Grasp newsletter no 6 en

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Newsletter Nº6– June 2015


In this issue: European Sustainable


Energy Week 2015 What is new in GRASP 2-11 project? GRASP: the project



he MED Programme workshop, ‘Innovation for them as key actors in the process of fostering the low renewable energy and energy efficiency solu- carbon society with a bottom up approach.

tions in Mediterranean regions and cities’ took place The Mediterranean area has great potential for increasin Brussels on the 18th of June 2015. The workshop ing renewable energy use and lowering energy effiwas organized in the framework of the European Union ciency to address the energy needs of both PPs and Sustainable Energy Week 2015, and was hosted by the SMEs. In the period 2007 – 2013 the MED Programme Delegation of the Catalonia Government to the Euro- has actively addressed these concerns through the pean Union in Brussels.

activities developed by 28 transnational projects oper-

The aim of the workshop was to give a synthetic over- ating in 13 countries. Mediterranean cities and regions view of what has been accomplished in the implemen- have been developing capacity to increase use of retation of technical solutions and harmonization of stan- newable energy and tackle the energy efficiency chaldards in the Energy field in the MED area, with a view lenge through innovative and sustainable solutions, to integration and capitalisation. The workshop high- thus boosting new economic opportunities. lighted the specific findings by fourteen MED projects The workshop was a great opportunity to discuss fuin the fields of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and ture funding opportunities for investing in RES techEnergy Efficiency (EE). These findings integrate ele- nologies, energy efficiency and sustainable transport, ments in energy performance improvement; develop- thus contributing to achieving a more resourcement and evaluation of green energy tenders; creation efficient Europe. of databases, platforms and clusters; good practices in GRASP project was one of the two organizing projects, identification of energy needs and knowledge transfer; along with EMILIE project, and was represented at the pilot activities and monitoring; training materials; and event by Project Manager, Civil Engineer Christina Paengagement of civil society. The projects supported pageorgopoulou as well as Project Coordinator , ProfesMediterranean Public Procurers (PPs) and SMEs who sor Yorgos Stephanedes, who presented the main reare active in the RES and EE fields, and acknowledged sults of GRASP.




What is new in GRASP project?

University of Patras: Final Event


he closure of GRASP project was completed suc-

Technology (SET) Plan to support the Research, Innova-

cessfully with a two days Conference. The Confer-

tion & Competitiveness pillar of the Energy Union Strat-

ence was organized by the project leader, the University


of Patras, at the Hotel Patras Palace Hotel Patras, 28 &

On the second day, GRASP technical seminar took place.

29 May 2015.

In the first part of the seminar two presentations were

The opening of the event was signalled by Professor

made: (a) The National Electronic Public Procurement

Yorgos Stephanedes of Civil Engineering Department of

System (NEPPS) was presented by Ms. Anastasia

the University of Patras and project coordinator of

Zacharopoulou, Head of the Department for Technical

GRASP, and by the General Secretary of Chamber of

Specifications of Goods from the General Secreteriat of

Achaia, Mr. Theodoros Tsoumpelis.

Commerce and Consumer Protection and (b) an innova-

The first day of the event included 27 presentations on

tive Energy Efficiency Methodology was presented by

Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Sources, Green

Mr. Petros Kontouzoglou, representative of KAFKAS S.A..

Electronic Public Procurement and European / National

During the second part of the seminar, GRASP project

Legislation. The presentations were made by representa-

coordinator, presented the results of the project,

tives of the private and public sectors of the European

whereas members of the project's technical team pre-

countries participating in the project, such as the Minis-

sented GRASP tools.

try of Finance of Malta, the Syndicate Intercommunal of

The event closed with a training seminar, with hands-on

Electrification and Public lighting of the Upper Corsica,

practice on the tools developed by the project: data-

the Technological Institute of Energy of Valencia-Spain,

bases for Public Authorities and SMEs, supporting tool

the Environmental Department of Cyprus, the INU - Na-

for the preparation of a "green" public tender issued by

tional Institute of Urban Planning of Italy, the University

the Public Entities (eGPP tool), and the Transnational

of Maribor, Slovenia.

