Celebrating Grace June 2021

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By God’s Grace and For His Glory by Robbie Mason, Head of School Not unto us, O LORD, not unto us, But to Your name give glory. Psalm 115:1

I was just reminded of our first yearbook title: “by God’s Grace and for His glory.” This phrase perfectly summarizes my feelings about this year. It was by God’s grace and His blessing that GCA was able to stay in school the entire year. We were able by God’s grace to provide our students a normal educational experience that focused on faith rather than fear, and it was by God’s grace that our students continued to receive an excellent education that was centered on God’s Word. It was by God’s grace that we had an incredible year, all for His glory. We had our largest graduating class of 64 seniors who also received the most in scholarship dollars. We had National Merit scholars, athletics and fine arts scholarships, as well as leadership scholarships. Their success will not be measured by academics, fine arts accomplishments or athletics wins, but rather by who they are in Christ and the impact they’ll make for His kingdom. We celebrate that we were able to send funding to Papua New Guinea to help cover the cost of an additional teacher to provide the children in this village an opportunity for education. We also impacted many areas of the world through our different classes this past spring. This is just a small representation of the impact we’re making. Our vision is “equip students to impact the world for Jesus Christ,” and whether it’s a kindergartener, a senior launching into the next phase of his/her life, or a GCA alumni, our prayer is that they will remember the foundation of God’s Word that was taught, and that they will stay faithful to His Word and His ways, and use their giftings and talents to impact the world for Him. In the years to come, this will be our focus: remembering and celebrating God’s all-sufficient grace, combined with the unwavering commitment that all that we do at GCA will be for His glory.

Academically Excellent and Distinctly Christian


June 2018

Head of School News


The DeFattas


Class of 2021


Alumna Spotlight


We The Kingdom


World Impact Highlights


The Jones Family


Honor Roll


Dodgeball Tournament




Fine Arts


What began in 2008 as an appeal to the Lord in prayer by three men to start a distinctly Christian school in the Leiper’s Fork area, has been transformed by God’s provision into the robust and highly sought after Grace Christian Academy that we enjoy today. These men could not have foreseen the current state of our country all of those years ago, but the Lord did. He knew that Christian education would be exactly what our children and our nation need at such a time as this.

We can say with the utmost certainty that we do not, nor will not, waiver from our mission statement which says, “The mission of Grace Christian Academy is to assist Christian families in the teaching of their children by providing them an experiential education that is

distinctly Christian, biblically saturated, Christ glorifying, academically excellent, and service and mission oriented. We exist to help parents cultivate the legacy of Christ's hope in each student and to prepare them to spread that hope along every avenue God provides.” We know that now, more than ever, this is so important in the life of our students. We stand by our mission and our vision to equip our families and students to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

While our hope and security is not found in buildings, we do need them to fulfill our mission. We find ourselves in a position that is both a blessing and a challenge. We are at capacity with our existing infrastructure for the students that are currently enrolled. We had over 350 applicants for 80 spots for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. There were countless amazing families and siblings of existing families we were unable to accept because we simply do not have room. While our goal is not to grow the school for the sake of growth, we do want to be able to serve our current families with excellence and serve the needs of our community. We are so excited to see the site work beginning and we encourage you to drive by the high school to see what is happening. As we mentioned in our last email, by starting this site work, we are positioned to be able to expedite the project and seamlessly move into the next phase of construction once we have the funds available to do so. This is where we need your help! We are asking every GCA family to prayerfully consider how you can partner with us to raise the funds needed to be able to move forward with construction as soon as the site work is complete. Our goal is to partner with 100% of our families in our Grace. Family. Legacy. Capital Campaign, committing $10 million in pledged gifts to be fulfilled over the next 3-5 years. This will allow us to begin construction of the high school building upon completion of the site work. For more information and to see the plans of the new high school as well as make a gift or pledge online, you can visit our website at https://gracefamilylegacy.com/ Additionally, we are always happy to set up a time to sit down with you and answer any questions you may have about this project and our vision for GCA. We look forward to partnering with each and every one of you.

