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June 2013

Complimentar y

Christian C hristian M Magazine agazine




June 2013

G ò0 dNews

Christian Magazine

Pg 4 Pg 6

About Us

Pg 8

GoodNews for Kids Would God Play with Us?

Pg 10

GoodNews on Money Matters Facing Our Fears

Pg 12

GoodNews for Him This Too Shall Last Cleveland Church Directory GoodNews for Her Lessons from the Sideline

Pg 14 Pg 18


GoodNews From the Pastor’s Desk Where Are You?

Pg 20

GoodNews for Parents Who’s the Winner? Who’s the Loser?

Pg 22

GoodNews for your Taste Buds Lemon Cake

Pg 26

GoodNews for Health & Fitness Weight Loss...A Step at a Time

Things To Do This Summer

Pg 24&25 Pg 28

GoodNews for Teens Christian Torbett

Pg 30

Ooltewah/Collegedale Church Directory

Pg 32

GoodNews For the Outdoors Why SHould You Go Whitewater Rafting

Pg 34

GoodNews For Everyone Jesus Did Th e Dirty Jobs

Pg 36

GoodNews For Everyone Anthony Burger

Pg 38

GoodNews for Seniors Lesson Learned GoodNews For Everyone One Thing I Do Know… GoodNews for Writers

Pg 40

Pg 16,17 & 31

Pg 42 Pg 44 Pg 46

GoodNews for Everyone Leaving It at the Door GoodNews for Everyone The Miraculous Handy Work of God

Disclaimer All of the content in the GoodNews Christian Magazine is for general information and/or use. Such contents does not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making (or refraining from making) a decision. Any specific advice or replies to queries in any part of the magazine is the personal opinion of such experts/consultants/persons and is not subscribed to by GoodNews Christian Magazine. The information in GoodNews Christian Magazine is provided on an “AS IS” basis, and all warranties, expressed or implied of any kind, regarding any matter pertaining to any information, advice or replies are disclaimed and excluded. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or article we deem inappropriate.

God Bless You and Thank You! Writers

Pastor Phil Griffin Pastor Chris Knipp Pastor Jon Stone Pastor Zona Hayes-Morrow Mayor Tom & Sandra Rowland Andrew Lee Esmerelda Lee Ann Gruber Kristy Montgomery Craig Thompson David Thompson Rusty Asble Gayle Cobb Gail Lemmert Jack Holloway



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Matthew & Bethany Ruckman

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About Us Hello Friends, We want to take a moment to tell you who we are and what we are about. Our names are Matt and Bethany Ruckman and we have three beautiful children, Brendon, Kailey, and Andrew. We live in Cleveland and love what this town has to offer! We have started GoodNews Christian Magazine because we feel that when God, family, and community are combined lives will be changed. GoodNews Christian Magazine is a complimentary, Christian lifestyle publication. You can find us throughout the community in retail establishments, churches, restaurants and more. Our magazine opens the door for Christians to work together to grow and strengthen our community through relevant editorial and effective advertising. GoodNews Christian Magazine is written by men and women in the community who love and serve the Lord. Our hearts are open and willing to be used by God to reach out to the community to spread the GoodNews!

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G ò0 dNews from the Pastor’s Desk

Where Are You? By: Pastor Phil Griffin Senior Pastor: The Church At Grace Point

We live in a world filled with people who need desperately to know the truth, but for whatever reason do everything in their power to avoid it. You might be a person like me who rarely goes to the doctor for regular check ups. Could the motive to stay away from the doctor’s office be a hidden fear of what the doctor might discover about our health? Some people avoid the dentist office for similar reasons. What is odd about people who make these kinds of choices, is the very thing they are avoiding might be the thing they need the most. In other words, the regular check up might be the very thing that enables the doctor to detect a problem early and potentially save you from something far worse than a visit to see the doctor. The Bible reveals to us that we are not the first people to react this way when it comes to knowing the truth. Remember Adam and Eve? In Genesis 3:9-10 the Scriptures record not just God’s reaction but also Adam and Eve’s reaction to their disobedience to God. God’s reaction was to seek out Adam and Eve. Their reaction was to hide themselves from God. What a word picture when we hear the voice of God saying: "Where are you?"You might remember others like Jonah who ran from God’s assignment and ended up in the belly of a whale. How about Peter who spoke so confidently about never denying Christ and then within hours he hid himself in shame after denying Christ three times. Each of these cases could have been different if the people involved had run to God instead of running from God. Some of you reading this article are on the run as we speak. Instead of running to the Lord in prayer you have shut Him out. Instead of diving into His Word, you have avoided the only source of wisdom that can see you through your present situation. Maybe your greatest need is gaining a new perspective of who God is and how He feels about you. Remember Adam and Eve in their time of disobedience? God sought them. Remember Peter? After His resurrection, Jesus sought him out and encouraged him to "feed His sheep." Remember the Prodical Son? After he came to his senses and returned home, his father ran to receive him back home. I heard someone once say: "I lived my life my way, doing what I thought was best and what made me happy, and then I found Christ." Truth is, no one ever found Christ, He found us. When we fail God, and we all do, know that God is not mad at you or out to get you. Instead He comes seeking you as a loving Father desiring to forgive you and help restore the closeness of His relationship with you. What He requires of us is that we also move toward Him. When we are proactive to confess and repent of our sin, he is always faithful and righteous to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9) Can I encourage you to stop running from God and start running to Him. Seek Him through the gift of prayer. Seek Him through the gift of His Word. You might be surprised to discover the seeking Savior calling out: "Where are you?"


June 2013


June 2013

G ò0 dNews for Everyone

Would G odd Pla Would G ? s o l U a h t i y w it s l ? P d ith Us? Would Go

4 1 1 m l a s P


irk, Tim, and Wes had a favorite summertime game-a water balloon fight. Part of the fun was filling the balloons with water. They would take turns putting a balloon on the tap and turning the water on. Sometimes water would spray out and make them wet. Once in a while a balloon would burst and the water would splash on everyone. After the balloons were filled, they would throw them at one another. When a balloon hit one of them, it would break and splash water everywhere. It was fun on a hot day! One day they asked their father if they could go outside for a water balloon fight. "Sure!" their dad said, "but clouds are coming up from the west. I think it will be raining soon."


June 2013

The boys ran to get in their swimming suits. Then they each started filling their balloons with water. But before they could finish, the rain came down. All three of the boys were soaking wet when they rushed back into the house. "I can see who won the water balloon fight today," said their father, as he got towels for them. "We didn't even get a chance to play," said Dirk. "It rained too soon," said Tim. "It looks to me as if God won," said their father. "God soaked all three of you." "Would God play with us?" asked Dirk. "Sure he would!" said Wes. "Jesus was a little boy once." "But they didn't have balloons then," said

Tim. "That doesn't make any difference," said Wes. "He liked to play just like we do." "I think God could have fun playing with you," said their father. "He said he'd be with you always, so that must include while you are playing." mg."But "God did get us all wet today," said Dirk. "And that was fun." "And we've still got our balloons ready for another game as soon as it stops raining," said Tim. not until we find more dry towels!" said their father.

Some Questions 1. Would you like God to play with you? 2. What games do you think God would like to play with you? 3. Is it fun to be with God?

A Prayer Jesus, thank you for living with us. Help us have fun together. Amen.

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G ò0 dNews for Everyone

Facing Our Fears By: Andrew Lee


ften when it comes to tackling our personal finances and making a written budget, we avoid these tasks because we’re afraid of what we might find. Denial becomes a comfortable habit for many of us when it comes to being honest about our debts and about how we spend our money, as well as how much money we’re really spending every month. As long as we don’t actually sit down and take a good, hard look at the numbers, everything will be all right, won’t it? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Just because we refuse to acknowledge that we’re regularly spending more than we make, and just because we “forget” the payoff totals on our credit cards and car loans—focusing only on the minimum required monthly payments—our convenient denials and refusal to face the truth will change nothing. The interest on those debts will continue to compound, putting us further and further into debt, and the overspending every month will eventually lead to a day of reckoning which, for many people unfortunately, is bankruptcy or foreclosure or repossession. So it’s essential to face our fears by taking the time and effort to assess honestly our financial situation, taking stock of all of our debts, making a written budget, and formulating a plan for freeing ourselves of debts and establishing a regular savings plan for future goals. Proverbs has much to say about finances. Here are two verses to consider: Proverbs 28:20 “The trustworthy person will get a rich reward, but a person who wants quick riches will get into trouble,” and Proverbs 28:22, “Greedy people try to get rich quick but don’t realize they’re headed June 2013

ust stw wort rthy hy”” perperr pe for poverty.” Consider how being a “trustworthy” son, as this first scripture mentions, involves being able to trust yourself to be responsible when it comes to handling money and creating a strong financial plan (budget). The Bible says this type of person “will get a rich reward”. Notice it doesn’t say “might” get a rich reward or “hopefully will get” a rich reward—it will happen, count on it, if people are responsible and trustworthy with what God has blessed them with. It won’t happen by chance, and it’s not about luck. “Slow and steady wins the race” as the saying goes. The same verse above (Prov. 28:20) warns that “get rich quick” schemes will get us into trouble. Instead, save regularly and plan for the long-term until budgeting and saving become a habit and an integral part of your life. The second Proverb above warns against greed. How does greed relate to refusing to face our fears by living in denial about our financial problems? Greed is closely tied to our refusal to “delay our gratification.” Today, we’re all about wanting something NOW and refusing to wait or to delay our gratification until we have saved up the money for it. In my opinion, this refusal to wait to purchase something is a type of greed, and thus the proverb becomes applicable to these situations as well. Let’s commit to start facing our financial fears by being honest about where we stand. It may be unpleasant initially to see the hard truth, but the Bible says the “truth shall set us free.” Then, let’s commit to make a written plan for improving our financial situation, living as responsible Christians who can then, in turn, be a blessing to others.





