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Junior Grand Deacon Applications Now Being Accepted

Do you want to serve Illinois Freemasonry as a Grand Lodge Officer?

The future of any organization depends on the quality of its leadership. Application for appointment as Junior Grand Deacon will be accepted until the June deadline. Contact the Grand Lodge office for an official application packet.

This position is open to members who are residents of the State, are in good standing in an Illinois lodge, and have been previously installed as a Worshipful Master.

The Junior Grand Deacon position entails participation in meetings of the Grand Lodge Board of Directors as a non-voting member, as well as becoming familiar with the operations of our Fraternal and Charitable corporations. This invaluable experience continues as the Brother advances to Senior Grand Deacon and then stands for possible election to office of Junior Grand Warden. Applicants will be interviewed by the Board and a recommendation will be made to the incoming Grand Master for appointment. Those interested should submit a letter of interest along with a resume of personal, family, vocational and fraternal experience postmarked no later than June 1, 2023 to the Grand Lodge Office: 2866 Via Verde, Springfield, Illinois 62703. The letter of interest can also be emailed to grandmaster@ilmason.org.