3 minute read

The Coming of New Beginnings

Gò0dNews for Everyone

The Coming of New Beginnings


by April Engstrom

“April showers bring May flowers”—a rhyme that was a constant tune come April every year. This phrase mimics scriptures and the promises that while sorrow may last for a night, God promises joy for the morning. After winter, after storms, there is the promise of new life or new beginnings.

This transition of winter into spring comes alive for me in the stories of Narnia. When we first encounter Narnia, in the second book, we find a land that is always winter, never Christmas, and never spring. Yet, as Aslan is on the move, spring comes roaring in, and with it the hope and promise of something new (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe; C.S. Lewis, 1950).

Spring has always been my favorite season because of the promise of new life. I am fascinated by how seeds lay dormant through frigid temps for months yet then have the ability to crack through the earth and into life and new growth. This is a parallel for our lives, and coming into spring of 2022, this is a season to grow into a new beginning. Through 2020 and 2021, many of us found ourselves in a season of dormancy. We’ve sat at home, we’ve allowed ourselves to freeze, and now God is calling you out. He’s always had a plan for you, He’s always had a calling for you, yet winter came, and you froze.

It’s okay to freeze. Sometimes, God brings us into a season of winter. My family was previously called to live for two and a half years in the beautiful area of Yosemite National Park. Upon reflection, I realized that this was my winter. Slowly, the leaves started dying off the trees as we found ourselves more and more isolated. Then the pandemic started and it was like everything froze. Our dreams, our jobs, our plans just stopped in motion. We were in Narnia, it was winter, never Christmas, and never spring. Yet under it all, God was moving. Then we began to feel the still small voice breathing renewed life into us.

Winter is an incredibly important season. Trees need to shed their leaves, the plants need to die back and be pruned, and underground much happens that we can’t even see. Long before we feel spring coming, the daffodils are already getting ready to bloom. They know when it will be their time to announce the beginning of spring. We can feel it in our Spirit too. When you seek after God and listen for His voice, He will lead you into spring in His perfect timing. He promises in Jeremiah 29:11-13, that He will give you a hope and a future, when you call upon Him, pray to Him and seek Him with all your heart. This passage comes after He

froze the Israelites; they were in a deep winter of captivity in a foreign land. They doubted their identity as God’s chosen people. Yet, following that time, God gave them this promise of blessing, one that continues to bless us today.

For my family, Christmas in Narnia finally came when we stepped into God’s next step for us and followed His guidance. Now we are enjoying the growing pains of spring.

As we are leaving behind winter, examine your life. Are you still frozen? Have you gotten to experience your Christmas that will make way for the promised spring? Maybe you’re just waiting for something you’ve planted to finally take root and bloom? Whatever season your life is in, I encourage you to take heart and take hope. Cling to Jesus’ promise of new life and restoration, and walk firmly into the call He has given you.

About The Author April Engstrom resides in Bradley County with her husband and two boys. She loves her family at the Church at Grace Point and exploring God’s creation. You can follow April’s blog at everlasting-evergreen.weebly.com.