1 minute read

Nandita Samanta


The warm tempting touch of your skin is like soft beam of the sun in the morning


I have rested my aching head on your strong chest the pillow contoured perfectly to settle all my pain

My needy eyes have taken refuge in your sight, your essence snarls my trust in love I hate my fate that doesn’t accommodate!

My crumbled cloud of doubts passes through the church of beliefs in your faith, letting you dwell in my very existence as a necessity.

You walk straight into my house of insecurities fighting to break down the walls that I have built around myself,

and I relish in your victory the taste of your ardent lips on my lips unfurling myself as a rose, petal by petal.

I have lent out the space in my mind to your thoughts, every cell responding to your vigour flexing the corners where my soul belongs.

The compass of my directionless heart is stuck with you since time unknown taking your directions, the only way I have ever known!

Nandita Samanta: She was in a teaching profession, presently is a secretary of a creative organisation. She is a multilingual poet, a short story writer, a reviewer, a dancer and an artist. Her works are well appreciated and published and her paintings have been displayed at various exhibitions. Her published poetry collection is titled 'Scattered Moments'. Her poems, articles, short stories feature in various international and national anthologies, magazines, journals, newspapers and e-zines. Her poems have been aired in U.K. And US radio channels and also have been translated in different languages.

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