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G ò0 dNews for Men


By: Pastor Jon Stone Discipleship Pastor Westmore Church of God


ll of us experiencee moments in which ed to trying to do we seem reduced nothing more than survive. In those moments it is all we can do to hang on. When those situations turn into full-blown seasons we sometimes find comfort in nothing more than the knowledge that the situation cannot last forever. Thus, the phrase: This too shall pass. It is a curious phrase. It comes from Jewish folklore that tells a story of a powerful king (in some traditions said to be Solomon) who assembled all of his sages and commissioned them to make a ring that would make him happy when he was sad, and sad when he was happy. After much deliberation the result was a ring etched with the words: This Too Shall Pass. The question of which effect the phrase will have on you depends on how you view your current reality. And that is the real question here: How do you view your reality? Your reality, like all realities, is made up of several identifiable things. One thing is the circumstances themselves. A second thing is God’s potential action (which will display His glory). A third thing is the narrative (your story) that is being told through your situation. Now, there are more things we could list, but let me stop with those three very basic elements in your situation and point out some things. Out

12 June 2013

thing (the circumstances, God’s of those three things glory your story) only o one of them is destined glory, to die. Which one? That is correct. Circumstances. All circumstances die. On the other hand, those other two things (God’s glory and your story) can never die. They are, by their very nature, eternal things. Circumstances, by their very nature, always come to an end. Faith is where your story and God’s glory meet. Circumstances are nothing more than the opportunity for those two things to collide. Perhaps you are going through a time of overwhelming financial need. This is the time when God might be known again as Jehovah Jireh, by being God your Provider in the midst of your story. Or perhaps you are facing a serious health issue. This is the time that God might be known as Jehovah Rapha, by being God your healer in the midst of your story. Sometimes this will encourage us, but then we get distracted by our desire for certain outcomes. However, outcomes are nothing more than new circumstances, and as we have already determined: all circumstances die. Faith is not the ability to wish for certain outcomes. Faith is the ability to trust that the eternal aspects of my situation (God’s glory and my story) are worth focusing on, while the dying aspects of my situation (the circumstances) are only passing opportunities

to get more of the story written. Some might object, “But you don’t understand. These circumstances have lasted so very long.” Even if they last for the entirety of the days that you walk on earth those circumstances are but a vanishing vapor (James 4:14). On the other hand, your story is being woven into the tapestry of God. All of our stories get summed up in Christ (Ephesians 1:910), in whom they will never die. And that is our true hope, not temporary outcomes. Every situation has within it things that are eternal and things that are passing away. If you are merely trying to hang on while waiting for your circumstances to change and certain outcomes to arrive, then you are focused on the things in your situation that are destined to die. However, your joy is not dependent on any outcome, instead it is dependent on your ability to shift your attention off of the things that are passing and onto the things that will live forever. The moment that you realize that you are in the midst of having your eternal story written you will rediscover your heart’s desire, for God has put eternity into each of our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). It is there that true joy springs up. And it is there that you lose the dying phrase: this too shall pass; and learn the eternal phrase: this too shall last.

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Cleveland Church Directory Assembly of God Grace Assembly 1976 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-7729 Triune Assembly of God 3625 Waverly Dr NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-4214


Beacon Baptist Church 505 Corvin Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7056 Big Spring Baptist Church 1415 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-1101 Bellefounte Baptist Church Pastor Lake Walker 132 Bellfounte Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-2312 Bethel Baptist Tabernacle Pastor John Bivens 3165 Buchanan Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-5820 Blue Springs Baptist Church 699 Blue Springs Church Rd SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-0932F Boanerges Baptist Church 234 Boanerges Church Rd Old Fort, TN 37362 (423)338-4470 Cedar Springs Baptist Church 723 Cedar Springs Church Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-5506 Center Point Baptist Church 167 Monza Ln NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-2133 Cleveland Cowboy Church Pastor Wally Varnell 3040 Blythe Rd. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-7936 or clevelandcowboychurch.com Cloverleaf Baptist Church Pastor Johnny Moore 2290 Waterlevel Highway Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-3617 Clingan Ridge Baptist Church 2412 Georgetown Road, NW Cleveland, TN 37312(423) 472-3511 or www.clinganridgebaptist.com Church At Grace Point Pastor Phil Griffin 2595 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312

June 2013

(423) 728-5050 or grace-point.com Covenant Baptist Church 249 Calhoun Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 559-2653 Dalton Pike Baptist Church 3055 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7606 Elkmont Baptist Church 4030 Old Freewill Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-4600 Emmanuel Baptist Church 1227 Powerline Dr NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 East Cleveland Baptist Church 1145 Arnold St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-8728 Fairview Baptist Church 5545 Runway Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 790-5353 First Baptist Church Co-Pastor Allan Lockerman, Co-Pastor-Jim Gibson 1275 Stuart Road Cleveland, Tennessee 37312 (423)709-9100 or clevelandfbc.com Galilee Baptist Church 665 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 496-2019 Hopewell Baptist Church 188 Old Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-3763 The Journey Church 1668 S Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 728-4100 Lebanon Baptist Church 1411 Old Parksville Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-6700 Macedonia Baptist Church 3119 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-1713 Maple Street Baptist Church 1700 Maple St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-3622 Maranatha Baptist Church 453 Blue Springs Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 614-8991 Michigan Avenue Baptist Church 2741 Benton Pike NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-8891 Mt Carmel Baptist Church 7619 Blue Springs Rd,

Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-1620 New Friendship Baptist Church 1344 Chatata Valley Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-6007 North Cleveland Baptist Church Pastor Dr. Jay Mccluskey 2815 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8524 or northclevelandbaptist.org Oak Grove Baptist Church 4452 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-9125 Old Pathway Baptist Church 224 Rymer Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37323 Parkway Baptist Church Rev. Shane Lawson 185 Meadow Ln SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 339-5522 or www.parkwaybaptist.info Philadelphia Baptist Church 910 30th St SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 Philippi Baptist Church 2325 Old Harrison Pike NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-5385 Ridgeview Baptist Church 1501 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-5119 Samples Memorial Baptist Church 371 Samples Chapel Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-2329 Shenandoah Baptist Church Pastor Brent Coley 138 Osment Rd Se, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 339-0103 or www.sbcministries.com Shiloh Baptist Church 3406 Blair Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-5755 Stuart Park Baptist Church 850 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-6741 Tasso Baptist Church 164 Old Charleston Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-2114 Temple Baptist Church 3070 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6813 Thompson Spring Baptist Church 5660 Bates Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323

(423) 790-1823 Union Baptist Church 797 Hughes Lake Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 559-1720 Valley View Baptist Church Pastor David Tuten 4657 Spring Place Rd SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-7707 or vvbaptist.org Washington Avenue Baptist Church 1720 Perry St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-0489 Waterville Baptist Church Pastor Allan Lovelace 4555 Dalton Pike SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-5582 or watervillebaptistchurch.org West Cleveland Baptist Church 1959 Westland Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-8927 Westwood Baptist Church Pastor Steve Smartt 4001 Georgetown Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-1534 or www.westwoodlife.org White Oak Baptist Church 2043 White Oak Valley Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-2359


St Therese Catholic Church 900 Clingan Ridge Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-8123

Charismatic Cleveland Christian Fellowship Pastor Mark Strickland 695 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-2642 or ccfchurch.us

Church of God

Cornerstone Church of God Pastor Rick and Lori Sentell 2823 Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-0006 Fellowship of Praise COG Pastor Selma Hall 931 Inman Street East Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3121 or fellowshipofpraisecog.org Grace Community Church of God Pastor Kevin Mendel 4745 Mouse Creek Road NW, 37312. (423) 614-0708 or www.gracecleveland.org


International Worship Center Centro Internacional de Adoración 533 Central Ave. NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-1977 or www.iwcchurch.com Lakeview Church of God Pastor Dustin Wilds 105 Pound Street S.E. Cleveland, TN 37323 (423)-790-5805 or lakeviewcog.org North Cleveland COG Pastor Mitch Maloney 335 11th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5513 or nccog.org Mt Olive COG 3522 Harrison Pike, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-3381 Mt View COG 210 Roadway Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 472-6925 South Cleveland COG Pastor Chris Moody 1846 Volunteer Dr SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6382 or southcleveland.org Westmore COG Pastor Kelvin Page 2412 Wolfe Dr NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 559-9646 or www.westmorecog.org Zion Assembly COG Pastor Todd Mcdonald 5512 Waterlevel Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-3337 or zionassemblychurchofgod.com/

Church of God of Prophecy Cleveland Spanish Church of God of Prophecy 2610 Grove Ave. Cleveland, TN 37312 (423)473-7199 Durkee Road Church of God of Prophecy 201Durkee Rd. Cleveland, TN37312 (423) 472-4384 Keith Street Ministries Church of God of Prophecy 4000 Keith ST. NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-2448 Peerless Road Church of God of Prophecy 3301 Peerless Rd. NW Cleveland, TN 37312 (423)303-2680 Spring Place Church of God of Prophecy 2530 Spring Place Rd. Cleveland, TN37311 (423)476-6414 Wildwood Church of God of

Prophecy Bishop Winston Reid 140 Wildwood Ave Cleveland, TN 37311 (423)479-6584


Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church 320 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5541


LutheranFirst Lutheran Church 195 McIntire Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-6811


Big Spring United Methodist Church 1196 Hardwick St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5242 Black Fox United Methodist Church 1820 Old Chattanooga Pike SW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-1908 Broad Street United Methodist Church 155 Central Ave NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5586 First United Methodist Church 3425 Ocoee St N, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-4504 South Cleveland United Methodist Church 1165 Church St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-8742 Tasso United Methodist 1106 Tasso Ln NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 479-4457 Riverston Church 85 Central Ave NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 790-5956 Trinity United Methodist Church 731 1st St SE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 614-7900 Valley Head Methodist Church 920 Mouse Creek Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-0575 Wesley Memorial Methodist 3405 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-9578


Faith Memorial Church 910 17th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6281 First United Pentecostal Church 4095 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 476-9436 Full Gospel House of Prayer Pastor Michael Ferree

