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� � � � � � � �Ouse � � � � � � � � Boating � � � � � � � � � � � �Association ������������ ��� Great


NEWS ���� SPRING 2011








GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 1 �������������������������



From The Helm 2 AGM Notice 3 Treasurer & Membership Reports 4 Frozen pipes? 4 NEWS... News... News... 4&5 Bedford partnership Closures at St Germans Fine on the Cam Ferry Boat Mooring STOP PRESS: Cardington Lock Illuminated Boat Procession EA meeting with GOBA 6 Response to Weil’s Disease 7 Gen Secretary’s Report 8 Moorings Report 8 Mutualisation of the waterways 9 STOP PRESS Cambridge Waterspace 9 Strong Winds Warning 9 Sheerline Boats 10-12 British Seagull 13 Jones’ Gala - Boat Junble 14 Non-hazy Cockpit View 14 Five-year anniversary-Riverside 15 Welcome to St Ives 15 Riverside to the rescue 15 STOP PRESS: Kings Lynn Pontoons 15 GOB Calendar Centre Spread Editor’s Piece 18 EA News 19-20 Club News 20-23 Advertisers’ pages 24-31 Back Page 32


(SUMMER 2011) The date for sending copy and pics for the Summer issue: 20 JUNE 2011



ebruary 2011 - I can’t believe it’s almost a year since becoming Chairman of GOBA. This last year has been enjoyable, interesting and I have to say, at times very challenging. I reported in my last contribution that we would have a decision on whether the Environment Agency would join with British Waterways to become the new Waterways Charity, but alas at this point in time we are still none the wiser. Although the whole situation is in a state of flux, committee members have been attending meetings to find what it would mean to all of us if it went ahead. (We may have news on 28 February.) The Cam Conservators’ new charging proposals have proved to be controversial and unwelcome to motorboat owners who moor on the Cam. GOBA has written to the Conservators laying out our members’ concerns and we continue to attend at Cam Conservator meetings as observers. We continue to hold regular liaison meetings with the Environment Agency. January saw – Dr Geoff Brighty (Area Manager) and Nathan Arnold (Team Leader – Great Ouse and Stour Waterways) attend our committee meeting to update us on the winter maintenance and repair programme. Also on the Agenda was a discussion of concerns and expectations for the future of our rivers and the impact on the Environment Agency, should it become part of the Waterways Charity. The meeting proved to be very useful and it was proposed that we meet annually.

Please send stories, comments, or questions to:editor@goba.org.uk


Notice of the 2011 Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Great Ouse Boating Association Ltd. will be held at the OUSE VALLEY RIVER CLUB, St. Neots, Cambridgeshire on Sunday 17th April at 11am. AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

This year the GOBA AGM will be held at the Ouse Valley River Club, St. Neots, on 17 April. This meeting provides an opportunity for you all to meet with your Committee and fellow members. Why not stay after the meeting and enjoy a steak pie and veg lunch at a very reasonable cost with fellow boaters? It will give you chance to swop boating tales and experiences, save you cooking when you get home, oh, and washing up too. Sounds good to me. Included with this issue of GOBA news you will find booking details. I do look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at the AGM, as well as at the many events taking place on the river this season – I will be manning the GOBA stand at some point during the day at Jones’ Gala, St. Ives and Aquafest at Ely, please do come and say hello and voice any concerns you may have. All that remains is for me to wish each and every one of you an enjoyable boating season for 2011 with plenty of sunshine (here’s hoping!)

Apologies for absence Minutes of the AGM held Sunday 25 April 2010 Matters arising from the minutes To receive the Chairman’s report To receive the Hon. Treasurer’s report To receive the Hon. Secretary’s report To elect Officers and Committee To appoint an Auditor Rule 27. To vote to change the online payment limit from £500 to £1000 10. To discuss any topics raised by members 11. Any other business


1. Coffee and biscuits will be available from 10.30am. 2. Some moorings may be available for boats and those members who wish to moor at the club should contact Neil Warren on 01480 404338 before 10th April with full details of your boat and ETA. 3. There is ample car parking at the club and the map above shows its location at: 52°13'52.72"N 0°16'23.39"W PE19 1AP 4. A licensed bar will be available and after the meeting a hot lunch will be served at a cost of £12.00 per head. Lunches must be booked and paid for in advance. Please complete the tear off slip at the bottom of the accompanying letter and if you do not have a Direct Debit mandate set up, please enclose a cheque for the correct amount with your membership number written on the reverse, to reach us not later than 11th April. Unfortunately reservations cannot be taken by telephone. We look forward to seeing as many members as possible and would like to thank the OVRC in advance for once again letting us use their facilities. NOTES 1. Nominations for the committee, duly proposed and seconded and with the nominee’s consent must reach the General Secretary, Alistair Reid, at least 48 hours before the meeting at: 15 Willow Green, Needingworth, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE27 4SW. They cannot be accepted at the meeting 2. Any member entitled to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in their stead. Forms for appointment for a proxy are available from the General Secretary at the address above. 3. Currently Association Rule 27 limits any online payment to a maximum of £500, at this point the treasurer has to send a cheque signed by himself and another. An increasing number of our transactions are now costing more than the limit, set some years ago. The Association rules are available on our website.




ell done all you cheque payers who, this year, have sent in your subscriptions during January and into February. Early, rather than a late payment, when we suddenly remember that we need to rejoin, does make managing membership and treasury functions a smooth operation. Last year was no exception, sadly, almost every week saw me having to add yet more ‘re-joiners’ to the database. The GOBA membership statistics for the 2010/11 season were quite impressive. At the end of the season we had some 2054 members augmented by 72 Free Of Charge (FOC) members. FOC’s are generally people or businesses who supply GOBA with a service, for example a farmer providing a mooring. We currently retain the 35 ex members who have not cancelled their Bankers Orders and so are presenting GOBA with donations ranging from £2 to £10 per annum. If you paid by Bankers Order this year did you increase your payment to £18? - several members have not done so. Our membership covers every single ‘county’ in the UK and beyond. Greece, France, Germany and the USA are also represented. At long last I am pleased to announce that as treasurer I now have total control over all aspects of our banking system. Our bankers had been less than helpful in expediting the change in treasurership from Mike Costello to myself. The whole process dragged on from March 2010 through to January 2011. I won’t bore you with the details, however one or two members will have experienced problems with their Direct Debit payment during February. If you know of or have met a member who says “my GOBA News is late this year”, please ask them to get in touch with me, it could be a small error has occurred. GOBA News is only posted to those who are current paid members following the main Direct Debit run. On-line banking. Several members have expressed a desire to use on-line banking to pay for either membership or insignia, no doubt prompted by the banking industry’s desire to abandon cheques. Obviously if used carelessly this can be a fraught process. Typing in the wrong bank account details could result in money not being credited to our account. Not using an identifier will mean that your payment becomes anonymous, a problem we experience with many of the older Bankers Order payments. Our bank details are: sort code 20 43 63 and the account number is 00419753 If using online payment for membership renewal or insignia purchase please use the reference as GOBA-?xxx where ?xxx is your membership number, eg for myself that would be GOBA-M479 Having made a payment you will then need to email me brief details of the transaction eg “ .....could you please send M479 a new tie .....” And lastly, if you pay by Direct Debit and have decided to quit boating please remember if you cancel your mandate with your bank please also cancel your DD mandate with me. Happy boating


Fro zen pipes?at insurers received s hit us bo or mally

temperature split pipes. N When sub zero ons for damage caused by n be expose d, but ti claims notifica ems, (hot an d cold) that ca lly at risk, an d enst sy er is potentia it is wat ic fresh water t properly w interise d. at st h it w pe if no mediany pi be vulnerable may not be im ater w gines can also mains frozen any damage l ia nt ta subs re ns the risk of later date, so meai If the water m re e er th but it thaws at a ately obvious, is that frost sinking when a en ev or potential risk e, r he ot damag which e Th . as the cause on launch times only up t even later be identified y. lic po e der th damage may no fficult to make a claim un e not all policies do, di ag it m e da ak t r fros co uld m ld take licies may co ve . Owners shou Whist so me po otection is not guaranteed ise the risk presentso insurance pr ecautions to tr y an d minim pr the follow ing conditions. ems are ng zi d drinking syst ee an g in at ed by fr he , hot water • Ensure that achinery n ater co oled m w w r he ot y draine d do an en dations engines, an d tures reco m m • Ensure that ac uf of the an m r pe as expel as much to y tr s is w interise d at bo ible ater ways • For inland w the co oling system as poss ems are checke d st om sy fr h all water raw water leaks upon re-launc • Ensure that free flow ing water an d no hton. ig r thoroughly fo : Navigators & General, Br ich.co m by ur d .z lie uk pp d@ su el fi y Cop joe. 3441 email: Tel: 01273 86




nterest in the River Great Ouse is not only found in the local authorities in Bedford. Locals also see the advantages of developing and maintaining activity on and around the river and are represented by the Bedford River Partnership. This was formed, presently on an informal basis, by local businesses and individuals associated with the river whose aim is to encourage more use of the river and surrounding areas by the general public. The partnership is supported by Bedford Borough Council. (BBC) The partnership aims to reintroduce boat hire on the Upper River in Bedford and has held two consultation meetings, with other river users which included GOBA representative John Hodgson and Karen Paterson and Erin Vos of the EA. At both these meetings, which were chaired by Martyn Pearson (also a GOBA member and Harbour Master at the bi-annual Bedford River Festival), the proposals were discussed with a view to seeing how this new activity could operate alongside other existing river users which at present are predominantly the local rowing clubs. COMPROMISE Following additional meetings with the EA and BBC, the partnership arrived at a compromise which allows the new and existing activities to run side by side. With the assistance of BBC, adverts were placed in the local press requesting expressions of interest in running a chauffeured punt, rowing boat and Canadian canoe hire operation on the Upper River in Bedford. This would be from Kempston to the Suspension Bridge with a boating station being located at the Swan Steps opposite Newnham Road. Dominic Mills of the Bedford River Partnership and General Manager of The Swan Hotel in Bedford stated that three companies are currently tendering for the operation and it is hoped that the new facility will be fully operational by the summer of this year. Ed: GOBA will monitor this through John Hodgson’s involvement and will obtain updates on the partnership’s progress and ongoing activities. It will also be interesting to see what other thoughts this partnership develops and how they interact with BBC on its Waterspace Strategy.

Ferryboat mooring

ALL FINE ON THE CAM! Houseboat ‘Eternity’ awaiting reclaim by Cam Conservancy

Pip Noon, River Manager for Conservators of the River Cam, reports heart-warming news of some Conservancy prosecutions against boat owners on the Cam for failure to complete registration for the 2010/11 season. Four boaters on the River Cam were prosecuted at Ely Magistrates Court last November for keeping their craft on the waterway without registering them with the Conservators of the River Cam. Houseboat CC274 ‘Eternity’, usual moorings Riverside, Cambridge, was not only fined £200, with a compensation order over £620, a Victim Impact Surcharge of £15 and costs of £117, but the houseboat subsequently sank at its moorings. Apparently its hull was punctured by ice at the end of December! The Conservancy is due to reclaim the vessel from the waterway using its byelaw powers. In each case, the applicant’s registration had been refused on account of lack of evidence of a current Boat Safety Scheme certificate. In keeping with the Environment Agency, boat owners must support their application for annual registration with a valid BSSC for the year commencing 1 April. Also, as of 1 April 2011, the Conservators will come into alignment with the EA and Broads Authority in requiring all boat owners to have proof of third party insurance (minimum £1m cover) for the waters under their jurisdiction (Bottisham Lock to Cambridge).


