Gray's Portfolio

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Exploration of a theme/Subject Worksheets showing photographic images and exploration of surface and decay within a building.

Exploration of a theme/Subject Sketchbook pages showing drawings exploring space, atmosphere and surface within a dilapidated building.

Exploration of a theme: Barriers Sketchbook work incorporating photography, collage, drawing, writing, found imagery and colour work.

Exploration of a theme: Barriers Sketchbook work leads on to developments on worksheets using mixed media. Drawings and prints explore the source material further on found and distressed material.

Presenting Visuals: Clothing and Protection ‘Dysfunctional Shoes’ The making of shoes from functional patterns but making them dysfunctional with the materials chosen to work with.

Presenting Visuals: Clothing and Protection ‘Dysfunctional Shoes’ Sketchbook work that relates to the development of the Dysfunctional Shoes.

Drawing Investigation Worksheets of drawings exploring a range of subject matter. Using differing media, scale, paper and approaches to the subject matter.

Exploration of Surface and Form Worksheets using drawing and mixed media to investigate and develop ideas.

Exploration of a theme: Portrait Sketchbook imagery explores the theme through a range of drawings, compositional experiments, links to other subject matter and artwork while playing with a number of ideas.

Exploration of a theme: Portrait Folio worksheets developed from sketchbook work.

3D Idea Development on paper Worksheets showing the use of an existing structure (a slide) and re-imaging that structure through incremental changes; shows idea generation and development.

Composition and Colour Exploration Folio worksheets using drawing and compositional explorations to investigate and develop a response to a subject matter. This research could be used as a starting point for a variety of projects.

Idea Presentation These worksheets show how ideas for this 3d/Graphics project are presented. The work details the components, surfaces and information that the final box map construction contains.

Exploration of ideas The following worksheets re from stage 1 students at Gray’s School of Art in the first semester of the year. Projects in the first semester are broad in approach and aim to establish strong research and information gathering abilities. From this base we encourage a depth of analysis and critical (very questioning) approach to the development of ideas.

These worksheets show how students can develop multiple ideas, images, compositions, 3D forms, surfaces and possibilities that enable development in a number of subject disciplines across Fin Art and Design. The following worksheets show how the theme ‘Place’ has been interpreted.

Communication Design

Communication Design

Sketchbook for place project

Fashion/Textiles/3DD Worksheets

Contemporary Art Practice


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