NWRA Annual Report 2018

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Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah | Linda Morrison/USFWS • Cover and pages 18, 19, and 20: Red Fox at Kodiak NWR, Alaska | USFWS

Founded in 1975 by retired U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees, the National Wildlife Refuge Association is the premiere conservation organization solely dedicated to protecting and enhancing the National Wildlife Refuge System, the world’s largest system of lands and waters set aside for wildlife conservation. The Refuge Association works in partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, refuge Friends organizations, sportsmen and women, farmers and ranchers, students, urban constituencies, wildlife watchers and other conservation organizations.


To conserve America’s wildlife heritage for future generations through strategic programs that protect and enhance the National Wildlife Refuge System and the landscapes beyond its boundaries.



Harlequin Ducks at Kodiak NWR,Alaska | Robin Corcoran/USFWS

Letters from Leadership Dear Refuge Association Supporters,

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It has been a tumultuous year for the National Wildlife Refuge System, but we’re working hard to hold the line on land and species protection. The Refuge System, that incredible, irreplaceable idea that wildlife and people should have room to roam, is under constant threat from multiple fronts. Lack of adequate funding, moves to open the Arctic Refuge’s pristine wilderness to oil and gas operations, and deliberate attempts to remove refuge lands and waters at Izembek Refuge in Alaska, Santa Ana Refuge in Texas, and Pacific and Atlantic Marine National Monuments from the public estate are all converging on and threatening the integrity of the System as a whole. The Refuge Association continued to be the loudest and strongest voice, and most capable advocate for the Refuge System and the employees, volunteers and Friends’ groups that work every day on all the refuges across the country. We are the leading independent voice advocating on behalf of the National Wildlife Refuge System.

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The National Wildlife Refuge Association was established in 1975 and throughout the over 40 years since its inception we have always been there to speak and stand up for refuges. Our mission has not changed — our work is needed now more than ever to:

• highlight the importance of the Refuge System for wildlife and their habitats to the American public.

• help Americans understand the impacts of harmful legislation and budget cuts. • continue to be a constant presence advocating for and defending the Refuge System and Marine National Monuments.


We are the premiere organization in the country focused solely on protecting and defending our National Wildlife Refuge System and the landscapes beyond its boundaries. (With your ongoing help and support, we will continue to work with and for you to protect and promote the Refuge System. We at the Refuge Association are here to protect, advocate for and support our refuges and we couldn’t do that without your help). In the pages that follow you will read about specific programs and accomplishments from the year.


None of these would have been possible without our donors and supporters. It’s their voice that we amplify in the halls of power to make sure that our values of conservation, protection for future generations, and protecting our refuges are given equal weight to those of exploitation and immediate economic gain. Whether you wrote a check or took action, thank you! These successes are YOUR successes. Thank you for being our ally in protecting our National Wildlife Refuge System. Geoffrey L. Haskett President, National Wildlife Refuge Association

Dear Refuge Association Supporters, Few people realize the enormity of our nation’s National Wildlife Refuge System, spanning more than 850 million acres of land and water and 567 refuges — at least one in every state. The Refuge System is pivotal to conserving our future in every possible way: it is the heart and lungs of the American conservation system; it is our single largest conservation mosaic, one dedicated at landscape scale to the preservation of wildlife and habitat; and it is critical to our human condition and abilities as a nation in grappling with such forces as climate change, habitat fragmentation, and clean and available water to name just a few — and to emerge resilient. The range and scope of the Refuge System is breathtaking — from the biggest, wildest and most remote Arctic Refuge with its 19.3 million acres, to the 0.57acre Mille Lacs Refuge in Minnesota, to the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge the Refuge System protects 700 types of birds, 220 varieties of mammals, 250 kinds of reptiles and amphibians, 1,000 species of fish and countless invertebrates and plants. Refuges provide havens for some 380 endangered species, from the Florida panther to the polar bear. And, with 80 percent of the U.S. population currently residing in urban communities, the Refuge System has also identified 101 urban wildlife refuges to provide desperately needed access to nature — 14 of which are designated regional urban refuges.

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Even as the Refuge System is a mighty force, it is also one in dire need. Every day new perils emerge, challenging the survivability of species and imperiling critical natural resources — whether through habitat fragmentation, climate change, repeal of critical conservation measures, political ill will, red tides or other forms of man-made industrial incursion. Help is needed. That’s where the National Wildlife Refuge Association comes in. Now 44 years strong, we bring our own powerful voice and our expertise in linking users, refuge staff, local Friends Groups and other conservation organizations into a human mosaic capable of delivering protection of this vast ecological sanctuary. Uniting these diverse stakeholders and friends together as a robust coalition to coordinate action and to assure that the needs of the refuges are recognized as first-tier needs is our greatest strength. No other entity does this. This is how we have earned our reputation as “the voice of the National Wildlife Refuge System.”

If you are not yet a supporter but would like to be, come join us. Now is the perfect time to join our team. Rebecca R. Rubin Board Chair, National Wildlife Refuge Association, 2016-2019


You will see in this report the names of the many supporters who make this work possible. We could not stand firm without you. You, our donors, give the Refuge Association the independence to speak up when needed and the strength to face opposition. Your donations help us secure that America’s wildlife refuges will have, in us, a strong advocate for generations to come. And, it’s because of you that we can celebrate such landmark moments as the Refuge System’s significant expansion through the Pacific Marine National Monuments. Thank you!


