0423 - GHN - April 2023

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SATURDAY April 1 ST - 11am

SUNDAY April 2 ND - 10am



April • 2023 globalheroes.com ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT


Award-winning Canadian explorer and author Jeff Fuchs was made for adventure.

Growing up, Fuchs spent his time between Canada and Switzerland, where he developed a love of mountains and climbing. As a child, his father inspired him to be inquisitive, always searching for the stories and histories behind everything that crossed his path. His grandmother echoed that sentiment, encouraging his adventurous nature and teaching him that getting lost did not have to be bad—it could also be a way to learn.

Known for his extensive travels to remote and isolated regions of the world, Fuchs’ love for people is what drives his adventurous spirit, honouring those who share their wisdom and experiences with him. In all of his expeditions, Fuchs holds that the art of listening is an essential skill; the great stories of life are found through simple conversations. Wherever his travels take him, he keeps a simple mandate in mind: always giving more than he takes and never taking more than he needs.


When you’ve seen as much of the world as Fuchs has, you tend to notice patterns, positive and negative, that holds true both in bustling cities and remote pockets of the globe. A natural nomad, Fuchs credits his skepticism both to his grandmother and to a learned wariness from two decades of travelling through mountainous terrain.

Fuchs spent 10 years living in the Chinese province of Yunnan, studying the origins of tea on a mission to become the first westerner to trek the entire Yunnan–Tibet Tea Horse Road, an ancient six-thousand-kilometre trade route. On this journey, Fuchs discovered that his best tool was his willingness to adapt to new settings, environments, and cultures, all requiring open-mindedness, intention, and a thirst for knowledge.

Keeping his age-old mantra in mind, Fuchs is now taking on a new adventure: a journey into the Amazon as the host of Global Heroes: It’s a Beautiful World

It’s a Beautiful World delves into solution stories, like Medical Ministry International’s (MMI) work, which brings healthcare services to developing nations, increasing access to quality care. MMI allows isolated communities to fight against extreme poverty, creating lasting change through compassionate, holistic care. Bringing healthcare to these regions enables them to continue living simply and remotely, the way they have for generations.

Leanne Ferris, Executive Director of MMI, and Juan Alan Muñoz, International Partners Director, come from family legacies of advocacy and faith, which they honour and uphold

through their work with MMI.

Fuchs shared that their dedication and passion shone through on every step of the journey.

“Leanne is wise to the fact that in order for good things to happen, it is often necessary to fade a bit into the background to encourage others,” Fuchs explained. “Not one to ever step in and take credit, she consistently pointed the light upon those on the ground. Juan Alan has a kind energy, a sense of humour, and the ability to unleash it when least expected.”

Fuchs approached with cynicism but found that time after time, the on-the-ground work he witnessed emphasized the idea that “regardless of motive, a good deed is a good deed.”

The work of MMI is about bringing care and love to areas that need it most, to care enough to come when others cannot. Fuchs witnessed the impact of their work firsthand in the small, remote village of Puerto Alegre, where he watched Juan Alan’s son Pepe save the life of a mother whose recent birth left her health in a precarious state. Her children watched anxiously, knowing that without MMI, they would be facing the loss of their mother—a tragedy that would impact not just their family but the community as a whole.

Fuchs was struck by the simplicity and sincerity of their actions and how much of an impact they had on the communities they cared for.

“MMI made an impression because they didn’t make anything about themselves,” he said. “They showed up, listened to what was needed, provided treatment, and gave context to what they were doing. They brought ‘doers’ who were relentlessly committed.”


Historically, the Amazon has been seen as a hotspot for thrill-seekers—the chance to get up close and personal with Amazonian wildlife is one of the main reasons people visit the region—but the region’s travel landscape has been on the mend in recent years. One of the most biodiverse areas on the planet and home to the world's largest rainforest, the Amazon’s ecosystem supports nearly a third of the world's terrestrial species. It stands to reason that a place with so much natural beauty would prioritize conservation.

“Travel is about choice, and the choices are expanding,” Fuchs shared. “Travel experiences can now be something as simple as sitting with Elders, cooking by the fire with locals, or choosing which animal sanctuary to go to. What locals have always done well is take time to sit down, have conversations, and build consensus amongst the community—a skill that we perhaps all need some reminding of.”

The rising interest in sustainable tourism has shifted the travel landscape, spotlighting tourist experiences that put the environment first. Rich in natural and cultural wealth, the Amazon has become a hub for eco-tourism, recognizing that it’s possible to prioritize sustainability while delivering inspiring and beautiful tourist experiences.

One such experience is the Calanoa Jungle Lodge, a jewel of a hotel deep in the heart of the Amazon. Created and operated by Diego and Marlene Samper, the hotel is a laboratory for a sustainable Amazon settlement. Designed and built by locals, with locals in mind, Calanoa is a community endeavour that continuously puts the community first. Calanoa also champions sustainability: every part of the lodge comes from the jungle, from the materials used in building the

structure to the replanting of the trees and palms used for the future maintenance of the buildings, and even the roofs, woven from palms.

Fuchs shared that one of his most memorable experiences was walking through the Calanoa Natural Reserve with Melisiades, the resident medicine man. The silence of the jungle was only broken by Melisiades’ quiet understanding of its surroundings. Fuchs felt that Melisiades knew all the answers to every question and allowed the jungle and its sensory impacts to introduce themselves without the need for words. While the world is full of beautiful places, the people who care for them, like Melisiades and the Sampers, are often the ones who make them so awe-inspiring. This sentiment continued at the Maikuchiga Sanctuary— also known as the Monkey Sanctuary—where Fuchs met Julian Barajas, a Colombianborn Canadian on a mission to educate travellers and local communities about conservation and sustainability.

“Barajas was as eloquent a spokesperson and defender of the wild as one could wish for,” Fuchs said, recalling the almost unrealistically beautiful monkeys that swung from the trees and landed on his shoulders, their movements unpredictable, exciting, and natural.

Barajas explained that the Maikuchiga Sanctuary, founded by conservationist and primatologist Dr. Sara Bennett, was created when the local Mocagua community realized they were negatively impacting the local wildlife.

“The sanctuary’s purpose has always been to take animals, primarily monkeys, and give them a space where they can get better,” he said. “They can prepare themselves to leave, go back into the forest. They ve also realized

the message that I try to teach

to all my guests: What you re willing to spend money on as a tourist will affect how people will interact with their own environment. Here, the monkeys may not come down tomorrow. They might stay up in the trees, and nobody will force them to come down.”

It’s a testament to the respect for nature that is so prominent in this region—and rightfully so, as wildlife and biodiversity abound in every direction.

“So much of what is simple intuitive thinking on the part of locals is necessary for the rest of the world to adopt,” Fuchs said of the shift to conservation-focused tourism in the region.

“The Amazon and its life cannot forget the darkness that pervades its history, but as they move into the future, we see that there is goodness too,” he continued. “Actions—however subtle—can be something positive. On our Colombian journey, it was a case of witnessing deeds rather than words, revealing some of the understated people who simply do for others, and to encourage people to revel in the small contributions that one can make, however that manifests.”

Simple acts of kindness and generosity can profoundly impact those around us and the world. Fuchs said his grandmother had it right when she taught him, “sometimes you simply have to do something.”

Join Jeff Fuchs as he journeys into the heart of the Amazon with the inspiring and unique individuals who are making a difference in the most remote regions of the jungle.

Watch the premiere of Global Heroes: It’s a Beautiful World on Cottage Life TV on Saturday, April 1st, at 11 a.m. and Sunday, April 2nd, at 10 a.m.

Published by IVY HOUSE MEDIA LIMITED. Headquarters: 2660 Sherwood Heights Drive, Suite 202 Oakville, Ontario • L6J 7Y8 - Office: 905-815-1500 info@globalheroes.com PUBLISHER Amir Shirazi EDITOR IN CHIEF Denise Koprich Shirazi EDITOR Raye Mocioiu CREATIVE DIRECTOR Sergio D. Spadavecchia GRAPHIC DESIGNER Kelly Laufer PRODUCTION MANAGER Allie Murray FINANCE DIRECTOR Marie LaVoie BUSINESS OPERATIONS MANAGER Liam Rowe CONTRIBUTORS Raye Mocioiu, Kirsten Gronlund, Sandra Gregory, Allie Murray, Stephen Grundmanis SALES DIRECTOR Stephen McDermott ADVERTISING Heibrie Barron, Jacqueline Stewart, Coleby Smith, Daniel Sette, Jonathan Ramlal Cover Photo © Sergio D. Spadavecchia
WALKING THROUGH THE AMAZON SURROUNDING CALANOA © ALL IMAGES SERGIO D. SPADAVECCHIA SATURDAY APRIL 1 ST - 11 AM SUNDAY APRIL 2 ND - 10 AM The power of positive, solution-based journalism. globalheroes.com April • 2023

Whose Land Is This Anyway? RAVEN Takes a Fresh, Funny Look at Indigenous Rights

Welcome to Home on Native Land, a new, free self-guided online course about Indigenous justice in Canada.

Through a series of 10 videos, illustrative cartoons and lessons, participants are invited to take a walk down the back alley of history—and the frontlines of legal action—with Anishinaabe journalist and comedian Ryan McMahon.

While we may all have heard about Residential Schools, treaties, and reconciliation, how much do any of us know about the Indigenous laws that have been around for far longer than the Canadian constitution?

While Home on Native Land offers an unflinching look into the ways Canadian institutions

have, and continue, to perpetuate injustice towards Indigenous Peoples, the course offers encouragement and guidance about the ways we can work together to build good relationships. Through storytelling, interviews, and some very funny reflections, the course is designed to entertain, educate and hopefully change how people think about ‘our home on native land.


“We designed this course in response to the calls to action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), urging individual Canadians in general and businesses, in particular, to become educated about the legal realities of Indigenous Peoples in this country,” said RAVEN Executive Director Susan Smitten.

“What leading First Nations thinkers, artists and—yes—comedians reveal in their reflections is fundamental knowledge for anyone who is committed to living in a fair country.”

The course is also available to businesses, who can work with RAVEN to begin to fulfill TRC Call to Action #92. That call challenges the corporate sector to provide education and training for managers on the history of Indigenous Peoples, intercultural competency, and human rights.

Said Smitten, “Home on Native Land offers teams an introduction to key concepts, insights to foster discussion, and a pathway for ongoing learning. Whether you are a tech company with 500 employees, a neighbourhood coffee shop, or an online retailer, if you are doing business on Indigenous land, you’ve got work to do. Home on

Native Land is here to help—and it’s designed to make the process feel creative, safe, and—importantly, unintimidating.”

Business leaders who want to lead the way in fostering better relationships between settlers and Indigenous Peoples are invited to reach out to RAVEN to find out how to use Home on Native Land with their teams.


More than 2,500 people have enrolled in Home on Native Land since its release in mid-January. People are saying this free online course is “eye-opening,” “shocking,” “hilarious,” and “affirming.”

Said Smitten, “There has been a pretty wide spectrum of reactions, reflecting not only the amazing diversity of people’s understanding of Indigenous issues but also the skillful way in which esteemed experts take serious topics and illuminate them with eloquence and humour.

“The funny stuff is disarming, but it also takes some of the anxiety and intensity away from what are very contentious issues so we can look at them with an open mind and heart.”

RAVEN has been honoured to work with the likes of Dr. Glen Coulthard, Kukpi7 Chief Judy Wilson and John Borrows, O.C.—all brilliant legal thinkers who bring their own lived experience as Indigenous people to topics like Treaty Rights, UNDRIP, the Doctrine of Discovery, and the Indian Act.

Whether you’re someone who’s fuzzy on the details of Indigenous history or you spend your free time reading every book you can get your hands on, Home on Native Land is more than just

a primer in Indigenous-settler relations. Thanks to patient explanations delivered through video dialogues, Home on Native Land breaks down complicated concepts so people can build their confidence and participate in the courageous conversations we need to have in this country.


Though they’ve been ignored and often trampled over the past 150 years, Indigenous Peoples have ways of relating to the land and to one another that enabled humans to live on these lands and waters for thousands of years: without disrupting the ecological balance.

“By working in solidarity with Indigenous leaders, RAVEN uses the power of the crowd to fundraise for groundbreaking legal challenges protecting land, air, and water for future generations,” Smitten explained.

“Indigenous laws—and the very best parts of Canada’s constitution—are upheld by treaties and validated again and again in the country’s courts. This braiding of traditions offers a path forward not only for cultural understanding but for our very survival in a time of climate crisis.”

RAVEN encourages everyone to check out Home on Native Land and join forces to become part of putting reconciliation into action.

Sign up at homeonnativeland.com

To find out how your business can begin to tackle the TRC Calls to Action by using Home on Native Land, contact andrea@raventrust.com

"Holding interviews with different people makes the series very interesting to watch… sessions are succinct and clear. Really well done!"
"This was perfect: great mix of light, digestible material with hard-hitting truths that we all need to know if we're going to build a better society."
"Amazing. Produced great reflection well after I completed the lessons. Very deep, provocative. Humour was amazing throughout."
"Ryan is an awesome host, I like the conversational style and his humour—he makes the tough and complex subject matter very accessible." globalheroes.com ADVERTORIAL April • 2023

powerful tool to help all Canadians understand their role in speaking up and taking action against discrimination and injustice, and becoming stronger players and allies, both in their communities and across the nation.

This new online module for the public, in line with recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), will build the capacity to recognize and act to prevent the occurrence of anti-Indigenous racism. The TRC called for education on the history and legacy of Residential Schools, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Treaties, Aboriginal rights, Indigenous law, and Indigenous-Crown relations, as well as skills-based training in

intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism for public servants. Additionally, it calls for age-appropriate curriculum on Residential Schools, Treaties, and Aboriginal peoples’ historical and contemporary contributions to Canada to be a mandatory education requirement for kindergarten to Grade 12 students and funding for post-secondary institutions to educate teachers on how to integrate Indigenous knowledge and teaching methods into classrooms.

To meet this call, The Anishinabek Nation has developed an

online module called De’aabshkoo Gdaawmi - We Are All the Same, that will build the capacity to recognize and act to prevent the occurrence of anti-Indigenous racism. The module is publicly available and tailored to meet the target population’s needs, including Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of all ages, and builds on the expertise and curriculum expectations from the GdooSastamoo Kii Mi Secondary School resource kit.

Anti-Indigenous racism is the ongoing race-based discrimination, negative stereotyping, and injustice

policies and procedures in Canada.

The Anishinabek Nation s online module addresses these issues by exploring areas such as Indigenous identity, racism in the classroom, racism in sports, and engaging in dialogue for all Ontarians to fight racism against Indigenous people. Indigenous racism has been alive for many years and impacts every Indigenous person in Canada spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and on a daily basis. By developing an online education module that is publicly available, the Anishinabek Nation is making it easy for all Canadians to learn about their role in speaking up and taking action against discrimination and injustice with De’aabshkoo Gdaawmi - We Are All the Same. Addressing important issues and providing a platform for

ethical issues and take action when doing the right thing is not easy. It involves the willingness to speak out and do what is right. If we carry these values, we will be a better and stronger community.”

—Tee Duke,

The Anishinabek Nation is taking a proactive approach to addressing anti-Indigenous racism by developing education tools that support a culturally responsive, strength-based, and trauma-informed practice. As Canadians, when we take the time to learn and grow, we create a more inclusive society for us all.

Find more information and resources at anishinabek.ca or scan the QR code above.

Adjoa Andoh Narrates BBC Earth’s Latest Landmark Series, Serengeti III

The real-life animal drama captures the love and loss, jealousy and rivalry, tragedy and triumph of the beloved cast of characters living in the Serengeti

Actor and Bridgerton star Adjoa

Andoh narrates Serengeti III, following the success of Serengeti I and II. The new six-part series is directed by Emmy® awardwinning director and producer John Downer.

Serengeti III follows the next chapter in the story of the animals as they navigate the highs and lows of life on the savannah. As an enormous fire rages across the plains, all the animals must flee or seek shelter, but who will survive?

In the apocalyptic wasteland left behind, Bakari the baboon, Kali the lioness, and Mzuri the leopardess must draw upon all their resources to stay alive. Familiar characters are joined by new cast members, such as Utani the hapless mongoose babysitter and Mafuta the adorable baby hippo.

New episodes of Serengeti III rollout every Sunday on BBC Earth during the channel’s nationwide free preview event. BBC Earth is also available via Prime Video Channels with Serengeti III

available to stream simultaneously.

“The thing I was most struck by is the relationship between these groups of animals. When they are threatened from the outside, wow! Even the smallest creatures can bind together and fight off a potential threat. And I find that incredibly moving. And I really hope the series touches

people in a way that makes them reflect on how we treat nature. It really touched me and it’s also just tremendous to watch,” says Andoh, explaining why she was drawn to the project.

Director John Downer adds: “I am delighted that Adjoa has been able to lend the clarity and warmth of her beautiful voice to

Serengeti III and the story it tells.

