GNews 16.05.2024

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THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2024 | 16,000+ copies distributed

The wait is over, off to the zoo

A chance meeting in February last year sparked an invitation for the No Laughing Me (NLM) team to visit Auckland Zoo. Beth Chapman, a volunteer at Auckland Zoo, came across the group selling their merchandise at the Cox Street craft market.

“Beth thought the animals in our books and on the tee shirts were wonderful and bought a couple of tees to take back with her,” says NLM co-organiser Catherine Allen. “In October, we decided to dream big and go for it; we accepted the invitation and have been madly fundraising

ever since.” (GNews 14.9.23) And so it came to be that, early on the morning of Monday, 6 May, eight keen adventurers and their support crew set off for Auckland. NLM team members John Evans, Steve Payne, Jessica Adams-Stachurski, Jesse Johnson-Pinn, Jack Leov, Conner Allen, and Rory Abraham, along with Catherine, Teena Vincent and Mark Allen, arrived at Christchurch airport in good time. Henry King, who now lives in Christchurch, met them there. “It was such a lovely reunion; hugs and kisses all around. Henry was fizzing to be

back with the crew,” says Catherine. GNews caught up with Catherine when they got back.

Day 1: An early start out of Geraldine, but check-in and the flight to Auckland went smoothly “despite a couple of nervous team members on take-off,” she says. “Going through security, Jack needed a trip through the body scanner, which he thought was pretty cool, but we were all soon onboard and enjoyed the flight.”

Having established their base at Willow Park Christian Camp, located on the edge of the

Waitemata Harbour and just 30 minutes from the CBD, it was time for a team briefing; the next four days’ itinerary was not for the fainthearted.

Day 2: a tram ride to MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology). Catherine says, “There was loads to see, lots of displays for exploring, many of them interactive. The team thought a lot of the early technology - phones, computers, video games - were a crack-up. There were fighter jets, bombers, helicopters, you

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with the
TOP ROW: Conner Allen and John Evans onboard the flight to Auckland; Rory Abraham test drives the stocks at MOTAT; the NLM team viewing underwater creatures at Kelly Tarlton’s. MIDDLE ROW: Jack Leov successfully completes a body scan at Auckland airport; John and Conner act like penguins at Kelly Tarlton’s; the NLM team arrive at Auckland Zoo. BOTTOM ROW: John takes a moment to admire glass sculptures at Auckland Museum; “The day we’d all been waiting for,” says Catherine Allen (third from right) at Auckland Zoo. PHOTOS: Supplied

The aurura as it appeared over GNews’ head office. Huge thanks to our neighbours for sending out the alert or we’d have missed it.

The differently abled in our society often experience exclusion from activities that mainstream society considers normal. The No Laughing Me (NLM) story should encourage us all to see that this local group does not belong on the margins of society but fi rmly within it. It is heartwarming to be able to feature their trip to the Auckland Zoo.

NLM began life as an art class for “special needs” high school students under the tutelage of Mike Deavoll. As the students left school, the group evolved into a standalone entity, No Laughing Me Productions, which has charitable status as of last year.

Anybody who visits the Geraldine Farmers’ Market will be aware of their range of merchandise - storybooks, including their second title, The Holidays Are Over, Back To The Zoo, T-shirts, and a range of other items, all featuring original artwork by the group, most of which is about animals. What a joy to hear the stories of this great adventure, which we are sure will not be the last.

It takes a lot to impress sophisticated folk like us, living in the third millennium. We know all about special effects and Photoshop. I am quite excited about the recent arrival of AI in my digital toolbox. And yet last weekend’s display had us all gazing skyward in wonder as we were dazzled by nature’s handiwork. Interestingly, while sunsets and mountains are diminished in the camera, the aurora is intensified when seen through the camera’s lens. The internet has been flooded with pictures, and many of you readily responded to our request for yours recording this remarkable weekend. We are pleased to provide a small selection of these on page 3.

Cheers. xox FI

We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.


