Str 581 final exam guide 3 (uop)

Page 7

87) One study found that manufacturing labor costs about ___ an hour in China, compared to ____ dollars in the United States. 88) Which of the following is not one of the Caux Round Table Principles for International Business? 89) Which social responsibility theory has been advocated by Novel Prizewinning economist Milton Friedman? 90) Diversity training programs are generally intended to provide a vehicle for _____. 92) Which of the following is correct about litigating commercial disputes? 93) When an economist says that the demand for a product has increased, this means that: 94) If consumer incomes increase, the demand for product Y will _____________. 95) The force behind globalization in _____ was the amount of muscle, horsepower, wind power, or steam power that a country could deploy. 96) The Global, Web-Based Platform enables individuals to do which of the following? 97) _____ is the integration of economic, social, cultural, and ecological facets of life, enabled by information technologies. 98) Which research design listed below is most appropriate for establishing causality? 99) Which of the following statements is true concerning the applicability of attitudes in understanding behavior? 100) The quartile deviation is:

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