In each series, the camera teams capture astonishing behaviour from inside the animal world. This time our animal characters surprised us once again in ways I could never have imagined. I always wanted it to be the animals’ story, about the intimacy of their family lives, their relationships

and how their way of life speaks to us. This time, above all else, it seems they had something important to tell.”

Serengeti III captures the unimaginable beauty of Africa, whilst highlighting the daily challenges of life in the Serengeti using multi-camera viewpoints and new immersive filming techniques. Over 1,000 filming days were used to capture the extraordinary behaviour that lies at the heart of this series as it brings together our favourite animal cast in a dramatic tale of survival, heartbreak and redemption. The finale of Serengeti III airs Sunday, April 23 during the channel’s highly-anticipated Earth Week programming event, happening April 17-23. BBC Earth’s Earth Week event features a collection of landmark series narrated by the legendary Sir David Attenborough, Adjoa Andoh and Professor Brian Cox. The channel is in free preview until April 30.

2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations: A Community on a Mission

Historically, Two-Spirit referred to ancient teaching—people who were gifted among beings because they carried both male and female spirits. They were honoured and revered, seen as visionaries and healers, and were a source of strength for the People of the First Nations.

Community-led agency 2Spirited People of the 1st Nations is reclaiming the power and the history behind Two-Spirits and using it to carve a new way forward for Two-Spirited individuals from the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities in the Greater Toronto Area. Led by Keith McCrady, an Ojibway, Cree, and Two-Spirited individual from the Bear Clan, the organization is on a mission to build a robust support system and ensure the rights of Two-Spirited people and Indigenous women, queer and nonbinary people across the country.

The 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations team more than understand the needs of the community they serve—they’re part of it. The team is comprised of TwoSpirited Indigenous people living with HIV/AIDS, 2SLGBTQ+,

low-income individuals, those with unique gifts and disabilities, marginalized groups, and people facing health inequities, including immigrants and refugees. The organization is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors, made up of seven members, including Indigenous people living with HIV/AIDS, who provide direction and support to governance.

The 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations are pioneers in providing holistic, land-based HIV/ AIDS treatment, care, and referral

support programs to Two-Spirited, queer, and non-binary communities. They offer a range of services, including western and traditional harm reduction services, culturally supported HIV-Self Testing, education, awareness, and prevention activities for Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections (STBBI). The organization also has a dedicated Positive Living Program for community members living with HIV, which aims to eliminate AIDS by ensuring that undetectable can mean untransmittable.

The Positive Living Program includes a range of services, such as the eight-week-long Food for Positive Living program, which provides weekly warm meals along with recipe education brochures for immunocompromised individuals. The Transportation for Positive Living program provides monthly transportation support to attend medical appointments, grocery stores, and ceremonies, while the Personal Hygiene Kits for Positive Living program provides daily hygiene essentials. The Elders Talking Circle and Sweat Lodge for Positive Living program provide monthly Sweat Lodge and talking circle sessions, followed by a feast. These are just scratching the surface of the support that the agency offers.

In addition to these services, the 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations provides holistic support to its communities under a single roof, including client care support to find employment, navigate social assistance, legal services, housing, crisis intervention, cultural support, ceremonies, trauma counselling, Elders support, and home visits. They also develop

and provide land-based, culturally supported training to community members, stakeholders, grassroots organizations, and individuals, using Indigenous holistic health and wellness philosophies, and are working to establish a shelter and transit home for those who end up in Toronto without support and community protection.

Teeming with ideas to strengthen and empower our communities, there are big plans for 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations. Last month, a conference of over 100 community leaders, advocates, and members gathered to address community needs in Ontario and launched the first Two-Spirited Bursary Program, established to award 11 low barriers bursaries to TwoSpirited, Indigenous women, and LGBTQQIA students and community leaders.

Visit 2spirits.org/donate-now to learn more about how you can get involved in protecting the rights of Two-Spirited people, Indigenous women, queer and non-binary people in Canada.

ADJOA ANDOH © SUKI DHANDA © JOHN DOWNER PRODUCTIONS LTD The power of positive, solution-based journalism. globalheroes.com ADVERTORIAL ADVERTORIAL April • 2023

Conservation Authorities’ Nature-Based Climate Solutions Key to a Resilient Future

The world is facing the effects of a changing climate, and it's more important than ever to find solutions that not only mitigate the impacts but also improve the health of our environment.

Nature-based climate solutions provide a path forward by using the power of the natural world to create a more resilient future. Conservation Authorities (CAs) play a crucial role in this process. The future-thinking defenders of environmental stewardship, CAs are the boots on the ground doing incredible work to restore and protect our natural ecosystems. They work in partnership with communities, businesses, urban and rural landowners, and municipalities to deliver a wide range of services that focus on watershed management and the restoration of ecosystems.

The benefits of the work that CAs do are numerous. From tree planting to water quality improvement and agricultural and environmental practices, CAs support various benefits, including drinking

water, flood risk reduction, soil health, climate resilience, biodiversity, quality of life, and support for a thriving economy. Conservation Ontario (CO), the umbrella organization for Ontario’s CA’s, is working to promote these benefits through the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (NSCSF).

NSCSF is a partnership between CO and Environment and Climate Change Canada that provides funding for place-based actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve Canada’s wildlife and habitats. CO is currently working with 18 CAs to deliver 64 projects from 2021 to 2024, all of which will provide long-term benefits through the use of naturebased solutions.

Nature-based solutions are actions that conserve, sustainably manage, and restore ecosystems. These actions help to store and capture carbon, mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve water quality, and provide critical habitats for Canada’s wildlife.

NSCSF supports projects that

restore grasslands, wetlands, and riparian areas, improve land management practices, and acquire lands for conservation purposes.

The Raisin Region Conservation Authority is working on the Cooper Marsh Biodiversity Project, an NSCSF-supported initiative to protect and enhance the 663acre wetland in South Glengarry, Ontario. This involves controlling invasive species, restoring grassland habitats, seeding native plant species, and creating additional ponds and channels. The project also engages the local community through educational workshops and citizen science initiatives, while monitoring and enhancing nesting structures and developing a long-term management plan for the Marsh.

In another project supported by the fund, the Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) has restored the Monora Park Pond. Monora Creek was dammed in 1965 for recreation, but the dam disrupted natural processes, prevented fish populations from connecting, and

caused sediment accumulation.

Thanks to CVC, the pond was removed in May 2022, allowing for vegetation to be planted and habitat to be restored in Monora Creek and surrounding wetlands.

The results of these projects and many others are already impressive. To date, 1,686 hectares have received enhanced land management practices, 95 hectares have been restored, 175 hectares have been secured for conservation, and four new properties have been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for screening under the Canadian Protected and Conserved Areas Database.

Nature-based climate solutions offer a path forward for mitigating the impacts of a changing climate while also improving the health of our environment. CAs play a crucial role in this process, and the NSCSF supports the delivery of place-based actions that promote a resilient future. With your support and collaboration, we can do more and achieve even greater results.

Contact your local Conservation Authority to learn how you can help build a stronger future. Visit conservationontario.ca to view a Story Map detailing Conservation Authority Projects.

Facing Kidney Disease Together: The Importance of Community and Connection

Larry thought he was in good health. Then, his whole life changed on a Friday night about eight years ago. His doctor had run some medical tests, and the results showed his kidney function was just over 10 per cent. The news came as a shock.

“I had no idea my kidneys were failing,” Larry recalled. “I didn’t

have any major symptoms. I was running around doing things and then I get a phone call that turned everything around.”

Larry began hemodialysis sessions in hospital about a month later, and then switched to home peritoneal dialysis. The sudden transition from feeling healthy

to being hooked up to machines was challenging.

“There was so much to adapt to in so little time,” his wife Francine remembered. “There was so much to learn, and we were feeling quite overwhelmed. It was a lot to take in.”

In 2017, when Larry’s doctors suggested a kidney transplant, Francine did not hesitate. Two weeks before Christmas, they learned they were a match. Larry was concerned at first, worried about his wife’s health, but the surgery was a success.

Now the couple, who have both recovered from surgery, is giving back. They are volunteers with The Kidney Foundation’s peer support program. “I love encouraging others, lifting them up and giving them hope. I want them to know they can do this with a supportive community around them,” Francine said.

For Larry, it is an opportunity to share his experiences and help others living through similar situations and challenges.

“Everyone is different. I listen very carefully to what others in the group are going through, and I share what is going on with me,” he said. “I believe we are all part of a community, and I want to reach out and help others. If I can help just one other person, then it is worthwhile.”

One in 10 Canadians has kidney disease, but many don’t know it because the signs and symptoms are often silent.

Kidneys are mighty organs that have an essential role to play in the body. Kidneys regulate water, help to balance the body’s minerals, remove waste products, and produce hormones, making them a critical part of your overall health.

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness like kidney disease is life-changing and can happen with little or no warning. Although its signs and symptoms are often silent until people are in kidney failure, kidney disease can be delayed or prevented. The Kidney Foundation of Canada has

a risk awareness quiz to help determine your level of risk. Learn more at www.kidney.ca/risk.

The Kidney Foundation makes sure people with kidney disease are never alone.

As a reliable and trustworthy resource for people with kidney disease and their families, The Kidney Foundation provides high-quality, reliable information and programs like peer support to help people understand and navigate their journey with kidney disease.

The Kidney Foundation stands behind those affected by kidney disease, championing systemic changes, increasing public awareness of kidney health and organ donation, and alleviating the burden of kidney disease.

Make Your Mark this Kidney Health Month. Share your connection to kidney disease to help raise awareness. Your gift today will help support vital programs and services. Visit kidneyontario.ca

KIDNEYS ARE VITAL TO YOUR OVERALL HEALTH Could You Be at Risk of Developing Kidney Disease? Learn more at kidney.ca/risk LARRY AND FRANCINE © COURTESY OF THE KIDNEY FOUNDATION The power of positive, solution-based journalism. globalheroes.com ADVERTORIAL ADVERTORIAL April • 2023

Enough is Enough: Ontario Federation of Labour Launches Campaign to Tackle Cost-of-Living Crisis

Across the province, people like you are feeling the squeeze at the grocery store, the gas station, and as they make their rent or mortgage payments. While wages aren’t keeping up with inflation, corporate profits are soaring. We deserve better, and together, we can win better.

The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) has launched a new campaign to address the cost-of-living crisis that is affecting the people of Ontario. This crisis, characterized by skyrocketing inflation, suppressed wages, and a failing public healthcare system, is

affecting the lives of millions of Ontarians. The OFL’s campaign brings together people from all walks of life to demand real change, put an end to this crisis, and say, “Enough is Enough.”

The Enough is Enough campaign has five key demands that, if met, will go a long way in improving the lives of Ontarians. These demands include real wage increases, keeping schools and healthcare public, affordable groceries, gas, and essential goods, rent control and affordable housing, and making the banks and corporations pay their fair share.

Each demand comes with a set of actionable steps that need to be taken in order to achieve it. For example, the demand for actual wage increases calls for a $20 minimum wage, the permanent repeal of wage restraint legislation, and an increase in the rates of the Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works.

The demand for affordable

gas, groceries, and basic goods includes calls for price caps on necessities in an effort to stop price gouging. We should not have to struggle to afford the basic goods we need to survive.

Everyone deserves a place to live, so the demand for rent control and affordable housing includes a call for a province-wide public housing program that builds decent homes in every community, produced in a sustainable manner.

The OFL has also introduced a six-month roadmap for the campaign, which includes a pledge, community meetings, and local actions that will lead up to a mass mobilization on June 3. The OFL intends to fight for these demands through a series of escalating actions.

During the campaign launch, the speakers were open about the topic of a province-wide general strike and talked about the steps and widespread support required to make it happen. OFL President Patty Coates

emphasized that the campaign provides a structure for helping people from all across Ontario join the fight.

“We know that Ontarians are fed up and want action now,” said Coates. “This campaign provides a framework to do the hard work of getting organized in every part of the province. That starts with one-on-one conversations with co-workers, neighbours, family, and friends. That will lay the groundwork for a major escalation to ensure that we cannot be ignored.”

For far too long, working people have paid the price for crises we didn’t create. The OFL’s Enough is Enough campaign demands change so that the people of Ontario can live better lives. Now is the time for us to come together to fight for our futures, because we deserve better. If we work together, we can end the cost-of-living crisis.

Sign up today and join the fight at WeSayEnough.ca

Pushing Forward: Ending Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine


Hrystyna Kit is a Ukrainian women’s rights advocate, jurist, and attorney. She is also the co-founder of the Ukrainian Women Lawyers Association JurFem, which focuses on increasing gender sensitivity within the legal community and Ukrainian legislation as well as improving survivors’ access to justice. As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues into its 14th month, she’s pushing forward against a rising tide of gender-based violence.


As the Russian invasion erodes the security of Ukrainians across the country, the risk to women and girls is twofold. “There’s no doubt that no one feels safe because of Russia’s war against Ukraine,” Hrystyna says. “And women and girls have become even less protected from genderbased violence.”

Cases of conflict-related sexual violence, in particular, are on the rise: “Rape—usually gang rape— sexual torture, forced nudity […] and other forms of abuse have

been documented by journalists, human rights organizations and law enforcement agencies.” The true scale of this violence is not yet known, Hrystyna says. But what’s clear is that its impacts will be lasting: “We will have to work with the consequences of [conflict-related sexual violence] for many years to come.” At the same time, women are still contending with the endemic violence of their own society. “Cases of domestic or sexual violence against women,

in particular in public places, haven’t disappeared,” Hrystyna notes. “People who were abusive and violent within the family […] continue to commit acts of violence.”

The ongoing conflict has made progress that much harder, Hrystyna emphasizes: “It’s difficult to move forward in the fight against violence against women when you live in a state of war and fight for your life and the lives of your children every day.”


Starting her law career in 2007, Hrystyna saw a critical gap in legal assistance for survivors of domestic violence. “There were not many lawyers willing to work with such cases, because these are often latent crimes,” she says. Domestic violence is typically considered a private matter, and the legal system tends to shift responsibility for handling such cases onto the victims themselves. Hrystyna set out to change this. “I want myself, as well as other women and girls in Ukraine, to feel safe and to know that if their rights are

violated, they [will] receive effective protection, without prejudice, discrimination or stigma,” she says.

In 2017, she took a major step towards this goal with the founding of JurFem. The organization’s recent work has been shaped by the unfolding crisis: collaborating with partners to ensure conflict-related sexual violence survivors receive protection and support from law enforcement and service providers. They’ve also been providing legal assistance directly to survivors, launching a legal aid hotline in April.

“It is possible to change our approach to investigating cases related to sexual violence only through experience and practice,” Hrystyna says. Even the strongest legal protections can’t convince police or judges to believe a survivor. But by communicating with law enforcement agencies and the courts, “[JurFem lawyers] can break existing stereotypes and ensure access to justice for the victims.”

Though her own advocacy work relies on her legal training and decades of experience,

Hrystyna emphasizes that you don’t need special skills or knowledge to get involved in a cause: “Each and every one of us should work to change something for the better.”

What activism does require, she says, is community and care: “Unite, enlist the support of like-minded people and forces,” she advises. “Take care of your safety and mental health and do what you feel is right […] take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of others.”


“Today, it’s especially hard to imagine a world without gender-based violence,” Hrystyna says. “After all, if we weren’t able to prevent this war, would we be able to eradicate gender-based violence?”

She does believe that we can reduce its prevalence by creating better response mechanisms and bringing perpetrators to justice. And she believes in a better future for Ukrainian women and girls: “Justice must be restored,” she says. “So this never happens again.”

Harvest Impact: Communities Investing in Themselves

Shifting the paradigm with a new path forward to sustained community change

Harvest Impact is a place-based social finance lending program offered by 10C Shared Space, a change-making organization ded icated to supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in the food, farm, and environment sectors in support of a circular economy transition.

Harvest Impact is helping pur pose-driven individuals and busi nesses to build the circular economy in Southern Ontario and, through its collaboration with COIL, the Circular Opportunity Innovation Launchpad, across Canada.

The socially and environmental ly sustainable businesses building the circular economy, one inno vation at a time, are often led by community members from equi ty-deserving groups who don’t al ways qualify for financing through traditional institutions. Inspired by these entrepreneurs, the Harvest Impact team believes a sustainable future—in which everyone can thrive—is possible by centering the voices, ideas, and needs of these equity-deserving individuals and groups and providing access to funding and financing.

ing practices that take into account the borrower’s character-based attributes, values, community context, and potential social impact in addition to business plans, past financial history, and income projections. This approach ensures that investments that advance equity, diversity and inclusion are made to forward-thinking

tential to create positive change.

Harvest Impact provides circular economy projects with risk-supported lending from $2,500 to $50,000 as well as access to other funding opportunities. To date, Harvest Impact has made loans to 14 enterprises totalling $215,000. Of those projects, 70 per cent are women-led.

