Allara Estate :: Resident Welcome Pack

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An award winning Enviro-Development community

welcome to allara

CONTENTS WELCOME TO ALLARA! 3 WHAT IS ENVIRODEVELOPMENT? 3 OPPORTUNITIES FOR 3 RESIDENTS AT ALLARA Design Guidelines 3 Clever Lifestyle Bundle 3 ECOSYSTEMS 4 Our approach at Allara 4 Did you know? 4 What you can do 5 WASTE 6 Our approach at Allara 6 Did you know? 7 What you can do 7 ENERGY 8 Our approach at Allara 8 Did you know? 8 What you can do 8 MATERIALS 10 Our approach at Allara 10 Did you know? 11 What you can do 11 WATER 12 Our approach at Allara 12 Did you know? 13 What you can do 13 COMMUNITY 14 Our approach at Allara 14 Did you know? 15

WELCOME TO Allara! Allara : Home of Envirodevelopment’s highest sustainability rating Allara has been nationally recognised by the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) as an environmentally sustainable development after achieving all six elements.

EnviroDevelopment certification recognises developments with outstanding sustainability performance determined through independent assessment against national standards. The program covers

ecosystems, waste, energy, materials, water and community. By purchasing in Allara you will know that you are living in a community that aims to have minimal impact on the environment that extends far beyond the boundaries of your front yard and can save you money too! This booklet provides tips on how you can save you money when designing your home.

Opportunities for RESIDENTS at Allara DESIGN GUIDELINES As a resident, you will have access to support as you design your home with your lifestyle at Allara in mind. Allara’s comprehensive guidelines contain many design ideas and principles for you to consider. They also clarify some of the minimum expectations in place for your homes design. CLEVER LIFESTYLE BUNDLE Get in early and benefit from our Clever Lifestyle Bundle (CLB). An initiative designed to support affordable living by offering savings on; home security, solar power, energy monitors and smart meters, LED lights and smart thermostats. That’s up to $11,000 worth of added benefits!


Solar power (1.5kWh minimum)



Energy monitors and smart meters



LED lights / smart lights







Home security Smart thermostat / energy efficient air-conditioning Rear and side fencing


Waterwise front landscaping



$11,816 $1,102

Values do not apply to 225sqm lots.



Our approach at Allara

At Allara, biodiversity and ecological value has been enhanced through a range of initiatives.

Did you know?

• Fauna surveys and relocation of fauna occured prior to earthworks. • Retention of existing trees on site has been possible through re-design, including some of the most healthy, mature specimens. • Seeds have been collected from native vegetation on site prior to the development. They are in storage and will be used to re-vegetate areas within Allara. • Did you know that Allara has it’s own plant? The ‘Allara Eremophila’ was selected specifically for the conditions at Allara and is a Waterwise native plant with flowers that attract nectar feeding birds and insects.


What you can do You can create space for wildlife in your garden or on your balcony, no matter how large or small, and in return you will be

rewarded with green space that is buzzing with life.

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Incorporate green space into the design. Why not consider a planted wall? Don’t pave over the ground unless you really need to – a smaller garage means more space for you and nature.

Include bird boxes and other features in the design. Create a habitat friendly garden by creating a biodiverse garden, installing a frog pond, and reducing the impacts of pets.

OPERATION Use a variety of native plants.

seasons. This can offer year-round food to attract and sustain wildlife.

Provide garden structure with layers including tall trees, small trees and tall shrubs, a medium shrub layer, small shrubs and herbs, groundcovers and a litter (mulch) layer.

Keep your pets under control. For example, keep your cat inside at night and place a bell on its collar to alert wildlife.

Use an assortment of plants that flower, fruit and seed during all

Use alternatives to chemicals whenever possible in the garden.


ABC Gardening Australia (online videos and factsheets) Waterwise plants - waterwise-plants-search Allara Landscaping Brochure - documents/Allara_Landscaping_Information.pdf


WASTE Our approach at Allara

The entire site is a ‘Smart Waste Zone’, meaning that builders are encouraged to follow the Master Builders’ Association program to reduce construction waste and achieve high levels of recycling.


Did you know?

• Allara is a Master Builders Smart Waste Zone which requires a waste plan for each site. The target is for 80% reduction in construction and demolition waste. Smart waste resources are available for you, and your builder, to reduce waste and recycle.

What you can do

Luckily there are many things that can be done to reduce waste, and it will likely save you money.

• Overall the Developer has met the minimum target of 60% recycling during the construction of your lot in Allara.

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Ask your builder to look into prefabricated options, reducing construction waste.

• The Allara Design Guidelines encourage builders to recycle construction materials as well as consider prefabrication to reduce waste.

Ask your builder to recycle and tell you how much material has been sent to landfill. Separate your recycling from other items you will dispose or compost.

OPERATION Recycle using the council’s service. Look at getting a compost bin or worm farm and compost your food scraps.


Construction waste

Household waste: Wanneroo Waste Collection Services: homepage/26/waste_and_recycling


ENERGY Our approach at Allara

Our approach to Energy at Allara has been to demonstrate a high level of energy efficiency and renewable resources throughout the development.

Did you know?

• Allara has been designed to support climate responsive design through lot configuration and Design Guidelines that promote solar passive built form design. • Lots have been oriented to support passive solar design of buildings. • Deciduous trees have been used in landscaping to achieve seasonal shading and solar penetration (rather than using built elements). • The Clever Lifestyle Bundle provides a PV system, LED lighting, and energy monitoring to assist residents to manage their energy use.

