Who's Your Farmer? 2011-2012

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2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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Top Ten Reasons to Buy From Local Growers BY SUE KUSCH

Contribute to the Local Economy Buying food from chain grocery stores depends on a large infrastructure to support a global food system that removes about 93% of food dollars from a local economy. When you buy directly from a local grower, 90 % of that money is returned to the grower and stays within your local economy.


Develop Community Robert Putnam noted in his book, Bet-


ter Together: Restoring the American Community, that since the late 1960s, Americans began “to join less, trust less, give less, vote less and schmooze less.” Gathering our weekly food does not have to be a chore on a list; it can be an experience, even a celebration! Buying directly from growers at farmers’ markets or through CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) offers a weekly opportunity to meet your neighbors and know your farmers.

In addition, the plastic packaging used in this system has substantially impacted our waste stream. In 2009, US consumers used 13 million tons of plastic containers and packaging. Only 9% of that plastic was recycled. Locally produced food uses far less energy in all aspects of growing, packaging and transporting. Bringing a bag or basket to the market eliminates much of the plastic used in our food system.

Reduce Environmental Impact Our current centralized agricultural system uses a significant amount of energy to grow, package and deliver food. Large factory farms generally use petroleum- based fertilizers and pesticides to produce crops (leading to soil depletion and erosion). Those crops are then encased in foam and plastic so they can travel in a refrigerated compartment 1500 miles (average mileage for food product transportation). After delivery, refrigeration is often required so the crop remains presentable to consumers. This system is responsible for at least 20% of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions.

4 Empower Regional Food Access and Security Most people know the adage “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” as a warning against risking losing everything in one event. But our centralized food structure does just that by relying exclusively on a global transportation system to deliver our food from distant places. For decades cheap oil has fostered the unusual arrangement of transporting food thousands of miles from its origin. Purchasing food from farmers and ranchers in your region builds an agricultural network that will be affordable and reliable when oil no longer is.


Witness Passion and Commitment People who grow food for a living are well aware that farming is not a “get rich quick” scheme. Long hours that require physical stamina, risk factors beyond their control (weather, pests, etc.) and a lack of financial security can easily wear down the toughest farmers. Many factors can motivate people to grow food but it’s likely that passion for both the process and the product plays a big role in their commitment to farming.


2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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Enhanced Quality and Nutrients Shipping produce from other parts of the country and the world requires growers to pick it 4-7 days before it is ripe. Despite careful packaging and refrigeration, most produce will lose a significant amount of its nutritional value during its travels. Local growers often pick the morning of the market or CSA delivery to ensure ripeness, freshness and nutritional quality.


Locally raised meat often lacks the additional antibiotics used with factoryfarmed meat. Studies show that grassfed beef, often available only from local sources, has a higher amount of omega3s, a “good” fat that aids in brain function.

Explore the Diversity of Food Step into a produce department of a grocery store and you will usually find two kinds of lettuce, one type of carrot, two kinds of onion, and two or three kinds of potato – selections that are designed to travel many miles and still look good in the market weeks after the crops were picked. Stroll through a farmers’ market and there is no way to predict what you will find! Local growers select crops for a variety of reasons: adaptation to geographical regions, exceptional taste, heirloom qualities, rarity, and for some, unusual

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physical traits can persuade a grower to give it a try. How many varieties at a farmers’ market? One never knows…

Voice your Values Kentucky farmer and acclaimed writer Wendell Barry wrote, “Eating is an agricultural act.” Choosing to buy a portion of your food at a farmers’ market, through a CSA or from a local meat producer is an opportunity to vote for a food system that supports regional growers and ranchers, nurtures a local economy, is kinder to the environment, assures high nutritional quality, and delights in diversity and exceptional taste.


Celebrate the Seasonal Abundance With the exception of the last 50 years, humans have had a seasonal relationship with food. Food was grown, preserved when abundant, and treasured during the winter. The international infrastructure of modern agriculture has altered our expectations for food availability; fresh produce in the winter is a modern invention that most of us enjoy. Buying locally produced food is a wonderful way to celebrate the seasons of food.


Rediscover Taste Most local growers are not concerned with transporting their products for thousands of miles. Instead they can select varieties that are known for one primary quality: flavor. Thanks to processed foods, laden with fats and sugar, our taste buds have been numbed a bit. Warning: A visit to the farmers’ market or a CSA delivery can introduce flavors that can alter future expectations for flavor. Taste at your own risk!


WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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Information and Resources Food banks across the nation are reporting increased demand at the very time the basic necessities they provide are more costly and harder to get. FISH Food Bank, Mid Columbia Community Action Council and Washington Gorge Action programs work to provide for our needy families. They accept food donations at the following times and locations. Consider planting an extra row and dropping off this bounty at your nearest food bank to help your fellow citizens! Hood River County: Hood River FISH: 1107 Pine St. Drop off MWF 9-11 am or 4-5 pm or call to arrange pick up at 541-386-3474. Parkdale FISH: Parkdale Community Church basement. Drop off Monday afternoons 4-6 pm Wasco County: Mid-Columbia Community Action Council oversees Food Bank donations. Locations for food pick up: Salvation Army: 623 E 3rd St. MWF 12:30-4pm 541-296-6417 Seventh Day Adventist: 3339 E 13th St. Tues 11-3 pm 541-298-8373 St.Vincent de Paul: 505 W 9th St. M/T 1-4 pm, Thurs 4-6 pm 541-296-9566 Windy River Gleaners: 3400 Crates Way 541-340-9306 Sherman County: Methodist Church: 3rd Saturday of every month 10-2pm Klickitat and Skamania Counties: All sites operated by Washington Gorge Action Programs, 509-493-2662 www.wgap.ws White Salmon: 1250 E Steuben T/Th 8:30-12, 1-3:30 Stevenson: 150 NW Vancouver Ave. T/W/Th 9:30-12, 1-3:30 / 509-427-4334 Goldendale: Lutheran Church T/W/Th 9:30-12, 1-4 Seventh Day Adventist Church

County Extension offices have lots of answers! Klickitat County: 509-773-5817 Hood River County: 541-386-3343 Wasco County: 541-296-5494 Skamania County: 509-427-3930

Farm to school program resources Oregon Department of Agriculture Michelle Ratcliffe, Farm to School Program Manager 503-872-6600 Washington State Department of Agriculture Tricia Kovacs, Farm to School Program Manager

360-902-2029 Sue Davis, Eastern & Central Washington Program Coordinator 360-970-3922 Oregon Department of Education Farm to School & School Garden Coordinator 503-947-5901 EcoTrust’s Food & Farms Program Stacey Williams, Farm to School Coordinator 503-467-0751

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To become a GGFN supporter, fill out this form and mail it with a check to Gorge Grown Food Network, P.O. Box 752, Hood River, OR 97031. Individual/Family (basic membership $25)

Farm/Business (basic membership $25)

Other Amount: $10 Retired/Student





Contact me regarding volunteer opportunities! Name Business Address City/State Telephone ( ) Email Areas of Interest For more detailed supporter information, visit www.gorgegrown.org Gorge Grown Food Network Mission: To build an economically and environmentally sound regional food system that engages, educates and improves the health and well being of our community. Gorge Grown Projects: - Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market (2006-now) - Gorge Grown Mobile Farmers’ Market (2008-now) - Community Food Assessments (2007-2010) - Community Food Leaders (2010-now) - Farm to Institution, e.g. Schools, Hospitals, Food Banks (2009-now) - Producers’ Working Groups (2008-now) - Technical Assistance and Networking (ongoing) - Website and e-Newsletter (ongoing) - Who’s Your Farmer? (2007-now) - ...and more! Our goals - Gorge Grown D.O.E.S.: Demand - Everyone demands local food first. Organization - We have the organizational structure and financial resources to achieve our mission. Education - All community members are empowered with the knowledge and tools to grow and eat healthy, seasonal, local food. Supply - A year-round regional supply and distribution system provides a variety of abundant, fairly priced food. [6]

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Who’s Your Farmer? Team Guide Listings

Sarah Hackney Tita Comeaux-Fortier Kristin O’Neill

Cover & Layout Paloma Ayala

Foto Credits www.fotoisphoto.com

Writers Suzi Conklin Sue Kusch Tita Comeaux-Fortier Erika Rench Mary Wilson Karen Madian

Charlotte Link Ann Kramer Andy Knight Lolly Tweed Bedelia Walton and Emily Reed

Our thanks to community supporters whose contributions help this project and everything else we do succeed by donating pro-bono services, office space, administrative support, and so much more: Locus Interactive Copper West Thread Creative Good 4U Inc. All of our regional advertisers

Contact us: 541-490-6420 / info@gorgegrown.com

WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

5/11/2011 1:05:50 PM

COLOR Welcome to the 2011/2012 Who’s Your Farmer? Stories from the Front lines A regional food system in the Columbia River Gorge is not a simple task. There are many different parts that need to come together to create the whole—farmers, ranchers, distribution outlets, and willing consumers, just to name a few. Now in our 6th year, Gorge Grown Food Network’s staff and board, along with hundreds of volunteers continue to explore these necessary parts and work to foster their development. Our region has a tremendous agricultural economy, with over $200 million in agricultural sales each year. Likewise, Gorge consumers spend over $200 million each year on food. Just under 1% of the food grown here is sold directly to a local consumer - the rest destined for other markets. We grow much more fruit and wheat than our region needs, and it makes sense for many products to leave. But we believe that Gorge farmers could tap into much more of that $200 million spent on food each year! Our target is 20 x 2020: 20% of the food we eat each day will come from the Gorge by the year 2020. It’s a challenge, yes - but with your help, we can do it!”

direct from a local farmer. Thank you because you are a vital part of a successful regional food system too.

Together, we can do it. With a 121% increase in Gorge area direct-to-consumer sales over the last five years, 20% by 2020 seems an achievable goal.

A successful food system results in a healthy local economy, healthier foods for our growing children, a stronger environment and a vibrant community.

We believe this goal will be met due to the incredible farmers and ranchers that are growing food for local consumption in the Gorge. We’ve seen a steady increase in the numbers of people who are taking up this task. Many of these small farmers and ranchers are also now expanding their production as they feel evermore confident that “if they grow it, we will come.” This confidence to increase production is because of you—the consumers who are supporting their endeavors by regularly shopping at the 11 Farmers’ markets in the Gorge or joining a CSA or ordering

Meet the farmers and ranchers In the 2011-2012 edition of Who’s Your Farmer?, you’ll learn about many of the different farmers and ranchers who are bringing their products to the local market. These “Stories from the Front Lines” are intended to show you how dedicated and hardworking these food producers are and why they deserve not only respect but our support. There are a million easier ways to make a living than farming or ranching—but none more important. Their efforts make all our lives better.