The EA is to install a flashing red cross at Cardington lock on top of the gantry. This is experimental and is for use in times of SSA. They would appreciate feedback from members. Please pass through: editor@goba.org.uk

Following much discussion over the problems associated with the mooring at Holywell opposite the Ferryboat Inn, the committee has asked me to post the following on the Forum. This is an occasional mooring for boats and has been a reasonably popular mooring of poor quality. Traditionally any boater using this bank as a mooring has always approached with the utmost caution. Lack of depth and the large concrete structure left over from army activities during the Second World War posed serious hazards. The GOBA Committee has been in contact with Needingworth Parish Council over the use and restructuring of the river bank. We had assumed that the large concrete structure had been removed, only to find that some of it still remains, though moved to a different position. We have offered the Parish Council help in removing this obstacle. We continue to be in contact with the Parish Council over this mooring, our aim being to secure a mooring which boaters can continue to enjoy, particularly with its proximity to the Ferryboat Inn. Generally the committee would like to emphasise that should a member suffer damage to his boat other than in an accident with another boater then that damage should be promptly reported to their insurance company, the navigation authority, the riparian owner of the river bed and to our own secretary Alistair Reid. We are all agreed that this course of action would result in the speediest solution to any problem, particularly one which could cause damage to other boats. MIKE MACKAY

GOBA ILLUMINATED BOAT PROCESSION The GOBA Illuminated Boat parade will take place on Saturday 27 August. Further details and entry form will be available from nigel. handscombe@goba.co.uk. Sponsors will provide prizes and discussions

are being heldto find out if the choir is prepared to perform again. St Ives Town Council are being asked for support and there may be other events on the quay that evening.

NAVIGATION CLOSURES AT ST GERMANS A Notice to Mariners was issued 26 January, by John Lorking, the Harbour Master at King’s Lynn to advise boaters that, due to essential upgrading to the overhead power system Walpole to Norwich line, new lines will have to be passed across the river Great Ouse approximately 1 mile North of St Germans Bridge. Navigation will be closed on the following dates between the hours of 0730 until 1800. MAY and JUNE 2011 Friday 13 May: 0730 – 1800 Monday 16 May each day until Thursday 26 May 2011: Closed 0730 - 1800. Thursday 2 June each day Thursday 2 June until Wednesday 8 June 2011: Closed 0730 1800.

AUGUST and SEPTEMBER 2011 Monday 15 August until Thursday 25 August 2011: Closed 0730 - 1800. Wednesday 31 August until Friday 9 September 2011: Closed 0730 - 1800.On closure days works would cease to allow Navigation outside the times of 1800hrs until 0730 hours. A safety Boat will be in attendance when work is in progress and boaters are requested to follow the instructions of the safety boat. NOTE: Our General Secretary, Alistair Reid has written to National Grid Customer Relations outlining GOBA concerns at the danger of closing the tidal river to boaters. A reply is awaited. At the suggestion of the GOBA Committee, the EA has agreed to place signs at appropriate points advising of the work.


GOBA grills the EA

What was on the menu on January 20 at a meeting of the GOBA Committee? Well, although members of the committee meet regularly with personnel from the EA Navigation we felt it would be worthwhile to have a meeting where we could discuss openly with EA senior management the concerns and expectations of the committee on behalf of our members. We were also hoping for an insight into the impact on the EA if it was to become part of the mutualisation process.

Nathan Arnold, Bob Wells and Geoff Brighty study details of the EA’s maintenance & repair programme

EMERGENCY TREE REMOVAL CONTINUES On the question of river maintenance, the EA agreed to ensure that emergency tree removal would continue. Other tree problems should continue to be identified at the monthly EA/GOBA meetings. The EA workforce is in the first instance an incident response unit dealing with flooding, pollution, etc. Tree trimming depends on where the workforce is being used to respond to an incident. On the issues around ‘quick repair’ the broken piling etc at Padnell Fen was referred to. GOBA advised of the damage and had it been dealt with quickly it may have prevented further decay and the closing of the mooring. There may be a possibility of using EA resources to modify GOBA moorings if the equipment is in the appropriate area. STRONG STREAM ADVICE UPDATE It is currently planned to split the Bedford Ouse into two sections. Signage is being reviewed and trials are taking place at some sites. Warning lights at locks will inform boaters when SSA is issued or in force. BRAMPTON NAVIGATION SIGNAGE It is hoped that the signage and signals at Brampton navigation channel will be in use soon. It necessary for the Secretary of State to sign off a legal agreement for this work.

To this end Area Manager, Dr Geoff Brighty and Team Leader, Nathan Arnold attended our January committee meeting. They also took this as an opportunity to update us on the winter maintenance and repair programme. Much of this is covered within the EA’s articles in this issue. However, it is useful to touch on a few items of specific interest to members. GODMANCHESTER & HEMINGFORD SHOALING Mention was made regarding the problems of shoaling at Godmanchester and Hemingford. We were assured this problem will be tackled in April/May when the weather has improved. The current plans are to use the spoil to create spawning beds for the fish in a location away from the navigation channel downstream of

St Ives town bridge. Committee members commented on their concern over the time this is taking and damage being caused to members’ boats. TELEMETRY AT ST NEOTS Nathan stated that water levels at St. Neots lock were better through 2010 and did not now appear to be a problem. He informed us that the EA has installed an additional telemetry device to closely monitor the water level immediately downstream of the lock and it has also cleared a third party structure/culvert adjacent to St Neots lock. They asked that the EA be notified immediately if the problems returned. MUTUALISATION REPRESENTATION At the time of the meeting Geoff had no further news concerning Defra and the new ‘Civil Society’. Our chairman, Bob Wells emphasised that if mutualisation goes ahead


GOBA needs to have representation from the beginning. The new EA budget had not been confirmed for this year and notification would probably not be received until the end of January 2011. IDENTIFY MORE MOORINGS It was agreed that the EA and GOBA would continue to work together to identify more moorings on land belonging to the EA. GOBA has offered to pay reasonable rents for moorings which are likely to be mainly on the Ely Ouse/10 mile bank area. Geoff Brighty agreed to pursue the estates team to determine where EA land holdings are and identify possible mooring sites. Further information has revealed that the EA are awaiting responses from the LAA.

SUCCESSFUL ENFORCEMENT The EA has had a very successful year so far in enforcement in the region. This was well received by the committee. There has been:a) 4 formal cautions b) 10 ‘guilty’ verdicts c) 2 settled out of court d) 1 written caution There are:a) 48 cases pending b) 51 warning lettersissued c) 21 court dates set (14 on the Great Ouse system) The committee suggested that the EA should advertise these facts to encourage less licence evasion. BOAT SAFETY CERTIFICATE’ REMINDER In addition there is an idea to include a ‘Boat Safety Certificate’ reminder with the navigation licence renewal pack. This may be in the form of a sticker similar to the one used for MOT certificate reminders that can be put in the boat or on the boats log book. It is hoped that these can be given to BSC examiners for them to issue as part of the examination process. This could potentially be a big efficiency regarding licence enforcement duties. Your committee thought this was a good idea. The meeting proved to be very useful and it was proposed that we meet annually.


...expert comments The following comment has been received from one of our members in response to the GOBA News Winter 2010 article on Weil’s Disease. “The item on Weil’s disease in the Winter issue, whilst rightly warning us of the dangers lurking in and around our rivers does, I’m afraid, in the first two paragraphs, contain a number of inaccuracies which could lead to confusion amongst readers. Weil’s disease or Leptospirosis is caused by an organism known as a spirochaete with the name Leptospira icterohaemmorhagicae and as you rightly said is spread by contact with infected rat urine. It may present with a temperature, jaundice (when the liver is involved), headache, injected (reddened) conjunctivae, red skin rashes or coughing up blood. Meningitis, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and kidney failure may develop. It needs urgent medical attention and as you rightly say anyone who has a flu-like illness following close contact with river water such as falling in or having an exposed cut should seek advice immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment with penicillin, whilst possibly not without its own problems due to killing off the spirochaetes, is usually effective. Yellow Fever has no connection with Weil’s disease as it is a tropical disease caused by a virus (Arbovirus) which is endemic in central Africa and S America. It is transmitted by a female mosquito (Aedes) and whilst we have many mozzies, especially near water, I don’t think we will be in danger of being directly infected in this part of the world! Q Fever is caused by the organism Coxiella burnetii and was named after it presented first in Australian abattoir workers as a ‘query’ fever as it was originally

a bit of a mystery as to the exact cause. It is seen occasionally in this country with the reservoir being goats, sheep or cattle. It is very resistant to drying and the main method of spread is by inhalation of the organism in dust or drinking unpasteurised milk. Abattoir workers can be infected in their work and man-to-man spread can occur from droplet inhalation. There are reports of transmission of Q-fever by tick bites and anyone who has had such a bite should seek medical advice. (Another tickborne illness, Lyme disease is also spread this way but by deer ticks and has been reported in the UK, especially in the New Forest.) As with Weil’s disease Q Fever can presents with non-specific symptoms such as fever, myalgia (muscle pain), headache, cough (due to pneumonia) and hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). There is no specific treatment although antibiotics of the tetracycline group are given in the hope of preventing the disease becoming chronic. Most cases resolve but endocarditis (infection of a heart valve) may appear years later and requires appropriate treatment. At the end of the day those who take simple measures whilst on or near the river will enjoy years of trouble-free enjoyment with any untoward incidents being few and far-between. Anyone who does develop flu-like symptoms, even some weeks after possible exposure, should not hesitate from seeking medical advice - and in the likely event that all is well it is certainly ‘better to be safe than sorry’.”

RICHARD HODDER (DR) Ed: Many thanks Richard for your corrections and clarity on this subject.


GENERAL SECRETARY’S REPORT The GOBA committee has to react on a number of issues affecting our waterway each year. This is done in the best interests of our members often with little input from the membership. Not so in our response to the proposed change in charges put forward by the Conservators of the River Cam, where there was a great deal of input from the membership. The bulk of the Conservators’ income comes from an interchange agreement with the Environment Agency where they pay a proportion of the licence fees to the Conservators. This agreement is likely to come to an end and the proposals from the Conservators sent to boaters moored on the Cam had three options on which they were asked to respond. The options were: 1. 25% of Fees on a sliding scale 2. Fixed rate of £125 per registration 3. Separate Cam Conservators licence on a sliding scale. GOBA’s response is as follows. The GOBA committee has been approached by a number of its members concerned about the proposed charges for powered craft on the River Cam. Having now had time to discuss the proposals our thoughts are set out below. We feel that the consultation window is far too narrow and should be considerably extended. There are three options on the consultation form and the wording and time frame suggest that little attention is going to be paid to the respondent’s opinion. The timing of a decision on changes to the way of charging is very poor given that we may have a new navigation authority in place in the near future. We appreciate that extra revenue has to be found to keep the Conservators solvent in the long term. A decision on changes should be postponed for at least 12 months Another concern is the legality of making changes to the charging structure and on this front we would take advice from the RYA legal Department. Looking at the three options put forward the fairest would be option 1. Option -2 may be favoured by narrow boaters but not by cruiser owners and Option -3 we feel is a non starter as the extra income generated would be considerably depleted by collection and administration costs. As we understand the situation very few

boats moored below Baits Bite Lock travel through the lock to Cambridge as the City Council have done nothing to make visiting their city a pleasurable experience. The poor mooring facilities, the appalling state of some of the resident boats, their surroundings and the high chance of hitting debris in the river discourages most people. One of the most common comments we hear from members regarding the Cam is “I used to enjoy going up the Cam to Cambridge but I don’t go now” and that is because of the preceding comments. It must sadden you as a navigation body that very few people wish to navigate on a large part of your waterway and for that reason it becomes very difficult to persuade people that increases in fees represent value for money.

