1 minute read

Madhumita Bhattacharjee Nayyar


Two eyes overflowed like flooded rivers, Refusing to stop ever, Staining the rosy cheeks, Leaving grey streaks On her skin fair, Drawing rivers of despair, Hair dishevelled, A crazy wind meddled With a delicate, petit her As she tried hard to hold back the tears And wiped them away with the back of her palm, With a tempest inside, still calm, All seemed lost With the darkness, as the Sun crossed The horizon slowly And dipped down into the sea, He never cried,


Nor was scared to say goodbye, He drowned, to resurface again, His territory to regain, Without any sense of loss or remorse, Nor did he cry himself hoarse, Then why should she cry for her love, mourn him? Cry and waste her tears on his whim, Leaving her was his loss, not hers, He was not worth her love and care, Looking up at the sky, she gathered herself, Promising not to waste herself on someone else, Nor let her happiness cease, With a smile in her heart, she made peace.

Madhumita Bhattacharjee Nayyar: She is a bilingual writer (writing both in Hindi and English), writing by the name of Madhumita. A poetess, blogger, lifeskills counsellor, healer, she is also a social commentator and works with women and children. Her works have been published in various

national and international magazines, newspapers, web magazines, ezines, journals, anthologies. The author of "THE NIGHT JASMINE AND OTHER LOVE POEMS", is also the winner of ICON OF THE YEAR-LIFESKILLS COUNSELLOR 2015-2016, CREATIVE WRITER OF THE YEAR 2016 and Indian Women Achievers Award 2016 for Creative Writing. She is an avid animal lover too, her motto in life being "Live & Love Life ".

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