We hope you enjoy this year’s Who’s Your Farmer?—and by the time you’re finished reading it—be evermore ready to buy and eat locally grown food from the farmers and ranchers you meet on these pages and the many vendors you’ll find listed here. Find them in the easy to use guide on page 29. Keep your Who’s Your Farmer? close to your shopping list as a reminder to seek first to buy local! In doing so you’ll discover the enjoyment of fresh local food!

2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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COLOR Gorge Grown Index Local/Regional

Gorge-area direct to consumer sales went from a little over $1 million in ‘97 to $2.3 million in ‘07 – a 121% increase! If we eat 20% of our fruit, vegetables, and meat locally, it will mean $9.6 million for the region’s economy. Average farm size in Hood River County: 49 acres. Average farm size in Wasco County: 1463 acres. Percent increase in farms from 2002-2007 for the Gorge: 15% Amount our region spends on all food each year $201 million Percent of Gorge farmers for whom farming is full-time (more than 50% of time): 49% Percent of Gorge farmers under $250k in sales -- 88% Total number of farms in the Gorge — 2426 Total acres in ag land in the region — over 2 million acres In 1999, Fish Food Bank served a total of 7654 children and adults; in 2009, 15,121 children and adults were served.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture says there are about 900 winter farmers’ markets operating nationwide, a 17 percent increase from two years ago. The expansion is happening as more farmers use greenhouses, hoop houses and other methods to extend their growing seasons. The average age of a farmer in the US is 57. In 1950 there were 25 million farmers; today there are 2 million. A survey of over 100 million U.S. households revealed that spending for vegetables and fruits now surpasses spending for lawns, trees, shrubs — and even flowers. The same survey unearthed the following trends among gardeners: 53 percent grow vegetables in their gardens. 90 percent plan to eat the produce fresh. 66 percent will share with friends. 36 percent will can or preserve produce. 24 percent will donate food to others. 91% of farms in the US are “small farms”, making $250,000 or less in sales. The number of farms in the US selling fresh vegetables in 2007 was 62,495. In Oregon, more than 240,000 people per month ate meals from emergency food boxes in 2010. Nationally, food banks are annually providing food to 37 million Americans, including 14 million children.


In 1900, there were 7,000 varieties of apples in the US; today, less than 1,400 remain. According to the Global Crop Diversity Trust, 95 % of cabbage, 91% of corn, 94% of pea and 81% of tomato varieties were lost during the 20th century. In less than a century, India’s cultivation of 30,000 indigenous varieties of rice has shrunk to less than 100, with the top 10 expected to account for over three-quarters of the subcontinent’s rice acreage. Worldwide, 925 million people do not have enough to eat—more than the total populations of the USA, Canada and the European Union. SOURCES Statistics compiled from: 2007 United States Department of Agriculture Census of Agriculture, Bureau of Economic Analysis Food Expenditures Reporting, Organic Consumers Association, United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization, Feeding America, Oregon Food Bank, Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds (Boston: Beacon Press, 2008), and Monocultures of the Mind (London: Zed Books, 1993). [8]

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WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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Gorge Winds Co-op BY SUZI CONKLIN

In the very near future there will be a cooperative grocery in the Stevenson/North Bonneville area if Lori Loranger, Deana Dahl, Margie Fickett, Johanna Wyers and Laila Goodring have their way. The germination of the idea occurred at a GGFN “Community Food Leaders Course” two years ago. All five women attended and decided then and there to join energies toward the creation of their own grocery co-op. A cooperative is defined by its name. Individuals band together for the mutual goal of creating a business that is coowned and/or operated collectively. Gorge Winds Community Grocery, the name of Lori and Deanna’s cooperative is in legal terms a “consumer cooperative.” To become a member you purchase a share for $150 that, as of now, can be made in payments as small as $5.00. You won’t need to be a member to shop at the market but as a member you can vote for the Board of Directors, receive the newsletter, own a share in the business and eventually, when the store is showing a profit, receive patronage refunds.

to fulfill on-line orders made, volunteer work offered, and offers keep coming in. Farmers, coffee suppliers, even a bakery have come out of the woodwork enthusiastically offering their goods and support. There is no stopping these women. Look for the opening of their cooperative grocery in the fall of 2011. Gorge Winds Community Grocery www.gorgewindscoop.org

Hoping to open as soon as September 2011 during the peak of harvest, the current board of five has their work cut out for them. To hear Deana talk, if anyone can pull it off, this group can. She cites their ability to complete tasks on time as well as having creative and productive board meetings. Thirty-one members have signed up as of this writing and the board plans more of the activities that have attracted the current group. They hold movie nights with films themed around food and the benefits of eating food grown within a 100-mile radius. Last year’s seed swap was packed and it took only a few flyers and a mention in the local newspaper to bring everyone in. Lori and Deana are somewhat amazed at the buzz they’ve created over their plan. One ace up their sleeve is the knowledge that typically, co-op memberships double soon after the doors open. As Lori and Deana point out, grocery stores are scarce throughout the Skamania and Klickitat area. What grocery stores do exist, and we are talking only one or two, not including mini-marts, don’t provide much if any locally grown or organic food. Two surveys have shown that a large percentage of Skamania residents drive to Portland to purchase groceries. Lori and Deana are very clear about their mission: making healthy food choices available and affordable. With September in mind, Gorge Winds is looking at buildings to house their grocery. Their vision entails a modest building filled with fresh, local produce, bulk foods, and perhaps a local artists’ corner where local arts and crafts can be purchased. Toward this vision, free shelving has already been promised, bulk bins donated, offers of transportation [10]

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The National Restaurant Association reports that local sourcing, nutrition, and sustainability will be among the hottest trends on restaurant menus in 2011. Krissy Biernacki of Blue Skies Gardens and Farm is one of many local farmers benefiting from the buy local and fresh movement. Krissy sells her beautiful, organically grown produce to several of our Gorge restaurants. KM: Why do restaurants choose to buy locally? KB: They know where their food is coming from, it’s fresh (picked same day as delivery), and it’s grown organically. I offer them unique varieties, and heirloom varieties, that they might not otherwise find. Also, it’s easy – I tell them what I have, they tell me what they want, and I grow, harvest and deliver it.

KM: Where can we enjoy foods made from your produce? KB: You can find wonderfully creative dishes made with our farm produce at Solstice Woodfire Café in Bingen, Everybody’s Brewing in White Salmon, Henni’s Restaurant in White Salmon, the Ice House Café in Husum, Doppio Coffee & Lounge in Hood River, and at the Trout Lake School through their Farm to School program.

KM: What do you think led you to this venture? KB: As a young child I lived in the English countryside and went to nursery school on a small farm. Since that time, I had a dream of raising children in the country and having a small farm. My opportunity came when my husband and I moved our family to this property four years ago. I’m a horticulturist, but I didn’t really believe I could be a farmer. So I began with a large kitchen garden intending only to feed our family.

Many thanks to the many other restaurants in the Gorge - for their ardent support for small local growers. As a farmer and an avid cook, working closely with them is deeply satisfying. It’s exciting to watch what they do with what I grow!

It turned out I had enough to share with neighbors, to sell to restaurants, even to run a tiny CSA. And the work is so satisfying. Our soil is gorgeous, our water is gorgeous. I have easy access to our neighbors’ alpaca and organic dairy manure. It feels like the right thing to do... nurture this soil and grow food here. KM: Now that you’ve crossed over into commercial production, what are your hopes? KB: I hope to build our little farm into a viable year round business, one that feeds many people – whether they get food directly from us, or they dine on one of the inspired dishes of our wonderful local chefs. And I want to contribute to the nutritional, economic and environmental health of our community.

Blue Skies Gardens & Farm

Earth friendly micro-farm in the Mount Adams watershed Email: biernacki@gorge.net Contact: Krissy Biernacki Location: Address: 7 Blue Skies Lane. White Salmon WA Phone: 503-459-6348

Growing a wide array of unique vegetables, herbs, & fruits, with an emphasis on simple & sustainable growing methods, harvesting for peak freshness, & getting them out to people who love to eat!

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Heirlooms: Our Living Antiques BY SUE KUSCH

Let’s start with a quick quiz. Identify the vegetables associated with these common names. 1) Early Jersey Wakefield

2) Dragon’s Tongue

3) Mortgage Lifter

4) Early Scarlet Horn

(answers at the bottom)

Chances are you have not seen these vegetable varieties in your local grocery store. These varieties are called heirlooms. Typically, we think of an heirloom as a treasure handed down to us with the expectation that we will assume the necessary caretaking while enjoying its unique importance. In the case of heirloom plant varieties that importance is often focused on the quality of taste. Growers continue to debate what factors define an heirloom variety but most agree that heirlooms are plants whose seeds or cuttings produce “true-to-type” generations, have a history of use before agriculture became industrialized and were often passed down within a family or community. For thousands of years, farming economies saved seeds as their primary resource for next year’s food.

of varieties to sell to American consumers. Genetic diversity is a critical component for maintaining a healthy gene pool. Fortunately, a growing interest in preserving heirlooms has resulted in increased use of heirloom plants and development of seed-saving banks distributed throughout the world.

Heirlooms are not hard to find at farmers’ markets. Many growers select these varieties for the same reasons their ancestors did: taste and acclimation to their growing environment.

Before American agriculture became less regional and more centralized, growers often grew varieties that they selected for flavor and acclimation to local growing environments. The introduction of interstate and international food production demanded different traits: produce that shipped easily with little damage (think iceberg lettuce), offered uniform appearance (think roma tomatoes) and could be grown in a variety of environments (think hybrid corn).

Along with their unusual names that often inform us of the original cultivator, the plant’s physical traits, geographic origin or unique cultural histories, heirlooms are typically different–looking: tomatoes might be purple, brown or striped, squashes may be covered in warty textures, and beans could be a foot long or turn a different color when cooked. When you buy or grow an heirloom vegetable or fruit, you are investing in our seed diversity. More importantly, you are awakening your taste buds to how food is supposed to taste.

The field of horticulture has a rich biological diversity and cultural history in food plants, their ancestries and their nomenclature. But we are rapidly losing that diversity as our industrialized agricultural system relies on a limited number

Answers: 1) Cabbage 2) Dutch wax beans whose stripes disappear when cooked 3) a once popular tomato that did what its name suggests for its cultivator 4) the oldest cultivated carrot (since 1610)


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WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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Biodiversity and the Google Menu Google’s committed to giving back and broadening our community outreach. We encourage green stewardship practices that support long-term well-being environmentally, economically and socially. With our office located in the agriculturally dense region as the Columbia Gorge, we hope to encourage additional promotion and use of sustainable local farming and business practices that foster biodiversity as well as promote the health of our community’s members. As part of our efforts in this area, the Dalles data center has partnered with Bon Appetit and their Farm to Fork program. Our culinary team in The Dalles, led by Bon Appetit Chef Doug Rust, creates dozens of fresh recipes per week to feed the Googlers. “Bon Appetit always looks to primarily purchase seasonal and regional produce and organically raised meats from local farmers and ranchers within a 150 mile radius” says Doug. “Not only is local food more nutritious and tastes better, but it contributes to a lower carbon footprint. That is important to us. Currently, we work with a little more than half a dozen businesses locally and we are looking to expand our sourcing to even more local farmers and ranchers this year.”

abundant with treasures, and I think we all can agree that there is much more value to a good meal than what meets the eye.

