Ed. 61 - Addiction

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A Star Drowned in Alcohol Two halves of a footballer’s life Minjae Park


eptember 18, 9:45 a.m., a 41-year-old man was spotted banging on the door of a pub in Gateshead, a town by Newcastle. He spent twenty minutes by the door trying to force his way in, even trying his own keys. Once he’d given up, he took a taxi holding a blue plastic bag wrapped around a bottle of whisky. The man was arrested later that day on suspicion of causing criminal damage. This incident occurred the morning after he had returned from a monthlong booze holiday throughout Europe that saw him rushed to a hospital in Portugal. This man, a former Rangers, Newcastle United and Tottenham regarded as the most talented footballer of his generation: Paul Gascoigne. Gascoigne professed his long list of problems in his autobiography Being Gazza: Tackling My Demons published in 2006. Even as a player, Gascoigne had alcohol problems. In 1999, his wife Sheryl left him once his problems spiraled into violence. Since retiring from playing football with obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, bulimia and alcoholism. A former BBC Sports Personality of the Year, Gascoigne has had his problems exacerbate since stepping down as a professional. A year after retiring, Gascoigne was appointed his reign when Kettering’s chairman claimed that he was

then, he has checked in and out of clinics. Peter Kay, the chief executive of Sporting Chance (a charity set up to help sportsmen with addictions) stated that “At the moment I think it is extremely unlikely he will live to the age that George Best, a notorious alcoholic, passed away at 59. This January, Gascoigne allegedly asked the staff at a Hilton Hotel in London to bring him a steak knife with which to kill himself and then threatened to drown himself. He was immediately checked into a hospital under the Mental Health Act of England, which states that a person

can be detained for a maximum of 72 hours until they can be examined by a doctor and treated by a social worker. After he was sectioned by this Act for a second time this June, The Times’s Martin Samuel wrote, “Certainly, he is a danger to himself with his suicidal thoughts, and that Following Gascoigne’s sacking in 2005, the Professional Footballer’s Association’s Chief Executive Gordon Taylor said, “We have to look at how to address Paul’s personal problems. That is easier said then done because you can’t force people into treatment. We have had a lot of success with Sporting Chance, but it’s up to Paul to address those problems. The very nature of professional sport is in a way addictive— adrenaline can be very telegraph.co.uk addictive—and that’s made the point that once Gascoigne had retired, he had lost an addiction in football. And losing the excitement involved in playing the game had forced him to turn to an alternative activity that would consume him in the same way. Unfortunately, he chose drinking. Eric Cantona once said, “If you have only one passion in life—football—and you pursue it to the exclusion of everything else, it becomes very dangerous. When you stop doing this activity it is as though you are dying. The death ing upon retirement, saying, “I needed something which was going to excite me as much as football had excited tional Beach Football team to glory in the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup and remains the manager. Paul Gascoigne, too, turned to management but gave in to alcohol just after 39 days. If he is to overcome his problems, Gascoigne more similarly, like Maradona, he will hopefully revert to his original addiction, football.

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The Evolution of Addictions Addictions can be conquered...or not

Yumi Park


: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. An addiction is often perceived as unchangeable, like a gigantic baobab tree with roots that penetrate into the deepest layer of our minds. By the time we realize its harmful effects and try to pull it out, it’s too late for it has already conquered us. Recently, however, I have experienced an epiphany, where I realized that addictions can change. Some addictions die, but others are born and sometimes those which I thought have died so long ago rise like a phoenix. Here are some of my addictions that have gone through these changes: Chocolate to Vanilla There was a time during which I could never imagine that I would give up my chocolate milkshake for something else. I remember standing at the counter of a fast-food restaurant with my

with the gorgeous hue of the brown chocolate cream. I received the milkshake, feeling the mix of cold ice cream and the warm chocolate syrup. The creamy liquid mixed with tiny chocolate pieces were a heavenly taste. But, recently, I always order vanilla instead of chocolate milkshakes. The plain white cream mixed with ice feels as if I am biting into sweet

with my six-year-old sister over the Nintendo DS in the car. the world of videogames, in which all that matters is driving my cart as fast as I can. My addiction to videogames remains unconquered. Philosophical undesirable moments. Once, it came to gnaw at my mind method to use, had integrated each part of the function, and the last step that was left was just to add a number. At that moment, I asked myself, “Why does simplest mathematical equation, which I had always assumed to be true without questioning, haunted me for the next several days. How did we come to automatically equate one plus one with two? An even more fundamental question would be how did we assign meaning to these numerical symbols? Through research, I found out that the equation 1 + 1 = 2 has 150 steps of axioms and proofs behind it. SATs My addiction for these sweet standardized tests began… Just kidding. Getty Images Senior Countdown

shake. Vanilla milkshakes have replaced my obsession with chocolate ones.

I had been addicted to counting my days off until the end of school and even until graduation day: 15, 14, 13… I wrote and decorated these numbers with bright highlighters and crossed out the days that passed. But soon, I was struck by the inevitability of time. No matter how I wish to get through these days quickly or hold them a little

Videogames I thought that I had overcome my childhood obsession with videogames, but recently, I found myself arguing

to appreciate and enjoy each moment of my day being a senior at Graded.

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point of view

It’s All Relative Is food your weakness? Isabella Freyre here you are, inside your house. You might be buried


of freshly baked donuts may entice someone to stop at a

in profound monotony, nervous about a party, anxious

bakery even when physically full after dinner, encouraged

about a test, or crying due to the pain of love. Suddenly

by a compulsion. You might say, “Sure, I act in the same

and without noticing a change in your behavior, you stroll

manner during my family’s Thanksgiving feast.” But food

towards a special room. Inside—luminous, elegant, sacred—

addicts’ excessive behavior is chronic. Once such habits

resides the refrigerator. Everyone


longer a simple matter of just

that food is not simply

saying no.

nourishment and fuel for

For years experts have

our bodies. The word en-

scoffed at the idea that one

compasses distraction, en-

could be addicted to ice cream

tertainment, consolation;

or chips. But with the advance

a compelling companion.

of technology, medical scans

The world’s be-

have revealed striking simi-

loved comical cat, Gar-

larities in the brain chemistry of drug addicts and chronic







Mauricio de Souza’s ador-

have been accused of lacking


will power. A bugling belly is



not enough to keep them away desire for food. Even the

from food. But research by the

epic Friends

U.S. Department of Energy’s

embodies gluttony. Some

Brookhaven National Labora-

people drink Coke from

tory in New York suggests that they lack adequate brain re-

the morning when they

ceptors for dopamine instead.

trudge into the kitchen

Dopamine is the chemical that

wearing their comfortable

activates the brain’s motiva-


tion system, that triggers that

ment before going to bed.

pleasing “aah” response.

Some have learned calorie tables even better than they know their multiplication tables.

Food should be consumed Getty Images





down to devour an entire wedge of brie cheese, one could

Food has been used by many people as a panacea

eat thin slices. If tortilla chips are a weakness, avoid Mexi-

for common problems. Any life stresses are driving forces

can restaurants. Portions should be reduced to healthy

pushing to eat, eat, and eat. These silent battles in search

sizes. Emotions should be exercised without the strong con-

of pleasure are fought with sharp forks and jagged knives.

nection to food. Learn to eat only when truly hungry. And,

In response to repressed feelings, one engages in combat

exercise: Big Macs and fresh cookies are not solely respon-

with a chocolate Easter bunny, savagely biting its head off.

sible for pleasure.

