CEHD Undergraduate Guidebook

Page 1



f Education Co lleg e o and Human Development


Student Guidebook 2021-2022 Academic Year



Table of Contents Stay Connected with CEHD....................................................... 2 Communication Policy......................................................... 3

Offce of Student and Academic Affairs 2200 Thompson Hall 703-993-2080

Welcome from Interim Dean Baker......................... 3 Academic & Personal Integrity............................ 3

Email cehdsaa@gmu.edu

Advising.................................................................. 4 The Student Success Center.......................... 5

Website cehd.gmu.edu

CEHD Resources.......................................... 5 Academic Program Coordinators............ 6

Student Success Blog cehd.gmu.edu/studentblog

Undergraduate Student Checklist......... 7 Patriot Web 101.......................................... 8

Twitter @CEHD_SAA

Adding/Dropping/Withdrawing.......... 9 Other Important Policies....................... 10

Im f

a i+J 2

On Track for Success................................ 11

LinkedIn masoncehd

University Resources........................... 12-13 Notes.................................................................. 14

Facebook @mason.cehd.saa

Fairfax Campus Map........................................ 15

YouTube http://bit.ly/CEHD_SAA

Instagram cehd_saa

On the cover: Buildings that house many of our CEHD offces and programs. Front: Thompson Hall. Back (clockwise from top left: Finley Building, Krug Hall, West Building, and Katherine G. Johnson Hall located on the Science and Technology (SciTech) Campus.

Communication is the Key to Success. All Mason students are responsible for the content of University communications sent via email, and are required to activate their Mason email account and check it regularly. Students must also use their Mason email address when communicating with university offces and personnel.

Read your Mason Email!

Welcome! Hello and congratulations on your choice of the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD)! There has never been a more exciting time to join our college. I'm proud to tell you that CEHD stands ready to provide comprehensive academics and outstanding instruction that will help you meet challenges, overcome obstacles, and prepare for your future. We look forward to supporting you from this orientation right through to your graduation. Best of luck and welcome to CEHD! Dr. Robert Baker Interim Dean College of Education and Human Development

Academic and Personal Integrity The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) educates current and future professionals who are charged with expanding human intellectual, psychological, and physical development in the lives of others. Such work demands the highest standards of personal and academic integrity. It is expected that all CEHD students will demonstrate a commitment to high academic standards and a professional disposition in their work, community, classrooms, and research throughout their time at George Mason University. All students sign an agreement to adhere to the Honor Code on their application for admission to Mason and are responsible for being aware of the most current version of the code. The Honor Code Pledge reads as follows: To promote a stronger sense of mutual responsibility, respect, trust, and fairness among all members of the George Mason University Community and with the desire for greater academic and personal achievement, we, the student members of the university community, have set forth this Honor Code: Student Members of the George Mason University community pledge not to cheat, plagiarize, steal, or lie in matters related to academic work. College of Education and Human Development students are further expected to show respect for peers, faculty, staff, and themselves at all times by: • • • •

Honoring the rights and dignity of others. Maintaining a courteous and professional demeanor in both face-to-face and online interactions. Handling all appeals, concerns, complaints, or grievances honestly and through the appropriate CEHD or University channels. Being good stewards of University property and resources.


Advising It’s essential that you meet with your academic advisor at least once each semester. Your advisor is a key resource to help you navigate the university, stay on track toward completion of your degree requirements, and explore opportunities to round out your portfolio of experiences in order to strengthen your prospects for future employment or entry into advanced studies. Meet the CEHD undergraduate advising team:

Jancy Templeton

Heather Aycock

Valerie Bartush

Linda Krout

Special Education

Special Education

Elementary Education

Physical Education

Kerri Marianos

Susan Burns

Kelly Dunne

Kayla Turner

Undergraduate Pre-Education

Human Development & Family Science

Human Development & Family Science

Human Development & Family Science/ Early Childhood Education

Michelle Séki

Stormi Woltz

Tiffany Sandstrum

Tourism & Events Management Sport Management

Parks & Outdoor Recreation Kinesiology Therapeutic Recreation Sport Management

Know Your Advisor! Name: _______________________________ Email Address: _________________________ Offce Location: _______________________________________________________________ 4

The Student Success Center As part of the CEHD Offce of Student and Academic Affairs, the Student Success Center offers informational, advising, retention, and support services; processes academic appeals and exceptions; addresses University policy inquiries and student concerns; and coordinates CEHD student organizations, research, and professional development. We are proud to be here for you throughout your Mason student experience. Meet your Student Success Team:

Dr. Ellen Rodgers

Dr. Ivory Berry

Jocelyn Callister

Chris Creswell

Associate Dean, Student & Academic Affairs

Assistant Dean for Student Success

Administrative Services Manager

Student Success Coordinator

Meg Yoder

Brianna Alford

Stephen Vaughan

Student Communications Coordinator

Student Enrichment Coordinator

Student Academic Success Coordinator

CEHD Resources Student Success Center

Licensure Coordinator

2200 Thompson Hall | 703-993-2080 cehdsaa@gmu.edu

2300 Thompson Hall | 703-993-2094 edlicen@gmu.edu Serves as the main contact for inquiries about licensure and Virgina Department of Education licensure regulations.

Pre-Education Advising preteach@gmu.edu | endorse@gmu.edu cehd.gmu.edu/teach Advises students of pathways to becoming a licensed teacher in the areas of Elementary, Secondary, and Early Childhood Education.


Academic Program Coordinators Academic Program Coordinators (APCs) are the faculty members who lead your program of study within CEHD. In your time at Mason, you may need your APC's support to process an academic action or appeal. They are also instructors, so it is also likely you will have a course or two with them. Meet CEHD's Academic Program Coordinators:

School of Education (SOED) Dr. Pam Baker

Dr. Julie Kidd

Dr. Dominique Banville

Special Education

Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners

Health & Physical Education

School of Kinesiology (SOK) Dr. Susan Burns

Dr. Audra Parker

Dr. Jacqueline McDowell

Human Development & Family Science

Elementary Education


School of Sport, Recreation, & Tourism Management (SRTM) Dr. Laurence Chalip

Dr. Brenda Wiggins

Craig Esherick, J.D.

Recreation Management

Recreation Management

Sport Management

Dr. Min Park Tourism & Events Management


Undergraduate Student Checklist ❏ Sign up for a Patriot Pass account (password.gmu.edu)to access Patriot Web, myMason, library databases, and other essential campus websites. ❏ Activate your email account in MasonLive (mail.gmu.edu) to receive all offcial University communications. ❏ Get your Mason ID (masonid.gmu.edu) for access to practically everything! ❏ Get familiar with myMason portal (mymasonportal.gmu.edu) for login to Blackboard and your student email account. ❏ Explore Parking (parking.gmu.edu) and Transportation (transportation.gmu.edu) to learn about your parking, shuttle, and public transportation options. ❏ Enroll in Mason Alert (ready.gmu.edu) emergency and weather delay/closing messaging system. ❏ Visit Student Health Services (shs.gmu.edu/insurance) to learn more about health insurance options and turn in your immunization forms. ❏ Add yourself to People Finder (peoplefnder.gmu.edu) and use it to fnd students, faculty, and staff. ❏ Review All Academic Deadlines for the Semester (registrar.gmu.edu/calendars) and associated tuition penalties. See page 9 for details. ❏ International Students: Connect with the Offce of International Programs and Services (oips.gmu.edu/oips-self-service-center) for immigration requirements. ❏ Attend Your Welcome2Mason Events (welcome2mason.gmu.edu) to get to know your program, the College, and the Mason community. ❏ See your academic advisor (cehd.gmu.edu/students/advising) at least once each semester.



Register for classes View registration time ticket View waitlist status Access fnancial aid View holds View semester schedule

• • • •

Obtain unofcial transcripts Access grades Apply to graduate View Degree Audit

WHAT CAN'T I DO ON PATRIOT WEB? You cannot replace academic advising. Remember: "It's really unwise to self-advise!" See your advisor at least once a semester to review your academic progress!

FIND YOUR REGISTRATION TIME TICKET Watch the Registrar's video tutorial here.

STEPS FOR ACCESSING DEGREE WORKS 1. Log into Patriot Web with your user ID and password 2. Click on the Student Services tab 3. Click on the Student Records link 4. Click on Degree Evaluation Menu 5. Click on Degree Works to view your degree progress Learn more and watch a video tutorial here.

Check Campus Locations FX = Fairfax Campus PW = Science & Technology Campus NE or NET = Online OCL = Of Campus Location KOR = Korea (system won't allow you to register for this location) Find Building Codes here. 8

Course Days M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Tursday F = Friday

Class Example TR = Tuesdays & Tursdays MW = Mondays & Wednesdays

Adding, Dropping, and Withdrawing from a Course When registering for the semester, few students expect to change their selections. It’s only when they have a few classes under their belt that regrets and reality set in. When you want to change things up or get your semester back on track, it’s important to understand University policy regarding adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a class.

