Vamia - Study Guide 2022-2023

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Ruutikellarintie 2, 65100 Vaasa Switchboard (06) 325 7411


Sepänkyläntie 16, 65100 Vaasa Switchboard (06) 325 7411 PRINCIPAL


Maria Murtomäki, 040 735 7041 VICE PRINCIPAL, STUDENT SERVICES

Johan Lindman, 040 549 7440 STUDENT OFFICE



Janne Saijonkivi, 040 663 9451 HEAD OF DIVISION, WELLBEING SERVICES

Toni Borén, 040 829 4225 HEAD OF DIVISION, COMMON UNITS



Seppo Uusitalo, 040 546 7945 Staff e-mail: Further contact information: 2


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HALLINTO HALLINTO ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION O y E d u Va m i a A b Ruutikellarintie 2 2 Krutkällarvägen Krutkällarvägen 2 2 Ruutikellarintie FI-65100 Vaasa Vaasa | | Vasa Vasa FI-65100 Puh. | tfn tfn (06) (06) 326 7411 7411 HALLINTO ADMINISTRATION Puh. | 326 Ruutikellarintie 2 Krutkällarvägen 2 PALVELUT | SERVICE SERVICE SERVICES FI-65100 Vaasa | Vasa SERVICES PALVELUT | Ruutikellarintie 2-4 7411 Puh. | tfn (06) 326 Ruutikellarintie 2-4 Krutkällarvägen 2-4 2-4 Krutkällarvägen FI-65100 Vaasa | PALVELUT | SERVICE FI-65100 Vaasa | Vasa Vasa SERVICES Puh. | tfn (06) 326 Ruutikellarintie 2-4 Puh. | tfn (06) 326 7411 7411 Krutkällarvägen 2-4 RESTAURANT SILVERIA FI-65100 Vaasa | Vasa RESTAURANT SILVERIA Ruutikellarintie 4 Krutkällarvägen Krutkällarvägen 4 Puh. | tfn (06) 326 7411 Ruutikellarintie 4 4 FI-65100 Vaasa Vaasa | | Vasa Vasa FI-65100 Puh. | tfn tfn 040 040 770 770 9236 RESTAURANT SILVERIA Puh. | 9236 Ruutikellarintie 4 Krutkällarvägen 4 8 STUDIO PARCOS FI-65100 PARCOS Vaasa | Vasa STUDIO 9 Vamia Oppisopimus • Läroavtal Ruutikellarintie 2 Puh. | tfn 040 2 770 9236 Ruutikellarintie 10 EduVamia Krutkällarvägen 2 Krutkällarvägen 2 FI-65100 Vaasa Vamia Oppisopimus Läroavtal STUDIO PARCOS FI-65100 Vaasa Vamia Oppisopimus 11 Läroavtal Valma EduVakk EduVakk Ruutikellarintie 2 Tupakointipaikka Rökningsområde Tupakointipaikka Rökningsområde Rökningsområde Tupakointipaikka Krutkällarvägen 2 FI-65100 Vaasa Vamia Oppisopimus Läroavtal EduVakk Tupakointipaikka Rökningsområde



ENERGIA- JA TEKNOLOGIAPALVELUT | ENERGI- OCH TEKNOLOGITJÄNSTER Sepänkyläntie / Smedsbyvägen 16 | FI-65100 Vaasa / Vasa | Puh. / tfn 06 326 7411


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A WORD FROM OUR PRINCIPAL Vocational education and training is becoming more competence-based and customer-oriented. This change in education is needed as there is a change in the skills and knowledge that will be needed in working life. Through this reform we can offer a wider variety of supplementary courses alongside the more traditional degrees study paths. These units give students the up-todate competence that enables them to keep up with the developing working life around them. The government programme has taken up the issues of continuous learning, the availability of training and skilful workforce and, by the end of next year, a roadmap for skills and learning for 2030 will be drawn up. This fosters a sense of hope, as education is back in focus. For the students of Vamia, the reform is a good thing, as the students have more options and they can build their own study paths with more flexibility. The degrees are being tailored to meet the needs of the working life and Vamia prepares students to enter their careers equipped with up-to-date competence. For example, we have built our learning environments in cooperation with working life representatives in order to create facilities that resemble the real-life conditions as closely as possible. In addition, our students learn what Lean is all about during their studies. And, as Vaasa is the energy capital city of Finland, we make sure that our students know a lot about energy, energy efficiency, environment-friendly and sustainable use of energy and can apply their knowledge in practice. 4