Jennifer Osborn of All Sorts

Acres in Ayton, Ontario, is one such leader, with a circular focus on using waste wool to build soil health. Less than three per cent of Canada’s yearly wool clip is suitable for fine textiles. In addition to diverting wool from landfill by producing insoles, rugs, sponges and pet products, All Sorts Acres received a loan from Harvest Impact to purchase one of the first small-scale pelletizers in Southern Ontario. The end product, waste wool pellets, can improve soil health and reduce the amount of water, fertilizers and pesticides needed for agricultural growth.

Delivering on impact is essential to creating environmental, social and economic change and is an important aspect of Harvest Impact’s mission. By aligning impact measurement with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), circular economy businesses can connect how their activities contribute to the global effort to create a more sustainable and equitable world.


Harvest Impact’s tailored social lending and mentorship programs can help you overcome barriers to financing and grow your circular economy business. Connect at harvestimpact.ca


If you are aligning your portfolio to invest in impact, learn about Harvest Impact’s Circular Community Bond— an investment that provides a financial return and creates meaningful environmental and social change—launching in May 2023. Connect at investment@ harvestimpact.ca

The development of Harvest Impact by 10C was made possible in part through the Smart Cities Challenge initiative, which is being developed collaboratively with the City of Guelph and the County of Wellington and is funded by the Government of Canada through Infrastructure Canada and the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario.

waste wool can be pelletized to regenerate soil. PHOTO OF NEVILLE © COURTESY OF ALL SORTS ACRES harvestimpact.ca Socially Financing
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Building a Better Future: The Arab Community Centre of Toronto's Vision for Inclusive Communities

The Arab Community Centre of Toronto (ACCT) has a rich history of helping immigrants and newcomers to Canada. It all started in 1974, when a group of Arab immigrants came together to create a support system for one another. They recognized the unique challenges that come with immigrating to a new country and wanted to make the transition a little bit easier for those who came after them.

As the years went by, the organization grew and evolved. It expanded its focus to include immigrants from all backgrounds, not just those from the Middle East. Today, the ACCT provides settlement, integration, and community services to more than 6,000 individuals each year from a wide range of countries, including the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, and Europe.

The ACCT is staffed by a dedicated and compassionate team of individuals who speak over 18 languages. They understand the unique challenges that new immigrants face and strive to

create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels respected and valued. The organization’s services are naturally anti-racist and anti-hate, focusing on increasing understanding, fighting xenophobia, and advocating for minorities who may be victims of racism or hate.

One of the most important aspects of the ACCT’s work is helping new immigrants understand the various systems in Canada, such as healthcare, legal, and financial. Navigating these systems can be confusing and overwhelming, which is why the organization provides information and assistance to help new immigrants understand their rights and access the services they need.

These services include language classes, employment counselling, housing assistance, and support in accessing healthcare. The ACCT understands that immigrating to a new country can be a daunting experience, and they want to make the transition as smooth as possible.

The organization also offers a wide range of support services for youth, including school support and community connection programs, like Made by Me, a skills-building leadership program for newcomer youth that promotes social inclusion and builds confidence in public speaking. This program and others of its kind help young immigrants to enhance their cultural understanding of their

surroundings, improve their English language proficiency, and build meaningful relationships with their communities.

Women and seniors can also find crucial support services with the help of ACCT. Programs such as Windows to the Soul allow women to come together in an understanding environment where they can share personal feelings, experiences, and coping strategies,

building a strong community support system. In addition to mental health and well-being programs that are free of charge and founded on culturally sensitive principles, the ACCT aims to support not just the physical transition of beginning a new chapter in life but also the mental and emotional transition. This holistic approach to support sets the ACCT apart and helps to ensure that new immigrants can thrive in their new homes.

The Arab Community Centre of Toronto has come a long way since its humble beginnings. Today, it is a beacon of hope for immigrants and newcomers, providing the support and resources they need to build a new life in Canada. Through its various services and programs, the ACCT strives to enable and empower individuals, families, and communities to lead informed, productive, and culturally sensitive lives.

Find more information about ACCT services at acctonline.ca

Zambian TikTok Star Shuns Trolls to Build Village School

When Zambian teacher Dora Moono Nyambe started posting videos on TikTok three years ago, she had to ask her daughter’s 13-year-old friend how to use the popular social media platform.

Today, Nyambe has amassed four million TikTok followers with colourful videos of daily life in her village of Mapapa—and raised almost $500,000 to bring education to hundreds of marginalized rural children.

“I had no idea when I first started using TikTok—so I just started showing how life in the village was,” Nyambe told the Thomson Reuters Foundation via video call from the Zambian capital Lusaka.

“How we lived under the thatch roof, how we cook on open fire and how we used to teach under a tree as there was no proper school for the children. The response was overwhelming—people were so interested.”

Nyambe, 30, started a crowdfunding appeal in 2020 with the aim of building a school for the children of Mapapa—located 280 km north of Lusaka.

In three years, she has founded a charity called Footprints of

Hope and built a school, which has 350 children and 24 teachers. It has 12 classrooms, a kitchen, dining hall, dormitories and a science laboratory.

The TikTok star—who has 13 adopted and 150 foster children—has also installed four water boreholes in Mapapa and hired teachers to work in schools in neighbouring villages.

While nearly 72 per cent of Zambian children complete primary school, there are considerable regional disparities that mask the lack of education in many rural areas, according to the U.N. children’s agency (UNICEF).

Girls are more disadvantaged than boys and have higher dropout rates in upper primary and secondary grades due to factors like teenage pregnancy, child marriage and a lack of menstrual hygiene facilities in schools, UNICEF adds.

Nyambe, who is not originally from Mapapa, said she visited the village in late 2019 to see a friend's family and was shocked by the number of children who were out of school, and high rates of early marriage and teen pregnancies.

“As a teacher, as a human being, I felt I had to do something to bring education to these children,” said Nyambe.

With her savings and her then five adopted children, Nyambe moved to Mapapa, bought a plot of land, and started teaching the village children under a tree in the hope that she would eventually be able to build a school.

“I just tried different things and the TikTok posts seemed to get a lot of likes and comments...people wanted to know more and wanted to help me,” said Nyambe.

Nyambe’s videos now attract tens of thousands of views—even

drawing the attention of U.S. popstar Meghan Trainor, who shared one of Nyambe’s videos of the school dormitories set to Trainor’s hit song “Made You Look.”

Nyambe’s charity funds the school, and also supports rural children through food distribution, clothing drives and health assistance.

A book titled “Under a Zambian Tree” documenting her journey was released on Feb. 7, with proceeds of the first 5,000 copies going towards her charity.

The former English teacher has faced online abuse, with some accusing her of exploiting the

students for personal gain.

Nyambe said much of the negativity came from people in Zambia who said she was a fraud or painting a bad image of the southern African country.

“Most comments are positive, but on almost every post, there will be a comment where I am accused of being a scammer, stealing money or exploiting the children,” she said.

“The trolling used to bother me a ton. But with everything comes growth...I know I am not using the children and if people came to Mapapa, they would see it too.”

Nyambe said she planned to grow her following on other platforms like Instagram and YouTube, and wants the school to become more financially self-sufficient through activities like raising chickens and planting kitchen gardens.

But she cannot imagine leaving TikTok behind.

“There is no way I would have been able to achieve what I have if it wasn't for all the TikTokers who have supported me,” said Nyambe.


Building a Bridge to Safety: Mulberry's Role in Connecting GBV Survivors to Support


Did you know gender-based violence (GBV) is not limited to physical abuse? Survivors experience a wide range of types of violence and abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and coercive control.

No matter their background, identity, or circumstance, abuse can happen to anyone. Unfortunately, many survivors across Ontario may not be aware of the vital support systems available.

Most survivors may need to access multiple services when seeking support related to violence and abuse. In seeking safety and assistance that speaks to them, they may often encounter barriers in system navigation that stop them from connecting with the most relevant supports.

One support system, for example, is counselling available at local GBV agencies—which can be found on mulberry, a one-stop

hub for information on GBV and support services.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated barriers to connecting with support, making it more difficult for survivors to access vital resources, especially during a time when GBV was on the rise due to quarantine measures and changing health and safety procedures. Coming out of the pandemic, mulberry seeks to make it easier than ever before for survivors and their support groups to get help when and where they need it. Mulberry also includes supports and resources for men related to GBV, including parenting supports, healthy masculinity programming, and services specifically for those who have caused harm in relationships.

By reducing the barriers to support, mulberry allows survivors to easily and effectively access the services they need to heal and thrive. Survivors engaging with multiple systems and services, such as

shelter, the criminal justice system and family court services, as well as support services for children and youth, employment, and income services, can find everything they need in one place, with a mix of both web-based resources and platforms as well as mobile applications that can be downloaded on a smartphone or tablet. The goal of the platform is to increase access to information about services to improve safety outcomes for survivors and connect those who perpetrate harm with support that can intervene and prevent future violence from occurring.

Moreover, mulberry is also a crucial resource for family members, friends, coworkers, and even neighbours—often vital resources to safety and services within the community—and service providers specializing in GBV. Anyone can access mulberry and be a bridge to safety by learning about the support available to survivors and how they can get involved in the healing process. For those who don’t know

where to start or may be seeking support for the very first time, mulberry makes it easy to find the information you need—whether you are looking for some support over chat, a 24-hour crisis line, or a shelter. From there, visitors can find a detailed list of GBV services, focused on immediate safety, prevention, and longerterm support.

“We know the difficulty that can often come with navigating complex systems for survivors seeking safety and support. Mulberry offers a one-stop opportunity for anyone searching for gender-based violence services across Ontario; you can quickly get a sense of what’s available in your community and beyond.”

Beyond mulberry’s information on direct GBV supports and

services available through social service organizations, the platform also offers non-traditional services like peer support groups, faith and cultural-based services. Options for accessing trained crisis counsellors through provincial crisis lines are offered on every page of the mulberry platform. Unique filtering options allow users to search for services by type, location, language, if services are available in-person, virtually or if services are mobile. An all-in-one platform like mulberry works to ensure that no community member is left behind.

Ultimately, mulberry is more than a website; it’s an opportunity for new growth, new knowledge and safer tomorrows. At the root of mulberry is the hope that for many survivors across Ontario, safety starts here.

Safety Starts Here. Visit mulberryfinder.ca to learn more about the GBV services in your community.

mulberryfinder.ca Looking for services related to abuse or violence in Ontario? SAFETY STARTS HERE.
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Breathe Easy: Lung Health Foundation's Support for Canadians Living with COPD

Currently, approximately two million Canadians are diagnosed and living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). An estimated one million more may have the disease yet are undiagnosed and unaware they have it.

COPD is a chronic lung disease that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, coughing, mucus (sputum) production, and wheezing. COPD remains the fourth leading cause of death in Canada.

One of the goals of the Lung Health Foundation is to educate and create national awareness around COPD and provide support for those newly diagnosed or living with the disease—so that people living with COPD can continue to live full and healthy lives. In fact, one of the Lung Health Foundation’s key initiatives is to reduce COPD hospitalizations. One moderate exacerbation can increase the risk of hospitalization by 21 per cent.

In a newly launched campaign, the Lung Health Foundation hopes to raise awareness that experiencing shortness of breath can be a sign of COPD but is not the only determinant in receiving a diagnosis by a healthcare professional.

“Symptoms like shortness of breath and cough, particularly productive cough* in a person over 40 raise suspicion, in the

context of an appropriate exposure history,” Dr. Samir Gupta, a respirologist with St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto and an adviser with the Lung Health Foundation, recently said.

“Smoking is the most common exposure in the western world but the most common exposure leading to COPD worldwide is pollution and biomass exposure. We should not forget that we live in a multicultural society and many of the patients whom we see who were not born and raised in this country and are lifelong non-smokers may still have COPD—due to biomass exposure in their native countries. Regardless, suspicion is only the first step. To reach a diagnosis, a pre and postbronchodilator spirometry (a simple breathing test) is absolutely essential.”

Being diagnosed with COPD can cause a person to feel overwhelmed, and the person newly diagnosed might feel very alone after receiving the news. The Lung Health Foundation works to help alleviate feelings of fear and isolation by offering support through a number of free services and programs, including virtual exercise and personalized COPD management and education.

The COPD section of the Lung Health Foundation’s website provides a comprehensive overview of everything a person or caregiver may need to know about COPD, including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatments, live online exercise programs like Fitness for Breath, and more.

Fitness for Breath is a virtual exercise maintenance program and support group for people living with chronic lung conditions. The program is run in partnership between the Lung Health Foundation and the Abilities Centre with the goal of helping the person increase their knowledge of fundamental movement skills and show the health-related benefits of suitable exercise.

“Exercise is a crucial determinant of so many health outcomes including chronic disease outcomes but also mental health outcomes and overall quality of

life. Accordingly, maintaining ability to exercise, including just to participate in normal daily activities with the least limitation possible, is a major goal of COPD management,” Dr. Gupta said. Ron, a participant in Fitness for Breath, regularly attends virtual sessions and is encouraged by the benefits of the program.

“Your energy levels are pretty low and you can become isolated when you have COPD. The great thing about Fitness for Breath is that it provides me with regular physical and social activity that I quite look

forward to. There is a sense of community. The benefit of this program is that it allows me to proactively take charge of my health and condition so I can remain active for the grandkids, get some of that control back, and manage my life,” he said.

So much of long-term patient care begins with the patient themselves. If you have COPD— or are helping a loved one with COPD—there are a number of resources available for you to protect and improve your quality of life. One-on-one support is available through the Lung Health Line. This free, confidential service is offered between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST, Monday to Friday. To speak with a Certified Respiratory Educator (a healthcare professional with special training in COPD), call 1-888-344-LUNG (5864), email info@lunghealth.ca, or use the chat feature on the website.

The Lung Health Foundation is a national health charity dedicated to ending gaps in the prevention, diagnosis, and care of lung disease in Canada. The organization invests in the lung health of all Canadians by driving ground-breaking research and providing patients and their families with the crucial programs and supports they need today.

For more information, visit lunghealth.ca

Shor tness of breath can be a symptom of COPD.

*A PRODUCTIVE COUGH IS WHEN YOU COUGH UP MUCUS (PHLEGM). MUCUS CAN ALSO DRIP DOWN THE BACK OF THE THROAT FROM THE NOSE, SINUSES, OR ‘WET COUGH.’ Have lung disease? Stay active with Fitness for Breath Visit lunghealth.ca © COURTESY OF LUNG HEALTH FOUNDATION The power of positive, solution-based journalism. globalheroes.com ADVERTORIAL April • 2023

EPRA/Recycle My Electronics Helps Canadians Ensure What’s Inside Counts

We’re all looking for ways to contribute to our sustainable future while lessening our overall environmental impact. Recycling our electronics is a simple yet effective step we can all take to make a difference today, and with approximately 80 per cent of Canadians having electronics at home ready to be recycled, there’s a tremendous opportunity to make an important environmental impact that benefits us all.

For over a decade, EPRA/ Recycle My Electronics has been helping Canadians from coast-tocoast safely and securely recycle their end-of-life electronics and ensure what’s inside counts.


Our electronics are filled with resources, including plastic, glass, gold, silver and copper, all of which can be recovered and reused without losing their properties. Recycling electronics— everything from cell phones to business IT equipment—ensures these resources are recovered, recycled, and reintegrated back into the manufacturing supply chain.

Recycling these electronics saves these natural resources and reduces our overall carbon footprint.


With an extensive network of more than 2,500 drop-off locations, including return-to-retail partners, EPRA/Recycle My Electronics has made it easier and more convenient for businesses and consumers to recycle their electronics. Through the comprehensive network of collectors, transporters and recyclers,

EPRA/Recycle My Electronics operates country-wide electronics recycling programs at the local, provincial and national levels.


With so much professional and personal data stored on our electronics, security is a very real concern. It’s the reason process integrity is so crucial in the recycling process. For over a decade, Canadian businesses and consumers have looked for

the iconic EPRA/Recycle My Electronics leaf as their assurance of safe and secure electronics recycling management.

To ensure the security of intellectual property and personal data, EPRA/Recycle

My Electronics only works with recyclers who have been verified under the national Electronics Recycling Standard (ERS). These authorized processors must meet stringent safety protocols to protect the safety of their employees and the environment.

The Recycler Qualification Office (RQO), which EPRA/Recycle My Electronics was responsible for helping develop, audits recycler against the ERS requirements for third-party certification.


As an award-winning, industry-led, not-for-profit organization, EPRA/ Recycle My Electronics has been setting the standard for safe, secure electronics recycling in Canada for over a decade. EPRA/Recycle My Electronics programs have recycled over 1.2 million tonnes of electronics, diverting them from landfill and illegal export. Whether it’s giving residents convenient locations to drop off their electronics or providing customized, low-to-no-cost electronics recycling solutions for businesses, EPRA/Recycle My Electronics helps Canadians make a positive impact on the environment. The future is in your hands. Don’t let it go to waste.