People self-medicate with chunky candy bars or luscious pieces of cake, even beyond the feeling of ultimate satis-

dictive. Shouldn’t food be added to the list?

faction. One scoop of dessert is never enough. The smell

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point of view

If You Ask Me... Everyday addictions Martin Shores


veryone is an addict. No matter how we sugar-coat it with words, a physical or mental dependency, no matter how small, is an addiction. When you can’t go a certain amount of time without doing a particular thing, then you’re an addict. Yes, I’m looking at you Facebook aficionados. Addictions can be beneficial or damaging. They can be the norm or simply a fad. Entire generations can revolve around them, as do industries. Tobacco companies, among the other addiction-instilling industries, thrive on dependency of the young, because it means that they’ll have devotees for years to come. Advertisement is therefore specifically targeted towards the young, in the hopes of instilling in them the idea that without that product, they won’t be complete. However different addictions may be, they do possess certain similar characteristics. The results are often disastrous when an attempt is made to reduce or eliminate the dependency. Caffeine is a recurring example in our times. Try prying the mugs and little cardboard cups from the average early morning worker, see what happens. Yeah, not pleasant. They also seem to have in common the fact that they exist as a method of psychological or physical escape for the addict. A dependency on pointless consumerism perhaps only masks a person’s inner dissatisfaction with his immediate surroundings. The 60’s and 70’s were a glorious time for the music industry, and also a time in which addictions grew exponentially. Everyone was dressing funny, changing their hairstyles to match the Beatles’s, or Elvis’s. Not that people don’t dress strangely nowadays, but back then it was all right because the world was seized by an addiction to popular culture. It was also a notable time for “hitting the

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bong.” Repeatedly. Some of the aforementioned artists’ greatest hits are odes to who-knows-what-substances. The Eagle’s “Hotel California” is an amazing song, but it’s practically a serenade to drug addiction. We always associate addiction with to drug consumption, alcoholism, drastic withdrawal symptoms, crazy guys just looking for a quick fix, and other assorted forms of debauchery. So yeah, addiction has a bad rep. It effectively prevents normal body functionality unless that craving is sated. In addition, the term “addiction” is often overused (see paragraph above). Nowadays, not only do people claim to be addicted to things, but the same is said about any old craving. However, addiction isn’t all bad. If the body becomes dependent on something, and that thing is good, then why postpone the inevitable? People can easily become addicted to Getty Images sports, for example. The glamour, the adrenaline, the endorphins; who wouldn’t want to indulge in the body’s natural drugs? For the sportsman, it’s great. Physical activity naturally makes the body happy. But on the flipside, spectators tend to get pretty violent when it’s their team on the field. Addictions come in all shape and sizes, varieties and intensities. Whether an insatiable appetite for the newest best thing, or just daily jogs around the park, addictions play a big role in our society.

point of of view view point

Therein Lies The Paradox The inevitability of addiction Victoria Steinbruch


have noticed that I’m surrounded by addicts. They are found in all shapes and sizes, varied in name, age and nationality, but they shadow my existence. My teachers tend to adore caffeine. My peers, as we get older and start climbing even further into adulthood, are increasingly following the same path. We tend to see coffee and its varia-

we are on the verge of a total burnout. It welcomes and soothes our mornings, making the transition from sweet dreams to harsh reality less brutal. It is viewed as a form of salvation for the teachers who must grade and correct the same assignment 80 times, even if that means that the student will receive essays My generation is addicted to Facebook. It’s as if submerging ourselves into the lives of others will relieve the ing upon our own. For a couple of minutes, as we robotically change from one picture to the next, from one status update to another, it is like we have put our own realities on hold. I can’t explain why every time I turn on my computer I automatically check my Facebook. Whether it’s the urge towards instantaneous communication or the power able to monitor everything so closely, from what they are doing to whom they speak to, I don’t fully understand. But nitely a vice. It is an obstacle that I must overcome every night in order to be able to focus fully on my homework. It is a craving that sometimes I must ignore in order to be able to overcome procrastination. My friends are addicted to the chocolate chip cookies that can be found in the third jar to the right on top of the counter next to the refrigerator of my kitchen. They have often joked that these cookies are the sole purpose of their visits. I don’t blame them. They are soft in the middle and crispy around the edges. The chocolate seems

to melt as it reaches the tongue. Divine becomes mundane when trying to explain what they taste like. That is what they have told me, anyways. Though I don’t believe in the superpowers that these cookies are said to possess, my friends and I do share a common obsession for Feel Good Green Tea. Discovered by one of us in our freshmen year, it has never left our side. It accompanies us to classes, it is always present in our many sleepovers and it is the cause of our need to use the restroom every 20 minutes. My siblings are addicted to videogames and in front of the television with a bowl of food marveling at the wonders of modern communication. Whether it’s through sitcoms, movies or reality TV, they are always faithfully there. For them, watching is not only entertainment, it’s a reliGetty Images gious experience. They at the prescribed hour, in front of this shrine, ready to experience whatever will be laid out for them. Throughout my childhood, I have always felt the presence of the videogame systems; Nintendos became PlayStations that eventually turned into Xboxes, which ultimately evolved into the Wii. I have Mario Kart’s theme song inscribed in my mind and I will always carry with me the many families that I left behind in The Sims. From Grand Theft Auto to Winning Eleven, I have seen everything, simply by accompanying my brothers into these parallel worlds. Addiction may bring to mind hard core drugs, alcohol and gambling. But to me it is simply one of the many traits that go along with being human. They shape our personalities as they are part of what set us apart from others. At the same time though, some addictions bring us together. They shape generations, they provide us with drive. They bring friendships closer and they mark childhoods. Mild addictions are a necessity because human beings have a need for repetition. They bring comfort since we can always depend on being dependent.

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point of view

The New Social Dynamic Relax, parents, we’re still part of the world

Paula Martinez


’m going to be blunt and make a very clear statement, on which everything I write will be based: parents are confused by teenage habits. In some cases, they just don’t get it. At all. Even a little bit. I’m talking different languages here, an incomprehensible code. There’s no universal “normal” anymore. My parents are convinced I’m hopelessly addicted to I go to when I get home from school is the one where my computer is. On weekends I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast and take a shower, then make a beeline for the Internet. Heaven forbid something scandalous happened the night before, and I miss out on seeing the Facebook pictures as soon as they’re posted. However, my parents assume I am now “incapable of normal human interactions,” since I’m “better acquainted with a keyboard than people.” Unlikely. I’m no party animal but I get together with friends on the weekends and hang out after school. I see that as normal. My parents say they went out twice as much when they were my age. And I reply that now friends have different ways of keeping in contact. Younger people are learning with alarming ease how to keep connected to the world through texting, emails, instant messaging, Facebook and Orkut, to name a few. We don’t have the same limitation of having to be in the exact same place at the exact same time to talk to each other. This freaks my parents out. Profoundly. They’re used to a world where texting didn’t exist. The Internet has only been around for, what, three decades? Now a teenage social circle revolves around screens and keys and clicking. Are they right to think we’ve gone nuts? Both sides of the argument need to be observed here. On the one hand we have the older generations who worry about them. And with good reason. Online gaming has taken over the lives of some individuals. Our eyes are

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probably being fried inside our heads from looking straight at screens too much. There’s something wrong when families instant message each other that dinner is ready or kids stay home alone because they prefer to chat with peers on MSN instead of going to out with their family. And it’s not just the Internet; other forms of technology are sucking in the teenage population as well. Many young people shut themselves up in their own little worlds with their iPods and have no idea what’s going on around them. On the other hand the Internet has become a tool I’m not going to give up. For many Graded students, a great number of our friends live abroad, in the vast international United States, Colombia, Argentina… the list goes on. Now that it’s possible for me to talk to them, even if it’s only via Skype calls or emails, I want to do everything I possibly can to keep in contact. I can keep up with their lives by looking at their newer Facebook pictures. I can start threads with many friends at one time and have a constant, ongoing conversation. I can share a good song with someone on my iPod Getty Images or sit and watch a movie with them during break. And I sit here thinking, “Let me get this straight: parents complain about excessive phone bills AND having to chauffeur their kids around so they can meet up with friends and family; but then they see the Internet as a problem?” Also, it’s ironic that if their children don’t participate in anyactivities they’re worried that their kids are antisocial and need professional help. What parents need to understand is that teenagers’ use of cell phones and laptops and iPods isn’t a symptom of insanity, it’s just a different social dynamic. Technology has just as many advantages as disadvantages. It’s all about how teenagers choose to use what is at their disposal. They can embrace the social opportunities that are just a click away, or they can abuse it and become addicted. Parents, we’re not crazy. We’re just a different “normal.”