15 GoodNews Christian Magazine

1500 Wildwood Ave. Cleveland, TN


Christian Fellowship Ctr 895 6th St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-9591 Church Alive Ministries Cleveland, TN 37353 (423) 559-1371 Cleveland Cornerstone Church 533 Broad St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-1775 Dwelling Place Church International Pastors Jamie and Judy Jacobs Tuttle 523 Urbane Rd. NE Cleveland, TN 37312 423.790.5200 www.iwilldwell.com Freedom Fellowship Church 3555 Blue Springs Rd, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 478-0654 God’s Family Fellowship Pastors, Doug & Patsy Bell 4857 Freewill Rd NW Cleveland, TN 37312 Phone (423) 240-2620 Graceway Chapel 221 14th St NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 728-2226 Living Word Church Pastor Larry Cockerham 930 25th Street, NW Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 339-3028 or Thelovingchurch.org Norvel Hayes Ministries 24 155 S Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-3882 Restoration Fellowship 211 Trewhitt Dr SE, Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 479-4249 The Simple Gospel 850 Elrod St SE Cleveland, TN 37311 423-650-9572 www.pointing2jesus.com Shema Israel Ministry 850 Elrod St SE Cleveland, TN 37311 423-994-8553 TRIUMPHANT LIVING “The Sanctuary” Pastors Mike & Elizabeth Shreve 1203 Smith Dr. Cleveland, TN 37311 (423)478-2843 / shreveministries.org United Christian Church 2200 Peerless Rd NW, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 479-4277 Unity Christian Ministries Pastor Aubrey Ector 2419 Georgetown RD NW 37312

423-473-9338 Walker Valley Community Church 787 Lauderdale Memorial Hwy NW, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-9696


Charleston Cumberland Presbyterian Church 8267 N Lee Hwy, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 336-5004 First Cumberland Presbyterian Church 161 2nd St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-6751 First Presbyterian Church 433 N Ocoee St, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-5584 Flint Springs Cumberland Presbyterian Church Rev. Kevin Wilson 515 Flint Springs Rd Cleveland TN. 37323 423-284-6397 or Facebook St James Cumberland Presbyterian Church 151 Short St NE, Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 472-5762 Trinity Presbyterian Church 1780 Stuart Rd NE, Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 559-9595

Seventh Day Adventist Ladd Springs Seventh-Day 5860 Bates Pike SE Cleveland, TN 37323 (423) 476-1889 East Cleveland Seventh-Day 801 Howard Cir SE Cleveland, TN 37311 (423) 476-9299 Bowman Hills Adventist 300 Westview Dr NE Cleveland, TN 37312 (423) 472-6231 Seventh-day Adventist Church 8408 Highway 60 Georgetown, TN 37336 (423) 961-2312

FREE Add/Update Church Directory Listings Today!


Adult Groups Cleveland Christian Fellowship -Bible Study Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Heritage Fellowship COG -C.O.R.E- Young adults age 1830, Single and Married gather together the 1st Tuesday of every month at Panera on Paul Huff Pkwy. -C.O.R.E- Sunday mornings at 9:45. Breakfast is provided.

Macedonia Baptist Church -Prayer & bible study Wednesday at 6:30 p.m

Parkway Baptist Church -Bible study Wednesday at 6:00 p.m

South Cleveland COG Bible studies and WOW worship Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

The Church at GracePoint -LifePoint Small Groups Contact mclark@grace-point. com

Union Grove Church of Christ -Bible study Sundays at 10:00 a.m (All ages) -Bible study Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Westmore COG -“Bridge Builders” Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -“Berean” Bible Study Sundays at 5:00 p.m.” -Sanctuary Bible Class Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -Crossroads Bible Study Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -“Growing in Christ” Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -“Sojourners” Bible Study Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -“Growing in Grace” Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. -“The Blessed Life” Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m -Bible study Thursdays at 6:30 p.m.

Westwood Baptist Church -Bible Study Sundays at 9:30 a.m.

June 2013

Children Living Word Church -Cereal Sunday: Last Sunday of each month beginning at 10am for elementary age children. W.O.W. = Win On Wednesday (Discipleship program) 7-8:15pm every Wed. night For kids infant to 5th grade -Kids Town Sun.&Wed Nights Grace Point - KidStuf Sun. 9 am -C4K Sun. 10 am -UpStreet Sun. 6 pm -GP Kids Sun. 6:30 Heritage Fellowship COG -Royal Rangers/Missionettes: Wednesdays at 7:00p (K-5) Macedonia Baptist Church -Awana Club Wednesday 6:00 p.m.

Mt Olive Ministries COG -Childrens Choir (K-2 grade, 3-5 grade) Wednesdays at 7:00-7:30 p.m. -Little Sweethearts (2-5 yrs) -Bluebelles (1st-3rd) -Joybelles (4th-5th) -Royal Rangers (K-5th) Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

North Cleveland COG -“e4Kids” Sundays 9:30-10:00 a.m. -Big Breakfast Bonanza Sundays 10:00-10:30 a.m. -Big City Sundays 10:30-12:00 p.m. -Toon Town Wednesdays 6:30-7:15

Parkway Baptist Church -TeamKIDS(k-5 grade) Wdnesday at 6:00 p.m

South Cleveland COG -Little Sweethearts (2-5 yrs) -Bluebelles (1st-3rd) -Joybelles (4th-5th) -Royal Rangers (K-5th) Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

Westmore COG -Childrens Choir (K-2 grade, 3-5 grade) Wednesdays at 6:30-7:00 p.m. -Little Sweethearts (2-5 yrs) -Bluebelles (1st-3rd) -Joybelles (4th-5th) -Royal Rangers (K-5th) Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

Westwood Baptist Church

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m

-“Kid Connection” Sunday School 9:30-10:40 Worship Hour 10:40-12:15 -Story Craft Hour (July) Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 -Awana (Aug-May) Wednesdays 6:00-8:00

The Church at GracePoint

Couples Groups North Cleveland COG -“Twenty Something” Couples Fellowship For engaged and married couples in their 20’s. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. -“Covenant Couples” Couples 30’s – 50’s Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Westmore Church of God -“IMarriage” Sundays at 6:00 p.m.

Family Groups Living Word Church - Living Word Church Family Life Groups (Call 423.339-3028 for more information) - Thursdays, 1:30pm - Thursdays, 6:30pm - Sundays, 5pm Westmore Church of God -Visionary Parenting Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -“Secrets of Your Family Tree” Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Food Ministries Macedonia Baptist Church -Living Bread- gives out nonperishables first Friday of each month 12 - 1 p.m.

Men’s Groups First United Methodist Church -Men’s Breakfast 1st Saturday Morning at 8:00 a.m. Living Word Church - Living Word Church Men’s Life Groups (Call 423.339-3028 for more information) - Sunday 6pm - Monday 7pm - Saturday 8am Mt. Olive Ministries -Men’s Ministries

-Men’s Breakfast at 8:00 a.m First Saturday of the month in the Grace Point Café.

United Christian Church -Mens’s Breakfast 2nd Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. Westmore COG -Wednesday Morning Prayer 6:00 a.m.

Prayer Groups Cleveland Christian Fellowship -Prayer meeting) Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. Living Word Church Pre-Service Prayer Sunday Mornings. 9:30-10:20am. Prayer Room. God-Seekers (Noon Prayer). Freedom Prayer Room. M-Th 12:00 - 1pm City-Wide Prayer. Every Friday. 12:00 - 1 (Calendar available at www.clevelandnet.org) House of Prayer. 1st and 3rd Fridays each month. 7-9pm. East Wing Go Prayer / Evangelism. Every Friday. 7pm. East Wing Fast Lane (Prayer and Fasting) 1st Mon, Tue, Wed of each month. 12 Noon. Sanctuary Healing Rooms (Healing Prayer Ministry). Thursdays 1-3pm. (By Appointment 423.339.3028) 1st and 3rd Fridays 7pm

The Church at GracePoint -Prayer Service Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

United Christian Church -Prayer meeting Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Westmore COG -Missions Prayer Movement Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Senior Adult Living Word Church Embers (Senior Adult Ministries) Sept. 30, 1pm. Picnic at Fletcher Park Call 423.330.3028 for more



Macedonia Baptist Church -Fellowship Lunchon-Every 3rd tuesday -Quilters groups that meets ever 2nd. & 4th. Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m

North Cleveland COG -“Peacemakers” Senior adult ministries Contact Travis Porter (423) 476-5513

South Cleveland COG -“Prime Timers” 1 Friday a month

SingleAdult Groups North Cleveland COG -“Oasis Singles Ministry” Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Westmore Church of God -“Single Friends” Meet the second and forth Saturdays of each month for a variety of events. Contact Tammy Taylor at (865)617-7715.

Support Groups Westmore COG -“DivorceCare” Thursdays Contact Rick and Rhonda McClure (423)596-1003 -Grief Care Mondays at 6:00 p.m.

Womens Groups Living Word Church Life Groups (Call 423.339-3028 for more information) - Sunday 5pm, -Sunday 6pm, -Thursday11:30am - Thursday 6pm - Friday 10:30am

Mt. Olive Ministries -Women’s Ministries Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m

North Cleveland COG -Women’s Ministries Contact Nelda at (423)4765513 ngeorge@nccog.org

The Church at GracePoint

-Women group meets weekly For more info contact mclark@grace-point.com

United Christian Church -R.E.A.L. Women Meeting (Realistic Encouraging Awakened Ladies) 3rd Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. Westmore Church of God -Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. -Yada Yada Book Club Third Thursday of each month 7:30-9:00 p.m Contact Emily Stone at (423)331-1474

Westwood Baptist Church -“Sisters Inc.” For more info contact Terry Johnson (423)472-1534 tjohnson@westwoodlife.org

Youth Cleveland Christian Fellowship -CCF Jr. Youth(10-12) Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. -CCF Teens(13-18) Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Grace Point -IGNITE Youth Ministries Wednesday The U. 6:30pm Sunday Verticle Café 7pm Heritage Fellowship COGROOTS Student Ministry: Wednesdays at 7:00p and Sundays at 9:45a.m. (breakfast provided!) International Worship Center Centro Internacional de Adoración -Youth Ministries Wednesday 7pm Friday 7pm Living Word Church -IGNITE Youth Ministries Wednesday IGNITE U. 7pm Sunday IGNITE Service 6:30pm -Fuel: Ages 18-29 Thursday Nights at 8pm Macedonia Baptist Church -Y4C Youth Group Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Mt. Olive Ministries COG -LH2O

17 GoodNews Christian Magazine

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

North Cleveland COG -“Altitude Middle School Ministires” Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. -“Elevation” Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Parkway Baptist Church -Student Ministries(6-12 grade) Wdnesday at 6:00 p.m

South Cleveland COG -“Fusion” Youth Group Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Westmore COG -The Element Root work Electives Sundays at 6:00 p.m. -The Element Service Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Westwood Baptist Church -“Refuge” Youth Group Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m.

