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The Art of My Thanksgiving

Gò0dNews from the Pastor’s Desk

The Art of My Thanksgiving


by Detrick Redding

As we go into a very traditional and festive season of Thanksgiving, we are readily preparing for the family gathering. Many of us are preparing a big meal for our family and friends—from turkey, ham, dressing/stuffing, sweet potato souffle, deviled (or as we called them, angel) eggs, and so much more. It’s a family tradition for us to come together to celebrate the year, to reminisce on accomplishments and even failures. I am personally reminded of a family member that has passed

on, even on the night of Thanksgiving, my mom. However, during this time, we find comfort in the gathering of family and friends.

Let’s look at the Word of God concerning this, 1 Thess. 5:18 tells us, “In everything give thanks…!” Wow, in everything? Yes, we are encouraged to give thanks in everything—good, bad, and even the ugly. That sounds almost impossible, but it is not. Paul continued to tell us that this is the will of God for us. Thanksgiving is a commandment. Now in Eph. 5:20, Paul tells us that thanks should also be “for all things.” I know that can seem challenging to some of us. This act of thanksgiving is the will of God for His children. That means even when things are opposing our desires, thanksgiving is to be done. When pressures of life are weighing us down, we are to still mustard up thanksgiving.

Now, what is thanksgiving according to Scripture? Looking at Luke 17:11-19, we find that there are ten lepers that desired to be healed. When they saw that Jesus was present, they all beckoned for the cleansing of the leprosy. Jesus, a Spirit-filled man full of compassion gave instructions for them to go show themselves to the priest. This was an instruction to activate their faith, and it was also, at the very same time, a testimony of their coming healing. You see, the priests were the only ones that could verify the cleansing away of leprosy. So, as they went, they were all cleansed. Isn’t that exciting!

I know that they all were happy, as they could finally be moved back into the population. I’m sure they were excited to be free to live again like a normal citizen. However, one of the lepers turned and went back to give acknowledgment to the one who had performed the miracle. Jesus said, where are the nine…only one has come back to give (me) thanks. That’s the difference, appreciation of the act that was done. As we enter Thanksgiving season, we need to embrace the art of thanksgiving. It’s time to be deliberate in our knowledge of God. God is the source of our provision, our healing, our deliverance, and so much more. All ten lepers received a miracle. All ten lepers walked free from leprosy. All ten got delivered. All ten—but only one entered the true realm of thanksgiving. Those of us that are believers, let’s stay in this realm. We must always acknowledge that God is the source of our praise. Don’t get caught up in the acts that have transpired because of God and not even recognize God. Psalms 100:4 says, “Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving and enter into His courts with praise, be thankful unto Him and bless His Name!”

About The Author

Detrick Redding, born and raised in Rome, Georgia, is a husband to Toris and father to 4 children. Called to pastor at an early age, he currently pastors at Rally Up International Ministries in Rome, Georgia. Detrick has a deep passion for not only seeing people born again, but knowing their true identity and what is made available to all in Jesus Christ.