1 minute read

Linda Imbler


Be careful what you wish for, we’ve always heard said. Clotho and her sisters continuously weave the tapestry of our world, for now and forever. Threads of our wishes lie across the top and bottommost warps of this tapestry.


Some threads are never absorbed, these separate from the whole, dissolve into the ether, they are wishes lost or forgotten.

Others are woven into the body of the tapestry, but get bent or turned backwards. We may wish for money or fame, but these are wishes that may become twisted and perverted into something different, such as the man who wished for peace and quiet

from the common noises of the world, only to find himself floating alone in the dead of space.

Still some threads are incorporated into scenes that please the Fates. They are woven straight and true, these wishes come true. They are made of strong stuff, of the most excellent fiber weight. More importantly, they are made from thread that was manufactured of selflessness, without ego or arrogance, wishes made for the sake of others, to improve the condition of all fellow beings.

I wish these pleasing wishes will always be fulfilled.

Linda Imbler: She is the author of the published poetry collection “Big Questions, Little Sleep.” Her work has appeared in numerous journals. Linda’s creative process

and a current, complete listing of sites which have or will publish her work can be found at lindaspoetryblog.blogspot.com. This writer, yoga practitioner, and classical guitar player lives in Wichita, Kansas.

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