Mer 2013

Page 24

MoBiLe adS aRe a baRgain While the marketing industry is

When factoring for ad unit attentiveness,

infatuated with the functionality of

MAGNA estimates that the cost per

hard to distribute apps, the lack of

attentive second of a mobile ad unit is

clutter and low prices of mobile display

tied with national TV as the most efficient

ads make them a relative bargain.

way to purchase attention. Overall, a

Mobile ad units have higher click rates

second of advertising attention goes for

than PC display ads. They also earn

1/100 penny whereas a second of mobile

post exposure recall scores akin to the

ad attention 1.7x less expensive at 6/1000

early days of digital video ads.

of a penny.


mobile aDs have high inteRaction RateS Relative Click Through Rates

Smartphone Video Interstitial

0.3% Browser


0.4% ad Smartphone Mobile Banner

0.6% ad

2.0% ad

0.75% ad

iPad Rich Media Banner

Smartphone Rich Media Banner

Sources: Ansible, MAGNA GLOBAL

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12/26/12 3:37 PM

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