To learn more about what and where to recycle, visit recycleMYelectronics.ca

The Eco Hub: Sustainable Living Made Easy

Beginning her eco journey as an environmental journalist, Candice Batista knew there was more she could do to inspire Canadians to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Some 15 years ago, she fronted television programs with The Weather Network addressing climate change and weather patterns. After discovering the green movements prevalent in Toronto, she left her job at The Weather Network to launch the first green TV series in Canada: A Greener Toronto. She then took her mission a step further and launched her own blog, The Eco Hub, where she shares information on how to live sustainably, tips and tricks, and more.

“Sharing stories of environmental success and exposing environmental injustice can inspire change and make a real difference,” Batista shared.

“I’ve always strived to tell stories that connect the environment and people and highlight how environmental issues are

interconnected with social, economic, and political issues.” Through her 30 years of experience in the environmental sector, she has been nominated by the City of Toronto for their Green Toronto Awards, and The Eco Hub itself has received accolades at the Webby Awards and more.

Batista takes her role in educating Canadians about the importance of climate action one step further by supporting local charities that are working to better the environment and protect animals across the country.

In doing so, The Eco Hub supports both Nature Canada and World Animal Protection.

“I play an essential role in spreading awareness about environmental issues and encouraging people to take action to protect the planet,” she explained. “Through my blogs, articles, and media programs, I can share information and stories about the impact of human activity on the environment and provide practical tips and solutions for living more sustainably.”

However, Batista noted that a sustainable journey is one that is a feat for anyone—but she urges to not let that be what holds you back. A simple starting place, Batista shared, is to do a DIY waste audit in your home.

“A DIY waste audit is a simple and effective way to


assess the amount of waste you generate in your home,” she explained. “It involves looking closely at the items you throw away and analyzing how much of it could have been reduced, reused or recycled.”


First, gather your supplies: Gloves, a large container or garbage bag, a notepad, and a pen to record your findings.

Set aside time: Choose a day to dedicate some time to going through your garbage and recycling.

Sort through your garbage: Put on your gloves and closely examine the items in your garbage container. Separate them into categories such as food waste, paper products, plastic products, and other materials.

Analyze your waste: Once you have sorted your waste into categories, look at each and ask yourself if any of these items could have been reduced, reused, or recycled. For example, could you have used a

reusable container instead of a disposable one? Could you have composted some of your food waste instead of throwing it in the garbage?

Repeat for recycling: After sorting through your garbage, repeat the process for your recycling container. Check to see if any items that cannot be recycled were placed in the recycling bin.

Record your findings: Make notes of your results and categorize them based on the level of waste reduction, such as reducing, reusing, or recycling. This will help you identify areas where you can make changes to reduce waste.

During Earth Month, Batista urged Canadians to try a waste audit for themselves and distinguish what changes can be made at home.

“Pick one area in your home and start there—Rome was not built in a day,” she laughed. “Green living is hard; society is not set up to help us succeed, so you must find what works for you.”

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The Past and Future of Energy: Here Comes the Sun

Jackie Forrest is the Executive Director of the ARC Energy Research Institute and co-hosts the ARC Energy Ideas podcast, a weekly show that explains the latest trends and news in Canadian energy and beyond.

Everyone loves a sunny day! Whether hiking, playing, or spending a day at the beach, the sun’s warmth always makes us smile. That’s also because the sun is the largest energy source on earth. And besides making us happy, the sun’s rays also power about 95 per cent of everything we do.

For starters, sunshine is energy for plants. People get energy from eating plants and burning wood for heat. Humans have also learned how to process various types of food and vegetation into fuels, called biofuels, that

heat our homes and even power our cars. Water power also comes from the sun. When solar energy evaporates water, it creates clouds that cause rain to fall and rivers to flow. Humans convert the energy from flowing rivers into electricity using dams. Canada is a major producer of hydropower; it makes up 60 per cent of all generation capacity in the country. Learn more about hydroelectric power generation at letstalkscience.

ca/educational-resources/ backgrounders/generatingelectricity-solar-cells

The sun is also why the wind blows. The sun warms the earth unevenly. Some places are cool, others hot. That causes air to rush from one place to another. For many centuries, humans have captured the wind’s energy

with sailboats and windmills. Now, large turbines are converting the wind’s energy into electricity. The biggest ones are so tall that they reach halfway up Toronto’s CN Tower. Solar panels are another way of harnessing the sun’s energy. Solar panels are about the size of the top of a picnic table, flat and rectangular but with a glass top. When the sun shines on the solar panel, they produce electricity to power things like our lights, heat our ovens and even charge our electric cars. Solar panels are a bit like Lego. They can be used in small numbers, say 10 or 30, to cover the roof of your home. Alternatively, if you have a large area, over one million panels can be wired together into a massive power plant. It may surprise you, but the gasoline you put in your car, the

natural gas that heats your home, and the coal that cooks your food on the barbeque also comes from the sun. Oil, natural gas, and coal come from plant matter that was buried in the dinosaur age about 100 million years ago.

While fossil fuels dominate the energy mix today—providing 80 per cent of all our energy needs—this is set to change. The emissions created from burning coal, gas, and oil are warming the climate. To stop these emissions, governments, and people are starting to make changes that will reduce how much is burned.

Only a small amount of energy is from non-solar sources today, about five per cent. Most of this is from nuclear energy that is unleashed when atoms are split apart. Geothermal energy is another source; wells are drilled into

the earth to capture the heat that radiates from the earth’s crust. Because of climate change, a transition away from fossil fuels to emission-free energy is starting. With such an enormous amount of energy coming from oil, gas, and coal today, it is a big challenge to change. It is uncertain how it will all unfold and how long it will take, but we know that the sun will continue to play a starring role.

With more discussions around Earth Day, April 22, Let’s Talk Science has put together a guide to earth-related resources and events to support you in discussing this important topic with your kids at home or in the classroom.

Learn more at letstalkscience.ca/climatescience

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Experience Winter Perfection in the Yukon

Welcome to the Northern Lights Resort & Spa in Canada’s Yukon, a family-run escape from the hustle and bustle of busy city living. Here, pampering comes first— your worry-free vacation means leaving your shoes and stresses at the door and making yourself at home.



Enjoy first-class hospitality with luxurious accommodations like the Aurora Glass Chalets. These chalets come equipped with large top-to-bottom windows so that you can watch the aurora borealis from the warmth and cozy comfort of your bed.

There’s so much to explore, from childlike wonder and fun in the winter snow to deeply relaxing experiences in one of many luxurious amenities. Spend the day exploring the mountains or valleys of the Greater Whitehorse Area via dogsled or snowmobile, or try your hand at ice-fishing on one of Whitehorse’s beautiful lakes.

After a day of adventure and

outdoor activity, treat yourself to a wellness massage at the resort’s stocked spa area, complete with a Finnish sauna, an infrared sauna, and a relaxation room.


You’ll find the best of both worlds here in the Yukon. Whether sun or snow, the fun and adventure never stop. The sights and sounds are a nature lover’s dream, and there is no shortage of diverse landscapes to explore and photograph—the views of the Yukon River and Grey Mountain area of Whitehorse are not to be missed!

For the best value, opt for a tour package: these special offers include pickup and drop-off to and from the airport, three meals a day, as well as private use of the spa, nightly guided aurora viewing, and your choice of one or two tours. The tours of Whitehorse take you on exciting adventures with an expert guide who will show you the best of the city, from cozy local favourites like hidden

culinary gems and watering holes to art and culture must-sees like the MacBride Museum.

The Yukon Wildlife Preserve Tour is another great adventure waiting to be had—spend an

afternoon in the country with 15 different northern species in over 600 acres of wild surroundings. This journey is perfect for wildlife lovers excited to get up close and personal with nature.


The food at the resort is both down-to-earth and cosmopolitan, a perfect mix of well-being for body and soul.

For foodies who love local cuisine, enjoy produce sourced from certified neighbourhood producers and organic herbs grown at the resort. The chef carefully prepares delicious gourmet meals every day, using only the finest and freshest ingredients. These healthy and delicious creations are a delight for every set of tastebuds and can be altered to meet dietary needs. Breakfast and lunch are light, healthy, and satisfying, with packed lunches available for onthe-go experiences. Mealtime is also a time for connection! Over dinner, resort guests dine together by the cozy fireplace, a perfect beginning to what may blossom into a beautiful friendship.

With over 800 five-star reviews on TripAdvisor, there’s no reason to delay booking your worryfree winter vacation. Inquire now and plan your trip today at northernlightsyukon.com

Defying the Odds: Wheelchair User Becomes First to Enter the Pyramids of Giza

The steps from the outside leading into the Pyramids of Giza are daunting. The entryway is steep, dark, and narrow—a feat that would seem scary to any traveller.

Despite this, Barbara* descended the steps in her wheelchair, becoming the first wheelchair user to enter one of the pyramids from the outside.

Barbara, who entered the pyramids in a specially designed wheelchair gifted to her by Travel For All, is a travel enthusiast striving to defy the odds stacked against disabled travellers. Working alongside Travel For All, a global agency with its head office in British Columbia that works to assist travellers with disabilities, specific requirements, and accommodations, she has been able to travel the world with ease.

As a wheelchair user, Barbara faced adversity and complications while travelling. A passionate traveller with a goal to see the world, Barbara refused to let her wheelchair stand in the way of following that dream.

She contacted Travel For All to aid her in her travels. With their help, she’s visited not only the Pyramids of Giza, but Machu Picchu, the Galapagos Islands, and so much more.

Travel For All was founded by Tarita Davenock after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 29. She continued to work as a social worker for five years after her diagnosis until her daily career became

difficult to manage and was suggested by her neurologist to look at a new career path.

As a passionate traveller herself who soon became a wheelchair user, Davenock founded Travel For All to support other travellers with disabilities. Travel For All understands the challenges faced by people with disabilities when travelling. Leaving the safety of what is familiar can be extremely stressful—and

the anxiety that this causes for some is a significant obstacle.

Having assisted thousands of travellers with specific requirements to see the world, the experts at Travel For All are able to make recommendations that fit every individual’s travel style and personal needs.

Similarly, Travel For All works with suppliers around the world who can provide muchneeded resources to travellers,

including those like Barbara, who was provided with a specially made wheelchair from one of their providers.

In addition to Barbara’s story, Travel For All has supported thousands of travellers over their 14 years of service. They have a variety of tours available, including cruise lines, land and tour operators, and specifically curated itineraries in a variety of locations.

Barbara booked her Egypt tour through Travel For All and was able to explore one of the Seven Wonders of the World in a personalized itinerary without having to worry about travelling in a wheelchair or what accommodations may be available to her.

Travelling should be something that’s easily accessible to be enjoyed by all—and that’s a mission that Travel For All is seeking to accomplish, which is proving to be fruitful with success stories like Barbara’s.

*NAME CHANGED FOR PRIVACY REASONS BARBARA © COURTESY OF TRAVEL FOR ALL Always There For You 100% Customizable Global Dream Vacations Inclusive — Not Exclusive Vacations travel-for-all.com RESPONSIBLE TRAVELLER ADVERTORIAL globalheroes.com April • 2023

Life’s Too Short for Ordinary

Yukon’s airline treats passengers as friends and family


You may find this hard to believe, but I’ve flown 1,232 times with Air North, Yukon’s Airline. Yes, I’ve tracked every flight over the past four years and have been to every one of their destinations across the territories and southern provinces.

I know that’s pretty amazing for any traveller, but there’s a good reason for that.

I’m a pilot. And I’m more than proud to call both Air North and Yukon my home.

This regional airline is all about connecting the North. Up here, people matter. It’s a philosophy that plays into the level of customer service our guests rank as best-in-class. That’s because we’ve always believed flying should be fun and that the journey to and from your destination should be an enjoyable and memorable part of the experience.

When you fly Yukon’s airline, you can be assured of a genuine northern Canadian experience. We know that doing everything we can to put passengers at ease will ensure our guests feel welcome. Our flight attendants are friendly and attentive, always going above and beyond to make sure you’re safe, comfortable and content. If you need a blanket or something to eat or drink, they have that for you.

We offer complimentary meals from our own inflight kitchen. Up in the cockpit, we love the smell of the coffee and fresh-fromthe-oven cookies. We know how much our cabin guests wait for that moment as well. Yes, we serve coffee from our local roasters and Yukon-brewed beers. Our locally made Yukon beverages and menu items from our very own Red Seal Chef, Michael Bock, can’t be found on any other airline.

Our famous Yukon hospitality is at the core of the Air North experience. From the moment you step on board, you’ll be treated as friends and family. Over the 46 years since our president, Joe Sparling, first started Air North,

he’s promoted one important mantra, other than safety first: make passengers feel cared for.

Air North delivers on that promise like no one else in the industry. It’s how we’ve always done business. I can stand by that because I’ve worked in many positions at Air North before becoming a pilot, and I’ve seen a delivery on that promise time and time again.

All 400 of our employees— from check-in and cabin crew to baggage handlers—work hard to make that a reality.

It’s this attention to service and hospitality that had us recognized by Trip Advisor as Best Specialty and Leisure Airline in North America.

As a regional airline, we take pride in showcasing the best of our beautiful territory. If you’re

coming to explore the Yukon, we’ll share our stories and tips about the best places to visit. I especially enjoy Keno City. It’s a tiny mining town with a whopping population of 12. My dad grew up in the area, and we have a cabin close by. It’s quiet, peaceful, full of beautiful sights and rich with history. I also enjoy Dawson City, particularly catching a show at Diamond Tooth Gerties!

At Air North, we care, and it shows. Every member of our team is empowered to improve the customer experience where we can, to act to resolve issues and to treat travellers as you would friends or family.

I’d like to mention baggage for a minute. We understand that travellers want to pack everything they need for their adventure or bring back treasures from the Yukon. That’s why we offer two free checked bags per passenger on every flight, so you don’t have to worry about paying extra for luggage. We have very generous weight limitations, and anything extra can go cargo. Believe me; we’ve seen everything in our affordable cargo service, from bikes, kayaks

Co nve n ie n ce n ow come s i n o ra nge

and large river canoes to harvested caribou and whole roasted pigs for a local cultural event.

What makes us unique, too, is the fact that Air North is 100 per cent owned by Yukoners, including the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. Their investment in 2000 led to the robust jet service and affordable fares that northern fly-in communities now enjoy. Today, one in 15 Yukoners holds an equity or employment position in Air North.

Air North touches down daily at more than a dozen destinations across Canada, including Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna, Edmonton, Calgary and Ottawa. Our newest route—Toronto-YellowknifeWhitehorse—came online last year, conveniently opening the North to international and eastern Canadian travellers. We’re a competitive and attractive alternative, even for a short hop to Vancouver from Victoria or Kelowna.

In celebration of our deep ties to the Yukon, our “Spirit in Action” sponsorship initiative is our way of supporting communities and giving back. I have

played in many Air North-sponsored squash tournaments. Our focus is on health and wellness programs, improving quality of life and providing funding for the arts, culture and sports. We’re also involved intensively with youth development and the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Recently we partnered with Canada Goose to assist in hosting a Resource Centre for Yukon First Nations, donating nearly 70 kilometres of fabric to Indigenous crafters and artisans, including the transportation of materials and partnering with local companies to physically house the initiative.

Air North truly is Yukon’s airline. We care about our guests, and we care about the North. As a pilot, every time I buckle in, I remind myself what a lifeline this airline really is—in our commitment to connecting our people and our communities—and doing it in a way that makes everybody proud. Come home to the Yukon.

Book your flight today at flyairnorth.com

NORTHWEST TERRITORIES YUKON ONTAR O BRIT SH COLUMB A D son City Whitehorse Victoria Vancouver Calgary Edmonton Otta a T t Yell wknif Kelowna ALBERTA
Th is summer and a nytime, e nj oy re gular fligh t s bet ween Va n co u ver , Ke l ow na, Vic toria and the Yu ko n Wi t h t wo i tems of ch e c ke d b a g ga ge include d in yo u r fa re , com p limenta r y f res h ly ma d e light meals* an d frien d l y an d at ten t i ve staff you’ll redefine yo u r ex p e ctatio n s for w ha t air t ravel should be Visit fl yai r north. co m to ex perien ce tru e Yu ko n h ospitality or call 1.8 0 0.661. 0 4 07 ex t . 1 Two tems of che c ke d b a g ga ge in c l u d e d wit h st an d a rd G o Yu kon, Optim u m a n d Co n n ec to r Fa re s Siz e an d wei g h t limi t s appl y visit fl yai r nor t h. com / b a g ga ge for d e tails a nd over we i ght / overs iz e b a g ga ge fe e s. Com p limenta r y ligh t meal / s n a c k s er vi ce bas e d o n rou te e n gt h a n d ai rc raf t an d a re n ot a vaila b le on all fligh t s Gl o b a l He ro es rea ders s ave 15 % Use p romo co d e Yu k 0n H e ro until Ap r i l 1 0 t h , 2023 fl y a i rnor t h. c o m
© ALL IMAGES SIMON BLAKESLEY globalheroes.com ADVERTORIAL April • 2023


Escape to Bromont: A Change of Scenery in the Eastern Townships

When was the last time you took a breath of fresh air and really let loose?