Mediterranean Network - TMN.

Notable amongst the presentations made is the one

The event was attended by more than 100 people, in-

made by Mr. Dimitrios Sofianopoulos, European Com-

cluding representatives of the public and private sectors

mission DG ENERGY Policy Officer, who presented an

who are involved in energy and supply issues in the

Integrated Strategic Energy

countries participating in the project.


Municipality of Spata-Artemis


he municipality of Spata-Artemis performed one

house for the rest of the Attica Municipalities and pro-

pilot-test focusing in the scenario of organizing a

mote its participation in GRASP project as well as act as

procurement regarding Municipal Street Lamps. It was

trainer for other Municipalities Staff&Departments.

an open tender that was focusing in the change of the conventional municipal street lamps in specific streets

The 1st seminar was hosted on the 14th of November

with newer ones of LED technology. Even though there

2014. It had a theoretical character and aimed to raise

were some technical difficulties in utilizing the data base

awareness and train the stakeholders on energy issues.

and the e-GPP tool itself, the pilot developed correctly

The title of the event was "Technologies and applications

and with minimal problems. However there is still the

of Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RES)

issue of how the e-GPP toll will be integrated into the

sources, with hands on use of tools" and the educators,

national procurement system which seems to be the

all experts in their field, covered a wide range of EE and

main problem of the application.

RES subjects.

The municipality of Spata-Artemis is rather interested in

The 2nd GRASP seminar was hosted on the 15th of May

capitalizing the e- GPP Tool as well as the TMN in order

2015. It had a practical character and aimed to present

to upgrade its own functions regarding the E-

and train the stakeholders- future users – on the use of

Procurement activities. The Municipality is rather inter-

the tools developed. The main objective of the seminar

ested in trying to integrate the proposed Tool into its

was to inform the participants for the latest develop-

daily functions as long as national legislation allows and

ments and the prime results of the project, part of which

even further develop it and/or adjust it at its needs.

are the development of the e- GPP tool and the TMN

Moreover the Municipality is planning to act like a light-







Municipality of Pilea-Hortiatis


he Municipality of Pilea-Hortiatis, as an active

The Municipality also organized two seminars, aim-

supporter of green, smart and sustainable de-

ing to train private and public sector experts on

velopment, is the one and only GRASP partner in

GRASP innovative solutions in the energy sector.

Northern Greece. It has an active role in several actions

The main purpose of the first round of seminars

that aim to protect the environment, promote green

(October, 2014) was to provide the participants with

sustainability, and improve living standards in the re-

the basic methods of the EE and RES technologies

gion, by participating in a number of initiatives.

and applications. The second seminar (May, 2015) was technical, targeting to present the new GRASP

The project team of the Municipality was in charge for

electronic platforms.

the layout, dissemination and promotion of all the 6 GRASP e-newsletters. These publications gained rapid

During the pilot period, the Municipality performed

acceptance for the information provided regarding

3 tests, aiming to explore the efficiency of the e-GPP

“green� e-procurement idea and GRASP project pro-

tool and DBs. These tests highlighted the usefulness


of the tools for Pas and SMEs. For organizing and implementing these tests, the Municipality had or-

During the implementation period, the Municipality hosted many meetings and presentation events with regional representatives, SMEs and PAs. The first meeting’ s aim (May, 2014) was the organization of activities that were to be implemented. Few months later (September, 2014) more than 40 representatives from all partners of the project, attended the GRASP techni-

ganized 3 in total round table discussions. The first round table meeting took place in the beginning of testing period in order to set the expected results and evaluation factors, while the other two at the end of the testing implementation, to evaluate the results.