Visitors Hiking At Minnesota Valley NWR | Joanna Gilkeson/USFWS

Rose Atoll NWR | USFWS

Advocacy The Refuge Association is the principal advocate of the world’s largest and most important wildlife conservation network of lands and waters — the National Wildlife Refuge System. Our expert staff guides legislation, policy, and other activities that impact refuges. From promoting and advocating for sufficient funding for the Refuge System to battling system-wide threats and advancing supporting legislation, we work to safeguard these natural treasures for the benefit of the wild creatures and people that depend on them.

Advocating for Refuges in the Halls of Congress and with the Administration


The Refuge Association ushered the bipartisan Keep America’s Refuges Operational (KARO) Act through Congress, securing final passage in April 2018. The bill reauthorizes the Volunteer and Community Partnership Act, allowing continued access to the public for recreational and volunteering opportunities on wildlife refuges through 2022. Without the Refuge Association’s tireless involvement and help from our House and Senate champions, and the Cooperative Alliance for Refuge Enhancement, this bill would not have become law.

Secured Hundreds of Millions of Additional Dollars for Refuge System Funding We thank KARO CoSponsors, Representatives Rob Wittman (R-VA) and Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

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Passage of the Keep America’s Refuges Operational Act

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Refuges in Puerto Rico, Texas, and Florida suffered vast damages from Hurricanes Hurricanes Maria, Harvey, and Irma. The Refuge Association helped secure $210 million for the Refuge System to repair these damages.

We also worked with Congressional leaders, refuge Friends, and supporters in key communities to get the Refuge System an additional $50 million for construction. The Refuge System will use this desperately needed funding to reduce its maintenance backlog and to provide infrastructure aimed at benefiting the visitor experience at refuges.

Border Wall Stopped at Santa Ana NWR, Texas The Refuge Association, along with a diverse coalition of partner organizations including Defenders of Wildlife, successfully advocated for the inclusion of a provision in the final FY18 appropriations bill that prohibited any funds from being spent on a border wall at the Santa Ana NWR in South Texas. The limitation expires when FY18 funding expires, so must be renewed to protect the fragile ecosystem that so many migratory birds and endangered species such as ocelots require.

Defeated Efforts to Change the Management of Desert NWR, Nevada The Refuge Association and our partner, the Friends of Nevada Wilderness, were successful in removing language in the National Defense Authorization bill that would have transferred management authority of over 1 million acres of the Desert NWR in Nevada from the Refuge System to the Department of Defense.

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Long Standing Battles in Alaska Arctic NWR — On December 22, 2017, Congress passed a tax bill that included a provision to open the Arctic NWR to oil and gas drilling. We are vigorously fighting this provision by urging Congress to repeal the law, opposing the public process to sell leases, and raising awareness with the American public about the potential loss of irreplaceable wilderness and wildlife habitat.

Izembek NWR — On January 22, 2018, the Trump Administration signed an agreement to conduct a land swap


Fireweed blooms in the Arctic NWR, Alaska | USFWS

between the USFWS and the King Cove Native Corporation to allow construction of a public use road through some of the most sensitive and essential wildlife habitat protected by the Izembek NWR On January 31, the Refuge Association, represented by the Trustees for Alaska, filed suit in Anchorage to challenge the agreement.


San Diego NWR, California | USFWS

Constituency Building The Refuge Association broadens and strengthens relationships with Refuge Friends groups and other conservation partners in order to work together to promote the Refuge System and to help all Americans discover their own ways of connecting with and experiencing nature.

Building A Connected Conservation Community Urban Refuge Program

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We have devoted much of the year to strengthening our existing partnerships with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and cultivating new relationships with urban national wildlife refuge partners so that we can continue amplifying the excellent work happening on and off national wildlife refuges in cities and regions throughout the U.S. We embarked on an exciting social media/online campaign series “Get Reacquainted With Your Community Wildlife Refuge” spotlighting each of our urban wildlife refuge program partners. This series included assisting the Friends groups affiliated with the Portland-Vancouver Urban Wildlife Refuge Project with their exploration to build collaboration and efficiencies. With the addition of our Southern California (SoCal) Regional Refuge Partnership Specialist we have greatly expanded our capacity in the critical California landscape of refuges and sprawling urban areas. We participated in the Urban Kids Fish event in Los Angeles in November, which attracted hundreds of children to Kenneth Hahn State Park to learn how to fish for catfish in the park’s lake. In Spring 2018, the SoCal Partnership Specialist assisted Friends of the Los Angeles River with the Great Los Angeles River CleanUp, which brought 8,000 people to the river where they removed more than 12,000 pounds of trash and debris.

During the winter and spring of 2018 we developed a communications plan for program partners of the SoCal Urban Wildlife Refuge Project designed to create a more Kids n a b cohesive voice across various programs. We helped with establishing social media profiles r U that are gaining followers and traction as more original content is created and posted. With the focus on the Year of the Bird, the Refuge Association’s Urban Refuge Program was able to educate visitors about the Condor Recovery program, the National Wildlife Refuge System, and the benefits of engaging with urban wildlife refuges.


Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamanders at Ellicott Slough NWR, California | Joy Blackwood/Refuge Association


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“The vision for working in urban communities was spot on. Conservation can help make a difference and the Refuge Association does such great work supporting refuges” - Nancy Brown, Houston Community Partnerships & Engagement Program, USFWS


Wichita Mountains NWR, Oklahoma | USFWS


“The Friends of the Wichitas would not be the thriving organization it is today, without the expert training and guidance of the National Wildlife Refuge Association.” -Jim Stone, President, Friends of the Wichitas


Linking Friends The National Wildlife Refuge Association trains refuge Friends groups to be the most effective organizations they can be, to better support their local refuges and the entire Refuge System. Our training focuses on effective communication, fundraising, nonprofit governance, advocacy, and board development. The Refuge Association conducted trainings at the following events: • • • • • • • • • • •

Friends Academy 10 — August, 2017 National Conservation Training Center, WV Northeast Region Friends Training — September 2017, Alexandria, VA Mountain-Prairie Region Friends Training — December 2017, Denver, CO Midwest Region Friends Training — December 2017, Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, WI Pacific Region Friends Training — January 2018, Kauai, HI Midwest Region Friends Training — January 2018, Crab Orchard NWR, IL Midwest Region Friends Training — February 2018, Ottawa NWR, OH Legislative Policy call with the Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates — March 2018 Facebook Live event on 2017 Friends Assessment — April 2018 Pacific Region Friends Training — June 2018, Medford, OR Summer Recess Call with the Coalition of Refuge Friends and Advocates — June 2018

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The Cooperative Alliance For Refuge Enhancement (CARE) held its second annual National Wildlife Refuge Expo on October 11, 2017 with 5 members of Congress attending and hundreds of Hill staff. The event was thrown to celebrate National Wildlife Refuge Week, which occurs every second week of October, and this year also commemorated the 20th Anniversary of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act.

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Taking advantage of opportunities to leverage our resources to benefit refuges at the local level, the Refuge Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the USFWS and the North Carolina Wildlife Federation for a contract outreach/communications position to be headquartered at Pocosin Lakes NWR.

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On The Ground Representative Betty

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Uniting On Behalf Of Refuges


Jessica Castro-Prieto/Refuge Association

Conservation Science Through Conservation Initiatives, the Refuge Association is bringing its policy, advocacy, and constituency-building work to bear on specific conservation deliverables that enhance the ecological integrity of the National Wildlife Refuge System, strengthen habitat resilience for trust species, seek to reduce the number of threatened and endangered species in the U.S., and address the impacts of climate change on wildlife habitat. The geographies where the Refuge Association works are selected based on criteria that include: • biological significance and need for conservation action; • opportunity and feasibility to bring many partners together to accomplish common landscape conservation goals and leverage funding sources; • opportunity to develop innovative and transferable models that demonstrate new approaches to be shared across the USFWS and the Refuge System; and political positioning for relevance with Congress. In addition, the Refuge Association will work on specific conservation issues that may have widespread benefit.

Greater Everglades Ecosystem Over the past year the Refuge Association has assisted landowners of high priority properties within the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Areas, and Greater Everglades Ecosystem with conservation easements. In the past year we facilitated: • the Florida Cabinet approval of Triple Diamond ranch lands — a joint state/federal partnership to purchase 4000 acres next to Kissimmee Prairie; • a state conservation easement over the Corona Ranch in the Everglades Headwaters; • a state conservation easement on a ranch critical to the water quality in the Charlotte Harbor Watershed;

, Jr , Flo rida | © Carlton Ward

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“Conservation is sometimes complicated for private landowners; the National Wildlife Refuge Association has facilitated many large conservation projects for us and other Florida ranchers that will preserve not only land and water but our way of life for generations to come.” Jim Strickland, Blackbeard’s Ranch

Everglades Watershed, Florida | © Carlton Ward, Jr


We also lead a helicopter tour with Representative Tom Rooney (R-FL) and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue over the Greater Everglades Region; conducted scientific analysis of lands surrounding the Lower Suwannee NWR as a prelude to a Land Protection Plan; and completed the Landscape Conservation Design for SW Florida, which is required as part of Land Protection Planning for the expansion of Florida Panther NWR and future establishment of a Fisheating Creek NWR.

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• a Wetland Reserve Easement over 1500 acres in the Charlotte Harbor Watershed, where we hosted a federal and state agency event celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Natural Resources Conservation Service easement on the property.

Jessica Castro-Prieto/Refuge Association

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Biologist Jessica Castro-Prieto is our new Caribbean Wildlife Specialist, brought on board to assist with the Puerto Rican parrot sound detection project. She assists in all Refuge Association activities in Puerto Rico, with emphasis on coordinating the parrot project. In addition, she has been instrumental in researching literature on the effects on aquatic fauna when barriers are removed from the flow of streams. Jes

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Hurricane Damage — In September 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria wrought devastation and extensive damage to the people and wildlife who call Puerto Rico home. Out of necessity, we halted all activities related to our projects there for several months.

