2 minute read

Receiving the Gift

Gò0dNews for Kids

Receiving the Gift


by Danny Hesterly

Christmas is all about receiving. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,” (Isaiah 9:6, NIV).

I was at a coffee shop with one of my best friends last week talking about Christmas (the best time of year). I said to him, “You know, Christmas is all about receiving.” He didn’t wait a second to say, “Dude, you’re crazy!” Maybe my understanding of the Bible is a little different, but if you take a moment and look at the passage in Isaiah 9:6, the writer tells us that “a son is given.” So, here’s my big brain thought: since God is the great gift giver, we have the wonderful opportunity to receive this gift.

My favorite thing about Christmas is watching people open up presents that I have given them. Do you want to know a secret? For years I have used my birthday money to buy presents for my family and friends (my birthday is ten days before Christmas). You see, every gift is intentional and guaranteed to bring anyone joy.

Think about this: when the angel brought the greatest news ever to Mary, and told her that this baby boy would save the world from their sins—this baby boy is Emmanuel (which means “God with us”)—and that this baby boy would be the fulfillment of all of God’s promises…what!?! Sidenote: yes, I have been listening to “Mary, Did You Know?” by Pentatonix. You see, God was giving this little family the greatest gift in history. All Mary and Joseph needed to do was receive this wonderful news. Look how Mary responds to the angel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true,” (Luke 1:38, NLT).

Mary received this wonderful gift from God with a big, open heart.

Both of my kiddos—one is twelve and the other is ten—have said yes to Jesus being the leader of their lives! I’m a very happy dad. You see, once we receive God’s wonderful gift of Jesus, God doesn’t stop there. Since God is the great gift giver, He continues to give us love, joy and peace. And as my two kiddos grow in wisdom, I get a front row seat to watch these wonderful gifts be unwrapped in their lives every day. This is the best time of the year! Christmas lights hanging from houses, hot cocoa with tiny marshmallows floating on top, and peppermint sticks, but the music is the most special of them all. All of these songs and carols pointing to this one amazing moment in history— the birth of Jesus. You can hear these songs played on the radio, in restaurants, in your home, and I’m pretty sure in candy stores. You see, God’s great gift is being shared all over the world. That’s amazing!

Christmas is truly about receiving this great, wonderful gift from God—His son Jesus. Because we receive this gift of love from God, we can share this wonderful Christmas gift to the world.

About The Author Danny Hesterly lives in Chattanooga, TN where he spends most of his days in coffee shops helping others discover their part in God’s amazing story. Danny has two children (12, 10) and has been married to his lovely bride for 17 years.