É tudo culpa da gorjeta Carlo H. Neumark


inspirador ver o modo como Obama concorreu à presidência dos EUA. Não só ele, mas McCain também. Ambos lideraram campanhas que continham temas de mudança e esperança. Porém, sobre que mudança eles estavam falando? mar que não ouvi nenhum deles comentar sobre corrupção. Este caso é bem diferente no Brasil, pois paralelamente, no debate à prefeitura de São Paulo, ouvi inúmeras criticas de candidatos sobre corrupção em seu mandato. Por que há tanta corrupção no Brasil? Será algo inerente à nossa cultura? Corrupção demonstra falta de ética. Neste caso, tos de ordem valorativa e moral de um indivíduo, de um grupo social ou de uma sociedade (Houaiss). De acordo regras que guiam nossas ações dentre uma sociedade. Corrupção fere este princípio, apesar de Max Weber em seu “Política como Vocação”, pois está se apoiando na prática de um roubo. que a corrupção pode atingir todas as áreas da sociedade, variando do Congresso Nacional até a sala de aula. Para tentar descobrir se a corrupção é inerente ao brasileiro, é preciso analisar aqueles que regem e os que compõem o país. Uma pesquisa feita pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB) levantou dados sobre ética no serviço público e sobre a sociedade civil. Ao perguntar aos servidores públicos se eles se vezes” e 8% não sabiam responder/não responderam. Quando a

responder/não respondeu. Essa parte da pesquisa demonstrou ética, em contraste com 38% daqueles da sociedade civil. De acordo com uma denúncia feita pelo Ministério Público, os diriquadrilha formada por outros empresários públicos, foram indiciados por arrecadar cerca de 5 milhões de reais ilegalmente. Ao mesmo tempo, no ramo de sociedade civil, Daniel Dantas, líder do grupo “Opportunity”, foi preso ao dar propina para um policial federal.

que a corrupção está presente só na sociedade brasileira? está presente em todos países”. Esse artigo descreveu uma e combater a corrupção. De acordo com os assuntos debatidos vos provindos da corrupção. A corrupção causa um alto índice de sonegação de impostos, o que cria uma menor arrecadação para o governo. Além disso, os funcionários públicos visam a optar por contratos que tenham o maior benefício pessoal em detrimento do público. A corrupção também afeta as empresas privadas, pois elas são obrigadas a subornar as autoridades para que possam ascender no mercado. Devido a isso, muitas empresas estrangeiras preferem investir em poderia ser investido em outras áreas. Mas será um absurdo existir a corrupção no Brasil? Visto que o nosso país provem de uma monarquia patrimonialista, em que esfera pública e política eram pouco distintas uso de impostos para bens pessoais, como foi visto esse ano com a “farra dos cartões”, quando ministros utilizaram dinheiro público governo serve como um meio para que poucos Mas será que a corrupção pode

para privilegiar um amigo na fila. Podemos nos considerar hipócritas se condenamos a corrupção em cargos políticos mesmo aderindo a ela no dia a dia? Na era pré-colonial havia corrupção por meios de classe social, pois somente aqueles com sangue nobre poderiam ocupar cargos de prestígio. Quem sabe o que pode acontecer em um meio neoliberal? Será possível um dia considerar a corrupção um elemento comum na sociedade invés de vê-la como que proíbam corrupção como a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, por exemplo. Ou quem sabe, talvez em um futuro regulamentados dentro do cargo político ou público, de um modo que possamos incluir os “cafezinhos” como os “10% obrigatórios.”

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Brasil, mostra tua cara! Esta seção pretende abrir espaço para que brasileiros falem do Brasil. Os autores dos textos aqui publicados têm plena consciência da importância de manter bem informados os leitores do .

desrespeitada. Depois do encontro, o governo enviou à Assembléia Le-

de uma proposta para reduzir o tempo de trabalho para apo-

Lucas Rudzit


para decidiros passos da greve que começou em meados de setembro. Segundo o diretor do Sindicato dos Delegados de Polícia Civil do Estado de São Paulo, José Martins Leal, os salarial.

Mariana Suchodolski


pelo Parlamento da Indonésia, permitirá apenas que estrangeiras usem biquínis, e exclusivamente em áreas turísticas,

Logo no início da mobilização, uma cartilha escrita em cia Civil, como delegados, escrivães de polícia e investigadores ensinava como o grevista deveria se portar durante a paralisa-

tratará as áreas de lazer e entretenimento de forma diferenciada, assegurou o deputado Hussein Abdul Azis, do Partido Democrático, que faz parte da coalizão do governo. O setor turístico, um importante motor da economia do país, e representantes de co-

uma manifestação que marcou um mês de paralisação, policiais civis em greve entraram em confronto com a Polícia Militar nas imediações do Palácio dos Bandeirantes, sede do governo estadual paulista. Os grevistas iniciaram uma passeata rumo ao Palácio, mas foram barrados pelos PMs, quando teve início o choque, que deixou pelo menos 30 feridos. O governador José Serra (PSDB) acusou o movimento de ter motivação política.

ou “violar os valores morais da sociedade”. Além disso, a futura lei autoriza grupos ou indivíduos a tomar “medidas preventivas”

confronto.O ministro do STF, Ricardo Lewandowski, decidiu que

atos de violência.

Civil do Estado está cumprindo decisão do próprio Surpemo. O STF obrigava a manutenção de 80% do efetivo durante a greve. Segundo a Procuradoria Geral, a decisão do STF estaria sendo desrespeitada. Depois do encontro, o governo enviou à Assembléia Le-

de uma proposta para reduzir o tempo de trabalho para apogoverno estadual paulista. Os grevistas iniciaram uma passeata rumo ao Palácio, mas foram barrados pelos PMs, quando teve início o choque, que deixou pelo menos 30 feridos. O governador José Serra (PSDB) acusou o movimento de ter motivação política.

Laura Oliveira

O habitacionais e de saúde à cidades. “Um prefeito tem um papel extremamente importante, porque nenhum governador de estado pode, da capital, dirigir os interesses de todos os municípios. Não quero saber a que partido político pertence o prefeito, eu quero é saber que ele é o prefeito e que, portanto, tem tanta

confronto.O ministro do STF, Ricardo Lewandowski, decidiu que

população”, disse o presidente. No programa semanal Café com o Presidente, Lula avaliou que os prefeitos representam “peças extremamente importantes” no processo de consolidação da democracia no país.

Civil do Estado está cumprindo decisão do próprio Surpemo. O STF obrigava a manutenção de 80% do efetivo durante a greve. Segundo a Procuradoria Geral, a decisão do STF estaria sendo

o povo brasileiro que, livremente, escolheu os candidatos”. O presidente destacou que esta foi a primeira vez que todos os candidatos a prefeito, independentemente do partido político,

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news “enalteceram” a relação entre o governo federal e as prefeituras de todo o país. Para Lula, os candidatos eleitos, a partir de agora, deixam de ser “franco atiradores” e passam a ser “vidraças”, uma vez que as promessas de campanha serão cobradas pela população. O presidente conclui o programa dizendo que é preciso construir a parceria entre prefeito, governo dos estados e governo federal, para que as coisas possam dar certo e para

na capital carioca. -


brasileiro. “Estou convencido de que a parceria será cada vez mais forte, de que o povo aprendeu a cobrar, com muito mais força, aquilo que entende que tem direito”, disse Lula.