Project Areas — In consultation with the USFWS Caribbean Field Office, the Refuge Association agreed to concentrate efforts on three projects: 1) Aquatic barrier removal in the Rio Grande de Arecibo, 2) Dispersion of Puerto Rican Parrots from their release area in the Rio Abajo Forest, and 3) Grant writing workshop for groups cooperating with the Caribbean Wildlife Refuges. The Refuge Association collaborated with Sieve Analytics to create a Puerto Rican Parrot sound detection project in order to research the dispersion of Puerto Rican parrots from their release areas in the Rio Abajo forest.


Conservation In The Caribbean


San Diego NWR, California | Lisa Cox/USFWS

2018 Refuge Association Awards The 2018 Refuge Association Awards Dinner was held on May 24, 2018 in Washington, D.C. to celebrate the outstanding conservation management skills and volunteer leadership found throughout the Refuge System. The awardees and their accomplishments are an inspiration to all refuge supporters.

Andy Loranger

The Paul Kroegel Refuge Manager of the Year Award Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska

Andy Loranger is a visionary, an innovator, and a trusted advisor to fellow conservation partners, community leaders, Alaska Natives, and his staff conserving Alaska’s critically important landscape. Andy’s passion, dedication, and innovative approaches to getting work done, effectively and efficiently, against improbable odds make him an inspirational and respected leader. USFW


Victoria “Vicki” Touchstone

The Refuge Employee of the Year Award San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex, California Vicki Touchstone is a Refuge Planner for the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex in southern California and has developed and implemented critical projects that have not only benefited wildlife populations but also created greater public access for the community. She is at the core of nearly everything the San Diego NWR Complex is able to accomplish. USFW


Claire Goad




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Claire Goad has been a volunteer advocate for Wertheim NWR since 1968. Her accomplishments demonstrate her love of the Wertheim Refuge and the community surrounding it, and her dedication to the Refuge System nationwide. Her legacy of dedication and innovation is worthy of the conservation heroes who came before her, and a challenge to those generations yet to follow.

Friends of Necedah National Wildlife Refuge

The Friends of Necedah are the go-to partner of the Necedah Refuge and the community. Dedicated to on-the-ground refuge conservation work like protecting whooping cranes, the Friends also play a large role in community engagement and advocating for the National Wildlife Refuge System. Since the group was established in 1999, the Friends of Necedah NWR have worked tirelessly to help their local refuge grow and prosper.


The Molly Krival Friends Group of the Year Award Necedah NWR, Wisconsin



The Volunteer of the Year Award Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge, New York

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Celeste De Palma National Wildlife Refuge System Advocate of the Year Award Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, Florida As the Director of Everglades Policy at Audubon Florida, Celeste De Palma was instrumental in mobilizing her community to protect Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. When Florida’s Governor took legal action in August 2016 to end a 66-year-old agreement between the USFWS and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) that protected the Loxahatchee Refuge, Celeste responded by rallying community members, flying to speak with Florida Delegators a lm Pa e D in Washington D.C., and organizing weekly conference calls with stakeholders. Celeste’s ste Cele inspirational dedication and tireless campaigning demonstrated how hard work and perseverance during hard times pays off in a big way for conservation.

James W. Kurth Theodore Roosevelt Lifetime Achievement Award Deputy Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, James W. Kurth has devoted his life to the protection and conservation of our nation’s wildlife and wild places and serves as a mentor and role model for new generations of conservationists throughout America. Jim’s time in the field included service at Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR (MS), Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee NWR (FL), Seney NWR (MI), culminating with his role as Refuge Manager at the Arctic NWR (AK). Jim went on to serve as Deputy Chief and then Chief of the National Wildlife Refuge System, and currently serves as the Deputy Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.



Steve Thompson

Izembek NWR, Alaska | Kristine Sowl/USFWS

Steve Thompson, former Refuge Association board member and longtime leader in the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Mr. Thompson was a vital asset in protecting the Refuge System throughout his 32 years as a civil servant with positions at Malheur NWR (OR), Puget Sound NWR (WA), Stillwater NWR (NV) and Laguna Atascosa NWR (TX), where his efforts as Refuge Manager in 1994 made him the Association’s first Refuge Manager of the Year. Steve WS finished his USFWS career as the Regional Director for California, Nevada USF and the Klamath Basin, after which he served as a Refuge Association Board member from 2009-2015. The Refuge Association mourns Steve’s recent passing. He was known for his creative vision, extensive knowledge in conservation, leadership and passion for wildlife and the National Wildlife Refuge System.


Lifetime Achievement Award


Kodiak NWR, Alaska | Lisa Hupp/USFWS

FY2018 Delivering Conservation Results The Refuge Association works hard to provide effective conservation. This past year, we increased our focus on advocating in defense of the Refuge System against an onslaught of threats and challenges, and we are proud of our results. We were successful in beating back harmful policy proposals while moving forward with expanding the conservation footprint of the Refuge System. We are both energized and deeply moved by the generosity of our supporters. Individual donors, as well as foundations, corporations and our cooperative agreements with USFWS, came together to provide the funds we needed to produce the results covered in this report. Thank you!