cal meeting in Thessaloniki. For two days, experts on

Due to its geographical location, the Municipality of

green sustainability from the EU, specialists from other

Pilea-Hortiatis has favored a regional networking

EU projects and experts in RES technologies presented

action plan, which includes Municipalities and ad-

their work and shared their know-how with the partici-

ministrative authorities of Region of Central Mace-




Province of Perugia


tarting with April 2008 –with the launch of the

promoted by the Department in charge of Legal af-

GPP National Action Plan – a greater focus has

fairs and contracts, will consist in a platform creation

been put by the Province of Perugia into sustainable

where it will be possible to use the GRASP e-GPP tool

purchases. Since 2008, by means the compulsory CON-

by a special link which will allow additional external

SIP national platform, the public body has begun to

users to use the deliverable after the end of the pro-

purchase by using green criteria.

ject, guaranteeing the sustainability of GRASP results

The first pilot in GRASP has been made in November

in the long term. In other words the deliverable will

2014 before by using the Minimal Environmental Crite-

be used to support local PA in introducing green rele-

ria promoted by the Italian Ministry of Environment

vant specifications for the next procurement of green

coming from the EU GPP of the 2008 COM. The pilot

products and services.

has been made to buy n. 6 desktop and n. 7 monitor .

The Province of Perugia has strongly promoted sev-

In the month of May the Province has realized a simula-

eral events organized in the framework of GRASP

tion by the use of GRASP e-GPP tool including the same

project and with the aim of making local, regional,

green criteria in the preparation of the tender. In fact

national and international stakeholders aware on

GRASP has represented a strong opportunity to simplify

green purchasing and to put in practice virtuous ac-

the work in the pre-award phase of the tender and to

tions for reducing energy consumption amongst local

consolidate the difficult process to implement the sus-

municipalities belonging to its area. The events were

tainable procurements.

the theoretical and practical seminars to inform and

The on line GPP tool will be capitalized and dissemi-

train local PAs and SMEs on use GPP criteria and regu-

nated in the institutional web site of the Province as

lations, the Regional workshop organized in Rimini at

well as in the current institutional project of making the

the International Ecomondo Fair to debate if “E-

Province of Perugia as autonomous central purchasing

procurement of the Public Administration can be

body with a leading role in supporting the local Munici-

considered as an opportunity or an obstacle for GPP”.

palities in the preparation of e-tenders. The project,






APEA Siena mentation of sustainable energy policies, APEA has been developing a project regarding the drafting of guidelines regarding public labor contracts including goods and services for buildings and construction components as well as construction materials for other categories of work according to eco-efficient criteria, considering this initiative useful to increase the efficiency of the SEAP.


The guidelines for creation of a SEAP that will be dissemis the end of the GRASP project arrives, some meet-

nated through the Capitalization Plan will facilitate the

ings have already been held and several have been

creation of these SEAP and will include the idea of Green

scheduled to examine the results of the this project and to

Public Procurement as a method for reducing energy con-

finalize the Capitalization Plan, which foresees in particular

sumption and thus reduce the emission of greenhouse

the creation of a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in

gasses. To this end, mayors from different municipalities

multiple municipalities through the Province of Siena.

have been contacted and invited to participate in this Plan

Within the larger scope of the Green Public Procurement

by signing the Covenant of Mayors and creating their own

program, and in the setting of the European Union Climate

SEAP. Starting even with just a few municipalities will help

and Energy Package that in 2008 the European Commis-

spread the word of the usefulness of this Plan, and as more

sion with the Covenant of Mayors and SEAP put into effect

municipalities agree to pursue such a goal, we are sure the

as an important measure to endorse and sustain the ef-

outcomes of the GRASP project as well as the Covenant of

forts put forth by local entities in the imple-

Mayors will be satisfied.

