October 2019
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to Your name give glory. Psalm 115:1
If Walls Could Talk What is it like inside the walls of GCA? What happens here day to day? Celebrating Grace gives you a glimpse of the amazing ways the Lord has blessed our school. June 2018
Love God. Love Others. by Robbie Mason, Head of School Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4
We have had a great beginning to this school year and the first quarter has quickly passed us by. We have been blessed with record enrollment, an incredible faculty and staff, a worshipful and God-honoring Grandparents Day and a tremendous amount of successes in our classrooms, athletic fields and stages. The Lord is at work at GCA, and it is a tremendous honor to serve the school and our families. As we move into the 2nd quarter, I want us to be reminded of our theme for the 2019/20 school year: LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS. (We love because He first loved us. I John 4:19) As a school family, let’s continue to press on with a genuine love of our Lord and because of this
love, let’s love each other with grace and mercy that is a representation of our faith in Jesus and our love for Him.
A Call to Prayer By Alicia Jordan GCA is calling all students, families and staff to pray specifically on behalf of our school and school body from Tuesday, October 29th through Monday, November 4th. Our school theme this year is Love God. Love Others. and this will be our focus during this fall’s week of prayer as well. I John 4:21 says, “And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also.” As we love God, He calls us to love others. The phrase “one another” is used 100 times in 94 verses in the New Testament. Love one another. Forgive one another. Encourage one another. Bear one another’s burdens. God has abundantly blessed us with our GCA family and we are living life with one another. God created us to be in community with other believers. We believe that together we are stronger and can accomplish more for His kingdom when we are in a healthy relationship with one another. We each bring a different set of spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities to the GCA family. To continue to strengthen the GCA family, we want to call on the Lord to continue to guide the school in the direction He would have for the school. We want to continue to empower and equip our students to impact the world for Jesus. We believe that we need the Lord’s wisdom, strength and favor to make an even greater impact and that is why we will devote a week to prayer. How can you be involved? • We will send out a daily devotional to all families written by one of our staff. Take the time to ponder the thoughts in the devotional as well as pray for specific requests. • Please commit to pray 15-30 minutes a day with your family on behalf of the school. • We hope you'll consider fasting on behalf of our school and on behalf of one another. Many are carrying heavy burdens and sometimes the breakthrough comes through prayer and fasting. There are several options on how or what to fast. Some ideas include fasting from meals for a day, fasting during lunch or another meal, fasting from sweets, fasting from social media or other media, etc. • We will have specific prayer times available for you to come and join others in prayer, including a prayer walk of the campuses on Monday, November 4th. Our God is a promise keeper and He tells us that when we call out to Him, He hears us and He answers (Psalm 91:15 and Jeremiah 33:3). Psalm 116:2 actually says that He bends down to listen when we pray to Him. What an attentive, kind and loving God we serve! We are believing that He is going to do great things in the hearts and lives of the GCA family this year!
Academically Excellent and Distinctly Christian
June 2018
Head of School News
Elementary News
Middle School News
GCA Feature Family
High School News
Fine Arts
Development & Fundraising
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Pre-K & Elementary News By Rona Branson
Extraordinary in the Ordinary When you experience it day by day, it feels ordinary. Just another day of school, just another assignment, book or project. Just another annoying problem with a friend. Just another teacher. But take a moment and look at it from a 10,000 foot view and you’ll realize it is not ordinary at all! It is extraordinary. It’s a place full of love, grace and mercy for your student, where every child is not just accepted, but treasured and celebrated for who they are-- uniquely made by God to be just who they are. Day to day discussions in class as students reflect on Bible stories, Scripture and the love of God as they explore what following God looks like for them right now, today. Teachers take the time to know the hearts of their students and guide them to resolving conflicts, loving others and to grow in character and perseverance. These are just a few of the things I witness everyday at GCA. And we see the reflection of God’s image looking back at us everyday in the faces of these beautiful children. This past month in Kindergarten we have been studying about Community Helpers and how they are making an impact in our community. We have also been talking about how we can be community helpers, even though we are still little. While learning about different community helpers, we have been able to hear from doctors, nurses, musicians, business owners, teachers, and police officers! As we finished our unit, the Williamson County SWAT/Search and Rescue team came to visit the kids! They arrived by helicopter and were able to tell the kids all about what they do, how they fly the helicopter, and why they need to use helicopters. The kids learned about how these officers rescue someone in danger, what the cameras on the helicopter do, and how quickly the helicopter can get to an emergency. We were able to watch them land, and take off again to head back to their station. This was such a great hands-on learning experience for the students to help them understand the important jobs in our local community. This was an experience that the students and teachers will not forget!