Brad Myers • Director of Development • 615-578-3021

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord…” These are some of the first words that come to mind for the DeFatta family when reflecting on their journey of being a part Grace Christian Academy. In 2010, Laura DeFatta began teaching 2nd grade at GCA, where she continued teaching for the next four years. She recalls the sweetest of memories in the classroom and will always be grateful to Mr. Mason and the administration for taking a chance and hiring her as a brand new teacher. It was a season she will always treasure. The school was small and fairly new at the time, thus still beginning new programs. Mr. Mason approached David DeFatta about starting a coed soccer

program at the school. A bit uncertain of what that would look like, but excited for the opportunity, David accepted and, along with Laura on the sidelines, began GCA’s soccer program. Over the next few years while Laura taught in second grade, David built houses during the days and coached soccer in the afternoons. Each new season brought growth, changing of divisions, and eventually establishing both girls and boys individual teams. More importantly, however, as each season progressed David began to realize how called he truly felt to coaching soccer, not as much for the sport aspect- however he loves to compete, but for the importance in establishing authentic relationships with his players, walking with them through their lives, pouring into and loving them well. David grasped that the Lord had given him an incredible opportunity and one he had to take very seriously.

Laura stepped out of the classroom a few years later as the DeFattas became parents to their girls, Mary Bennett and Ady, (both current & future lions). David continued coaching and began focusing more specifically on developing the high school boys program. With each season, David strives to be more intentional with his players and pour God’s truth into them. His prayer is that the players walk away from the program with wisdom that will remain with them far outside of the soccer field- knowing they are loved by God, created with a purpose, and dedicated to His calling on their lives. David mentions that his task of instilling these boys with Truth isn’t a solo effort. The Lord has brought together an incredible coaching staff over the years. David says these coaches are crucial to the program’s success and each brings important giftings to the team. He is deeply grateful for this group of coaches, all they have invested in both him and the players over the years, and considers them lifelong friends.

This is David’s 11 season coaching GCA soccer, and the DeFattas are blown away by all that the Lord has done in and through the ministry of this school, and are so grateful that He knew all those years ago they were meant to be a part of Grace Christian Academy. th

Mercidieu Alexis

Joshua Breland

Olivia Gregornik

Christian Allen

Victoria Buzek

Cruz Hartman

Seth Almon

Anna Cella

Joe Hauk

Katelin Alonzo

Kashmir Chapman

Mary Chandler Hicks

Brock Arender

Alec Daugherty

Wynn Hicks

Aaron Ballew

Braeden Davis

Anna Kate Hiett

Samuel Barrionuevo

Nicholas Dial

Joshua Hilner

Blake Barton

Bryant Eubank

Daniella Jean Pierre

Davis Beasley

Aimee Frias

Alexander Johnson

William Beasley

Luke Gill

Callan Jones

Sydney Blankenship

Maxwell Glasser

Elizabeth Jordan

Margaret Karner

Sydney Overton

Matthew Stearns

Ashton Kelley

Jenna Pedicini

Jack Steih

Sophia Kerr

William Pierce

Averi Thorne

Michael Koellein

Mason Potter

Max Weimer

Elizabeth Kready

Julia Rayburn

Judah White

Campbell Lemon

Zachary Ries

Avery Williams

Carlie Mason

Haley Ring

Kytn Wolf

Matthew Mayes

Holly Seeley

Ashley Woodrick

Fallon McGinniss

Kelsi Sikora

Kaylee Wyse

Emmeline Meyers

Mitchell Smith

Grant Solomon

Ashley Moore

Ryan Spychalski

We are excited to highlight alumni Franni Rae Cash Cain in this edition of Celebrating Grace! Franni graduated from GCA in 2016, and is an accomplished singer/ songwriter with We The Kingdom along with her brother, 2018 graduate of GCA, Martin Cash. As a way to capture a glimpse of Franni’s time at GCA and what she is up to now, she answered some questions for us to help us get to know her a little better. Q. Why did you choose to attend GCA? A. I joined GCA my senior year because I had been homeschooled up until that point and wanted to see what it was like to be in a regular school for a bit!

