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Are You Tilting at Windmills?

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Are You Tilting at Windmills?


by Dr. Alan Hix

As we approach Thanksgiving, are the day-to-day challenges of life making it hard for you to get in a thankful mood? Let me tell you a story.

Don Quixote is a novel written by Miguel Cervantes in the early 17th century. In the story Alonso Quixano is a lowranking member of the Spanish nobility. As he approaches middle age, he imagines a life far more exciting than his mundane existence. Alonso dons a suit of armor and takes up a lance. In his new imagined life, he is a knight errant in search of adventure and glory.

In his quest for meaning and purpose, Alonso challenges peasants to duels and views inns as castles. In one of the more well-known parts of his story, he comes upon a group of windmills. However, for Alonso, they are giants that need vanquishing, so he charges them with his lance. You can imagine the outcome was not what he intended. Having been unhorsed, he believes that magicians changed windmills into giants to thwart his noble quest.

While we smile and chuckle at Alonso’s passion for a noble quest that exists only in his imagination, I wonder if sometimes we might find ourselves on an imagined quest of our own. I recently read a blog in which the author proposed that many Christians prefer a “comfortable” Christianity. He went on to argue that this longing for “comfort” can result in believers not being particularly excited about heaven or seeing God face to face.

I found myself saying, “Wait a minute; you can’t be serious?” However, the author argued that many Church members are too busy setting up their own “heaven on earth,” that they don’t have time to think about eternity. They busy themselves trying to check all the boxes on what they want out of life—impressive career, great marriage, good kids, perfect home, and countless other things. They find themselves imagining this is what life is all about. Heaven and an eternity with God seem so distant that the issues of the moment take center stage in our lives.

As I sat down to write about Thanksgiving, this blog came to mind. When we focus on getting through the 58 // November 2022

challenges of a stressful work environment, difficult family situations, unrealized expectations, and a host of other things we pursue as we search for meaning and purpose in life, we imagine that this is what brings meaning and purpose to life, and we lose sight of God’s blessings and provisions. And like Alonso, we end up tilting at the windmills of earthly things that have no eternal value. No wonder we feel unfulfilled.

However, a thankful heart has a whole new set of priorities. When the Apostle Paul writes to the Colossian believers, he gives them—and us—a picture of what a life focused on eternal things looks like:

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Col. 3:15-17).

Now are you in the mood for Thanksgiving?

About The Author Dr. Alan Hix is an Associate Professor of Christian Studies at Shorter University. In addition to being and educator, he has served churches as a pastor, been involved in mission trips to Africa, Canada, and Alaska, and participated in archaeological excavations in Israel for several years.

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