Events In June -Boanerges Baptist Church Cornhole tournament to June 8 at 4p.m.

-Grace-Point 7th annual Green Sock Classic June 23 at 1p Chatata Valley GC

-North Cleveland CoG Parents Night Out June 15 from 6-10p.m. 2013 State Camp Meeting June 18-21 7p.m.


-North Cleveland Baptist Hidden Passages Preschool 4ys-Kindergarten Children 1st-5th June 17-21 9-12p.m. 476-8524 Family Fun Night Friday June 21 at 6:30p.m. -MABC ( Michigan Ave. Baptist Church June 2-6 2741 Benton Pike Ne 37323 Standing Strong in the Battle

for Truth -Ooltewah Baptist June 2-5 6:30-9pm 238-4831 5514 Main Street, Ooltewah 37363 -Fairview Baptist Church 6807 Snowhill Rd Ooltewah 3yr to 8th grade June 2-6 6:45-9p.m. 344-1006/ 790-4357 -Broad Street UMC June 3-7 Everywhere Fun Fair 9-2p.m. Pickup at Unity Center at2pm. 685 Benton Pike Ne 478-1661 -Westmore Church of God June 9-13 6-8p.m. Registration opens at 5pm Sunday the 9th 9-12:30 -First Baptist Cleveland June 10-14 4yr-5th grade Colossal Coaster World 9a.m.-12 -St Therese June 10-June 14 8:45-12:00 Ladd Springs Seventh-Day Adventist Church 5860 Bates Pike Se 37323 476-1889 June 10-14 -Ooltewah UMC Week of July 15th 423-238-9216 -Grace-Point Standing Strong in the Battle for Truth July 14th - 18th 6:00P.M. 8:30P.M. (Ages 4 to 5th grade)

Call to have your CHURCH ACTIVITIES and EVENTS listed for free in our next issue. www.Goodnewscm.com

G ò0 dNews for Women

Lessons from the Sideline By: Ann Gruber


e have just wrapped up another season of middle school soccer and our first season of high school soccer, and we are still in a season of recreational soccer as I finally sit down to write this. Honestly it’s hard to find time to write about being a working mom with kids in sports when you’re busy working and attending sporting events. Some have suggested I tell you about a typical day for me. I have given that a lot of thought, and have come to one conclusion: there is no such thing as a typical day. Every single day has a different schedule and its own set of challenges and triumphs. As a result, I have learned/am learning many lessons through being a soccer and cross country mom. Here are just a few.

First of all, with three kids and working full-time, I can’t, and don’t have to, do it all. My house is never going to be as clean as I would like it to be during soccer season. As frustrating as it is, we do what we can, and the rest will be there when there are no games to be played. As much as I hate it, I can’t even be at every match or meet. I just can’t be in two (or three!) places at once. First Peter 5:5 explains, “All of you should be very humble with each other. ‘God is against the proud, but he gives grace to the humble’” (NCV). So, I have learned to depend on others, and friends or parents of other athletes provide rides in a

18 June 2013

pinch and my husband texts updates from the events he attends. My boys’ schedules take priority over my social and volunteer schedules, so weekly dinners at our home are put on hold, and others are recruited to help facilitate my Wednesday night Bible study. Learning to ask for help is difficult for someone as independent as I am, but it has been very humbling and rewarding.

Secondly, flexibility is key. Since I am unable to control the weather, my husband’s work schedule and the outcome of games, my schedule is a constant work in progress. I deal with this by checking my color-coded online calendar, making plans A, B and C, and waiting for each day to unfold. This resolve to “go with the flow” does not come naturally for my “Type A” personality, but it has been refreshing for me. After all, “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28 (NIV).

Finally, my kids (and the world) are watching me while I’m watching my kids. I recently sat at a middle school soccer game next to a family I have been sharing the sideline with for eight years. I watched the dad offer encouragement to his son on the field, and his words were immediately echoed verbatim by his sweet

five-year-old daughter. This reminded me that I set the example for my children. At another game I sat between two moms who are faithful members of my church. One of their sons has even spent a lot of time in my home. Both of these moms were supporting their sons on the opposing team. This reminded me that I can’t behave any differently on the sideline than I would in the pew. With that in mind, it is clear that sports are a great way to fulfill God’s instructions to parents in Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (NIV): “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Every practice, every game, every out-of-town tournament, every win, every loss, every time they are MVP, every time they sit the bench, is an opportunity to teach our kids the Word of God. Whether it’s our kids, other parents, coaches, referees, or umpires, Billy Graham’s words ring true: “We are the Bibles the world is reading; We are the creeds the world is needing; We are the sermons the world is heeding.”

The Princess Parlor

Etiquette Camp July 15-19 from 10am-1pm Young ladies will learn the basics of etiquette taught in a fun and interactive manner.

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G ò0 dNews for Parents

Who's the Winner? Who's the Loser? By: Craig Thompson www.walkwithgod.com One night in May, my son’s baseball team was playing another team. We had friends over to watch the game. It was a pretty close game. The parents on both sides were cheering their respective teams. There were plenty of close plays and (being Little League) enough errors to wrench the gut of any coach. At the end of the game, however, the score was higher for my son’s team than for our opponents. “Hoorah! We won!” Our company for the evening came back to our home for a visit. In discussing the game, my friend told me that while getting into his car, he happened to see one of the boys from the other team with his father. The father from the other team was yelling and hollering at his son. He was telling him that he didn’t play well, that he didn’t try hard enough. In general, he was reaming him out. Apparently, after they got in the car, the man was waving his arms so much that his son was holding up his arms as if to defend himself. My friend couldn’t tell if the man was actually hitting the boy or just being “violently expressive.” It made my friend angry to see the way this parent treated his child.

20 June 2013

All over a game. Not a World Series Championship at that, but just a normal run-of-the-mill season game. Plenty of those to go around, folks. Oh, did I mention that this was in a seven year old league? The world is full of examples. Some of them are good; some of them are classic bad examples. In the spirit of learning, it is good to occasionally observe a bad example just to keep one’s edge. From my perspective, this father made several grave errors which are worth NOT repeating. First, he forgot the big picture. Spring Little League is not about crushing anyone. It’s about player development. Now, it’s not always apparent by the way the adults act, but it’s still true. One coach told me his perspective a while back: “It doesn’t really count until you step onto a varsity field.” Agree or disagree with that statement, you have to still allow for the general truth that seven year old children shouldn’t be made to feel as if the doom of the universe hangs on their next at bat. Parents who forget the big picture fall into a lot of pits very easily, because they lose sight of the goal: “I want my child to simply get better at something this season.” Does your child bat like a pro? Great. There’s still room for improvement. Ask Michael Jordan when he was in his prime. Does your child always get put in the not-so-admirable positions? He can still learn to play that position WELL. And he can use every opportunity to throw, catch or swing to get a little better. My son got put in the outfield consistently one season. We worked on his throwing arm and his accuracy to get the ball to the right spot. Second, this parent forgot his role: protector. Instead of acting like the big bear of a guy who is willing to tackle the world to rescue his child, he became the aggressor AGAINST his son. It’s hard to find words less painful than “senseless” or “idiotic” to describe this behavior. Maybe he had a bad day. So what? That’s no excuse for taking it out on the seven year old kid. Maybe he’s di-

vorced. So what? That’s no excuse for taking it out Let Johnny and Sally play their own game, make on his son. Maybe he just got laid off and has bills their own mistakes and learn how to play on a team piling up. So what? Keep piling up the excuses, and without you telling them everything that you could do the answer is still the same. “So what?” You’re a par- better. Finally, this parent forgot the second life rule: ent. You’re supposed to protect your children FROM the world. There are plenty of people out there who to love people. Likely his son felt bad enough being on the losing team. His coach are only too eager to make might have already chewed your child feel worthless and out the team. He needed a useless. Don’t let it happen. warm hug and a kind word. I’ve And certainly do NOT be a told my children consistently prime participant in the dethroughout their various sportstruction of your child’s selfing involvements that they have understanding. our love. After this issue ocThird, he gave such a curred, I sat my seven year old fine example of childish beson down and briefly described havior over -- a game? Reto him what my friend had seen. ally? It is a game. Even the I reminded him that at his next World Series at the adult levgame, if he struck out every el is, in the end, no more than time, and if he missed every a game. There are plenty of ball that came to him, and if he people suffering and dying threw a ball so wildly that the every day over real issues. other team won because of his Baseball? Come on. It’s a error, that I would still love him sport. It’s RECREATION. just as much as when he hits It’s supposed to be fun. Parfor a double, throws someone ents have the opportunity to out or makes a clutch play. He teach children how to put reckoned that his coach would their life experiences into the yell at him. Maybe so. But proper categories. When Cleveland that’s a coach’s job, not the parparents blow small things ent’s job. out of proportion, it can only confuse our children -- or I know. It’s easy to say make them bitter. that after they’ve won. But we Fourth, he seems say it after they lose, too. Beto have been guilty of that cause our children are winners old trap of trying to live out a dream through his child. Yeah, I know there are in our eyes. We don’t believe that a game should deplenty of men AND women out there shaking the fine their sense of value or self-understanding. That fences and yelling at umpires because they never belongs to God. got drafted by the Dodgers themselves. “If only I And anyone who doesn’t teach were out there, I’d sure show them.” Well, I suppose that you would, being an adult and them being only their child that is a loser. They’ve lost seven year old kids. But your time is over. This is the plot. And they will lose their child’s June about an opportunity for your child to grow. Butt out. heart. 2013


When Life Gives You Lemons…

Lemon Cake By: Kristy Montgomery


n life, you can’t always change your situation, but you can always change your attitude about your situation”. -Dr Alfred Adler We have all heard the saying, “When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade” (or in this case, Lemon Cake!). I like the sentiment; when you experience difficult things in your life, try to turn them in to something good. But I believe we are called to do even more. In the past, when faced with difficult situations, I often shut down and would get so laden with anxiety that I couldn’t move forward. My reaction would often be a short temper, lots of frustration and a bad

22 June 2013

attitude overall. Negative attitudes affect everyone we come in contact with and my family was living proof. Philippians 2:5 (NIV) says, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus…” Our attitude provides an accurate test for the true condition of our hearts which God cares about because when He has our hearts, we are surrendered to Him. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you won’t face difficult circumstances, it just means you can face them with a new attitude. So next time life hands you a bowl of lemons, give yourself and attitude adjustment and turn them into an amazing triple lemon cake.