The first grade classes enjoyed a beautiful day at Morning Glory Apple Orchard in Nolensville. We took a tour of the property and learned how the apple trees are cared for and got to each pick an apple from a tree. Our guide showed us a beehive and taught us the important role that bees play in pollinating the apple trees. During our classroom lesson, we put apples in a large grinding machine with a hand crank to make fresh apple cider. We enjoyed sampling apple slices, apple cider, and honey from the apple orchard. We then gathered under a large shade tree and enjoyed a picnic lunch with frozen slushies as a special treat.
Learning is fun and we want to keep students’ natural love of learning alive. Some of the highlights from this first quarter are Rome Day in second grade where students experience Ancient Roman architecture and other cultural aspects from that era.
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Third graders had a book celebration day for The Secret in the Maple Tree.
Fourth graders went to the Sam Davis Home to experience what early American life was like.
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High School student Maddie Phillips teaches 2nd graders about weather.
This year, junior and senior students interested in possibly majoring in education or leadership had the opportunity to apply for a new club called “Invitation to Teach.� Students are learning the basic principles of teaching and are going to have the incredible experience of completing a mini-student teaching experience in the lower campus, under the leadership of a mentor teacher. Students read educational research, conducted educational interviews with their mentor teacher, and learned how to scaffold lesson plans with clear educational objectives and effective assessments. It has been a joy to see these future educators passionately learning about education and serving younger GCA students.
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Battle of the Books Elementary students celebrated Summer Reading with the Battle of the Books during our first chapel of the year. Third and fourth graders faced off against their teachers to see who could answer the comprehension questions the fastest over the two novels from Summer Reading.
Amy Baker, Ashley Jones, Lindsey McKown, and Jessica Hilliard were great sports, completing extra summer reading and competing against a very competitive and enthusiastic group of kids! The elementary students cheering on their peers well might have been heard all the way over at the high school! In addition, there was also an ice cream sundae celebration for those students who met the summer reading goal of 40 books, listened to or read (grades K-2) and 10 books (grades 3-5). Gift cards to Learning Express were awarded to those students who read the most books. A huge congratulations to our grand prize winners: Fennley Veach (2nd grade) read 147 books, Jacob McCauley (1st grade) read 76 books, Andrea Reynolds and Mary Reynolds (Kindergarten) read 68 books, and for the upper grades, Emma Umerlik (4th grade) read 24 books! Congratulations to each of these awesome readers!
Intermediate/Middle School News By Suzanne Bechman It does not seem possible that the First Quarter has already come to a close. We have so much to be thankful for and celebrate in the Intermediate and Middle Schools! During our First Quarter, 5th and 6th grade students have transitioned from a self-contained classroom environment to changing classes, having lockers, and seeing multiple teachers by subject. The first few weeks were a bit overwhelming for these young students; however, it is amazing to witness the growth, maturity, and independence during the First Quarter. They are no longer elementary students and most of them are thriving in this new environment! After watching them at the first pep rally on the Friday before Fall Break, I feel certain they are embracing their newfound place in the Intermediate School! I am also so proud of our 7th and 8th grade students as they have stepped into being leaders of the Middle School! These students are now looked up to by the younger and impressionable Intermediate students, and I believe they are doing a great job! Through academics, athletics, and fine arts, these 7th and 8th graders are stepping into who they are and creating memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Our heart is to train up these Middle School students as they grow more fully into who God created them to be. Our prayer is that as we train them, they will know God deeper, and understand their relationship with Him more fully! One of the best memories of this first quarter was celebrating a very special teacher, Coach Steve Peden. Coach Peden has been teaching English to our 7th grade students for the last two years. This school year marks Coach Peden’s 50th year of teaching and coaching! This is an unbelievable accomplishment for any teacher, and we feel honored and blessed that Coach Peden has spent the last two years with us! We surprised him at the pep rally by declaring the day, “Coach Peden Day”. We had lots of surprises along the way, including a commemorative plaque, Coach Peden buttons, and faces on a stick with his picture on them. Coach Peden’s daughter and grandchildren also surprised him by attending the celebration. We capped off the day by having some of his favorite desserts (peach cobbler and warm peanut butter cookies) at our staff luncheon. Coach Peden is a special teacher that our students will never forget, nor will we! God is faithful and good! Thank you for sharing your children with us. We love spending our days with them and pray that they will feel cared for and loved at GCA!