A response from the Conservators states that a decision has been postponed until a special meeting convened on the 16th February and a meeting will also be held with the Environment Agency to discuss the future of the interchange agreement. By the time you read this a decision should be made. (See Stop Press). Other ongoing issues are the setting up of Waterways Charity similar to the National Trust incorporating British Waterways and the Environment Agency navigations, the problems with the mooring at the Ferryboat Inn near St Ives and the possibility that the tidal river at Kings Lynn could be closed to traffic due to work by the National Grid. The process of forming the Waterways Trust known as mutualisation is underway and GOBA has been invited to attend a meeting in London on the 12th April to discuss the consultation document on the new charity and what it entails. We have already written to the Secretary of State supporting the formation of the Trust and will be attending the meeting. The committee considered putting forward someone as a trustee of the new organisation but it was decided that none of us had the knowledge or expertise that is required. The problem with the water depth at the Ferryboat mooring is the subject of discussion between Needingworth Parish Council and the contractor who carried out the work. The Parish Council disputes the fact that the work carried out was to improve the mooring and claim that it was only done to protect the bank despite the fact that their application for a grant mentioned both bank protection and mooring.

It would now make sense to wait until the effect of the winter water flows are known before any decisions are made. The GOBA committee will ask the Environment Agency to buoy the area if the problem continues into this year’s boating season. Hopefully a satisfactory solution will be found. The work to be carried out by the National Grid will result in the tidal navigation being closed for certain periods. Having written to the harbour master at Kings Lynn we are assured that closures will be published in advance and that a contact telephone number will be published that boaters can contact to check the latest information. We will also contact the National Grid to confirm that the information is accurate and that signage will be erected on the approaches to the work area from a seaward direction and also at Denver and Earith Lock. We have been assured by the Department of Transport that low sulphur No Fame diesel can be supplied to marinas and a letter has been sent to all the marinas on our system asking them to stock this diesel. One marina that we know of intends to stock No Fame fuel and we would encourage members to ask their suppliers to do the same. Dave Rogers has resigned from the committee due to giving up boating for personal reasons. We would like to thank Dave for the work he put in on behalf of the membership. Nigel Handscombe was co-opted on to the committee in December and is a welcome addition to the organisation. He is already making a valuable contribution. Jones Boat Yard is holding a gala weekend on the May bank holiday and GOBA has agreed that we will attend and lend our name to a boat jumble to be held on Sunday 29th May from 9am till noon. Proceeds to go to charity. Following the success of last year’s illuminated boat parade it has been decided to hold the event again the year on the August Bank holiday weekend of the 27th/28th. We trust the same river conditions will not prevail again this year. More information will be published in the near future. The GOBA AGM will be held this year at OVRC St Neots We encourage you to attend and hope to welcome you there. ALISTAIR REID

MOORINGS REPORT I afraid nothing much has changed since my last report in the autumn. The signage will go up soon on the Old West at Stretham for the new mooring. Hopefully it will all be ready by the end of March. The mooring is up river from the road bridge but on the same side as the old pumping station. I think it will prove a nice spot and quite popular and will probably be known as ‘Stretham’ Please remember to moor between the GOBA signs as there are private moorings nearby. I regret no other moorings have been found during the winter. Roy Wood has been up and down the River Lark several times identifying suitable spots but unfortunately the landowners declined to rent us the space.

We won’t give up and hopefully something will turn up. Any leads or suggestions will be greatfully received. We have made enquiries of the EA about using some of their land up the Ely Ouse. They are making enquiries of their Estate Office but nothing yet. Until it has been decided whether the EA remains or becomes part of the new ‘Charity’, we may not get an answer. We did mention it when they joined us at our January meeting but they did not know what was happening. The minutes of the meeting are on the GOBA website. The contractors should be maintaining some of our moorings starting in April. Please tell us if you hear of any problems concerning our mooring and we will try and deal with


them. On behalf of GOBA I would like to thank Jim Godfrey and John Bears who regularly cut the mooring at Waterbeach during last season and for their kind offer to cut the mooring this coming season. Also thanks to Peter Barrett of the Little Ouse Group for cutting the grass and looking after the moorings at Stop Lock, Gentles Hole and Santon Downham. There seems to be quite a lot going on this season on the river, so I wish you all trouble free boating. STUART TURVEY ROY WOOD

Mutualisation of the waterways Ed: I heard mid Feb that a statement on the EA inclusion (or not) into the New Waterways Charity (NWC) is expected 28 Feb. Too late to publish in this issue of GOBA News. We will place any reports on this, together with your committee’s comments, on the Website and in the Summer issue. Once this statement is available, your committee would appreciate your comments on this important issue. Please send any comments you have on this important subject to me: john.pridmore@goba.org.uk Up to now the information published has centred on the formation of the NWC around British Waterways but has always included reference to the EA. Arguably the most informative responses to date have been by the IWA. The following is an edited report on a meeting on 15 Feb between IWA’s Campaigns team and the Waterways Minister Richard Benyon MP. IWA told the Minister that it was deeply concerned about the Spending Review 2010 funding arrangements announced on 20 December. The cuts were far deeper and earlier than expected and without indexation. IWA said that it had asked British Waterways how it intended to deal with reduced grant under Freedom of Information and the anticipated reduction in capital spend was very worrying. The charitable body was going to be launched with an extremely fragile funding package gravely jeopardising its prospects. IWA speculated that the funding might be a stumbling block for future trustees to accept, thus preventing the launch of the charity. On the Environment Agency navigations, IWA has made it clear that it sees significant benefits in their incorporation into the network that the charity will inherit maintaining this is necessary for several reasons: it helps cement a national identity for the waterways, ensuring that some 70% of the navigable waterways in the country become integrated under the NWC umbrella. it makes sense to place all of the nationally funded navigations into the same organisation for reasons of simplifying funding arrangements on the public purse (why continue to fund EA navigations separately?). (Ed: Or any others?) including the EA navigations signals that this is not a BW project or a ‘rebranding’ under another name, but something genuinely new. It believes it is necessary to have a strong brand that can be marketed as the national waterways organisation. Without the EA’s inclusion, this proposition is substantially diluted and public confusion will exist about the extent and nature of the organisation. On governance, IWA is not convinced that the energy and input from local communities will be harnessed. The proposals as under-

stood by IWA are a barrier to localism. IWA continues to believe that the future management of the waterways offered opportunities for a successful Big Society flagship project. But only if its concerns were properly addressed. An immediate response to IWA’s representations were not expected but the Minister listened intently to the substance of its concerns, commenting and questioning throughout the exchanges. It is to be seen to what extent Defra takes on board its concerns when the consultation document is issued.


From the Cam Boaters website 17 February 2011 In light of the responses to the consultation carried out last month, the Conservators have decided to review the decision next January. They agreed that the financial situation although serious was not urgent, and resolved to find new ways to increase revenue. They invite suggestions on this front. In the interim, they plan to carry out a wider consultation of all Licence payers (motor boats and unpowered boats) with a document going out to river users, hopefully, in September. Camboaters welcomed the proposal and offered to help carry out the survey.

Strong w When the ga le force w in d in d warning s an d gusts ap were hitting pa tors & General rts of the UK, pleasure craf proaching 100mph Gusts close to warne d boat owners to be t insurers Navigaacross much of 92mph an d sustaine d w in prepare d. d an d Irelan d m the Midlands an d North of spee d of 57mph ea Englan d, Scotl nt th ere w to ill prepare d boats that as considerable risk of daman d were not nece insurance. Mos age t ss ers or sails sp policies exclu de damage to arily co vere d by lit of such inci den by the w in d because of cano pies an d co vthe high freq uenc should take pr ts so this is a particular ar ec ea where owne y au ti ons. Navigators & rs G areas that ca eneral offers the follow ing n a dvice in the Whatever moo be affecte d: main ring type yo u correct size ha ve , ensure an “double up lin d type of lines fitte d that yo u have the for yo ur boat es” in preparat regularly be checking for ion for strong w in ds. Yo u sh an d wear an d repl doubt ace lines if in ould Inland boats any should also ch ensure they ec k mooring are a dequate , an d consider po ints ashore to po ints using a dditio Any boat moo nal re d (or store d ) un der a tree the tree is ro tt Ensure that yo en or ba dly kept. If possib co uld be at risk if well secure d. ur fenders are at the corr le move yo ur boat ec A If possible, (a ttach more fenders if yo u t height an d are nd safe) remov ca If ashore it is e sails, spray n ho ods, dodgers ju st as import that co vers ar e not tie d to ant to re duce w in dage, en these out) an supporting be sure d am to secure po in if yo u are really concerne s (they may pull ts on land an d attach haly d Dinghies shou ards ld be secure d tension slightly lines around th to the ground w ith halyards If yo u cannot e hull an d get to yo ur bo tact yo ur yard at then it wou ld not hurt to an d a djacent or marina an d ask them to check yo ur conboats during the gales It is always be boat short notice is tter to have more notice of strong w in ds, yo urself at risk better than no notice at bu al l. so Witho ut puttin t m e quick checks so me preventa g (o r a call to the yard ti strong w in ds ve action co uld prevent dam ) an d ar age an d claim Copy provide d rive. s if by N av ig at ors & General Tel: 01273 86 , Bri 3407 email: charlotte.roch ghton @uk.zurich.co m


Sheerline boats Sheerline 950

Sheerline 955

Bathing platform on the 955

Gary Applegate at the helm of the 955

JOHN PRIDMORE reports. There has been an increase in new Sheerline boats on our river in recent years and I was intrigued why this was happening. I was invited to visit and view its operation.


family concern based on the banks of the river Yare at Thorpe Marine, Norwich this business has operated since 1983. It started with the manufacture of the 740 ‘Smiths Sheerline’ and eight years later Peter Applegate bought the mould tools from Sheerline and produced its range of boats. In 1995 the Applegate family bought Wroxham Marine and now operate the company from here manufacturing and marketing Sheerline branded boats. The present range of models covers a number of designs with aft cabin, centre cockpit and sedan configurations to suit all inland waters, rivers and estuaries and offshore use. These vessels are based on designs from some of the best boat designers in the field. They mould the hull and superstructures in-house ensuring the best finish is produced. This high standard continues from the outside skin to the interior fit-out. For example, a table could take a week to produce. A tour of the manufacturing facilities confirmed that its boats are traditionally built and to a very high standard. My tour guide, Gary Applegate advised me that this year, due to the economic situation, it plans to build 8

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boats which is almost half the volume of recent years. When I mentioned GOBA members I know of who own Sheerline boats, Gary was immediately aware of them. An indication of how this family have knowledge of its clients and how well they are treated. So well in fact, that many return year after year for updates, general overhaul, and winter lay-up. One boat in the yard was flying the GOBA pennant! The head count has reduced from 25 to the 14 people now dedicated to boat production at Sheerline. These include traditional craftsmen using only the finest of materials and equipment.: laminators – who carry out the hand laying of the gel coat and glass fibre; finishers; boat builders; joiners – who form and fit crafted wood interiors; electricians and engineers. Of course there are also management and admin personnel involved! And the owner of Wroxham Marine, Peter Applegate supervises all builds. As with many companies surviving in the present economy, members of the team now multi-task to ensure boat build is completed to meet customer demand within the average lead time of 4 to 5 months. Each boat is individually built to a customer’s spec.

“These vessels are based on designs from some of the best boat designers in the field” And to a very high quality. Owners are encouraged to be closely involved with aspects of the interior design and specification. The result, a boat that is as unique as its owner with quality, style, comfort and technical excellence. Whereas the popular 950 the 740 and the brand new 955 are original designs, the others in the range are based on established craft but have the Sheerline input to bring them to the high quality associated with all its boats. It is in the factories that the realisation of build quality is first seen, as is the aspect of integrated work ethic. Boat builder, Ashley Pagget was finishing off the hull of a Sheerline 290 fitted with twin 160 HP engines and outdrives. (Strangely this boat was produced from a Birchwood mould). For the other Sheerline boats buyers can select their engine of choice but the 42hp Nanni diesel engine is recommended and priced as standard with the 955 being limited to 100hp. The feel, warmth and beauty of the hand crafted wood interiors exude an ambiance rarely found in these days of mass production. The picture here

Ashley Pagget finishing off a Sheerline 280

GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 11

A glimpse into the interior of the 955

“Brian Carter set off my memory of Seagull outboards when I heard of his sales ‘pitch’,” writes John Pridmore. “He offered to deduct £1 off the selling price each time he pulled the cord and the engine did not start. It never failed to start. Brian’s choice of outboard to take up some remote river abroad, where spares and service were unavailable, would always be a Seagull.”

