The Light Issue #2

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A Publication of the Gregory Park SDA Church Communication Department June 2010

Issue #2

Fun & Fellowship Reign at Youth Retreat 2010


s the retreat handbook accurately stated ―a change of scenery is the best medicine to rejuvenate relationships with our heavenly Father and our earthly brothers and sis-

ters.‖ Youth Retreat 2010, held under the caption ‗Getting Along… [with] God-OthersNature-Self‘ was held at the Lover‘s Leap Guest House, in Yardley Chase, South St. Elizabeth from May 22-24. Forty-seven young and young at heart members descended on the tranquil location in what would be three days of social and spiritual renewal. Departing from the church grounds early Sabbath morning, the retreaters worshipped along the way at the Spur Tree Seventh-day Adventist church where they were warmly received. Members of the group were offered the opportunity to participate in the worship service by conducting song service. . After leaving the church, the journey resumed along the winding and steep hills of Spur Tree. Amidst the rain and fog, the energy and anticipation of the group only grew. The remainder of the Sabbath involved, lunch at

young men, equally dapper. The night‘s entertainment included several skits and musical selections, with attendees putting their full range of talent on display. The first group even re-enacted with an amusing twist, a sleepless night of stomach aches and frequent trips to the lavatory experienced by some retreaters, as a result of tainted food the evening before. One retreater summed up the weekend this way, ―despite the challenges, it was wonderful to come apart, relax, have fun, worship God, meet and bond with new people. I felt like I was closer to God, just by being closer to nature and really came back rejuvenated. This was certainly a youth retreat to the location‘s dining area, followed by Song remember.‖ and AY services. The eye opening AY session Damian Wilson, expounded the weekend‘s theme, examined Communication Director issues of self-esteem and inter-personal relationships. The evening ended with a spirited games-social that including karaoke, Taboo and Pictionary. The weekend also included spirit2 filled sessions of biblical instruction as the ►Pastors’ Pen group rediscovered their commitment to up- ►The Light hold the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh ►Adventist Resources -day Adventist Church. The retreaters spent the rest of their down time in or by the pool, ►Portal of Praise 3 enjoying the fresh air of the country hillside or ►Where are they Now ? just hanging out with their roommates and getting to know each other. ►Scenes from the Quarter 4-5 They also visited the fabled Lover‘s 6 Leap lookout point. Perched on the hillside, ►A History of GC Session the scene epitomized the beauty and glory of 7 God‘s creation - with clear blue skies and the ►Poetic Expressions of Heaven pristine beach and ocean below stretching as ►Sunday Law in Europe far as the eye could see. . Undoubtedly the highlight of the ►Third Quarter Calendar (CJC) 8 weekend was the Sunday evening banquet. ►Featured Publications The young women were elegantly dressed as ►Officers’ Contact Information they were escorted to the banquet area by the

Inside this Issue:

I s s ue # 2


am truly excited to share once again in the second publication of the Gregory Park Seventh-day Adventist Church The Light. This publication has provided the members, as well as friends of the church, with current information on activities of the church and I use this opportunity to reflect on what is happening in the world and the church at this time. There is evidence of a Dr. Dudley Mullings Senior Pastor, Gregory Park growing deterioration of leaders Circuit of SDA Churches of character. Strong leadership is rapidly disappearing from the landscape of public and religious life. This is now the reality we face, as our leaders are compromising and facilitating double standards in many ways. We are reminded from the Pen of Inspiration that, ―The greatest want of the world is the want of men - men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.‖ (Education p. 57) These words are so truer today as we recognize the way the world is heading. As a church, we must ensure that even if every other institution and organization fails, we as a church must continue to lift the bar a little higher. Wherever we serve, we must be known as people of integrity because we take our cue from the Word of God. We are the light of the world and we should endeavour to flavour the world with good Christian standards. Luke 12:48 summarised what is expected of us, ―for everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required: and to whom much is committed, of him they will ask the more.‖ I encourage every member to let your light so shine that others will be drawn to Christ as a result of your living.