A delegada disse também que o motivo aparente

crime respectivamente, pelas câmeras de segurança do local,

Patrícia Mendonça


egundo uma reportagem da “Folha de SP”, publicada em outubro, Gilberto Kassab, prefeito reeleito da capital paulista, e Marta Suplicy, candidata derrotada no segundo turno, não atingiram as metas prometidas para a Educação em suas respectivas gestões. As leis estabelecidas, tanto no governo do atual prefeito quanto no da ex-prefeita, não foram bem implementadas. Essas acusações têm como base a análise de relatórios do Tribunal de documentos são embasados na prestação de contas do PT e do DEM.

por vagas nas creches e pré-escolas não foi cumprido. Além disso, tes. Quase metade dos professores dos anos iniciais da educação básica não têm formação de nível superior. Cabe dizer que são eles os responsáveis por uma das etapas mais importantes para a qualidade de toda a vida escolar: a alfabetização. Mesmo com o avanço conseguido por Kassab na atual gestão, 48 mil professores de creches (destinadas à faixa etária de zero a 3 anos), pré-escolas (4 e 5 anos) ou dos primeiros anos

trabalhava com a família há dez anos. O diretor de Relações Publicas do Grupo Sendas, Paulo convivência, nunca presenciei uma discussão ou falha dele com qualquer funcionário. Não sabemos o que aconteceu”, disse Castro à imprensa.

Beatriz Cavalieri


CET (Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego) promoveu a se-

cos e de segurança dos carros que circulam pela capital paulista. A vistoria foi feita no CETET (Centro de Educação e Treinamento -

voluntária e não obrigatória. “Com essa medida, a CET buscou que os veículos em mau estado de conservação colocam seus passageiros em risco por estarem mais propensos a provocar

nas com a formação de Ensino Médio. foi gerado um laudo com os itens que deveriam ser reparados

Johann Von Sothen


Arthur Sendas foi baleado em sua própria casa. O dono da rede de supermercados Sendas foi encontrado morto em seu apartamento no prédio Juan Les Pin, na zona sul do Rio de Jacia do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência para o Hospital Samaritano em Botafogo. O empresário chegou a entrar na sala de cirurgia, mas não resistiu aos graves ferimentos causados pelo tiro e acabou falecendo. Acionista também da Petrobras, Sendas

seguiu as normas da ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas), segundo a CET. quebram ou se envolvem em acidentes. Conforme a companhia, um carro quebrado em uma via de grande movimento, durante 15 minutos, provoca um congestionamento de 3 km de extensão. Na primeira edição da inspeção veicular promovida pelo órgão, cerca de 80 mil quilômetros rodados, dos quais apenas 13 (8%) não apresentaram nenhum tipo de problema. Regulagem de faróis, vazamento de óleo do motor e problemas em pneus foram as principais falhas dos veículos vistoriados.

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Dubya: Was It All That Bad? Andrew Shim


lmost exactly eight years ago, less than one hundred million American voters elected the Republican candidate George tion was concluded on a basis of electoral votes, which placed Bush ahead of Democratic candidate Al Gore, despite having won fewer popular votes. Little did Americans know that they had elected a man who would lead their country in a controversial “War Against Terror.”

Iraq. The unique force keeping terrorists and “maverick states” at bay is, in fact, the American military. Would President Gore or Kerry have succeeded in establishing this hard-line diplomacy? Would it have been possible to maintain stability in volatile regions such as Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea or Iran without Bush’s forceful attitudes? Of course there is no way to be sure, yet one could speculate that an indecisive foreign policy could very much be like the Carter Adminis-

in American history struck the United States, taking more than three thousand lives. Along with many Americans at the time, President Bush took the attack as an affront to democracy itself. As a response to this, the United States struck the Islamic fundamentalist state of Afghanistan, which was believed to be the base of operations for Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind of the terrorist plot. Of course, all that has become part of history by now, and most people can point out the events that followed. The invasion of Iraq

tyrannical adversaries in crucial moments, such as in the Iranian Crisis. President Bush has indeed never backed down as an as-

of weapons of mass destruction, even though such weapons were never found on Iraqi soil. The truth, however, is that the invasion liberated the Iraqi people from the inhumane despotism of Saddam Hussein. Saddam had gassed deprived of freedoms of assembly, press, and speech. did not have the approval of the United Nations Security Council, and was largely carried out with American intentions. While this could be interpreted as “anti-global” or “imperialistic,” the war simply acknowledged the impossibility of unanimity in the UN and effectively carried out the eradication of a totalitarian regime. In truth, this action was effective in the fact that it was not limited to the bickering of bureaucratic diplomats and took decisive action when the people of Iraq precisely required it. Many characterize American foreign policy to be aggressive, intrusive, egocentric and even imperial. Many characterize

be true. Although this is not to say that the war has indeed been effective in establishing a democratic and civilian government in

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Bush’s policies did much more than they was intended. They showed the world that this so called “hegemonic stability theory” was clearly still viable, and that security was possible with one state policing the rest. Since September 11, there have been terrorist attacks in more than thirty countries around the world. The World Islamic Front against Jews and Crusaders,” claiming the “Allah’s order.” The US foreign policy since then has enabled an effective and hard-line crackdown on such terrorists, thus establishing an arguably “safer world.” Concrete examples of this “safer world” would include Libya’s abandonment of its nuclear program, progress in diplomacy with North Korea, or even Pakistan’s aid in the “War on Terrorism.” Not to mention the sudden drop in Sure we live a time of globalism, where ideally peace and diplomacy should be the prime concern of all nations. However, what is truly keeping peace in this cold and bitter world is Barack Obama’s coming administration is expected to be policy. The latter will probably have to watch all his “achievements” become undone by a Democrat during the next four years. Who knows, maybe the world is ready for a time of soothing diplomacy and egalitarian ideals. It is certainly a change to look forward to.


Zombie Zoo 2008 Photos by Mirella Crespi

the talon


Coffee, Cookies, and Company Graded’s ultimate addiction: The Snack Bar

Vivian Lorencatto


Nelson Cho

During what time in the day do you most often go to the On average, how many times per week do you go to the

Snack Bar?

Snack Bar?

How much money do you normally spend on a trip to the What do you normally buy when you go to the Snack Bar?

the talon

Snack Bar?

features If you could offer any suggestion to make the Snack Bar better, what would it be?

What is the best thing about the Snack Bar?

What is the most annoying thing about the Snack Bar?

If you could add one thing to be offered at the Snack Bar, what would it be?

Nelson Cho

the talon


Is Sleep a Problem for You, Too? A Graded survey and tips for getting more rest


in The Talon

Nelson Cho

the talon


A Question of Quirks

A short list of some of our mini-addictions


The Ring

Getty Images

the talon

features “I will counsel you and watch over you.� Psalm 32:8

The Kite Runner

Getty Images

the talon

features features Or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the election t’s 6:30 a.m. After listening to an hour-long podcast on the US election, I log on to discover what new polls have been released since yesterday—that would be yesterday at 11:00 p.m., when I went to bed, seven hours ago. Fresh with new perspectives on Obama’s solidifying lead or McCain’s surge in the polls, I eagerly type in www.pollster.com. Three new polls registered since yesterday: two national and one for Virginia. “Hmmmm, the electoral map seems to have shifted in more places than Virginia,” I think. “Why are they showing Minnesota as ‘light blue’? I thought it moved to ‘dark blue’ yesterday?” Time slips by, and though I know I should be taking a shower and hustling seem to tear myself away. “Just two more minutes,” I think. “I want to see what the bloggers think about Rasmussen putting Obama should try out realpolitics.com...” Inevitably, the clock turns to 7:00, and I am, yet again, behind on the morning. I run to my daughter’s bedroom and practically throw her out of bed. Then I demand that she brush her teeth and get dressed by herself; understandably, she grumbles a list of complaints against me. “I’m sorry, honey, but I can’t help you. I’ve got to go get ready for school,” I send back, over my shoulder. By 7:30, my daughter is not speaking to me, and we are both shoving breakfast in our mouths. We run to the elevator, barely in time to catch the bus, and another day starts off on the wrong foot.

the talon

features Will our generation ever have its Summer of Love?


the talon


Breast Cancer Awareness A woman dies every thirteen minutes

Contrary to common belief, breast cancer does not

making immense strides in treat

rarest form of breast cancer and every every

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A Whole New Kind of Sleeping Pill Could a new pill replace sleep?