Mountain Community Alto Basento veloped for the Italian Partner also a Central Purchasing Unit that is going to use GRASP Methodology to support 15 Municipalities to buy product and services respecting the Italian Low with a strong vision to green values. During the event there was also a little interview carried out by the State Italian Television in his regional version that can be viewed here


he meeting was hosted by Mountain Community Alto Basento (Program Area Basento, Bradano,

Camastra). It was a two day meeting and was attended by 6 partners of GRASP and two subcontractors. The meeting had mostly a workshop character. During the meeting was presented by the subcontractor of Mountain Community Alto Basento (Program Area Basento, Bradano, Camastra), Publisys that cooperates with the Technical Team to develop the databases and the e-GPP Tool. Publisys SpA de-

watch?v=QDg84oH0KU0 The Mountain Community Alto Basento (Program Area Basento, Bradano, Camastra) performed at the end of May in an action test of e-GGP in cooperation with Atlantis LTD. The action was based on the setting up of a Photovoltaic system power on an public space of the Municipality of Filiano (PZ), Italy. Thanks to support and the advices of Mr. Ianniciello of APEA, that is the partner in charge of the evaluation of the test and pilot actions, the test was carried without difficulties and was an interesting experiment.

GRASP - MED Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Castellón


he Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navi-

takes into account criteria concerning the savings in

gation of Castellón launches the e-GPP Plat-

terms of money but till the moment no green crite-

form in the Province of Castellón and organizes the

ria. The Chamber of Castellón has presented them

seminar ‘Green Criteria in Public Procurement’ dur-

the e-GPP Platform and proposed to integrate the

ing the month of June 2015, with the aim to present

GRASP methodology, introducing green specifica-

the on-line platform for green e-procurement to

tions in the procurement of green products and ser-

SMEs and train them in a practical way about how to


manage it and enter green products.

In addition to the mentioned before, the Chamber of

In addition, several meetings have been organized

Castellón will be the partner responsible to develop

with Public Administrations in order to present the

the project Capitalization Plan. In this sense, a meth-

Platform and its methodology. An example of this is

odology was proposed to all the partners in order to

the meeting organized with the County Council of

coordinate the common capitalization actions and

Castellón, who act as central purchasing representing

the regional Action Plans developed by every part-

mainly the small municipalities of the Province.

ner. A final document will be produced compiling all

The County Council of Castellón is currently working

the partners’ actions.

with a public e-procurement platform. This Platform

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa efficiency and renewable energy use in industrial , commercial and domestic , as a factor in improving the competitiveness and environmental improvement territory . This goal stems from the will of the City of Ruby to extend the industrial emissions reduction targets acquired with the commitment of the Covenant of Mayors (a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions until 2020 , increasing 20 % use of renewable energy and energy efficiency ).


he Chamber of Commerce of Terrassa, has been participated in the Grasp Final Confer-

ence with 2 presentation about relevant projects from the Terrassa’s region. The Conference was organized by the project leader, the University of Patras, at the Hotel Patras Palace Hotel Patras, 28 & May 29 2015. The first presentation “Rubí Brilla” has been done by Msc. Irene Perez, Rubí Council European projects Department, the aim of the project is that the city of Ruby become a national and international energy

The second ones, has been done by Mr. Ivan Olivares, Sales and Marketing Director from Circutor Company, with the title “Self consumption with zero injection”. Circutor has over 40 years' experience and 6 production centres in Spain and the Czech Republic, working on the design and manufacture of units for improving energy efficiency: electrical energy and power quality measurement and control units, industrial electrical protection, reactive energy compensation and harmonic filtering, smart electric vehicle charging and, during the past few years: Renewable Energies.








n Malta, the GRASP project will continue to be dis-

ences (IRISS), in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance,

seminated through the Department for Local Govern-

organized a two-day seminar on green procurement, en-

ment. The Department for Local Government has not only

ergy efficient technologies and the GRASP Project on the

endorsed the GRASP project but endeavors to promote

9th and 10th of September, 2014. A practical seminar was

innovative solutions such as GRASP to ensure sustainable

organised by the IRISS on the 25th of May, 2015. The aim of

development at the local level. The Department for Local

this practical seminar was to provide participants with the

Government will disseminate the information passed on to

opportunity to learn more about the GRASP project, and

it by the IRISS in relation to GRASP by circulating the infor-

the GRASP electronic green public procurement tool. Par-

mation to the 68 Local Councils and the 5 Regional Com-

ticipants had positive reviews on the seminars and on the

mittees of Malta. The dissemination will be effected

grasp tool and found that the tender evaluation tool could

through a circular.

be of use to them when evaluating bids.