We are continuously developing and fortifying our cooperation with the local businesses. There will be a shortage of competent workforce in the years to come. The students benefit from this cooperation, as the companies offer them positions for on-the-job training, summer jobs and occasional on-demand work. Local companies are already quite actively recruiting our students through visits at Vamia. Vamia provides a great base for students to embark on further studies. Through our cooperation with Vaasa University for Applied Sciences (VAMK), we have created a chance for our students to start further studies at VAMK while they are still studying at Vamia. Our society is more international than before. In the workplace of the future one has to have language skills and intercultural skills. At Vamia you can study in three languages and in a multicultural environment. Our students and recent graduates have also the possibility to do an internship abroad. You can apply for an exchange period up to six months after graduation. Vamia welcomes all applicants. Welcome to Vamia to build a solid base for your future career!

Åsa Stenbacka Principal

Vamia provides a great base for students to embark on further studies

STUDYING AT VAMIA Vamia operates around the year. The Education committee sets the school year dates annually. It is possible to study while working as there is a selection of evening and weekend classes. Studies are arranged so that students can follow their personal study paths in a flexible manner) and without delays. Active participation is expected of the students. The students have to acquaint themselves with and adhere to Vamia’s practices, take responsibility over their studies and everyday things such as getting to school, living arrangements, eating and study material as well as recognizing possible special needs and acquiring suitable support for such needs. Students have a way of getting their voices heard by joining the student council (oppilaskunta) or by taking part in the activities of a student association. The principle of equality is an integral part of everyday life at Vamia. The criteria for student selection are very transparent and clear. The teaching arrangements cater for the students’ individual needs. The crucial need for equality is highlighted particularly when assessing the students’ competence. There is zero tolerance for any discrimination or sexual harassment. We have a specific plan as well as guidelines for equality for students at Vamia.



ASSESSMENT Vocational qualification units are assessed per unit on a scale of 1 to 5 (vocational upper secondary qualifications) or as passed/failed (further and specialist vocational qualifications). Students demonstrate their acquired skills in vocational competence demonstrations that are arranged for each vocational unit. The students’ competence in vocational qualification units is assessed together by a teacher and a working life representative. Common units and preparatory studies are assessed by teachers on a scale of 1 to 5. If a student has not successfully completed the studies included in their qualification or if they wish to raise a grade, they have a chance to redo the part of studies in question.

COMPETENCE-BASED STUDIES All tuition at Vamia is competence-based. The training aims at producing competence that answers the needs of both the students and working life. Prior skills and knowledge of the students are recognized and therefore students can focus on acquiring the skills they do not yet have.. AND WHAT DOES ’COMPETENCE-BASED’ MEAN?

• The scope of a qualification or units is measured in competence points (cp). The number of competence points for each unit is defined by how extensive the competence is, how challenging they are and how substantial the studies are – all in relation to the entire qualification. • Competence is not time bound. When a student has completed the targeted learning outcomes of a given unit, they can showcase their skills in a competence demonstration and move on to the next study unit according to their study plan. • The student’s prior studies and competence must be recognised.


• The units and their implementation are planned in cooperation with working life representatives so that the studies match working life skill requirements. • Teaching arrangements are planned so that units can be completed separately as independent entities. A unit is divided into smaller modules as best befits each unit.

PERSONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PCDP) Together with their coordinating teacher and, occasionally, a guidance counsellor, the students draft a personal competence development plan (PCDP). All information about identifying and recognising prior learning and competence is recorded in the plan. Moreover, the plan should state how competence will be acquired, what support measures the student needs and how competence is demonstrated. Furthermore, a PCDP includes an individual career plan. The PCDP is uploaded onto StudentaPlus and is updated frequently. If the studies are carried out as an apprenticeship, a representative from the workplace must also take part in drafting the plan.