A change of scenery is waiting in Bromont, Québec, halfway between Montréal and Sherbrooke and only a half-day’s drive from Toronto. The Eastern Townships region, which made the 2023 New York Times’ list of must-visit destinations, is a treasure trove of outdoor experiences.

Bromont is a cyclist’s dream, with thousands of kilometres of gravel and road bike routes in the area, offering beautiful scenery and an unparalleled riding experience. The Parc des Sommets and Bromont, montagne d’expériences provide 200 km of mountain bike trails and hiking trails, and whether you prefer cross-country, enduro or downhill biking, you will find courses for every level.

Bromont is known for its cycling community! As the host of the National Training Centre with its Centre National de Cyclisme and its newly built Velodrome, this city is the epicentre of cycling in Canada and a must-visit for biking enthusiasts. Bromont is the perfect starting point for cyclists taking


to the trails and also makes for a spectacular day trip. Cycling isn’t the only thing that makes Bromont unique— with small-town charm in spades and a seemingly endless supply of things to do, see, and eat, the magic of Bromont is waiting to be discovered around every corner. Summer brings an abundance of opportunities to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Whether your perfect summer day includes a trip to the Wave Pool in the Bromont Waterpark, hiking and picnicking at the summit of mont Bernard, or getting up close and personal with animals at the nearby Granby Zoo,

Bromont is the place to make lifelong memories.

Golf enthusiasts will be charmed by Bromont’s three golf courses that host world-class golf events!

Golf Château-Bromont, Le Royal Bromont, and Le Vieux Village are all certified championship courses by PGA Canada, distinguished by the quality of their greens, immaculate conditions, breathtaking scenery and unparalleled customer service. Old Bromont, on Shefford Street, is the perfect place to spend the day. There’s so much to see in this charming and historic region, from the unique architecture of

the Anglo-Saxon legacy to the colourful streets full of art galleries, boutiques, and local shops. Locals will tell you that the true magic of Bromont can be found in its restaurants—gourmet flavours abound with so many exciting local products and dishes to taste and discover. Whether you prefer discovering hidden gems or indulging in tried-and-true local favourites, Bromont has something for everyone to savour. The local products of the Eastern Townships will delight even the pickiest of palates. A trip to the Brome-Missisquoi Wine Route, also known as La Route des Vins, yields the perfect after-dinner treat:

a bottle of locally made wine from one of 20 Québec vineyards, all located along a scenic stretch perfect for a day trip.

Bromont offers an infinite source of reenergizing possibilities where you can connect with nature. Indulge your senses at one of Bromont’s renowned spas that enable well-being and wellness through the power of aromatherapy, herbal therapy, and well-being gardens. BALNEA spa + réserve thermale, for example, is the largest spa natural domain in Québec, located in the middle of nature.

At the end of your day exploring all the best that Bromont has to offer, you can rest assured that your accommodations will be equally as indulgent. The perfect trip requires time for relaxation, after all! From charming bed and breakfasts to chalets, campgrounds, and hotels of all sizes and styles, you can choose to wake up in the heart of the city or be surrounded by nature. Whatever your style, you’ll find it in Bromont.

Visit tourismebromont.com to plan your adventure in Bromont.

Experience West Coast Wilderness at Nimmo Bay

Deep in the heart of Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest, on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, lies a uniquely wild experience. Here, the hustle and bustle of your everyday life couldn’t be further away. Who needs the rumbling noise of traffic when you have the serene and soothing sounds of nature—the wooshing calm of the ocean’s waves, the whispers of the wind blowing through the trees, and in the distance, the sounds of animals foraging along the shorelines. This is what it means to feel the call of the wild.



British Columbia’s Nimmo Bay, described as Mother Nature’s Backyard, is home to once-ina-lifetime experiences. Wild adventures are their specialty, with a natural abundance of wildlife and numerous areas to explore by boat, kayak, paddle boarding, helicopter, and of course, on foot.

The resort’s wilderness lodge is the ideal place to watch

black and grizzly bears in their natural habitat ethically and safely. Expert guides certified by the Commercial Bear Viewing Association make this experience both exciting and informative.

On the waters, orca and humpback whales, long-time residents of the region, often pop up to greet visitors— whale watching is touted as an exhilarating experience not to be missed. Kayaking through the coastal islands is also available, both as a guided day trip complete with a gourmet picnic or on your own with a hot drink and a camera to capture the sights.

Paddleboarding, hiking, and helicopter rides are visitor favourites for exploring the region’s beauty from all heights and angles, and guided safari day trips will take you to remote areas as you indulge in the sights, stories, and history of the islands.


This luxury wilderness resort places a careful focus on protecting the land it resides on.

The Murray family, the founders and owners of the resort, have always strived to minimize their carbon footprint and share the benefits of living sustainably.

Nimmo Bay is run by innovative and sustainable systems, like the hydropower system, fueled by streams and waterfalls and provides clean drinking water and up to 80 per cent of the resort’s power. Naturally, these methods continue in the resort’s kitchens, where all culinary ingredients are sustainably sourced and purchased from local farms. Composting and recycling are non-negotiables here; even their wastewater is converted into clean water suitable for re-entry to the environment. The resort also supports surrounding communities through tourism and education, inspiring a love of the land in all who come to stay, and funds groundbreaking wildlife research and activism. Their partnerships with local non-profits further their mission to live sustainably: Nimmo Bay proudly supports the Smokehouse Foundation,

an organization that promotes coastal Indigenous communities and peoples living in remote areas, focusing on balancing environmental protection with infrastructure improvements.

Nimmo Bay’s wellness philosophy is grounded in the healing powers of nature and the intentional experiences one can find in the wild. Wellness

guides will lead you through parts of the wilderness that you’ve never imagined, from walking meditations to forest bathing and floating saunas to cedar hot tubs at the base of a cascading waterfall. You’re sure to return home feeling renewed and rejuvenated—and looking forward to your next adventure in the west coast wilderness.

Edmundston, New Brunswick: The Doorway to Atlantic Canada

If you’re inspired by the fresh air of the Atlantic, being surrounded by historical charm, and meeting friendly locals, Edmundston, New Brunswick, is where you need to be.

Formerly Petit-Sault, now Edmundston, was founded around 1790 by Acadians fleeing Loyalists’ arrival from the East.

Today, Edmundston is the most important business and service hub in Northwestern New Brunswick and a must-visit destination for history buffs and nature lovers alike. Discover the natural, cultural, and friendly charm of this vibrant city located at the Atlantic gateway along the sumptuous Saint John River nestled in the Appalachian!

Immerse yourself in history by walking the downtown core and discovering historic buildings,

sites, cathedrals, and even a British Fort. Make it a walk to remember by charting your route across the Madawaska River, crossing the magnificent Bernard-Valcourt pedestrian bridge. While you’re there, take some time to learn about the Legendary Republic of Madawaska, a small, unrecognized state in the northwest corner of Madawaska County, New Brunswick.

Outdoor enthusiasts, grab your paddles and descend our majestic rivers or crisscross our unrivalled mountain bike trails, which are increasingly popular amongst the most ardent cyclists. Only minutes from downtown Edmundston, the Madawaska Trails are a mountain biker’s dream. With 60 kilometres of singletrack trails, ranging from beginner-friendly to expert-level, there are trails for every kind of

adventurer. Every summer, the tracks are home to an XCM endurance race and an Olympic XCO race—must-see events for fans of the sport. Or pedal freely along the Interprovincial Petit Témis bike trail, a 134 kilometre-trail following the Madawaska River and Témiscouata lake. If you prefer keeping your feet on the ground, there’s no shortage of aweinspiring hiking trails, from short trail loops perfect for taking in the fresh air, or the beloved longdistance Méruimticook trail for those who like to spend the whole day basking in the natural charm of the outdoors.

Why stop with the day when you can keep the outdoor adventures going after dark?

Two unique new outdoor

accommodations in the region are bringing glamping to a new level. Sleep in a luxurious dome with a panoramic view of Lake Baker and its surrounding mountains at Ekö Nature Glamping, or fall asleep to the soothing sound of the Quisibis River in a geodesic dome at Quisibis Domes.

Expand your senses at the New Brunswick Botanical Garden, which will captivate you with its stunning colours and mesmerizing aromas and textures! Taste the unique local flavours of this corner of Acadia: the famous “ploye,” character craft beers, and maple products.

End your night with a selection of mouth-watering artisanal craft beers at Edmundston’s newest microbrewery: Microbrasserie Ateepic, located on The Edmundston Fraser

Golf Course. This hidden gem has recently announced its own quartet of in-house beers, including the Pin Noir Oatmeal Stout and the delicious, coffee-infused White Pine Stout.

Another favourite for a night on the town is the Brasseurs du Petit-Sault microbrewery, located in a former police station at the very heart of downtown Edmundston. This local hotspot is proud to share the region’s history through its beers, brewing with water drawn from the winding Iroquois River basin, the finest malts and hops, and Belgian yeast.

There is so much to discover, so join in on the fun! Visit tourismedmundston.com to start planning your trip.

tourismedmundston.com | @visitedmundston
ADVERTORIAL ADVERTORIAL globalheroes.com April • 2023

Beyond the Northern Lights: Discovering the Beauty of Mount Logan Ecolodge and the Kluane Region

At the border of Kluane National Park, home of Canada’s tallest mountain, Mount Logan, awaits an adventure that doesn’t compromise on comfort or excitement.

Just two hours from Whitehorse in the beautiful Haines Junction, Kluane region is the gateway to wilderness fun, enchanting views, and eco-tourism experiences that show you the beauty of the great outdoors.

There is so much to explore in this region—still largely unexplored, every corner reveals a beautiful pocket of nature or a view that few others have seen before. Part of the largest non-polar icefield in the world, the sights you’ll find here will make for stunning photos and even better memories.



When mountains surround you, it’s only natural to get out there and explore!

Whether you’re an easygoing explorer or a seasoned adventurer, Mount Logan Ecolodge is home to countless outdoor activities that will show you all there is to love about the wilderness.

The Yukon is a hiker’s dream, and Mount Logan Ecolodge is the perfect base camp for your expeditions. Discover hidden lakes fed by melting glaciers, follow

sparkling rivers and canyons through impossibly tall trees, and marvel at the unforgettable panoramic views that await you at the top. There are countless trails to explore, with hiking options of every length for every skill level.

The lodge offers custom experiences in partnership with sister company Yukon Guided Adventures, giving you the opportunity to embark on private tours with an expert by your side, making every moment unforgettable. With an experienced guide by your side, you can leave the routes to the experts and just enjoy the journey!

Explore the Kluane region by car and discover the charm of the region. Scenic drives surrounded by spectacular landscapes mixed with small-town charm and friendliness are just a few of the reasons to fall in love with the Yukon. Learn about local history and the majestic Kluane national park’s landmarks, mountains, lakes and rivers, and stop into hidden gems along the Alaskan Highway. Or see the mountains from great heights with a flightseeing tour, available year-round.

In the winter, the Yukon is the perfect place to take on snowy trails and landscapes, and the winter activities at Mount Logan Ecolodge are not to be missed. Traverse the backcountry and pristine landscapes

and forge trails with your guide on snowshoes, or enjoy an exciting glacier flightseeing tour. Don’t forget your sunglasses!


What’s better than spending summer on the lake? How about adding stunning mountains to the mix? Take on the waters with the Pine Lake Canoe Tour, perfect for beginner and intermediate paddlers who want to take in glacier views while listening to the soothing sounds of wildlife. Or take the whole family on a rafting tour, travelling through wildlife habitat and soaking in the stunning views of the Mount Elias Range. It’s an epic journey, complete with a delicious picnic and telling stories around a riverside campfire—exactly what summer dreams are made of.

For those who love an adventure, embark upon a 4×4-SUV Wilderness Tour in the Alsek Valley, where you’ll travel through creeks, old river beds, and mountainsides, learning about the history of the Great Alsek Lake.

End the perfect day with an equally captivating sunset. The Yukon is home to one of the world’s most spectacular wonders, the northern lights. Also known as aurora borealis, with long nights

and few hours of daylight, Yukon winters offer plenty of possibilities to view this natural phenomenon. From mid-August to mid-April, watch in wonder as the pinks and reds of the sunset fade into a starry sky, complete with mind-blowing views of the northern lights. The memory alone will stay with you long after your trip ends.


Don’t compromise on your vacation accommodations—whether your heart is calling for a luxurious sabbatical in a two-story guest suite, or an unplugged wilderness experience in a Mongolian-style yurt, the perfect stay is waiting for you at Mount Logan Ecolodge. Here, accommodations range from luxury rooms to unique outdoor accommodation options. For a truly one-of-a-kind experience, spend a night in a private and furnished school bus—spend the evening under the stars and fall asleep in a cozy king bed…the best of camping with the comfort of glamping. No matter where you stay, every accommodation includes a lovely cooked breakfast and a three-course dinner.

Mount Logan Ecolodge is the perfect place for private rentals as well, with accommodations ready to welcome your family and

friends for gatherings and relaxing retreats. Find yoga, meditations, Wim Hof method retreats, and so much more.


More than just a destination, Mout Logan Ecolodge is a place to explore, rejuvenate, and create memories that last a lifetime. Located in a place of pristine wilderness and part of the traditional territory of the Southern Tutchone people, Mount Logan Ecolodge protects and acts as stewards of this unique region. When surrounded by some of the most beautiful sights nature has to offer, it’s no surprise that taking care of the beauty you see will become a priority, and Mount Logan Ecolodge makes this a cornerstone of its business. Embracing its nature-based location, the lodge strives to constantly enhance and improve their sustainability practices and minimize their environmental impact. From growing their own produce to upholding eco-tourism standards like recycling, minimizing water usage and energy consumption, as well as offering interpretative programs that help guests understand the history and landscapes they are visiting, the lodge hopes to impart a love of nature on every guest who comes to visit.



Discover the Hidden Gems of Fort Erie

Located at the point where Lake Erie enters the Niagara River, this busy border town is the second busiest border crossing between the United States and Canada. Fort Erie is a community of communities that includes the small villages of Bridgeburg, Crystal Beach, Garrison Road Corridor, Ridgeway, and Stevensville. When the summer is in its prime, visitors flock to lakefront cottages to soak up every moment of the blissful solitude.

Whatever you are looking for, whatever your lifestyle craves, we have it for you in Fort Erie: sightseeing, fishing at world-class locations, cycling, boating, golfing, a day at the beach, visiting historic sites, shopping, or just relaxing at one of the many restaurants in town that cater to all tastes and styles of dining.

We have it all in Fort Erie—just waiting for you to explore!


Fort Erie boasts some of the most splendid beaches in North America and is by 46 kilometres of shoreline along Lake Erie and the Niagara River. The freshwater beaches vary

in character from sandy to rocky to naturalized and grassy. Plan your next beach day at one of Fort Erie’s many beaches; Bernard Beach, Crescent Beach, Waverly Beach, and the infamous Bay Beach in Crystal Beach. Bay Beach has a vast sandy area with clear water where locals and visitors can enjoy a relaxing day at the beach. Bay Beach has undergone extensive renovations to provide an accessible and modern beach facility for locals and visitors alike. These new features include; a stateof-the-art washroom facility,

a new playground, pavilion, festival square for community events, an accessible ramp to the beach, accessible beach mats providing access to the waterfront, and a viewing deck that extends over the beach—making it the perfect destination for your next beach day!


Lake Erie and the Niagara River offer extensive boating and fishing opportunities. With eight boat launches and 11 public lake access points, there is no shortage of water activities and entertainment in Fort Erie.

GOLF There are a variety of golf experiences in Fort Erie. From executive Par 3 and practice courses to beautifully manicured resort-style courses, Fort Erie’s local clubs offer beginners and enthusiasts alike challenging courses to enjoy and improve their game.


Fort Erie’s recreational trails connect scenic nature, lush farmland, quaint villages, waterfront views and Niagara’s diverse regions. Along the way, there is no shortage of attractions and places to stop. Walk, jog, bicycle, in-line skate, snowshoe or cross-country ski; the outdoors can be enjoyed yearround with Fort Erie’s recreational trails! This network of multi-purpose trails includes the Friendship Recreation Trail (16 km), the Niagara River Recreational Trail (56 km), and the Trans-Canada Trail (24,000 km).


From ancient artifacts dating back 11,000 years to the War of 1812, Fort Erie’s deep roots and unique

rich heritage are featured at Fort Erie’s many museums:

• Old Fort Erie

• Mewinzha Archaeology Gallery

Railway Museum

• Ridgeway Battlefield Site

• LaFrance Firefighters Museum

• Heritage Arts Sports Gallery

Fort Erie Historical Museum


Whether you’ve had a relaxing day at the beach or a day sightseeing, finish off an afternoon with a cool drink at one of the many restaurant patios nearby. The streets of Fort Erie’s communities are lined with a wide selection of unique boutiques and specialty shops that feature trendy fashion, thrifty finds, home décor, gifts and more! Shop at a wide array of specialty retailers and make time for a quick bite or sit-down dinner along the way. Choose from fine dining, quaint cafes, family dining, outdoor patios or a craft brewery— you will surely find tempting fare in Fort Erie!