The Light Subscribe now!! If you didn’t receive last quarter’s issue of The Light via email, please see members of the Communication Department/ Technical Team or email us at the address below. If you do not have an email address ask how you may receive a print copy. E-mail:

May the beauty of Jesus be seen in me! As we stand on the threshold of the greatest event to be witnessed by humankind –namely, the Second Advent of Jesus, what is our calling? It is not time to doubt now. You have made the greatest step in all your life in becoming a Seventh-day Adventist. As a result, you have taken your stand on God‘s side in the ‗Great Controversy‘ between Christ and Satan. Consequentially you are now on the devil‘s hitlist! The apostle John, who under the influence of the Holy Spirit resisted every assault of Satan, has this wonWaren Muir derful warning: “And the dragon was Associate Pastor, Gregory Park Circuit of SDA Churches wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.‖ Revelation 12:17. It is clear that we have no time waste. We are warned in Ephesians 6 11-18, that we must put on the whole armor of God! You can read the full passage in your Bible “….wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; … (v. 13-15) It goes on to say in verse 16: Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Wow! What a picture! Above all, it says to take the shield of faith. With this substance called faith – expecting the word of God to do exactly what it says in the word it will do, every single sinner has the opportunity for absolute victory over the enemy, Satan, even here and now. We do not have to wait until then; the victory through Christ is ours now. 1 Timothy 2:5-8 reminds us: “For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, [and] lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity. I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” As we fight the beast, it is my hope that none of his characteristics be seen in us. Instead, my hope is that each of us can say, ―may the glory, the character, may the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.‖

Adventist Resources Below are links to some important sources where you can locate information related to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  Power of the Lamb Ministries

 Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook  Official Ellen G. White Website  Review and Publishing  Breath of Life Ministries

 Adventist Information Ministry

T he L i g h t


ch O & ut Text !

by Rutham Clarke-Evans - Church Clerk

When my mother passed away in 1997, I decided that one way to cope with losing her was to reach out to others. Following in her footsteps as an avid reader, I would highlight and even memorize significant portions of the things I read. With my love of writing letters, I incorporated the quotes and passages I read, into my writing. As I began circulating these, the response was overwhelming. Persons also began looking forward to my regular contributions to the ‗thought of the day‘ section on the hospital notice board where I worked. This was the beginning of my text messaging ministry. I started sending messages to my close friends and relatives. Presently I have over 200 persons that are a part of my text message ministry. My contacts include church members, co-workers, friends, community persons and of course my patients. . The aim of my ministry is to win souls for Christ. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life, I forget to send my usual messages or I may not have enough money to cover the text message charges, but God has always provided a way! Though some persons are not able to text a response, I receive a lot of personal hugs and "thanks". I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to direct me to send messages to persons who are in need of the Lord‘s comfort and assurance and I follow as the Spirit leads. I remember my husband was once facing a particularly challenging situation. After we sat and talked, I silently sent him a text message. I can vividly remember him smiling as the message brought him comfort and assurance. I also recount the experience of a patient‘s mother who was not well. Sometime after receiving a text message I sent, her mother visited the clinic. She was all smiles and said to me "Nurse, I am convinced that the Lord is using you". She received the text message on the morning she was scheduled to do surgery, which she was feeling nervous about. After reading the text message, she experienced great peace. Before leaving, she said "God bless you nurse!‖ and in my heart I whispered - ―Thank You Jesus!". This ministry has increased my love for the Lord and for my brothers and sisters. I want people to realize that in spite of their circumstance, God loves, understands and cares for us. This ministry has enriched my family and spiritual life, I have been truly blessed. You do not have to stand on the pulpit to deliver a sermon; this may be a way for you to praise God and to garner souls for Christ's Kingdom. Whatever work you can do for the Lord, do it with all your might as the Lord will bless you tenfold! I encourage persons to get onboard and use text messaging, as a portal of praise. Editorial Committee:

Robert Smiley

Sometimes members must not only leave their church family behind, but their biological family as they relocate. Such is the case of Robert Smiley, the oldest son for Elder Donavon Smiley and Sis. Merlene Smiley. At the time Robert left in August 2003, he also left behind his two younger brothers Rohan and Richard, both of whom have since joined him in the US. ―I cherish my times with everyone at Gregory Park Church. So much of what I have learned and continue to practice in my life today came from Gregory Park.‖ . Robert now worships at the New Rochelle SDA Church in New Rochelle, New York. Leaving Jamaica to further his education, Robert has since completed a degree in Business Management at the Monroe College in 2004. He is currently in Graduate school studying Physical Therapy, expecting to graduate 2010/2011. He also works part time at the Kings Harbor Multicare Center as a rehab and maintenance attendant. He keeps in touch with many of his friends at Gregory Park Church and speaks to his parents quite often. He has also returned home three times since his initial departure. Robert is about to embark on a major chapter in his life. ―As some may know, this year I will be getting married and it‘s a huge blessing. I ask for your continual prayer as I continue this life‘s journey.‖

Tashawna Anderson | Michca-Mae Bonner | Wayne Harrison | Marjorie Stone | Damian Wilson

George Mason | Waren Muir

I s s ue # 2

Gregory Park members at the Portmore AY Federation Sports Day at the Waterford High School field. The red clad team earned a commendable second place finish (May 2, 2010) ►

Pastor Everett Brown conducts the blessing of Dayanna-Gail Marie Rose, as proud parents Dane and Lesa-Gail Rose look on (Apr 24, 2010) Pathfinders of th e Royal Crown Cl ub march in at their induction ce remony (Apr. 10, 2010)

er as Pastor Desmond Robinson Pastor Mullings offers special pray inson delivered the Divine Hour Rob or stands in the background. Past ’ (May 29, 2010) message for ‘Operation Reclamation

Eileen Roper conducts the children’s choir on Children’s Day (May 15, 2010)

T he L i g h t

Scenes from Youth Retreat 2010 Lover’s Leap Guest House, St. Elizabeth Enjoying a

game of Ta



ore the journ Worship bef


Song service at Spur Tree SDA

At the Lover’s Leap Attraction


The AY Counci


Retreaters on the trail

Kerry-Ann Enjoying the pool Kelly-Kay, Terrence an

d Melissa Kerry-Ann strikes a po


Food, food and more food

Elegant young women at the Banquet

era, Action!!

Lights, Cam

I s s ue # 2

Ninety-one delegates met for the 27th General Conference Session in 1888 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. [all photos courtesy GC Archives] Church buildings could no longer hold GC Sessions by the early 1900s. Delegates meet at the Exposition Auditorium in San Francisco, California in 1936. Sessions later made the move from arenas to stadiums. â–ş


he Adventist Church will hold its 59th General Conference Session in Atlanta, Georgia from June 23-July 3, 2010. However, the history and significance of the largest gathering of Adventist members and church administrators worldwide, is lost on many church members. The General Conference Session is the forum for electing world church officers and voting changes to the church's Constitution. Delegates also hear reports from each of the 13 administrative regions of the church. Voting delegates for Session represent world regions both by church population and the self-sustainability of administrative regions. The Constitution states that at least 50 percent of delegates shall be laypersons, pastors, teachers, and non-administrative employees, of both genders and representing a range of age groups and nationalities. While Sessions are now held in football stadiums, pictures from early Sessions show delegates lined along the entrance to a small church. Back then, the movement's leaders came to Session in the U.S. state of Michigan mostly from the Midwest and Northeastern United States by train or by horse and buggy. Today, about one-third of the movement's membership now resides in Africa, with another third residing in Central America and South America. Brazil now has more Adventists than any other country - 1.3 million. Seventh-day Adventist leaders met in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1863 "for the purpose of organizing a General Conference," the minutes from that meeting say. The meeting began on the evening of May 20, during which delegates chose a chairman and a secretary. During the Session, delegates drafted a constitution and bylaws. They also established leadership of the Conference comprised of a President, Secretary and Treasurer. Today, the

Session at the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, Missouri in 2005.

