Game Mixer South Africa

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Jan von Meppen Germany ABOUT MY GAME: PROFESSOR S “Professor S.” is the first of a new generation of learning games focused on storytelling. Primary school kids explore school work through an interactive time travel web series. Professor S. delivers the entire elementary school curriculum packaged inside this entertaining comedy show: Kids interact with, and experience the story in the real world, turning class into one big exciting time travel adventure.

ABOUT MY GAME STUDIO LudInc is a multi-award winning game development company based in Berlin. We specialise in innovative learning games and children’s media. We produce cutting edge entertainment embedded in state of the art learning technology. LudInc games received numerous awards and nominations, among them the German Computer Game Award and the European Innovative Games Award.


ABOUT ME I’ve always disliked school. I quickly became a master at avoiding classes with the exception of those attended by girls I liked and subjects I enjoyed. In any case, I received spectacularly bad grades and in the end I admitted defeat, dropped out and became a musician. Ironically, I now run a company called LudInc which specialises in learning games and is now recognised as one of the most innovative education projects worldwide.

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