Q. Best memory at GCA? A. Volleyball games, baby! ;) Q. What is something people may not know about you? A. I love to longboard! There’s a new pump track (a type of skate park) near my house and I’ve been there all the time! Kitch, my brother, just got me a new Retrospec fishtail board with seafoam blue wheels and I named her “Bella!” I take her on tour and it gives me an outlet during the day to get some fresh air and vitamin D. I stick my headphones in and unwind. :)

Q. What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in the music business? A. Pray! I read something recently that said, “God does not act the same way whether you pray or not.” He honors when you knock on the door and ask Him for things and then surrender it into His hands. He wants to hear you voice your dreams and ask Him for His partnership. He wants relationship. Plus, if you never prayed about it, then you would think it was all your own ability in the first place and you would forget God blessing you and opening doors for you all the while! Also, always be looking for a song. My dad taught me that and it has been very powerful. Someone will laugh and he will hear a beautiful melody in their laugh and record it in his iPhone voice memos. Be listening to people talk and you just might hear a song title in a conversation with your friend. Utilize social media to post your songs, play live as much as you can, and most importantly …. HAVE FUN. Franni is currently a member of the band We The Kingdom. We The Kingdom is a Grammy Nominated multigenerational family of musicians, producers and songwriters consisting of Ed Cash (Chris Tomlin, NEEDTOBREATHE, Crowder), Scott Cash, Franni Cash Cain, Martin Cash and Andrew Bergthold. The band organically formed at a Young Life camp in Georgia where each of the five members—weary and heartbroken due to a number of difficult circumstances—came to lead worship. Late one night, as they spontaneously gathered to write a song for the campers, their collaboration caught fire, bringing with it personal healing and a fresh dream for the future.

An amalgamation of four different decades, We The Kingdom’s music embraces pop, country, folk and rock—with a heart rooted in worship. Together, they write songs about the full spectrum of human emotion as they aim to capture brokenness, honesty and the redemptive power of God’s love through their vulnerable, gritty lyrics.

Praised by American Songwriter, Billboard, Relevant, and CountryNOW, We The Kingdom’s Grammy Nominated debut album, Holy Water, features two back-to-back No. 1 hits—the organic title track, which was just nominated for a Grammy in the category of Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/ Song. As one of the top 20 breakout acts across all genres in 2020, the group’s first single, “Holy Water,” reigned at the top of the Christian radio charts for eight weeks, earning them a Dove Award for “New Artist of the Year.” In addition, We The Kingdom has been featured on songs with Chris Tomlin, Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Bethel Music, Tommee Profitt, and Rend Collective. Their current single, “Child of Love,” features Bear Rinehart of NEEDTOBREATHE.

Here is a link to listen to their music https://wtk.lnk.to/HolyWaterAlbum And here is their website! www.wethekingdom.com

IG: @wethekingdom FB: @wethekingdom.music YT: @WeTheKingdom TW: @We_The_Kingdom We were so blessed as a school to have them perform at our last chapel of World Impact Week! They are excited to be back on the road touring. Be sure to check out when they will be near you. It is a show you will not want to miss.

Daniella Jean Pierre and Mercidieu Alexis (M. J.) are delightful recent seniors at GCA. They just graduated and have high hopes of attending college. Both of these beloved students have worked diligently in and out of the classroom, and both played significant roles on GCA’s High School soccer teams. They are from Haiti and live with the McGinnisses, a GCA family who founded The Hands and Feet Project. The Hands and Feet Project is an organization that does excellent work in orphan care and education in Jacmel, Haiti. (handsandfeetproject.org) During this year’s World Impact Week, it was such an honor to have Daniella and M.J. visit and speak to Ms. Hope’s Kindergarten class. It was a beautiful experience and exchange to see two seniors speaking to wide-eyed Kindergarten students. The little ones asked all kinds of questions. Daniella and M.J. shared their hearts about Haitian culture, language, food, and what they like to do outside of school. They spoke so eloquently about their faith in Christ, their experience at GCA, and the opportunities that God has given them. It has been such a tremendous blessing for our school to have such loving and exceptional students like Daniella and M.J. We eagerly look forward to seeing all the unique plans that God has in store for them. From our hearts to yours - God Bless you, Daniella and M.J.!