Know your deadlines! The add/drop/withdrawal deadlines for the

semester are:

Last day to add a class: Last day to drop a class: Last day for Unrestricted Withdrawal: Last day to submit a Selective Withdrawal: Taking a class shorter than 15 weeks? Your add/drop/withdrawal deadlines will be different! You can fnd the dates at: registrar.gmu.edu/calendars.

Adding (AP 1.3.2) •

Classes may be added up to 8 days after the semester start, excluding holidays, for a full semester (15-week) course. Students will be assessed a $125 late registration fee if they haven't registered for at least one class prior to the start of the semester. After the add period, students must obtain permission from their instructor to be added to a course. The student will be assessed a $125 late course add fee for each course added!

Dropping (AP 1.3.2) • • • •

With 100% tuition refund: the drop deadline for 15week courses is the 14th day of the semester. With NO Tuition refund: the drop deadline is the 22nd day of the semester. Dropping a class will remove it completely from your record and will not be counted as an attempt. NON-ATTENDANCE NOTICE: If you stop attending a class, or even if you registered for it but never attended at all, you must drop it by the frst drop deadline, or you will have to pay for the course!

Withdrawing Maybe you’ve had an unexpected life event or maybe you’ve just realized that there is no way you can pass a class. A “W” for withdrawal on your transcript looks better than an “F”. Undergraduates have two types of withdrawals available to them:

Unrestricted Withdrawal (AP 1.3.2) •

Students can withdraw themselves from a class via Patriot Web during the Unrestricted Withdrawal Period. A grade of ‘W’ will appear as the fnal grade on the transcript and credits will be considered attempted credits for fnancial aid purposes and academic standing. NO tuition is refunded.

Selective Withdrawal (AP 1.5.1) •

After the Unrestricted Withdrawal Period, you can still withdraw from a class via Patriot Web using one of your Selective Withdrawals during the designated Selective Withdrawal Period. Students can process a maximum of three (3) Selective Withdrawals over their entire undergraduate career.


Other Important Policies All Mason students are reponsible for understanding and adhereing to all policies listed in the University Catalog (catalog.gmu.edu). We have included some key undergraduate student policies here for your convenience. For more information on a particular policy listed below, search the online catalog using the policy codes at the end of each entry. (ex. AP 1.3.4)

Academic Standing: Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 to remain in good academic standing. Some majors, including PHED and KINE have a higher GPA standard. A lower than minimum GPA results in a student being placed on Warning, Probation, or Suspension. (AP 5.2)

Incomplete Grades: Instructors may assign a temporary grade of incomplete (IN) at their discretion for students who are unable to complete scheduled course work due to a cause beyond reasonable control. The student must complete all requirements by the end of the ninth week of the following fall or spring semester unless a special deadline, not to exceed the University deadline, is established. Students should be aware that a grade of IN temporarily calculates into their cumulative GPA as F and could affect their academic standing. IN grades can impact fnancial aid eligibility if cumulative GPA drops below2.0. Students are highly encouraged to sign an incomplete grade contract and fle it with their program offce. (AP 3.3)

Leave of Absence/Re-enrollment: •

Course Repeat: Undergraduate students may repeat a course designated as “not repeatable for credit” a total of three times. Dropping or withdrawing (W grade) from a course is not counted as a repeat in this policy. Permission for a fourth attempt must be requested via the student’s academic advisor and might not be approved. The grade received in a repeated course will replace the earlier grade in the calculation of the GPA, even if the more recent grade is lower. Duplicate credit is not earned. All courses taken and their grades remain part of the student’s transcript. (AP 1.3.4)

Enrollment Status: Students who are currently enrolled in 12 or more credit hours are considered FullTime. Students enrolled in 6-11 credit hours are considered Part-Time. WARNING: A change in enrollment status may affect your fnancial aid! FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) legally prohibits University employees from disclosing any identifying student information to a third party without the student’s written consent; this includes friends and family.

