2 minute read

God’s Love

Gò0dNews for Everyone

God’s Love


by Paula Burgner

When we think about love, we think about many things, like when we get our first car, when we meet that special someone, or when we hear the cry of our first baby when they are born. Love can come in many ways, and there are many interpretations of love, but there is no love greater than the love of God.

God’s love is like the wind. We can feel it all around us, it covers us just as the sunlight covers the entire world, and

it flows just as smooth as a claim spring. We often think of love as something that is earned but never given. But God says in His Word in 1 John 4:19, “We love Him because He first loved us.” God chose to love us first, even when we did not love Him.

He chose to love us freely and unconditionally. We have to learn to love ourselves unconditionally, no matter how much we do not like something about ourself, or how much we want to change something. We have to love ourselves through the bad to see the good.

Sometimes in life, we endure things as a child that we hate, like having to eat healthy food, having to take naps, or having an early bedtime. Yet, as we get older in life, we learn to love those things that we once hated. We realize that they are good for us and will always help us in the long run. God’s love is good for us and will always help us in the long run. We may not always think so, but His love is always there when we need it. You have to be willing to open up your heart and accept His love into your life. Often, I think that we all need a heart like David. In the Bible, it tells us in 1 Samuel 13:14, “…the Lord hath sought him a man after his own heart.” If we all could be after God’s own heart instead of our own, we could see more clearly the love and blessings that God has in store for us—whether it is physical, financial, or spiritual. Things would start to fall into place in our lives as they should—just like a line of dominos is set up, and when they are ready to fall, they fall into another in such a perfect formation. However, we must love God and ask Him to come into our lives. Once we accept God, our lives shall fall right into place just as the dominos do. God tells us in Proverbs 8:17, “I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” God has so much love to give us, and He is waiting for us to accept Him. We must have faith like Daniel, accept God into our hearts, and we will experience the greatest love that we have ever known.

About The Author Paula Burgner is a very strong willed, outgoing girl who loves working out, and she believes in her heart that you are capable of doing anything that you put your mind to.