The wait is over, off to the zoo continued

name it, we saw it. The helicopter cockpit simulator was popular, with Jessica acting as a pilot ‘flying’ Conner all over Europe. The radio worked, too, so they all had turns communicating with the ‘ground crew’. Very cool.”

family bereavement but assured us everything was all arranged. Diana, a lovely zoo staff member, met us at the gates for a briefing. Maps were distributed, and we were off. | 027 899 0703 ADVERTISING: | 027 899 0703


CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous day

HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm

Day 3: Auckland War Memorial Museum and Sealife Kelly Tarlton’s Aquarium. “Teena and I and the team took an early morning ferry ride while Mark drove the van around to meet us,” says Catherine. “The museum had so many fabulous displays. The volcano house was scary but fun. Henry, Jack, John, Steve, Conner and Jessica were all brave enough to try it. A favourite was the weird and wonderful section where you could create and release butterflies which would then appear on a big screen, flying through the jungle.” After lunch in the gardens, Kelly Tarlton’s did not disappoint. “Penguins, sea horses, pufferfish, hermit crabs, jellyfish and sharks… the list goes on. Favourite things were seeing the baby stingrays being fed, starfish in the touch pools, and more interactive displays creating and releasing clown fish, stingrays, and turtles.”

Day 4: Auckland Zoo. “This is the day we’d all been waiting for. Unfortunately, our friend Beth was unable to join us due to a sudden

“I don’t think GNews has enough space for me to describe everything we experienced - but the highlights had to be the African Safari Track where we met the new baby giraffe and Burma, the Asian elephant; the kiwi enclosure, where we saw two kiwi; a Bengal tiger who put on a lovely show for us and our cameras; a Tasmanian devil who was busily trotting around his large enclosure; and an elusive alligator. We had nearly given up on the alligator, but John proudly saw it first as it surfaced. Unfortunately, the orangutans were having alterations made to their enclosure, so we didn’t see them. An amazing day of discovery.”

Day 5: time to head home. Catherine says, “We were all a bit sad to be leaving our Willow Park host whānau. Jerome, Sue, and their team were so welcoming and couldn’t do enough for us, including feeding us like kings.” As they made their farewells, Catherine says she was very proud of John and Henry, who thanked their hosts for looking after them all.

On the way to the airport, the team managed

a quick stop at Butterfly Creek, where Catherine says, “We were lucky enough to see Goldie, the 60-year-old crocodile being fed, dragons, dinosaurs, and even a unicorn!” The team arrived back in Geraldine late on Friday and spent the weekend “tired but happy”, says Mark Conner.

“This has been the most wonderful experience,” says Catherine. “We couldn’t be prouder of the way our team conducted themselves. They were polite and grateful to everyone we met. Each and every one of them pushed themselves to try new things, even when it was scary. The stand-out thing, though, was the support they gave each other when trying something new. This is a natural reaction for these guys; there’s no judgement, just a genuine spirit of encouragement and celebration when someone achieves.

“Mark, Teena, and I have enjoyed every minute of this trip. Spending the week with these awesome people has been a huge privilege. We want to thank the Geraldine community again for helping us raise the funds for this trip. We are so grateful.”

For more pictures from the big Auckland adventure, visit No Laughing Me Publications on Facebook. FI MCCAFFERTY

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication, GNews does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions, or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The content of submitted material is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability of submitted ads.
TOP ROW: The NLM team explore the Auckland Zoo; Conner Allen enjoyed meeting the baby giraffe. MIDDLE ROW: Conner Allen and Jack Leov make sure the team stick to the itinerary on day five; Jack narrowly escapes losing his head at Butterfly Creek. BOTTOM ROW: The NLM team makes friends with a local dragon at Butterfly Creek; Jessica Adams-Stachurski gets up close and personal with an iguana at Butterfly Creek. PHOTOS: Supplied


Rare solar storm delights locals

A rare geomagnetic storm caused a spectacular light show across the country on Saturday night. Predicted by MetService and other weather outlets, locals armed with phones and cameras were ready for its arrival. The clear skies made a perfect canvas for the heavenly display, which, in some areas, could be seen with the naked eye.

