1 minute read

Pratima Apte


The year just flashed by! A year of highs and lows, pain, sufferings, misunderstandings, And of course, of simple joys, fun filled occasions, celebrations and contentment, Look back with empathy, at yourself, at your family, at the world, As usual make grand plans for the new year, Change myself for the better, More caring, more loving, non-judgemental, Lose weight of worries and love handles, Cleanse mind and heart of regrets and grudges, To make space for joy and love. May you have success in this noble endeavour, May we practise the true Christmas fervour, Throughout the year!


Pratima Apte: I am an English Hons. Graduate of Delhi University. I am a homemaker, recently turned grandmother! I used to write sporadically in the Pune edition's Women's page of the Indian Express. I love reading and writing, words are my world. My interests in reading are self-help books, spiritual and cookbooks and fiction. Books by Ayn Rand, Taylor Caldwell, Leon Uris, J Krishnamurthy, Dan Brown have been my favourites, as also layman's homeopathy, astrology and medical books.

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