1 minute read

Geethanjali Dilip


Her bewitching visage shines through her many scars, Of storms and meteors that hit her, She a moon among stars, Yet She changes, waxes and wanes and zilches away, So much like me and my mirror tells me so even today, From an infant to a girl, to a woman and a lover, Beautiful me a girl child ever, young in spirit, a mother and now a grandmother, Who cares about the lines, the greys, the sagging neck, I’ve see this world through my kaleidoscopic eyes, what the heck! I may not fit into your frame of an hour glass and baby skin, I’m an eternal soul, my soul sister the moon says so too, my next of kin, While your eyes peer to wonder at my everlasting Joie de vivre my love,


The moon shall watch you silently your ephemeral life fading from above! Yet I shine within a lamp that glows radiant, I am ME, a song immortal gliding with a flawless moon distant!

Geethanjali Dilip: She passionately contributes poems to poetry platforms in literary blogs and Facebook, including The Significant League, GloMag, Different Truths etc. A professor of French heading Zone Francofone at Salem, India, she has published two anthologies, "Between Moms and Sons" and "The Virtual Reality" in collaboration with several renowned poets. Her poems have been featured in

several anthologies. Geeth believes poetry is the breath of the soul. She has been awarded the prestigious Reuel International Prize for Poetry 2017 by The Significant League headed by Dr. Ampat Koshy.

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