When I saw that there was an option for Serve Day to go to Freedom Reigns, I was so excited! I have been a volunteer at Freedom Reigns ranch for the past year, and it has blessed my life immensely. When the morning of GCA’s Serve Day came around, a great group of students and teachers gathered around and headed that way. Upon arrival, Carissa (the ranch director) and her playful dog Ember greeted us, along with a few other ranch volunteers. The students were divided up into groups to help with various activities around the ranch. Some students helped dig trenches in the dirt, while other students helped clean off saddles, and another group cleaned out water troughs. We then moved onto a game that involved two blindfolded students in the arena, two horses, and two other students to help guide their way! The blindfolded students were to find rings that were placed throughout the arena, and stick them onto poles to win the game. Both teams used teamwork to try to communicate with their teammates, who shouted from the sidelines, while also maneuvering around two large horses who were also in the arena-ha! Afterwards, both teams gathered around to discuss what they learned from this game, and how it might apply to life at GCA. The students shared many insightful answers about trust, teamwork, communication, and ultimately about their faith in God. The students also got to hear about a few of the rescue horses’ stories and about their

journey's from hopeless to hope. The students got to love on them too! I am always amazed at how God uses Freedom Reigns and everyone there to teach us so much about His heart. I am grateful for the day we had to enjoy some fresh air, work together, and serve this amazing ministry! Looking forward to the next time!

In this course, students use the book When Helping Hurts: A Small Group Experience to explore a different framework for thinking about poverty and its alleviation. Rather than simply defining it as a lack of material things, the book addresses the roots of the issue: broken relationships with God, self, others, and the rest of creation. Students learn about the workings of a non-profit and their roles in our community and the world, hear from guest speakers, and actually serve our local community monthly by volunteering with a local agency. The class served at One Generation Away in Franklin. One Gen Away currently distributes healthy foods to families throughout Middle TN that currently do not have access to food sources due to economic and physical barriers. As a class, they sorted and organized donated food in the warehouse so that it would be easier for the teams to pack emergency food boxes for people in need. It was a quick and easy way to serve our local community and our students did it with a great attitude!

In 2005, Brent Jones, husband of 4th grade teacher Ashley Jones, felt led to help out on a trip to Nicaragua through Thompson Station Church and Chosen Children Ministries. That simple trip to build a few benches and tables at an orphanage has turned into a trajectory change for the entire Jones family. Since his first trip, Brent has returned to Nicaragua about 25 times. More often than not, Brent takes a group of about 20 men to build a church from the ground up in a barrios that is without much of anything at all, much less a church. The men spend the week building the church, loving on and feeding the community, and helping a pastor draw others in to hear of HIS great love. There have also been a few visits along the way that have allowed the Jones boys to go and experience the culture, beauty, and needs of a third world country. Those trips usually take place around Christmas where the teams feed communities and present the gospel through the Christmas story.

During Brent's early visits to Nicaragua, a lot of time was spent in orphanages. At that time, the Joneses had sons Baylor, Callan, and Silas and were still growing their family and knew that God placed in their hearts the desire to adopt a child. Nicaragua is a country that is nearly impossible to adopt from, so they explored other countries in Central America. In 2006, God placed in their arms their precious daughter, Eliza, born in Guatemala. They met Eliza at five days old and spent nine months traveling through the adoption process in Guatemala. Eliza officially came home in June of 2007 and to know her is to know the joy of the Lord. A few years later, the Joneses would complete their family with son Cruz. Brent has continued to grow his relationship with Chosen Children Ministries, and many of its board members and in-country staff members have become like family. Brent has brought the Nicaraguan staff to the states to speak at events and even share with our school and community. He has continued to foster some relationships that allow God to work and help the people of Nicaragua. Chosen Children Ministries’ reputation and love for its people makes it easy to find ways to support them.