To reduce our impact on landfill, biodegradable to-go containers and cutlery entirely made out of corn byproducts are offered for employees on the run. In addition, we’ve joined forces with Dirt Hugger, a local composting company that collects and processes yard waste, food scraps, orchard clearings, and the like, to create an organic nutrient rich soil additive that is re-utilized in local farms, gardens, and yards. The Dalles data center is currently part of a pre-consumer Dirt Hugger program, reducing our impact on landfill by several hundred pounds of waste a week. That number will grow significantly once our post-consumer program gains clearance in the near future. We are proud to support sustainability along side great organizations such as the Gorge Grown Food Network. This is an area

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Last summer, we had the priceless experience of working in the garden of HRMS with Mr. Becker and some of our fellow peers. During the time we spent in the Summer Program, we helped construct the unfinished garden and helped sell produce at the Farmers’ Market. We weren’t always working though, we also got to go on field trips, go swimming and learn how to cook. When we started the program, there were few garden beds and little to no plants. We helped by building garden beds, planting and many other minor things. It was also a very great experience to be able to sell produce in the Farmers’ Market because it taught us marketing skills that will help us with our jobs in the future. Every Wednesday we got to go on spectacular field trips with Ms. Claus. Some of these field trips were going to Little Crater Lake to go hiking, walking to the Waterfront Park, and even spending the day at the County Fair. Tuesdays and Thursdays were the days that we got the chance to go swimming if we worked hard. The water felt great after a long day of work.


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The last thing, and one of our personally favorite things, was cooking for the group. We cooked everything from pancakes to stir-fry. Most of the ingredients in our food were freshly picked from our garden. For our reward, Mr. Becker took all of us on a camping trip to Little Laurence Lake. We caught and cooked crawdads, fished, made s’mores, and told stories around the campfire. Working for the Summer Program was a very valuable experience because it taught us marketing skills, how to cook, and gave us a very good work ethic. In conclusion, none of this would have been possible without funding from the Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital. Mr. Becker also deserves a lot of credit for leading the whole program and putting countless hours of work into the garden.

WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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As farmers face rising prices for seed, fertilizer, equipment and labor, how are they to meet demands for healthy affordable food? As we look for new solutions to this growing problem, perhaps old solutions are hiding before our eyes. Nature long ago solved problems that humans have spent entire lifetimes trying to solve. Her “solutions” refined over 3.8 billion years of research and development, so to speak. In nature, success stories survive and failures become extinct. When we look to nature for inspiration, solutions appear, if only we have the vision to see them and apply them appropriately to our circumstances. Nature creates an abundant and healthy food supply, at no cost by the way, through “circular” or “closed-loop” systems. Closed-loop systems sustain themselves from within, requir-

Resources are continuously recycled. The waste from one organism becomes the nutrient for another. Everything has value.

ing no outside resources.

Nature creates this kind of value and productivity by investing in fertility rather than an end product. When a system is fertile, it thrives and productivity follows. Perhaps by mimicking nature’s genius and merging it with the best of modern technology, we can have the best of both worlds. In Swoope Virginia, Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm, popularized inThe Ominivore’s Dilemma and Food, Inc., is based on a closed-loop model. Salatin has elevated closed-loop farming to an art form. He claims that it has given him more free time, reduced his expenses and raised his profits substantially. His sales have surpassed one million dollars annually. Not so close to home, an Asian farmer uses a closed loop model to raise duckings in a rice pond. The pond attracts insects. The ducklings feed off of the pests and weeds in the

pond. The ducks provide fertilizer for plankton, which feed the fish. The farmer is freed from weeding and his system is incredibly productive. With only 5 acres, the farmer produces 2 tons of rice, 300 ducks, 4000 ducklings, countless fish and vegetables to feed 100 people. In the UK, Graham Wiles, of The Green Business Network, realized a thriving market for used cardboard destined for landfills. He is paid to collect and dispose of cardboard from local restaurants. He shreds the cardboard and sells it to local equestrian centers to be used as bedding. When the bedding becomes soiled he is again paid to remove it. The manure and cardboard is then put into worm composting systems, which produce large quantities of worms. The worms are fed to Siberian sturgeon, that produce caviar, which is sold back to the restaurants…….from cardboard to caviar. Closer to home, Silas Bleakley of Mosier Valley Organics is interested in closed-loop systems. He is raising pigs that will forage unusable fruit fallen from his orchard trees. Orchard waste is being turned into a value-added product artisanal product. Apple finished pork anyone? Foraging pigs save the energy and cost of manually removing fallen fruit and reduce feeding costs. Fertilizer costs are also reduced as the pigs leave behind manure, fertilizing the orchards. He is cautiously optimistic about the possibilities of closedloop systems as they can be labor intensive to establish and require time to develop into mature self-sustaining systems. “It took nature billions of years to get it right, so you have to give yourself some time. It may be a bit optimistic, but then what are we without optimism?”

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Gorge Farmers’ Markets Thriving with Local Support If you want to connect with the local food movement, there is no better place to start than your own local farmers’ market. No matter where you live in the Gorge, you are not far from a thriving market with fresh produce and food producers bearing warm smiles. This was not the case 10 years ago, when only 2 or 3 markets were here. Gorge Grown Food Network has been hard at work supporting the vision of community members from Maupin, Mosier, Stevenson and more to support the development of a locally grown food market in every community in all reaches of the Gorge region. This region now supports 10 markets (with many other communities expressing an interest) as integral parts of the local food economy. Each market has its own spirit reflecting the local history, culture and physical elevation of its surrounding community. The Trout Lake Market features a long history of hand made quilts and huckleberry pies, while The Dalles Farmers’ Market is known for a wide variety of meats and delicious cinnamon rolls. We encourage Gorge residents and visitors to visit a variety of markets in neighboring communities and discover their distinctive features and flavors. USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program grant funding has helped Gorge Grown Food Network support all of these markets for the last 2 years through trainings and quarterly meetings with managers and representatives from each market. These meetings have been instrumental in supporting the growth of each market as well as promoting a regional identity. We have developed strategies to address common issues and needs. Working together to find the best ways to provide access to healthy local produce for all Gorge residents, regardless of their income levels, is a primary goal. This regional collaboration and its solid commitment to access for rural residents is gaining national attention.


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Many of these markets struggle to find enough local fruit, meat and vegetable producers to adequately support their market needs. In order to recruit a wider variety of produce, every market in the region is developing a community table at their market supported by local volunteers. This will enable backyard gardeners and busy commercial growers to become part of their local food scene with ease. If you have extra produce to support your local market, please contact the manager of your local market for details about how easy it is to get involved.

One of the most innovative ideas originating from this regional managers’ group is a Gorge Regional Farmers’ Market Punch Card Program. GGFN is thrilled to have the funding to support this project. Similar to the punch card you carry around from various coffee or lunch shops, buyers will present their cards for punching at each Farmers’ Market in the Gorge region that is visited. Completed punch cards (i.e., visit to every Gorge market) will be submitted for a drawing of prizes including Deschutes River Whitewater Rafting Trips, bottles of wine, Gorge Grown t-shirts, local massages and more. For more details, visit any market in the Gorge or www.gorgegrown.org See ya at the Market(s)!

WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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Regional Market info for 2011 The Dalles Farmers’ Market – NEW 2 days weekly!

Want to be a part of the Gorge market scene?

Saturdays June 4th to October 8th, 8am-1pm Wednesdays June 15th to October 5th, 4-7pm

Location: City Park, Union and E. 5th Street, downtown TD thedallesfarmersmarket@gmail.com 541-993-9974 www.thedallesfarmersmarket.com Goldendale Farmers’ Market – NEW Location!! May 7th only, then June 4th to Oct 1st Saturdays 9am-2pm Location – NEW location!!! Ekone Park at the corner of Broadway and Wilbur. 509-773-3400 info@goldendalefarmersmarket.com

Hood River Saturday Market May 7th to September 24th Saturdays 9am-3pm Location: On State St. in the Hood River News Lot, downtown HR Todd Stemper at 541-399-4553 hrsm@gorge.net www.hrsaturdaymarket.com

Stevenson Farmers’ Market July 2nd to September 25th Saturdays 9am-1pm Location: Main Street in downtown Stevenson Norm Haight at 509-427-4879 norm@gorge.net www.stevensonfm.blogspot.com

Mosier Farmers’ Market July 3rd to September 25th Sundays 4-7pm Location: Downtown Mosier near 10 Speed East Coffee Shop Cecelia at 541-478-0160 info@mosierfarmersmarket.com www.MosierFarmersMarket.com

Maupin Farmers’ Market June 19th to September 25th Sundays 9am-1pm Location: Greenway Park in downtown Maupin on the main street, Deschutes Av. You can’t miss it. Andrew Lewis at 541-993-1708 maupinfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Trout Lake Saturday Market June 25th to September 3rd Saturdays 9am-3pm Location: Trout Lake Grange (kitty-corner to the Trout Lake Grocery) Janine Scott at 509-395-2461 PO Box 182, Trout Lake, WA 98650

Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market June 2nd to October 6th Thursdays 4-7pm Location: Hood River Middle School 1602 May St. Todd@gorgegrown.com 541-399-2840

Husum Saturday Market May 14th to September 24th Saturdays 9am-1pm Location: 799 Highway 141 White Salmon-Parking Lot of Husum BBQ, across from golf course Brian Sharp at 541-490-3247 locavoregarlic@gmail.com

Every Farmers’ Market needs more vendors and produce. You can even show up for just one week with some extra veggies from your garden or plums from your backyard tree to sell at the Community booth. Contact your local Farmers’ Market if you’re interested in selling your extra produce, playing music, face painting or volunteering!! And while you are there, be sure to ask for your Gorge Market Punch Card…

Lyle Farmers’ Market Saturdays 3-5pm. Downtown Lyle Come experience the newest Farmers’ Market in the Gorge!! This market will include many farmers from Lyle, High Prairie and great produce from the Wishram community garden.

Gorge Grown Mobile Market July 2nd to September 25th Stevenson Saturdays 9am-1pm Lyle Saturdays 3-5pm Maupin Sundays 9am-1pm Mosier Sundays 4-7pm

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Land That Keeps on Giving BY ERIKA RENCH

Dan Carver, owner of the 32,000-acre Imperial Stock Ranch in Maupin, calls himself a grass farmer. On a handshake, historically recognized for its importance in shaping Oregon’s early history, Dan Carver purchased the cattle and sheep ranch and promised to keep the ranch alive.