As we round the corner past an amazing First Quarter, I am so thankful for all that has happened in the area of spiritual life for both the Middle School and Intermediate School. Our Bible teachers have done a phenomenal job of leading our students into God’s Word. I am extremely thankful for Bruce Anliker, Julie Monkley, Charles Cranford, and Heidi Wolf. I am proud of how each of our teachers carefully approach the Word of God and enthusiastically teach the foundations of our faith to our students. I sense that students are excited about their Bible classes, and I’m extremely grateful for that. We kicked off the semester with an amazing retreat at Deer Run, filled with outdoor activities, worship, making friends, and short devotionals. Our students seem to relish in the freedom that the camp has to offer. It was here that we introduced our spiritual theme for our whole school, LOVE GOD. LOVE OTHERS. As we delved into our chapels for this year, we introduced small groups, which are led by 8th graders, but comprised of 5th-8th graders. Our upperclassmen have done well in leading and are continuing to grow in leadership skills. Our chapels have consisted of vibrant times, mostly led by our amazing teachers, who have shared their testimonies to our students. An 8th grade Chapel Leadership Team was formed at the beginning of the semester, and they have led us in worship all year. They are taking it seriously and have done so well. Thank you to Mrs. Lain who has helped lead this group! As we are teaching and developing a heart of service, our 5th-8th grade Bible classes serve Grace Chapel three times a week in a rotation. I love that we get to do this for the church, because GC has been so generous to us. Our students don’t mind the break from class, and they have risen to the occasion to serve well and faithfully. I am proud of what the LORD is doing in the hearts of our students! I am proud to serve the amazing students and families of GCA! God has richly blessed our school! May we continue to ask for His discernment and wisdom as we venture forward in faith in Christ! May the Prince of Peace cover our hearts, Dan Spencer
Grandparents Day By Jennifer Dial One of GCA's favorite days of the year is when we honor our Grandparents! On Friday, September 20th, we held our annual Grandparents Day. The day started with coffee provided by our Development Department, GCA Spirit Wear provided by our Spirit Store, artwork in the lobby from our talented students, and letters and pictures to our guests of honor. This year's event was a throwback to the oldies with songs like "Rockin' Robin", a Beatles Medley, and an "Oldies Medley". We enjoyed seeing our 7th and 8th grade decked out in costumes from the 60s and 70s. Sure to always bring a smile, our Pre-K students were dressed in their "oldies" attire as they performed our favorite, "Grandparents are Special". There were several combined acts, including a worship team made up of students from every school, a Heaven Medley by our Kindergarten through 4th grade, and our high school choir, 1st grade, and dance teams combining to showcase their talents. GCA's art department showcased many talented student artists. The event was decorated with large canvases from both our middle and high school artists and high school lettered artwork was used during the 4th grade performance of "Grandparents Poem". The event closed by showcasing our high school boys quoting "The Fellowship of the Unashamed" and our high school girls singing "Hallelujah". We hope each of our grandparents were honored by the event, and we are so thankful for the legacy that they have passed down to their grandchildren. We love our Grandparents!