same officer structure remains at all levels of church administration. . Battle Creek was the site of 26 of the first 31 GC Sessions. The first Session held west of the Mississippi River was in November of 1887 in Oakland, California. Session has been held outside the U.S. three times: in Austria in 1975, the Netherlands in 1995 and in Canada in 2000. Atlanta will be the 59th Session. The time between Sessions has lengthened over the years. Session was held every year until 1891. Session was then held every other year until 1905. Session then took a four-year break followed by another hiatus during World War I before meeting again in 1918. Afterward, Session was held every four years until the Great Depression - Session was held in 1930, but then not again until 1936 and then in 1941. Since 1970, Session has been held every five years, as is mandated by the Adventist Church Constitution. . Recent General Conference Sessions have been held in baseball and football stadiums in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Few other venues in the world offer the necessary amenities for such an event: seating for 70,000plus attendees, venue support staff who speak English (the official business language of the church), reliable and cost-effective transportation, and food safety for a large gr oup . According to the Official General Conference session website, while Adventists hope the Second Coming of Christ will take place before the next GC Session in 2015, the denomination has reserved the Alamo Dome in San Antonio, Texas.

Source: Official website of the 59th General Conference Session ( . All content and images reproduced with permission. Visit their website for more Information on General Conference Session including events, schedules, directions and local tours.

T he L i g h t

Poetic Expressions of Heaven By Jade McGann

by Elder Cavan Davis Baptism is the key to the glorious gate, Not only that, but we should also have faith, To repent from our sins, this we should do, It’s not a very hard task for me or for you. God loves us now more than ever So we must choose to love him forever and ever. Some may be good and wicked at heart But some are good in every part. To know God you must repent your sins, You must make a confession, And even give up your worldly possession. God is just a prayer away So repent and be baptized today!

The One Who Keeps Hope Alive by Juedeen Chambers Sometimes I want to give up At times I just stop trying When I happen to trip and fall I sit there staring and crying Then I look up I see the big bright sun I see happy people laughing And I look at the good He’s done Then I arise and brush myself off As I see that life has just begun Whenever I’m down One thing picks me up. It’s the fact that Jesus loves me No matter what So many times I’ve failed Him Yet, He loves me still And He’ll always protect me From all ill So whenever I’m feeling down And my back’s against the wall I know that upon God I can always call So whenever you feel down And feel like hope is gone Call upon Jesus; He loves you He is The One!

The Bible prophesied that in the last days men will think of changing times and laws. The true and authentic day of worship has been a significant issue for hundreds of years. As the controversy rages and the prophecy is fulfilled day by day- two European countries have taken the bold step of passing the ‗Sunday Law‘. . Germany‘s constitution court ruled on December 1, 2009, that effective January 1, 2010, the nation‘s capital, Berlin, as is the case in other parts of the country, must abide by the law instituting Sunday as a day ―of rest from work and of spiritual improvement.‖ In Germany, 30.7% of the total population is Roman Catholic - that accounts for 25,177,000 people. With a population of 81.8 million as at January 2010, it has the largest population among member states of the European Union. . Similarly, legislation voted in Croatia‘s parliament, has enforced the closure of stores on Sundays since 2009. The law permits stores in gas, bus and train stations to remain open on Sundays throughout the year. Other business, such as bakeries, newsstands, and flower shops are not included in the ban. The Sunday shopping ban is also lifted during the summer and winter holidays. The legislation was enacted out of deference to the wishes of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church makes up 88 percent of Croatia's religious population, and the Associated Press (AP) reported the church has made its presence felt in the Croatian government with continued lobbying for the passing of Sunday legislation. Currently, about 3,000 Adventists live in Croatia, a nation of 4,500,000 people. The Seventh-day Adventist Church for many years has promoted religious freedom for everyone. The Bible teaches that the Creator of life gave mankind the freedom of choice and therefore no one should be discriminated against because of the day or manner in which they worship. T h e ‗Sunday movement‘ is working to pass laws to establish Sunday as the international day of worship and this will be supported by governments and certain church groups. Sunday observance is not in keeping with the Holy Scriptures. It is totally false. The Bible makes no reference to keeping Sunday holy. Instead it clearly speaks to keeping ‗the Sabbath‘ holy, the seventh -day of the week - which is Saturday. The time is coming when people will not be free to worship on the day they wish. The Sunday Law passed in Croatia, Germany and other countries limits those religious liberties and it is evident that people living in those countries will soon not be allowed to conduct any form of business on Sunday. This Sunday Law will eventually spread to the rest of Europe, as well as other parts of the world. . Therefore, we need to study the scriptures for ourselves and know what the Lord requires of us. We need to follow the words of God and be faithful. When Sunday observance by law reaches our country, when we will not be allowed to do any form of business on Sunday; the Lord will put His protection around us. Let us continue to be faithful because soon the Lord will come and take us from this sin cursed world.