National Wildlife Refuge Association FY2018*


● Program ● Management ● Fundraising

*July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018

Revenue: $2,281,544

● ● ● ● ●

Foundations and Corporations Government Individuals Investment Special Events

Izembek NWR, Alaska | USFWS


Expenses: $1,950,119

Friends of Alaska NWRs Friends of Blackwater NWR Friends of Brazoria Wildlife Refuges Friends of Great Swamp NWR Friends of Maine Coastal Islands NWR Friends of Neal Smith NWR Friends of Sherburne NWR

Less than $1,000

* Monthly Donors

Grants and Donations

Alaska Conservation Foundation Coastal Wildlife Refuge Society Defenders of Wildlife Foothills Foundation Foundation for the Carolinas – Stanback Fund Maki Foundation McClelland Family Foundation National Fish and Wildlife Foundation The Nature Conservancy The New-Land Foundation Patagonia Petersen Family Fund at the Boston Foundation Jay and Elaine Rosenson Fund of the Berks County Community Foundation

$50,000 and up Blackbeard’s Ranch Estate of Nicholas Moutsos Estate of Richard D. Rawley Florida Conservation Group

$10,000 – $49,999 Bill and Marianne Buchanan James McClelland III Robert Morgan and Janice Erich Mike Mullins Kristin Palmquist Warriner Rebecca Rubin Kathy and Carl Woodward

$5,000 – $9,999 Michael and Terry Baldwin Dragana and Richard Connaughton Jessie Harris Cheryl Turoczy Hart* Marge Kolar Nicholas Lapham Donal and Carolyn O’Brien Andrew and Melissa Woolford

$1,000 – $4,999 Charles and Leslie Anderson Daniel and Barbara Ashe Andrew and Connan Ashforth Franck Aubach Michael F. Boylan James and Ellen Bowler Sheldon Damberg Henry Darley Helen Dunlap* George Emmerson Susan Etherton Tom and Beth Goettel Diana Hadley Gretchen Hall Anne Hamilton Ann Harvey and Mike Campbell Geoffrey and Nikki Haskett Jefferies & Company

$500 – $999 James Arnold, Jr. Peter and Sofia Blanchard Gail Carmody John and Mary Cavallero Jock Conyngham Mary Jean deRosier Jim and Carol Faulstich Pamela Gibney Joanie Goodman and Marley Overman Patricia Hankins and William Lawrence Debbie and Scott Harwood William Heath Richard Hickner Dean and Dana Hunt William Hunter Ruth Kahn Steven Kohl Peter and Connie Lacaillade Richard Lowerre G. M. Lumpkin Marc Meyer Catalina and Tom Miller Jim Neal Elizabeth Neuvar Robert Newman* Sarah Pope Chuck Pyle Nathaniel Reed Tim Richardson Patricia Riley Henry and Susan Smythe Jim and Colleen Stone Steve and Renee Thompson Laurel Flanders Umile Peter Weil J. Reid Williamson

$250 – $499 Margaret Abbott Robert Adamcik Donna Allen*

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Cristina Ardila Gerry Atwell Timothy Barkwill Donald Barry Susan Beck Ron Bisbee Curtis Bohlen Vernon Born Susan Bycraft John and Clara Caldwell Tooky and Gene Campione James Canora W. D. Pete Carter Karen Clark Mr. & Mrs. Corin Edward and Caryl Crozier Dawn Dickson Susan Dowds John Eadie Kathleen Erickson and David Stirling Ann Fensterstock Katchen Gerig and Daniel Wittner Jean Heisler Karen Hollingsworth* Lorraine Hood* Ron Jones Scott and Michelle Kegler John Kindred Stephen Lewis Andy and Linda Loranger Stuart Marcus Jeanie and Nick Martin Richard May, Jr. Sheila McCartan and Thomas Schooley Milledgeville Rotary Club Susan Mihora-Scholl Michael and Cannella Mullins Margery Nicolson William Ostrander and Janice Johnson Barbara Pfeil

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Big Oaks Conservation Society Columbia Gorge Refuge Stewards Friends of Aransas and Matagorda Island NWRs Friends of Aroostook NWR Friends of Back Bay Friends of Balcones Canyonlands NWR Friends of Cahaba River NWR Friends of Cherry Valley Friends of Crane Meadows NWR Friends of Deer Flat Wildlife Refuge Friends of Eastern Neck Friends of Hackmatack NWR Friends of Hagerman NWR Friends of Haystack Rock Friends of Las Vegas NWR Friends of Loess Bluffs NWR Friends of Mashpee NWR Friends of Mid-Columbia River Wildlife Refuges Friends of Midway Atoll NWR Friends of Monomoy Friends of Nevada Wilderness Friends of Nisqually NWR Friends of Noxubee Refuge Friends of Ohio River Islands NWR Friends of Ottawa NWR Friends of Patuxent Friends of Pool 9 Friends of Salt Plains NWR Friends of San Diego Wildlife Refuges Friends of Seal Beach NWR Friends of Shawangunk Grasslands NWR Friends of St. Marks Wildlife Refuge

Individual Donations


$1,000 – $10,000

John and Donna Martin Joseph McCauley Susan Miller Mark Musaus Katie O’Brien John and Nuri Pierce Pauline Pitt Steve Quarles Lynn Scarlett Paul Schmidt Nancy Soulette Dan and Mary Stanton James Stone Thomas Strickland Bernard Sussman Chris Wright