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God Provides a Way By Jana Ray A few years ago, God started stirring in our hearts for change. We had been living in Colorado for over two decades, and this was not an easy decision. We kept hearing teachings and seeing Scripture about roots. Specifically, to plant deep roots. Psalms 1:1-3, especially verse 3, was a repeated message to us. When people prayed for us, they would even mention deep roots. It started with the beach. I love how God knows us so dearly, so precisely, and so sweetly. We spent our family vacations traveling from Colorado to Florida each year. We tried to figure out a way to live closer to the ocean. Two summers ago, our boys went to Tennessee and Kentucky for a fishing trip. They fell in love with the trees, rivers, fishing, boating, and potential hunting here. Even our upcoming senior and upcoming freshman at the time were ready to make a move across the country. We also had heard from our family about this amazing place called Franklin, Tennessee. God started pointing us in that direction with our hearts, and with miracle after miracle. We looked at Christian schools and felt like GCA would be the perfect fit. Who gets to go to school in a plantation mansion set up on the most beautiful hill, anyway? It was not so easy. When we were told there’s not an opening for your freshman, and there is no chance to get both boys into GCA, God had prepared a response already in our hearts. That response was, “if God wants our boys at GCA, the mountain will move, and they will be there.” Two weeks later, we received an email that GCA was expanding the freshman class. One freshman down, one senior to go! God made it happen, and He orchestrated the timing and the people for the place we would call home. He made sure our kids were on fertile soil. Our boys have been blessed with opportunities and with particular coaches and teachers that have led them in truth, held them accountable, and truly loved them. The love is an authentic one, a godly one that always points back to Christ. We have discovered amazing blessings here in Tennessee, more than we could have imagined. However, it’s been said often, that if GCA was the only reason God brought us all this way from Colorado, it was worth it. Sarah Grace, Sam, Jana, Jack and Steve Ray
High School News
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By Richard Anderson “One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:35-40) “Your life is a Gospel,/A chapter each day; By the things that you do/And the words that you say. Men read what you write,/Distorted or true; Now, what is the Gospel/According to you?” (Author Unknown)
As you walk into the foyer of the High School building, you are greeted by two nicely-painted signs. One simply says “Love God”. . .the second says “Love Others.” Our Spiritual Life Team came up with this as GCA’s theme for the 2019-20 school year. These four words serve as “bookends” for all that will transpire on our campus—and beyond—during the coming year. The notion of “Love God” and “Love Others” goes in two different directions. . .and makes the sign of the Cross. First there is the vertical: God’s relationship downward toward man. . .and man’s relationship upward to God. Next is the horizontal: man’s relationship to his fellow human beings. . .the relationship of those human beings back to man. One precedes the other. . .we cannot love others if we do not first love God. A mom was washing dishes one evening when her little boy tugged on her apron. He inquired: “Mama, how tall was Jesus?” She replied, “I’ll have to think about that. . .why don’t come back a little later?” The little boy came back again. . .and Mom put him off again. Finally, the third time, Mom stopped her work and sat down with him at the kitchen table. “I don’t know, Honey. . .I don’t guess anybody really knows how tall Jesus was. Maybe he was 5’10”. . .maybe even 6’ tall.” Next he asked her, “Mama, is Jesus inside of us?” She replied, “Yes, Honey. . .Jesus lives inside of us.” The little boy thought a moment and declared: “Well, if He’s that tall. . .and He’s inside of us. . . won’t He stick out?” I think the lad is onto something! Yes, our hope is that Jesus “sticks out” at GCA this year! A true “litmus test” of whether we are loving God or not is this: how well are we loving those around us. . .those who are “made in the image of God?” (Genesis 1:26-27) Another test is this: as we are loving God, are the “fruits of the Spirit” (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) evident in our lives? As my mentor taught me, “The (watching) world has every right to be ‘fruit inspectors’ as they look at our lives.” Join us at GCA in 2019-20. . .Loving God. . .Loving Others. May He “stick out” around here!
College and Careers By Laura Camacho
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College & Careers By Laura Camacho The fall is an exciting time for seniors as they prepare their applications for college. Over half of our seniors have already submitted at least one application. Seniors have been working on their essays and resumes in the Senior Seminar class and receiving feedback on them. Many colleges have fall application deadlines for students who are eligible for Merit Scholarship opportunities, so we work closely with them to make sure they are meeting these important deadlines. GCA has hosted nearly 20 different colleges during lunch this fall. Students are able to visit with the admissions representatives during their lunch period. We especially encourage our juniors to talk with colleges when they visit GCA, but all grade levels are welcome to talk with them! These visits are advertised through Mane Events, chapel announcements and the HS Student Life Calendar. GCA students continue to perform well on the ACT. Our average ACT score is currently 25, well above the national and state averages! On Wednesday, October 16th, grades 9-11 took the PSAT. The PSAT is the entrance test to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship competition, which is held during junior year. Freshmen and sophomores take it to practice for standardized college admissions tests.