Calendar of Events and Special Days (3rd Quarter) (Central Jamaica Conference)

This Quarter’s Featured Publications With the family and our health under attack, we can ‘fight back’ by arming ourselves with knowledge from the Pen of Inspiration. This Quarter’s featured publications - The Adventist Home, a volume offering counsel on many facets of home life: choosing a mate, child discipline, holidays, hospitality, moral standards, divorce, and living with an unbelieving spouse; and Counsels on Diets & Foods, with counsels on how to eat for optimum health and the relationship between diet and spirituality. For more information on how you can obtain a copy of these books, please see our Publishing Director - Carmen Johnson or visit your nearest Book and Nutrition Centre.

JULY 1-31—Couples‘ Club Month 3—2nd Quarter Sab. Sc. & Personal Min Report Due at CJC Office 8—Conference Session Secretariat Consultation 9—2nd Quarter Churches‘ Statistical Report due at CJC Office 10—Tell the World: Media Ministry 11—Elders‘ Certification (St. Catherine) 11—Graduation – Campbell‘s Castle Prep 14—Executive Committee Meeting 18-20—Central Jamaica Conference Session (Camp Verley) 25—Elders‘ Certification (St. Catherine) 27-Aug 10—CJC Annual Summer Camp 31—Stewardship Day 31—Book and Nutrition Centre & Publishing Promotion

The Gregory Park SDA Church & The Communication Department

AUGUST 1-31—Vacation Bible School Month 1—Emancipation Day 6— Independence Day 7—Global Mission Evangelism 7—Youth Day 7—CJC Bible Challenge Finals 11—Executive Committee Meeting 15—Elders‘ Certification (Clarendon) 16— Ministerial Intern & Supervisors‘ Meeting 21—Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day 21—Youth Day 29—Elders‘ Certification Graduation (Manchester) 30—Workers‘ Meeting

SEPTEMBER 4—Lay Evangelism 8—Executive Committee Meeting 11—Family Togetherness, 11—Adventist Mission Emphasis (Offering) 11—Youth Spiritual Commitment Celebration (Southern Hemisphere) 12—Leaders‘ Council (Camp Verley) 18—Pathfinder Day 18-25—Health Emphasis Week 25—Elders' Certification Graduation (Clarendon) 25—13th Sabbath Offering (Trans-European Division) 25—CJC Membership Count (Conference-wide) 28—Publishing Rally (Bushy Park Church) 28-30—Youth Mission Outreach (Manchester)

Would like to acknowledge the loss and express their sadness at the passing of our brother and sisters

Lester Morris | Mazie Gunter | Navene Bedward Choy Ellis For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:40)

Officers’ Contact Information Senior Pastor: Dudley Mullings • 532-1152 • Associate Pastor: Waren Muir • 290-7807 • Vestry Hours: Tuesdays, 5:00—7:00 pm

LEADERS First Elder: Edward Chambers • 399-3351 • Church Clerk: Rutham Evans • 389-3977 • Treasurer: Hyacinth Hines • 816-1825 • Sabbath Schl: Hortense Brown • 477-6531 • AY Dept: Fiona Dyer Wilson • 378-1409 • Head Deacon: Clive Ebanks • 452-8708 • Children’s Min: Reginald Evans • 364-5391 • Women’s Min: J. Able-Simpson • 792-0712 • Family Life: Angela Chambers • 868-8686 • Pathfinder Dir.: Kerry-Ann Wilson • 351-62-56 • Health Dept: Marjorie Stone • 536-6804 • Community Services: Merlene Smiley • 854-0067 Personal Ministry: Lee-Joyce Gayle • 864-0814

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