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Don’t Back Down

Gò0dNews for Everyone

Don’t Back Down!


by Felicia Ratledge

The Lord supernaturally worked a miracle for me that I needed to see. I had been crying out to Him about a particular situation. The miracle showed me that He will come through for His people and that He heard my cry.

Over the past few months, God has shown me how His people are not to be played with. What people fail to understand is that when they come up

against me, they are coming up against God—because I am His child.

In Romans 12:19, God says how vengeance is His and that He will repay. All I had to do was stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. After God supernaturally moved for me, He began to speak to me, and He said, don’t back down—war!

He took me to Exodus Chapters 3 and 4. God spoke to Moses through the burning bush. Moses took his sandals off because the ground was holy. In those days, they took off their shoes to reverence the holy ground. God had something to say to Moses, and He had work for Moses to do. I am sure Moses was a bit fearful, for he did not think that the Israelites would listen or believe him. He even goes as far as to say that he is not eloquent, and volunteers for Aaron to do what God has told him to do.

In 1 Samuel 16:7, God sees the heart of a man. God asked Moses, “What is in thine hand?” (Exodus 4:2). The question was posed to draw particular attention to Moses. The question is stated, not with ignorance, but to lead on to what He had to say—to the working of the miracle. In Exodus 14, Moses begins to lift his hands and work miracles. So, the Lord will have me say that He has seen the oppression of His people, He has heard your cries, He knows your sorrows, and He is about to deliver. All you need to do is hold your peace and stand still. I need you to realize that your feet represent your authority. Some of you need to get back on your feet. Clean yourself off and reverence God. Your hands will have to be clean. Stay in a repented state always. Stand on your feet and war!

It is you that God has called, not Aaron. What is in your hand? You need to realize that miracles are in your hands. We serve a God who answers by fire, and if you will listen and do as He commands, you will work those same miracles with your hands.

About The Author Felicia Ratledge is a mother of three. She attends Dwelling Place Church International. Felicia is an evangelist who speaks what God commands to her. Her mission is to bring emotional healing to the hurt and broken hearted and to declare freedom to the bound.