Plan your trip today at forterie.ca

Puerto Nariño: An Amazonian Jewel for Eco-Tourism Enthusiasts

Nestled deep in the heart of the Colombian Amazon, Puerto Nariño is a hidden gem that has remained largely untouched by the trappings of modern civilization. With no motorized vehicles allowed in the town, it is a tranquil and peaceful haven for those looking to connect with nature and experience the region’s unique culture.

Puerto Nariño is located approximately 85 kilometres upriver from the bustling city of Leticia and is accessible only by boat. Once there, visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant and colourful culture of the Indigenous people who call this place home. The town specializes in eco-tourism, offering a variety

of activities that allow visitors to explore the Amazon rainforest while supporting sustainable tourism practices.

One of the highlights of a trip to Puerto Nariño is a visit to nearby Lake Tarapoto. This is one of the best places in the world to spot pink dolphins, a rare and majestic species that is a beloved icon of the region. Visitors can take bushwalking tours or boat trips to explore the lake and see other amazing wildlife such as caiman, monkeys, parrots, and toucans.

For those interested in learning more about the culture and history of the region, a visit to the Interpretation Centre is a must. The Centre

is dedicated to protecting underwater life and animals and provides valuable insight into the region’s unique ecology. The Omachu Foundation and Natütama Foundation are other essential stops for visitors interested in conservation and animal protection. The Natütama Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works with the local community to promote sustainable management of resources and biodiversity based on cultural and scientific knowledge.

Puerto Nariño is also home to several Indigenous Malocas, which are traditional longhouses where local people gather to share stories and

wisdom. Visitors can learn about the ancient traditions and practices of the Indigenous people and even participate in storytelling sessions.

Jungle walking day and night is another activity that visitors can enjoy in Puerto Nariño. The sights and sounds of the Amazon are entirely different at night, making this a unique and unforgettable experience.

When it comes to food, Puerto Nariño has a unique culinary culture that is heavily influenced by the Amazon rainforest.

Visitors can try delicacies such as white cocoa, a fruit with sweet white skin that is sucked for its seeds. Another must-try dish is patarashca, a method of

cooking fish from the Amazon that is wrapped in a bijao leaf and grilled to perfection. The local market is also a great place to sample the flavours of the region while mingling with the locals. Visitors can buy food, crafts, and other goods while sharing stories and learning about life in Puerto Nariño. Whether you’re interested in conservation, culture, or simply soaking up the natural beauty of the Amazon, Puerto Nariño is a must-visit destination for eco-tourism enthusiasts. With its stunning wildlife, vibrant culture, and welcoming locals, this little town is truly a jewel of the Colombian Amazon.

Feel Inspired With A Visit To Sarnia-Lambton

Inspiration can come from many different sources—a sight, sound, or a story—and in Sarnia-Lambton, along Ontario’s Blue Coast, it is easy to have a weekend getaway turn into an inspiring and unforgettable visit. Only a couple hours west from the hustle and bustle of the busy urban centres in the GTA, an inspirational getaway awaits you in Sarnia-Lambton.


To see an artistic rendition of a modern classic, to hear the orchestral sounds that surround you or to step back in time to discover engineering marvels can inspire any person, young or old. In Sarnia-Lambton, there are plenty of opportunities to witness these inspirational moments. Listen to the International Symphony Orchestra as they perform beautiful orchestral pieces at the Imperial Theatre in Sarnia. Witness wildly creative artistic pieces at the Norman & Alix Art Gallery in Sarnia, or step back in time and discover

the heritage of Ontario’s Blue Coast at the Lambton Heritage Museum in Grand Bend.


The perfect view as you stroll along Ontario’s Blue Coast, watching the sun set over the horizon of Lake Huron’s

tropical blue waters, is not only an inspirational moment but a memorable view that will commemorate your perfect getaway in Sarnia-Lambton. Book a stay close to the coastline at The Insignia Hotel in Sarnia, or the Colonial Hotel in Grand Bend and you are steps away from

witnessing the perfect sunsets that make Sarnia-Lambton famous.


The fresh smell, sights and sounds of spring in Sarnia-Lambton are an inspiration to experience by any means, but to see the best of

the naturally inspiring beauty of Sarnia-Lambton, swap out the four wheels of your automobile for two wheels of a bicycle and slow things down with a leisurely pedal tour throughout the hundreds of kilometres of cycling trails. From the paved paths along the St. Clair River Trail in St. Clair Township to the winding nature trails at the Pinery Provincial Park in Grand Bend, visiting Sarnia-Lambton and planning a bike tour will leave you rejuvenated, inspired and appreciative that you were able to slow roll along Ontario’s Blue Coast.

From breathtaking natural landscapes and relaxing accommodations to thoughtful and creative musical and artistic masterpieces, planning a weekend getaway to Sarnia-Lambton is the perfect way to feel inspired and ready to discover new adventures and experiences.

Plan your inspirational getaway in Sarnia-Lambton today: ontbluecoast.com @tourismsarnialambton @ontariosbluecoast

© ALL IMAGES SERGIO D. SPADAVECCHIA ONTBLUECOAST.COM FEEL INSPIRED IN SARNIA-LAMBTON Explore and feel inspired this Spring with a visit to Sarnia-Lambton
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Only One Call for Medical Flight and Health Care Facility Coordination


Compassionate Care, Global Reach: The Mission of Angels of Flight Canada

Imagine being informed that a close family member has been suddenly rushed to hospital and needs you to get them home. This isn’t some random phone scam; this is a legitimate, urgent healthcare situation that requires you

to step in and transport a bedridden hospital patient. Would you know who to call? What if your loved one was in a hospital across the country…or on the other side of the world? Would you even know where to begin?

Most people wouldn’t. Angels of Flight Canada does. Founded in 1988 in Peterborough, Ontario, Angels of Flight Canada Inc. specializes in the movement of ill and injured persons around the world. A fully Canadian-owned and operated healthcare company, Angels of Flight Canada has built up a global network of industry specialists that enables them to provide total medical flight case management, air ambulance, airline/air charter medical escorts, as well as global air medical and safety education, training and healthcare development consulting services. Angels of Flight Canada operates around the clock, 24/7, to provide clients, patients, families, and case managers with a single, reliable point of contact.

In 1986, Angels of Flight Canada was introduced to emergency flights in Canada as Intensive Care and Emergency Room Registered Nurses providing critical nursing care in Ministry of Health-operated air ambulances. These nurses’ experience and air medical

certification at Seneca College led to pioneering the specialization of medical evacuation, both in Canada and around the world. Today, Angels of Flight Canada’s nurses continue to receive specialized education in air medicine and flight safety programs developed more than 35 years ago by their own flight nurse leaders and aviation specialists. As information and requirements change, so do the programs. Continuous learning is a requirement for all Angels of Flight Canada medical teams.

Angels of Flight Canada can be trusted to act as a one-stop health hub, coordinating with healthcare facilities, airlines, medical units, air ambulances, ground transport services, embassies and consulates—everything needed to make a medical flight possible.

Families dropped in this stressful predicament often become overwhelmed by the complicated process, reams of paperwork, language barriers, logistical challenges, and of course, the staggering costs—just one full-service air ambulance flight can cost as much as a

modest home! Angels of Flight Canada can offer access to potential, independent financial assistance options if required.

Besides delivering loved ones home safely and efficiently, Angels of Flight Canada is committed to reducing Stranded Patient Syndrome (SPS): patients well enough to leave the hospital but who are stranded due to the lack of medical transportation. Many stranded patients have suitable accommodations waiting for them, complete with family support, if they could just get home. By calling Angels of Flight Canada, they could. With each patient moved home, one more hospital bed is opened up for the next person in need.

The vast majority of Canadians will never require the services of Angels of Flight Canada. That’s a good thing. However, if the unforeseen does occur, let Angels of Flight Canada coordinate every detail—from beds and transportation to medical support, from door to door.

For the whole story, visit: angelsofflightcanada.com

Maikuchiga Monkey Sanctuary: A Community-Driven Conservation Success Story in the Colombian Amazon


The lush, green expanse of the Colombian Amazon is filled with a dazzling array of plant and animal life. But hidden in this paradise is a growing threat: illegal hunting and trafficking of endangered species. That’s where the Maikuchiga Sanctuary comes in—this incredible foundation is dedicated to preserving the Amazon’s biodiversity, protecting its fauna and flora from the devastating impact of human greed.

But what makes Maikuchiga truly special is that it’s not just a wildlife refuge—it’s also a community-driven conservation success story. The foundation, which manages the sanctuary, recognizes that protecting the Amazon s ecosystem isn’t just about saving individual animals but preserving an entire ecological corridor vital for the planet’s balance.

To that end, Maikuchiga rescues primates and other wildlife who have been injured or confiscated from illegal traders, rehabilitates

them, and releases them back into the wild. But the foundation s work goes beyond animal care— they also work to discourage the commercialization of wildlife, managing the reception, care, rehabilitation, and release of animals that have been damaged or confiscated by government authorities.

Established in 2006 by Dr. Sara Bennett, Leoncio Sánchez, and Jhon Vázquez, the Maikuchiga Foundation has achieved remarkable success working with the local people. From the beginning, the foundation focused on conservation practices, but they soon began providing ecotourism services as well. The conservation program for monkeys, which were a threatened species, served as an economic alternative to hunting, providing sustainable well-being for the entire community.

Dr. Bennett, a primatologist and founder of the Maikuchiga Foundation, ran the sanctuary in true partnership with the local community. She made sure that

all employees, except herself, were from the community, and when she moved back to the United States in 2019, she handed over the reins to Jhon, one of the community leaders who had worked with her for over a decade. The community is involved in decision-making, and any funds left over after salaries and running costs are given to the community to use as they wish. Each year, the community has voted to use the funds to provide school supplies for every child in Mocagua.

What sets the Maikuchiga Foundation apart from other wildlife organizations is its deep commitment to working with locals. For more than a decade, Maikuchiga has worked with the Mocagua community in conservation and ecotourism services in the area. The foundation has many goals, including discouraging wildlife commercialization, developing regional environmental education programs and materials, and promoting fair and sustainable

management of natural resources.

The Maikuchiga Foundation s work is not just about rescuing and rehabilitating animals; it’s about the impact they make on everyone. They integrate fine arts, cultural conservation, and biological conservation, train people from regional communities, and contribute to participatory participation based on traditional and scientific knowledge.

The Maikuchiga Foundation serves as a model for community-based conservation efforts. The foundation is committed to protecting the Amazon rainforest s biodiversity while providing sustainable livelihoods for the community. The sanctuary’s rehabilitation and reintegration programs for rescued animals have been successful in protecting threatened species and helping the animals return to the wild.

The Maikuchiga Sanctuary is a remarkable testament to the power of community-driven conservation efforts in preserving our planet’s precious resources.

Explore Ontario’s Most Popular Cycling Destination


Choose Cornwall as your destination for adventure, taking advantage of one-of-a-kind trails, conservation areas, historic buildings and an incredible food scene. With so much to offer, Cornwall is always a good choice for a vacation, conference or weekend getaway.


Part of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail, the Riverside Trail offers 40 km of paved trail with waterfront views and it’s entirely separate from traffic. The trail runs from east of Cornwall along the St. Lawrence River to Upper Canada Village with twists through a series of islands. Check out museums, breweries and many other noteworthy attractions along the way. Take advantage of complimentary parking at the Cornwall Civic Complex, which is also just steps away from downtown.


Cornwall is one of the most eastern cities in Ontario with borders to Québec, Akwesasne and the United States just a short drive away. The unique location creates easy access to many cultural experiences including authentic Mohawk experiences, tours of Ontario’s oldest jail and the Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre, which tells the story of the largest power project in Canadian history. The culture scene is topped off by an eclectic collection of restaurants showcasing internationally recognized chefs.


Book a night or weekend getaway in one of Cornwall’s many accommodations including Ontario’s oldest inn, Chesley’s Inn. Complimenting the historic inn are many modern hotels as

well as camping and yurt experiences for a more adventurous stay. While relaxing in one of Cornwall’s affordable accommodations, why not check out the over 500 available jobs? With an economy that is stronger than ever and a growing business community, you just might find the career of your dreams and turn your vacation into your forever home.

Tours and welcome kits are available by contacting Cornwall Economic Development at ChooseCornwall.ca

globalheroes.com April • 2023

Where Nature Rejuvenates You


#MakeItYourOwn in Noble County: Off-the-Road Adventures, Arts and Entertainment, and Affordable Nightlife

At first glance, Noble County, Indiana may seem like a typical, rural region more attractive to farmers and hunters than upand-coming young professionals. But situated in one of the fastestgrowing regions in the county, minutes from Fort Wayne yet far from traffic jams and long lines, Noble County is bursting with opportunities for off-the-road adventures. Take a quick tour of some must-see spots to imagine how you can #MaketItYourOwn! Then, reach out to the Noble County Young Professional Network and Thrive Noble County to learn more about professional and personal development and networking opportunities!

Get and stay healthy, fit, and relaxed: Noble County is an outdoor paradise! Chain O Lakes State Park and other local parks and preserves are flooded with Instagrammable moments, TikTok adventures, and vlog-worthy experiences. Kayak one (or more) of the Chain’ s 13 lakes, hike miles of trails, or get

that summer glow on a beach. You can also enjoy our award-winning golf courses, miles of walking and biking trails, ranked disc golf courses, axe throwing, a corn hole event centre, sand volleyball, and other recreational activities. Noble County is a great place to rejuvenate with nature every day!

For the foodies: Noble County offers unique dining experiences, including 10 stops on Indiana Foodways Alliance’ s passport trails! Only here for the weekend? Stop by

St. James in Avilla for an authentic German plate. Try the Albion Ale House for one of the region’s best burgers or Hoosier tenderloin—and wash it down with one of the 12 craft brews on tap, made on the premises! Jen’ s Bistro in Historic Downtown Kendallville is the place to go for delicious paninis and shareable charcuterie boxes. Head to Ligonier for some of the region’ s best international cuisine, including multiple family-owned Mexican restaurants, a local favourite

Chinese buffet, or the historic Fashion Farm, where seasonal pumpkin donuts and ice cream are sure to delight! If a flight of craft beers doesn t float your boat, how about a flight of ice cream? Whatchamacakes in Kendallville is where you need to be! Smack your lips for authentic European desserts at Gabriela’s European Desserts and More in downtown Ligonier, or pop over to King Korn to choose from more than 30 varieties of gourmet popcorn and ice creams! Find even more local hot spots at ShopNoble, where the community goes to discover and support exclusively locally owned establishments. Visit one of our three (and growing) breweries and premiere tasting rooms for craft beers, signature cocktails, and acclaimed wines. Prepare for a great night out with friends or with your special someone. Great date nights (and days): Locally owned, atmospheric coffee shops offer chai, espresso, steamers, baked goods, and more, with world-class flavours at

affordable prices. These are great places to network, meet, and have fun! Discover Grounded Coffee House in Ligonier and The Fox Den on the Historic Courthouse Square in downtown Albion. As the list grows, we have you covered! Explore Noble County’s Coffee Houses any time at SHOPNoble! Check out the latest films at one of Indiana ’ s most extended, continually operated theatres in historic downtown Kendallville! The Strand Theatre offers the comfort and nostalgia of the past but uses modern digital equipment to present first-run movies. Enjoy a cozy summer evening in The Alley, next to the theatre, or walk across the street to enjoy more summertime seating in the Main Street Pocket Park! If you’re open to the next chapter of life and all that Northeast Indiana brings, we hope you’ll get out and experience Noble County and not just play, but stay!

Learn more at visitnoblecounty.org

The Intersection of Sky and Sea: A Luxurious Getaway in Barcelona

Towering over the beauty of Barcelona with scenic views of the Mediterranean sea is Hotel Arts Barcelona, a luxurious hotel located in one of Barcelona’s two tallest buildings.

At the intersection of the city’s sky and sea, the hotel boasts seemingly endless luxuries to explore. Whether it be a delicious meal at Enoteca Barcelona from Paco Pérez, a Catalonian chef with two Michelin stars, or a trip to 43 The Spa, there is something for everyone.


Hotel Arts Barcelona boasts a collection of eateries in addition to Enoteca at the helm of Chef Pérez.

Enoteca Paco Pérez has two Michelin stars and a menu full of Mediterranean flavours under Chef Pérez’s innovative vision. Savour the freshness of the sea fused with the products of the garden and the mountains. With a selection of fresh and local products, try a pairing from the sommelier, who has more than

700 references from the hotel s own winery.