Mrs. Jones’s 4th grade class always focuses on Nicaragua during World Impact Week. It is a blessing to learn about the country and their culture and find ways that they can see their impact. For the past few years, they have participated in their Genesis Project and have sponsored Yellow Bags. Yellow Bags are the school supplies that all children in Nicaragua are required to have to attend school. Without these supplies, children are not able to go to school. Her class has been able to sponsor over 30 children to go to school in the last few years alone. These schools not only provide education for students, but also jobs in the communities for adults who make the school uniforms and shoes for students.

5th Grade All A Honor Roll Jax Barton Lillian Brooks Jason Capicik Tate Carver Graison Centers Andrew Clarke Benjamin Collins Peyton Collins Maddox DeLeon Summer Foster Hayden Goodman Gabe Graham Carson Green Luke Howard Ryder Murphy Macie Murton Audrey Musser Brown Nielsen Joy Patrick James Payne Graydon Reed Addie Sears Colton Stock Wyatt Thompson Lawson Tucker Emma Umerlik Sara Logan Verner

6th Grade All A Honor Roll Elena Abart Maddie Barnett Maclayne Barton Hutch Blank Sam Brewer Grayson DeGraff Josh Dunn Nadia Erwin David Hauk Jackson Holwerda Brooklyn Hutcheson Zoe Jones Greyson McKown Camryn Pitts Sophia Rakhuba Toby Sarnacke Elizabeth Shipman Luke Skelton Lola Tanley Jade Thrasher John Tillman Audrey Volbeda Lily Yates 7th Grade All A Honor Roll Rowan Baum Hope Brooks Jackson Dishon Fin Elder Ella Grace Fua Hudson Gregg Wyatt Hall Maddie Herrera Griffey Jakes Knox Lambert

7th Grade All A Honor Roll— con’t Isabella LaRocca Tori Mullaney London Norris Luke Pedicini Ty Peterson Colton Reed Heidi Ring Parker Sloas Madi Tolliver Audrey Underwood Logan Williamson 8th Grade All A Honor Roll Whit Birch Eva Brooks JulieAnn Hart Nathan Maxson Madelyn Miller Lilly Patrick Nate Purino Sydney Ryan Mike Smith Slade Spencer Wesley Stewart Sydney Whitehead Nicole Wright

9 (4 C H J W T A G M B J E M J L

9 (4 S E M S M E A G P R

1 (4 R A J B A M B A P

9th Grade Honor Roll 4.0-4.249 on a weighted scale) Claire Barnette Hudson Barton Jake Breland William Brown Thomas Camacho Addison Church Gigi Clements Mackenzie Curle Brynn DeGraff Jacob Dunn Ellie Karner McKenzie Kaye Jack Summers Luke Williamson

9th Grade Principal’s List 4.25+ on a weighted scale) Sophie Clark Ella Kate Gill Madelyn Gregg Stellie Higby Manna Lindman Evan Nelson Anilee Schwieterman Georgie Tillman Parker Vanden Oever Rebekah Windland

10th Grade Honor Roll 4.0-4.249 on a weighted scale) Rylan Blank Anna Claire Boster Jonathan Hammett Brendan Koreiba Aubrey Lane Mae Pirtle Brooke Stephens Aimee Vogt Parker Wright

10th Grade Principal’s List (4.25+ on a weighted scale) Zaine Hutchison Jeremy Walling Jonathan Walling 11th Grade Honor Roll (4.0-4.249 on a weighted scale) Connor Armstrong Sammy Camacho Elizabeth Clements Callie Cook Jude Cox Blythe Hutchison Mary Bradley Myers Mark Parker Bryce Sipkovsky Madison Smith James Summers Sean Walker Erin Wojcik 11th Grade Principal’s List (4.25+ on a weighted scale) Levi Allen Dawson Bechman Dean Bechman Caroline Briley Raybecca Calvert Christian Collins Maddie Cowan Katie Dial Malachi Jones Gracyn LaRocca Paige Lewis Carter Murphy Ruthie Pirtle Anna Claire Riggs Bella Scott Caleb Varner Elizabeth Vogt Nate Westmoreland