Science News

could be used to natural

attrac bly





ary and security mid, became more

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Getty Images


Starving to Dance

Ballerinas often suffer from eating disorders

by girls in a room full of mirrors,

about being skinny in order to


strain leads many dancers to suffer from eating disorders

the talon


The Spotlight

An interview with Graded’s workaholic, Mr. Pagenkopf

Nelson Cho

What do you work on usually? When did your work addiction start?

How do you get all your work done every day? What advice would you like to give for students who have hard time getting their work done?

What is your motivation for doing work?

What other addictions do you have?

Do you see yourself as a workaholic?

the talon


Nhaca de quĂŞ...?

Um relato bem-humorado sobre as formas de combater a preguiça

obriga a interagir com o

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the talon

entertainment How to Write a Text Worthy of the IB Syllabus ...in eight easy steps!

Andrew Churchill


ou, too, can be read by IB students worldwide. Just follow these steps: 1. Choose a worthy topic. No one wants to read a happy-go-lucky story about a young wizard’s coming of age or anything with an exciting plotline. So don’t write like that! Instead, pick a theme from one of the following: oppression, unrequited love, oppression of women (works better in poetry form), war, oppression of minorities, loss of innocence, entrapment, social criticism, genocide, money or death. Feel free to combine as many of the themes as you please, in fact, the best novels include a cornucopian blend of all of the above. 2. Once you’ve chosen a theme, name your characters. This is exciting. The name you give your characters must be catchy (something like Hamlet or Holden or even Piggy works). If you can make your characters’ names meaningful or seemingly meaningful, bonus points for you! The more time your readers spend discussing the name of the protagonist or the symbolism behind the name, the more likely your book will be chosen for the big list. 3. Fill the text with as many literary devices as possible. As a rule of thumb, each page should have three to four applicable literary devices. Two of them should be blatantly obvious, one moderately so and one nearly impossible to find. For example, alliteration is quite perceptible, while symbolism really requires your reader to think. Here are some symbols you may want to use: a conch, a flower pot, water (this one works nearly everywhere), a gun, a window, a house. 4. Include either a hundred plot twists or none. There is no middle ground here. Either your book

the talon

is amazingly complex and requires numerous re-readings or it cannot have a plot and must be 90% description. The choice is yours. 5. Choose a decent length for your book. Threehundred pages is acceptable but it could be shorter if you make your novel feel longer to the reader. 6. Leave plenty of white space in the margins. If you are successful and your book is chosen, chances are the pupils will be forced to laboriously annotate every page as if their lives depended on it. This is a sign of success. The more student writing is in your book, the better. It is a little known fact that Hamlet weighs 180 grams. It is an even less known fact that an annotated copy of Hamlet weighs a kilo. 7. Write a decent ending. Please do not have your novel end happily. This is the most cliché, overused method available and will make your book automatically disqualified for entry into the IB syllabus. Instead, you could, for example, kill off your main character (this does not work so well in first person narratives, however). Or you could have the two lovers commit suicide. Maybe the island could burn down. How do you amazon.com feel about hangings? 8. Wait. Most IB novels are over fifty years old and have proven that they can stand the test of time. They are “universal” novels and apply to everyone. Don’t expect your novel to be chosen immediately! It helps if you have an interesting (or disturbed) life. Sylvia Plath committed suicide with a gas oven. Duong Thu Huong was imprisoned without trial and her books were censored in her home country. Hemingway died from a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head. What will you do?


Scratching the Itch Can we get addicted to TV?

Cássia Di Roberto


seated comfortably on my couch, I realized how easily

more than attractions for our generation: they are now addictions. Why did they become so popular and what makes us To understand the nature of this cause, we must for example gambling. From a biological point of view, gambling sets off a dopamine release into the nucleus bringing about a feeling of pleasure and happiness. From a behavioral psychology viewpoint, it is because of the variable interval schedule that the gambler is on, which is known to be parfor the same reason a gambler keeps gambling: for the fun of it, for the pleasure it brings him. ing, witty, inspiring, dramatic, fantastic—all of these things, but of course not all the time. Is every episode of Gossip Girl one long dramatic scene, is every episode of Heroes a drawn-

Heroes, Gossip Girl, The OC, Sex and the City, Friends, One Tree Hill, The Hills, and Gilmore Girls. I asked her what atdidn’t know, but after some thought she replied, “I guess it’s because they’re funny, their plot is intriguing, I can identify with many of them since some are our age. My friends watch them too, and we usually end up discussing them the next day, so it’s kind of a need to watch it.” When asked if she considered herself addicted she answered, “Sure, I think I feel kind of empty when I don’t watch them.” In the end, is this type of addiction dangerous? Besarily more harmful than anything else we spend your time on. The real harm begins when the addiction starts to interfere with one’s ability to live or function within society, for example, a husband who became addicted to gambling in an instant when he pulled a slot machine and won. He eventually lost all his money and his family because he couldn’t leave that feeling of winning behind. Fortunately, the amount of “How you doin?” line or seeing if Dr. House can solve his lat-

that allows for such amazing events to occur. Of course there has to be an interest in the dialogue, the plot, and the lives of the characters. But without the drama, humor, action, inten-

you avoid homework, or any social event, to see if Dan and Serena are back together, make sure you ask yourself if your habit has gone too far.

Ultimately, why the sudden addiction? Well, low. We have no idea how good the show will be, or who the characters are. Will it be funny, or interesting? We might have an idea from the commercials, but we can’t get a true picture unless we watch low, the amount of normal dopamine released into the brain that triggers the happy feeling actually elicits a more pronounced and longer lasting feeling of joy and elation. So when watching One Tree Hill, or Friends Lucas’ face watching Brooke, or Joey and Phoebe scratch that our itch needed. From that point on, we’re hooked. To bring this closer to home, I went around asking



the talon


Live to Eat: Obama Cookies

Formerly World Peace Cookies, renamed to welcome the president-elect Ms. Mary Pfeiffer


his is a gem of a recipe, one of my favorite cookies. The name for these cookies has evolved in my kitchen. The original recipe from Fine Cooking magazine was called Marbled

Cookies. (Less sweetly, I will also tell you that—among certain eaters—I also labeled them the “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” Cookies, an allusion to the plaintive words of Rodney King, whom many of us remember from the 1991 Los Angeles police beating case, subsequent trial, verdict, and riots.) But now, post-election, I have re-named them Obama Cookies. I’ve read that the president-elect prefers a slice of pie for dessert, so why would I name the cookies after the former senator? Almost everyone who has been conscious in the last year knows that President-elect Barack Obama is biracial and bicultural, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a Luo from Kenya. While his election certainly will not eliminate racism and does not, as some have suggested, make race irrelevant, it is undoubtedly a sign of longed-for progress. Last March, amid the media furor over remarks by his former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, former Senator Obama gave a speech in Philadelphia about race in the United States. This was a speech that should be read, taught, and studied. (If you YouTube, or the New York Times, for example.) It is one of the most thoughtful, and most powerful speeches on race, made particularly meaningful because Obama spoke about himself and his background. While the 38-minute speech is too complex and beautiful to be adequately summarized, here are some excerpts. Obama began by referring to the US Constitution, “stained by this nation’s original sin of slavery.” He continued, “Of course, the answer to the slavery question was already embedded within our Constitution—a Constitution that had at is very core the ideal of equal citizenship under the law; a Constitution that promised its people liberty, and justice, and a union that could be and should be perfected over time.” “And yet words on a parchment would not be enough to deliver slaves from bondage, or provide men and women

