Great Health Guide: January/February 2021

Page 36




Our Friend Terry Sidford


is human instinct to want

But what if you walk into the unknown



afraid and with arms folded, and not

happens around us, but we

wanting to go there? You would be so

cannot. The earlier we understand that

contracted and have a narrow view of

and identify what we can and cannot

what is there. Thus, it would be best if

control, the more stable and confident we

you were open and ready to receive

will be to face the unknown. If you were to

something new and unknown for it to

tell me ten years ago that the unknow is




my friend, I would have questioned it. Why is the unknown our friend? What if you changed your perspective of

Here is what happened in my life when I started to welcome the unknown and step into places I had never gone before.

the unknown from something unsettling

I had been coaching clients for over

or scary to something that provides

15 years and became curious about

new opportunities? If you think about it,

the people who experienced adversity

growing and creating new possibilities

and became stronger vs. people who

happen in the present moment. When you

buckled and never recovered. I was

walk into the unknown with excitement

telling my friend Colleen about this over

for what is possible with arms wide open,

coffee one day, and she blurted out, “You

you will create things you never dreamed

should write a book about this.” I said,


“A book, I can’t write a book.” Colleen



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