Marina Coastal Food, which is open throughout the summer, has an eclectic menu that was influenced by coastal cuisine around the world. With exciting views across the Mediterranean, the restaurant is seated beside the pool, making for the perfect

summer dining location. Similarly, guests can enjoy delicious cocktails at P41 Bar, tapas at the simply named Bites, and breakfast at Lokal.


A short walk from some of Barcelona’s most notable attractions like La Sagrada

Familia and Gaudí’s Parc

Guell, Hotel Arts Barcelona is a must-visit for tourists in the city. While the accommodations are some of the best in Barcelona, a stop at the hotel proves to be worthwhile, with the spa and dining options available onsite.

The building towers the city, making it an attraction in itself with the skyline it creates along the coast of Barcelona.


An homage to its namesake, Hotel Arts Barcelona is home to a new initiative in partnership with WE COLLECT, Madrid’s leading art gallery, aimed at spotlighting Europe’s emerging artists while immersing guests in local art and culture.

With an exciting collection of more than 500 original artworks, the gallery opened its doors in July 2022 with installations from some of Spain s most notable artists. In 2023, the gallery will host exhibitions by Spanish artists Beatriz Dubois, Ramón Muñoz and Carla Fuentes.


Tucked away on the 42nd and 43rd floors of the hotel, 43 The Spa is a luxurious getaway with beautiful views of the Mediterranean. The spa boasts 3,000 square feet along with treatments like massages, facials, and a skincare line Natura Bissé.

In addition, the spa has separate relaxation areas for women and men and includes a fitness centre and fitness packages for guests.


A luxurious trip to Barcelona wouldn’t be complete without a chic and comfortable place to sleep. The hotel boasts exciting suites and penthouses with incredible 360-degree views of Barcelona. The rooms are full of exciting amenities like terraces with panoramic sea and city views, butler services available in the penthouse, in-room art exhibitions courtesy of WE COLLECT, and so much more. Barcelona is a booming city that is calling for adventurers to explore the luxury, history, and excitement that awaits.

Step Back in Time in Nacogdoches, Texas

Nacogdoches, known as the Oldest Town in Texas, features brick streets and a photo-worthy backdrop of local businesses on the original streets of the El Camino Real.

Designated “The Garden Capital of Texas,” Nacogdoches is home to the most extensive azalea garden in the state. The Ruby M. Mize Azalea Garden boasts one of the most diverse azalea collections in the United States. The Ruby Mize Azalea Garden in Nacogdoches is known for having more than 550 varieties of azaleas and trails for flora lovers of all ages and abilities. Encompassing eight forested acres along the historic Lanana Creek on the campus of Stephen F. Austin State University, the impressionisticstyle garden features over 7,000 evergreen and native azaleas accented with vibrant Japanese maples, camellias and other unique collections.

The gardens bring visitors from all over the world, but they stay for the unique charm that Nacogdoches has to offer. From shopping and dining to

exploring the historic roots of the Oldest Town in Texas, there is something for everyone. Build your perfect itinerary using the “Visit Nac!” app and add fun activities like a Sip & Stroll or tour of the gardens. Take a walking tour of the statues, historic sites and oldest buildings, and grab lunch at the 1st City Cafe inside the landmark Fredonia Hotel, recently renovated and restored to a mid-century

modern masterpiece. Walk up and down Main Street and shop ‘til you drop at the local boutiques, antique stores, and art galleries. Head down Mound Street to the Fortney Home, a gorgeous Victorian Home filled to the brim with antiques and eclectic collectibles. Eat and drink like a local at one of Nacogdoches’ many libation locations like Front Porch Distillery, Fredonia Brewery, Red House Winery

and Naca Valley Vineyard, all of which feature a wide array of food trucks and live music weekly.

Nacogdoches is a wonderful place to visit all year, but time your trip during annual events like the Texas Blueberry Festival on the second Saturday in June or the Nine Flags Lighted Christmas Parade & Festival on the first Saturday in December to get the full experience.

The Texas Blueberry Festival is our biggest event of the year, where 20,000 people fill Downtown Nacogdoches with blueberry-themed food, crafts, goods and more. Visitors travel from all over Texas and beyond to enjoy the family-centred fun the festival brings. Make it a weekend trip to enjoy the free Bluegrass Concert in Festival Park the night before.

The Nine Flags Festival is a magical day of shopping, smalltown charm and Christmas cheer. Experience the tradition of celebrating the Nine Flags that flew over the oldest town in Texas. Shop Nacogdoches’ unique downtown businesses and vendors around the plaza. Enjoy food truck fare, hot cocoa and treats while taking in the views of the lighted parade on the historic brick streets.

No matter what time of the year you visit, your trip to Nacogdoches will be one to remember. If restoration and relaxation are what you’re looking for, we have a Nac for that.

Learn more at visitnacogdoches.org

It’s in our Nature. Plan your trip now at visitnacogdoches.org © IMAGES COURTESY OF VISIT NACOGDOCHES
ADVERTORIAL ADVERTORIAL globalheroes.com April • 2023


Unforgettable Experiences Await in Crawford County, PA

From lively summer concert series to enriching museum tours transporting you back to the 19th century, these Crawford County activities share one thing in common: they’re fun for anyone at any age. There are more activities than you can count in the Crawford County, Pennsylvania area. You can find amusement and make family memories to cherish for years to come in Crawford County.

Nestled in the heart of northwestern Pennsylvania, you can find eight lakes, 93 streams and two springs in Crawford County. This totals up to 77 kilometres of water trails and over 17,000 acres of boatable water to enjoy!

Conneaut Lake greets you as Pennsylvania’s largest natural glacier lake with three different beaches: Conneaut Lake Park Beach, Firemans Beach and Midway Beach, making it one of the best lakes in the area. Pymatuning State Park is one of the largest parks in the commonwealth and boasts the largest lake— Pymatuning Reservoir. Whether you’re testing your sea legs out at the family-friendly weekend

sailing camp, watching the natural phenomenon of thousands of carp at the Pymatuning Spillway, or taking advantage of one of several activities like fishing, swimming and camping, you’re sure to make unforgettable memories. In warmer months, keep your eyes on the sky to spot bald eagles and other raptors that are fond of nesting in the area.

It’s no surprise that one of the original 13 colonies boasts a rich history, including the birthplace of the modern petroleum industry. Located in Titusville, Drake Well Museum recounts the start and

development of the U.S. oil boom that soon turned into a global enterprise. Indoor and outdoor exhibits are available for visitors to explore, featuring orientation films, exhibits, operating oil field machinery and historic buildings. Hop on the Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad to share the fun of train travel and relive the start of the U.S. oil industry. This three-hour train trip takes you on a scenic ride through Oil Creek State Park, learning about the people and history of the area along the way! Keep your eye out for special

events throughout the year, such as Murder Mystery Dinners, Wine Tasting Rides, October Fall Foliage Rides, a spooky Halloween Train Ride and a magical Santa Train.

Meanwhile in Meadville, the Baldwin Reynolds House Museum offers free summer tours from Memorial Day until Labour Day. The museum was once the home to Henry Baldwin, a supreme court judge. Now it serves as a historical hub for culture, education, and art. The Crawford County Historical Society also offers historic cemetery tours of

Greendale Cemetery, a well-loved green space and nature photography hotspot—you won’t want to miss the 1,500 rhododendrons in the late spring and summer! Summer is just as magical in Crawford County, with exciting cultural events, live music and local farmers’ markets all season long! Plan a family trip to catch the largest agricultural fair east of the Mississippi—the Crawford County Fair. There is plenty to explore, with grandstand events such as the demolition derby, food from local restaurant vendors, agricultural contests, live music, and a brilliant fireworks display! When the weather starts to cool down, and the leaves begin the change, fall is in full swing in Crawford County. Winter is also a great time to visit when the holiday magic is in the air. From recreational activities to educational opportunities to festivals, there will always be something to experience, no matter your budget. Explore other family-friendly things to do on your trip.

Plan your visit at visitcrawford.org

The Perfect Italian Getaway in the Heart of Venice

Venice: the Italian city that oozes beauty, luxury and unique appeal. A city built on a group of small islands, the area is surrounded by canals. Along the Grand Canal sits The St. Regis Venice, a luxurious five-star hotel.

A notable landmark in Venice for the last century and a half, The St. Regis is located across the canal from the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, situated directly in the heart of Venice. The hotel is made with avantgarde design that merges striking, modern interiors with historic provenance. The hotel underwent construction and reopened in 2019 with a revamp to the building s façade to add elegance to the history, bringing with it a new era of glamour to the city.

Tourists flock to Venice to see the city surrounded by water and to enjoy the experience of an exciting gondola ride along the canals. Last year, The St. Regis became the first hotel in Italy

to be equipped with an electric boat charging station. The Laneva e-boat operates with zero emissions and provides guests with a private tour that is both luxurious and eco-friendly.

“A sunset cruise down the Grand Canal is an iconic experience that, for many, epitomizes Venice,” said Patrizia

Hofer, General Manager of The St. Regis Venice. “With our privileged location right on the Grand Canal, we see it as our responsibility to help keep our famed waterways pristine by starting Venice on a path to becoming a zero-emission city.

The St. Regis Venice prides itself on being a leader in innovation

who embraces new technology to effect change that will benefit locals, tourists, and the planet.”

In addition to its exciting location, the hotel is adorned with 130 rooms and 39 suites, some with private terraces offering views of the city.

Following the hotel s redesign, each room has been furnished to showcase the artistic and cultural heritage of the building while incorporating modern glamour. Inspired by the Venetian masterpieces of former guest and impressionist painter Claude Monet, the interiors of the refined guestrooms display a distinctive colour palette. The artistic touch, known as Muse of the Arts, works with local and global artists like Ai WeiWei to add a unique flare to the rooms.

The hotel is also home to a selection of eateries, including Gio’s, the hotel’s signature restaurant, and The Arts Bar, where cocktails have been specifically created to celebrate art.

The St. Regis even has its own signature drink—the Santa Maria Signature Bloody Mary. The cocktail honours the

creation of the Bloody Mary with a unique twist. Prepared with local grappa and clarified tomatoes, its light distinctive hue is reminiscent of the city s blushing pastel skies.

The restaurants on-site are led by Executive Chef Giuseppe Ricci, who was appointed in November 2022. Chef Giuseppe is dedicated to bringing new twists to seasonal dishes while continuing the culinary excellence at the hotel with a revamp of the dining experience.

“Chef Giuseppe is a highly respected culinary leader who has innovatively merged Italian classics and the authentic flavours of Venice into our cuisine,” Hofer explained. “His passion and knowledge of the highest quality of local and fresh products will elevate the culinary journey at the best address in Venice.”

The glamour that is prevalent in Venice pours into The St. Regis, making it the perfect destination to stay for a family vacation, a couples retreat, or even a solo travel adventure. Come and be immersed in Italian luxury.

Butler County, PA: Americana, Defined

Butler County, located 32 kilometres north of Pittsburgh, embodies Americana in the best way possible—its residents, shop owners, and officials understand its history and embrace and celebrate it joyfully while inviting visitors to take in and enjoy all it has to offer.


By definition, a moraine is any accumulation of debris that occurs in glaciated regions and has been carried along by a glacier or ice sheet.

That is exactly what happened long ago in what is now Portersville, PA., and is where nearly two million people annually visit the beautiful 16,725-acre Moraine State Park.

As a “Must-See Pennsylvania State Park,” visitors are drawn to the park’s 3,254-acre Lake Arthur for swimming, fishing, sailing, kayaking, and paddleboarding.

But there’s much more, including a world-class disc golf course, an 11-kilometre paved bike trail and more than 60 kilometres of hiking trails with options for all skill levels. Add Moraine State

Park’s abundant picnic groves, and there are countless ways to create endless memories.


Young British Major George Washington was dispatched in 1753 to Ft. LeBoeuf, Erie, to demand the French evacuate the region. During his trip, the future first president passed through what would become Butler County. This historic journey is documented through “Washington’s Trail 1753,” a Butler County driving tour that not only details the mission— including an attempt on Washington’s life, which would have altered the course of the country—but passes through several quaint towns which developed afterward and preserve their history.


Founded in 1804 by the Harmony Society of German Lutheran Separatists, Harmony’s Landmark District retains the oldworld architectural character of a German Village and includes

more than 50 buildings. Specialty shops occupy older structures and make for a charming stop. Make time for Neff Haus Ice Cream, Wunderbar Coffee and Crepes (located in a historic opera hall), and finish with dinner and craft beer at the Harmony Inn.


This can’t-miss stop was founded in 1832 by German immigrant brothers F. Carl and John A. Roebling. Saxonburg is small in size but big on charm. John Roebling, who invented wire rope and designed the Brooklyn Bridge, envisioned a blend of agriculture and light manufacturing. Visit the Saxonburg Museum, shop at Red Door Antiques, pick up locally sourced gourmet jams at Batch, and have dinner at the Saxonburg Hotel, which once hosted President Woodrow Wilson.


German aristocrat Detmar Basse founded Zelienople in 1802, and today, Zelie, as the locals call it, thrives. Shops such as Curio,

Eva Bryn Shoetique, Boutique

16063, and The Strand Theater, and restaurants like ShuBrew, Della Terra, and Burgh’ers Brewing bring a mix of new and old.

Don’t miss the 1808 Passavant House, a museum that tells Zelienople’s story.



Today, Butler County is home to many businesses in the technology sector but still hosts popular fairs and festivals like The Big Butler

Fair, The Butler Farm Show and Bantam Jeep Heritage Festival—in which thousands of Jeeps arrive for a three-day event in the Birthplace of the Jeep, Butler County. Butler County is loaded with quaint shops and restaurants, which are somehow even more welcoming than their outward charm. In the end, Americana may not define Butler County, but Butler County defines Americana. Explore VisitButlerCounty.com to start planning your adventure.

Explore our Charming Towns VisitButlerCounty.com
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DōMatcha® is a 100 per cent authentic Japanese matcha brand and is one of the leading brands in North America that boasts a myriad of benefits. Matcha contains a combination of caffeine and L-theanine, an important amino acid that aids focus and relaxation. Green tea leaves account for the richest source of naturally occurring L-theanine. Matcha also contains a powerful punch of antioxidants called Catechins. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity, or the ORAC value,

Discover the Way of Matcha

measures the antioxidant capacity in a nutrient or food product. DōMatcha® boasts an ORAC value of 1354/gram. To compare, kale has an ORAC value of 17.7 and blueberries have 24 per gram.

DōMatcha® provides a fantastic alternative to coffee as matcha is alkalizing and non-acidic while supplying you with key nutrients needed to give you an extra boost throughout your day. DōMatcha® contains 25-35mg/g of caffeine, while coffee contains 80-120mg/g.

As a result of the high caffeine levels found in coffee, energy spikes followed by a crash are common. However, matcha can provide a more continuous release of caffeine that maintains energy levels throughout your day.

DōMatcha® ensures only the purest leaves are used in their tea. The plants are shielded from sunlight for two to three weeks prior to harvest to boost chlorophyll and L-theanine content. Additionally, only the youngest and most tender leaves

are harvested for DōMatcha®. Before production, rough fibres such as stems and veins of the leaves are removed. The leaves are then stone-ground to guarantee a smooth and delicious taste while preserving essential nutrients.

Not only does DōMatcha® exhibit a multitude of benefits, but they are also true to their historical and cultural roots.

The DōMatcha® brand is backed by over 700 years of expertise.

Kazunori Handa-San is a 16thgeneration tea master who guides DōMatcha® production in Japan.

DōMatcha® established a close relationship with the Handa Clan, renowned for their tea expertise, in 2005. The Handa Clan are highly respected and recognized tea masters whose history dates back 400 years.

Additionally, DōMatcha®’s supplier, based out of Uji, Kyoto, has proudly been in the business for over 300 years. In 2007, DōMatcha® was founded with the goal of bringing authentic Japanese Green Tea to international markets. In 2016 DōMatcha® was the first to introduce decaf matcha to markets outside Japan.

The DōMatcha® brand is owned by Andrews & George, who remains the parent company of Ecotrend Ecologics Ltd., DōMatcha’s distributor, retaining the legacy and close relationships

Andrews & George has had with Japan for centuries.

Andrews & George Company Limited, celebrating its 130th year in business, was founded in 1892 as an import/export company in Japan by William H. Andrews and Edward W. George. Andrews & George became the first foreign-owned company to establish a business in Tokyo, Japan.

Andrews & George Company Limited has a long history of perseverance and resiliency that led the company to become an industry leader and accomplish many remarkable achievements over the past 130 years. Andrews & George paved the way for the creation of the DōMatcha® brand. A company that cherishes the same values and relationships today that was integral to the foundation of Andrews & George 130 years ago.