“Ding” Darling Wildlife Society

Spartanburg County Foundation Stanback Internship Program – Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment Ann H. Symington Foundation U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Arthur K. Watson Charitable Trust Wilson Conservation Trust

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$25,000 and up

Friends of the Assabet River NWR Friends of the Detroit Lakes WMD Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges Friends of the Little Pend Oreille NWR Friends of the Lower Suwannee and Cedar Keys NWRs Friends of the Migratory Bird/ Duck Stamp Friends of the National Conservation Training Center Friends of the Oxbow NWR Friends of the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center Friends of the Refuge Mississippi River Pools 7 & 8 Friends of the Tampa Bay NWRs Friends of the Wildlife Corridor Friends of Trinity River Refuge Friends of Tualatin River NWR Friends of Wallkill River NWR Friends of Willamette Valley NWRC Okefenokee Wildlife League Portneuf Valley Audubon San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society Seney Natural History Association Shoreline Education for Awareness

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Refuge Friends Groups


Thank You To All Who Supported the Refuge Association’s Mission in FY2018


Kodiak NWR, Alaska | Lisa Hupp/USFWS


Elizabeth Pfeil Paul Phillips Judith Pollock Gary Price David and Gigi Priebe William Reffalt and Christine Enright Sarah Robey Daniel Roby Edmund Ross, Jr. Chuck Sexton Kevin Shupe Bill and Peggy Sproul Donna Stanek* Joan Van der Grift Crystal Wakoa and David Moynahan Charles Wilkinson Linqing Yang C. Fred Zeillemaker*


$100 – $249


John Alcock* Maria Alvarez Lynn Anderson Janice Arrott Guy Babineau Paul Babwin Theodore Bailey Bud Baker Gail S. Baker Susan Baker Dot Bambach Edward Barrios Alan and Janet Baumann Thomas Baxter Tom and Lindsay Bell John Berry Bruce Blanchard Eldon and Joan Boes Jane Boger Janet Bogue Joette Borzik William Bouton Molly and Bill Brown * Monthly Donors

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Carol Brown Chad Brown* Michael Bryant Slader Buck Linda and Arlan Bushman Jay Bushnell Katey Buster Paul Caldwell Norman Callahan and Tom Gagnon* Nancy Calltharp Forrest Cameron David Carre Jean Carrigan* Norberto Castro Susan Cerulean and Jeffrey Chanton Louise Chambers John and Amy Cholnoky Domenick Ciccone David Collin Sharon Columbus Ellen Cone Gail and Frank Coniglio Nancy Coombs John Cornely Wendi Craig* Carol and Doug Damberg Annette De Knijf Laura DeGolier Francesca Demgen Stephen Dill Ora Dixon John and Peggy Doebel Sheri Dollin* Robert Doster Harold Draper Louise Dunn Megan Durham Ronald and Barbara Eckoff Janet Ellis and Jim Hansen Steve and Martha Ellis Judy and Albert Elseroad Stephen Evanoff Liz and Sam Febba Sharon Fetherman

Bob and Karen Fisher Michael Fite Elizabeth Flint Kevin and Maureen Foerster Kim Forrest Ann Fourtner MaryKay Fox Kathy Freitas Richard Frietsche Marilyn Gamble and Joan Morgan Mike Gantt and Alan Clark Elizabeth Garney Linnea Garrepy* John Garrett* Aaron Garza Nancy and James Gasen Daphne Gemmill Nancy Gilbertson and Tom Prall Thomas Giuliano Patricia Glim Tim Glover* Claire Goad Michelle Goetz Laurel Gould Kathleen Granillo* Kenneth Grannemann Marie Greenstein Lynn and Judy Greenwalt David and Betsy Griffin Martin and Ann Gulbransen Marilyn Hale Michael Hamm Joe Harbison Margaret and Gary Hartzler Susan Haseltine Cindy Heffley Lisette and Robert Henrey Elizabeth Herland John and Hermi Hiatt Marguerite Hills Sue Hix and Dean Kleinhans Barbara Holcombe Deborah Holle Joshua and Joan Holleb Lynne Holt David and Dora Hopkins Dave and Barbara Howard Robert Howard Marc Howlett Bryan Hunt E. L. Hutton Kathleen Isaacs James Jackson Karen James Phyllis Jeffery Susan Jewell Karin Johnson Lois Johnson and Claire Barden Tony Judge Leah Kaplan Robert Karges Robert Keeley Amy Keister Shelly Kennedy Jean Keskulla and George Stalker

Larry Kieft Susan Kirkpatrick Andrew Kraczkiewicz* Holly Krahe Rodney Krey Eva Kristofik Stephen Krival MaryAnn Kruse Laurel Ladwig* Darrell Lanford Kenneth Lavish Carrie Lee* Harvey Lee Peter Lent Roy Levin and Jan Thomson Paul Liedberg Harvey Lillywhite Jingwen Lin Emily Lott Lynard Love Maija Lutz Craig Mandel Terry Mansfield Katrina Martich Patricia Matthews* Deborah Mauger Margaret and John Maxwell Madeline Maxwell Richard and Judy May Thomas and Joan McAndrews Ruth McArthur Sarah McCarty Carol McClain Jennifer McConville Lenore McCullagh Kathleen McGinley John McGrath Kevin McKereghan Eileen McLaughlin John Mensik Lloyd Merrill Steven Midthune Robert and Irma Miller Clement Mimun Pat Monacella David Monk Marianne Mooney Clyde Morris Richard and Laurel Morris Nancy Morrissey William Moses Berk Moss Meaghan Mullins Frances Murphey Raynor Needleman James Nelson Rebecca Nesse* Loi Nguyen Paul Nickerson Philip Norton and Phoebe Wood* Judith O’Neale* Edward O’Neil Russ Oates John Oberheu Lauren Oliver Emelie Olson Stephen and Susan Parry Howard Patterson