His goal then, in 1988, was not to just break even, but to make the business profitable. In order to do that Carver said, “You have to have a healthy landscape. If you let them, livestock will quickly overuse the land and destroy sensitive areas.“ Carver realized that only 10% of the ranch lands were being utilized, a model that many modern day ranches get caught in. “Those that abuse the land are nearly broke, and have no resources to do it differently,” said Carver. Instead, Carver put the land first and livestock second. He placed “candy” in the headlands, rich nutritious grass, to entice the animals up away from sensitive areas. With a scant 10” of rain a year on his grasslands he used the natural resources on the ranch, underground aquifers and sunlight, to capture water and carbon, both critical to land conservation.

The livestock, fed in the highlands are rotated through the riparian pastures after the tender new grasses have matured. This minimizes the impact on the 33 creeks that run through the Imperial Stock Ranch lands and allows the grass to go through its natural cycle. “A healthy grass makes for healthy feed and healthy livestock.” Carver said.


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Even the way Carver dry land farms his wheat fields has made a difference. His no till approach to farming conserves the soil and increases the moisture content left in the soil. In two years time Carver goes over his crop 4 times less than a till farmer which in turn cuts down on fossil fuels and reduces the amount of pesticides and chemicals put into the earth and keeps plant and plant matter on the ground, where they capture carbon from the air. Carver says, “ We are now using 100% of the ranch efficiently so nature’s forage is sustainability that gets better every year.” Although his land ethics have not always been popular with fellow ranchers his success can’t be ignored. He has created a model that keeps on giving. Soon the sheep will be shorn and the wool will need to be cleaned, carded, dyed and spun. The spring lambs are finished on milk and tender grass and the meat from the Black Angus beef from roast to rib-eye are ready for delivery. The ranch, in its heyday of the 1900’s was more of an empire, but in the making of that empire the land had almost been destroyed. Today, Carver is deeply connected to his landscape and keenly aware of his role in caring for it as he creates a viable ranch where consumers can trace their food back to its origins, back to the ranch and the sunlit grasslands of the high desert.

WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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Dirt Hugger - A ‘Black Gold’ Miner in The Gorge BY LOLLY TWEED

Businesses are the source of 75 % of all landfill waste. Why would two young men quit their day jobs in aerospace to form a start-up company making compost? Tyler Miller and Pierce Louis did just that when they co-founded Dirt Hugger, a regional composting company located near the Port of The Dalles. Their dream was to have a small-scale compost facility close to the market that would give back to the community.

A recent study showed that Hood River and Wasco County businesses produce 11,800 tons of compostable material each year.

The Dirt Hugger plan is to create landfill diversion to capture a portion of those tons of organic waste before they go to the landfill. Oregon Cherry Growers (OCG) has recently become a new customer. OCG is the largest producer and processer of sweet cherries in the world. They now use Dirt Hugger to deposit their cherry stems year round and their biosludge in the wetter months. This relationship saves shipping costs for OCG located only a mile from Dirt Hugger.

Because of the hard work and support from both Hood River and The Dalles City Councils, Dirt Hugger is nearly a year ahead of their goal to begin providing compost to customers. As they reach each milestone, they continue to develop new ideas. A long-term goal for Dirt Hugger is to provide curbside residential pick up of organic waste (for compost) in Hood River, The Dalles and Mosier. Dirt Hugger plans to begin commercial sales of their compost product by spring of 2011 and will be open to the public two days a week for bulk sale of compost by this summer. If you are interested in information, a tour or purchasing compost, contact Dirt Hugger at 541-490-2350 or www.dirthugger.com

Dirt Hugger is now seeking a DEQ permit to obtain “postconsumer waste” from local restaurants to direct additional organic material to the compost facility. Burgerville plans to become a customer once Dirt Hugger receives this permit. Several businesses also contract with Dirt Hugger to dispose of their pre-consumer, organic waste. These include Riverside Grill, Rosauers, Providence Hospital, Lucy’s Flowers, Insitu, and Turtle Island Foods in Hood River and River’s Edge and Google in The Dalles.

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David Gee/Oregon GROWERS AND Shippers BY ERIKA RENCH

David Gee, owner of Oregon Growers & Shippers has one

be a business that supports local farmers and respects the environment, people, communities in which they live. While Gee’s specialty jams, very simple goal:

chutneys, pates and sauces are sold all over the United States, his business philosophy stays right here at home by creating specialty foods for a culinary market using fresh, regional, in-season produce that connect people to

“Credit must be given to the local farmers,” Gee said. their community through food.

“Oregon Growers & Shippers’ products are only as good as the fruit our local farmers grow.” Gee buys apples from Wells Orchards, pears from McCurdy Farms and cherries from Kinsey Orchards in Mosier handpicked at the peak of ripeness that allows the natural fruit sugars to come out, resulting in a difference you can taste in products like their Pear Hazelnut Fruit Pate, and Strawberry Pinot Noir Jam.


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2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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Little Farms Produces in Big Ways BY MARY WILSON

Little Farms is the brainchild of two Washington farmers: Renee Kreinbring of Gateway Farms (Centerville) and Mary Wilson of Half Creek Farm (Bickleton). Both farms raise meat goats; Half Creek Farm sells Kiko meat goat breeding stock and Gateway Farms sells South African Boer stock.

Seeking a way to expand their goat meat offerings, they faced their first challenge: Goat is not a commonly eaten meat for most Americans and many were hesitant to try it. Convinced that meat-eaters could find room for another kind of meat, they began offering samples at The Dalles Farmers’ Market. That worked fairly well and a fair number of people started buying goat meat...and started asking about other meats. Their next step was to develop a larger offering of meat products. They added beef, pork, chicken, eggs and developed a meat CSA. They deliver monthly shares of an assortment of meats to drop off points from Goldendale to Vancouver and Portland to The Dalles. Though it may appear as a quick and easy way to build a business, the learning curve has provided many lessons.

Mary and Renee also produce a line of jams, sauces, salsas, chutneys and candies. The fruits all come from local producers in the Gorge and offer unique blends and flavors. Their products can be found at Kiyokawa Orchards in Parkdale, Everybody’s Business in Goldendale, as well as farmers’ markets in Hood River, The Dalles, and Vancouver, WA. Little Farms has always been about small family farms and supporting local farmers. They buy hay and grain from local people, they sell to local and regional markets, and they advertise using local sources. Promoting local enterprises and supporting them adds to a stable community, and a vibrant farming community improves the health of everyone in that community.

Initially, they selected Cornish Cross chickens, a white feathered, super fast growing bird. Aware that their customers wanted their animals to be free range they soon discovered that this breed of chicken isn’t really designed to exercise in a pasture. They developed a free range Cornish Cross that, according to their customers, produced tough meat. Continuing their search for better tasting chicken meat they decided on the Red Freedom Ranger, a breed designed to be raised on pasture and a recent winner of a taste competition in France. The Freedom Rangers are hardy and sustainable and are now the only chicken they sell. They began raising pigs in 2010 and are expecting their first litters this spring. Raising pigs from birth gives them more input into how they’re raised and treated. Their pigs are friendly and comfortable around people. They grow up in a low stress environment and have comfortable homes and good food. Raising beef has been a bit more of a challenge. Last year, they bought their starter stock of mostly-bred heifers. Several calves have joined the herd, but it takes eighteen months before they are ready for processing. Their breeds include Black Angus, Angus cross and British White. With the goal of selling beef that has spent its entire life on their farms, under Renee’s and Mary’s care, the animals are fed locally grown hay. [26]

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WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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The Dalles Imagination Garden (The DIG) BY CHARLOTTE LINK

The Dalles Imagination Garden (The DIG) is a children’s educational garden developed at the intersection of Klindt Drive and Steelhead Way in the Port District of The Dalles. This project is sponsored by the OSU Extension Service Wasco County Master Gardeners. They’ve partnered with 4-H Youth Development, Family/Community Development Programs and the North Wasco County School District 21.

use sustainable gardening to engage youth in the development of healthy lifestyle habits. This is

Their mission is to

the Garden’s third year and with additional planting beds available, it will be able to offer learning opportunities to more children.

DIG Summer Day camp, a joint venture with the Northern Wasco County Park and Recreation, will offer a week-long session this June with experiences in gardening and field trips to other gardening sites. Later in the summer, the Day Camp students and their families will be returning to the garden to harvest fruits and vegetables for a family picnic sponsored by the NWC Park and Recreation. Plans are underway to complete the next phase of construction and design at the garden. The International Herb Garden will feature four integrated circles with American, Latin, Asian and Mediterranean herbs. The insectory and “beetle bank” bed will attract beneficial insects to the garden. The compost demonstration area is complete with signs explaining the different types of composting methods. Other youth groups and organizations who are interested in participating should contact the OSU Extension Service Office at 541-296-5494.

In 2010, the themed Flower Petal Garden was developed. The garden themes include Mr. McGregor and Peter Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland and the Native American Garden. This year the Winnie the Pooh, and Little Red Hen gardens will be introduced. The 4-H Club will be planting wheat for the Little Red Hen garden. “Come July, we can show how to harvest, separate the berries and grind the grain into flour. It also gives us the opportunity to teach about the types of wheat, using wheat and so much more. This will be fun!” commented Lynette Black, 4-H Youth Development coordinator and Wasco County Master Gardener volunteer. This spring, students from the Junior Master Gardener After-School Program at the Chenowith Elementary School will visit the garden several times. The students will be planting seeds and learning about sustainable gardening practices. Students from the Seventh Day Adventist School and the Girl Scouts are involved with planting, and harvesting fruits and vegetables at The DIG. The Diggin’ In at The 2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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Survival Garden BY SUZI CONKLIN

Leave Mosier on 3rd Avenue and the road becomes State Road. Drive 1 mile and State Road takes a long curve wrapping itself around property managed by Jeff and Pam Leonard. Signs tout fresh eggs, grains, vegetables and more. If the gate is open so are they. Drive on in.

Jeff and Pam live in a bus and this is their third year farming on the plot. Jeff says he has been gardening since digging in his mother’s garden as a little boy. He loves to experiment and rig his own tools and garden structures.

As you can see, farming is a never-ending adventure and ever-changing layout!

Their first year, Jeff and Pam tried a vertical garden drilling holes in plastic pipe, filling them with mushroom compost and setting seeds in the holes. These stood upright and Jeff had the potential for thousands of plants until the summer sun and gorge winds quickly dried out the loose mushroom compost.

This year Jeff has a long list of vegetables he’ll plant including a grain, quinoa. His vegetables sell out as fast as he can grow them.