Representatives from other cooperation partners, such as the TE office (public employment and business services), can also partake in drafting a PCDP where needed.

LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Vamia’s learning environments are up-to-date and ensure great possibilities for improving vocational skills. The facilities are developed together with working life partners. Our learning environments include the institution’s facilities, online environments, workplaces and other external facilities when needed. The external facilities include the likes of the customers’ facilities worksites and different sports venues. Competence demonstrations can be arranged within Vamia’s learning environments, if the environment in question is inspected and approved by a working life cooperation partner. Everyone at Vamia contributes to a comfortable and inspiring environment for studying.

QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The scope of qualification is 180 competence points of which 145 competence points are vocational qualification units and 35 competence points are common units. COMMON UNITS FOR VOCATIONAL UPPER SECONDARY QUALIFICATIONS ARE 1 COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION COMPETENCE 2 SKILLS IN MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES 3 CITIZENSHIP AND WORKING LIFE COMPETENCE

The scope of further vocational qualifications is 120 or 150 competence points and the scope of specialist vocational qualifications is 160 or 180 competence points.


Students who have completed a qualification are eligible for further studies. The qualifications’ general eligibility for further studies in universities and universities of applied sciences is decreed by section 37 of the Universities Act (558/2009) and section 25 of the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014).

VAMIABOOST In VamiaBoost you can do your homework or undone tasks. You get help and support so that your studies can proceed. You can get more information about Boost from your teacher-in-charge, student counselor or special education teacher.

LEARNING AT THE WORKPLACE Practical training at the workplace is arranged either according to a training agreement or as apprenticeship training. The training agreement replaces previous on-the-job training arrangements: The student is not in a contract of employment and does not receive any pay or other compensation. Learning at the workplace is planned one unit at a time. The students are mainly responsible for applying for a suitable job for themselves for each unit. Teachers will help in finding the right job. The apprenticeship is based on a fixed-term contract of employment (the trainee’s status: employed). The employer pays a salary to the student and can get financial compensation for organising the training. Apprenticeship training can cover the entire degree or one or more individual units. Boost timetables can be found here


INDIVIDUAL LEARNING POSSIBILITIES AT VAMIA For students in basic vocational qualification training, each student’s study path is designed according to their individual background and aims. In planning, we consider e.g. the student’s future employment, their plans and goals for further education as well as their hobbies.



STUDYING FOR DUAL QUALIFICATION It is possible to acquire a vocational upper secondary qualification and do a matriculation examination in three years. A dual qualification provides a student with wider general knowledge for further studies. Completing a dual qualification is also a benefit in working life.

VAMK PATHWAY During their studies, students can apply to join a further education pathway, arranged in collaboration with Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK). The students take up a total of 30 cp of higher level studies within their field of study (not applicable to all fields) while they are studying for a vocational upper secondary qualification. If the higher level studies are completed successfully, the students can continue their studies at VAMK without taking an entrance test.

INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES Students can apply for international exchange periods. Our international activities aim at strengthening the students’ possibilities of finding employment and succeeding in the internationalising employment market in Finland and abroad. Student exchange has many benefits; it improves a diverse vocational skillset, increases tolerance, improves language skills, supports lifelong learning and provides a possibility for employment. The competence acquired during an exchange period is included in the student’s PCDP.

SPORTS-ORIENTATED STUDIES, VAASA REGION SPORTS ACADEMY The sports-orientated studies programme is a possibility for those students who aim at being professional athletes to practice their sport while studying for a vocational qualification.

JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT FINLAND A JA-company (NY-yritys/UF-företaget) is a business that one or more students set up and run for one school year. The business operates on real money just as an actual business would. The company is started up with a brainstorming session where students come up with their business idea. This idea is then developed further and the company starts producing products or services and students get experience in running a company as well as in sales and customer service.

ARTS-ORIENTATED STUDIES TAIKON-AKATEMIA Vamia’s students can have their arts studies recognised as part of their vocational qualification. Those who study arts professionally can take up basic art studies while doing their vocational qualification through the arts-orientated study programme.

