Ruix Zine, Vol 2- Issue V

Page 6



This most recent YlangYlang release is at once a deviation from the rest of her catalog and a distillation of the elements at the core of her sonic cloth. Full Moon Solo Piano is a literal, as well as poetic, title - each tune features a single piano track, with a vocal overdub. According to the liner notes, it was recorded on holiday in Rome, direct to her computer mic, and the improvisational aspect of these performances is readily apparent, the songs languidly unfolding from loose sketches. There are echoes of minimalism and near-Windham Hill stillness in these four songs, accented by the external ambient sounds captured audio veritestyle via the meager recording setup. Full Moon Solo Piano possesses the voyeuristic qualities inherent in field recordings, but with a keen self-awareness that results in a focused final product. You can grab the tape, while copies remain, from Phinery, a Danish label I am just getting hepped to.

Kansas City’s Riala convincingly conjure the sounds of my ‘90s youth. Though there are touches of the shoegaze revival in their sound, particularly the delay on the guitars in places, the main vibe I’m getting here is of mid-’90s midwest emo. In particular, I hear echoes of Lync and various Kinsella-populated bands, most notably Owls. There are also nods to the rhythmic complexities of math-rock, though the melodies and vocals prevent that from being the dominant theme. In their heavier moments, I hear bits of Touch & Go bands like Arcwelder and Seam. Despite this litany of comparisons, Be Here | Be There is much more than the sum of its constituent parts, and at least as much 2015 as 1995. The songwriting is strong, with a discerning balance of catchy hooks and fevered squall. It’s an album perfect for dark, frigid midwest winters, the sound of youth in basements, bashing away at their collective ennui.

- Full Moon Solo Piano (Phinery)


- Be Here | Be There (Haymaker Records)

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