To solve the problem, Jeff built plant protection frames using wood bows and poly covering. These frames held up to the wind and retained moisture, so well in fact, that condensation “rained” back down on the plants.

Jeff is but one example of how our local farmers are helping us save gas money, giving us a personal and fun shopping experience and making us healthier with fresh food. For all of that they deserve our dollars and our smiles. We encourage you to take a ride out State Rd in Mosier and meet Jeff at Survival Garden! Mosier.Survivalgarden.blogspot.com

In 2010 Jeff built more frames, tilled the garden, removed the plastic pipe and brought in 50 yards of compost and fir wood chips to break up the clay. All his seeds germinated February 15 and with the dismal spring weather, field crops were poor but all crops in the frames produced. Jeff added a brightly colored “store” for selling local honey and dried fruit. His customer base grew and people were asking for more variety. In the winter of 2010 Jeff increased store inventory to include grains, legumes and seeds. He installed a grain mill for cracking grains, beans and seeds customers could use. All of Jeff’s beans and seeds can be sprouted. For the upcoming season Jeff continues to improve his plant protection frames. (Stop by he’ll be glad to go into details) In short, there’ll be more planting space and the tractor/ tiller will drive under and throughout the covered area. He’s moving his chickens, connecting their coop to the garden to range in the garden off-season grubbing and fertilizing.


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WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

5/11/2011 1:06:09 PM

Guide to Farms & Ranches in the Columbia River Gorge How to use this guide 1. Find what you’re looking for in the index; it’s sorted by product. 2. The numbers listed under each section refer to a farm/ranch: simply turn to that number in the listings for information on each farm. 3. Contact the farmer if you have any questions - and then get out and buy local food! Looking for more detail? The DIGITAL Who’s Your Farmer guide at www.gorgegrown.org is fully indexed and searchable!

Beef Poultry Pork Goat Lamb Bison Eggs Vegetables Fruit

7 11 20 28 37 45 52 53 60 61 63 64 67 75 76 84 95 101 105 111 11 16 28 41 43 54 59 63 64 67 94 101 102 24 45 63 64 75 84 89 95 101 11 16 41 64 90 102 27 37 63 75 94 58 11 23 26 27 28 35 38 39 44 54 63 67 73 84 88 102 104 105 110 111 115 1 3 8 10 11 13 16 18 23 26 30 31 33 36 37 39 43 44 47 49 57 62 63 64 65 67 73 74 77 80 83 84 85 86 88 91 95 96 97 99 103 104 105 110 111 114 115 117 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 19 26 27 32 39 40 44 47 48 49 57 62 63 64 69 71 72 73 77 78 81 84 85 88 91 93 94 95 98 103 105 107 111 113

8 18 23 26 27 29 31 39 49 51 57 62 69 77 85 88 91 94 95 98 103 Berries 107 115 116 Nuts 26 79 82 Mushrooms 44 73 84 Grains 26 31 34 42 56 67 96 Herbs 1 3 8 10 12 30 31 39 46 49 62 65 73 88 91 96 97 100 104 115 Flowers 1 3 12 18 22 23 25 31 35 37 46 63 73 77 80 86 88 91 95 96 97 100 107 111 115 117 12 25 26 35 46 54 65 70 86 88 91 92 96 97 117 Plants Fiber 11 14 21 31 37 50 63 74 87 Honey 18 26 40 57 66 70 72 77 82 84 91 94 104 Milk 16 44 67 68 84 102 17 110 Cheese 15 31 45 59 63 Hay 2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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Guide to Farms & Ranches in the Columbia River Gorge 1. 5 Oaks Farm

Underwood, WA / 503-706-0354 lisa@5oaksfarm.com Historic farm and homestead in Underwood. CSA runs June - Oct offering full and half shares. Naturally grown pears and concord grapes available. Restaurant sales of vegetables flowers and herbs also available.

2. A & J Orchards

Hood River, OR / 541-386-1974 karenasai@hotmail.com We are long-time Hood River Valley residents - over 100 years - running a familyowned orchard. We grow 10 varieties of pears, 12 varieties of apples, and 6 varieties of cherries in season. Note: we do not do u-pick. Our season runs approximately July 1 to October 15.

3. Acadian Farms

Carson, WA / 509-427-4297 nicole@acadianorganics.com www.acadianorganics.com We are a small family farm that produces a wide variety of all natural farm fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs. We are offering a limited amount of CSA shares from our farm this year and sell at the Stevenson Farmers’ Market.

4. Acree’s Farm

Hood River, OR / 541-386-3717 rsacree@gorge.net We are a family-owned operation producing peaches and sweet cherries. We do not do u-pick.

5. Annie’s Apricots

Mosier, OR / 541-478-3502 abmaslen@gorge.net Annie’s Apricots features U-Pick sunripened apricots grown the old-fashioned way. We have 4 varieties and use only a minimum of chemicals before fruit set. These orbs of sunshine are a breeze to pick on our dwarf trees beginning around the 4th of July. Give us a call to make sure they are at the peak of ripeness!

6. Ayres Orchards

The Dalles, OR / 541-298-8113 earl.nancy@charter.net Six acres of family-owned and harvested Bing and Royal Anne cherries.

7. Bean Haven

White Salmon, WA / 509-493-3138 beanmaven@wildblue.net We are small scale producers of prime [30]

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grass-fed beef in halves and quarters. Our beef is dry aged and cut/wrapped to your specifications. We may have shares available in 2011; contact us for details. Our beef will be ready to cut and wrap about the last week of July.

8. Blooming Farm

Mt Hood, OR / 541-352-6771 We have a small greenhouse and grow natural heirloom tomatoes and beans, and other herbs and veggies. We plan to have a good assortment of heirloom tomatoes this year. We also will have plants for sale. We are a small family operation.

9. Blue Skies Artisan Bakery

White Salmon, WA / 503-459-6348 biernacki@gorge.net We produce hand crafted artisan breads year round. Look for our breads in local shops, farmers markets, CSA boxes & other locations, and feel free to contact us anytime for more information about our breads.

10. Blue Skies Gardens & Farm White Salmon, WA / 503-459-6348 biernacki@gorge.net Growing a wide array of unique vegetables, herbs, & fruits, with an emphasis on simple & sustainable growing methods, harvesting for peak freshness, & getting them out to people who love to eat!

11. BRC Mountain Goats

Appleton, WA / michelle@brcboers.com www.brcboers.com We provide seasonal & sustainable foods: wild picked morels in season, Freedom Ranger chickens, free ranged turkey, pastured rose veal, grass fed beef, mountain raised chevon, heirloom pumpkins, all heirloom and non-GMO vegetables. Visit our website for more information.

12. Broken Boulder Farm

Goldendale, WA / 509-773-3638 rody@gorge.net www.brokenboulderfarm.com Lavender plants, buds, jams, jellies, sauces, bath and body, sachets, cookies, farm tours.

13. Casa Verde

Hood River, OR / 541-400-9510 moriaanne@gmail.com www.moriareynolds.com Our newly built greenhouse on a 30-acre organic hay farm in Hood River will feed

families within a 5 mile radius. Mutually beneficial systems such as fish, worms, mushrooms and chickens work together to nourish the soil, the vegetables, and the soul. Join the first year of this CSA as together we build an ambitious vision for local food.

14. Cascade Alpacas Foothills Yarn and Fiber

Hood River, OR / 541-354-3542 info@foothillsyarn.com www.foothillsyarn.com Meet our 60 gentle alpacas and their newest babies. See the award-winning fiber on our alpacas and touch the alpaca yarn that will inspire your creativity. Our full-service yarn shop offers a wonderful selection of quality yarn equipment and books for knitting, crocheting, weaving and spinning. Gifts too!

15. Cascade Dairy Inc

Parkdale, OR / 541-387-5617 Cascade Dairy grows and sells hay and alfalfa.

16. Cascade Pastures Organic Farm

Parkdale, OR / 541-490-4546 cpof@hoodriverelectric.net Certified organic family-owned farm producing milk goats and vegetables; a limited amount of poultry.

17. Cascadia Creamery

Trout Lake, WA / 509-395-9339 cascadiacreamery@gmail.com www.cascadiacreamery.com We produce handmade artisan cheeses using local raw organic cow milk.

18. Cody Orchards

Hood River, OR / 541-354-1085 codyorchards@hrecn.net www.codyorchards.com We are the third generation of this family to live and farm here. Our wide variety of fruits & vegetables will inspire you to eat healthy and locally. We are home to local jam, honey, and hand-made crafts. Bring your questions about quality, nutrients, flavors, home preserving, or the valley’s history! We can’t wait to meet you.

19. Columbia Blossom Organic Orchard Mosier, OR / 541-478-2084 jim@columbiablossom.com www.columbiablossom.com

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We are a family-owned operation producing peaches, cherries, nectarines, plums, apricots, table grapes and wine grapes. Certified organic by Oregon Tilth for 17 years. We do not do u-pick.

20. Columbia River Beef

Goldendale, WA / 509-773-4688 leeranch7x@gmail.com www.columbiariverbeef.com We are a family-owned ranch that has been in the cattle industry for almost 80 years. We sell hormone free beef that is grass fed and finished on locally grown hay and corn. You can buy 1/4 or 1/2 beef and we have limited quantities of cut and wrapped beef variety packs. We butcher 1 time a year in the spring.

21. Crystal Creek Fibers

Carson, WA / 509-427-8454 margaret@crystalcreekfibers.com www.crystalcreekfibers.etsy.com We buy from local farmers and from around the world - beautiful fibers for spinning, felting, and carding. Custom dyeing and blending also available. Our working studio is open by appointment only.

22. Cutflowers For You

Hood River, OR / 541-354-1893 hoemangray@embarqmail.com Cutflowers For You is a grower of seasonal cut flowers. We create fall and Christmas wreaths and arrangements using many local materials and fun and unique accents. We farm without the use of chemical pesticides or herbicides. Our flowers are available via a 15 week subscription program, for special events (weddings, parties), and at local markets.

23. Dancing Moon Farm

Hood River, OR / 541-490-5155 eatwell@dancingmoonfarm.com www.dancingmoonfarm.com Dancing Moon Farm is a certified organic, community-minded family farm growing specialty cut flowers & flavorful food. We sell freshly-harvested, seasonal veggies & fruit at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market. Our specialty cut flowers are available to brides, event planners & florists.

24. Davis Family Farm

Underwood, WA / 509-493-2043 davisfamilyfarm@gorge.net Ours is a small family-owned farm primarily raising hay and pastured pigs. We also have seed garlic for sale.

25. Diamond M Organics

The Dalles, OR / 541-980-2500 l.magill@embarqmail.com Diamond M Organics is a locally owned and operated greenhouse in The Dalles. We specialize in vegetable starts and organically grown and managed flowers. We also sell organic compost.