COMPETITIONS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES There are various national-level competitions in Finland for students of vocational training and the students of Vamia can also attend these competitions.

SKILLS FINLAND Skills Finland (Taitaja) is the biggest vocational education and training happening, where students compete for the Finnish Championship in over 40 vocational skills competitions. More than a thousand students attend the dozens of qualifying competitions nationwide. Over 400 students compete in the finals and tens of thousands of people join in the audience. Vamia provides further information on the competition during the school year.

SAKUSTARS SAKUstars is a national culture event and competition for all vocational education students. There are events for works that are sent in advance as well as for live performances.




The aim of vocational qualification training is to study an entire vocational qualification or one or more units of it. Vocational qualification training prepares for a vocational upper secondary, further or specialist vocational qualification or a part of any of the above. The training is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Students of further and specialist vocational qualifications, excluding apprenticeship trainees and labour policy students, pay a student fee. Training for vocational qualifications can also be performed as an apprenticeship.


Apprenticeship training can cover the entire degree or one or more individual units. Within this study path, most of the learning is practical and happens at the workplace. Students are to find their own workplace. The student has to work at least 25 hours per week, so part-time employment is also an option. During the apprenticeship students are paid a salary according to the collective labour agreement. All vocational qualifications at Vamia can be achieved through apprenticeship training.


Labour policy education is a form of training for vocational qualification that is offered to unemployed jobseekers and people who might face unemployment. The training is free of charge for the students. Students are, during their studies, entitled to unemployment benefits and a compensation for costs. The application process for labour policy education is organised by the TE offices (Public Employment and Business Services). Further information: VARIOUS TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES


Preparatory education for vocational training (TUVA) starts on 1 August 2022. TUVA education combines previous supplementary education in basic education, upper secondary school education (LUVA) and preparatory education for vocational training (VALMA). TUVA training is for students with • no secondary education, • and who for one reason or another need preparatory training. TUVA training is aimed at both students and adults who need skills and / or mentoring to transition to upper secondary education or vocational training. The general goal of TUVA education is to achieve the study skills that will enable a student to apply for and complete upper secondary education or vocational training. Study skills can mean, for example, study / study language skills, suitable study skills and life management skills. In addition, during TUVA education, grades in basic education may be increased if it is necessary to obtain the desired training place. In addition to this, the student can complete high school and vocational education studies.


As a subcontractor for EduVamia, Vamia produces tailor-made vocational training courses. These courses are a form of labour policy education and must be arranged according to a supply contract. EduVamia purchases the training service from Vamia. EduVamia has information material for trainers on how to implement this type of training.





All students get an email account, username and a password at the beginning of their studies. Student email, Vamia’s website and Facebook page are used for lines of communication between Vamia and the students. WEBSITE FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM @vamiavaasa YOUTUBE Vamia Vaasa

Vamia’s students can apply for an apartment with the Student Housing Foundation in Vaasa (VOAS). Contact VOAS: phone +358 (0)6 327 6511 or online

STUDENTA Studenta is our student register system where students can keep track of their studies and see their grades. Students sign in to the system with their email username.

COLLABORATION WITH THE HOME Collaboration between home and school starts when a minor student enrols at the institution and the collaboration continues throughout the studies. All units of the institution organise parents’ nights for the parents of new students at the beginning of the school year. Teachers and guardians of minor students can use StudentaPlus for communication. All guardians of minor students are given personal usernames and passwords to the system. Contact information:


STUDENT ID CARD Vamia’s students are photographed for picture ID cards. Students can also join a student association and get a national student card. With the student card students are entitled to various benefits and discounts on products and services. More information on vocational students’ associations and application form are online at the associations’ websites: and Students who are entitled to student financial aid (opintotuki) from Kela can also get VR transport subsidy. Students can also get a student card for VR and Matkahuolto, that entitles them to a 50 % discount on train and bus tickets. For this card, you need a certificate that states you are currently a student at Vamia. You can get this form from the student office or download it from the VR website: (an official school stamp required). Students can also apply for international students cards (ISIC/IYTC/Euro26) with which they are entitled to student discounts in Finland and abroad. Further information on the international student cards online: and In order to apply for an external student card you can get a student status certificate from the Vamia student office.