Grade Appeals and Grievances: Students may contest a fnal grade for a class if they feel they have not been graded fairly in accordance with the course syllabus. Grade appeals should be frst discussed with the instructor. If there is no resolve, students are afforded two additional levels of appeal: program and College. Students who have concerns about, or issues with, their instructor may submit a grievance to the CEHD Offce of Student and Academic Affairs. (catalog.gmu.edu/policies/student-rightsresponsibilities)


Students who will be absent for one or more semesters must FIRST submit an approved Leave of Absence form to the Registrar’s offce. (AP 1.8) Any student who is inactive for a semester or more without obtaining a Leave of Absence must submit a re-enrollment form in order to be reactivated in the system and allowed to register for courses. (Undergraduate Admissions Policy) Students missing two or more full academic years must re-apply to Mason. Re-admission is not guaranteed. (Undergraduate Admissions Policy)

Registration: Students are responsible for registering correctly and paying by the deadline. Students should confrm the accuracy of their enrollments (including drop and add) using Patriot Web. Incorrect enrollments may result in academic and fnancial penalties. (AP 1.3) Study Elsewhere: All students must obtain written approval IN ADVANCE or they may not receive transfer credit for courses taken at another institution. Permission to study elsewhere is granted on a case-by-case basis. Students considering studying elsewhere should speak to their advisor frst to determine eligibility. (AP 1.4.2)

Satisfactory Academic Progress: Students are responsible for maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in order to be eligible for fnancial aid. SAP is defned as: • Having the appropriate minimum GPA based on how many credit hours you have attempted (1-16 credits - .67/ 17-29 credits - 1.75/ 30-59 credits - 1.85/ 60+ credits - 2.00) • Having successfully completed at least 67% of all credit hours attempted • Ability to complete your program of study within 180 attempted credit hours

On Track for Success the most out of Mason and achieve post-graduation success one step at a time! Pre­


Review transfer equivalencies

Register for & a tend orientation


Develop a 4Year Plan with your academic

UNIV 100

.;;,,,JI# Identify

your academic advisor

f.xplore study abroad opportunities

Build & sustain faculty relationships your internship coordinator


[xplore undergraduate research opportunities

Join a student organization

Explore Handshake & create your profile

Build your resume with an on-campus job

Junior Year

Explore majors. minors.& careers

Meet with your advisor to update your


Visit Car er Apply for jobs or graduate

....__. Complete graduation check with

Apply for graduation via Patriot Web

Plan for graduate school entrance exams

Senior Year

Register lo attend your Degree Celebration

Post­ Graduation

Meet with career services & attend a career fair

Remain active in clubs & organizations

Complete Plans Surveys

Update your Linkedln account


Apply for internships


Stay involved ~ through the \,,.~ ~ Alumni Association ~

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University Resources Your Orientation Guide is full of contacts and resources that will be valuable to you throughout your time at Mason. Keep your Orientation Guide and this CEHD Student Guidebook for reference! We’ve included a few additional University resources here to help you stay informed, engaged, and present on your journey. Remember: no matter what challenges or needs arise along the way, there are resources here at Mason to help you succeed! It’s your responsibility to reach out and make the most of them!

Emergency Numbers Campus Police Emergency: Dial 911 Non-Emergency: 703-993-2810

Vehicle Parking Lot Escort/Report a Crime

Math Tutoring Center Johnson Center, Room 344 | 703-993-1460 http://math.gmu.edu/tutor-center.php Offers free tutoring for lower-level math courses up to MATH 290.

Scholarship, Creative Activities, & Research (OSCAR) Johnson Center, Room 228 | 703-993-3794 oscar@gmu.edu/oscar.gmu.edu Connects students with faculty and to the research and creative mission of Mason. Provides mentorship, research opportunities, and paid research work-study for students.

Writing Center Johnson Center, Room 227E | 703-993-1200 wcenter@gmu.edu | writingcenter.gmu.edu Offers free writing support, face-to-face tutoring, online tutoring, workshops, and weekly write-ins. Website offers a wide range of help with common writing challenges.

703-993-HELP (4357)

University Libraries Motor Assistance/Parking Services For minor car trouble/parking inquiries 703-993-2710

Admissions and International Student Involvement 2300 The Hub | 703-993-2909 si@gmu.edu | si.gmu.edu Helps students get connected to Mason through campuswide events, well-being initiatives, registered student organizations, student government, trainings, student advocacy, and personal interactions.

Student Financial Aid Mason Student Services Center, SUB I | 703-993-2353 fnaid@gmu.edu Answers questions regarding FAFSA, scholarships, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, and aid disbursements.