12th Grade Honor Roll (4.0-4.249 on a weighted scale) Katelin Alonzo Sam Barrionuevo Blake Barton Davis Beasley Sydney Blankenship Victoria Buzek Cassie Chapman Alec Daugherty Nicholas Dial Cruz Hartman Joe Hauk Anna Kate Hiett Alex Johnson Callan Jones Meg Karner Ashton Kelley Michael Koellein Ashley Moore Jenna Pedicini Will Pierce Julia Rayburn Haley Ring Holly Seeley Ryan Spychalski Averi Thorne Ashley Woodrick 12th Grade Principal’s List (4.25+ on a weighted scale) Anna Cella Luke Gill Josh Hilner

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GCA hosted its 4th Annual Dodgeball Tournament this year. Since this event grows a little larger each year, the tourney moved outside to the football field. It was there that 57 teams of all ages gathered with their families and friends to compete against one another in the friendly game of dodgeball. Food trucks provided dinner as one by one teams were eliminated from their brackets. At the end of the evening, the winners in each bracket were PreK-2nd Grade: Warriors, 3rd-4th Grade: The Professionals, IS/ MS: Intimidators, HS and up: Beatas. The real winners of the night; however, were the kids in the Mariama Village of Papua New Guinea. Because of the generosity of the GCA family, we were able to raise over $7,000 to help provide a teacher for this remote village. “The children are so exited about learning!”, said missionary Holly Woodard. You can watch a video about The Mariama Village School Project by CLICKING HERE.

Thank you all again for partnering with us to help support the Mariama Village School Project!

Humility / Passion / Unity / Servanthood / Gratitude Celebrating Grace in Athletics By Len McKnatt

God has been faithful to bring us through another school year despite the difficulties faced. He has blessed GCA and our student athletes in an immense way. There are many things that could be written, but we want to highlight several of our spring sports teams that have had outstanding seasons.

Our HS Girls Track and Field team finished third in the State Meet. Here are some of the great performances that took place at the State Meet: Aubrey Lane state champion in the pentathlon Aubrey Lane 800m champion Anna Cate Beachum/Natalie Kaye/Aubrey Lane/Mary Bradley Myers 4 x 400m relay champions Aubrey Lane state runner up in the high jump McKenzie Kaye/Natalie Kaye/Aubrey Lane/ Mary Bradley Myers 4 X 200m relay runners up They also had a strong showing at the Region Meet held at Franklin Road Academy. The girls rode two first place relay finishes (4X200 meters and 4X400 meters) to a 2nd place finish in the Region Meet. What an outstanding accomplishment by these young ladies and their coaches. Congratulations to these first place finishers at the Region Meet: Aubrey Lane 800 meter champion

McKenzie Kaye/Natalie Kaye/Aubrey Lane/ Mary Bradley Myers 4 X 200m relay champions Anna Cate Beachum/Natalie Kaye/Aubrey Lane/Mary Bradley Myers 4 x 400m champions

Our HS Boys Soccer team followed their 2019 state championship with an impressive run in

their 2021 season. They finished as District Champions, Region Champions, and as State Runners Up, falling to Knoxville Webb in the finals by a score of 1-0. The Lions won the regular season title with a 2 -1 victory over CPA that was decided in a shootout. GCA followed this up with a Region Tournament championship, a 4-1 victory over University School of Nashville. The Lions defeated ECS in a state quarterfinal match and followed that up with an exciting, come from behind double overtime 3-2 win over Boyd Buchanan in the State Semifinals. Malachi Jones was named co-district MVP for this season. Congrats to Malachi, our coaches, and team on a phenomenal season.