CERTIFICATES AND TRANSCRIPTS OF STUDY RECORDS Students can monitor their progress through StudentsPlus system. Students can also get a transcript of study records that states what they have completed so far. At the end of their studies, students get a qualification certificate. In case the student does not finish their studies, a transcript of study records and a certificate of termination of studies will be given. Students graduating with a vocational upper secondary qualification in the spring or at Christmas will be invited to a graduation ceremony. Graduates of vocational and special vocational examinations and TUVA will receive their certificates at events arranged by the teacher in charge.

INSURANCE Students within vocational education and training (self-motivated education) are insured as is regulated by law. Students within labour policy education are covered by insurance at school, at the workplace and on their way to and from school. Apprenticeship students are insured by their employer, as members of staff.

EATING We have daytime student cafeterias on both campuses; Appetito on the Hansa Campus (Ruutikellarintie 2) and Melinda on the Sampo Campus (Sepänkyläntie 16). Also, on both campuses students can eat their own food and snacks in lounges reserved for this. The students have access to a microwave oven, a fridge as well as vending machines for coffee and snacks. On the Hansa Campus, there is also a café (Namia) as well as a café/ restaurant Silveria (Ruutikellarintie 4). For the sake of cleanliness and to keep the environment nice and neat, eating in other school facilities is prohibited. Vocational upper secondary qualification students can eat free of charge in Appetito and Melinda by showing their ID card. Students have the right to have one hot meal per those school days when they have contact teaching at their school. Students swipe their student ID card at the cashier in the cafeteria. The students have the right to a daily meal also when they are training at a workplace. The meal is paid for by the school and students can eat at either the workplace or a nearby school. A doctor’s certificate must be provided for special diets. Labour policy education students, apprenticeship students and the students who receive integration training benefits are not entitled to a free meal but get a discount on lunch by showing their ID card.

STUDYING COSTS Studying for a vocational upper secondary qualification is free of charge. Further and specialist vocational qualifications have a course fee (excluding apprenticeship and labour policy education). Students do have to purchase course books and other study material.






In order to meet the set qualification requirements and targeted learning outcomes, students who require special support due to learning difficulties, disability, illness or other reasons, have the right to such support. Special support means systematic pedagogical support and special teaching and studying arrangements that are planned according to the student’s study goals and abilities. Providing special support is a part of furthering the student’s overall rehabilitation. For students who receive special support it is possible to adjust the assessment criteria of competence for a vocational upper secondary qualification, to the extend the adjustment is considered inevitable when taking into account the individual study goals and abilities of the student in question. There are some qualification-specific limitations to the adjustment process. The individual needs of students who receive special support are taken into account in all teaching. Special support aims at helping the student to complete their studies and acquire the vocational skills and knowledge listed in the qualification requirements. If you should have any questions about special support or your own studies, you can ask Vamia’s special needs teachers. Contact information for special needs teachers can be found on Vamia’s website at

All students in Vamia have the right to sufficient personal and otherwise necessary guidance counselling during their studies. Guidance counsellors help the students to plan their studies, improve their studying skills, apply for further education and find employment. The purpose of guidance counselling is to ensure that students know how to study at Vamia, to plan their studies and commit to their studies. Students learn also to monitor the progress of their studies and seek support for planning their studies in case they need it. Guidance counselling pays special attention to the transition points and moving from one level of education to another. Particular attention is also given to those students who have difficulties in studying, are frequently absent or encounter problems with general life skills. Contact information for guidance counsellors can be found on Vamia’s website at


VAMIAGUIDE Admission, guidance and counselling services VamiaGuide helps and guides new applicants with questions about applying to education and vocational selection. Students gets help e.g. career counselling and jobb search. Contact information for VamiaGuide can be found on Vamia´s web site


SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKERS The primary task of school social workers is to support, help and guide individual students when their studies are affected by e.g. social or psychological problems. The aim of school social workers’ contribution is to ensure that students graduate as capable and motivated professionals. In addition to the individual work they do with students, the school social workers participate in enhancing the entire school’s wellbeing. Contact information for school social workers can be found on Vamia’s website at