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High School Spiritual Life By Andi Hauk So much has happened in one quarter in the area of High School Spiritual Life! We welcomed three new Bible teachers, started the year with a very successful Second Annual Lion Nation Retreat, and completed our first quarter of chapels. The Bible department expanded this year. Ashley Lampkins joined our staff, and is a phenomenal Bible teacher to all of our sophomore students in our “History of our Faith” class. Students are studying the book of Acts and will further discuss Paul’s letters and missions this year. Miss Lampkins is known for her enthusiasm about God’s Word. The students have commented that you can’t help but love it because she loves it so much, and it shows in her teaching. Coach Rusty Smith, while not new to the school, has joined our Bible teaching staff. He teaches the juniors in “The Life of Christ.” Coach Smith’s gift of teaching is evident in the classroom as students are engaged and interacting in class projects and discussions. And, in a new twist this year, our freshmen are learning all together with Coach Wayne Wolf, also new to the Bible Department, at the helm. In “Foundations of Faith,” Coach Wolf is walking the freshmen from Creation to Christ with a dynamic message of the Bible as God’s story - one complete story that culminates with the coming of Jesus. Coach Smith and Miss Lampkins also assist in the freshman Bible class. Finally, I get the privilege of also teaching juniors in “The Life of Christ,” and seniors in “Our Faith and Culture.” Please ask your students about what they are learning in class. This has been an incredible start to our year, and we are so excited about this team of teachers. We also had a very successful Second Annual Lion Nation Retreat, where our seniors spent two days and the rest of our high school students spent one day at the Deer Run Retreat Center. Sam Landrith, Student Minister at Thompson Station Church, and Jonathan Allen, Worship Pastor at Grace Chapel, led us this year. We introduced our school-wide theme of “Love God. Love Others.” Our verse for the year is 1 John 4:19, “We love because He first loved us.” Finally, this quarter has included some amazing chapels. Each Tuesday at 7:50 AM, the high school student body gathers to worship and learn together. This semester our focus is on loving God. Our year began with High School Principal Richard Anderson, and continued the next week with special guest Rob Tims speaking on the character of God. New GCA Science teacher Jim Woodbury and GCA junior Josh Hilner shared what the character of God has meant in their lives. We celebrated the new school year in a special “All School Chapel” with speaker Suzanne Bechman sharing her story with the students. We were also led in worship by a combined student/faculty band. Next we held a “House of Prayer” chapel where students prayed individually and corporately. Executive Pastor of Church of the City and GCA dad Jonathan Pitts shared his story in a powerful message on suffering and the goodness of God. The following week, multiple students and teachers shared what it is to love God through the spiritual disciplines of reading the Bible, memorizing Scripture, praying, and fasting. Finally, the quarter culminated in an unbelievable morning with the band We the Kingdom. One member of We the Kingdom is GCA dad Ed Cash, and two other members are GCA alumni Franni Cash and Martin Cash. The band shared with our 5th-12th graders. The songs were powerful and relatable to our students, and the Spirit was moving in the room. Ask your students about chapel this quarter. Give us feedback. We aim for student-led and student-run chapels as much as possible. We are led in worship by student bands, and students are doing the behind-the-scenes planning. Students also handle announcements and speak as often as is needed and possible. It has been an exciting time to see God move in our student body through all of these different Spiritual Life avenues. We are continuing to pray for revival in the lives of our students as we pursue loving God and loving others in a way that brings glory to God and real, lasting change to students. Please ask your students what is happening in and out of class and chapel, and give us any feedback about how we can better minister to the needs of our students and families. Thank you for continuing to partner with us as we pursue Jesus in all we do.
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By Carrie Estes
First off, this year in Fine Arts, we had a wonderful day honoring our grandparents with our Annual Grandparents Day Performance. We added some new group numbers combining both campuses together which added a lot to the program, giving it the family feel that makes GCA so special. All the different art forms were featured, which really showcased the amazing gifts God has given us. This school year, we also launched our first dance team here at GCA. We had such a huge turn out and offered two different teams, 3rd-5th grade and 6th-12th grade, with 42 students involved. The dance team is looking forward to sharing their gifts with the GCA community and worshiping their Savior through dance. Let’s dance for the Lord as King David did. We have had a great start to our Elementary Music and Art Classes this year! In music, children learned lines and spaces, used basketballs to understand beat, worked with Boomwhackers to play scales, and sang a lot as we prepared for our annual Grandparents Day program. In Visual Art, all the classes created personal artwork to also give to their Grandparents or loved ones. The students are enjoying using their talents in worship to offer praise to God. GCA's Intermediate, Middle School, and High School Visual Arts students had their artwork on display for the Franklin Art Crawl at First United Methodist Church on October 4th from 6-9 PM. Our High School Visual Arts classes keep growing and this semester are at full capacity. Intermediate and Middle School Art Club started this fall and Drama Club will resume in the spring semester after the musical. Make sure to not miss Seussical Jr. November 1st at 5PM and November 2nd at 2PM & 6PM. “Oh, the Thinks You Can Think”
Dr. Seuss
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Dear GCA Family, We hope this letter finds your family settled into the new routine of back to school. As we settle into the new school year as well, we feel like it is a great time to give you an update on the Grace.Family.Legacy Capital Campaign. Over the last year, Grace Chapel has been prayerfully considering building options to accommodate the growing church body. The church was exploring three options: building a new sanctuary, renovating their current sanctuary, and/or adding parking. Grace Chapel ultimately decided to plant a new church in Fairview with Ian Gilchrist as the pastor. Planting in Fairview took the need to build a new sanctuary off the table. The church did decide to add parking to accommodate the remaining needs on the Franklin campus. This development impacts how the school moves forward with our building plans.