Talking to TV3’s AM show on Monday morning, Otago University physics Professor Craig Rodger explained what was happening in the rare event. “Well, it turns out that there was a series of

explosions on the sun which threw out a bunch of material out into space,” he explained. “We call that a coronal mass ejection, or popularly known as a solar tsunami, and that material was directed towards the Earth. It took about a day and a half to travel from the sun to the Earth, and then it started crashing into our magnetic field.

“That energises the Earth’s magnetic field, boosts up the aurora so it’s brighter and more dynamic and interesting. But most importantly

for us, it moves that aurora away from Antarctica towards New Zealand."

Why is it clearer through a phone lens than our eyes? “The amazing progress in technology, basically. Modern phone cameras and highquality cameras are more sensitive than our eyes, and so [they] can pick out more detail and get the colours better.” (Newshub)

For many more photos of the aurora captured by locals, head to the GNews page on Facebook.


YOUR LEGAL SPECIALISTS IN GERALDINE Our Geraldine office at 3 Wilson Street is permanently staffed to service your legal needs. We have a long history in South Canterbury, providing high-quality legal services with passionate client care. Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.30pm. Come in and see us or call 03 693 8207 to make an appointment. Phone 03 693 8207 or or visit our website: The Old Post Office Geraldine • Open 7 days PHONE 03 693 9070 PROUDLY SUPPORTING NZ MADE
Saturday spectacular light show was caught on camera by locals. PHOTOS CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Ali Bowan; Elsa Elpida Cortes Calengas; James Timoti Koia; Cheryl Kirkwood, Andrew Mockford; Matt Searles; Cheo Toledo.
WHĀRANGI 4 | NGĀ PŪKŌRERO O TE WIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA | TAITE, 16 HARATUA 2024 •CERTIFYING PLUMBER •CERTIFYING DRAINLAYER •NEW HOUSES •RENOVATIONS •REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE •DRAIN CAMERA INSPECTIONS AND REPAIRS AGENTS FOR: PH 03 693 9625 | M 027 4353 657 23 GEORGE ST GERALDINE 30 YEARS OF LOCAL EXPERIENCE A fun music session for parents, carers and young children 9.30am Tuesdays in term-time St Andrew’s Hall $60 BALE $50 BALE LINSEED STRAW Your local MP welcomes all enquiries. Miles Anderson MP for Waitaki Oamaru 127 Thames St 03 434 7325 Wanaka Spencer House Mall 12/31 Dunmore St 03 443 4820 Authorised by M Anderson, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. ST MARY’S CHURCH | 77 TALBOT STREET | GERALDINE AN ECUMENICAL SERVICE Sunday 19 May 4pm @ St Mary’s Church PrayerPraise and A time of worship with contemporary music and the option of prayer for healing

Fundraising in style for new playground

Carew Peel Forest Home and School is raising funds for a new playground with Brunch and Style, a 19 May treat at a mystery location reached by bus that includes brunch and an auction of luxury items.

Home and School chair Georgie King says, “A mystery bus trip is always a lot of fun. There’ll be a gourmet lunch cooked by a qualified chef and return bus tickets.” She says the live and silent auctions of around 20 donated luxury beauty, fashion, and homeware items will add to the event’s fundraising power.

Carew Peel Forest is an Enviroschool with extensive grounds that give students a spectrum of outdoor activities. The school community is taking time to design the playground to fit that kaupapa, from style and features to materials. School parent, teacher, and Home and School committee member Gina Woodhouse says, “It’ll give a unique environment to play in. Not a plastic fantastic.”

Back-to-basics and evidence-based approaches will merge in the project. Georgie says, “It’ll be old-fashioned, grassroots, so all the children at

the school have a chance to challenge themselves: old-school learning.” Gina cites playground science. “There’s research on playgrounds, on ways they benefit students, for example, in grip, balance, coordination.”

Brunch and Style is Sunday, 19 May. Cost $100; includes complimentary drink. Bus departure from Carew Peel Forest School is 9am; the return trip begins at 2pm. For tickets, email Ticket numbers are limited to 90.