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of every color and creed their full rights and obligations as citizens of the United States. What would be needed were Americans in successive generations who were willing to do their part—through protests and struggle, on the streets and in the courts, through a civil war and civil disobedience and always at great risk—to narrow that gap between the promise of our ideals and the reality of their time.” “This was one of the tasks we set forth at the beginning of this campaign—to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more free, more caring and more prosperous America. I chose to run for the presidency at this moment in history because I believe deeply that we cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together—unless we perfect our union by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction—towards a better future for photos by Josh Berg of children and our grandchildren. This belief comes from my unyielding faith in the decency and generosity of the American people. But it also comes from my own American story.” “I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas. I’ve gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world’s poorest nations. I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners—an inheritance we pass on to our two precious daughters. I have brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every race and every hue, scattered across three continents, and for as long as I live, I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible.” “It’s a story that hasn’t made me the most conventional candidate. But it is a story that has seared into my genetic makeup the idea that this nation is more than the sum of its parts—that out of many, we are truly one.”

entertainment OBAMA COOKIES

½ teaspoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon salt ½ cup unsalted Presidente or Brindel butter, softened (114 grams) ¾ cup granulated sugar 1 large egg, at room temperature 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder (I use Garoto Cacau) 60 grams semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, melted in the microwave in 20-second intervals and cooled slightly

airtight container for up to a week, or put in a Ziplock bag, suck out the air, and freeze for a few months. As with past cookie recipes in this semester’s Talon editions, these dough logs can be put in the freezer for

Several hours or the day before baking: and salt. 2. With an electric mixer, in another bowl beat the butter 3. Beat in the egg and vanilla, scrape down the sides of the bowl, and beat again until blended. 5. Remove half the vanilla dough (about 250 grams), and set aside. 6. Whisk the cocoa into the melted chocolate; add to the blend. 7. Divide the chocolate and vanilla doughs into 8-pieces each, more or less the same size. If the weather is warm, place on a tray and put in the refrigerator for around an hour to 8. Handling the dough as little as possible, form into a rough log, then put a chocolate one on top of a vanilla one. 9. Break this log in half, then recombine the pieces, alternately pressing the chocolate and vanilla pieces together indiscriminately, to create and shpe into a marbled log. (Handle the dough as little as possible to keep the marbled pattern more distinct.) 2-3 hours. To bake: 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C. Cover your cookie sheets with parchment, papel manteiga, or Silpats. to make it more evenly round. 3. Unwrap and with a thin, sharp knife cut it crosswise into ¼-inch-thick slices; arrange the slices 1½ inches apart on the sheets. 4. Bake until the edges are very lightly browned, 10-11 minutes, rotating the sheets from the top to bottom racks after 5 minutes. 5. Let cool on the sheets for 5 minutes; transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. 6. Store the remaining cookies at room temperature in an

THIS MONTH’S STAFF REVIEWS: AJ: “Pleased to eat you, Mr. President.” Cássia: “If this cookie is anything like the new president, the US will be great shape!” Emily: “The delicious brownie-like taste still lingers in my mouth and in my memory.” Martin: “An instant classic!” Jesús: “Barack Obama would leave his position as president for one of these cookies.” Amanda: “It’s yin and yang, not only because of the chocolate and vanilla, but because the cookie was so good and yet so bad for making me want more!” Luiza: “A gift from the heavens to us humble humans.” Andrea: “If change and happiness had a taste, this would be it.” Debbie: “Surely all quarelling parties would come together if only for a taste of this blissful cookie.”

the talon


What’s Happening in São Paulo Places and events worth knowing about 28a Bienal de São Paulo: “Em Vivo Contato” Tuesday-Sunday: 10h-22h, until December 6 Pavilhão da Bienal (Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral, Parque Ibirapuera, Portão 3) 5576-7600. Free.


attracts thousands of viewers from all over the world. The

means “live contact.” Besides containing a three-story-high slide that spirals out of the building and back in, this Bienal has become a center for protests of all kinds: soon after being inaugurated, a gang of 40 adolescents invaded the exposiEscafandro

weeks, only living off of donations (food and clothes).

Wish Club Av. Juscelino Kubitschek, 1726 - Itaim (11) 3078-4417


his place is welcomes all those who like house music and enced by Sketch, a bar in London. It is characterized by the contrast between the timber tonalities with the white details that can be found in the lounge area as well as near the bar. It is mainly notable for its very high ceiling, bordering eight meters. There are eleven tables surrounding the main dance

Z-Deli Al. Gabriel Monteiro da Silva, 1350 - Jardins (11) 3064-3058

Via Global

exclusive service (if you pay extra, of course).


very MUN delegate understands how exhausting constant debating can be. That is why all of us wait for the lunch breaks with much anticipation. It is a chance to revitalize our energies and calm our nerves. As we walked out of St. Pauls we had little less than 45 minutes of peace before having to return to solving all of the world’s issues. We craved a good meal; what we got was much more. The place was a small deli that oozed coziness. The plates looked homemade and tasted almost as good as Ms. Pfeiffer’s cookies. The buffet the “kibe com coalhada seca” was remarkable as was the diverse salad options and the rest of the buffet.

the talon



A Second Opinion The Talon’s advice column

Anonymous High School Teacher Dear Second Opinion, I’ve often written stories or made drawings that I keep for years. inexperience. Yet, my mother refuses to get rid of my elementary school or high school years. Should I try and convince her to trash those, or let my mom keep these little mementos? Dusty Doodles Dear Dusty Doodles, garbage? And an unequivocal YES on giving your mom “permission” to hold on to her child’s early art. Just a Second Opinion Dear Second Opinion, Should a TOK class comment on things like my religion or the fact that Hitler was a madman? Should we not talk about philosophy only? Anonymous Dear Anonymous, When you ask about a TOK class discussing your religion, was the ed tenets of a religion to which you belong? If it was the former, then I’d share your feelings with the class about the discomfort you felt. However, if the conversation was about the latter, think about this: if not in a TOK class, then where? When? Remember, philosophy is an umbrella for many ideas, therefore conversations discussing different religions or Hitler’s beliefs might well fall under that umbrella. Consider the philosophy behind utilizing a classroom to help students share their ideas, concerns or fears over issues like these. Just a Second Opinion Dear Second Opinion,


for myself. I am very respectful of their opinion, value their support and don’t want to disappoint them. What should I do? Confused Senior

Dear Second Opinion, How can I show off my charms and let the girl I like that I like her so much? How do I make myself feel sexy? Prince Charming-To-Be Dear Prince Charming-To-Be, I’m a little nervous offering advice when a young man is thinking of using his “charms” when all he wants to do is to tell a girl how he feels. Is there a problem with simply saying “I like you”? Forget your so-called charms because it doesn’t take charm to say three simple words. Regarding the “sexy” inquiry, I wouldn’t even know where to start. My hunch is that you and I don’t share the same Just a Second Opinion Dear Second Opinion, How do I get through my second semester of senior year when all I can think about is graduation?