What you can do

Building an energy efficient home can create long term savings for you and your family. Use your energy monitoring system to observe your energy usage and look to be more efficient with your habits. 8

TALK TO YOUR DESIGNER AND/OR BUILDER ABOUT: Thermal comfort – better glazing and insulation to provide better comfort and lower energy use. Zoning – the layout of your house should relate to the orientation and the best sources of daylight, solar access and breezes. Windows and eaves – ensure plenty of natural light. Plan for summer-time vertical screening to any east and west glazing, to protect from the hot morning and afternoon sun. Also, ensure north glazing has adequate horizontal shading to protect from the midday sun in summer, yet allows the midday sun to penetrate and warm the house in winter.

Natural ventilation – understand how to take advantage of the wonderful summer south-westerly sea breezes that will be a welcome part of life at Allara. Hot water system choices – choose solar, or heat pump hot water systems Standby energy elimination devices – devices that shut down your appliances completely when you are not using them. Appliances – if an appliance has an Energy Star rating, choose the highest star rating, or one below the highest if the cost difference is too much.

OPERATION Do the little things that save energy: Air-dry clothes


Turn things off – don’t leave appliances on stand-by, and unplug power cords from power outlets where practical.

Follow the design guidance and make sure the house is designed to be efficient.

Read your meter and look at your bill – see if you can use less electricity than you generate.

Enjoy the Solar rebate from the Clever Lifestyle Bundle offered at Allara.

Enjoy your Smart meter offered with the Clever Lifestyle Bundle and see where you could reduce your power bills.

Install LED lights. Design power circuits so that you can isolate power to certain appliances to shut them off when not in use. For example, one switch at your front door may enable you to shut power to all non-essential appliances in the house such as the radio, dishwasher, washing machine, printer and computer. Use a Life Cycle Assessment company to help you identify how best to reduce your overall carbon emissions from the design and construction of your home.


Synergy, green energy options Energy-plans/Green-energy-options 9

MATERIALS Our approach at Allara

Our approach at Allara has been to support the use of recycled materials through the construction phase of the development.


Did you know?

• Vegetation that has to be removed is mulched and used in Allara. • Excavated sand and limestone is reused onsite.

What you can do DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF YOUR HOME Consider the use of materials that are renewable, and have lowembodied energy. When selecting your construction method, think about materials that can be pre-finished to minimise onsite trades; or materials that provide a structural use but do not require painting, plastering or any other additional finish. For paints, adhesives and sealants look at low VOC products. Materials choice, such as carpets, can be specified to ensure low VOC and have 100 per cent recyclability at their end of life. Timber is generally a more sustainable choice than concrete, stone and metals. Request that only certified plantation timber be used when recycled options are not suitable, such as FSC and PEFC certified timber.

MORE INFORMATION Ecospecifier and Global Green Tag provide information on Sustainable products:

Zero VOC paint and renders etc: clay-paint



Our approach at Allara

Our approach to sustainable water at Allara has included understanding the overall water balance of the development to ensure efficient use of water.


Did you know?


The parks within ALLARA have a range of water sensitive landscaping features integrated across the community.

Buy water efficient appliances.

• A state of the art irrigation system incorporating drip irrigation has been installed in public areas.

Leave space for water to soak into the ground and, if you do pave, use ‘permeable paving’.

• A sustainable bore system has been installed, providing fit-for-use water to public gardens to reduce mains water use.

Enjoy your Clever Lifestyle Bundle Waterwise front landscaping package.

• A simple, effective and sustainable urban drainage approach has been taken with stormwater collection and infiltration. • Waterwise trees, shrubs, and lawn varieties have been incorporated into public areas and a list of suitable Waterwise plants is provided within the Allara Design Guidelines to assist with your own garden. • The Clever Lifestyle Bundle includes a Waterwise front landscape package.

Choose only dishwashers that use no more than 14 litres per load.

OPERATION Make sure you irrigate efficiently by using drip irrigation and grouping plants with similar watering needs along the same irrigation line or area. Fix leaking taps. Turn water taps off when you are not actively using the water. Keep your shower time under four minutes.

What you can do Behaviour, and learning good habits, makes a big difference. A building can be designed to be as water efficient as possible and can save you and your family money.

MORE INFORMATION For guides to Waterwise services, products, appliances, plants and other ideas for saving water in your home, please explore: Waterwise-plants-search 13

COMMUNITY Our approach at Allara

Our approach at Allara has been to ensure that the design of the development provides opportunities to participate fully in the community and to provide a high level of amenity that is conducive to leading a happy and healthy life.






Did you know? FOSTERING COMMUNITY • The streets at Allara are designed to encourage you to walk through the area and get to know your neighbours. • Playgrounds, with landscaped BBQ areas have been provided for you to relax and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle.

HEALTHY COMMUNITY • As well as its proximity to parks, the public spaces encourage children to play outside. • Pedestrian and cycle pathways link Allara to the surrounding neighbourhood and community amenities. • Exercise and gym equipment has been provided in public areas • Free community events offered to residents throughout the year.


SALES AND INFORMATION CENTRE Revolution Avenue Just north of Pipidinny Road, Eglinton /AllaraEstate @AllaraEstate

Monday-Wednesday 12-5pm and Weekends & Public Holidays 10.30am-5pm Phone (08) 9368 9184 Email

MAY 2017

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