G ò0 dNews for Everyone

Ingredients For the batter • 2 1/2 cups cake flour (not self-rising) • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt • 1 stick (1/2 cup) plus 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened • 1 1/4 cups sugar • 3 large eggs • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla • 1 cup milk • 1 1/2 tablespoons freshly grated lemon zest

For lemon curd: • 5 large egg yolks • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice • 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter, softened


whisking, until it reaches boiling point, 5 to 7 minutes (do not let it boil). Strain curd through a fine sieve into a bowl and cool, its surface covered with a plastic wrap. Chill curd, covered at least 4 hours or overnight.

Make the batter: Preheat oven to 350°F. and line a buttered 10-inch round cake pan (at least 2 inches deep) with a round of wax paper. Butter paper and dust pan with flour, knocking out excess.(You can use Bakers Joy spray as well) Into a bowl sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl with an electric mixer cream butter with sugar until light and fluffy and beat in eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition, and vanilla. Add flour mixture and milk alternately in batches, beginning and ending with flour mixture and beating until just combined after each addition, and beat in zest (do not overmix). Pour batter into prepared pan and bake in middle of oven 35 to 40 minutes, or until a tester comes out clean. Cool cake in pan on a rack 5 minutes and invert onto rack. Peel off paper and cool cake completely. For the Lemon Curd: In a small heavy saucepan whisk together yolks and sugar and whisk in lemon juice, butter, and a pinch of salt. Cook mixture over moderately low heat,

For the Lemon Swiss Meringue Buttercream: • Wipe the bowl of an electric mixer with paper towel and lemon juice, to remove any trace of grease. Add egg whites, sugar and salt, and simmer over a pot of water (not boiling), whisking constantly but gently, until temperature reaches 160°F, or if you don’t have a candy thermometer, until the sugar has completely dissolved and the egg whites are hot. • With whisk attachment of mixer, begin to whip until the meringue is thick, glossy, and the bottom of the bowl feels neutral to the touch (this can take up to 10 minutes or so). *Don’t begin adding butter until the bottom of the bowl feels neutral, and not warm. • Switch over to paddle attachment and, with mixer on low speed, add butter cubes, one at a time, until incorporated. Increase mixer speed to medium

For the icing: Lemon Swiss Meringue Buttercream: • 7 egg whites • 1-1/2 cups sugar • Pinch of salt • 2 cups unsalted butter, softened and cut into cubes • 1/4 cup lemon curd • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) pure vanilla extract • Few drops of soft gel paste color, yel low (I used electric yellow) and whip until it has reached a silkyy smooth texture (if curdles, keep mixixing and it will come back to smooth). oth). *If mixture is too runny, refrigerate ate forr about 15 minutes and continuee mixingg with paddle attachment untill it comess together. Add lemon curd and vvanilla, anilla, continuing to beat on medium m speed d until well combined. Add d yellow soft gell paste color until desired d shade sh hade off yellow w is achieved. Assemble cake: With a long serrated knife halve halvve layerr horizontally. Put each 10-inch layer, yer, cutt side up, on a cake plate. Spread about 1 1/2 cups buttercream on top half of 10-inch layer, cut side up, gently spread 1 cup lemon curd over top of buttercream. Make sure lemon curd does not go all the way to the edge of the cake. Invert bottom half of 10-inch layer, cut side down, on top of lemon curd and gently press layers together to form an even tier. Frost top and sides smoothly with some remaining buttercream. Chill cake up to 1 day. Let cake come to room temperature before serving.

23 June 2013


Things To Do This Summer By Rev. Rusty Asble Taking Faith To The Field

As a kid, I do not believe we ever used the words “I’m Bored” during the summer. There was always something to do. If we didn’t find something to do someone else would. So we kept pretty busy all the time. If times got slow, we created something to do and the adventure would began again.

checklist ☐1. ☐2.

Go fishing Take a tour of a local business

☐3. Explore a creek ☐4. Camp out in a tent ☐5. Help a neighbor ☐6. Attend a Vacation Bible School

☐7. Show kindness and

politeness to everyone

☐8. Visit the library ☐9. Learn a new skill ☐10. Draw pictures and take

them to a nursing home

☐11. Make a tire swing ☐12. Do a 100, 250, 500, 1000 piece puzzle

☐ 13. Make popsicles ☐ 26. Make your own neighbor hood newspaper ☐ 14. Make up a new game ☐ 27. Learn to tie knots ☐ 15. Make up a song ☐ 28. Go to a drive-in movie ☐ 16. Get an ice cream or make ☐ 29. Make a treasure map it yourself. ☐ 30. Write a story ☐ 17. Have a picnic ☐ 18. Watch the stars at night ☐ 31. Play catch ☐ 19. Decorate the sidewalks ☐ 32. Do a good deed for someone with chalk ☐ 33. Finger paint ☐ 20. Cook dinner with help ☐ 34. Lay on your back and ☐ 21. Visit your city/county leaders watch the clouds ☐ 22. Create with play dough ☐ 35. Bike a community trail ☐ 36. Do a tie-dye shirt ☐ 23. Play in the mud ☐ 24. Make flagpole and fly the ☐ 37. Build a fort American flag ☐ 38. Pick up trash along side ☐ 25. Learn to swim or swim better the road

☐39. Participate in a sport camp ☐40. Plant flowers for someone ☐41. Make a giant slip-n’-slide ☐42. Begin to learn a new language

☐43. Go to youth camp ☐44. Wash the neighborhood dogs

☐45. Try geocaching ☐46. Make glow-goo ☐47. Have a garage sale ☐48. Blow chewing gum bubbles ☐49. Sell lemonade ☐50. Shoot baskets ☐51. Make an inside tent over the furniture

☐52. Go to a bargain movie ☐53. Have a cookout ☐54. Visit the fire station ☐55. Watch an ant pile ☐56. Throw and kick a football ☐57. Skip rocks ☐58. Make new friends ☐59. Learn archery ☐60. Learn to build a fire ☐61. Play a board game ☐62. Create and bury a time capsule

☐63. Learn a magic trick ☐64. Learn to throw the Frisbee ☐65. Hunt for a four-leaf clover ☐66. Play flashlight tag ☐67. Plant a garden ☐68. Volunteer ☐69. Make giant bubbles ☐70. Jump ramps with your bike ☐71. Go swimming ☐72. Walk a public park ☐73. Play an outdoor game ☐74. Eat a watermelon ☐75. Climb a tree ☐76. Talk with and feed a home less person

☐88. Identify tree types and trace leaves

☐89. Learn tennis ☐90. Make a slingshot ☐91. Make and fly a miniature parachute

☐92. Learn CPR ☐93. Collect and recycle aluminum cans

☐94. Memorize scripture ☐95. Learn to clean a fish ☐96. Create a play ☐97. Chase butterflies ☐98. Make an ‘I can help’ chore jar

☐99. Play hide and seek

☐77. Play in the rain ☐ ☐78. Read ☐79. Catch lighting bugs Go to Church as a family ☐80. Fly a kite ☐81. Read your Bible out loud May your summer be fun ☐82. Play at the playground and safe as you ☐83. Have a pick up game of… enjoy the adventure of ☐84. Learn a card game Taking Faith To The Field . ☐85. Make a dessert ☐86. Write encourage cards to


your pastor

☐87. Visit the police station

G ò0 dNews for Health &

Weight Loss A Step at a Time


By: Pastor Zona Hayes-Morrow New Life Bible Church


f you want to get the most out of weight loss, you need to pay attention to your diet. You can pump

Starchy Carbs You need to eat your starchy carbs, before 3 pm. When you eat them

up your weight loss and live longer by following earlier in the day, you get all of the energy you need to stay active through out the day but you still have plenty of time to burn them

my advice. You’ve got to aim for a healthy weight. As off so they won’t get stored as fat. Then eat, fibrous carbs, such as we age, we need fewer calories and weight can creep up on us increasing our risk for heart disease, diabetes and other conditions. You have to be physically active each day. You can’t separate eating (calories in) from activities

vegetables, in the evening. Vegetables are lower in calories and they help move things through your system. • • • • •

pasta bread rice cereals beans

(calories out). You have to eat a variety of whole grains every day. People need 3 servings every day of whole grains. This lowers their risk of heart disease and diabetes. You also have to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables every day, especially fresh fruit and vegetables. You need to choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat. You need to choose food and beverages that are moderate in sugars. More and more of our calories are coming from sugar, especially in soft drinks. And these drinks don’t provide any nutrition at all. You have to choose and prepare foods with less salt so you can reduce your sodium. We need to use less salt in our daily lives but especially as we age, we never need to pick up the salt shaker. Reducing sodium, eating more fruits and vegetables, and eating low-fat dairy products are good ways to control your blood pressure. And by losing weight you are helping to control your blood pressure.