Keep in mind that graduation and the subsequent diploma aren’t guarantees. Try to imagine yourself sitting on the stage of the auditorium in full cap and gown, thinking back on your high school career, in particular your last year, with pride for your diligence and focus versus regret and disappointment for having thrown in the towel months too soon and ending this chapter of your life on a sour note. Just a Second Opinion Dear Second Opinion, How can I do the least amount of work with the least amount of effort and still get good/acceptable grades? John Doe Dear John Doe, I’m not exactly sure how minimal you want your workload to be, but I’m assuming it’s fairly minimal based on the time you spent choosing your alias. Unfortunately, I don’t have advice on how to avoid hard work and succeed anyway—it’s a gift few people possess. Just a Second Opinion

Dear Confused Senior, Your respect for your parents is admirable, but I can’t help but wonder how different your parents’ dream is from the dreams you cherish for yourself. Is there room for compromise? Can you strike

Dear Second Opinion, Do you think marriage with an anime character should be legalized? Ooishi wa Yome

then evaluate your next move? You have three choices: 1) ignore what your parents have to say and do what you want; 2) forget what you have to say and do what your parents want; 3) meet some place in the middle. Just A Second Opinion

Dear Ooishi wa Yome, I have to admit my ignorance about the world of anime, but quite frankly, it sounds like you have too much time on your hands. Just (A Confused) Second Opinion

the talon


R u Obssd w/ ur Cmptr? A battle against yourself

Ho Jun Yang


fest itself in the form of compulsion to use to instant messenger or Facebook, or perhaps play computer games. Although the phrase “computer addiction” has a negative connotation, it also can have positive sides. For example, many people relieve stress through time on computers and and strengthen friendships. But I believe that the negative view is more common, and with good reason. Being addicted can cause problems that might ruin your life. The symptoms of computer addiction include:

very close to becoming one. In order to help yourself prevent or solve your addiction, I’d recommend these methods:

day. hours per and how many days per week with friends, playing sports, sleeping... est, something healthier, like sports!


Computers, obviously, can be very helpful, but as with all potentially addictive objects and activities, you must learn to limit and control yourself because you’re the only one who can.

with others

anger and depression on it increase

junk food when on the computer

there’s a high probability that you’re already an addict or

the talon

Cartoon Stock



To keep your mind off your addictions Luiza Justus


s of 2006, more than one in eight people in the United States show signs of addiction to the Internet. Want more trivia?

machine accidents caused at least 37 fatalities and 113 injuries between 1978 and 1995.

army. license. different from their rural counterparts. their weight.

achs. -

is considered an insult.

dren. that’s the weight of about 6 elephants. in the cigarette ads died of lung cancer. dollars on chewing gum. heavier than the combined weight of the human population. die every three seconds. The result is about a 2 and 2/3 net increase of people every second. Almost 10 more people live on this Earth now, than when you started reading this. babies.

wear pants.

underground in Oregon, it measures three and a half miles in diameter.

produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. Treasury.


can be found in the bodies of majority of Americans.

because it is the least used. hours.

died in all the wars ever fought by the United States.

diately turn to the right. words.

the talon

viva voice

The Swan, the Peacock, the Sole Ballerina Jeong Min Kwak


he sat alone on stage in the spotlight. Face down, hands


besides her folded legs, she was calm and still. Gen-

ently she was full of burning passion, there were somewhat

murmured the classical song of ballet. As she stood up, she

pranced in little pirouettes, she swept the air with two bent

softly waved her hands like a swan, so gentle and splendid. She gazed into the far distance, revealing her sleek chin and

fountain. She then swiftly turned round and round to the

deep blue eyes like bold sapphires. She looked dull and ex-

point where I feared she would dig a hole in the stage. Her


sharp movements were so intense that the stage vibrated

ily, she tiptoed towards the edge of stage where she raised

and still gave up its majesty to her. The music built up to

her slender arms. One of her long, pale legs lifted towards

a rousing climax and she threw herself in midair where she stayed hanging. I gasped.

string. The other leg rose up on pointe and she stayed in

A gentle breeze, adagio, whispered through the

that position for quite a while. The audience was awed by

theatre and enlightened the audience. Whilst she smoothly

her remarkable composure but kept the silence so as not to

swayed her arms back and forth, she crossed the edge of the

disturb her concentration.

stage with a hop, skip and a light jump. One and a pliĂŠ and a

The song, however, subsequently shattered the silence. The tempo accelerated, giving the impression of a

doing, she gracefully danced to the rhythm of the music. Un-

chase. My heart pounded fast, so I grasped the sides of the

der the seat, I beat time with my foot and the sheer bliss of

seat feeling my back oozing with sweat. The peacock proudly spread out her hands. She began dashing around the stage like waves violently beating along the shore. She made sharp

with jubilant cheers reverberating through the theatre. Tru-

spins and twists and shortly tapped her toes on stage in an

ly, the swan, the peacock, the ballerina had been brought back to life.

Google Images

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viva voice

Navegar é Preciso


Deborah Fiuza

Miguel Rodrigues

Por quê Afogar-me neste mar, Se já estou nele submerso? Logo, em meados de uma tempestade

Os bravos navegantes d’outrora Partiram na breve aurora No horizonte seu

Meu pai me aconselhou: Compre a madeira Para construir o teu barco. Eu, solitário? Neste enorme cinza escuro? Há segurança neste barco, E segredos das estrelas, E quando o mundo acabar, Estes serão o teu tudo.

Nela se espelha, Beleza, grandeza Desaparece tristeza!

E a tempestade lançar-me a uma ilha?

A felicidade na ascensão; O coração - um trovão. Basta um galho, Um mísero talo, E nunca certamente se recuperará a mente do infeliz deslize.

Eu, a epítome da isolação— Meu sangue fervente, Minha natureza turbulenta e perigosa, Minha fome insaciável, meus desejos, A consumirem minha alma?

O impulso súbito Do menino astuto De subir a árvore grande Alcançar o longínquo talo, Comer o proibido fruto.

Pai, estes pulsantes rios de palavras e emoções nunca param Para deixar um simples navegante passar. Como posso construí-lo Em águas tão inquietas? Como sequer imaginá-lo, Em mente tão atormentada?

A grandeza, perfeição, (Sempre no além,) é uma constante luta,

Mas onde estarão,

Sinto que mesmo a navegar em meu barco, Conforme teus conselhos, Nada me salvaria da tempestade que corre em minhas veias, E eu me perderia na minha paixão Pelas ninfas do mar, minhas musas. Pela arte, por viver.

que ignora o perdão. Muitos procuram o que lhes falta Na linha do horizonte Tão lindo e inacessível! Fácil ignorar e procurar, Mas nunca vai achar, Porque o baú Se situa Na sola do sapato, Escavar-se-ia num simples ato!

the talon


Short-skirt Revolution

The evolution of tennis sportswear through the ages Karen Hime


hat sets tennis from other sports is that the players do not have a particular uniform. When women began to coin the term “women revolution”, an uprising against bias in gender, so has the fashion in tennis courts. Short skirts and shorts, sleeveless tops that is what characterizes today’s tennis began, such was not the case. When the game of tennis gained popularity among the ladies during the Victorian age in the late 1860s, there was yet no appropriate attire for the sport. The players then had to settle for what they thought was appropriate tightsleeved jackets, long skirts, gloves and hats. White became a commonplace in Wimbledon in the 1890s to conceal sweat stains. The signature white color has been traditionally carried in Wimbledon until the present. In 1905, practicality led Mary Sutton to wear her father’s shirts at Wimbledon. It was “hot” long sleeves that she decided to roll back the cuffs. It wasn’t until after World War I that female tennis players began to be open-minded about stylish and practical fashion in court. The change began with Suzanne Lenglen in 1922 when she wore short skirts, brightly colored cardigans and a bandeau, a band worn around a woman’s breasts, instead of the traditional hat at Wimbledon, much to the surprise of many. Her fashion statement caused a fuss and in fact, people even betted on the color of her next bandeau in her upcoming games. It was only in the 1930s that wearing of stockings by athletes ended and that a bare head was


