2 minute read


Gò0dNews for Kids



by Danny Hesterly

This may not seem all that impressive to a 10-yearold, but I’ve been married for 6,570 days. I’ve known people who have been married 3 times that number (I know, I’ll stop with the math but if you want to get some practice in, what is 6,570 x 3 =?).

One of the best things about being married to Erin is getting to be a part of her family.

Quick story: When I was growing up in Southern Illinois, my mom and dad would tell me, my brother, and my sister that when we all grew up, they would

sell everything and move to Korea. My mom is from Seoul, South Korea, and hasn’t been home in a long time. My parents said this ALL the time. I never thought they’d actually do it. When I was twenty-nine, they sold everything and moved to Korea! They actually did it. I’m so happy my mom is reunited with her family and my dad gets to eat all the good Korean food all the time. Done with the quick story.

When my parents moved to Korea, Erin’s parents became an important part of my life. I still talk with my parents over video calls and they get to talk with their grandkids, but it’s nice to have Erin’s family close by— especially because Mimi (Erin’s mom) makes some of the best desserts in Ringgold, GA (some might even say the world).

Have you ever had a piece of chocolate pie or a snickerdoodle cookie or an apple turnover, where when you finish the late bite, you’re going for more? It happens to me every time. Every dessert Mimi makes is from scratch (never from a box) and is full of love, which makes it out-of-this-world-yummy. We always say her desserts have a “more-ish” taste. In Psalm 34:8 it says, “Taste and see that the LORD is good! How blessed is the person who trusts in him!” We see in the passage that God is good. Just like my Mimi’s desserts have a “moreish” taste, you can never get enough of God’s goodness in your life. Now, we don’t taste God in the same way we eat food, that’s just funny. But we do experience His blessings every day in our lives. Think about it, when do you experience the goodness of God? How about a wake-up hug, or when you eat lunch with a friend, or get a high five on the playground? How about when you do something wrong and you ask God to forgive you? God’s goodness is all around you all the time.

So, the next time you have a cookie and you think to yourself, “I could eat another one!” think about how much better the goodness of God is in your life. I promise you’ll never get enough of the “more-ish” blessings He has for you.

About The Author Danny Hesterly lives in Chattanooga, TN where he spends most of his days in coffee shops helping others discover their part in God’s amazing story. Danny has two children (12, 10) and has been married to his lovely bride for 17 years.