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A Little Dog Named Rosie

Gò0dNews for Kids

A Little Dog Named Rosie


by Wendy Jenkins

There once was a little dog named Rosie. She was very loved by her master.

Rosie’s master found her at a shelter. He chose her to be part of his family. She had one paw that was shorter than the others. He did not care about that. Rosie did not have to be perfect for him to love her. He loved her exactly as she was. She was a joy to him.

Very first thing every morning, her master would bend over, pick her up, pet her, and tell her just how much he loved her—this was one of Rosie’s favorite times of the day.

Her master was also her friend. They enjoyed each other’s company. He was mindful of where she was at all times. He knew when she was hungry, when she wanted to play, and when she just needed to rest. He took very good care of her.

Throughout the day, her master would sing to her. Sometimes, the songs were silly. Sometimes, the songs were serious. They were either about her or for her enjoyment. He always had a song on his heart just for her. Sometimes, Rosie would get muddy and dirty. He would pick her up out of the dirt, knowing he would get dirty himself. He would give her a good cleaning. All was right in her world once again.

At night, Rosie slept under his arm. She was perfectly safe when she stayed close to him.

Her master loved her, and she loved him.

Did you know that Jesus wants to be your Master? He wants to do for you as Rosie’s master did for her. How do we know this? Because He tells us in His Word. The Bible is always true—we can believe what it says.

He wants you to be part of His family:

Ephesians 1:5 says, “Long ago, he already decided to accept us into his family as his children, because of Jesus Christ. He chose us to belong to him because it made him very happy” (Easy English Bible).

Jesus calls those who follow Him “friend”:

John 15:15 says, “…I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (NIV).

God knows all about you:

Psalm 139:3 says, “You see me when I go out, and you see me when I stay at home. You know everything that I do!” (Easy English Bible).

He even sings for you:

“The Lord, your God, is with you. He is strong, He will save you. He will be very happy about you! He will quietly love you. He will sing, because he is so happy about you!” (Zephaniah 3:17, Easy English Bible).

When we do things that God does not want us to do, our heart becomes dirty. God sent His son Jesus to clean us up: “Jesus is the way our sins are taken away. And he is the way all people can have their sins taken away too” (1 John 2:2, ERV). Jesus was God’s way of stooping down and telling us just how much He loves us. You are even more precious to Him than Rosie was to her earthly master.

And that is very, very precious!

About The Author Wendy Jenkins is a pastor’s wife, a mom to a college graduate, and a momma to their miniature long haired chihuahua, Rosie.