Cult classic at Geraldine Cinema

Classic film The Blues Brothers screens at Geraldine Cinema on 18 May. The 1980 musical action comedy is part of the classic film series - and accompanying dress-up challenges - run by the cinema in cahoots with The Record Keeper throughout 2024.

With television-based blues and soul revue roots, the now-cult movie hits an enduring sweet spot, says cinema owner Patrick Walsh. “It’s in the same vein as The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It’s not PC, it’s got good music, and it’s fun. There’s a huge number of cameos. And it’s got one of the most impressive car chase scenes I’ve ever seen; I believe it holds the record for the most police cars crashed in a film.”

Directed by John Landis and starring Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi, the film’s soundtrack includes numbers by musicians James Brown,

Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and others. Record Keeper co-owner Stephen Drew says The Blues Brothers “was a sign of the times when it came out, with its blues music and US culture.”

Deep in the film’s DNA is the irony of the anti-hero blues-playing Blues Brothers’ uniformlike black suits, narrow ties, black shades, and trilbies. The screening’s dress-up competition is an invitation to riff on that. “There’s a prize for best-dressed,” says Patrick.

The Blues Brothers is 7.30pm, Saturday, 18 May, at Geraldine Cinema. Tickets $20; available in advance from the cinema or The Record Keeper (check their opening hours), and from the box office on the night. JAN FINLAYSON

Patrick Walsh: The Blues Brothers “is not PC, it’s got good music, and it’s fun.” PHOTO: Jan Finlayson

How does support our town?

As an organisation, is involved in instigating and supporting a variety of events and projects that aim to grow the town’s pro fi le as a destination for visitors and potential residents alike.

Some of the higher-profile ones are the Harcourts Geraldine Festival and Geraldine Sculpture Trail, but the organisation has also offered advice and administrative support to newer community-initiated ventures such as the Geraldine Matariki Motor Muster, Street Food at Woodbury events, and the recent Lunar New Year celebrations.

Behind the scenes, works to build relationships with key partners to secure positive outcomes for the town, such as visits from cruise ship tourists via bus or cars organised through the town’s own vintage museum, the Geraldine Cruise as part of the popular Rock & Hop event, and features in national tourism marketing promotions.

We also support the local business community in promoting themselves through avenues such as the ever-popular Geraldine Visitor Guide, regular print and radio promotion, our social media pages, and, when appropriate, lending our weight to advocacy to community groups and local and central government.

While committed to these existing events and projects, we’re always open to hearing what other ideas locals have for promoting our town and surrounding district. Please feel free to get in touch with us at to share your thoughts on what else could be done to drive people to stop, shop, stay or come to live in our vibrant town.


Keen local gardeners

Geraldine High Year-10 Agriculture students Maisie Hancox, Jessica Sim, Charlotte Morrison and classmates sowed bucketloads of spring bulbs in the woodland between Kennedy Park and the Geraldine Sculpture Trail’s Memorial Walkway last week. Ros Burdon, Nicky Donkers, and Liz Shea donated the daffodil and bluebell bulbs. JAN FINLAYSON Students help out on the trail
Carew Peel Forest School Home and School’s Georgie King, Gina Woodhouse with students Levi Graham, Elsa Keeley, Paige Cornwall, and Kade Hendry. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson The Woodbury Street Food event is popular with local foodies. PHOTO: Archives

Geraldine District Promotions and Development Association (


Thursday, 13 June 2024 at Lynn River High Street Stitch & Print

Business@Six from 6pm AGM commences 7pm

Phone 027 555 6524 or email for more details


Geraldine Ladies' Friendship Club invites all to a special showing of the original