DōMatcha® has a variety of products that are sure to suit your needs. Try the DōMatcha® difference that comes from a rich history, commitment to quality, and centuries of expertise. Find out more about the way of matcha at domatcha.ca


Pick your beef with confidence. At Certified Angus Beef, we know you want to feel good about the food you feed your family. To do that, you need a healthy protein source that’s also good for the environment. That’s why we work with family farmers and ranchers dedicated to humane animal care and climate-friendly practices.


One of many ranching families raising the best Angus beef and ensuring the integrity of resources for future generations through environmental stewardship, social responsibility and economic viability.

Learn more about our commitment to responsibly raised beef.
The Gilchrist Family Lucknow, Ontario, Canada

A Taste of Spring: Fromagerie Bergeron’s Make-Ahead Sausage and Roasted Red Pepper Lasagna

Soak up the sun! This lasagna will take you on an Italian journey reminiscent of warm weather and shining sun. Perfect for a dinner party, this lasagna can be prepared a day ahead and cooked just before serving. All you have to do is make a quick salad, and dinner is served!

Accompany your meal with a glass of fruity red wine such as a Beaujolais or a full-bodied rosé to bring out that spring feeling.






• 1 jar (300 ml) roasted red peppers

• 15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil

• 4 uncooked Italian sausages (about 400 g)

• 1 clove garlic

• 1 can (796 ml) crushed tomatoes

• 4 ml (3/4 tsp) salt

• Pinch of red pepper flakes


• Dry lasagna noodles, regular or instant

• 200 g of Le Bergeron

Classic Cheese, grated

• 1 container (300 g) ricotta cheese

• 1/2 container baby

spinach (70 g)

• 8 to 10 fresh basil leaves

• 2 ml (1/2 tsp) salt

• Freshly ground black pepper


1 For the sauce: Drain the roasted red peppers. Using a stick blender, or in a stand blender or a food processor, purée the roasted red peppers. Set aside.

2 Remove the casings from the sausages and discard them. In a large non-stick skillet, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the sausage meat

and cook, breaking it up with a wooden spoon. When the sausage meat is golden brown, add the garlic and stir for 1 minute. Add the crushed tomatoes, the roasted red pepper puree, the salt, and the red pepper flakes. Bring the sauce to a boil, then lower the heat to medium. Half cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring from time to time. Remove from the heat and set aside.

3 If you’re using regular lasagna noodles, cook them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

4 Preheat the oven to 190 °C (375 °F).

5 In a food processor, combine the ricotta with half of the grated Le Bergeron Classic Cheese and the baby spinach, the basil, the salt, and the black pepper—process to a creamy consistency. Alternatively, you can finely chop the baby spinach and basil, transfer it to a bowl, then mix in

the ricotta, half of the grated Le Bergeron Classic Cheese, the salt, and the black pepper.

6 Over the bottom of a 23 x 33 cm (9 x 13 in) baking dish, spread 1/4 of the sauce, then cover with a layer of lasagna noodles. Add 1/2 of the ricotta-spinach mixture, then 1/4 of the sauce, and another layer of lasagna noodles. Repeat this last step again, then finish the lasagna with the remaining sauce and grated Le Bergeron Classic Cheese.

7 Bake for about 35 minutes, or until the sauce is bubbly and the cheese is melted and golden brown. Keep an eye over the lasagna after 25 minutes: if the cheese seems to be browning too quickly, cover the lasagna with foil for the remaining cooking time.

8 Remove the lasagna from the oven, let it rest for 10 minutes, then serve.

Visit fromagesbergeron.com for more deliciously cheesy recipes.

Jamie Oliver to Tackle Cost of Living Crisis With New Series

Jamie Oliver will tackle the cost of living crisis with a new series of Jamie ’s £1 Wonders

The celebrity chef will be back on screens whipping up delicious dishes from budget recipes and offering moneysaving cooking tips in a new season of the programme.

Oliver, 47, can’t wait to cook up a storm following the success of the one-off episode, which aired in October last year.

The six-part series will see Oliver plate up cheap meals that cost less than a pound per portion.

A source told The Sun newspaper ’s TV Biz column: “Jamie is really excited by the upcoming series.

“He’ll be venturing outside of the U.K., as well as domestically, travelling to countries including Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Italy and India for ideas on cost-saving food.

“Guest cooks will be invited in too, so it will be a real collaboration.”

Oliver is notable for his initiatives surrounding affordable meals, beginning in 2005 when his show After School Dinners highlighted not only the unaffordable options available to families in the U.K., but showcased that meals were unsustainable and, at times, unhealthy.

That show led the Department for Children, Schools and Families in the U.K. to invest £240 million to keep the cost of school dinners low.

The years following the premiere of After School Dinners led Oliver on a journey towards improving the quality and cost of food, specifically for children. In 2010, he was awarded the TED Prize for championing food education and action on child health.

From 2010 to 2013, Oliver published journals and launched programs to help

tackle this issue. Notably, he launched The Good Foundation to promote good health and

nutrition, utilizing his Ministry of Food Programme.

Oliver has fond memories of

being raised in a pub in Essex during his younger years, and admitted it was “an honour,” especially over the festive period.

He said: It was full of festivities—decorations everywhere—very jolly, very loud.

“It was a gift, an honour, to live in a pub. On Christmas Day, we’d be up early to do all the pressies, but we’d be open for business from 10 a.m.

“All the locals were like extended aunts and uncles—I was brought up by 30 women.”

Oliver believes he ended up with a talent for cooking because he practiced so much.

He said: “I was good at cooking—not because I was born to do it or a genius but because I just did it again and again.

“I had a terrible time academically at school, but I loved working at the weekend—learning to graft, learning to be tired, learning to earn a pound.”


Spring Into Freshness With Eggs for Any Occasion

There’s nothing better than when the days start to get longer, and we see more of the sun. Spring is in the air, and it’s the perfect time of year for celebrating everything fresh and new.

It’s a great time to brighten up your menu too. After a long winter filled with comfort food, why

not lighten things up? Eggs are the perfect ingredient to satisfy your appetite, and one large egg gives you six grams of protein for only 70 calories! They also make a great grab-and-go snack for going outside in the fresh spring air.

Speaking of fresh, did you know that eggs go from the farm to the

grading station to your grocery store in only four to seven days? Now that’s fresh! When you cook or bake with Ontario eggs, you know they are produced according to the same Grade A standard for quality, freshness and cleanliness. Eggs are also perfect for every occasion, but you don’t need a reason to make these cheerful Coconut Lime Cupcakes. With just the right amount of sweetness with a tang of lime, you’ll be looking for excuses to make these cupcakes!







• 1¼ cups (310 ml) all-purpose flour

• 1¼ tsp (6 ml) baking powder

• ½ tsp (2 ml) kosher salt

• ⅓ cup (75 ml) unsalted butter, softened

• ¾ cup (180 ml) granulated sugar

2 eggs

• ½ cup (125 ml) stirred canned

full-fat coconut milk

• 1 tbsp (15 ml) fresh lime juice

• 1 tsp (5 ml) lime zest

• 1 tsp (5 ml) coconut extract


• 1 tub (227 g) cream cheese, at room temperature

• 200 g good-quality white chocolate, melted

• ½ cup (125 ml) icing sugar

• ¼ cup (60 ml) stirred canned full-fat coconut milk

• 2 tsp (10 ml) coconut extract

• ½ tsp (2 ml) lime zest

• ½ cup (125 ml) sweetened flaked coconut, toasted

• 6 lime slices, halved


1 Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).

2 In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder and salt.

3 In a large bowl, with an electric mixer on low speed, beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs, one at a time; beat in coconut milk, lime juice, lime zest and coconut extract. Stir in the flour mixture quickly

until combined, being careful not to overmix.

4 Line a 12-cup muffin pan with cup liners. Divide batter evenly among prepared muffin cups; about halfway.

5 Bake for about 11-13 minutes or until the toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean. Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack and let cool completely.


1 In a large bowl, with an electric mixer on medium speed, beat cream cheese, melted white chocolate, coconut milk, icing sugar, coconut extract and lime zest, scraping bowl as necessary; beat for 1 minute, until well blended. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, until thickened and spreadable, or for up to one day.

2 Frost cupcakes evenly and sprinkle the edges with toasted coconut. Garnish with a lime slice.

For this recipe and more, visit getcracking.ca/recipes

REAL FARMERS. REAL EGGS. Audrée Arthur, Egg Farmer, Oxford County, Ontario Coconut Lime Cupcakes

Martha’s Vineyard is a picturesque island paradise, just 11 kilometres off the coast of Massachusetts but a world away from the hustle and bustle of the mainland. The Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center is your trusted resource to plan a dream vacation, find the best hotel or home rental, recommend restaurants and businesses, and so much more!

Spring, summer, fall, or winter —every season is the perfect time to visit Martha’s Vineyard. Grab a ferry from several ports, including New Bedford, Woods Hole, Hyannis, MA, and Quonset, RI, for a quick ride across Vineyard Sound, and your island adventure awaits!

We’re just one island with six small towns, each with its own distinctive personality.


Formerly known as Gay Head, Aquinnah is the westernmost town, known for a red brick lighthouse (the first in the USA to use the Fresnel lens), beautiful clay cliffs, stunning views of the Elizabeth Islands, Vineyard and



Nantucket Sounds, beautiful beaches, and breathtaking sunsets. Aquinnah is the home of the Wampanoag Tribe of Aquinnah and has a terrific Cultural Center where you can learn all about the whaling and tribal history of the town.

The Aquinnah Circle Cultural District encompasses the natural and man-made structures that tell the timeless history of these sacred lands and the people who have cared for them for centuries.

Visit the Shops at Aquinnah Cliffs for handcrafts, tasty treats, and a tour of the area.


Chilmark is a town of rolling farmland dotted by grazing sheep on a background of bright blue skies, ancient stonewalls, and the authentic fishing village of Menemsha. Originally founded by farmers who passed on a genetic hearing disorder that resulted in nearly a quarter of the population being deaf, the town was known for centuries as one where everyone spoke by hand and is acknowledged as the birthplace of MVSL (Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language).

Head to the Chilmark Flea Market on Saturday mornings for an eclectic mix of the old and the new, or make a special trip to Menemsha for the freshest seafood, some fishing, or spread your blanket on the beach to catch mother nature’s glorious sunsets the perfect end to an island day.


The first of the island towns, founded by whaling captains, the town centre has retained its integrity, and the densely populated streets are lined with historic whaling captains’ homes—some privately owned, and some turned into little shops, cafes, restaurants, and inns. If you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle, grab a bike and hop on the On Time Ferry to Chappaquiddick Island in Edgartown Harbour. You’ll find great riding on thinly populated roads, the Mytoi Gardens, fishing at Wasque, or an adventure to the Cape Poge lighthouse. Or head out towards Katama (a.k.a. South Beach), where you can walk on windswept beaches to the peaceful accompaniment of crashing waves.


Oak Bluffs is often considered laid back, relaxed, and familyfriendly, with kid-friendly beaches, plenty of green spaces to run and play, and plenty of ice cream shops to contrast and compare! Home to the whimsical “gingerbread” cottages, America’s oldest carousel, the Flying Horses, and the African American Heritage Trail, Oak Bluffs, is the seasonal port for ferries from Cape Cod, New Bedford, Rhode Island, and New York. Oak Bluffs is also known for its great live music scene, vibrant arts and harbour districts, nightlife, and street festivals.


Tisbury, more widely known as Vineyard Haven, in reference to its year-round working harbour, invites you to treat yourself to a stroll through its cultural district. This walkable mile has something for everyone, from wooden shipbuilding sheds to the Martha’s Vineyard Museum, film centre, and Playhouse, plus one-of-a-kind shops, art galleries, restaurants, and historic architecture.


• Originally named by the Wampanoag tribe as Noepe, the island was later named after the daughter of a British explorer in 1602.

• Although there are no vineyards here, we do have two great microbreweries!

• Twenty-three thousand of us live here year-round, and that grows to 250,000 in peak season.

• The Vineyard is open yearround, and there’s fun to be had 12 months of the year!

• The Vineyard is roughly 14 kilometres north to south and 38 kilometres east to west, approximately 144 square kilometres total, nearly four times the size of Manhattan! But not to worry, it’s not as hectic here.

• An extensive, yearround public bus system can easily get you around the entire island.

Visit MVY.COM for everything you need to plan your next visit. Hope to sea you on the island!


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Articles inside

A Taste of Spring: Fromagerie Bergeron’s Make-Ahead Sausage and Roasted Red Pepper Lasagna

pages 22-23

Discover the Way of Matcha

pages 20-21

Butler County, PA: Americana, Defined

pages 19-20

The Perfect Italian Getaway in the Heart of Venice

page 19

RESPONSIBLE TRAVELLER Unforgettable Experiences Await in Crawford County, PA

page 19

The Intersection of Sky and Sea: A Luxurious Getaway in Barcelona

page 18

Where Nature Rejuvenates You RESPONSIBLE TRAVELLER #MakeItYourOwn in Noble County: Off-the-Road Adventures, Arts and Entertainment, and Affordable Nightlife

page 18

Explore Ontario’s Most Popular Cycling Destination

page 17


page 17

Feel Inspired With A Visit To Sarnia-Lambton

pages 16-17

RESPONSIBLE TRAVELLER Discover the Hidden Gems of Fort Erie

page 16


pages 14-15

Life’s Too Short for Ordinary

page 13

Experience Winter Perfection in the Yukon

page 12

The Past and Future of Energy: Here Comes the Sun

page 11


page 10

The Eco Hub: Sustainable Living Made Easy

page 10

Shor tness of breath can be a symptom of COPD.

page 10

Breathe Easy: Lung Health Foundation's Support for Canadians Living with COPD

page 9

Harvest Impact: Communities Investing in Themselves

pages 6-8

Pushing Forward: Ending Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine

page 6

Conservation Authorities’ Nature-Based Climate Solutions Key to a Resilient Future

pages 5-6

Whose Land Is This Anyway? RAVEN Takes a Fresh, Funny Look at Indigenous Rights

pages 3-4

MARTHA'S VINEYARD: A Guide to the Island's Six Towns

page 24

Spring Into Freshness With Eggs for Any Occasion

page 22

Jamie Oliver to Tackle Cost of Living Crisis With New Series

page 22

A Taste of Spring: Fromagerie Bergeron’s Make-Ahead Sausage and Roasted Red Pepper Lasagna

page 22

Discover the Way of Matcha

page 20

Butler County, PA: Americana, Defined

page 19

The Perfect Italian Getaway in the Heart of Venice

page 19

Unforgettable Experiences Await in Crawford County, PA

page 19

Step Back in Time in Nacogdoches, Texas

page 18

The Intersection of Sky and Sea: A Luxurious Getaway in Barcelona

page 18

#MakeItYourOwn in Noble County: Off-the-Road Adventures, Arts and Entertainment, and Affordable Nightlife

page 18

Explore Ontario’s Most Popular Cycling Destination

page 17

Maikuchiga Monkey Sanctuary: A Community-Driven Conservation Success Story in the Colombian Amazon

page 17

Compassionate Care, Global Reach: The Mission of Angels of Flight Canada

page 17

Feel Inspired With A Visit To Sarnia-Lambton

page 16

Puerto Nariño: An Amazonian Jewel for Eco-Tourism Enthusiasts

page 16

Discover the Hidden Gems of Fort Erie

page 16

Beyond the Northern Lights: Discovering the Beauty of Mount Logan Ecolodge and the Kluane Region

page 15

Edmundston, New Brunswick: The Doorway to Atlantic Canada

page 14

Experience West Coast Wilderness at Nimmo Bay

page 14

Escape to Bromont: A Change of Scenery in the Eastern Townships

page 14

Life’s Too Short for Ordinary

page 13

Defying the Odds: Wheelchair User Becomes First to Enter the Pyramids of Giza

page 12

Experience Winter Perfection in the Yukon

page 12

The Past and Future of Energy: Here Comes the Sun

page 11

The Eco Hub: Sustainable Living Made Easy

page 10

EPRA/Recycle My Electronics Helps Canadians Ensure What’s Inside Counts

page 10

Breathe Easy: Lung Health Foundation's Support for Canadians Living with COPD

page 9

Building a Bridge to Safety

page 8

Zambian TikTok Star Shuns Trolls to Build Village School

page 8

Building a Better Future: The Arab Community Centre of Toronto's Vision for Inclusive Communities

page 8

Harvest Impact: Communities Investing in Themselves

page 6

Pushing Forward: Ending Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine

page 6

Enough is Enough: Ontario Federation of Labour Launches Campaign to Tackle Cost-of-Living Crisis

page 6

Facing Kidney Disease Together: The Importance of Community and Connection

page 5

Conservation Authorities’ Nature-Based Climate Solutions Key to a Resilient Future

page 5

2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations: A Community on a Mission

page 4

Adjoa Andoh Narrates BBC Earth’s Latest Landmark Series, Serengeti III

page 4

From Trauma to Healing: How the Anishinabek Nation is Creating Culturally Responsive Education Tools

page 4

Whose Land Is This Anyway?

page 3

It’s a Beautiful World With Jeff Fuchs

page 2
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