3 minute read

Be Still

Gò0dNews for Everyone

Be Still


by Paula Burgner

Did you ever think your life would be like this? I mean when you’re young, you dream of the way you want things to be and the way you want things to turn out. Then, one day you stop and look around at yourself thinking, “How did it get like this?” You feel like everything that you dreamed or wished for is nothing like your current situation. Sometimes it’s funny how life works out. Although you can make a plan or have an idea, sometimes things just go in a different direction.

It’s kind of like a small creek. One side is flowing just enough over the rocks to make it look so pretty and smooth, as if the water is being silently pushed by a force behind it. Meanwhile, the other side is as still as a picture, looking like a painting that was dropped there in the water with no movement. It makes you wonder how one side can be still and the other side can be flowing so freely. It’s like on a summer day, sitting with the windows open. One second you see the curtain moving so softly and flowing with the wind, as though they were going to fly away. Then, the next second, it’s as still as if it was freshly ironed, just hanging there so stiff with no life to it.

Sometimes as a Christian, this is how we are. One moment we can seem so full of life, moving about and spreading God’s word to everyone, and the next, we just seem so down and out. In this moment we have to remember what God’s word tells us in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” So, we must stay focused on the Lord and His word in order to keep pushing forward. Just as the water keeps pushing through, flowing forcefully over the rocks making its way to the other side where it looks so beautiful, we must keep spreading His word. Although we may only see the stillness of one side of the water and think that there is no work being done to make the water flow as gracefully as it is, just know that sometimes the work that is being done may not always be seen right away. Because in the end, it will pay off, and it will be revealed to those who didn’t believe.

The Bible tells us in Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.” Like the water that continues to flow and fill the creek up, keep the word of God in your heart and His love and light shall grow more and more and others will see. The Bible tells us this in Acts 12:24, “But the word of God grew and multiplied.”

About The Author Paula Burgner is a very strong willed, outgoing, girl who loves working out, and she believes in her heart that you are capable of doing anything that you put your mind to.




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