Halbert Resume

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Grace Halbert Current Address: 211 W. Longleaf Drive Apartment #1401 Auburn, AL 36832

gracehalbert@gm ail.com gracehalbert.com (318) 613-6091

Address after July 31: 521 St. Mary Street Apartment #209 New Orleans, LA 70130

EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations, Auburn University, Auburn, AL August 2010 EXPERIENCE Lee County Red Cross Communication and Journalism Intern (Summer 2010) I worked closely with the staff of the Lee County Red Cross to promote the ideals of the Red Cross through their work in Lee County, Alabama. I created various promotional materials, including writing and designing the summer newsletter, and performed clerical and office work, including operating a multi-line phone system and assisting in the orientation of new volunteers. SIGNIFICANT ACADEM ENIC PROJECTS Promotional website for the Alabama Community Healthy Marriage Initiative I worked with four classmates and a community partner to create a promotional website for the Alabama Community Healthy Marriage Initiative’s youth program. We developed a website which included a survey of Auburn High School students and implementation of persuasive strategies to convince high school students to attend classes. Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center Survey I collaborated with five classmates to research community arts programs and create a survey to determine how to increase university student participation in programs offered by the Jan Dempsey Community Arts Center in Auburn, AL. We prepared a research paper for the community partners. Media kit for Jean Dean Reading is Fundamental I worked with two classmates to create a media kit for Jean Dean Reading is Fundamental’s annual fundraising event, the Truel Watts Ride to Read, which included two press releases, two biographies, a backgrounder, a feature story, a radio news release and a promotional brochure. Campaign Proposal for the Auburn University High School Journalism Workshop I worked with three classmates to create a campaign proposal for a program designed to increase diversity in the journalism department at Auburn University. The project required the group to prepare a campaign proposal, which included an analysis of the client, their competition and their opportunities to grow, as well as examples of tactics the client could implement to reach its goal of increasing awareness and attendance of the program. COM PUTER SKILLS Proficient in Windows and Mac-based platforms in the following software: Microsoft Office (including Word, Excel and PowerPoint), Adobe Creative Suite 4 (including InDesign, Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Flash), Microsoft Publisher, SnagIt, Microsoft MovieMaker

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