The Institute for Research and Improvement in Social Sci-



he pilot actions were carried out in collaboration

use the e-GPP tool and databases for future tender prepa-

with the partner Mountain Community Alto

ration. Efforts will also be made that the GRASP system

Basento-Program Area Basento, Bradano, (PABBC). A test

and green methodologies are adopted by other govern-

tender was issued regarding the implementation of the

ment departments as well. This will give a strong incentive

construction and commissioning of a photovoltaic system

to SMEs to register to the system. The TMN network will

on public property of the city of Potenza in Italy. Ten dif-

be used to create a Cypriot community of stakeholders

ferent tenders were submitted based on information given

involved in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

by Cypriot SMEs. The tenders were first evaluated based


on green criteria. Those that passed (6/10) to the final

Atlantis in collaboration with the Department of Environ-

phase were ranked based on the payback period of the

ment of the Cyprus Government plans to organise a train-


ing seminar at the end of June. Public authorities and in-

The results of the GRASP project will be disseminated by

terested SMEs will be invited. The purpose is to inform and

Atlantis through the company’s website, LinkedIn account

train the potential users about the uses of the GRASP e-

and other contacts through e-mail. A training seminar for

procurement tool, the relevant databases and the Trans-

the interested public authorities and SMEs will be organ-

national Mediterranean Network (TMN).

ised at the end of June. The Department of Environment

be used as a starting point for developing the green e-

that participates as a co-financier at the GRASP project will

procurement in Cyprus.

The event will


Municipality of Saint-Florent – Haute-Corse


n June SIEEP started the implementation of a pilot. The pilot is part of a large modernization

plan aiming at controlling and reducing power consumption of public lighting systems in province of Haute-Corse. SIEEP, as inter-district association responsible for the public lighting of 234 rural cities, is in charge of this plan. The pilot consists in organizing

2015) and many meetings with the local Association of Mayors. SIEEP also took part to an Energy Efficiency workshop for the development of the Corsican Agenda 21 (November 2014) and, the same month, at national level, it presented the e-Green Public Procurement tool at the 97th Congress of the Association of Mayors of France, in Paris.

a green public procurement for the renovation of public lighting of the municipality of Saint-Florent through GRASP e-GPP tool.

In order to make GRASP results continue and e-GPP develop after the end of the project, SIEEP will keep using GRASP e-procurement platform in the frame-

This pilot will enable SIEEP to select the SME that will provide LEDs to modernize the 28 lighting points of the municipality, currently sodium lamps. Thanks to this subsidized operation, the municipality will reduce by half energy consumption, decrease light pollution and increase lighting quality.

This pilot takes place after the various local and national events SIEEP led or attended over GRASP project. At regional scale, several actions were organized: GRASP 3rd transnational meeting and 2nd workshop (February 2014), seminars on the e-GPP tools with mayors and SMEs (September & October 2014 - June

work of its current lighting renovation activities. And as a regular participant to the events organized by regional and national Associations of Mayors, SIEEP will have many opportunities to sensitize Public Authorities to Energy Efficiency.








ew PPL 2014 represents a big step forward

Herzegovina. There are no adequate laws which could

concerning GPP in comparison with previous

be used to incorporate environmental criteria in the

legislation, meaning that contracting authorities in

bidding documents for sake of preparing technical

Bosnia-Herzegovina are encouraged to use green

specification of MEAT.