West Side Story

Geraldine Cinema 10am, Monday, 20 May

Special price of $10 includes morning tea EVERYONE WELCOME

is your FREE space to tell us about stuff ... if you’re doing it, we want to hear about it. Send your words and pictures to: RECYCLED CLOTHING TUESDAY-FRIDAY 10.30am-3.30pm 4 PEEL STREET CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS M&G AUTO CENTRE YOUR ONE STOP AUTO SHOP TIME FOR A NEW CAR? Toyota has held a special place in the hearts and minds of New Zealanders for generations. Take a look at Toyota’s range of cars, hybrids, SUVs, 4x4 and utes. M&G Auto Centre can help you decide which is the right one for you. M&G AUTO CENTRE | 13 PEEL STREET, GERALDINE | 03 693 9664 | 027 208 7590 TOYOTA VEHICLE SALES • MECHANICAL SERVICING AND REPAIRS • BRIDGESTONE TYRES • IRONMAN LIFT KITS • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WARRANT OF FITNESS 33 Connolly Street, Geraldine P 0800 845 524 or 03 693 8340 E Modern Lifestyle Living ACCREDITED VILLAGE OF THE RVA



CLASSIFIED ADS CASH SALES 70 cents + gst per word. Cash ads are no longer accepted at our home office. Email or call 027 899 0703.

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Allied Press account : 02-0912-0168404-15 Reference: T255704.


A MESSAGE FROM THE TEAM AT ELLIE'S BARBER SHOP, TEMUKA There are some new and exciting changes happening. You will find us at 108 King Street, Temuka. Our last day at 73 King Street is Friday, 10 May. We will be closed for a week or two while our new space is prepared for you. We want to thank the community for their kindness and support at this time. We look forward to seeing you in our new space. In the interim, our mobile service is available. You can contact Ellie at 027 499 1678.




BROOKSIDE BOARDING KENNELS Farmstay for dogs. 208 Woodbury Road. Phone 03 693 9929.

CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying. Upholstery, mats, rugs and windows. Experienced owner-operator. Find us at or phone John 0274 351 042.

CHIMNEY SWEEP & REPAIRS call Dan Mckerrow 021 118 7580. COMPUTER HELP Tech Geraldine 029 646 6327.

DOUBLE GLAZING ENQUIRIES Phone Geraldine Glass 03 693 9927.

HEAT PUMPS Clean, service, repair and install. Please call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.

PAINTING AND INTERIOR PLASTERING Contact Stephen Foster painting and decorating on 021 041 3318.

PROFESSIONAL WINDOW CLEANING No streaks - like new. Guarantee a fantastic result. Call Ally 021 939 490.

PC UPGRADES / REPAIRS Geraldine Computer Solutions 03 693 9496.


THE HONEY SHOP Plenty of honey still at The Honey Shop, Woodbury Road Corner. Also Honey Dew available.

THE HONEY SHOP Plenty of honey still at The Honey Shop, Woodbury Road Corner. Also Honey Dew available.

GRANDE VUE GOLF CLUB 11.05.24 Denfield visit Stableford 1stT Kerr 82-13-69-35, M O'Malley 8314-69-35, D Law 80-11-69-35, M Sheppard 84-12-72-32, J Bell 87-11-76-28, S Gatley 78-3-75-25, I MacDonald 81-2-79-24 N/P S Gatley. 12/5 Stableford 1st J Bayley 95-32-63-40, A Muff 82-15-67-37, M O'Malley 82-1468-36, J Patrick 76-6-70-34, D Law 83-11-72-32, M Lang 85-12-73-31, J Bell 84-11-73-31, T Kerr 8812-76-28, C McNulty 92-16-76-28, G A Patrick 93-16-77-27. Twos T Kerr, N/P J Patrick.