SCHOOL NURSES / STUDENT HEALTH CARE Student health care aims to support and advance the students’ health as a whole. During their studies, the students are entitled to the public student health care services organised by the city of Vaasa free of charge. Services are mainly provided by public health nurses and, where needed, also by a student health care doctor, a psychologist, a psychiatric nurse or a general practitioner. Students of over 18 years of age have to pay a fee for doctor’s appointments at a public health care centre. Minors who live in Vaasa are also entitled to cost-free dental care. There are set fees for treatments and checkups for patients over 18 years of age. Residents of other municipalities can get dental care in Vaasa in urgent situations, but for other treatment and check-ups they have to contact their local dental care unit. Students or their guardians must inform the school health care and


the student’s own teacher in case the student has any substantial health-related issues, such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies etc. This information is not transferred automatically between officials. Health information may sometimes be crucial for legal, occupational health and safety and other reasons. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR SCHOOL NURSES

Hansa (Ruutikellarintie 2-4), 040 649 5443, 040 649 5131, 040 656 5433 Sampo (Sepänkyläntie 16), 040 145 2766 and 040 656 5332

PSYCHOLOGIST / PSYCHIATRIC NURSE Psychological services are arranged as part of student health care together with Vaasa’s public social and health care services. Services are provided by a psychologist and a psychiatric nurse. For booking an appointment, contact the school nurse, a doctor, your group’s coordinating teacher or the school social worker.


SOCIAL BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Student financial aid is meant to secure a student’s income during their studies. STUDENT FINANCIAL AID INCLUDES

• study grant • provider supplement • government guarantee for a student loan Student financial aid is available for full-time studies, which means an average progress of 4.5 competence points per month.

SELF-MOTIVATED STUDYING ON UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT Students who are over 25 years of age can study on unemployment benefit. Students have to contact the TE office for further information. When studies are supported by unemployment benefit, studying has to be full-time.


FURTHER INFORMATION Vamia student office and

School transport subsidy covers daily expenses of school transport. The subsidy is available only for full-time students.



For full-time studies, you can get an adult education allowance. The allowance is available for students within vocational upper secondary, further and special vocational qualification studies. To be eligible, you have to participate in self-motivated education, be employed and to have worked for a minimum of eight years in total. Moreover, you will have to have worked for your current employer for at least a year before starting studies on the allowance. You can apply for adult education allowance for a minimum period of two months of unpaid study leave (receiving no salary during that time). The maximum period for studying on adult education allowance is 15 months. Study leave is a statutory right and you have to apply for it from your employer.

• distance between home and school is over 10 kilometres (one way) • school transport expenses exceed 54 euros per month • student has to travel (one way) at least 7 times per week

FURTHER INFORMATION Guidance counsellors and



• they are studying for a vocational upper secondary qualification • they are doing a general upper secondary and a vocational degree as combination studies • they are participating in preparatory training (VALMA) For further information on the financial aids ask the Vamia student office.


SCHOLARSHIP FOR QUALIFIED EMPLOYEE The scholarship for qualified employee can be granted on completing any of the following qualifications as defined in the Act on Vocational Education (531/2017) • vocational upper secondary qualification • further vocational qualification • specialist vocational qualification, if the degree is completed on or after 1.1.2018. For all recipients, the sum of the scholarship is 400 euros and can be granted if the applicant is under 68 years of age when they complete the qualification. To be eligible, an applicant has to have permanent residence in Finland and a work history of at least 5 years. Further information on the scholarship:



GETTING TO KNOW THE COORDINATING TEACHER AND FELLOW STUDENTS • Tutor students are there to help when needed . • Class groups elect an elder among them and agree on basic rules for the group . • Group selects a means for communication (e.g. a WhatsApp group).

FORMS, CERTIFICATES AND THE ID CARD • Students who have applied through the joint application system check with their coordinating teacher, that they have handed in all the obligatory forms and certificates . • Students who have applied through continuous admission fill in a form stating they confirm their admission. • The coordinating teacher informs students when they will have their pictures taken for the ID card.