Joan Patterson Kris Perlberg Wayne Petersen Margaret Peterson Jessica Pierson-Turner Daniel Price Kathleen Przybylski* Mark Pugliese and Susan Campbell Julie Randall Carl Ramm and Susan Alexander David and Marga Raskin Rita Rasmussen Frank Rawling James Reinig Kristin Riggs Stefan Robel Jon Robinson Terri Rose Dick Running Paul and Margaret Sampson Jeffrey Sanders Matthew Sarver Charles Schenk and Kathleen Miller Mark Scheuerman Nancy Schneider Barney and Barb Schranck Richard Schultz Yvonne Schultz Trink and Ernie Schurian Kurt Schwarz Joel and Jane Scott John Seeger Susan Setterberg Richard and Doris Shields Richard and Leslie Shields Jonathan Shore Neal Sigmon and Mary Ann Lawler Ann Bloxom Smith* Eric Smith Karen Smith Thomas Smith Craig Snapp Caroline Sory Whitman Soule Margaret Spransy Mark St. Onge Sandy Stark Paul Steblein Susan Stewart Walter Stieglitz Doris Stoner Donna Stovall Michael Stroeh Donald Sudbrink, Jr John Sutherland Mark and Christine Sweeny Jean Takekawa James Talley The Tam Family Philip Tanimoto James Thatcher Richard Thieke Sharon Tinker Roberta Tunick John and Mary Kay Turner

Rick Turoczy Donna Ubertalli Kimberly Uyehara Barbara Volkle and Steve Moore Richard Voss Martin and Gail Vranicar Deb Wallace Dan and Beverly Walsworth Sharon Ware Elizabeth Warkentin Oliver Watson Linda Watters Haven and Minna Wiley Arnee and Walter Winshall Richard Wojtowicz Teresa Wright Robert and Sheryl Yantis

Combined Federal Campaign


Chris Pease Alexandra Peet Steve Petrakis Frances Raskin Thomas Roster Jeffrey Rupert Andrew Scheineson Karrie Schwaab Sarena Selbo Greg Siekaniec Anne Sittauer Hunter Smith Marcia Sonon Thomas Taylor Stella Tea Kristi Theil John Trischler Paul Tritaik Karen Viste-Sparkman Polly Wheeler Robert Williams Susan Wojtowicz Damon Yeh Andrew Yuen Our thanks also to those CFC donors who chose to remain anonymous

Awards Dinner Sponsors and Donors

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Ducks Unlimited

The Audubon Society James McClelland III Kathy and Carl Woodward American Zoo Association Defenders of Wildlife Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership William Buchanan C.K. Mondavi Robert Morgan and Janice Erich Donal O’Brien III Rebecca Rubin Lynn Scarlett Geoffrey L. Haskett The Wilderness Society Alaska Wilderness League DOI Federal Credit Union The Conservation Fund Michael F. Boylan Tom and Beth Goettel Marge Kolar Mark Musaus Cheryl Hart Steven Kohl Joseph McCauley Marc Meyer Chuck Pyle Nathaniel Reed Tim Richardson Mike and Terry Baldwin Donald Barry Paul Phillips Julie Randall

Special Thanks

United States Fish and Wildlife Service National Resources Conservation Service Teresa Burke Wright Dragana Connaughton Tom Gannon Jim Strickland Frank Pisch Partners for Conservation Florida Department of Environmental Protection: Florida Forever Program Florida Forest Service: Rural and Family Lands Protection Program Joan Patterson Marstel-Day Friends of the Refuge – Mississippi River Pools 7 and 8 Friends of the Refuge Headwaters Friends of the Wichitas Nick Anuzis Hannah Feltz Bhargavi Karumuri Sean Carnell Anna Grubb Mark Sowers Nick Prasser Taylor Tench Tommy Howze Tim Woody

To support NWRA, please visit us on the web at refugeassociation.org | CFC #10076



Surgeon Fish at Rose Atoll NWR | USFWS

James Angley Aaron Archibeque Robert Betker Mark Chase Steven Chase Melissa Cooper Bryan Crawford Kevin DesRoberts Peter Dratch Jennifer Druckman Sheila Dufford Joshua Ecker Mitchell Ellis

Mitzie Ellis Joanna Fox Gary Frazer Danny Gates Rebekah Giddings Lori Grant Layne Hamilton Aaron Hernandez Michael Higgins Kenneth Hittel Alex Hoar Janice Isosaari Richard Johnston Scott Kahan Kay Kuhlman James Kurth Lisa LaPlant Kyle Lindemer Michael Lopez Andre Loranger Mark Maghini Sharon Marino Cynthia Martinez Timothy Mayer Theresa McBride Tanya McCarlson Ronnie L. McKenzie James Metrailer Carl Millegan Frank Muth Christopher Myers Vera O’Connor Jennifer Owen-White Carolyn Paurowski


Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico | Keith Ramos


What wine would you pair with a specific refuge and why?

