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What a

Greetings Brethren! On July 18th, 2022, over eighty golfers gathered for our Annual Grand Lodge Golf Outing at El Paso Golf Club to benefit the Illinois Masonic Student Assistance Program. With beautiful weather, the day started with registration followed by a shotgun start. The course was in excellent shape and provided great competition between the teams. As the teams finished their 18th hole, they all joined together in the club house for a delicious dinner and awards ceremony. We were able to raise over $18,000 this year!

Through your assistance and donations, the Illinois Masonic Student Assistance Program was able to provide continuing education to many administrators, teachers, and support staff working in Illinois school districts. Through these educators we were able to affect the lives of thousands of students throughout the State of Illinois. The IMSAP Committee members would like to send a special thank you to all our golfers, volunteers, sponsors, and all involved in making this event a success. We look forward to seeing you all on July 17th, 2023, at the El Paso Golf Club in El Paso, IL.

R.W.B. Christopher J. Both, IMSAP Board of Managers, Chairman