GETTING TO KNOW THE STUDENT GUIDE • The guide material is read through thoroughly.

GETTING TO KNOW THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY ISSUES • Learning environments and common facilities. • Student office, Vamia Guide and e.g. the offices of the school nurse, the school social worker, guidance counsellor and special needs teacher. • Safety walk, the school area and rules and regulations. • The procedures in accidents and cases of illness.

SOCIAL BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS • The student office and guidance counsellors have the necessary forms you need for applying for social benefits (e.g. student financial aid and forms for the TE office).



STUDY MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT • The coordinating teachers tell their students what equipment the students have to buy and what is provided by the school (clothing, work footware, books etc.). • Where necessary, students are given keys to lockers.

SCHEDULES, SCHOOL DAYS AND SCHOOL HOLIDAYS • The coordinating teacher goes through the weekly schedule and shows where you can find it.

PERSONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PCDP) • Together with their coordinating teacher and, occasionally, a guidance counsellor, the students draft a personal competence development plan (PCDP). Information about prior learning and competence is included in the plan. Moreover, the plan should state how the student will acquire competence, what support measures the student needs and how competence is demonstrated. Students are also informed of the optional study paths for basic vocational upper secondary qualifications. • Some students are asked to do a literacy skills test and other level test. Coordinating teachers will give further information on the tests. • Students who require special support meet up with a special needs teacher who draws up a plan for support measures.

INTRODUCTION TO THE VAMIA.FI WEBSITE, OFFICE365 AND STUDENTAPLUS STUDENT REGISTER SYSTEM • Coordinating teachers give their students email addresses and usernames to access the school computers. • Coordinating teachers introduce the Office365, StudentaPlus and websites to their students.



INFO FOR DUAL QUALIFICATION STUDIES (VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION & MATRICULATION EXAMINATION) • The guidance counsellor invites dual qualification students to an info session. GETTING TO KNOW THE STUDENT WELFARE SERVICES STAFF • Coordinating teachers inform their students on the schedule. EATING AT SCHOOL • Some of the students are entitled to a free meal on schooldays. You get further information on eating at school from your coordinating teacher. • If you are on a special diet or have allergies, inform the school kitchen. TRAINING AGREEMENT • Coordinating teachers inform their students on on-the-job learning and on the training agreement. • Coordinating teachers inform their students of the possibility of an apprenticeship in case the student is paid during their on-the-job learning period (e.g. an apprenticeship in the summer). ASSESSMENT, IDENTIFICATION AND RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING • Coordinating teachers explain the assessment procedure and the basic principles of identification and recognition of prior learning. COMPETITIONS • Skills Finland - vocational skills competition • SAKUstars - culture event and competition STUDENT REPRESENTATION AND EQUALITY • Student representation in e.g. the working group for equality, the student welfare team, the student council and the disciplinary board. • Introduction to the work of the student council. • Introduction to what tutor students do.




RE-READING THE STUDENT GUIDE • Coordinating teachers will go through the essentials of the student guide with their group when necessary, for example after a summer break.

PERSONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PCDP) • Coordinating teachers take care of updating the PCDP’s with their students. Other experts can participate in updating the plan if so needed. • Coordinating teachers and their students monitor the students’ progress of studies together.

INTRODUCTION TO THE OCCUPATIONS OF THE FIELD AND THE WORKPLACES • Coordinating teachers organise student visits to the workplaces and for working life representatives to visit the school. • Students participate in events that promote employment. • Coordinating teachers inform students on the current job market and vacant positions. • Students get advice on finding a job in a module called ‘Study and career planning capabilities’.

FINDING INFORMATION ON FURTHER STUDIES • Students participate in info sessions and possible visits to e.g. universities of applied sciences. • Guidance counsellors help and advice in matters related to applying.

FEEDBACK SURVEYS • Students are asked to fill in feedback forms during their studies.




PERSONAL COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PCDP) • Coordinating teachers update the PCDP’s with their students. Other experts can participate in updating the plan if so needed. • Coordinating teachers and their students monitor the students’ progress of studies together. If there is need for it, the guidance counsellor helps out with planning how to complete the missing studies.

