deb Hopper is a practicing Occupational Therapist and an Amazon #1 Best Seller author for her book Reducing-Meltdowns and Improving-Concentration. She is passionate about helping children achieve their potential. As a practicing Occupational Therapist at the Life Skills 4 Kids Clinic on the NSW Mid North Coast, Australia, she understands the day to day struggles that children, parents and teachers face. For a sample chapter of her upcoming new book, join her newsletter or visit her website. GHG Disclaimer – please read

© Antalya Developments Pty Ltd 2016 Any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats), or from Antalya Developments Pty Limited or Kathryn Dodd, including by way of third party authored articles or discussions, is made available for readers’ interest only. The purpose of making the information available is to stimulate research, public discussion and debate. Readers are encouraged to undertake their own research and consult with professional advisors to form their own independent views about the topic/s discussed. The information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats) is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Readers should seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions regarding a potential or actual medical condition or the proposed use or decision not to use any particular product. Readers should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it at any time, including because of the content of any information made available in the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats).Each of Antalya Developments Pty Ltd and Kathryn Dodd do not warrant, guarantee or make any representation regarding the accuracy, veracity, adequacy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of any information available on, or arising in relation to, the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats). Neither Antalya Developments Pty Limited nor Kathryn Dodd endorses the views of any contributing authors to the Great Health Guide Magazine (electronic or hard copy formats).

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