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Masonry Corner

Did you leave Springfield and our Annual Communication with a positive attitude? Perhaps the feeling of “So what else are we to do” went home with you. I went home with a renewed outlook on the path forward for my Lodge and for our Grand Lodge. This session went very smoothly with some positive actions. Congratulations to Grand Master Jackson and his core of officers on a job well-done.

Today’s smartphones are a modern marvel. Manufacturers are churning out new, state-of-theart products at a dizzying rate. You may be asking yourself, “Do I really need a smartphone that will shoot a 48-megapixel image?” The short answer is not really.

The Future is NOW –

Time to

So many workshops are presented during our GLAC where members had an opportunity to increase their awareness of what our Grand Lodge is doing and how you as a member can improve your home lodge. Did you participate in one? If not, why not?

Just a small reminder that if you change any of your personal information, be sure to let your secretary know of the change. It is very important when doing a Call-em-All or emailing a Brother that the correct information is in the Lodge database. use the database when I need information on a Brother or a Lodge and notice that not everyone’s information is current.

A typical smartphone usually takes photos at a 12 megapixel size (or larger). This is more than adequate resolution for the Freemasonry publication. Many times the photos submitted are so much smaller than that size. When uploading photos from your smartphone, please make sure you send the actual image size — not a reduced version (i.e. small, medium or large). Often when emailing a photo, your phone will ask what size it should send.

For everyday use, most smartphones will do just fine. My nearly 6-year-old Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone creates a 22.6 megapixel photo. This will translate to a 13” wide by 10” high image which is ideal for printing in the Freemasonry magazine. My husband has an older model iPhone 11 which takes an even larger photo: a 34.9 megapixel image. As far as taking a group shot or a photo of a building’s exterior, I couldn’t ask for a better phone.

Keep in mind that email servers these days can accept a MUCH larger file size than they ever could before. You should have no problem emailing actual size (original resolution) photos.

R.W.B. Ed Walker, Editor

W.B. Mark Schmidt, Associate Editor Jennifer Woods, Graphic Designer

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