Emerging Potters magazine July to September 2019

Page 45

July – September 2019

Emerging Potters – 15 Southern Ceramic Group

The exhibition co-ordinator, Prof. Vasu Reddy commented, “Our members come from a huge range of professions - from dancers to engineers and doctors to psychologists. The influence of the individual professional backgrounds is sometimes very evident in the work! I am a developmental psychologist, studying early communication between babies and adults and very interested in what makes dialogue. The process of making - or 'creative thinging' as some have called it - is a dialogic process, many experienced potters have reported this feeling that they are in conversation with clay. I am in love with black clay and with ash glazes - though not on the same pots! Exploring different reduction firing effects and especially combinations of oxides and ash glazes is fascinating. All this on wheel thrown pots”. Another maker, Kevin Akhurst commented, “My degree is in Materials Science and I spent almost my whole career in power generation - initially in technical roles and later in managerial posts. I have no doubt that my Materials Science background helped to foster my interest in ceramics, but my interest is by no means merely technical. I am fascinated by trying to understand what makes a pot beautiful - both the form and the surface. I also get a lot of pleasure from the practical process of making, and throwing in particular. “At our Bishop's Kitchen events we have aspired to achieve art-gallery standards in the display and in the quality of work. A lot of effort goes into the organisation - dealing with applications to exhibit from well over 50 of our members, organising the venue, arranging for the artworks to be delivered, displayed and sold, arranging for a rota of exhibitors to steward the event at all times for more than two weeks, liaising with the Bishop's Palace at Chichester, holding a private view event, looking after all the money aspects, etc”.

Vidya Thirunarayan

Vasu Reddy


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