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Often, we do not know the extent of the need in our communities until we talk with those that are on the “front-lines” every day. Paxton Lodge No. 416 learned just how much of a need the youth in the Paxton-Buckley-Loda School has and decided to do something about it. Partnering with the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program (IMCAP), Paxton Lodge No. 416 was able to provide support to the Paxton-Buckley-Loda School Backpack Program and the Paxton Area Ministerial Association (PAMA) to provide clothing, hygiene products, food, and other financial assistance to low-income families in their communities. Each organization received a microgrant of $5000 through IMCAP’s Youth Organization Connection.

Farmington Lodge No. 192

With the colder months quickly approaching, the Farmington Lodge No. 192 raised $1600 to support the Farmer’s Closet’s efforts in providing winter coats, boots, and Christmas gifts to children in the Farmington School District No. 265. The Farmer’s Closet estimates that they will be providing winter clothing to 50 children in PreK through 12th grade this winter. The Farmington Lodge No. 192 went one step further and applied for the Youth Organization Connection microgrant through IMCAP. Through this program, the Farmer’s Closet was awarded a $5000 microgrant to assist in their cause.

engagement with Boy Scout Troop 242, the Villa Park Lodge No. 1113 has seen first-hand the funds that it takes to run the Troop. Between operating costs, the upkeep of the Troop’s SUV and trailer, and the costs associated with the annual jamboree, the Troop relies on donations from the community. To help provide further assistance to the Troop, Villa Park Lodge No. 1113 applied for the Youth Organization Connection through IMCAP to provide a $2175 microgrant to Boy Scout Troop 242.

Mississippi Lodge No. 385

The cost of living is rising, but the temperature is dropping. During this time, families can struggle for basic necessities, including warm clothing for their children to protect them from the biting cold. The Mississippi Lodge No. 385 saw this need to keep community children warm and provided donations to the Great River Outreach Benevolent Fund and the Savanna Children’s Fund of $50 each. Knowing that they wanted to do more, Mississippi Lodge No. 385 reached out to IMCAP for a microgrant to help these organizations. IMCAP awarded each organization $1500 to help provide warm clothing to children in need in their communities.

Villa Park Lodge No. 1113

Clubs, activities, and organization can all be positive impacts on the lives of youth. Villa Park Lodge No. 1113 has provided support to their local Boy Scout Troop through participation in Troop activities, monetary

Marine Lodge No. 355

donations, and supporting their own children and grandchildren in the Troop. Through their

Some opportunities only come along once in a lifetime. The Without Limits Dance Company Special Olympic Cheer Team were given the incredible opportunity to perform in the Dance the Magic parade at Walt Disney World Orlando, Florida. However, this special time in their lives is not without a cost. Marine Lodge No. 355 was determined to not let the 16 members pass up this once-in-a-lifetime chance. They donated $1000 to get the team to Orlando. But they did not stop there. Marine Lodge No. 355 then