“Sipping a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon while watching the majestic sandhill cranes at the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico. As I sip, I wonder what they are saying to each other… probably discussing the weather and dinner, I muse, or maybe it’s simply, “Where shall we go today?” Janice Mondavi


National Wildlife Refuge Association Board of Directors — Officers Chair, Rebecca Rubin, Fredericksburg, VA Vice-Chair, Marge Kolar, Davis, CA Treasurer, James McClelland III, Washington, DC Secretary, Mike Baldwin, Sanibel, FL

Board of Directors

**Kit Rohn, Darian, CT **Carl Woodward, Chatham, NJ *Kathy Woodward, Chatham, NJ Andrew Woolford, Norwalk, CT

Chad Brown, Portland, OR

Advisory Council

William Buchanan, Jr., New Canaan, CT

Tony Judge, South Hadley, MA

**Arden Bucklin-Sporer, San Francisco, CA **Gail Carmody, Panama City, FL Dragana Connaughton, Palm Beach, FL NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE ASSOCIATION • 2018 ANNUAL REPORT

Steven Quarles, Mt. Airy, MD

* Members who rotated off the board during FY18 * *Members who joined the board in FY18

Dan Ashe, Rockville, MD


*David Preschlack, Bristol, CT

Tom Goettel, South Thomaston, ME Cheryl Hart, Portland, OR *Janice Mondavi, St. Helena, CA Rob Morgan, Lewes, DE Michael Mullins, Captiva, FL Donal O’Brien III, New Canaan, CT Mamie Parker, Dulles, VA **Gray Payne, Palm Beach Gardens, FL


Marc Meyer, Boston, MA Mike Murphy, Boulder, CO Glenn Olson, Sacramento, CA Mamie Parker, Dulles, VA Stuart Watson, Portland, ME

Executive Staff Geoffrey Haskett, President Mark Musaus, Chief Operating Officer Desirée Sorenson-Groves, Vice President, Government Affairs

What wine would you pair with a specific refuge and why?


“Autumn evenings in Georgia’s Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge are a magical mixture of open prairie, cypress forest, hanging moss, and wondrous sights and sounds. An “Oke” red blend or dark Cabernet is a perfect match for the rich tannin scent of the refuge water, the crisp air, and the deep rumble of gators serenading the setting sun.” Dan Ashe


What wine would you pair with a specific refuge and why?

“Champagne and the San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge! A chilled glass of bubbly pairs well with the salty breeze coming off ofthe water and fish tacos from a nearby food truck.” Angie Horn


Program Staff

Regional Representatives

Kristen Berry, Conservation/Development Consultant

Refuge Association Advisors

The National Wildlife Refuge Association has three Regional Representative positions, located in Regions 4 (Southeast), 5 (Northeast), and 7 (Alaska). The Refuge Association added a new Regional Representative this year with the appointment of Mike Bryant in September 2017. Mike is keeping tabs on issues affecting the Southeast Region, with an emphasis on North and South Carolina. The Refuge Association aspires to place Regional Representatives in every USFWS region. The representatives play an important role in keeping abreast of issues through their close contact in regions where they previously worked. With this experience they are able to add significant depth and context to the Refuge Association’s position with respect to those issues. Additionally in 2018, all Regional Representatives participated on an internal grants review team, where they identified potential grant opportunities applicable to their issues and projects in their region.

Jon Andrew, Florida Refuge Liaison

Mike Boylan, Regional Representative, Alaska

Dennis David, Conservation Project Manager

Mike Bryant, Regional Representative, North Carolina and

Dave Griffin, Owner, Confluence Visuals

South Carolina

Fernando Núñez-García, Caribbean Wildlife Specialist

Joe McCauley, Regional Representative, Northeast Region

Joy Blackwood, Urban Wildlife Refuge Program Director Caroline Brouwer, Director, Government Affairs Jessica Castro-Prieto, PhD, Carribbean Conservation Coordinator Debbie Harwood, Office Manager Angelina Horn, SoCal Regional Refuge Partnership Specialist Steve Jester, Partners for Conservation Karla Maldonado, Financial Consultant Julie Morris, Conservation Programs, Florida and Gulf Coast Programs Manager Eden Taylor, Communications Associate Robert Taylor, Restoration Ecologist

Refuge Association Legal Counsel Rob Morgan, General Counsel Steven Quarles, Environmental Counsel

Cissy Russell, Graphic Designer Rick Schultz, Special Projects Manager Paul Taylor, CEO, Global Citizen Consulting

Vieques NWR, Puerto Rico | USFWS

“A cold Medalla sitting on a sandy beach at the stunning Vieques National Wildlife Refuge in Puerto Rico is a refreshing break after a swim with sea turtles, groupers, octopuses and rays in the vibrant and crystal clear waters. Who could ask for more?” Desirée Sorenson-Groves




What wine would you pair with a specific refuge and why?


1001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 905 Washington, DC 20036

Help Protect America‘s Wildlife! Visit refugeassociation.org | CFC #10076


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