1 minute read

Gonapragasen Naicker Aka Danny


like a silent whisper carried by the breeze I feel you caress my thoughts with the silence of your presence although you are eons away there is no distance between us you warm my heart with the silence of your touch your silence lightens the heavy burdens weighing down my life your silence speaks louder than a thousand words ever will I see the silence in your eyes I see the silence in your smile my inner senses rouses


to the silence of your appearance I rest in the silence of your aroma the fragrance of a thousand roses intoxicates my entire senses in the silence I am lulled to sleep and peace unfolds like nothing in this world ever will

there are no words flowing from your lips there is no need for words I have been kissed by your silence I grow in the essence of your silence your silence is everywhere overwhelms every fiber of my being I find ecstasy in your silence my soul surrenders to the silence emitting like a symphony from nothingness I find the meaning of life in the passions of your silence

your silence arouses deep within me feelings I cannot fathom your silence drowns the turbulence

that haunts my soul your silence is the peace within me your silence is love, your love is silence it’s light nourishes my sanity through all the madness of my dreams I know I can cast away to the four winds this cloak of my superficial existence and drown in the silence of your love

Gonapragasen Naicker Aka Danny: He is an Indian born, and brought up in South Africa. He has been fascinated by, and writing poetry since his early boyhood. He has performed his poetry at various forums, including the Poetry Africa Festival, the Mauritian Writers’ Association, and Glorioustimes, India. He is the Convenor of the Live Poets Society, Durban, South Africa.

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