GRACE bollixes Tenth Presbyterian Investigation

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involved pastors was whether or not Saenz and RV should get married. It seems that this conversation was taking place amongst the parties despite no one asking RV if that is something that she would even want. In many ways, RV’s voice was literally and figuratively silenced. Agency over her own life and decisions was removed. Such actions lack empowerment and violate the fifth principle. That these two violations occurred, on their own, likely had an extreme chilling effect on RV’s desire and ability to speak out. It is, then, no surprise that she has had little if any contact after these events with the parties involved, and was not interested in speaking with GRACE investigators regarding these allegations. Adding to this, additional violations of these principles occurred. First, the repeated discussion and conversation regarding RV as a “seeker” while regarding Saenz as a “more mature believer.” Because of this, it appears for more credibility was given to Saenz’s version of events, rather than RV’s. Along with this fact, it is also clear that the fact that people tasked with initially engaging with these allegations were two pastors at Tenth. These pastors were not neutral and unbiased, but rather the landlord and close friend of Saenz. Failing to miss the inherent biases present in these decisions is a significant deviation from best practices. These biases are further demonstrated in a number of ways. Most significantly, the pastor/landlord’s reductive explanation that the witness’ son was in love with RV, so was pushing the issue is bizarre but telling. There is no evidence of this fact in the record, yet this reason was used to dismiss and explain away an allegation of sexual assault. Similarly, biases in favor of Saenz played a large role in the way these allegations were handled by Tenth leaders. Specifically, the fact that rape allegations would impact Saenz’s career is present throughout the statements. Assumptions like these, especially that result in the minimization and dismissal of allegations, is improper. That these biases emerged should reemphasize to Tenth leaders the need to immediately refer such serious allegations to third party investigators, lest bias be introduced. Such actions represents a violation of the principle of collaboration and mutuality. Finally, what the exact definition of rape in Japanese culture looms large in this allegation. All parties interviewed brought this topic up. Yet, throughout all of the conversations, there is no mention that anyone consulted a cultural expert or resourced RV to go and speak with a trauma informed, culture informed neutral party. Attempting to investigate these allegations without making necessary and good faith steps to employ the assistance of culturally attuned care givers and investigators was also a violation of best practices.


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