O Forming a walnut bulkhead The head in the 955

Buffing a fitting prior to varnishing. shows the forming of a walnut bulkhead to be installed in a 1020. In the moulding shops there were moulded fittings – such as integral sink units - ready for final finishing. To me they looked perfect as they came out of the mould. The deck and hull of a 950 were being laid during my visit. When you see this stage it makes you aware of just how big these river boats really are. And the quality of manufacture is apparent. The deck section had two coats of gel ready to receive the first layer of 1oz glass fibre mat. When this was set, a 4oz mat was laid and then 3⁄4“ balsa wood placed on all surfaces on which boaters would walk. A further layer of 4oz mat goes on top of all this. This process takes a day and a half for the gel coats, a day and a half

to the first 4oz. Two and a half days for the second 4oz and balsa. In all it takes 7 working days for 2 men to complete a deck and make it ready to join the hull. The hull takes up to 2 weeks to be ready. The stem (the bow) has a minimum of 12mm of gel and glass fibre mat, the chine has 11mm and the keel is 14mm thick. When the two halves are joined the gel coats are finished off by hand polishers whilst the windows and other fittings – manufactured during the laying up process is being carried out - are installed. The engine, shaft, prop and operating mechanisms are generally installed half way through the build. Depending on size, each boat is craned into the river 2 weeks prior to delivery and a run-up allows full

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water tests to be conducted and all other aspects to be checked to ensure there are no issues. On delivery, the client is assured of a fully operational vessel. I stepped on board the Sheerline 955 which was fresh from its debut at the London Boat Show. The graceful lines of Sheerline boats are apparent at first sight on this new model, but the moment you step aboard you can more fully appreciate the excellent design, technical features, build and trim qualities. Every detail is attended to from the quality of the fabrics and interior décor to the ergonomically designed galley, heads and berths. Practicality and space efficiency for easy living. Hot air heating, holding tanks and radio/CD player are standard. The 955 I saw also had a built in TV. Much of the heating ducting, pipework and cable runs are integral within the hull mould. With such choice, the high quality of finish, and the graceful lines of each boat, no wonder there are so many Sheerlines cruising the Great Ouse and beyond. More info at: www.sheerlinemotorcruisers.com

ne of my cousins has a Seagull on his clinker row boat in St Mawes which we often borrowed when we were on holiday in Cornwall. Simple but reliable. And easier than rowing the family around St Anthony’s Head to the beach at Bohortha! So what has happened to British Seagull? Amazingly enough it’s still going strong and in British hands. Seagull started in 1931. For its time the original engine was very advanced, a good proportion of the original engines are still running and parts are generally still available to keep them that way – a truly unique engine, a magnificent piece of British engineering and ingenuity. The original design was one of many initiated by the manufacturers, John Marston Ltd and the Sunbeam Motor Company, the makers of the famous Sunbeam motorcycles. The design was developed as a marine engine rather than an adapted industrial engine and this is probably one of the major reasons for their endurance and success. By 1931 the first Seagulls, sold as the Marston Seagull, were in full production. These were much the same in design as the more modern engines and incorporated innovative ideas such as reverse gears and water-cooled exhausts. The engines were available in both short and long shaft and the models ranged from a standard to a twin cylinder 10hp version capable of powering boats up to 30 feet (9.1m). The two men credited with the continued development of the Seagull engine are John Way-Hope from Evinrude, and Bill Pinniger, a design engineer. They met while working in the marine division of the Sunbeam Motor Company. After acquiring the manufacturing rights and patents for the Marston Seagull engines they set up the Bristol Motor Company and financed the purchase of those patents with dealings in light aircraft and expensive sports cars. By 1938 they had consolidated the design of the engine and had moved into new premises on the Quay at Poole, Dorset.

To celebrate this milestone the name Marston Seagull was changed to British Seagull. At this time they cut the range to one engine, reverse gears were dispensed with as Way-Hope considered them as ‘a rather sissy refinement, rendered superfluous by efficient boat handling’. However, their patented ‘Positive and Self-Adjusting Free-Engine Clutch’ was considered by them to be so near perfection that no serious alteration to the 1938 design was contemplated until the mid-1960s. Way-Hope and Pinniger’s concept was to use the best materials possible for the punishing marine environment. It is believed that the Admiralty’s request for a ‘rough and ready’ version for use on light assault craft helped to establish the company. The engine needed little alteration; the Navy required an engine that would run non-stop for 24 hours. This wartime success developed the next batch of engines. As each

engine was designed a number of prototypes were produced, some over many years, and fishermen and company members tested all these in ‘real life’ situations. This together with their ‘concept of power output’ meant that this established Seagull’s worldwide reputation as a no-nonsense design suitable for extremes of climate from the Antarctic to tropical heat and also able to sustain considerable user abuse and total immersion. By the mid 1950s British Seagull had moved to new premises in Poole where they reached their all-time peak during the 1960s. At this time everything except the gears and the carburettors were made on site. In 1982 British Seagull moved again to new premises and launched the 7.5hp Model 170. This engine featured an engine cover and was the forerunner of a new series introduced at the 1987 London Boat Show. This design represented the very latest in two-stroke technology. In 1996 the production of the British Seagull outboard engines ceased but the spare parts supply continued in its renowned friendly and highly personal way. In 1999, Chillington Marine Ltd, the owners at that time of British Seagull decided to pull out of the marine leisure market handing over responsibility for the British Seagull name to Sheridan Marine on the River Thames in Oxfordshire. It has continued the manufacture and supply, where possible, of original spare parts re-introducing some discontinued items in the last few years. Sheridan take the continuity of the British Seagull name seriously and intend to fly the flag proudly well into this Millennium. Sheridan Marine is a family run business specialising in Freeman Cruisers. It also has an active boatyard and Chandlery. The company also supplies WaterMota petrol engine parts and J-Type gearbox refurbishment and parts. More info: www.britishseagull.co.uk Tel: 01491652755.Brian’s choice of outboard to take up som

Interior of hull showing integral ducting

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Over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend, 28-30 May 2011, England’s oldest inland marina will welcome boaters and non-boaters alike to the ‘Jones Boatyard River Gala’. During this event visitors will be offered the chance to sample many different ways of enjoying our beautiful river GALA OFFERINGS • New boats • Electric Boat River Trips • Classic / Steam / Electric Boat Show • Canoe and Kayak ‘Free Open Day’– Saturday • Paddleboard ‘Free Taster Ses sions’– Saturday • GOBA Boat Jumble – Sun day 9-12am STANDS OF: • GOBA, • Boat Hire, • EA, • RNLI, • Coracle man, others • Boat handling – taster sessions • BBQ, • Beer Tent and Band – Saturday Evening OFFERS • Month’s free mooring with all boats sold. • Additional 10% off everything in the Chandlery The events include displays of new boats from Shetland and Jeanneau and a chance for ‘on the water’ demonstrations (by appointment). The Steamboat Association of Great Britain will have 5-6 steamboats in the boatyard, the Electric Boat Association will be onsite with a flotilla of 5-6 boats representing the variety of craft available and the Classic Motor Boat Club, the largest organisation in the UK catering for the preservation and enjoyment of classic powerboats and engines, will be represented with 5-6 boats. The St.Ives Electric Boat Company will be running river trips from the Marina, offering a chance to see St.Ives historic waterfront from a different perspective and get a taste of what the Great Ouse has to offer.

Throughout the Saturday there will be an opportunity to try kayaks and Canadian canoes ‘on the water’. Not only will representatives from Ocean Kayak and Old Town Canoes be on hand to give advice but also inflatable Canoe and Kayak Taster Sessions by Seyvlor will present the new wave of inflatable kayaks. Also on the Saturday Paddleboard taster sessions will be available. Apparently this is the fastest growing water sport in the world and now it comes to the Fens. It is said that the boards are very stable and that you are unlikely to get wet - though lifejackets will be made available. From 19.30 to 23.00 on the Saturday there will be a Hog Roast, Barbeque and Beer Tent catered by the ‘Axe and Compass’ in Hemingford Abbotts. There will also be music and dancing by the waterside. The RYA recognised, Kingfisher Boat Handling School will provide taster sessions and mooring advice. GOBA Boat Jumble – Sunday 9am – noon. This will take place in the main car park. It will be run on the same format as a car boot, £5 per stand/boot. All proceeds will go to Great Ouse Boating Association. Applicants please apply by email to nigel. handscombe@goba.org.uk. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis payment due on booking. STALLS WILL PRESENT: • Great Ouse Boating Association • Environment Agency • Boat Hire - Bridge Boatyard and Fox Narrowboats • RNLI • Coracles • The Eel man • Kingfisher Ropes • International Paints ... book the dates .

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Here is a hint for those with forward sloping cockpit windows and light horizontal superstructure between the helm and windows, which is of course most of us. Under many conditions the bright sky will reflect from the horizontal surface and then bounce off the windows inside towards the helm. The result is a less than perfect view through the window, due to the haze of reflected skylight. This is true in cloudy and sunny conditions (See photo and drawing) A simple cure. (See before & after photos) Make some panels to cover the horizontal surfaces and face them with a black non reflective material. I used cheap plastic panels, available in about 2-3mm thickness from many DIY stores. Having cut the panels to size I then

stuck cheap black table felt to the panels using Copydex. If the felt or similar material is folded over the panel edges the job looks somewhat neater. . The panels are held in place with velcro pads at each corner. This allows them to be quickly removed, ideal when they get covered in dead flys, as seems to happen when the boat is left for several days in the summer The results can be amazing, I know of another who fitted these panels and said, not only did they provide a really clear view through the cockpit windscreen, but they stopped the headaches that the skipper was suffering. Presumably caused by slight eye strain in looking through the haze of reflected sunlight. PETER SWINSON ‘Lizzy B’


Clerk of St Ives Town Council, Alison Melnyczuk, writes: St Ives is very proud of its heritage as a riverside market town and is always especially delighted to welcome those who float in to spend some time here. The town has a wide range of independent retailers and many interesting hostelries and restaurants to attract the visitor and there is a strong community and civic spirit which ensures there is always something happening throughout the year. Every first and third Saturday of the month a thriving Farmers’ Market is held in the town centre which is well worth a visit and there are the traditional Monday and Friday street markets every week. Sunday 5 June this year is the date for the Mayor’s annual Civic Parade when robed councillors and representatives from local youth and community groups march through the town to the Parish Church led by a Royal Air Force band.

On Saturday 25 June the town will commemorate British Armed Forces Day with music and entertainment in the town centre. There are many other highly enjoyable events throughout the summer such as the two day Carnival and Music Festival and the Riverside Gala. For details of these and all our events in 2011 visit our website www. stivestowncouncil.gov.uk. I look forward to welcoming you as I know you will have a wonderful time in St Ives.

Riverside Marine & Leisure celebrates 5th birthday

Over the Easter weekend Riverside Marine & Leisure invite boaters and locals to visit and join in its celebrations. This will not only enable potential brokerage customers to see why David Taylor and his team have been so successful over the last 5 years with the brokerage service provided but will also offer locals and other visitors, who have often wondered about the cost of having a boat, the opportunity to talk to the team about what’s involved and the joys of cruising . Visitors will also be able to discuss the new Riverside Rescue Scheme which provides a breakdown call-out service to all boaters on the Great Ouse. Also on show will be the range of day hire boats available at the Pike & Eel. Free drinks and nibbles will be provided each day at Riverside Marine and Leisure Ltd, Pike and Eel Marina, Overcote Lane, Needingworth, St Ives, Cambridgeshire PE27 4TW web: www.boatsaleuk.com Tel: 01480 468666

Riverside to the rescue A new Riverside Rescue Scheme is being offered to GOBA members. This service, from Riverside Marine and Leisure in Needingworth, will provide a breakdown call-out service to all boaters on the Great Ouse, from Bedford to Denver and all navigable waterways. This 24 hour service is available for £140 a year per boat and includes: up to 4 free call outs per year; free towage to a safe haven if vessel not repairable in situ; free repatriation of crew to home marina if vessel not repairable in situ.


