4 minute read

Jesus Is Coming Back

by Judy Namore

Jesus is coming back That is a fact The world is so lost Great will be the cost No one will listen As that great city will glisten Perilous times are here Don’t let your heart fear God’s coming after His own We’ve waited, oh, so long While the world plays and has their way God loves all His children He created You have to live by His statutes He stated He will reward those who valiantly stood true The ones who stuck to Jesus like glue We don’t have to worry or ever lack For Jesus has come to take His bride back


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Gò0dNews on Trust

I’m Trusting You, Lord!

by Grace Alfieri

We all have favorite verses in the Bible, and one of mine is Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

In the King James Version of the Bible, trust is mentioned 134 times! What does it mean to trust? It is basically to have confidence, to believe in the steadfastness of our Lord. If we really trust the Lord, we should not find it difficult to surrender to Him. I get the picture in my mind of something my children did when they were young. Have you ever seen a young child jump into their father’s or grandfather’s arms? Yes, my children would do that. They would go up a few steps and yell, “Dad (or Pop), catch me!” There would be such joy on their faces. They trusted.

But over the years, I have heard people say, “I can’t trust God; I can’t trust Jesus. I don’t see them. I need something tangible.” That is when I would tell them this: You trust that the alarm clock is going to wake you up for work. You trust that the mechanic properly fixed your brakes on the car when you take it out of the shop. You trust that the workers at your favorite fast-food chain washed their hands after their last bathroom break. What about those of you who have been sick recently? You trusted the doctor whose name you could not pronounce. Yes, you saw degrees on the wall, but you never actually checked them out. That doctor wrote you a prescription you couldn’t read. Then you took it to a pharmacist you have never met and she or he gave you a chemical compound, and you went home and took those pills according to the instructions on the bottle. All of this encompasses TRUST.

In a world of distrust, whom can we trust?

Solomon tells us about the one and only person we can always trust—He is the Lord, Jesus Christ. We do not put trust in ourselves, our abilities, our education, or our money; the only one worth trusting is the Lord. 24 // November 2020

Have we given the Lord our entire heart?

You see, living the Christian life is fairly easy if everything is going our way, but if we add a little stress, a little hardship, a little despair, we quickly find ourselves at a fork in the road. Are we going to rest and trust the Lord, or are we going to go our own way? We must accept that God’s promises are true even when He seems to be so far away.

We need to recognize, concede, confess, and acknowledge who Jesus really is to us. We need to acknowledge His presence, His power, His purpose, and

His promises at all times. Most of the time, we don’t want to give up control concerning our spiritual lives. We fight the Lord, but we are the fools, for He has the best in mind for us. But we need to simply place our faith exclusively in Christ Jesus and what He has done for us at the Cross, which then gives the Holy Spirit room to work in our lives (Romans 8:1-2, 11).

Well, are you going to trust Him, or are you going to go it alone? Choose wisely!

About The Author Rev. Grace Alfieri was born and raised in New Jersey where she pastored the church in which she grew up. Her father pastored the church before her. She retired to Etowah, Tennessee, in 2013 and has 3 children and 3 grandchildren.

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