Hidden Calories You need to look and research the foods that you eat. You would be surprised at all of the hidden calories. For instance, your morning latte. You might not think that it is that bad, but most of them have 500 calories. I would recommend that you save your money and save the calories by passing on all of these designer drinks. Just have a regular coffee with a shot of vanilla or caramel in it. Some other hidden calories are all of the salad and sandwich addins. Cheese, mayo, creamy dressings, and bacon bits may not be much on their own, but if you add just a little bit of each of them together, and next thing you know you have 400 extra calories and about 40 extra grams of fat. You can add flavor with other things like mustard, pickles, onions, lettuce, tomato and other veggies.

Keep Tabs 26 June 2013

Research has shown that if you can keep tabs on your weight, it is easier to shed pounds and keeping it off. By monitoring the scale, you can quickly see what is working and what isn’t working. Just take it a step at a time. Even just a few little changes can make the difference in losing those last 10 pounds.




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G ò0 dNews for Teens

Christian Torbett By: David Thompson


o you want to know a good formula for getting a full ride to a Division I school? Start with your God-given talent, apply dedication, throw in some sacrifice, add in time each day with God, and then cover it with a large scoop of humility. That is the path that Christian Torbett has taken, and Christian swims for Walker Valley High School and has been offered a scholarship to attend UTK this fall. Despite all of the success, he knows exactly who to thank for it: "The most important thing to remember is to stay humble and to just always be thankful." Christian started playing soccer at age four, but according to him, "I spent more time kicking the dirt than kicking the ball." He gave baseball and football a shot, but he hated being hot all the time, and he wanted to try something a bit more individualistic. In 2003, while he was in the third grade, a friend invited Christian to start swimming. As soon as he tried it, he knew that it was his sport; at the end of that year, he was given the "most improved" award. He credits a lot of his initial enthusiasm to his coach that year, who made his first experience a good one. As he got older, Christian joined the "water dogs" program, a fairly large, diverse swimming program for kids to learn how to swim. He also joined their mentor program, which was a great way to use his talents and skills to help train new athletes. Christian started high school swimming for Cleveland, because his high school had no swim team. However, that door closed after his sophomore year. Instead of giving up, though, Christian helped to start a swim program at Walker Valley his junior year. That year, they didn't even have a coach for the team. Despite this, he still swam in the 100 breaststroke, the 100 butterfly, and the 100 IM, and began to garner attention from outside the school. His senior year, Christian focused on academics more than on extracurricular activities, but he continued to log large amounts of time in the pool. He says that the toughest part of swimming was staying with it, and dragging himself out of bed every morning, but the dedication has paid off. His goal is to major in architectural June design at Tennessee on his acadmeic scholarship,

28 2013

but the rest of his life is blurry. Although he will not be swimming on the varsity level at UTK he hopes to continue his hard work and earn a spot on the varsity team. "I would love to make the Olympic trials for Rio. It would take a lot of work, but it would definitely be a blessing from God." Christian firmly believes that his whole life has been a blessing from God, and that is why he always tries to spend some "quiet time" with God at least once each day, as a way to remember who gave him his talent, good teammates, and great coaches. He stays motivated by reminding himself that God gave him a talent, and to waste it would be to squander God's gift, something that he certainly doesn't want to happen. That applies to all of his talents as well, which include mountain biking, cross country running, and participating in triathlons. He has also become an accomplished photographer, winning state in the Skills USA photography division his senior year, and moving on to the national level. Christian has a love for swimming, to be sure, but he also has a heart for ministry and serving. That is one of the reasons why he became a water dog mentor in the first place: to help kids and to witness to them through his good attitude and humble spirit. As he gets older, Christian is constantly praying and seeking direction, and he believes that God has him right where he is supposed to be, because of the many doors that he has seen opened throughout his life. Some of the ways that he gives back to God is by being a good sport and keeping himself nonjudgemental of others, as well as being a Christ-like example to other swimmers. When I talked to Christian, I was immediately struck by his emphasis on humility and living a good life. In a world filled with big shots and arrogant stars, Christian truly lives up to his name with his Christ-like attitude, and God is rewarding him for it. He may end up in the Olympics in three years, he may not. Either way, this is one athlete who knows who holds his future, and is living to serve. And that is something that's more important than all of the scholarships in the world.You can see christian in the water still this summer swimming for Mosby Park Water Dogs. See You at the Pool!!!!!!!

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Ooltewah, Collegedale, & McDonald Church Directory Baptist Christ Way Community Church 6201 Mountain View Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-7677 Cross Roads Baptist Church 9122 Ooltewah Georgetown Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 344-2371 Eastwood Baptist Church 4300 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 396-2177 Hilltop Baptist Church 8900 Bill Reed Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 499-6120 Honestville Baptist Church 8526 Ooltewah Harrison Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-3705 Fairview Baptist Church 6807 Snow Hill Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-9910 First Baptist Church 5425 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-5743 Greenwood Baptist Church 8529 Snow Hill Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 344-8566 Old Rugged Cross Baptist Church 8900 Bill Reed Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 499-6120 Ooltewah Baptist Church Pastor Chris Gaither 5514 Main st, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423)238-4831 or www.ooltewahbaptist.org Pathway Baptist Church 9754 E Brainerd Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 892-8121

June 2013

Pine Ridge Baptist Church 9109 Pine Ridge Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 855-0752 Providence Baptist Church 8523 Providence Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-4363 Savannah Bay Baptist Church 8018 Ooltewah Georgetown Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-9497 St Peter Missionary Baptist Church 8120 Old Cleveland Pike, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 892-2533 Straightway Church of Ooltewah 10301 Lee Hwy, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-7792

Church of Christ Ooltewah Church of Christ 3206 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 499-8080

Church of God

Ooltewah Church Of God 9320 Lee Hwy, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-3728 Redemption Point Church 3831 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 855-7321


Mountain View Christian Church 9118 Snow Hill Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 344-7849



Lighthouse United Methodist Church

9125 Snow Hill Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 344-4399 Ooltewah United Methodist Church

Pastor Richard Edwards 6131 Relocation Way, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-9216


Eastwood Church 4300 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 396-2177

Seventh-Day Adventist

Collegedale Community Church 4995 Swinyar Dr, Collegedale, TN 37315 (423) 396-5464 Korean Seventh Day Adventist 4717 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 396-2242 Seventh-Day Adventist Church 9209 Amos Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 238-4619

FREE Add/Update Church Directory Listings Today!

Resurrection Lutheran Church 4309 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd, Ooltewah, TN 37363 (423) 396-3497 30

Ooltewah, Collegedale, & McDonald Activities & Events 423-503-1410 - Goodnewstn@gmail.com Help us get our communities connected. We offer Free Church listings of all weekly and monthly activities and events. Contact GoodNews to list your Weekly Schedule for: -Prayer Groups -Cell Groups -Youth Groups -Seniors Classes -Men’s & Women’s Groups -Children’s Classes for Wed. & Sun Evening. And anything else you have during the week.

31 GoodNews Christian Magazine

Special Events: Please submit events for May by April 15th. -Mother’s day -Cook Outs -Concerts -Fundraisers And anything else you have during the week.


G ò0 dNews for the Outdoors

Why Should You Go Whitewater Rafting?

Tennessee Whitewater Rafting RAFTING TRIPS ON THE OCOEE RIVER Sure, you like a good adventure as much as anyone else. But why go white water rafting in Tennessee? Wouldn’t you have as much fun at the beach? Well, you might, but there are so many more things you can get out of whitewater rafting. Here are a few examples:

Adrenaline – River rafting is a lot like riding roller coasters all day long at an amusement park, only without the annoying lines. You have the chance to go through class III & IV rapids, an experience that will keep you talking for Years.

Nature – Whitewater rafting gets you out into the wilderness, which is increasingly hard to do these days. It’s just you, your group, your guide and the raft, out there on the river. You’ll have a good chance of seeing Gods beautiful creation, along the way.

Teamwork– River rafting requires that everyone work together to keep the raft going where you want it. White water rafting in Tennessee is a great way to bond with your family or friends and will give you something to brag about, afterwards. This is a great time for youth groups to have an experience of a life time.

Strength – You don’t have to be super strong, but you will get a chance to see how far you can push yourself. You will also get to test your reaction time in a safe environment. And don’t worry: your whitewater rafting guides are there to look out for you. June Anyone can do this! 2013


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G ò0 dNews for Everyone

“Jesus Did The Dirty Jobs” By: Pastor Chris Knipp Westmore Church of God Childrens Pastor Recently someone asked me, "Could you imagine the King of Kings washing your feet?" That is something to think about isn't it? Especially when you consider the context of feet washing in their day. It was one of the most menial tasks for the servant who got all the jobs no one else wanted to do. People's main mode of travel was walking. Some would have donkeys, camels or horses, but most could not afford them, so they walked. They did not have nice paved sidewalks to walk along; it was dry dusty roads often covered by dung from the wealthier travelers' donkeys, camels and horses. The nasty dust and dirt from the roads would cling to the sweaty feet of the travelers. Keep in mind that they did not wear Nike shoes with comfy socks to absorb the sweat. It was so important to have their feet washed. Especially as you consider how they sat for dinner. They did not sit at dinner tables with high chairs like we have today. They would sit on the floor at lower tables so their feet would be right next to the guest next to them. How nasty that would be to not have your feet washed. This is the context and setting when Jesus, the King of Kings, took the opportunity to show his disciples the heart of a true servant. How powerfully humbling that would have been. Smelling the nasty sweaty feet as you sat down to eat dinner and knowing that you were too prideful to humble your-

34 June 2013

self to serve. And then Jesus, the King of Kings, washing their feet one by one. Wow! Jesus was secure enough to serve. It says in John 13:3-5, "Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him." Jesus was secure enough in his identity to stoop down and do the most menial task, wash feet. When we think about the “dirty” jobs or jobs we feel are not important what comes to mind? Serving in the nursery or preschool at church? Volunteering to show up to property workday or work all week at Vacation Bible School? Cleaning the restrooms? How about the “dirty jobs” at home? Loving your wife by cleaning the bathroom or doing the dishes? Helping your son or daughter with that art project? Taking out the trash without being reminded too? We need to follow in Christ's footsteps and know who we are in him and commit to a lifestyle of servant hood. Those who desire to be great in the kingdom of God will voluntarily choose to be a servant and will look out for the interest of others. Many of us say we want to be like Jesus. However, when we say this, do we have in mind that Jesus did the dirty jobs?