Visitor’s pontoons at Kings Lynn Proposal for pontoons at South Quay, Kings Lynn, allowing for up to six boats of 12metre length to moor is under review with the Conservancy Board. Water and power points will be incorporated.

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How civil will the Great Ouse waterways be in the new society?

If the example set by Bedford Borough Council, to enhance the facilities provided for all river users, was to be followed by the other city, the towns and councils along the length of the Great Ouse and its tributaries, these authorities would be making a major contribution to the ‘Big Society’ where boaters – and the proposed waterways charity - are concerned. But they are not now, so why would they in the future scheme of things? Particularly as there will be less funding from central government. We are already aware that the waterfront development in Kings Lynn is on hold. But the attitude of the other city*1 – and of most of the towns - on this navigation appears to be in complete contrast to Bedford’s. These comments are made on the basis that none of the other local authorities appears keen to open a dialogue to discuss the needs of the river users with the navigation authority, or GOBA the organisation representing over 4,000 boaters. And, these people contribute consistently to a town’s revenue when they visit its shops, restaurants, public houses and other establishments. As an example, during a river festival in one town it is estimated that the visitors spent £1.25m over 3 days. And boaters visit and spend every week during the boating season. But what do the towns and councils offer in return? The City of Cambridge is very negative to visits from boaters. Lack of visitor moorings in the city centre – and along the banks of the Cam, and views of ‘scruffy’ boats on permanent moorings and also on visitor moorings, ensure a cruise into Cambridge is not presently a high priority to GOBA members - who would actually like to visit. A few years ago it was the intervention of GOBA that stopped the council from permanently closing visitor moorings. Though it has been put off to next year, the introduction of an additional levy by Cam Conservators on each boat cruising or mooring on the Cam will not help promote visits. (Perhaps a change is necessary in the Parliamentary Bill

that makes this proposed levy possible? Or perhaps amortisation into the Waterways Charity would help!) With a conscious effort by the councils, some forward thinking and dialogue with interested parties, the image of each could be improved, visiting boaters could be made to feel welcome, more visitor moorings could be made available, or improved, and the cities, towns and villages would gain additional – and ongoing - revenue. If the authorities responsible for the towns, district and borough councils along the river were to at least conduct dialogue with and ideally work with the EA and GOBA it might even be possible to ‘police’ the river more effectively and reduce the small number of boaters without a licence or insurance who overstay their welcome at public as well as private moorings. It would be good to have additional, or improved, moorings with secure facilities for boaters. Such ‘partnerships’ would surely help to make a positive contribution to and provide input and direction for the future ‘Civil Waterways Society’ (CWA) - whatever it is eventually called. British Waterways currently manages 2,200 miles of the canals and rivers (90% of waterways) in the UK and is to become a charitable organisation. Defra is exploring the inclusion of river navigations currently under the management of the Environment Agency into the new waterway charity. GOBA supports this and on behalf of its members, chairman Bob Wells has expressed its interest in being involved at all stages and at all levels. (Ed: I am advised that an announcement will be made 28 Feb regarding the EA’s status. Watch our website, Bulletins and the next issue of GOBA News for updates.) The following comments are based on information available at mid Jan and on the assumption that the EA navigations will become part of the CWA. This interest includes GOBA having representation on local and national boards or, subject to viability, being Trustees of the new charity with responsibility or ownership of our waterways. It also includes advis-

ing on the challenges faced with reduced funding! Ideally, for boaters on the Great Ouse system, it should ensure we have a voice first on the Local Board, in the form of the GOBA chairman who would be able – and empowered - to vote, and veto, on matters of importance to us. This to ensure we represent the views of boaters and can provide a balanced view on input of other local stakeholders representing; anglers, boaters, walkers, cyclists, water-sports, environmentalists, conservationists, local authorities, and other interested parties. It also means GOBA will be in a position to directly suggest and guide developments by local authorities. In fact, it is my proposal that our chairperson be the chair of the Local Board as this person will sit on the proposed central committee, the Members Council which, it is suggested, will make final recommendations on the major issues!


* Great Ouse incorporated into CWA could give greater focus to our navigation * opportunity for GOBA to have a role in the management of the Great Ouse * GOBA could help drive policy * members will have more involvement and a sense of ownership of our waterways * GOBA will be in a position to suggest and guide developments to local authorities * GOBA will be directly involved with the new waterway charity * GOBA will be more able to meet its objective to help protect and enhance the waterway both now and in the future. * GOBA will be able to continue, and develop, its good work – possibly resetting its status in line with current thinking and to more ably meet the demands of the future * members would have the opportunity to be more involved * GOBA would benefit from being a partner with other stakeholders

Comments? Please send them to me, John Pridmore at: editor@goba.org.uk *1 It is alleged that Cambridge is considering a Waterspace Strategy – watch this space!

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Cardington Lock has reopened to boaters following major works. The lock closed to boaters on 1 November to undergo works to the system that drives the guillotine gates and mitre door balance beams. A new control panel has been installed on the left hand side of the lock. Coping stones were also replaced and a new path was constructed at either side of the lock. Eric Biggadike, Environment Agency Waterways Improvement Engineer, said: “The works at Cardington Lock were vital to ensure its smooth and safe operation ahead of the 2011 boating season. “The refurbishment was carried out during winter to keep disruption to boaters to a minimum. We would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused, but hope river users will understand how important it is for us to keep our locks in good working order.”


Boaters using the pump-out at The new landing Denver will notice we have re- stage with non-slip placed the old timber landing mesh decking stage. The new landing stage, which has galvanised frames and steel piles, has been designed to have a lifespan of more than 50 years. This will help to reduce the cost of maintaining it. Non-slip mesh decking and a new step has also been installed to help reduce risks to boaters. The decking is topped with reinforced glassfibre plastic mesh impregnated with silicon. A new recycled fender has also been fitted to make it boat-friendly.

We have successfully prosecuted 15 boaters on Anglian waterways for keeping their boats on the water without registering with us. Their cases were heard in local magistrates’ courts and resulted in them getting a fine, a criminal record and picking up the court costs. We are also taking proceedings to recover remaining fees they owe us. All boats kept, let for hire or used on our waterways, including the main river, private moorings, marinas or backwaters, must be registered. Registration discs must be displayed on boats so they are clearly visible to our enforcement staff. It is the owner’s responsibility to inform us in writing of a change in ownership of the boat – until this is done, they remain the legal owner and responsible for registering it. From 1 April 2011, all powered boats must have valid third party insurance as well as a valid Boat Safety Scheme Certificate (BSSC) to be able to register. Across Anglian waterways – which includes the Great Ouse system, Nene, Ancholme, Stour, Welland and Glen and Black Sluice Navigation, we: Registered 5,964 boats, generating an income of £1,589,646. Had a compliance rate of 97.6%, including boaters who paid after receiving a ticket. Issued five formal cautions. Issued 51 warning letters. Issued 349 offence tickets. Had 74 repeat offenders, equal to 21% of tickets issued. Brought 15 successful prosecutions resulting in £5,260 in fines and £1,730 costs. Already have an additional seven court dates set and 20 court dates pending. Figures are to the end of January 2011.




Boaters using the Ely Ouse this summer will be pleased to see we have completed a full rebuild of the popular visitor mooring at Denver over winter. While carrying out repairs to the flood bank near the Jenyn’s Arms public house, we took the opportunity to refurbish more than 100 metres of visitor moorings. The old piling has been replaced with new steel piling, a recycled plastic fender has been fitted, new timber mooring bollards have been installed and the whole area has been landscaped and seeded with grass. We will be re-opening the mooring to boaters once the grass has become established.


We are taking steps to reduce anti-social behaviour and vandalism on the River Great Ouse. CCTV is to be installed at Brownshill Lock in March to reduce vandalism and monitor the sluices and river levels. A similar system is now up and running at Eaton Socon Lock after being put in place in November last year. Waterways Improvement Engineer Eric Biggadike is project manager for both schemes. He said: “The cameras at Eaton Socon and Brownshill locks will provide a real benefit to all river users. They will help to reduce maintenance and repair costs that can result from vandalism to the lock structure and sluices and allow river levels to be closely monitored.” Footage from the cameras at both sites will be monitored by Huntingdon District Council and incidences of anti-social behaviour and vandalism will be reported to Cambridgeshire Police.

We have given Roxton Lock a facelift to improve its operation ready for the new boating season. Our works included draining down the lock and carrying out a full The gates at Roxton Lock showing cranked structural inspecbalance beams and new gearboxes tion. We also removed around 17 tonnes of debris and replaced both pointing door cills, all four breast seals and two plastic paddles. We installed four new paddle gearboxes and two new plastic paddles to make them much easier to use. Adding two extra paddles will ensure boats are still able to navigate the lock should one of the paddles fails. The balance beams were lowered to allow us to fit the new gearboxes. We have also cranked the balance beams and will soon be constructing new tread mills to make their operation safer for our customers.


We have a number of mooring vacancies available to boaters at some sites on the River Great Ouse system. If a site you are interested in is full at present, we will add your name to a wait-

GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 19

NEWS FROM THE E.A. - CONTINUED ing list so that we can call you back should a vacancy arise. Moorings currently available include permanent allocated moorings – which act as a base to leave your boat while not cruising – and wild moorings. Permanent allocated moorings are available at Upware and Denver. Our wild moorings can be found at the following locations: River Lark at Prickwillow Denver Fen Ten Mile Bank Littleport Fordham Ferrybank Queen Adelaide Burwell Lode Wild moorings do not include structures such as bollards to tie a boat to. Instead, boaters lease a stretch of wild river bank. Paul Separovic, of our Waterways team, said: “You will normally have to join a mooring association to gain sufficient insurance to choose this mooring option and not all sites are suitable. If you believe we are the riverside landowner and you would like to lease some bank to moor up to, you should contact your local river inspector. We can then advise as to whether we are the landowner, whether we can consider leasing the land and what is involved.” To find out more about current vacancies, please call the Anglian Mooring’s Line on 01733 464 065 and ask to speak to Paul.


We completed works on Willington Lock over winter, despite the challenge posed by heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures. The works at Willington included a drain-down and full structural inspection. We also replaced both pointing door cills, all four breast seals and two plastic paddles. The new seals will help to reduce leakage from the lock and allow better control of water levels. In addition, four new paddle gearboxes were installed and a large quantity of rubbish and other debris was removed from the lock basin. Waterways Engineer Steve Crooks said: “Our works will improve the lock for boaters on the Great Ouse. The paddles will be easier to operate and better seals will allow the lock to fill with water more quickly so less time is spent going through the lock and more time can be spent enjoying the river. “In addition, the inspection report carried out before the works allows us to plan future maintenance and prolong the life of the structure, helping to save money and resources.” The works, which took place in November and December last year, were completed on time despite the severe winter weather.

IMPROVED FACILITIES AT HERMITAGE LOCK Boaters using one of our moorings this summer season will notice we have put in better on-site facilities. We have installed a new water point at Hermitage Lock and are also improving access to the over-night mooring on the Old West side of the lock. The works on the mooring are expected to be completed by March. Other facilities available at the Hermitage Lock site include a WC and shower as well as waste recycling and general waste disposal. In addition to the improvements, Hermitage Lock also has new operating hours. These are: Summer operating hours (Apr – Sept) 9am – 7pm* (*Open until 8pm on Fridays during June, July and Aug) Winter operating hours (Oct – Mar) 9am – 4pm (The lock is closed for lunch between 1pm and 2pm.) Hermitage Lock is closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.