THURSDAY, 16 MAY 2024 | THE GERALDINE NEWS | PAGE 7 GERALDINE CINEMA PHONE 03 693 8118 Country hospitality at its best THURSDAY 16 MAY TIL WEDNESDAY 22 MAY THE BLUES BROTHERS (R16) VIOLENCE, OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE NO CHILDREN ADMITTED NO COMPS SATURDAY 7.30PM | ALL SEATS $20 Day ticket sales from THE RECORD KEEPER or at the door on the night. Come dressed up as your favourite character - prizes for best dressed! Marisa Abela stars as Amy Winehouse in BACK TO BLACK (R13) VIOLENCE, OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE, DRUGE USE, SEX SCENES NO COMPS SUNDAY 3PM Ryan Reynolds stars in this all-new family feature as a man with the ability to talk to other people's imaginary friends. IF (PG) SOME SCENES MAY SCARE VERY YOUNG CHILDREN | NO COMPS SATURDAY 3PM | SUNDAY 1PM Helen Mirren stars as Golda Meir in this amazing true story GOLDA (M) VIOLENCE, CONTENT THAT MAY DISTURB | NO COMPS SATURDAY 5PM | SUNDAY 5.15PM SPECIAL SCREENING IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE RECORD KEEPER COMING SOON: MAD ABOUT THE BOY (TBA) KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (23/5) FURIOSA: A MAD MAX STORY (23/5) LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL (TBA)
eatingout VERDE Open every day 9am-3pm. Bookings recommended 03 693 9616 or MUNDELLS CAFÉ Come and try our new menu and fresh cabinet food. Sunday Roast is on 11.30am to 2pm. Open 7 days 03 693 1101. THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please phone 03 693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore. g
Level Electrical Geraldine & Temuka 17 Peel Street Geraldine 7930 03 693 9399 LEVELELECTRICAL.NZ 23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331 CRACKED WINDSCREEN? SERVICING ALL RURAL COMMUNITIES IN SOUTH CANTERBURY ✔ Combined Service! - Fix Both Vehicle & Home Glass ✔ Direct billing to Insurance Companies ✔ TIMARU OWNED - No Remote call Centre PH: 03 693 8536 | 027 405 6402 JODY@DANSMOTORCENTRE.CO.NZ 50 MAJORS RD, GERALDINE SALES CFMOTO ATV & UTV ECHO CHAINSAWS HEDGE & WEED TRIMMERS FERRIS ZEROTURN MOWERS VICTA ROTARY & RIDE ON MOWERS CHAINSAW CHAIN & OIL SERVICES WARRANT OF FITNESS CHECKS CARS, MOTORCYCLES & TRAILERS MECHANIC REPAIRS & SERVICING CARS, MOTORBIKE, LAWN MOWERS, CHAINSAWS & SMALL ENGINES LONG AND SHORT TERM STORAGE LARGE AND SMALL UNITS AVAILABLE 1 PINE STREET & 35 KENNEDY STREET SEAFOOD MARKET | TUESDAY 7 MAY FROM 3PM | HARCOURTS CARPARK GERALDINE GERALDINE GLASS 03 693 9927 Double Glazing, Insurance Repairs, Splash Backs, Window Repairs, Mirrors & Showers, Insect Screens QUALIFIED ARBORIST Experienced arborist available for all your tree pruning and removal needs Phone Li Tane on 022 308 1858 OR EMAIL: for a free quote URNBULL EARTHMOVER & SHINGLE SUPPLIES OPERATING Excavators: Track & Wheeled Bobcat • Chain Trencher • Graders Tip Trucks & Trailers • Loaders • Cherry Picker Shingle, Landscaping Rock, Bark Chip Laser Level available on all machines TS NOPERA 10 Geraldine-Fairlie Highway Geraldine Ph 0274 340 570 or a/h ph/fax 693 7985 117 TALBOT STREET, GERALDINE GERALDINE CommunityGardens CHECK OUT THE VEGE UNIT BY THE GATE DONATIONS WELCOME WEEKLY HARVEST: THURSDAY ONLINE EDITION:

Saturday 25 May

2pm @ Trinity Church, Timaru Sunday 26 May

2pm @ St Mary’s Church, Geraldine


ACCOMPANIST: Stephanie Dalloway

Bee Gees, Cohen &
GUEST ARTISTS: Height of Harmony & Molly Fetu Tickets
from LOUK Clothing Geraldine, Newman’s Music Timaru, and from Rhyth-Mix Singers members, or at the door REFRESHMENTS TO FOLLOW ENQUIRIES: or call Emily on 021 778 419

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