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1. Observe yourself in the mirror & check your knees. Are they even, or is one higher, lower, or rolled inward or out? 2. While seated, bend & straighten each leg know as far as you can. Can you move both sides evenly? 3. Do the balance test. Stand on one leg at a time with eyes open, then closed. Can you keep your balance on each leg for at least 10 seconds without putting your foot down? 4. Do the squat test. You should be able to reach a full, parallel squat with your butt over the heels, toes straight ahead & heels down.

ResultsKnee Height Higher Lower Inward Outward

Right ________ ________ ________ ________

Left ________ ________ ________ ________

Bend & Straighten Higher Lower

________ ________

________ ________

Balance Test Eyes Open Eyes Closed

________ ________

________ ________

Squat Test Higher Lower

________ ________

________ ________

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, misdiagnosis or mismanagement of damage to the supporting structures of the knee may lead to knee instability, degenerative joint disease, and/or loss of knee function, including but not limited to, inability to bear weight or ambulate.


Anthony Burger

June 2013

Cleveland’s Own Anthony Burger His Music & Ministry Lives On Today By Tom & Sandra Rowland “I am a simple man with a majestic instrument and the power of God behind me,” Anthony Burger


nthony Burger was born in Cleveland, TN on June 5, 1961 to Richard and Jean Burger . He was born into a family of talented musicians. His mother and father sang in a gospel quartet. His dad played piano and owned and operated a music store. The store would later be operated by their other sons Randy and Clinton. The Burger family has quite a story to tell about their young son Anthony and his rise to fame in the gospel music industry. It began at the age of age of 3, when little Anthony returned home from church with his parents, sat down at the piano and played a song that he’d heard at church that day. It was his first song: “The Old Rugged Cross.” At the age of five, he was the youngest student ever accepted into the Chattanooga Cadek Conservatoy. He went on at the age of 17 to become pianist for a popular gospel quartet, The Kingsmen, and from 1980 til 1989 consistently was named one of the nation’s top gospel pianists. In fact, he earned the award so many times, it eventually became known as The Anthony Burger Award given annually by the publication: “The Singing News.” To hear Anthony play, you know instantly that he played from his heart and that he was playing as a form of praise to His Creator. His career was indeed a part of God’s Plan. When he was 8 months old, doctors said Anthony’s little hands would never play a musical instrument. He had topped his tiny walker onto a hot floor furnace grate and received third degree burns to his hands, legs and face. The prognosis was grim. His mother carried him on a pillow for over a year. She bathed his burns in medicated baths three times a day. And the rest is history….. God ‘s plan for those tiny little burned hands at the age of 8 months old, evolved into a 25+ year career , traveling around the world and winning every award imaginable in the gospel music arena. Gospel music was a way of life for Anthony. He loved every minute he was at the piano. A live performance called The Master Piece was recorded in his hometown Cleveland and featured Danny Murray and The Voices of Lee. We were honored to be front and center at this special taping and in fact took part as we took part in a special surprise ceremony to honor Anthony for 25 years in gospel music. He loved to tell others the story of how he played piano “live” on the radio as a young child as we stayed up around the clock raising money for the fight against birth defects and The March of Dimes. He never forgot his hometown. He had a tremendous career and ministry in gospel music from the age of 17 until tragedy struck. In 2006, at the age of 44, he died suddenly of a heart attack, while aboard a cruise ship in the Atlantic Ocean. He was traveling with the Bill Gaither organization and had just performed the song: “We Shall Behold Him,” . Then he looked up from his piano keyboard and died right before the eyes of his traveling gospel music associates and the many fans who were onboard the cruise ship. The news of his death stunned his fans around the world and it left a void in the gospel music industry. Throughout his 25+ year career, Anthony earned awards from numerous organizations and traveled around the world as part of the famous series of Bill Gaither Music Videos . Traveling nationally and internationally, this young man shared a musical gift with his piano talents. He performed at The White House, for Billy Graham Crusades, for the World’s Fair in Knoxville to name only a few. His lovely wife LuAnn has kept his legacy alive through Anthony Burger Productions and the website: anthonyburger.com. She continues to offer his music and keeps fans and friends advised of Anthony’s family, his sons AJ, Austin and their daughter LuAnn, herself a singer. Anthony’s father Richard died a few years ago and mother Jean, and his brothers Randy and Clinton continue to live in the Cleveland area. His music will never ever die. Throughout our home and in our vehicles, we have Anthony’s music. We have his music videos and often sit down to watch and listen to this miraculous young man whom we loved and cherished. He was a prime example of what God can do in the life of a child and how he can turn tragedy into triumph to those who are faithful and believe in Him. Anthony’s life could easily be summed up with a quote that he himself once stated, "I am a simple man, with a majestic instrument and the power of God behind me." Rest in peace sweet Anthony. Your continue to minister to us through your life story and the music you left behind,

37 June 2013

G ò0 dNews for Seniors

Lesson Learned By: Esmerelda Lee

I recently read an article in the Harv Harvard Gazette passed to me by a good friend. The article showcased a book by Karl Pillemer entitled 30 Lessons for Living: Tried and True from the Wisest Americans. Mr. Pillemer, the director of the Cornell Institute for Translation Research on Aging, had spent years working in areas involving chronic pain, elder abuse, dementia and problems of family care giving. “I got to a point in this revelation that it seemed I was writing the “Book of Job” for old people”, he said. Karl Pillemer, finally realized that older people may not be able to show you how to program your DVR, but they are our most credible source of information on how to live through hard times. The article points out that most older adults, have lived through the Great Depression, poverty, tragedy, and loss. One of the greatest lessons depicted in the book by several “wise people” included just three simple words. “Life is short”. A 99 year old woman stated, “it passes in a nanosecond.” Based on the acute awareness of the shortness of life this is some of the advice these wise pilgrims gave:

38 June 2013

• Choose work that brings you fulfillment and enjoyment. Choose work that you love! • Don’t spend too much time worrying. People spend too much time worrying about things they cannot control. It’s time that is wasted. • Treat your body like you are going to need it for 100 years. If we continue to live unhealthy lifestyles we could be sentencing ourselves to 20 or 30 years of chronic illness. There is a reason why people encourage their children to eat their vegetables, go to bed early, and not to smoke. • Choose to be happy. Many of older adults, if they live long enough face grief and loss, yet some of the wisest people have chosen to focus on their future, on the people that are actually with them, and not on their loss. They chose to be happy despite their circumstance.

Every day, we are surrounded by people filled with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. These people have had long lasting relationships, have raised their children with strong values, and have maintained successful businesses and homes. We very often look at older adults as a responsibility, people that contribute little to society, and are possibly a burden to our countries failing financial future. However, countries that are rich in knowledge and finances have learned that in order to move forward, we have to learn from our past. Older adults are our link to the past, and they can positively affect our future if we could just slow down and listen. They are not just our heritage, but our secret weapon to looking ahead. Every afternoon, my mother-in-law, Glenna Lee, travels across town to work with her grandchildren on piano and violin lessons. There are many days that my boys would rather go outside and throw a football rather than sit still and practice their music. However, I have realized that in these precious moments, they are not just learning music, they are learning dedication, determined focus, and unfailing love. But, the choice is theirs. They can refuse to listen to their sweet grandmother, or they can learn from her remarkable faith and character. The education we can glean from our “wise people” cannot always be found in a book or in school. Let us not miss out on a great opportunity to educate ourselves and the people we love by the “masters and mistresses of resilience.”

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G ò0 dNews for Everyone

One Thing I Do Know… By: Gayle Cobb …I don’t know. The one thing I do know is that I was blind but now I see. This Bible quote from John 9:25 (NIV) rings true for my family today. There are so many things in life we just don’t know. We’ll never know why one is healed and one is not… why one life is rescued and one ends. Questions without answers; puzzling, senseless things that happen with no logical cause or answer. In February of 2007 I received a call from my mother asking if I’d read a distressing e-mail from my twin sister who lived in the Atlanta area. I had not. She continued by telling me my, then, six-year-old niece, Megan, had been diagnosed with a liver disease called Primary Schlerosing Cholangitis. We came to learn this was a death sentence unless God miraculously healed her or she got in bad enough shape to be eligible for a liver transplant. The process of fasting and prayer by family and friends pleading with God to heal this little girl began. Megan’s parents, John and Lynn Sims, are faithful believers who know God is who He says He is, and can do what He says He can do. During this journey they would stand in faith while their knees wanted to buckle at dismal blood work results. They would continue to hope while their bodies wanted to collapse in the weariness of witnessing all the complications that accompany this disease. By the summer of 2012, among other things, Megan was having regular intervals of yellowing skin and eyes. These were both signs that her liver was fighting to detoxify her body but failing in its efforts. While compensating for the failing liver, Megan’s spleen, which would normally occupy the upper left quadrant of her abdomen, had now become so enlarged it occupied the entire left side of her torso. During the third week of March, Megan spent three days undergoing a plethora of tests to see if she was eligible to be placed on a transplant list. She “passed.” My sister and her husband were reminded that it might be the end of the month before Megan could actually

be placed on this list. They received a call on Wednesday, April 10 to come to the hospital the following day for more blood work. This would begin a whirlwind of events beginning with Megan being placed on the list when they left the hospital that Thursday. The transplant coordinator told them to be prepared for a wait of 2 months to two years for an organ. At some point they would receive a pager from the hospital and be restricted to always stay within 4 hours from the hospital. They went home to wait. John and Lynn had already begun praying for the donor and their family when they realized a transplant might be their reality. These prayers continued. Three days later, just before midnight, the transplant coordinator called the Sims’ house to inform them there was a liver available for Megan. They would need to be at the hospital in two hours. Most of the extended family arrived at the hospital just after lunch on Monday and spent the day in the cafeteria with John and Lynn, Mary (Megan’s 13 year old sister) and Megan. At 12:45 a.m. Megan was rolled away into surgery. Nearly eight hours later on that Tuesday morning she was out of surgery. Expecting to be hospitalized from two weeks to a month, she would be in ICU less than 48 hours and leaving the hospital only eight days after being admitted. Now at home, all the complications from a failing liver are gone. Aside from recovering from a major surgery and learning how to live with a donated organ, Megan is whole. It’s odd to think any questions could arise on the heels of these miraculous events. But they do. I don’t know why God didn’t just miraculously heal Megan’s liver at the onset of this. Why did it ever have to happen in the first place? Why did it take the loss of another to allow her to live? Why? I can speculate with some human logic and feel almost content for a moment thinking I have answers. But in the words of the blind man, “I don’t know. But there is one thing I do know… after six long years Megan was dying, but now she lives.” Glory be to God!!