26. Dickey Farms

Bingen, WA / 509-493-2636 www.dickeyfarm.com Family-owned and operated since 1867! Dickey Farms grows produce on 72 acres of rich farm land along the Columbia River in Klickitat County. The crops harvested are numerous, including over a dozen row crops and many varieties of fruit. Our farm store in Bingen features local produce, plants, wines, specialty groceries and gifts, feed and grain.

27. Draper Girls Country Farms Mt Hood, OR / 541-490-8113 draper.girls@yahoo.com www.drapergirlscountryfarm.com Hood River Valley’s only non-pasteurized cider mill. U-Pick or we pick cherries, peaches, apples, pears, strawberries. All natural premium lamb, goat, pork, and beef cuts. Our famous cinnamon sugar dried apples. Petting zoo. Winter produce and meat CSA. Our farmstand is open year-round, self serve after hours.

28. Emerson Dell Farm

The Dalles, OR / 541-296-4747 emersondellfarm@gmail.com www.emersondellfarm.com We are a fifth generation family farm. We believe in producing healthy food in harmony with nature. Our commitment to the long term health of the land, animals and people involved has earned us Food Alliance Certicifation for sustainable production practices. Our natural beef has no antibiotics, no artificial growth hormones, no GMO feeds, and an all vegetarian diet. Our chickens are also pasture raised and natural.

29. Endless Summer Farm

Mosier, OR / 541-478-3767 Family-owned in business since 1982. Organically grown strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries. Strawberries: late May-June; raspberries: mid June-July; blueberries: July-frost. Please call before coming by. No u-pick.

30. EverSummer Organic Gardens

The Dalles, OR / 541-386-9517 or 541400-0545 mmeskin@gorge.net We are a certified organic hydroponic greenhouse. We sell basil and head lettuce. All of our lettuce is sold with the roots on so it stays fresh for weeks. Our basil is Genovese, perfect for pesto or fresh eating. Our produce is available at Rosauers, through Hood River Organic, or directly from us.

31. Farmgate Herbs

Trout Lake, WA / 509-637-4652 farmgateherbs@gmail.com www.farmgateorganics.com We are a diverse 30+ acre Oregon Tilth Certified Organic farm located in Trout

Lake, WA. Organic garden vegetables and cut flowers serve local businesses, farmers markets, and put food on our table. In addition, we have many ongoing research projects such as heirloom purple corn and wild harvest (wildcraft) of medicinal plants.

32. Feeleys’ Fruit

Hood River, OR / 541-354-2300 feeleysfruit@cs.com We have the most delicious Lapin Cherries in the Hood River Valley. We have early peach varieties that are small and sweet. We have Red Haven peaches in August. Our farm overlooks the Hood River valley with a beautiful view of Mt Adams. Find our fruit locally at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market.

33. Forge Creek

Stevenson, WA / 509-427-4879 norm@gorge.net Our family operation offers a wide variety of produce which is organically grown but not certified. We sell our products at the Stevenson Farmers’ Market, but you can give us a call to arrange a pick up from the farm.

34. Four Mountain Milling

Goldendale, WA / 509-773-4283 mrenyeart@gorge.net Our wheat is grown on a family-owned farm. We have prepared our fields with organic components. We harvest, clean, mill, and package our whole wheat flour into a variety of delicious mixes.

35. Fresh From The Farm

Carson, WA / waconverse@yahoo.com We’re known for the redworms we raise, producing castings, gardeners’ gold. Redworms, castings, redworm composting kits, and worm casting tea available. Vermiculture/vemicomposting workshops. We also have edible flowers and fresh quail eggs. No chemicals used on our farm.

36. Fresh Greens

Hood River, OR / 541-490-6677 Field washed salad greens and beautiful seasonal greens available March through November at The Farm Stand in Hood River.

37. Green Mountain Ranch

Underwood, WA / 509-493-3624 scoop@embarqmail.com Our principal crop is lamb, in addition to a small number of beef each year - high quality grass-fed, grain finished, unvaccinated lambs born and grown on our place, lovingly tended on our little place in Underwood. We deliver the animals to the local butcher when they are ready where they are cut to order. We grow a large garden and have sold green beans and flowers at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market. We also have raw, natural wool available for fiber arts.

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38. Greenpastures Farm

Trout Lake, WA / 509-395-2233 greenpastures@gorge.net Free range (really) chickens producing brown, green, and tan eggs. Yolks so yellow they will light up your life. I’ve been selling eggs on-farm for nearly 20 years, but got my egg dealer’s license last year, so now selling off farm as well. My eggs are available currently at Dickey Farms in Bingen, at the BZ grocery, and I am hoping to get to some farmers’ markets this year.

39. Growing Obsession

Hood River, OR / 541-380-1964 sweetpetunias@centurylink.net We are a family run market garden enterprise, in the middle of becoming certified organic. We love making things grow, and you get to reap the benefits of that obsession. We strive to provide the highest quality produce, herbs and natural farm products from our family to yours.

40. Gunkel Orchards

Goldendale, WA / 509-773-4698 gunkel@embarqmail.com Family-owned and operated farm producing cherries, peaches, apricots, nectarines, and wine grapes. Fruit stand is open 7 days a week June through October 8 am till 6 pm.

41. Half Creek Farm

Bickleton, WA / 509-261-1991 halfcreekfarm@gmail.com www.halfcreekfarm.com Half Creek Farm is a small family farm in Eastern Klickitat County. We raise Kiko meat goats on pasture and sell goat meat, chicken fryers and roasters, turkeys, and partner with Gateway Farms to offer a meat CSA. We sell at The Dalles and Hood River Farmers’ Markets and through our website with Paypal at LittleFarms.org. See more at the Little Farms listing.

42. Heritage Seeds & Foods

Mosier, OR / 541-934-2521 Since 1976, dedicated to the restoration of heirloom seeds. Contract production with organic farmers of red and purple sweet corn, garbanzos, soybeans, dry beans and grains. In 2011 working with the North Fork Organic Research Farm and seeking contract growers and customers for seed. I also do biological pest management, vermicomposting, and consult with growers on insect disease, nutrition, and more.

43. High Prairie Garlic

Lyle, WA / debronmcd@embarqmail.com http://highprairiegarlic.blogspot.com/ While our small family farm is not certified, organic is always our practice. We sell gourmet garlic at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market in August for culinary [32]

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use or seed. We also raise heritage breed turkeys for sale at various times of the year. Visit our blog for news and updates from the farm!

farm located in the lower Hood River valley. We grow Anjou, Bartlett, Cascade, and Bosc pears as well as Empire, Melrose, Braeburn, Fuji, Criterion, and Spartan apples.

44. Hood River Organic

49. J & K Growers LLC

Hood River, OR / 541-354-2111 dan@hoodriverorganic.com www.hoodriverorganic.com We are certified organic growers producing portabella and crimini mushrooms year-round, seasonal products from our market gardens, orchards, and are consummate wild-craft foragers. Our year-round cooperative CSA brings local organic and/or wild fruits and veggies to your doorstep. Try our omnivore box which includes all the fresh fruit and veggies plus fresh baked bread, farm fresh eggs and organic dairy. We also have organic mushroom compost.

45. Horseshoe Bend Ranch

Centerville, WA / 509-773-5724 or 509250-3755 mattchiles@horseshoebendranch.net www.horseshoebendranch.net Our wild ranch on the Little Klickitat River raises quality dryland grass, alfalfa, sainfoin and grass/alfalfa hay. All of our hay is sold in small lightweight bales for ease of feeding your horses and livestock. We have absolutely delicious grass fed beef from small cattle breeds, sold by the 1/2 or 1/4. We also sell blue-stain pine sawlogs and rough lumber from our Certified Family Forest.

46. Humble Roots Farm and Nursery LLC

Mosier, OR / 503-449-3694 humbleroots@gorge.net www.web.mac.com/humbleroots An all native plant nursery specializing in ethically propagated plants of the Columbia River Gorge & Pacific Northwest. We offer container grown wildflowers, perennial herbs, trees and shrubs. We offer many edible, medicinal and drought tolerant native plants, as well as a limited amount of hand-collected seed. Visitors are welcome to our nursery by appointment. You may find us at selected plant sales in the Gorge and Portland.

47. Idiot’s Grace

Mosier, OR / 541-490-5249 brian.idiotsgrace@gmail.com An Oregon Tilth Certified Organic small family farm producing vividly-flavored wine grapes, tree fruit, and vegetables for those who are passionate about the pleasures of the table. U-pick and boxed cherries available in late June/early July; please call for details.

48. Indian Creek Ranch

Hood River, OR / 541-386-6719 saxharp@gorge.net We are an Oregon Tilth certified organic

Dallesport, WA / 971-219-3255 or 503-475-2992 jandkgrowers@gmail.com Family operated farm since 2005. We are the exclusive grower of Sweet December Strawberries. Our vegetables and fruit are all grown pesticide free, we use all natural predators for pests. You can find our produce at The Dalles Farmers’ Market, Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market, and Saturday Market in Hood River. Also at Organic2Go, located in The Dalles.

50. J.B. Angoras & More

Goldendale, WA / 509-261-0069 jbangoras@gorge.net www.angoragoats-n-more.com Our Angora Goats roam & graze freely on our 60 acre ranch. We shear, clean, card & spin their fleece into MOHAIR yarn. I then make custom-designed crafts, decorations, jewlery & clothes which can be viewed & purchased with Paypal on our website. I am a Certified Registry Inspector & Breeder of Angora Goats with the Colored Angora Goat Breeders Association. I also belong to the Columbia Basin Goat Guild.

51. James’ Organic Blueberries

Hood River, OR / 541-386-5806 We have an acre of blueberries certified organic by Oregon Tilth. There are six varieties of heirloom berries on 45-year-old bushes. We are open for U-Pick Wednesday through Sunday 8 AM to early evening. Our child-friendly atmosphere features many exotic birds on the property. Berries are also available at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market, Mother’s, and Rosauer’s. We also sell to local restaurants.

52. Jefferies Ranch Beef

Grass Valley, OR / 541-333-2421 keelyjefferies@hotmail.com We are a small fourth-generation family owned cattle ranch. Jefferies Ranch Beef does not use any antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, grains or feed supplements in the production of our beef. Our cattle are free range and raised on native range grasses. The flavor and quality of our lean beef is excellent.

53. John Lowe Grass Fattened Natural Beef

Mt Hood, OR / 541-352-1053 lowednj@gorge.net Grass fattened Angus/Angus cross beef -- NO HORMONES OR ANTIBIOTICS -- less than 18 months of age -- sell by live or hanging weights -- can sell by quarters.

54. Joi Wilson Poultry

The Dalles, OR / 541-296-2722

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COLOR joi.wilson@yahoo.com Free range chickens, geese, and ducks. I will be selling eggs and poultry. Also, we have Australian Willows.