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Our HS Boys Tennis team has made its entrance known into the Division IIA tennis world. These young men have done a tremendous job in their first full season of facing Division II competition. The Lions rode the singles play of Jake Barton and Ryan Breland, with the doubles play of Sam Ray and Fallon McGinnis to finish 3rd in a very tough region and advanced to the final 12 of the state where they were eliminated by Christian Academy of Knoxville. Congratulations on a fabulous season. Our HS Baseball picked up where they left off in 2019 (State Semifinalists). The Lions beat every team in our district this season. After a very competitive regular season, GCA swept through the District Tournament with victories over BGA, Columbia Academy, and MTCS to claim the District Tournament title. Many Lions were named to the all district team. GCA fell into the losers bracket in the Region Tournament with a close loss to Columbia Academy, but bounced back to finish 3rd with a victory over Clarksville Academy. The Lions traveled to Silverdale Baptist Academy (Chattanooga) for their final 12 elimination game state matchup. GCA scored 8 runs in the top of the first inning to set the tone, and coasted home with a 16-7 victory. Unfortunately, the Lions were eliminated by Tipton Rosemark Academy 2 games to 1 in the State Quarterfinal. GCA finished the season with a school record 30 wins. We would be remiss in not remembering how each and every student athlete and team at GCA (and in many cases our opponents) have competed this season to remember and honor Grant Solomon. Please continue to remember and pray for the Solomon family and please help us to continue to remember Grant. Thanks to all of you for the support of our student athletes, coaches, and teams. We look forward to seeing our athletes at our summer workouts! Have a great summer break.

I Corinthians 9:24-27

By Carrie Estes


Thank you to everyone who participated in the GCA Student Art Competition! It has been such a joy seeing all of the beautiful artwork! Each artwork was judged in the categories of “2D” and “3D” artwork, per grade level, by our five judges!

2D Category Winners:

Kindergarten: 1. “Flying Through the Clouds” by Everly Pennington 2. “Jesus Loves Penguins” by Nora Harty First Grade: 1. “Time of Spring” by Quinn O’Connor 2. “The Dragon Killer” by Brooks Veach

Second Grade: 1. “Down to the River” by Levi Dennis 2. “Panda Fun” by Elle Verner 3. “The Butterfly of Peace” by April Hodgson Third Grade: 1. “Hawaii Sunset” by Reese Payne 2. “A Pretty Pink Flower” by Amelia Spann 3. “The Waterfall” by Sophia Auer Fourth Grade: 1. “Graceful Sunrise” by Addie Nance 2. “Creative Colors” by Christen Hodgson 3. “Spring Blooms” by Jill Hilner Fifth Grade: 1. “Puppy Playdate” by Brooklyn Spann 2. “Daffodils in the Spring” by Sara Logan Verner

Seventh Grade: 1. “St. John Place” by Alexa Medina 2. “Airforce 6” by Asa Baker Eighth Grade: 1. “Red Letters” by Audrey Kerr 2. “Hi” by Brenna Randall 3. “The Darkside” by Sydney Ryan

Ninth Grade: 1. “Adventure at Dry Falls” by Sophie Clarke Tenth Grade: 1. “The Crested King” by Braden Walters 2. “A Malicious Maw” by Braden Walters

Eleventh Grade: 1. “Golden” by Kaylee Tichenor 2. A TIE between: “The Sky” by Mary Bradley Myers & “Industrial Garden” by Paige Lewis 3. “The Gold Coast” by Bella Scott

3D Category Winners:

Kindergarten: 1. “Rainbow Butterfly” by Elizabeth Terry Fifth Grade: 1. “A Swirl of Colors” by Sara Logan Verner

Sixth Grade: 1. A TIE between: “Chill” by John Tillman & “California Bluffs” by Elena Abart 2. A TIE between: “The Gentle Stallion” by Ava Elrod & “Butterfly on Lantana” by Zoe Jones 3. “Too Cool for School” by Sam Andrews

Congratulations! Each winner listed received a ribbon that hangs by their artwork. Our 1st place winners and “Best of Show” winners received a prize! The Elementary and Middle School 1st place and “Best of Show” winners received a Hobby Lobby gift card and High School 1st place and “Best of Show” winners enjoyed a fun art field trip and lunch. Everyone did such a great job, and it was so much fun getting to see all of the God-given creativity that has been gifted to these students!

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Mission Statement

3279 Southall Road Franklin, TN 37064 615-591-3017 www.gcalions.com

The mission of Grace Christian Academy is to assist Christian families in the teaching of their children by providing them an experiential education that is distinctly Christian, biblically saturated, Christ glorifying, academically excellent, and service and mission oriented. We exist to help parents cultivate the legacy of Christ's hope in each student and to prepare them to spread that hope along every avenue God provides.

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