John 9:25 New International Version (NIV)

40 June 2013

25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”


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Christian Magazine

Writer Guidelines: Write Who: Our writers range from pastors, professors, and professional writers to stay at home moms and dads, business professionals, and others who have a desire to reach out to people through words of encouragement.

Mission Statement: We believe when people are equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faith in Jesus Christ they have the potential to be world changers. Our mission is to bring people into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ—a relationship that empowers them to see how God can work through individual personalities, situations, and talents. Christ was an activist, he did not neglect the needs of the people as He brought His message. We strive to encourage everyone to look more like Christ by reaching outside of themselves to serve the needs of others—at home, at school, in communities, and across the world

42 June 2013

What: We believe that it is important to laugh together, praise each other, encourage one another, and to offer biblical advice. Articles can be directed toward everyone, or from woman to woman, or man to man. We love to share recipes and family traditions as well. We ask that articles be kept to a 500 word minimum. We’d love to hear from you! Where: Please send submissions to goodnewstn@gmail.com Why: Because God has not intended for us to just survive. We believe that we are intended to reach out to love and encourage each other. God has brought each of us through tough times, blessed us, and made the “impossible” possible. Let’s, together, share the love of Jesus Christ.

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G ò0 dNews for Everyone

Leaving It at the Door By:Gail Lemmert, M.A., NCC


e hear a lot about “burn out”; in the work place, in marriages, in parenting, and particularly with those that constantly work with people. When we give of ourselves emotionally day after day to others, it can become exhausting; mentally, physically, even spiritually. Burn out is defined in a number of ways, i.e.; to be reduced to nothing, to stop working, to become exhausted by stress or work, to wear out., even to destroy. Those is ministry or those serving people; pastors, counselors, social workers, nurses, and many other occupations may suffer burn out at times in their career or calling. What are some practical and helpful ways to reduce stress and the feelings of burn out for all of us that love people and know that we are called to serve? Let’s consider three areas separately.

on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” Mother Teresa has written much on prayer. She says, “Prayer gives strength__it sustains, helps, and gives us all the joy to carry out what we need to do. We begin the day with prayer and we end the day with adoration.” Another quote says, “Prayer feeds the soul__as blood is to the body, prayer is to the soul__and it brings you closer to God. It gives you a clean and pure heart.” The spiritual disciplines of reading the Word, prayer, fasting, solitude, study, and meditation, repentance, confession, submission, and worship are all necessary for healthy spiritual well being. And when we walk away or out of our office, we leave our concerns “at the door” for that day.


Taking care of ourselves physically requires making choices and practicing discipline. Dr. David Burns in his book, Feeling Good, suggests taking control and using wise choices in three areas:

1. Exercise 2. Diet 3. Rest


The Scriptures remind us that our strength comes from God. I Cor. 1:25 says, “For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.” II Cor. 12:9 says, “But He said to me, 9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecution, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” The Scriptures speak of rest, taking a sabbath, and being at peace. Psalm 23 says we lie down “in green pastures, are lead beside still or quiet waters and He restores our soul.” God rested from His work according to Gen. 2:2-3 We are instructed to “be still and know that He is God. Psalm 46:10 Spiritual strength and renewal comes from spending time in the Word and in prayer. It is the food for our spirit and spiritual soul. Scriptures in Deut. 8:3, Matt 4:4, and Luke 4:4 says, “Man does not live June

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Our physical bodies are made to move so exercise like walking, running, and playing sports keep us in better health, as well as in better shape. Exercise also carries endorphins or serotonin in the blood to the brain that strengthens our mental-emotional well being. Exercising three times a week for thirty minutes is recommended for good physical and mental health. Eating healthy benefits us physically and emotionally. Most Americans do not get the needed amounts of vegetables and fruits in our daily diet. We often know what we need to eat, but convenience and busyness hinder us from eating like we know we should. If we believe our body is the temple of the Holy Sprit then we are to be good stewards of the body and attempt to eat healthily. As busy as we are as pastors and leaders, we must get adequate rest. Some research suggests that Americans are sleep deprived because we continue to lead such active lives too many hours each day. We need 7 to 8 hours of rest each night in order to be rested for the next day. These are practical suggestions for each of us to make the wise choices needed to be useful in the work of the Kingdom. And when we walk away from the church or the office, we must leave the concerns of the day “at the door.”


As spiritual caregivers we are responsible for getting our emotional needs met through our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationships met through family and friends. The people we are discipling, mentoring, and caring for may not be emotionally able to give back to us. We may learn from them, but we need others that can pour into us the encouragement and challenging words to help us grow and mature in our relationships with God and others. We are not the Messiah, we can only do what we can do, then we must walk away seeking our own health and well being by leaving the rest up to the intervention of God and His Holy Spirit, knowing He is at work in the lives of all His children. Phil.1:6 Finding that balance is not always easy, but we must learn to leave some things

“at the door.”

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Shoulder & Hip Height Higher Lower Forward Backward

Right ________ ________ ________ ________

Left ________ ________ ________ ________

Bend & Extend Higher Lower

________ ________

________ ________

Twist your Back Further Restricted

________ ________

________ ________

Move your Head Further Restricted

________ ________

________ ________

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G ò0 dNews for Everyone

The Miraculous Handy Work of God

lloway o H . E ck a J : By


any of you are familiar with my critical physical condition of the past several years which seem to worsen in the last few months until the Doctors had given me only a few short months or even weeks to survive. I, myself, had reached the point I had in my daily devotion asked God to give me complete deliverance or allow me to depart this life and to be with Him and my departed loved ones forever. In either case to give me a few days or weeks of good health with health to breath and to finish a few personal projects I needed taken care of and to attend and enjoy church again as before. Following is a sort explanation of Gods Miraculous work in my life…. A few days prior to Friday May 3rd in my daily devotion and at seemingly the very weakest physical state of my life my petition to God went something like this, “If complete healing is not in your plan for me at this time I ask you for a few days of good health as in years past to enjoy family, church and friends then I am more than wiling to accept your plan for me with fullness of joy, but I have no desire to continue living in such an unfruitful and non-productive life at church or with family and friends. Several friends and church family began visiting me. On Friday May 3rd around 10:30 AM, Home Health Care (Hospice) sent two retired veterans, l Navy and 1 Marine to visit me as a veteran and presented me with gifts and most importantly prayers during their visitation. I accepted all with much appreciation but seemingly no big change in my physical feeling. Also that Friday June

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around 3:00 PM Brother Mark Williams, a former Pastor and now the General Overseer of the International Church of God, called he had heard of my worsened physical condition and asked if I felt like having visitors, he wanted to come and have prayer with me. He came for a great visit, read scripture had a good prayer. I felt much better and honored for his visit but no particular serge of instant healing but I sensed there was a purpose in all the activity shown toward me. Sunday, May 5h was scheduled as “PASTOR APPRECIATION DAY” at South Cleveland Church of God but seemingly God had other plans, instead of the usual planned programs for the SPECIAL day where all is centered around the Pastor, a visiting speaker was to speak. Instead of the usual program Pastor Moody took charge under the direction and anointing of the Holy Spirit turned the service into an anointed “SINGSPIRATION” during which time he felt inspired to have prayer for three people in the congregation, I was previledged to be one of those three. I very definitely felt the presence of the Lord throughout the service but still no feeling of instant serge of the expected healing. Then when least expected Monday morning May 6th I awoke as usual around 6:30/7:30 AM. Usually I would be so weak I could hardly get out of bed, could hardly get a deep breath, had no appetite to eat at all, could hardly brush my teeth and could not finish dressing without pausing several times to rest. At time had almost completely lost my voice. BUT THE MORENING OF MAY 6th, 2013 came and ALL THINGS BECAME

NEW. I awoke with great strength as never before imagined, could breathe with ease and depth. The entire house seem to burst forth with new life, new energy and expectation. Each step was taken with PRAISE… just UNBELIEVABLE! As I made my way thru the house every step in every room to be renewed with energy. I felt GOD’S presence in an UNEXPLAINABLE way. Even the birds this day seem to burst forth with a new song around their feeders as I watched and felt the wonders of Gods grace and mercy unfold. I could hardly wait to have breakfast myself which I had not felt in months. There is absolutely no way to explain this Miraculous transition I felt in a matter of hours but THANK GOD IT’S REAL. My speaking had remarkably improved. I could not wait to spread the good news to my family and fiends who had so faithfully been praying for me. If you need a miracle from God, don’t give up it can come at the least expected time. I have heard of great miracles, I have seen great miracles and now, THANK GOD, I can tell you without a shadow of doubt I have experienced his miraculous WONDER WORKING POWER. Whether my healing is for a “Long Term” or “Short Term” doesn’t really matter, I accept his plan for my life with appreciation and expectation. God knows for sure what’s best for us all and he knows what’s in store for us today, tomorrow and always and if we accept it we can know everything will turn out OK. Just remember, God’s time and his plan is not always the same as ours.


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