55. Juanita’s Fine Foods

Hood River, OR / 541-386-6311 www.juanitasfinefoods.com Juanita’s is family-owned and operated. We’ve been in business 32 years, making local corn & flour tortillas, tortilla chips, mexican pastries, and tostada shells.

56. Kelly Wheat

The Dalles, OR / 541-980-3003 anneejk@gmail.com www.kellywheat.com Locally grown and processed whole wheat pancake and waffle mix. The wheat for our mix is locally grown in the Columbia Gorge on land that has been farmed by the Kelly family for five generations. The mix is milled and packaged in the historic Sunshine Mill in The Dalles.

57. Kiyokawa Family Orchards

Parkdale, OR / 541-352-7115 info@mthoodfruit.com www.mthoodfruit.com Since 1911 the Kiyokawa family has been growing the finest produce available while emphasizing conservation-oriented agricultural practices. The fertile soils found at the base of Mt. Hood and rarified glacier-fed water sources create a unique growing environment allowing us to offer you the cleanest, healthiest produce possible. We emphasize and promote locally and sustainably grown produce.

58. Klickitat Bison Company

Centerville, WA / 509-773-4450 maryjean@centurylink.net www.klickitatbison.com Klickitat Bison Company raises grass-fed bison in a low-management natural habitat of pastureland. Our animals are chemicalfree as are our pastures. Bison is a healthy, lean and delicious red meat.

All natural Angus beef for sale. No antibiotics, no hormones. Cattle raised on a conservation friendly ranch working for a better environment. Certified angus meat sold by the 1/2 or whole. We also have hay, top soil, compost, and cow/horse manure available. Call for details.

We produce wheat, barley, oats, triticale, hay, beef, poultry, milk, eggs, and vegetables. In 2011 we will be offering CSA Shares in Beef, Poultry, Eggs, Vegetables, and Herdshares (milk). We also produce Cascade Feeds, which is a certified Organic Corn and Soy Free Poultry Feed.

62. Kupfer Sexton Orchard

68. Marlee’s Dairy

Dallesport, WA / 509-767-4295 gisela43@yahoo.com Our orchard is family-owned and has been in operation for over 30 years. We have four different kinds of cherries, peaches, nectarines, pie cherries, pears, apples, plums, vegetables, and herbs.

63. Lefever Holbrook Ranch

Goldendale, WA / 509-773-3443 papa_pklh@yahoo.com Connect with the ranch that grows your food by participating in our CSA opportunities! We are continually adding to our meat, garden & baking products to meet your family’s needs. We are committed to building a regional food system that is safe, healthy and an excellent value. This year we are offering seasonal CSA deliveries of ranch-raised meats. Coming this fall, an onsite mobile kitchen & food processing unit.

64. Little Farms

Centerville, WA / 509-225-0371 www.littlefarms.org We offer our customers livestock that we have raised on our pastures; we also feed locally grown alfalfa/grasses. We do not use herbicides or pesticides in our pastures. Our selection of livestock includes: beef, pork, goats, chickens and turkeys. We offer shares of animals that can be delivered each month to 4 locations. In addition we offer jams, sauces and salsas along with fresh fruit and vegetables. Purchases can be done at the Farmers’ Markets in The Dalles and Hood River or you can order online.

Klickitat, WA / 509-369-2303 All natural chickens. Fire wood available too.

Bingen, WA / 541-490-3247 locavoregarlic@gmail.com Small farm producing gourmet garlic, heirloom tomatoes, vegetables and herbs.

60. Klickitat Valley Chianina

66. Lost Lake Apiaries

61. Kreps Ranch

White Salmon, WA / 509-493-2361

69. Maryhill Orchards & Vineyards Goldendale, WA / 509-773-3265 takahashi@gorge.net We are a family-owned business located beside the Columbia River in Washington. We grow peaches, nectarines, plums, apples, apricots, cherries, wine grapes and more. Visit our farm stand by the Biggs bridge!

70. Melissa Bees

White Salmon, WA / 503-313-0378 elliottmelissa@mac.com www.melissabees.com Bees, Hives, Beekeeping Equipment, Beekeeping and Garden Consultation, Classes, Bee Gardens, Landscape Design and Construction.

65. Locavore Garlic

59. Klickitat Kluckers

Goldendale, WA / 509-773-6141 kvcbobnjudy@gorge.net We sell Chianina Beef; natural beef entire carcass aged on the rail for 30 calendar days; wholes or halves custom cut to your specifications. True bistecca alla fiorentia only comes from Chianina Beef. Born and raised in Goldendale WA; custom finished at Lindsay Ranch in Lexington OR; processed at Mountain Valley Meats in Parkdale OR.

Goldendale, WA / 509-773-5190 tamegoats@yahoo.com www.columbiabasingoatguild.com/marlees.htm Marlee’s Dairy features Golden Guernsey and Nubian milk goats, each spoiled and each with a special name. The dairy is state inspected and Licensed Grade A by the WA Department of Agriculture. We sell milk by the half and whole gallons and it can be picked up right here on Bickleton Highway. Delivery to Dallesport is available for a fee. We also have milk goats available for sale.

Hood River, OR / 541-354-2223 We are a local beekeeping family. We provide honey and pollination to local farmers. Over the last several years Mary has gone to local classrooms presenting information about our business.

67. Magill Ranch

Wamic, OR / 541-544-2087 larrymagill@mail.com www.magillranch.com Magill Ranch is a 6th generation familyowned and operated ranch. We have been USDA Certified Organic since 2005. 2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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71. Morale Orchards LLC

Hood River, OR / 541-354-1909 moraleorchards@aol.com www.moraleorchards.com We specialize in high quality Asian Pears.

and fudge. Play areas, animals, hikes, antiques, collectibles, wood, educational tours. Leashed dogs welcome. Picnic area, bus RV turnaround, hayrides on weekends. We ship.

78. Muirhead Canning Company

The Dalles, OR / 541-298-5719 morganshoney@gmail.com We are a family-owned business raising bees since 1977 in the Columbia Gorge. All our honey is pure raw honey; we have local and some specialty honeys. We also have hard-to-find comb honey. We also produce sweet cherries and have dried cherries for sale.

The Dalles, OR / 541-298-1660 info@muirheadcanning.com www.muirheadcanning.com We are a family-owned business operating in The Dalles since 1946. We offer the finest canned fruit available, most of which comes from local growers. We take pride in handpacking each can and never use chemicals on our fruit. If you like home-canned taste you will love our Hood-Crest Fruit!

73. Mosier Valley Organics

79. Nella Chestnut Farm

72. Morgan & Sons Honey Co.

Mosier, OR / 541-399-6146 silas@mosiervalleyorganics.com www.mosiervalleyorganics.com Mosier Valley Organics is proud to supply the people of the Gorge with certified organic vegetables, herbs, locally foraged wild mushrooms, and flowers this season. We have a weekly CSA box delivery program for families and provide local restaurants and stores with thoughtfully grown, fresh healthy food. We grow lots, contact us if you want something!

Hood River, OR / 503-730-8689 bnella@aol.com www.nellachestnutfarm.com Nella Chestnut Farm grows and sells Colossal Chestnuts in the Hood River Valley of Hood River, OR. This variety is a Japanese/European hybrid developed for its large size, sweetness, and ease of peeling. We ship directly from our orchard in Hood River to you. In order to keep the chestnuts fresh our chestnuts are rushed from orchard to refrigerated storage.

74. Mount Defiance Forest Farm

80. Oma’s Market Garden

Hood River, OR / 541-806-3946 A small farm and homestead growing a variety of organic vegetables including specialty mixed salad greens. We also sell a variety of handcrafted goods and classes in homestead and ancient life skills.

75. Mountain Shadow Natural Beef

Dufur, OR / 541-467-2516 jimhanna@ortelco.net www.mountainshadownaturalbeef.com We are a family-owned and operated business. We sell natural beef, pork, and lamb to individuals and restaurants in the Columbia Gorge and Portland areas. We deliver orders directly to customers’ homes, so they can enjoy the ease and convenience of not having to go shop for their meat. We also sell at the Farm Stand on the Heights in Hood River. Visit our website for more information on pricing and delivery.

76. Mt. Adams Angus

Glenwood, WA / 509-364-0021 Our beef is genetically bred to be tender and taste great. Ranch raised and fed locally grown grasses and grains.

77. Mt. View Orchards Inc. & Fruit Stand

Parkdale, OR / 541-352-6554 lylem@gorge.net www.mtvieworchards.com U-pick or we-pick apples, pears, peaches, cherries, prunes, pumpkins, corn. We have cider, canned fruit, jams, honey, dried fruit

Trout Lake, WA / 509-395-2625 oma@heardfarm.com WSDA certified organic family farm in the beautiful Trout Lake Valley offering seasonal veggies and cut flowers at our farm market stand from June through September. Look for our website at heardfarm. com to view what’s available each week

81. Orchard View Farms

The Dalles, OR / 541-298-4496 www.orchardviewfarms.com Our fourth generation family-owned and managed operation offers fresh cherries for sale at the farm. We are Global GAP and Food Alliance certified for our sustainable farming practices. Cherry retail sales are generally 8-5p.m. Monday-Saturday June 20-August 1.

82. Oregon Growers & Shippers Hood River, OR / 541-386-5600 dave@oregongrowers.com www.oregongrowers.com Oregon Growers & Shippers is committed to selling exquisite farm-direct jams, preserves, fruit butters, honeys and sauces -- straight from the orchards to you. We pride ourselves on our direct relationships with the farmers who grow fantastic apples, pears, cherries, berries and more.

83. Oregrownian

Hood River, OR / 607-591-9184 oregrownian@gmail.com Seasonal market vegetables available at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market and for local restaurants and caterers.

84. Organic2Go

The Dalles, OR / 541-296-6246 elizabeth@organic2go.net www.organic2go.net Northwest produce, Grass fed meat and dairy, sprouted wheat breads and goodies baked fresh daily, gluten free breads and products - available online, delivered to your door. Visit our store in downtown The Dalles!

85. Packer Orchards and Bakery

Hood River, OR / 541-234-4481 info@packerorchardsandbakery.com www.packerorchardsandbakery.com We are a fourth generation family-owned farm. We grow tree fruit and have a u-pick strawberry field and pumpkin patch for the 2011 season. Our farmstand, featuring homemade baked goods and ice cream, opens in June and will be open 7 days a week until Nov.

86. Pashek’s Oregon Dogwoods The Dalles, OR / 541-298-1973 bpashek@hotmail.com Two over-the-hill nursery folks still planting summer plants and vegetables. Geraniums, bedding plants, tomato and other veggies plus containers for patios.

87. Patu Alpacas

White Salmon, WA / 509-493-1244 patualpacas@gorge.net Alpaca breeding stock, alpaca fiber and carded batts. Come out by appointment to meet the alpacas that provide beautiful fiber.