criteria in both preparing technical specifications of specific procurement and award criteria.

promoted several events organized in the framework

GPP is evisiged by:

of GRASP project and for the target local, regional,


Technical specifications- (article 54. PPL)

Award criteria (MEAT)- (article 64)

event was theoretical seminar organized with aim to

Technical specifications shall be determined, adhering to obligatory technical rules of Bosnia and Herzegovina:

and regulations and second event was the practical

in form of performance or functional re-

der by using the e-GPP tool and TMN. RAIS is also

quirements that may include environmental

organized GRASP Round table: “GRASP project and

features and features regarding energy

green public procurement in Bosnia and Herzego-

efficiency (possibility given to CA's)

vina”. Round table was organized for making deci-

Award criteria •

national stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina. First

inform and train local PAs and SMEs on GPP criteria

Technical specifications •

City development agency of East Sarajevo – RAIS has

seminar organized with aim to give local users some concrete explanation on how to prepare a green ten-

sions in the field of public procurement, energy effi-

The most economically advantageous ten-

cacy and renewable energy recourses.

der (MEAT) criterion

RAIS finished test acitivities during the first week on

environmental characteristics

June 2015. The test has been made on previous ten-

unfortunately still very rarely used

der from past related on procurement of façade for

- Public Procurement Agency- not a single advisory opinion on GPP (in written)

Public review body-

not a single

case regading GPP. There is a big problem to implement GPP in Bosnia-

City of

East Sarajevo



Awarded criteria of the procurement were lowest price and it doesn’t have specified any energy criteria in technical specifications. Conclusion was that GRASP methodologies doesn’t applicable for target public procurement.



University of Vlora


niversity of Vlora, did the first pilot-test through GRASP

nology of “Green Procurement “itself.

DBA platform and e-GPP tool on April 2015. The test

Different meetings that were concluded with the conference

consisted on preparing tender documents and then extracting

organized in Greece; especially the presentations delivered in

them for e tender which had taken place at University. After

this conference and the experience shared between countries

sign up as PA the user was able to prepare the required docu-

gave noticeable results.

ments, also did a search for existing practices and tender docu-

Sharing experiences with different countries that actually have

ment packages (TIP). Result was very good as through GRASP

implemented the green procurement, especially with the rep-

tool the PA was able to prepare green spec for the tender at a

resentative of Spain Ms. Irene Pérez Bort who put in our dis-

better quality and at very short time.

posal the whole set of papers, made us create the proper puz-

Considering the feedback of the groups of interest which par-

zle to present it to our superiors who deal with the bases of

ticipated in the conference organized and leaded by Ms. Ev-

law for the procurement. Thus, in Albania the Electronic Pro-

elina Bazini, the GRASP Project impact for the implementation

curement platform structured the functionality of Green Pro-

of the Green Procurement in Albania exceeded our expecta-



The prime minister of Albania declared as well for the media

At the beginning of this project the groups of interest, includ-

that all the investments for the schools; including reconstruc-

ing even the main actors of procurement in Albania, did not

tion or building new ones; will be done based in Green Pro-

use the green procurement and were astonished by the termi-


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The Project Project GRASP “GReen procurement And Smart city suPport in the energy sector� of the MED programme is funded by national funding agencies, participating entities, and the European Commission through ERDF. It is a 27-month project with a budget of EUR 2.234.991 (ERDF cofinancing: EUR 1.474.203, IPA co-financing: EUR 256.700 and National public co-financing: EUR 504.088). The objective of GRASP is to increase the potential of MED Smart cities in organizing and developing Smart and Green e-Procurement processes with a focus on renewable energy sources and energy efficient solutions. The development of an advanced green transnational procurement system will empower the cooperation between the MED public administrations and SMEs involved in adopting innovative solutions in the energy sector while enabling them to better meet their carbon reduction commitments by 2020.

GRASP Partnership


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