20 - GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011



s I write, it’s the “closed season” for many boaters. That time of the year when the boats are often laid-up for the winter and the maintenance is carried out on boats and around Club grounds. For Bedford Boat Club, and indeed all those mooring at Bedford, never has there been such an opportunity! A few minutes ago, I received yet another extension notice for the closure of Cardington lock! Originally this was planned to happen between November 1 and February 3. A little at a time this has now extended to February 25! Effectively, the whole of February is now lost making a total closure of 4 months. Add to this the 4 weeks that Castle Mills lock was closed last year and we have a total loss of amenity to Bedford based EA “customers” of 5 months in the current licensing period. Or, over 40% if you prefer! Of course, there is no guarantee that it will open then! We cannot navigate any of the rivers we pay so much for. That being the case we turn our attention to the winter programme. November 27 saw the annual dinner / dance held, as usual, at the Addison Centre in Kempston. Almost 100 members and guests enjoyed an excellent meal followed by the traditional “in-house” entertainment and dancing. Many were heard to comment during and after that this had been the best dinner dance for several years. The traditional Christmas party scheduled for December 18, alas, had to be postponed due to heavy snow coupled with exceptionally cold weather. Indeed, this has been one of the coldest winters for a number of years even if others have lasted longer. I have seen ice forming at the stern of boats several times but this year has been the first time I have seen the full width of the river frozen opposite the Club. The end of January brought the AGM when we elected a new Committee for the next 2 years. Thanks are due to those standing down and welcome to those new additions. To the rest, “carry on chaps!” The last of the winter events was the re-arranged “Christmas” bash, combined with a nod towards Valentine’s Day, on February 12. An excellent buffet was enjoyed by a clubhouse- full of members. Having completed the replacement of the moorings electrical distribution system last year, there are more plans afoot to upgrade the electrical systems in the clubhouse and general fabric maintenance to the building itself. A busy time is still ahead.....and who knows, if the EA don’t hurry up with Cardington lock, there may be more time available to do it than we anticipated Please keep an eye on our web site at: www.bedfordboatclub.co.uk JOHN HODGSON



hristmas and New Year celebrations are over and already boaters are looking forward to the new season, although as we have found in the past, Winter weather can still be with us for a while but hopefully not as bad as before Christmas. Since the Winter edition our club has enjoyed numerous events including our Laying Up Supper, Halloween evening, Christmas lunch and New Year’s Eve party. Also, Yvonne and I have had the pleasure of representing CMBC at the Laying Up Suppers of other clubs where, as always, we were made very welcome. The New Year has started with our traditional Burns Night complete with Piper (playing, not edible), Haggis, Neeps and Tatties. Forthcoming events for the first part of the year include St.David’s Day Dinner, Fitting Out Supper, traditional Good Friday with hot cross buns followed by fish & chips, On The Farm Theme Day and Hog Roast.. In June we celebrate the club’s Centenary with a lavish banquet and 17 piece Dance Band in marquees at the club. The CMBC was actu-

ally formed on 17th May 1911 by a small group of boating enthusiasts including well known names such as W.G.Pye (Pye Radio), the Banham Brothers (Cambridge Boat Builders) and R.C.Pierce (Managing Director of Cambridge Electric Light Co). The Club members were sorry to hear of the passing away in November of our former Secretary Jack Carlton who joined in 1967. As I write my last article for GOBA News my 2 year term as Commodore comes to an end at our AGM on 27th February when I hand over to Stephen Fell (Dream Weaver) who I know will serve the club well. It has been an honour to have represented the Club as Commodore, Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore and i take this opportunity of thanking members of CMBC who have assisted me as well as our friends in other clubs and of course GOBA. Yvonne and I hope to continue to see you in the future. JOHN ROOKE



t’s a sunny January day as I write this report. Looking over the last 3 months I can only remember all the snow reports saying “stay at home, do not travel”. For all of us with boats it was the dreaded fear of frost and ice. Have I winterised the boat properly? I hope you and your boats have got through the winter without any major problems. Our Laying Up Supper at the end of October was well attended by members and guests. This year our social secretary, with some help from members, cooked the roast dinner. It was so appetising that some of our members and guests had second helpings. We had our presentation of cups this year, from our Rally Weekend in July. We hope to expand all the events this coming year as it is the club’s 40th Anniversary. In December, with the snow and ice, it was a problem walking around the moorings and trying to keep safe. The first snow came on our Christmas party and AGM weekend. It was all hands on deck, to salt and grit all the walkways, so our party could go ahead. The evening arrived, the members turned up and had an enjoyable time. It was so hot in the clubhouse we had to open some of the windows. After the weekend’s events we winterised the clubhouse, just before the big freeze came upon us. The river at Southery froze over again, that’s twice in one year. This has not happened for quite a few years. On our New Year’s Eve party there was still ice around some of our moored boats. At this moment in time, plans are going ahead for our Februar Social, an Eeyore racing night, horse racing with a difference. We are hoping that the weather will be mild but who knows? Our two new moorings on the south side of the clubhouse are now completed. The next project will be on the north side, with 4 new finger moorings going in. This will give us 39 moorings in total. So, if any of you out there are looking for a new mooring for the season, or a temporary one for a few weeks, give us a call. I would like to wish you all a happy boating season. CAROL WARBURTON



fter extending our clubhouse and totally redeveloping our slipway over the past couple of years, I suppose we might have hoped for a rest from major projects at the club. But God laughs at plans. During the ‘big freeze’ just before Christmas, we suffered a burst pipe in the roof space of our Clubhouse, one Sunday evening. By the following morning, the damage was done and the entire floor was awash. As ever, members swung into action to begin the clear up and to minimise the damage. Several weeks of drying out followed and

Some of the water seeping through the floor of our clubhouse didn’t hit the ground immediately! fortunately the damage was found to be cosmetic rather than structural. Nevertheless, the entire floor area had to be resurfaced and the insurance claim ran to several thousand pounds. All this has meant that the members have not come together for the traditional St Valentine’s evening so we are all looking forward to the Opening of the Season dinner in mid-March, perhaps more so than usual. I am pleased to say that the clubhouse is now fully restored and

The OVRC clubhouse fully restored and ready for a busy year. ready for the season. In fact, having taken the opportunity to make other planned improvements during the disruption, we are now ahead of the game! I am sure all members would join me in thanking those members who have given their time and labour to managing, organising and overseeing these repairs. Well done. It looks great. This year, we’ve had a bit of a change around. As well as a new committee member, we have a new Vice Commodore, Dave Farrow, in charge of moorings and painting anything that doesn’t move. Amongst other delights, Dave will organise our Spring Working Party in late March – a welcome opportunity to get some fresh air and fight over wheelbarrows, but important work will be done to ensure that the clubhouse and grounds are fully shipshape for the year ahead. We also have a new Rear Commodore, Brian Lamb, in charge of river events and Brian already has detailed plans in hand for our first big outing, our Cruising Weekend to Barford over the May Bank Holiday.


GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 21

CLUB NEWS... CLUB NEWS... CLUB NEWS... CLUB NEWS... CLUB NEWS... CLUB NEWS... CLUB NEWS... CLUB NEWS... I know first hand how much effort goes into organising and running these events and I am sure Brian and his team will do us proud. For my part, I’m just looking forward to taking the covers off and getting back out on the water, as I am sure you are too. Don’t forget to drop in and see us if you are passing and, as always, if you are interested in membership, please get in touch. In the meantime, I wish all GOBA members happy, sunny and safe boating in 2011. MARTIN WILCOX Hon. Secretary, OVRC




ith Christmas long over, and Easter Eggs in abundance (unbelievably from Boxing day onwards), here we are mid February and Spring around the corner, where did Winter actually go? Hope I haven’t put the kiss of death on it and we end up having a late one! The Pike & Eel boat club members, old & new, are now hopefully gearing up for a fun packed boating calendar year. We certainly have plenty on the AGENDA, thanks to all the hard work and continued efforts put in by our Committee Members, I think you will find there is something for everyone. We start the boating year with a new Commodore, Dave Mole (Latest Flame) accompanied by his lovely wife Diane, who we all hope will be back to full fitness for the forthcoming season. I am sure many of you will know Dave & Di of old. Our calendar of events starts off on the weekend of (4th) 5th & 6th of March, with a number of members returning once again to the Isle of Wight, a favourite haunt and a successful venue for the past three years. The boating calendar though, kicks off as usual with our Pre-Season lunch on 27th March at Olivers Lodge in St Ives, where members will be able to enjoy a laid back afternoon of excellent food, good company, and dare I say it, a ‘few’ drinks ( for those who are not driving of course ). Then the fun really begins - We have the ‘Alternative Royal Wedding’ on Friday 29th April, when Bill & Katy get married and we are all invited. Posh Frocks and serious dressing up is required for this very grandiose occasion. Let’s hope the sun shines on those Royals. The May bank holiday brings our usual trip to the edge of the River Cam, where we all moor up, Five Miles from Anywhere! This is generally a well supported event with everyone enjoying a weekend of live music, and last year even our own on-board karaoke. The dinghy trip to Burwell usually provides us with a few tales to tell; swan attacks, sinking dinghies, boys in toys trying to drown other less fortunate members, cider tasting (now you’re talking) - lots of fun. All too soon Summer will be approaching which brings us to our big event of the year, the Regatta, with the theme for this year being ‘Disney Spectacular’. I am sure each Club has a full schedule planned for 2011, so I wish everyone a good season and look forward to catching up with you all during the course of the year. JULIA LINDLEY, Assistant Secretary


hank goodness, here comes Spring and I am sure we are all looking forward to being out on the river again. During the winter there have been many improvements on the river; the installation of CCTV at Eaton Socon lock is of particular interest to me

22 - GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011

vance. Come on you Knights and Damsels, a day and night not to be missed. Saturday 6th August - Uche Eke the Soul Man , who has sung with Hot Chocolate. Should be a great evening, followed by a disco. Saturday 17th September - The Commodore’s Film & TV Theme Night with The Soft and Gentle, Mad & Mental Road Show. Another chance to “dress up” this time as your favourite celebrity. Plus lots of other events to look forward to during the season. New members are always welcome. BRIAN DOBSON Commodore


S A successful Fens and Great Ouse Seamaster Club lunch was held last October as we used to moor in the marina there so we have first hand experience of the anti-social behaviour which occurred. We regularly ran the gauntlet of stone throwing, people in the river and the lock, together with some unsuitable language and behaviour. Let us hope the camera will put an end to it. On a lighter note, a pre-season Luncheon has been arranged at The Dragoon in Brampton for Sunday 20th March 2011 and an “afloat” rally at the Lazy Otter on the 5th & 6th June. I do hope as many members as possible can attend and enjoy these gatherings. If any new Seamaster owners would like to join us, we are a very friendly crowd. Please do not hesitate to contact Brian Rowland, Membership Secretary tel: 01689 824531 email:brian@seamasterclub.org. Further information is also available from the Seamaster website: http://www.seamasterclub.org SANDRA WOODHAM


ince our last report in the GOBA winter addition, there is not much to report about other than our Annual General Meeting and forthcoming events. The venue for our 2010 AGM was the Five Miles at Upware, and, as usual this was well attended. This event saw a change in the clubs Flag Officers and some new Committee members. Mike Sheppard and his wife Wendy were thanked by me and the club for serving their two years as Commodore and Commodore’s lady, and they were presented with an engraved whisky decanter set. To celebrate our 25th Presentation to Mike & Wendy Sheppard for two year the club intro- years as Commodore and Commodore Lady duced past Commo-


ollowing a well attended AGM, Brian Dobson was voted in as the new Commodore, Tony Digby remains as Vice Commodore, Val Dobson remains as Secretary and Jacky Turvey as Membership Secretary. Please contact any of these people with enquiries about membership. Once again the Whitehouse Boat Club held a great New Year’s Eve party which went on until the early hours. A good time was had by all. Over the winter the clubhouse has been open for members to warm themselves up with a coffee, tea or cup-a-soup when preparing their boats for the coming season. The club continues to open on the last Saturday of the month for a drink, a social chat and music. Plans are already afoot for the new season’s entertainment. The big events planned so far are; Saturday 4th June - The Family Fun Day, fun for all the family with magic and games. There is live entertainment in the evening with The Blues Brothers, followed by The Rok the Boat Road Show. Everyone, members, guests and visitors are welcome (don’t forget your sunglasses). Saturday 9th July - Vice Commodore’s Day, a medieval afternoon and pig roast with live entertainment in the evening. The very popular Alan Jay will sing for us followed by the Rok the Boat Road Show. Due to the popularity of this event it is ticket only bookable in ad-