FINDING EMPLOYMENT • Coordinating teachers / vocational teachers / guidance counsellors inform the students on the current job market and vacant positions in their field. • In the ’Study and career planning capabilities’ module, the students draw up documents they need in applying for work. • Students participate in events that promote employment. • Possibly registering at the TE office as a jobseeker.

APPLYING FOR FURTHER STUDIES • Guidance counsellors inform on the application dates and can help out with drawing up the applications

GRADUATION • Students graduate within the schedule planned in their PCDP. • Graduation ceremonies will be held for students graduating with a vocational upper secondary qualification in the spring and at Christmas. At other times, graduates will receive their certificates at times agreed separately.



RULES AND REGULATIONS VAMIA’S RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The purpose of these rules is to enhance order within the institution and to secure an unimpeded possibility to study and the safety and wellbeing of everybody within the community. These rules and regulations are to be adhered to on the institution’s premises during studies and related events. 2. Students must attend tuition as described in their personal competence development plan. 3. All forms of bullying, making threats, harassment and physical violence are absolutely prohibited. 4. Students must behave in an orderly manner and adhere to these rules as well as to any instructions on tuition, occupational safety or general codes of conduct given by the staff. While at school, students must respect their fellow students and members of staff and use appropriate language. Students must adhere to instructions on appropriate clothing. 5. Students must apply appropriate methods of study. This entails e.g. a zero tolerance for plagiarism. Also, it is considered good study manners to adhere to schedules. 6. It is prohibited to publish any photographs taken on the institution’s premises on the internet, on social media or on any other public platforms if a person can be recognised from the picture and they have not consented to the publication of said photo.


7. Students must be cautious when handling the school’s property. If students damage or misplace school property, they are obliged to notify the staff immediately. For any intentional damage, the student is liable for compensation. 8. The premises and the surrounding areas must be kept clean. Everybody is responsible for picking up after themselves and clean or tidy up any school property or area they have stained or brought into disarray. 9. Eating and drinking take place in designated facilities. 10. Vamia is not responsible for any property left at the premises.


11. Vamia’s property is not to be taken outside the premises without permission. 12. General safety, fire safety and occupational health and safety regulations are applied to all work at the school. Everybody must adhere to these instructions on safety and occupational health and safety and use personal protective gear as set by occupational safety instructions. In case of occupational safety risks or an accident, the staff must be informed immediately. 13. Students have to park their vehicles in designated parking areas. The institution premises are supervised by the public parking control. 14. Computers and networks at the institution are to be used for studying. All other use is prohibited. It is also prohibited to use a mobile phone during classes, if not otherwise instructed. If so needed, the students will have to place their mobile phones at a place designated by the teacher for the duration of teaching. 15. Vamia is a non-smoking institution. Smoking on the institution’s premises is prohibited. 16. Vamia is an alcohol, drug, and other intoxicant-free institution. The possession, use and being under the influence of any intoxicating substances is prohibited.


17. It is prohibited to bring to the premises or to, during the day, possess any such items or substances that are prohibited by other laws or that could put its holder or anyone else in danger or that could particularly be used to damage property and the possession of which cannot be validated by an acceptable reason. 18. All staff members see to it that these rules and regulations are adhered to. Any cases of breaking the rules and the causes thereof must be inspected immediately. Teachers and the principal have, where needed, the right to check student’s possessions and to confiscate any items or substances that can be considered as disturbing or dangerous. 19. The principal and the teachers have the right to remove from the premises a student who disturbs teaching or behaves in a violent or threatening manner. 20. For any breaking of the rules and regulations the consequences are either a verbal warning, a written warning, temporary expulsion, a ban from attending tuition or the revocation of one’s right to study.



Ruutikellarintie 2-4, 65100 Vaasa Phone (06) 325 7411


Sepänkyläntie 16, 65100 Vaasa Phone (06) 325 7411

RESTAURANT SILVERIA Ruutikellarintie 4, 65100 Vaasa Phone 040 770 9236


Ruutikellarintie 2, 65100 Vaasa

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