88. Quercus Farm

Underwood, WA / 509-493-2637 bfmy@yahoo.com We grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs by hand, organically. We also sell vegetable starts.

89. Rachel’s Homegrown Hogs

White Salmon, WA / 509-493-2389 mikeandsharon@gorge.net Rachel raises 4-H pigs and has extra pigs to sell in the spring and fall. Pigs are all home grown and blue ribbon quality.

90. Raptor River LLC

Wishram, WA / 541-993-1299 milepost89@qnect.net Wine grapes for wineries and for home wine making. Raising goats for meat and weed control.

91. Rasmussen Farms

Hood River, OR / 541-386-4622 info@rasmussenfarms.com www.rasmussenfarms.com U-pick flowers, pumpkins and vegetables. Ready-picked: apples, berries, cherries, pie cherries, apricots, peaches, pears and cider. Hanging baskets, annuals, perennials, deck planters, evergreen wreaths and Oregon products.

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COLOR 92. Rattlesnake Plants

Lyle, WA / 509-365-2457 merriann_bell@yahoo.com Our eleventh season growing organic heirloom varieties of vegetable starts, perennials, and shrubs (not certified but Tilth approved methods). Available at Hood River Saturday Market and at Mother’s Market in Hood River.

93. Root Orchards

Mosier, OR / 541-490-8095 Sue.Root@CenturyLink.com www.rootorchards.com Root Orchards is a 4th generation sweet cherry orchard. Our family run orchard was established in Mosier in 1878. Take in amazing views of the Columbia Gorge while U-picking some of the sweetest cherries around. We also pick to fill orders for local and commercial markets. Hope you can visit us soon, it will be a very “Sweet Experience”.

94. Sakura Ridge The Farm and Lodge Hood River, OR / 541- 386-2636 farmerjohn@sakuraridge.com www.sakuraridge.com Sakura Ridge is a small commercial orchard which produces Oregon’s most delicate pears and dark sweet cherries. Additionally we grow blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, farm-raised lamb and geese, and blossom honey. Our farm also includes a Bed and Breakfast, and fruits and vegetables from our farm are served daily. New items for 2011 include: tomatoes, corn, beans, and squash.

95. Sandoz Farms

The Dalles, OR / 541-296-6291 sandozfarm@centurylink.net Sandoz Farms offers the freshest vegetables and fruits. Our pork and beef products are excellent quality and in great demand. Continued growth will bring more produce and products to customers. Call for availability. Our fruit and vegetable stand has cold storage availability with a USDA certified kitchen where we produce jams, jellies and other canned goods.

96. Saur Farming

Hood River, OR / saurfarming@gmail.com www.saurfarming.wordpress.com/ Veggies and more in the Hood River Valley.

97. Seed to Table Farm

Maupin, OR / 503-539-7226 info@seedtotablefarm.com www.seedtotablefarm.com Year round farm stand located on Hwy 197 between Maupin and Tygh Valley, OR - fresh vegetables, flowers, plant starts, dehydrated vegetables and herbs, sauces and salsas. We are open Thursday - Saturday from 10 AM to 6 PM. [36]

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98. Siragusa Orchards

Hood River, OR / 541-399-2388 petesiragusa@aol.com Pears, cherries, specialty peaches, including donut peaches and pluots (a cross between a plum and an apricot---delicious!).

99. Small i Farm

White Salmon, WA / 541-380-1562 smallifarm@gmail.com Small i grows row crop vegetables for local sale to individuals and restaurants. We also raise chickens for eggs and plan to dabble in meat birds and hogs this season. Please inquire if you are interested in buying a meat bird or pork share. We also have a relationship with 10-Speed Coffee and many of our eggs and veggies turn up in baked goods and specials at their shops in HR and Mosier.

100. Soaring Hawk Ranch

Lyle, WA / 509-365-5458 utenor@gorge.net Soaring Hawk Ranch sells lavender starter plants & lavender bouquets starting midsummer. We sell essential oils and hydrosols at the end of summer.

101. Stillwater Pastures

Parkdale, OR / 541-490-7591 stillwaterranch@hoodriverelectric.net We are raising cows, pigs and chickens on the family farm my Grandfather purchased in 1962. We think it’s important to raise our livestock in a way that respects the animal’s natural behavior. Contact us for more details on our sustainable practices or for information on how to purchase!

102. Summit Farms

The Dalles, OR / 541-296-8255 thegoatpacker@yahoo.com Locally raised eggs and meat birds. Reservations will be taken for birds in the spring and they will be available around the end of May. A limited quantity of goat milk will be available around the middle of April. I am also available to present Working Goat Seminars. Email for more information or with questions.

103. Sunny Daze Farm

The Dalles, OR / 541-296-4339 fritznmarnie@hotmail.com We have a small area (about 200 x 200 feet) full of produce. We have raspberries, strawberries, plums, apples, potatoes, onions, squash, cucumbers, carrots, beets and more. We also have jams and jellies. We try not to spray with pesticides as much as possible.

104. Survival Garden

Mosier, OR / 541-980-2085 www.mosiersurvivalgarden.blogspot.com Vegetable gardens using organic growing mediums and cold frames for extended seasons. Our primary market area is

Mosier but all are welcome. Consultation available for village gardens. Please visit our website for more information.

105. The Big Barn Farm

Trout Lake, WA / 509-395-2509 bascott@embarqmail.com The Big Barn Farm is a small family operated CSA farm on the flanks of Mt. Adams. We also sell organic vegetables and fruit at the Trout Lake Saturday Market and to the local restaurant. Grass fed Angus beef is available every November and free range eggs are available throughout the year.

106. The Good Herb Company

Hood River, OR / 541-716-5675 christina@thegoodherbco.com www.thegoodherbco.com A certified organic processor and purveyor of dehydrated herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables for culinary use. We are a local source of bulk gourmet, kosher and organic products at wholesale prices.

107. The Gorge White House

Hood River, OR / 541-386-2828 info@thegorgewhitehouse.com www.thegorgewhitehouse.com A historic home on a century-old working farm growing fruit for four generations -- also featuring wines & craft beers of the Columbia River Gorge. Seasonal local fruit, flowers from our fields, art, photography & more in an elegant, casual setting in the heart of the Hood River Valley.

108. The Market Gourmet / The Tart Lady

Hood River, OR / 541-380-2544 marketgourmet@gorge.net On Facebook: The Market Gourmet We specialize in housemade pastries, seasonal soups and sandwiches, toasted sandwiches and great coffee! We are known for our delicious tarts and I am also known as The Tart Lady. We are located between Mother’s Market and Windance on Hwy 35. We are also at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market.

109. The Withered Herb

White Salmon, WA / 509-493-3614 www.thewitheredherb.com A new specialty producer of potted herbs (culinary and medicinal) and herbal products including seasoning blends, rubs, and vinegars.

110. Trout Lake CSA

Trout Lake, WA / 503-459-6348 biernacki@gorge.net We are a seasonal organic CSA in the heart of Trout Lake. When we have extra produce in the summer & fall we are open for U-Pick on Saturday mornings. On Monday evenings from late June until October we also have a “locavore market” that is open to the public from 5:30-6:30pm with local organic artisan cheese, bread, & eggs for sale.

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COLOR 111. Tuckered Out Farm

Hood River, OR / 541-354-1625 susan@tuckeredoutfarm.com www.tuckeredoutfarm.com Tuckered Out Farm is a small, friendly membership-based farm providing produce and eggs to its members in the Hood River/Odell/Mt. Hood area. Our members enjoy fresh vegetables, flowers, fruit, and eggs June through September. We also raise grass-fed beef.

112. Turtle Island Foods Inc.

Hood River, OR / 541-386-7766 ext.19 support@tofurky.com www.tofurky.com Turtle Island Foods is family-owned and operated. We have been operating in the Columbia River Gorge since 1980. We produce Tofurky Deli Slices, Tofurky Sausages, Tofurky Franks, Tofurky Roasts, Tofurky Frozen PIzza and Tempeh, all of which are vegan, GMO free, Kosher and made with organic soybeans and organic tofu.

113. Upper Valley Farms

Parkdale, OR / 541-490-0507 robin@uppervalleyfarms.com www.uppervalleyfarms.com We raise and sell certified organic Jonagold apples. We are nearing completion of a cider house where we will produce certi-


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fied raw organic cider. If you live in the Parkdale area and are interested in CSA shares please contact us or visit out website.

114. Wild Turkey Farm

White Salmon, WA / 360-773-6231 lakeside@gorge.net We sell squash blossoms, french beans, tomatoes, multi-color carrots, zucchini, patty pans and anything we can find new. We are not certified organic, but we grow all natural. We are always looking to grow new things - if anyone would like us to specialize in an item, please let us know, we would love to work with you.

115. Wildwood Farm

Hood River, OR / 541-556-3857 laurel@wildwoodharvest.com www.wildwoodharvest.com Wildwood Farm is a small family farm growing a diverse array of fresh vegetables and select flowers. Our priority is to support our local community by doing what we love most - growing food! Our produce can be found at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market and local restaurants, in addition to a small CSA. Direct sales of vegetables and flowers are also possible, just contact us.

116. Wilinda Blueberry Patch

Hood River, OR / 541-436-2729 lindachamberlain@comcast.net Located 5 minutes from downtown Hood River the Wilinda Blueberry Patch is chemical free; we do not spray and our berries grow consecutively from early July to early September. You may also find us at the Gorge Grown Farmers’ Market in Hood River.

117. Windflower / Oh Gee Veggies Mosier, OR / 541-478-2798 windflores@aol.com I sell cut flowers to florists and love to do weddings. Lots of veggies, which mostly go to restaurants, and I pot up perennials as well.

WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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2011-2012 WHO’S YOUR FARMER?

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COLOR The Rockford Grange Patrons of Husbandry

Sponsors of: The Green Grange program. Country Living Series with Community Ed. And we proudly support the Gorge Grown Food Network’s efforts to strengthen small farms throughout the Gorge!

We meet the second Monday of each month. Potluck at 5 pm, meeting begins at 5:30.



The Rockford Grange is located next to the Westside Fire Dept. at the corner of Barrett and Markham Rd. For more info, contact Tom Hons 541-386-5771

Barrett Dr.


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Markham Rd

The National Grange began in 1867 and is the oldest general farm and rural public interest and social organization. It was begun to support small farmers, country living and the environment. The Rockford Grange continues this tradition today and invites all who are interested in these ideas to join us!

Barrett Dr.

There are many other Granges located throughout the Gorge: Pine Grove, Parkdale, White Salmon, Troutlake, Mosier, The Dalles, Wamic and Lyle. Membership is open to all who care about farming and rural life.

WHO’S YOUR FARMER? 2011-2012

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