Academic Support Learning Services 3129 SUB I | 703-993-2380 lsstaff@gmu.edu Provides a variety of experience-based learning opportunities, such as tutoring, goal setting, and time management, through which undergraduate students may address a wide range of academic concerns.


library.gmu.edu Fenwick Library (Fairfax) | 703-993-2240 Mercer Library (SciTech) | 104 Colgan Hall | 703-993-8340 Offers a host of services tailored to student needs including research services, subject databases, digital scholarship center, interlibrary loans, group study space reservations, and a video recoring studio.

Student Support International Programs and Services (OIPS) 4300 SUB I Addition | 703-993-2970 oips@gmu.edu Supports international students from admission to graduation with all aspects of campus life.

Contemporary Student Services 1014 The Hub | 703-993-6563 offcamp1@gmu.edu | contemporary.gmu.edu | och@gmu.edu Coordinates academic and social engagement opportunities to specifcally meet the needs of students living off-campus and assists those seeking off-campus living. Maintains a database of local apartments, townhouses, and rooms to rent.

Career Services 3400 SUB I | 703-993-2370 careers@gmu.edu | careers.gmu.edu Assists students with career exploration, job and internship search, and graduate school preparation.

Military Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

1510 SUB I | 703-993-1316 military@gmu.edu | military.gmu.edu Assists veterans, active duty servicemembers, guardsmen, reservists, and dependents in making a successful transition into the Mason community. Provides information about benefts, GI Bill, and Battle Buddies Program.

3129 SUB I (Fairfax) | 229 Colgan Hall (SciTech) 703-993-2380 | caps.gmu.edu Provides individual and group counseling, crisis counseling, workshops, and outreach programs, and supports students with learning differences. Services are confdential.

Student-Parent Support

Disability Services

masonfamily.gmu.edu/student-parents/ Website where pregnant and parenting Mason students can fnd resources for academic support, food and housing security, child care, health care, and more.

2500 SUB I | 703-993-2474 ods@gmu.edu | ds.gmu.edu Fosters partnerships with students, faculty, and staff to create environments that are accessible, diverse, and inclusive. Provides documentation and verifcation for students needing special accommodations for classes.

Center for Culture, Equity, and Impowerment (CCEE)

Student Support and Advocacy Center

2400 SUB I | 703-993-2700 ccee@gmu.edu | ccee.gmu.edu/ Engages the various Mason constituents in awareness and exploration of the diversity of the campus community, identity development, and global and cultural competencies through a variety of programming.

2300 SUB I | 703-993-3686 ssac@gmu.edu Offers students one-on-one support, interactive programming, and on and off campus resources to help students develop and maintain healty lifestyles. Offers emergency housing support.

Title IX Coordinator LGBTQ Resources 2200 SUB I | 703-993-2702 lgbtq.gmu.edu Provides direct services to LGBTQ+ students including advising, advocacy, counseling and referral, education and training, group and workshop facilitation, and leadership development.

Women and Gender Studies Center 240K Johnson Center | 703-993-2896 wmst@gmu.edu | wmst.gmu.edu Educates the campus community about gender issues and issues of concern to women. Provides a safe psychological and physical space for people of all genders, races, sexualities, abilities, and religious backgrounds.

Health and Wellness Student Health Services 2300 SUB I (Fairfax) | 703-993-2831 229 Colgan Hall (SciTech) | 703-993-8374 shsinfo@gmu.edu | shs.gmu.edu Provides healthcare, counseling, health education, insurance information, and prevention services to students. All students are eligible to see a provider whether they have insurance or not. There is no charge to see a healthcare provider; however, there are fees for some procedures, lab work, and medications.

373 Aquia Building | 703-993-8730 titleix@gmu.edu Advises students about their rights, reponsibilities, and resources under Title IX law, including responding to reports of sexual harassment and misconduct.

Patriot Pantry 2300 SUB I | 703-993-3686 pantry@gmu.edu | ssac.gmu.edu/patriot-pantry Provides access to non-perishable food items, toiletries, and basic school supplies to students who are unable to afford them. Raises awareness about food insecurity and homelessness within the Mason student population.

Mason Recreation recreation.gmu.edu Enriches student physical and holistic well-being at Mason through a variety of facilities, programs, and services including aquatics, ftness, intramural & club sports, outdoor adventures, and experiential learning programs. Membership is free for full-time students and available for part-time students for a small fee.









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24-hour Residential Desk

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