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accepted in the world of tennis. Another bold athlete in the name of Alice Marble wore white shorts to court in 1932. After World War II, women began to be more sensible in fashion clothing to address the practical side. able skirts or shorts, short-sleeved shirts and jockey caps. In 1949, it became the turn of an American to make a daring move in tennis fashion. Gertrud Moran wore lace-trimmed panties under her white dress to Wimbledon. panties were designed by Ted Tinling, a former mediator and player. It was after Tinling introduced a color-trimmed dress that Wimbledon imposed the all-white rule. He later created another gold panty for Karol Fagero but it was banned outraged by the body suit worn by Anne White to the game. The suit was all-white and skin tight. She was cautiously not praises for her courage to make such a daring fashion move. Fashion in the late 1990s was revolutionized when the Williams sisters, Venus and Serena, entered the scene. They wore colorful clothes, dangling earrings and hair beads that take around 4 hours to design. The Williams sisters even know how to accessorize up in the traditional allwhite Wimbledon Cup turning plain whites into fashionable tennis wears. Their entry in the spotlight took the attention of photographers, who from then on not only captured amazing tennis moments but tennis fashion as well. Serena once increased the tension in court during the U.S. Open when in 2002, she wore a leather-like catsuit. In 2004, in the same and denim skirts. Serena’s fashion sense reached high public demand that she opened a fashion line called “Aneres”, planning to sell them in L.A. and Miami boutiques. Her sister Venus also launched her own line called “Ele Ven” in 2007. Tennis and fashion now are inseparable as female players today not only give full performance during games ever said that you can’t play tennis and be fashionable at the same time? Today, spectators not only await the moves of the players in tennis but also watch out for the next big thing in tennis fashion, in the catwalk they call court.


The Evolution Behind Graded Athletics The record of the program Andrea Estrada


ike everything we know, sports at Graded School had a beginning. Although the school was founded in 1920, the sports league involving other schools was not created until 53 years later. In 1973 the Sao Paulo High School League (SPHL) was established by the athletic directors of Graded, Chapel, PACA, and EAC. The SPHL consists of home and away Varsity games on Tuesdays and Fridays, finishing off with a final playoff tournament each semester. Just like everything has a beginning, everything also develops and is adjusted over time. For instance, the final tournament went from being only All-Star games to more open and diverse games with mixed players like they are today. Junior Varsity teams were not an initial part of the league; they were only formed later on. When they were, practice times were held at the same time as Varsity ones and share the space and had limited time, practices were not as complete as they’ve come to be today. It wasn’t until 2002 that the system we have presently was created: JV practices run from 3:15 to 4:15, and Varsity practices go from 4:15 to 6:00. Practices were also never held on Wednesdays, because it was the designated community service day. However, with the time adaptations community service involvement stopped being a problem. Nowadays, every sport has its own day off each week, allowing students a break from the exercise and an opportunity to dedicate time to academic work. Having a system like this facilitates the coaches’ freedom during their practices and the students’ capacity to gain as much experience as possible from each practice. Another addition came in 1985, when St.Paul’s School joined the league in most of the sports. cording to both Ken Fast, one of the founders of the SPHL from PACA, and Jeff Marquis, formerly Athletic Director at Graded, having the league and contact with these schools has created a sportsmanship emphasis and has strengthened the relationship between schools. Like Fast said, “It is always a challenge to be very competitive in every sport but never to the point of losing our relationship with others.” Fortunately, these schools have been able to maintain an extremely healthy relationship. From 2002 to 2005 there were quite a few major adjustments done to the system. In 2002, aside from the practice time change within Graded, all the sports were flopped to the opposite season. For example, basketball and soccer, which had always been second semester sports, became first semester sports, while futsal, volley, and softball became second semester sports. As

a result, the final tournaments for each semester also ended up changing.The semester tournaments began being held outside of the schools over time, at camps such

being in 2004. Having the tournament on campus had its advantage because it brought a wave of school spirit and unity during the week of the event. Graded students and teachers, from the lower school all the way through high school, were passionate about the competitions and supported their athletes loyally. The following year, in

the entire school’s involvement, but more emphasis on

included, like boys volleyball and girls futsal. With this, Super 6, a tournament held in the past, was dropped and The number of school’s involved in each tournament varies depending on what sports they have teams for. That’s schools participating. Graded has also held events that don’t necessarily include the typical sports that we’re used to seeing around the school. There was a time when Graded had tennis tournaments, and when the track was built in the late 90’s there was a track team. These have been dropped though and are no longer part of the school’s events. The school also holds events with schools that don’t participate in the usual SPHL tournaments. We continue having special tournaments, or friendly games, with lationships and connections that are valuable to Graded’s educational experiences with other schools.Like every other aspect of our school, Graded’s Athletic program has gone through a process of evolution in its 36 years of existence. The changes have improved the efficiency and enjoyment of each event or sport. This year, three important people that have made part of the SPHL are leaving or retiring. Ken Fast, from PACA, is retiring once this school year ends, and Jeff Marquis and Jeff Lippman are leaving Graded School. Like many others, they’ve supported and contributed to the development of our school’s athletic program. It’s a program that has altered throughout time, impacted the school, and will continue to change as the school itself evolves. Hopefully, with time come changes that improve the events that are present at Graded today and possibly give way to new sports or tournaments that enhance the community’s experience in the athletic area.

the talon


Die Magie Hoffenheim O Mágico Hoffenheim Fernando Lima


m poucas palavras, quero compartilhar com todos vocês, leitores talônicos, minha alegre saudação àquele que, segundo sei, é o primeiro cronista de futebol dentre os jovens que admiramos a sutileza e a sensibilidade saudamos você, que nos oferece essa crônica, prazerosamente admirados com a maturidade de seu “jeitão” para uma área do jornalismo que estava tão carente de novos “mágicos”...

de Munique; como se não bastasse, ainda lhe faltava completar as obras do novo estádio, o que deixou o time sem casa até janeiro deste ano. Mesmo com pouco caixa, contudo, em vez de se desfazer do seu plantel, o atrevido Hoffenheim fez

Prof. Mario F. Spanghero

“Quero compartilhar com todos vocês, minha alegre saudação aquele que é o primeiro cronista de futebol dentre os jovens graduados.”

contavam com a sorte desse pequenino escrete do interior da Alemanha; não contavam, certamente, com a liderança de um jovem brasileiro de vinte anos de idade, Carlos Eduardo. Contavam muito menos com a habilidade e o oportunismo do


uem diria que o pequeno TSG 1899 Hoffenons League da temporada 2009/2010, roubando a vaga dos de Stuttgart e perto da fronteira da Alemanha com a França, Hoffenheim é uma pacata cidadezinha que hospeda hoje a maior surpresa do futebol europeu. Para uma visão mais ampla dessa surpresa, vamos voltar à temporada anterior do campeonato alemão contrata o atacante Carlos Eduardo - destaque do Grêmio, ertadores. Uma promessa que ainda não tinha se cumprido no sil, o jogador e o clube germânico se arriscaram tremendamente nessa transferência. Porém Carlos Eduardo era o que -

the talon

O time tinha alcançado nada além do impossível. Mas parecia, como dizem, que alegria de pobre sempre dura pouco. O Hoffenheim subira com o orçamento mais modesto de todos, para competir com clubes tradicionais na

A cidade de Manheim percebeu, na promoção do time em ascensão, uma oportunidade excelente de fazer dinheiro com seu estádio parado e o cedeu para o clube. Mal contra os grandes da Alemanha. É verdade que, no começo de dezembro, antes da paralisação de inverno do campeonato, o imprevisível estreante andou derrapando em jogos fáceis. rodada de 2008, contra o Schalke 04 - o ex-pequenino HoffenPara os supersticiosos, isso é sinal da conquista do título, a Agora, quando escrevo o relato dessa jornada épica - sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009 - o Hoffenheim já mil de seus fãs torcendo bravamente nas arquibancadas, lá Para mim, caro leitor, uma campanha como essa resgata a pura magia hoje tão rara na epopéia futebolística.

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