Presentation of Past Commodores Medals by our New Commodore

Terence Read our New Commodore presenting the Presidents Medal to Sid Fisher one of our founder members forward to it. Our first river based event is the Commodore’s welcome at Ely, and all of our other events for 2011 can be found on our website. As I write this report our boating session has not started yet, so keep your eyes open for the next GOBA addition, where I will have lots more to tell you about. So in other words WATCH THIS SPACE. Finally I am looking forward to serving as Commodore of the UBC for the next two years along with my wife Jane, and catching up with you all on the river. So keep your eyes open for a Princess 32 called ‘Sayonara’ and give us a bib and a wave For my contact details Commodore Terence Read and Commodore’s and further Lady Jane information on the Club’s Events and Activities visit our website - www.upwareboatclub.info TERENCE READ Commodore

dores’ medals and they were presented to past Commodores whoare still members of the club. And a President’s medal was presented to Sid Fisher one of our founder members. The Meeting was followed by a Christmas lunch in the restaurant. Our 2011 session will start shortly with our Winter Cruise at Potters on the Norfolk Coast and we have over 50 people attending. This is the first time we have been there as a club and we are all looking

GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 23

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Please quote GOBA when calling

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Jones Boatyard

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Swaffham Prior Fen, Nr. Upware, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB7 5YJ Tel: 01223 440065 Email: tiptreemarina@btopenworld.com

Inland Cruiser Specialists Since 1946 ����������������

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Sat 28th - Mon 30th May

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Great Ouse River Gala


Boat Trips Along the Great Ouse - All weekend

Paddle Board - Free Taster Sessions - Saturday

Canoe and Kayak Open Day - Saturday

New Boats on show - Plus more than 50 Used Craft for Sale

Boat Sales, Chandlery, Workshops, Moorings, Slipway & Fuel Jones Boatyard, St.Ives, Cambs. PE27 5ET. Tel 01480 494040

24 - GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011

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On Sunday the 21st August at 7am a gaggle of intrepid athletes will enter the River Great Ouse to begin a day of challenge: The ECF Monster Middle, Ely. They will swim along the river for 1.9km before exiting at Amherst Field. Once there they will pick up their bikes and cycle 93km (57 miles) around the Fens before returning to Amherst Field to put on their running shoes. They will then run south along the river, crossing at Stretham to make the return trip to Ely along cycle path 11. The finish line will greet them at the end of this half marathon run (21km / 13 miles). The swim cut off time is 1 hour and 10 minutes, so we need unobstructed access between 7am and 8.10am. We will have kayakers and rescuers in the banks. All details can be found at www.MonsterRacing.net – we also have a number of photos from other events (this is the first triathlon we are hosting, so we don’t have any specific photos) including mass swims that are similar to what will happen. For entrants there are individual, as well as team places. We would like to encourage people to volunteer in assisting. The event is supported by the British Triathlon Federation.



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GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 25

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Special Offer

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��������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ������������ Cafe/restaurant (Tel: 01480 455898)/ ������������� Traditional Sunday lunch ����������������������������� Licensed bar ������������������������������������� Day boat hire ������������������� ���������������������

We have a small quantity of GOBA Clothing in Stock

Rugby Shirts Short Sleeve £20 plus p&p T- Shirts £8 plus p&p

First come first served

Call Mike McKay: 01353 664229 26 ���� - GOBA���� NEWS �-����������� SPRING 2011 ��


�������������������������� GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 27

��� ���

Wood , Wood fitted dftfiup ttedto ft up to Marine Marine your t your

� � �� ��

Walton Training Walton Training Priory Marina, Bedford ����������������������

Walton Training Walton Training Your local RYA Recognized Training Centre



Priory Marina, Bedford ����������������������

for all your shorebased training Walton Training Walton Training

Priory Marina, Your localBedford RYA Basic Navigation andRecognized Safety TheoryTraining Course Centre ���������������������� Day Skipper andyour Yachtmaster Theory training Courses for all shorebased RYA/MCA Small Boat First Aid Course Your local RYA Recognized Training Centre Radio Course BasicVHF Navigation andyour Safetyshorebased Theory Coursetraining for all Radar Day SkipperCourse and Yachtmaster Theory Courses Tel: 01234 522490 Email: info@waltontraining.co.uk CEVNISmall test Boat First Aid Course RYA/MCA Basic Navigation and Safety TheoryWebsite: Coursewww.waltontraining.co.uk VHF Radio Course Day Skipper and Yachtmaster Theory Courses Radar Course Tel: 01234 522490 RYA/MCA Small Boat First Aid Course Email: info@waltontraining.co.uk CEVNI test VHF Radio Course Website: www.waltontraining.co.uk Radar Course Tel: 01234 522490 Email: info@waltontraining.co.uk CEVNI test Website: www.waltontraining.co.uk

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Inboard and Outboard Servicing - Boat repairs in GRP, Wood - Antifouling and Blacking - Accessories supplied and fitted - On Site 20t Mobile Crane - Heated Workshop for Craft up to 30 feet - Slipway with Towout Facility - Professional Marine Engineers with over 60 years combined experience at your

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A. Chapman Chapman Tel:A.01234 268455 Tel: 01234 268455 Mobile: 07885 658462 Mobile: 07885 658462 Unit8 8Cauldwell CauldwellCourt, Court, Bedford Unit Bedford Unit8 8Cauldwell CauldwellCourt, Court,Bedford Bedford Unit ���������������� ����������������

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28 - GOBA NEWS -���������������������������� SPRING 2011 �� �� ���� ���� � �����������

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All you could want ������������������ �������������

92 acres of unspoilt, tranquil countryside Extensive cruising options A. Chapman Unit 8 Cauldwell Court, Bedford 240 berths with Tel: 01234 268455 new narrowboat moorings UnitSecure 8 Cauldwell Court, Bedford Mobile: 658462 site 07885 Unit Cauldwell Court,Bedford Bedford Unit 888boatyard Cauldwell Court, Unit Cauldwell Court, Bedford Full services First class facilities – wifi access, gym, pool, café & bar Just 20 minutes from Cambridge

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GOBA NEWS - SPRING 2011 - 29 �������������������������� ��������������������������

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��������������� � NEXT GOBA NEWS � � � �Low � �Road, � �St.�Ives, �� � � PE27 � �5ET. � �Tel: �� � �������������� � �������� � The Boathaven, Cambs, 01480 494040 ������������� SUMMER 2011 ��������������� ��������� ������������� COPY DATE ��������� �������������������������������

w w w. j o n e sboatyard.co.uk

for��������������������� the Summer issue ������������������������������� �� ���� ���� � ����������� � ���������������� 20��������������������� JUNE 2011

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���������������� The Boathaven, Low Road, St. Ives, Cambs, PE27 5ET. Tel: 01480 494040 ������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������ ��������������������������� � ������������������

w w w. j o n e sboatyard.co.uk

�� ���� ���� ����������� �������������������������� � � �-��SPRING � �Road, �2011 �St.�Ives, �� � � PE27 � �5ET. � �Tel: �� � �494040 �� Boathaven, Low Cambs, 01480 30 - The GOBA NEWS ��������������������������

w w w. j o n e sboatyard.co.uk






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Brandon Brandon

s Ive St

s Ive St

2** One night's free mooring

2** One free mooring 2** One night's freenight's mooring


GOBA MOORINGS King’s Lynn LOCKS EA MOORINGS Key: 34 Fenlake Meadow 1 Buoys 1 Bedford Sovereig n Qua y GOBA Priory Marina** 2 GOBA MOORINGS MOORINGS LOCKS Key: g ton 2 Cardin OldEA Mills Tidal Ouse GOBA MOORINGS 24 25 36 35 EA MOORINGS LOCKS Key: Goldington 1 3 Fenlake Meadow 24 25 36 g n Qua y Soverei 1 Bedford GOBA 33 35 1 Barford Fenlake Meadow Great 3 Castle Mills EA Relief Great 1 Barford Sovereig n Qua y 1 Bedford GOBA 2 4 Priory Marina** Old Mills g ton 2 Cardin Tidal Ouse 2 Paxton PrioryPits Marina** Eaton 4 Willin Little 2 Socon Old Mills 2 gton Carding ton 3 5 Goldington Tidal Ouse Channel 25 35 34 3 Goldington Great Barford 3 Castle Mills EA Relief Middle Level Offord 5 Barford Offord 35 34 Barford 3 Great Barford 3 Castle Mills 4 6 Great EA LOCKS 4 Great Barford Eaton Socon r gton 4 Willin 32 ChannelRelief Mailers Meadow Paxton Pits 5 7 Little Godmancheste 6 Roxton 4 Eaton Socon 4 Willin gton Little Paxton Pits 5 Channel MiddleMiddle Level Level 25 Offord 25 Barford 5 6 8 Offord Downham Brampton LOCKS Hou ghtonOfford 7 Eaton 5 5 Socon Barford Offord 6 33 34 LOCKS Godmanchester Roxton 6 Meadow 7 9 Mailers 33 34 Hemingford The 6DolpGodmanchester hin, St Ives Roxton 8 St 6Neots Market Mailers Meadow 7 Downham 8 10 Brampton Hou ghton Eaton Socon 7 Noble’s Field Downham 23 8 Brampton 7 Hou ghton 7 Eaton Socon 9 Hemingford Earith 9 Offord The Dolp hin, St Ives St Neots 8 Market Ferryboat 11 24 9 Hemingford 8 gThe 8 pton St Neots Market Hermita e Dolp hin, St Ives 10 Bram 25 23 Field 1012 Noble’s Earith Offord 9 One 3023 2429 Noble’s Field 10Pound 9 Lode Earith 9 Offord Reach 11 Godmanchester 1113 Ferryboat g e (Up ware ) Hermita pton 10 Bram Pike Ferryboat 11& Eel 24 31 32 g e 10 Hermita p ton 10 Bram Wissey One Pound 12 31 30 Burwell Lode 12 Houg hton 31 32 14 Brownshill (Old West) Stretham 11 Godmanchester 12 One Pound 31 30 13 Pike & Eel (Old West) 1 3 Hemin 11 Stretham 11 gGodmanchester Hundred Acre(Upware ford Wissey Stoke Ferry Drain 15 Aldreth ) Reach Lode 12 Houg hton 13 Pike & Eel Wissey 21 14 Brownshill 31 1 2 Reach Lode (Upware )14 St 12 Houg hton Goldsmere Ives Lazy Otter 16 14 Brownshill Burwell Lode 1 3 Hemin gford Stoke Ferry Drain 3 Burwell Lode 1Thetford 1 3 Hemin gford 1517 Aldreth 21 20 Stoke24Ferry 32 33 15 Aldreth Drain Stretham Little 5 St Brownshill 1 Hundred Acre Ives 14 21 20 32 33 16 Lazy Otter 14 Hundred Acre 14 St Ives 16 Lazy Fen Otter 18 Wicken Queen Adelaide 6 Brownshill ge 15 Hermita Hundred Goldsmere 23 24 SpinneyFen Abbey 1 5 Goldsmere 1 5 Brownshill 1719 Wicken 17 Wicken Fen 30 23 24 Spinney Abbey Reach Lode 23 28 Little Thetford ge Diamond 44 18 Reach 7 Hermita Up1ware 16 Hundred WickenLode Fen 30 Foot 1 6 Little Thetford 6 Hermita ge 18 Reach Hundred WickenLode Fen Waterbeach 1920 Waterbeach 29 22 23 Reach Lode Toms Hole Farm Queen Adelaide p ware 8 U 17 Bottisham Foot 19 Waterbeach 29 22 23 Reach Lode 1 7 Queen Adelaide 1 7 Up ware Railway Bridge 21 Railway Foot 20 Bridge 25/26 Waterbeach Diamond 44 18 Bottisham 22 Prick willow 9 Baits 20Lock Railway Bridge Waterbeach 1 8 Diamond 44 1 8 Bite Bottisham 2122 Stop Stop LockBridge 26/27 27 Railway 22 Padnal Toms Hole Fen Farm Bite 1 9 Baits Mile End Farm 20 Jesus Green 22 21 Stop Lock 26/27 27 Railway Bridge 22 19 Toms PadnalHole FenFarm 1 9 Baits Bite Gentle’s Hole Hole 2223 Gentle’s Stop Lock 24 Tomswillow Prick Hole Farm 20 Jesus Green 22 21 Gentle’s Hole 22 Downham Stop Lock Sandhills, Little p ort Farm 21 Isleham Littleport 25 20 Prick Toms willow Hole Santon 20 Jesus Green 2324 Santon Downham 22 21 27 Gentle’s Hole 26 23 Santon PrickEnd Mile willow Farm port 21 Isleham Gentle’sDownham Hole Littleport 26 25 Black 22 Brandon 28 Lynn 2425 King’s Whittington Santon Downham 21Horse, PrickLittle Mile End willow Farm 21 Isleham Littleport 22 23 Little Ouse 28 24 King’s Santon Lynn Downham Mile EndCreek Sandhills, Farm Littleport 22 Brandon 9 Brandon King’s Lynn 25 Buoys 24 25 Mile End Farm Littleport 2 3 Denver 2 2 Sandhills, 22 Brandon 16 Little Ouse 24 23 King’s Lynn 25 Buoys 24 25 Little Ouse Sandhills, Black Horse, Littleport Littleport 2 3 DenverChannel 2421 23 15 9 Buoys Station Littleport 9 16 Sandhills, Black Horse, Littleport Littleport24 Relief 2 3 Road, 2 3 Denver 16 23 Buoys 15 17 22 Black Horse, Brandon Creek Little port 24 Relief Channel 23 22 10 15 The 24 Shi pBrandon 18 Black Horse, Creek Little port2 5 Salters 24 Relief Lode Channel St 10 18 Brandon Station Road, Creek Littleport 2 5 Salters Lode Ive 18 10 Little Brandon 5 Station Brandon Road, CreekLittleport 2Ouse, 2 5 Salters Lode 20 16 19 13 s 1414 p Station The ShiRoad, Little port 14 20 Prickwillow 19 17 p Station ShiRoad, Little port 2 6 The 1413 Brandon Town 17 Ely ElyEly 13 14 Prickwillow 14 p Brandon The Shi Little Ouse, 19 12 Prickwillow p Brandon 2 7 Little The Shi Ouse, Windmill 12 7 7 19 1010 1212 15 15 Little Ouse, Brandon Town Brandon Huntingdon 12 10 12 15 7 Little Brandon Ouse, Town Brandon Huntingdon 2 8 com Denver p lex 19 21 20 Huntingdon 21 20 Brandon Windmill Town 22 21 20 9 Brandon Windmill Town 2 22 21 8 Silt Fen Farm 16 15 66 Windmill Denver comp lex Old West 9 1313 8 8 11 Old West 16 6 9 p lex 30 Windmill Denver com 11 Hil ga yFen com Old West 13 9 8 p lex Silt Farm Denver Lark 11 8 21 Lark 108 p lex 31 Silt Fen com Farm Denver 10 16 15 14 Lark 21 Downham Market 11 21 SiltgFen Hil a y Farm 1011 Great Ouse 15 Great Ouse SiltgFen a y Farm 3 2 Hil 14 13 11 16 Great Ouse Stowbrid 7 14 Hilga y g e Market Downham 16 7 3 Downham Hilg a yMar yMarket 7 Wi gg3enhall g eSt Downham Market Stowbrid 6 5 5 6 99 17 34 Downham Stowbrid g eMarket 55 5 6 9 Jude'sJude's Ferry Ferry 17 17 Fidwell Fen ggenhall g e St Mar y Stowbrid Wi 5 11 Ferry Jude's ggenhall g e St Mar y 8 Stowbrid 3 5 Wi 11 8 3 6 Fidwell Wiggenhall Fen St Mar y 17 18 18 3 6 Fidwell Wiggenhall Fen St Mar y St StNeots Neots 17 18 12 11 3 7 Fidwell Fen St Neots 12 18 18 37 37 3 7 Fidwell Fen 18 37 66 6 13 12 77 20 19 20 13 7 17 17 44 20 19 17 4 11 1 3 3 33 Burwell 3 3 19 19 Burwell 1 2** Burwell 1 19 2** 1 5 332** 5 3 5 River Cam Reach 18 19 River Cam River Cam 19 44 4 Reach 11 Reach 1 19 18 2 2 2 4 20 4 4 Cambridge 20 20 Cambridge Bedford Cambridge 2 BedfordBedford 2 2

1 2 31 42 53 64 75 6 8 7 98 1 09 1110 1 211 1 31 2 1 41 3 1 514 1 61 5 1 71 6 1 81 7 1 91 8 2 019 2120 2 221 2 32 2 2 42 3 24 25 2 62 5 26 27 27 2 82 8 2 92 9 3 030 3131 3 23 2 3 33 3 3 434 3 53 5

non-EA PublicPublic Moorings are available at Bedford, Huntingdon, St Ives, Ely, Clayhithe and Cambridge non-EA Moorings are available at Bedford, Huntingdon, Ives, Ely, Clayhithe andCambridge Cambridge non-EA Public Moorings are available at Bedford, Huntingdon, St St Ives, Ely, Clayhithe and

����������������������������� ����������������������������� Moorings -isisfree Conditions of Use •• the moorings totomembers and ofofcraft owned by ofofGOBA the use of GOBA moorings is free to members and hirers of craft owned by members of GOBA The•use useof ofGOBA GOBA moorings free members andhirers hirers craft owned bymembers members GOBA.

•• there isisaamaximum stay ofof48 Boats take priority over fishing for you need a licence • there ismaximum a maximum ofhours. 48 hours. Boats priority over fishing for which you will need a licence There staystay 48 hours. Boats taketake priority over fishing forwhich which youwill need a licence. • moor as close as possible to other boats and close up gaps if necessary. Help fellow members to find spacespace • moor as close as possible to other boats and close up gaps if necessary. Help fellow members to • Moor as close asboat possible to times other boats and close up gaps if necessary. Help fellow members to findfind space or or raft onto your at busy or raft ontoboat your boat attimes. busy times raft onto your at busy • keep children and animals underunder proper control. There are often farmfarm animals where moorings are on fields. • keep children animals proper control. There often animals where moorings on fields. • Keep children and and animals under proper control. There are are often farm animals where moorings are are on fields. Do not light ground fires. Pick up litter and dog mess Do not light ground fires. Pick up litter and dog mess • do not light ground fires. Pick up litter and dog mess Donot not light ground fires. •• do ropesropes to GOBA mooring signssigns • dotie notyour tie your to GOBA mooring Pick up litter and dog mess. • members are reminded that the use of GOBA mooring is at is “own risk”risk” and you to have thirdthird • members are reminded that the use of GOBA mooring at “own and are youadvised are advised to have • Doparty not tie your ropes to GOBA mooring signs. party liability insurance liability insurance • Members are reminded that the use of GOBA moorings is at “own risk” and you are advised to have third party liability insurance.

��������������� ��������������� Useful Contacts General Secretary & for enquiries: Alistair ReidReid 01480 493582 alistair.reid@goba.org.uk General Secretary &general for general enquiries: Alistair 01480 493582 alistair.reid@goba.org.uk

15 Willow Green, Needingworth, Huntingdon Cambs PE27 4SW General Secretary & general enquiries: Alistair Reid 01480 493582; 15 Willow Green, Needingworth, Huntingdon Cambs PE27 4SW alistair.reid@goba.org.uk Membership: MikeMike Mackay 01353 664229 mike.mackay@goba.org.uk 15 Willow Green, Needingworth, Huntingdon, Cambs PE27 4SW Membership: Mackay 01353 664229 mike.mackay@goba.org.uk Moorings upstream fromfrom St Ives: Stuart Turvey 01234 303589 stuart.turvey@goba.org.uk Membership: Mike Mackay 01353 664229; mike.mackay@goba.org.uk Moorings upstream St Ives: Stuart Turvey 01234 303589 stuart.turvey@goba.org.uk Publicity, Bulletins &from GOBA Editor: JohnJohn Pridmore 07917 898168 john.pridmore@goba.org.uk Publicity, Bulletins &GOBA GOBA News Editor: John Pridmore 07917 898168 john.pridmore@goba.org.uk Moorings upstream St News Ives: Stuart Turvey 01234 303589; stuart.turvey@goba.org.uk Publicity, Bulletins & News Editor: Pridmore 07917 898168 john.pridmore@goba.org.uk Navigation problems and liaison with EA: Alistair Reid alistair.reid @ goba.org.uk Navigation problems and liaison with EA: Alistair Reid alistair.reid @ goba.org.uk Publicity, bulletins & GOBA News Editor: John Pridmore 07917 898168; john.pridmore@goba.org.uk River Situation: EA atEA Brampton 08708 506506 Floodline 0845 9881188 River Situation: atliaison Brampton 08708 506506 Floodline 0845 9881188 Navigation problems and with EA: Alistair Reid 01480 493582; alistair reid@goba.org.uk 03450345 456 456 4456 4 Cambridgeshire BoatWatch: 456 Cambridgeshire BoatWatch: River Situation: EA at Brampton 08708 506506 Floodline: 0845 9881188 Cambridgeshire Boat Watch: 0345 456 4564 GOBAGOBA News is published by the by GREAT OUSE BOATING ASSOCIATION which isunder registered under the Industrial andSocieties Provident Societies Act in Kingdom. the United Great Boating Association Ltd. which Ltd. is registered Industrial and Provident Act in theSocieties United News is published the Ouse GREAT OUSE BOATING ASSOCIATION Ltd. which isthe registered under the Industrial and Provident Act in the United Kingdom. Number 22120R22120R Number 22120R Kingdom. Number GOBAGOBA is run entirely by a committee of seasoned boatersboaters who volunteer their free time the for benefit of the Great community. is run entirely by a committee of seasoned who volunteer their freefor time the benefit of the Ouse Greatboating Ouse boating community. Opinions and statements of contributors and endorsement of advertisers published in GOBA News are notare necessarily supported by GOBA. Reproduction in whole Opinions and statements of contributors and endorsement of advertisers published in GOBA News not necessarily supported by GOBA. Reproduction in whole or part or is part strictly prohibited. GOBAGOBA is a registered data user. is strictly prohibited. is a registered data user. Application forms for membership can be can obtained at mostatmarinas on the on Great website www.goba.org.uk or: GOBA PO Box Application forms for membership be obtained most marinas the Ouse, Great from Ouse,our from our website www.goba.org.uk or: GOBA PO244 BoxHuntingdon 244 Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 6FE or6FE email: membership@goba.org.uk Cambridgeshire PE29 or email: membership@goba.org.uk

- GOBA NEWS SPRING 2011 ��32���� ���� � -����������� �� ���� ���� � �����������

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