When we first started the planning process for the Grace.Family.Legacy Campaign, the church and GCA were going to partner in expanding the septic system in order to accommodate the new construction of both the sanctuary and the High School building. Now that the church has decided to plant in Fairview, the school has been given the opportunity to acquire a portion of land that will enable us to build our new High School campus and all future expansions. While we remain in partnership with our Elementary School, we will be building our High School and Middle School campus as a self-sufficient venture. We view this as a great opportunity to be less of a burden on the church as we grow as a school. Once the new High School building is complete, the Middle School will move to the current High School building. At that time, the Elementary School will remain on the church campus. We continue to be extremely grateful for all Grace Chapel has done and continues to do to support our school. Our partnership with the church is not changing. However, the ultimate goal is to become a stand-alone entity partnering in our mission but lessening the stress on the church staff and facilities. We are currently partnering with Grace Chapel in the turn lane project that is under construction. This will allow better access to the school and church. This will also allow easier access in the future to our new HS and athletic facilities that are part of the Grace.Family.Legacy campaign. We welcome the opportunity to share in more detail about the campaign on an individual basis anytime. We have two ALL IN-fo Sessions currently on our fall calendar. One was held in October and the next one will be held November 6, 2019 from 8:15—9:15 AM. This session has limited space. If it is full or that time does not work for you, please reach out to us to schedule a time that is convenient for your schedule. You can find the link to the session on our www.gcalions.com website under the Support GCA tab. Thank you for all you do as a family to make GCA a great place for your children and our staff. Sincerely, Brad Myers Director of Development (615)578-3021
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These photos show the progression of the new High School campus driveway off of Southall Road. When this project is complete, High School students, parents, and staff will be able to access the High School campus directly.
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Celebrating Grace in Athletics By Len McKnatt, Tony McLeod, Aaron Morrison & Tricia Summers
HUMILITY | PASSION | UNITY | SERVANTHOOD | GRATITUDE These five pillars are the foundation of our athletic programs here at GCA. These pillars help define our mission, which is to glorify God through the discipleship of student athletes and using the arena of athletic competition to build Christian character. We believe that these characteristics are foundational to growing future men and women for the Kingdom of God. Our goal is to compete to win every game, but our purpose and identity are in something much greater. We have recently launched a new website devoted to all things GCA Athletics. GCAathletics.com features dynamic schedules, player bios, highlights, and stories that feature our GCA teams and athletes. We have partnered with Sidearm Sports to make this all possible. Sidearm Sports works with premier universities such as the University of Georgia, Texas A&M, University of Alabama, and many more. We are excited to provide this resource to our families and followers of GCA Athletics to keep them engaged and up-to-date with all of our sports teams. We are off to a great start this fall season and we look forward to sharing many team and individual successes in future articles. All the best to our fall teams as they begin tournament play. Thanks to all of you for your continued support of GCA Athletics. Please let us know if we can ever do anything to help you or your family.
Mission Statement
3279 Southall Road Franklin, TN 37064 615-591-3017 www.gcalions.com
The mission of Grace Christian Academy is to assist Christian families in the teaching of their children by providing them an experiential education that is distinctly Christian, biblically saturated, Christ glorifying, academically excellent, and service and mission oriented. We exist to help parents cultivate the legacy of Christ's hope in each student and to prepare them to spread that hope along every avenue God provides.